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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1907)
Tim OREGON" DAILY JOURirAi; PORTTAinJ. SATURDAY . EVEIiniO. MAY 3. ICCT. OEKLIII 111 FOOL MIEOIIE If Elected Must Disappoint Either . North End or His Good 4JT ' - u Supporters. . (YOUNGEST- OFFICIAL IN.WESL ' IN . CHARGE OF LOCAL N. P. LINES IN POSITION WHERE HE CANNOT PLEASE BOTH Lane : Say Republican's Support Come From Good and Had Dls-I trlcto If Candidate Succeed One Set 'Will Be Disappointed. . A ' large, . repr rents tire audlenoe greeted Mayor Lane and Judge Plpea at Mount. Tabor- last night... The speakers were Introduced by Frank J. Parkins, a. Republican, who stated In bit Introductory remarks that although h. mr,Ai4at. waa a tl.mATMl ' In IfWlk. log over tba audience ha would have to eonreas it waa a Kepuouoaa meeting. Judge Plpea bacaa hla ramarks by aaylns ha could not hlmoalf dlatlngulah tba Democrats . trora the Republicans la his audlenoe. "we walk the atreota together and drink tba aams water." aald Judaa Plpea. "and after all the rood of Portland la the common object between ua. . SCW Bemove Party Politics, v ' "Becauee of partlaan poUtlea our city governments are not a credit to the na tion. Municipal government la tba J United Statee la a subject for atudy among statesmen and sobolara in both Europe and America and they all give ona Torsion for Its failure party poll ties. In our own charter recently adopted a proylslon dlrorces the city government from party politics aa muah possible. To bring;- about tats separation tha election does not occur the same year of tha state election. This provision mat tha approval of those learned men. Including- Or. Lane ana r. isevun. wno arew up me emu- . Henry C. Nutt who has been' ap- ler. iney were wito u provision pointed to succeed C. M, , Levey In Waa a good One. It Clearly served We lhit of Northern Pacific railroad In. purpose of removing municipal Issues I (.ruti nn tha pMfm nnant win u. from tha malignant Influence of party .um. hl, n.w duties in June. Ha Is politics. - ,,' I aald to be tha youngest man occupying . wtuu amm wum uwm i go lmnortant a noaltlon rn tha railroad mm wfivo . w u rr aervice. Mr. Nutt now occupies tha of pasaeo. inrougniue nanua ox me egia- itiM ot KtnmTlll superintendent of New Tork Central lines at Detroit, Michigan, which position he has realgned to coma to tna ' coast, at the invitation of Mr. Levey. He served with Levey and id llott for yeara when all, were In the op erating department of the Burlington Mayor Lane followed Judge Plpea I linea In Iowa and Missouri, and a steady Li' 17 "A Henry 0. Nutt, In Charge of Northern Pacific Lines In Portland. lature and, waa ratified at tha ' polla by the people of tbla city. Mr. Devlin now asserts. In effect, that this most Important change - waa wrong and la preaching partisanship." Laao XCeartuy Ctreeted. and was greeted with tumultous ap plause. He held the attention of bis audience through two hoursv It was 11 : o'clock ' when tha mayor finished. Ha said that he was opposed by tha re putable and disreputable alike, that la, . the Intereata and ' the north and. ; He aald when ha came into office tha coun cil aeemed to have developed a habit of handing out valuable franchisee on sliver plattera to whomsoever should ask for them. "v;", In reference to tha north end ha re futed tha charge made against him that he protected, some houses while others were ousted. He had only been "more severe on the men than on tha women who were conducting tbese places. It is a great problem and tha people do not understand the working of tbla ter , rlble affliction with which every city must contend. . Somebody WO! Be Poole. V Mayor Lane alao stated! that no per sonal attack was made upon Mr. Devlin in connection with the1 north . end simply that ha waa "receiving the aup port of the north end and knew It He aald ahould Devlin bw elected either the good people that voted for him or tha bad people would be fooled. On the other hand, should the mayor be elected, no one would be deceived, for he la openly against tha north . end and on the aldaof good government and a clean municipality, - Robert Andrews, Democratic nominee for councilman at large, after being . warmly" recommended to tha voters by the mayor, waa called upon and made a few remