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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1907)
THE I OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SATURDAY : EVENING, MAY IC07. PREPARE PLANS FOR BONDS FOR BOODLERS (Continued iron) Pag On. CITY'S IMPROVEMENT f S ' .... ... . , . , " : 7 , , , . : mm TRIES TO Jim r.i in i ster Engineer's Office Drafting Maps and Specifications for a Vast v Amount of Street Paving and Openings-New Sewers . ' Will Also Be Constructe d -Bids to Be Asked for : '" In Accordance with resolution poi4 and petition granted for the Improve ment and opening of street nd the construction r of . sewers by the city council at, it . last session, the , city engineer" office la preparing plan and apeclflcauona for such work preparatory to advertising for bid.'" ;,. .: ..; The amount of the new work received -',: by raason of th city council' action 'V r in passing the . measures i a mu greater than tha average and a a con sequence the engineering and drafting V force la : the office has It hand full - H in clearing it away. j Following are th treU for which i :t plan for improvements are being made.' Street ta W -raved. . ' 'I Aspen street from Vernon to north- 3 erly termination, bituminous macaaara ,"T' pavement; Newton from Vaughn to north Una of lot 7, block It, Willamette ?' height, bituminous macadam: Twenty : . first from Spring to Clifton, bltullthlo i . pavement; Wilson , from .. Thirtieth to c i' , Newton, bituminous macadam pave ment; Laurel from Chapman to Mont- omery. bltullthlo pavement: Hanna- . . - ford from Ellsworth to Division, grad ing and sidewalk: East Grant from Marguerite avenue to Park- View, ex tended, laying sidewalks; Taggart from ' , Haversham to Richmond, grading and J sidewalks; Ivon from Haversham to ' Richmond, grading and aidewalks; Van couver avenue from Broadway to Rua aell, macadam and sidewalks; Denver , "'avenue from . Kllllngawortb avenue to Portland boulevard,.- sidewalks and crosswalks; Olin street from Dawson to ' Willamette ) boulevard, . sidewalks and 'crosswalks; East Flanders from Eaat . Eighth to East Ninth, macadam and .. aidewalks; Russell from Delay to Gold smith, atone block on concrete; Charles " from Ellsworth ' to Division, grading , and aide walks! Winter from Division to Waverleiarh Helarht addition, grading 'L!JFllrmVI atrlklng carmen every item x rnAin W iiTiwiwii, ' aidewalk; Ellsworth from Haversham to East Twenty-sixth.- macadam and artificial atone walk. 4 :' '. Opes'. Other ThorongMa. Drawlna ; are beln mad for th onanlncF of the following new streets: East Thirty-second street, from, East Main : to East Salmon; reari, rrora Mount Tabor Villa Annex to Hibbard; Clinton. ; from Ravenswood " to East Thirty-seventh; East Thirty-ninth, from Eaat Sainton to East 8tark; Tillamook, aaaterly from Broadway addition along th county roao, running norm aim south along the east line of Fern wood; East Thirty-second, from Brooklyn to Ellsworth; , East Twenty-eignin, inn Arnnlrl en tn JCllawOTth T ' Et 'TWnty ninth, between Brooklyn and Ellsworth: trota,-.--y. : ' . nnvtnn are also belnar mad for ex- ninni of atreets from Eaat Portland Height to tha north line of Ellsworth tract. The street to be thus Opened extend from Twenty-seventh to and in cluding East Thlrty-sixtn. i ew Sewer manned. . Plana ara also being prepared for the following sewer: Belmont street, rrom wes arvnue n h nronoaed sewer in Myrtle avenue: East Seventeenth, from Tillamook street to th sewer in Hancocx treei; iorin;, from iAJblna avenue to tha eewer in n.rdin atreet: Eaat Stark, from SO feet eaat - of the - eaat Jin of Thirty Standard Oil counselor imported for th defense of Calhoun, la at work on the Cartwrlght law. The purpose of his la bors is to- invoke th law against the carmen union. , Sustained In a test case based on the 'carmen's strike, the i Cartwrlght law would render the boy cott a thing of th past. Th law i. pre8ident of Guatemala Offers heneive measur of it kind written oni an American statute book. It was not designed a a- weapon against organised labor, but attorneys contend that Its provision are ao broad that the labor union will fall within them, J".L May Ha ftrttara. ia t'lw vtr v w. igui inw cau u uiau .fts- Gross Insult to Representa tive of This Country. THE GREAT a SAYS: "Facts 'and Proofs Dispel the Doubts and Disbeliefs of the Most Skeptical." AMERICAN PASSPORT IS SIGNAL FOR EXTORTION Proofs of the Efficacy of This Man's Medicinal Preparations Are, Being Given Daily. South ' American Raler Hag Laid Away Fifteen Million Dollars of Ilia Dl-Gotten Gain and Obey No Law Ilut Ilia Own. William M. Abbott . ' (Joareal Bpeclal Serrlee.) Mobile. Ala. May WlUUm lbs. who spent several year in uuatemala. ha arrived here from Puerto Barrio. He states that Americana are constantly subjected to Insults, abuse and impris onment r th Guatemalan authorities. Airman: to-the United state,"IM says. "li ripped open unceremoniously and examined for matter unfavorable to th Guatemalan government. If any is found th letter i destroyed and the writer Imprisoned. ' ' fo American dare travel unaer United State passport It 1 worthless. and whan on 1 presented a soldier or official exact th payment of money. There are about 1,000 worthy Americana in Guatemala, and not of these is protected by the nation' representa tives. Almost all have placed them selves under the protection of the Ger man, Mexican or other foreign repre sentatives. Minister Lee 1 in constant SUCCESS HERE SEEMS ASSURED BELIEVE DETIVILER IS . HIDING III HIS HOME x -...-- f .t. v Mysterious Happenings In Toledo " b Convince Sleuths They , ' Are Near Quarry. member of th union could be ubeoted to fine of not less than ISO nor more J fear of assassination, never leaving hla than t,000 for each day of th trlk Ihouae .but Cabera'a SDles are at bis third atreet to sewer in East Thirtieth! or at th opUon of th court could be I heels. Cabera la trying to secure com street; Buchtel avenue,, irom 'is ree impnoonwi wr di io eia monioi lexouae to imprison Minister juee. nev north of th north Una or Bast etarn nor mere man one yemr sor mny vioiauoo eru Americana war tnrown into prison M t.a Mwar in Eaat Stark atreet; of the provialon of th act. Each dajra 14 dars ago. - East Thirty-third atreet. 'from S7S feet violation 1 expressly mad a aeparat it la estimated." lbs aaya, "that Ca- north of the norm line oi bmm biujiwi to rn.nnu4 sewer in Eaat Stark atreet The law define a trust as a oombina- " ' Ua. (..1 t, - v . mor persons, firms, partnerships, cor porations or association of persona or of any two or more of them for a number of designated purposes. Th designation of. thee purpose 1 comprehensive in the extreme. Speolat rules are laid down which render conviction easy. ROCKEFELLER MUST PAY -FORK Ibera has laid away $15,000,000.' ORCHARD'S CONFESSION -" ; Jrf, aaJeana"a , ' P',,' , (Continued from Fag One.) Brother of Oil King Ordered to Settle Costs in Suit Against Alleged Mine Saltern.' f j '- . f, (yearaat Special Service.) ' Toledo, Ohio, May tl. Mysteriou 'Happening in th vicinity of A. K. Detwiler residence on Jefferson avenue gave rls to th rumor that A. K. Det wiler wa again In Toledo, . ; , ;' For th past day or so ' Detective jpurns, who has charge of the Toledo . end of th chase, and a private detective ..hired by Burns, have been keeping a : careful vLkU te ' front ', of th Detwller reaideac a.'aU bourr of th day : and T night- -V Upon ' order , issued from ' th t .tffi -hiirMa."' oth' wer "r- . "rested. When the ' sleuth . arrived t f ' tha central - station. Detective Burns took from ' Wa pooket certain papers which be ahowed to th official and ' hnth ware released. ' ' Burns state he now ha positive in- formation that for week or more after ' the San Francisco indictment wer re . turned against Detwller he wa con cealed In th attlo of his home on jer- " f arson avenue. Burns Is of th opinion that he is now very close to Toledo and will make every effort to secure a war rant to search the Detwller residence. - SOUND LOGGING CAMPS . - PROPOSE A SHUTDOWN . Iloenal Special Servtee.) r St Ixxila, Mo., May tt. Frank Rcke- feUer, who claimed that he wa buncoed in a "salted" southwest Missouri sine mine and loaf a suit in St Loul to re cover hi 1278,000 investment was or dered by Judge Reynold to pay IMS costs.. :-'..; - Rockefeller, who Uvea In Cleveland and la a brother of John D. Rockefeller, testified during the hearing of the suit last winter that )i was "broke." H ued Henry Gross, who sold' him th Gobbler mine, in Newton county, charg ing that th money wa obtained under false pretenses. He testified that he bought the mine for 1200,000 because it looked like a "great crystal palace" and spent 165,000 before he learned that any worked -out subterranean chamber could be given a rich appearance by th us of water, . , ; FAIR DIVORCEE (Continued from Pag On a) two children, ily father and Captain Taggarf s father ar cousins, living In Orovllle, and thes Ohio relatives ar acxlou to find th missing trio. Cap tain Taggart is now lying ill in a San Francisco hospital.' William Taggart was on of th prin cipal witnesses in th divorce trial, be ing placed on the stand to tU of Grace I v ' k TlttT L. Ford. : lack of th very loos and wide lati tude allowed defending counsel. ' . Courtroom Beoom Stag. . W wer approaching something re sembling a real trial at law. But yes terday morning the whol fabrlo of our dream crumbled into dust Th court room became a stage. Th examination of Jurors omedy.,Tbe Judge a genial parent watching th gambol of hi young barbarian at play. And Clar- eno Darrow became th bad genii of a child Christmas story. He pranced up and down before the Jurymen, almoat touched noses with them aa he talked. Questioned them about everything that mind could think of between earth and sky. Where they wer born, what their pontics were, who they had voted, for, how long they had been married, how many children they had, ; what they thought or socialism, and laboriam and Western Federatlonlam. It waa funny ana amusing and grotesque, but it wa not bv any trtch of mind, law. Th text books say that law la th embodi ment of common aenae. But th prac tice of till court yesterday consigned law to th limbo of light opera. Teater- aaya proceedings should be set to mu sio and staged for a "turn" on th Or- pneum circuit , Tenlremen Abl XJaxs. na in veniremen who wer ex amined. God' truth, but they were liars. They cam forward and aat in Fer-Dn said yesterdayi -T will tell you. It keep my medical' expert very busy attending to th wanta of all th people who ar dally visiting th offices In th Grand theatre building at IS1 Washington street, , but this crowd 1 not half ao large aa aom w hav had in other cities. Ton see I hav a staff of abl expert and they could xamln aa many more If It wer neeeaury. Would you like to know th reason for so many visiting thla office T V V "Tha cause of my auooass,. continued he, '1 th fact that. I hav Introduced a new medical discovery, and hav th most abl physician who vr earn to Portland. ' These man are curing hundred of people who ar uf faring from chronic disease . . which most physician call inourable. Th 8yarth- gir treatment la a revelation to on ao- ouatomed to old method. Through its us appendicitis, when taken before tha pua begin 'to form,- can be cured In a very hort pc of time, without re sorting to th knife. Tumor and can cers r removed by a system of blood less aurgery. without drawing blood or causing pain. Rheumatism, deafness, paraiyal. stomach . trouble or any chronio diseased condition of th organ of th body ar eured by a new and sure treatment , - , rer-Don' advent in our city promised to cause a naatlorc for outside of th work of th medical experts, demonstra tion ar nightly mad from th large tag at th fro show ground at Twentieth and Washington street. Last night when Fer-Don called . for suf ferer from .deafness,. paralysis and other achee and pain to com upon hi platform, - ao many respond that It waa Impossible to aooommodat even half.' . '.V. - Florence Abraham son, a little school girl, whoso parents Uv at (14 Col street waa brought upon th stag by her father. - Florence ha suffered from deafness alnc birth and for th past month ha been growing worse; in fact could hardly hear a sound. After an application' of Far-Don' Magic Relief she wa o greatly improved that ah oould hear a whlBper.and heard plainly a conversation addressed to her from a dlstanc of BO feet It was touching to witness tha Joy on th lltl girl' oountenanco when aba found h could really hear again. ".,. j: -;. Mr. H. A. Hanson, an nglner, living at 1 Lively street St - Johna, told th assembled people In hla own word how th Maglo Relief had benefited him after a alngl application for deafness. Peter Lubor experienced great -relief when Fer-Don' wonderful preparation was applied to hi ears. Mr. Lubor, who live at U8 Shlpman atreet aaid ectric iriatiroris ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL Sam To- Tim gave Year Health Sav Tow Weary gtp . v Tonr Money bt Tonr Clothes ' Mve Toar Temper Bay Tout CompUxloa i Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, abso lutely free of charge-No delay CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT A POWER y CO. , Pint sod Alder Strttta, Portland, Oregon. , - Oentletnen You may deliver to mt on Electric Flat iron, which I arret to try, and if unsatisfactory to ma, to return to you within 30 day from date of delivery. If I do not return it at that time yon may charg same to my ' account at $4.00. It it understood that no charge will be made for the iron If I return it within 30 days. . . Name , . j .' "' '"') . ' '.'.v '' - f :' ' 'a ' Addrtft la4te.rM4IIMIMMMM(IM DEPT. J. THL 30 DAYS TRIAL OFFER AP PULS ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF "7 t OUR CURRENT JSJBJBaBJBJBJBJBJBJH S:;.:ia::ai m - (Rnui Dlinateh te The loornal) Tafioma. Wash.. Mar 2S.--In all prob ability th logging camp Of th Puget Taggart' conduct during hi residence sound region will close down the three tin Orovllle while her husband waa away summer months. On reason given la in th army. Grace Taggart is 10 year that th camp ar considerably ahead i or age. She la the adopted daughter of of th ound mill and th manufaetur- J Dr. Culver, one time president of the : rs ar to be given a chance to eaten np; Chicago board of trade. - another 1 the increasing aanger or uis ; eatroua. forest fires. j ,'-:- ' It is proposed that one third of the mills shall abut down June 1, one third June IK and on third July 1. ' . - Whll th closing of these camp will release - thousand of workmen, ther will be ftulck demand and keen competi ttftn for their service among th va rious railroads now building in th atate. Railroad contractor hav been offering j every inducement ; .The" grain grower are anticipating breakers ahead in nar- BILLY SMITH DIES OF vest time. Last season there wa a creat dearth of help, but the demand for labor waa not nearly ao great then a It la thla season. - ANNUAL EXCURSION OF 0, A. C. TO THE COAST (BDeelai Dispatch t The JaemaL) ' Albany, Or., May JS. Th senior of 1 motive has yet been discovered. Albany colleee today Joined the student f and aenior of Oregon Agricultural col- HIGH SCHOOL ftAIDERS - slon to th coaat. ' Thi J th annual V" rhododendron excursion and Is thcoollege event of th year. This wa postponed 7 graph company. T Cause of Xndlotnuns. Olass and Halaey wer indicted for attempting to prevent th granting of a competitive franchise to the : Horn Telephone company,, and th other named had 14 Indictment of 4 count returned against them for- the alleged bribing of 14 supervisors in sum of from 14,000 to S1S.000 to rot for th chang in the overhead trolley tran chlse. Mayor Schmits was also in dieted on the charge of having accepted a brtge of 160,000 from Ford and Ruet for his part in the trolley deal and for having accepted a bribe of $3,260 from Frank O. Brum and Ruef for approving MORPHINE AT KELSO 5 of " ?.Dr nest Ol we ean rrtuicisoo uil cc iKtncirta company. ; Th indictment of . Glass and Halsey are in addition to th nth and 11, respectively, returned against these am men for bribery In the tele phone franchise deal some time ago. When th indictment wer returned to Judge Coffey he announced that he would fix th bond on each of th 89 count at 110,000, but that in lieu there of ha would accept cash ball of J 6.00 on each count The indicted men wer given until 11 o'clock thl morning to file bond or pay cash ball no arrests to be mad before that time. fjtlhniin and Mtillaltv . turned r atata- Judglng from th Slse of th bottle. I r.t .noln. tha chirni inhtt tham . . - . "Z an' ve ia.aen and declaring that they are a malicious UBO.riy.iv Brains ox znomnine. 'me BU1-I nnn narnatmtad WuAnlnli Rnnwk, viuw uiwrr acepiea oy ui, oni no els to gain hi own financial end. Nineteen Indictments en 8 counts wer returned, thoaa mdlcted being Mayor Schmits, . Abe Ruef, President Calhoun and hla assistant Thornwall Mullaly of the United Railroads, Tirey I the vacant dhalra on bv ana and nr.lh bad been troubled with deafness rr I Ford and William M. Abbott, attor-1 jured themselves blatantly, freely and I ,,n5 n could remember. ney for th railroad, and President eldduently. " They wer ail farmers of I The wood-sawing contest tonight, for Louis Class and former agent T. B. Ada oounty : eensibi man. invin I which th ; great - Fer-Don promises a tSpedal Dtapatea to Tb JeeraaL) Kelso, Wash.. May 26 BUly Smith. the son of Mrs, Phil Henry of this place, was feund in th alley at the rear or necor isros.' saloon about midnight Thursday - night i It wa thought at flrat that he wa merely dead drunk," but when a partially emptied bottle of mor phine was found in his pocket th case was considered more serious. A Dhv siclan waa immediately summoned and everything possible was done to resus citate Smith, but he died at 2:J0 yes- uraay aiiarnoon. Preferred Stock Oannd Ooodav- Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. ' J from last Saturday and "wtb. carried out today. , It ia expected that uelega- J tlons from other school will b in at- ' tendanc nd th event become a 'ort i of Intercollegiate jaunt and picnic party. V f " 1 " DR. TALKS OP FOOD ' ,. .y- Frv of Board of Xaalth. '- - , vu, ::: : : I , "What ' shall I eatr I th daily ln , Quiry the physician i met with. I do , not hesitate to-say that in my judg , ment a large percentages of disease is caused by i poorly v elected and Im properly prepare, food. My PVspnal. trou- to eatanles and decorations. AT CASTLE ROCK, WASH. CIVIL WAR VETERAN 7 ' TO SUCCEED WILLIAMS i square deal. They may hav read some thing about th ease. .Who has notT They may have thought something, but they would, without doubt have ren dered a verdict on th law and th evi dence. They wer th material of an excellent Jury,., But they did not mean to go on any Jury. The alfalfa crop were waiting for the harvesting. After the airaira harvest ther would be lrrt gatlon to attend to. And after the ir rigation ther would b th fruit crop. Th farcers of Ada county, Idaho, would b very busy, much too busy to sit on any Jury. So they lied them selves os th Jury. They declared, one by one, hat they were biased, preju diced, hopelessly partial, quit unfit to giv th defendant a fair trial. . They wer sure that they oould not rive the aeienaant tn nenent 01 the doubt And they were excused one by one. Thev wer too busy to do their duty to the tat. And dead ; Frank Steunenbera- lay In hla grave waiting for the justice mat men wer too busy to give him. 'U-;-;, .Xofty htagaaln xn. We are thinking her that w will hand the case over to th New York magaaln writers and magazine owner, who are coming in on by on with an air of lofty patronage and toleration for th barbarian west On of them blew into th hotel lobby last night He was a fat llttl man with twitching hand and dancing feet aa busy as a be in a bottle. He announced at large that thes men must have a fair trial" -and went out to find the armed populace that very eastern man seems to think goes roaming and roaring about these treet. They ar very superior peo ple, these magaaln owner and writ ers, and when they die wisdom will die with . .,..'-.-,-ri-".'i ' ' prise of IS. promise to be Interesting. 'Anybody may take part In thla contest which will take place during th enter- tainment j - - -"-"-r-.r.-i"-':";' , . ...... .... ... A 1 of these' statutes declare that th nat uralisation law shall ? apply only to free - whit men and Africans. , Clark Fields believes that the question hinge on whether Japanese ar whit or not as he believe they will not claim to be of African descent - -,:-.' Mr. Fields has given th Question considerable study, and finally, decided to allow the Japanese to declare inten tion of becoming citisena until n naa received definite Instructions on th point from th bureau of naturalisation in Washington, D. C ; f ; . Large numbers of alien appear at the county clerk" offle seeking th priv ilege of "American oltltenshlp. Ther ar many of unique namea and occupa tions, and among them is th rat catcher. Aaron Zalfc, aged 40 years, a native of Russia, now residing at 101 Montgomery street In thla city, filed a declaration and aaid that he wa a rat catcher. He presented hi card, whioh calls him a rat exterminator, and It was in this more dignified language that hlB occupation waa recorded. . POPULAR TEACHER OF EUGENE TO SEATTLE Jit Liquor '. In ' the Part mum totter Part hRflrletiBTt ttidcrUid Season of 1907 Opens Thursday. May 30 - 10:30 JLVL Xigve lrtUt, Host ltod era Witt f COuaaaTe) . f th Bon City, , New Features Dazzling Electrical Effects m TJU BXAUTLTUlt IMOJU1V1C BwIb CaUract and Realistic Panorama In th New Old Mill Boha aonyl' Hungarian Hussar In a Festival of Melodies Twio Daily Whang Ho, Pirate Chaser Spray of Uf and Many NovelUea. ; JAJPAJTim OATXIOKT RUYOIZI AXD TMXM ITMI O oxtms ro oxxudm mmxt jatujuat, jwm x. Cars From first antf Alder Every 8 liinates Thursday and Daily experienc with tho fully-cooked food, known as Grape-Nuts, enables me to speak freely of it merit. r ? ' "From overwork I suffered several years with , malnutrition,;, palpitation of the heart-and loss of sleep. Last sum- mr I waa led to experiment personalty with the new food, which I used In con Junction with good rich cowa milk. In a short time after I commenced Its use, th disagreeable symptom disappeared. my heart" action became steady and (Special Dispatch to Th JoaniiL) Castle Rock, Wash., May JB. Th an- nuai banquet of the aenior class of the Caatl Rock high school waa held Thursday night at the ' ,hlgh school building. Jl Only class member and th faculty were present by invitation. At th height of tb festivities, a commit tee of boy from the ophomor and freshman classes surprised th ban queter with a drum and alarm clock serenade and while the senior left th table to Investigate th cause of the interruption .the under-classmen raided the banquet ; hall, , with result disas- Th (Jonnul Bpeelal Service.) Washington, May 25 Secretary Taft ha announced that Colonel M. K. Davis I here solemnly believing that the nrls- ls selected to succeed Brigadier-General I oner wer chained In silent cells, fed Constant Williams,, who 1 retiring to-Ion bread and water and surrounded by gay, uavis is a civu war veteran. i a parg or artillery. Tneir ignorance wa profound, but their Ignorance was rm VMT nnrv vniy onuawu py mo patronizing sen- ,1l Inatint MlUf Tha , I BOlSO, aat .liver rearuiauir. a doiiuti rural w w for constipation, dyspepsia, ; malaria. I 'It looks at the present time of writ- chills and all liver complaints. Mr. C ling a if thes wis men from the east MfwHat bieoatch to The Journal. 1 Eu arene. Or.. May 21. Miss Ida Noff lnser. th present prrncipal ofth Pat terson school, has bean elected to a po sition in th Seattle schools with th maximum entrance salary. : Sha will be. gin her nW work about September v a 1 VAalata(l 1a aa Anm ah A 4kaa ha taught in the juugene acnooi ror six year. ; ' OoraeDecoralino I not a difficult matter when you , i us HOR-E-LAC THE ORIENTAL W009 FIN A combination of moat durabl Var nish and SUin for Interior Woo Work, Floor, JTurnlturtv ato, ' ; s 4- THE BIG PAINT STORE Fisher, Thorsen & Co. front vaWd Morrison sts the court try thla case. They know nothing of law, their geography 1 so vague that two or tbm thought Idaho wa a county of Colorado. They come raider made their escape through the back door with senior in hot pursuit. out none wa eapturea . RUSSIAN PEASANTS FIGHT WITH TROOPS Journal floeeial Rerrlra.1 . - Kiev, May 85. Twenty Russian pea- rmXihY) fuUor 'thomac- woun by Cossack, Friday were "properly carried out and I again rot oount'a sUt. : The .lept . undly.ana,.. well a.n my "0 Graoe-Kuta as a nerfect food, and no one can gainsay but that I ' Btat Board Reject Bid. It has most - prominent 1 piac in ai , rBnaHal m.rti, . n t rational, clentlfio system of feeding, j Olympia, Wash., May 25. The stat Any one who use this food will soon (board of control haa rejected the bids be convinced or ne sounauesa or me roceiveci for a heating plant enlarge- pnncipie upon wmca 11 nwnuiaciurea 1 men xor th Eastern Washington hos- nd may thereby know the- fact as tolpital and called for bids for an 89-horse lis true worth." Read "The Road to J power motor and a 1,000-gallon pump i. tuiuit, ' lit yaj,, a hwvh, . w Bai inatlJUTaOg! of Emory, Texas, writes: "My wife has been using . Herblne for hermlf and children for five years. It is a sure cure ror constipation ana malaria fa- must try this case if ever it Is to be tried In Boise. The veniremen bob Into th vacant chair, and 11 themselves out II xssx: Wc Originate 01HERS KUTATE Sozodont "The Honest Denti- S dfo'r" Sb5SSSS?J sbo-idVbhyat tLSiTi tike Wee." Through sixty years no TV"iatB- ' 'viMK ?o' honesteffort has been spared to COFFEE - Our name on the pack age gives us the credit hiii and then- marched 1 cave to the Dublic a Dentifrice It is an good luck, get a Jury out of thl vnlre Aiu-ii ne. s lip-htlv astrincrent rle. and we may never get one in this Aucaiine, . sugnuy asrnngenv ae-j oounty at aBut jinking- u ue- iici0Usiy fragrant deodorizer and ana puis on us me money- ia no jury yet . tome tor tne tootn ana moutn mptory challenge. There r now two Structure. at IS your 10S8 if you peremptoriea left for the prosecution ar nri neincr If and tw for thu1fn. .- th.,- r rC "l "Sing II. back burden-r-it isn't burden! v' To rrooar rata roe rear aieoev If r don't She Schllilsf i Stat: par kirn- and two for the defense, and there are 119 men still left on the venire. , W may still fill th Jury by Monday. . citizenship - ' 1 " ' .H (Continued from Pag One.) U rculata tz Xslet-l gUtutM. fist 1 Read What 1 - fit - - . ... - - ':" Thos. C. Devlin , Starids for, on Par 1-4 8 See Sunday Papers Jacobs-Siine Company J J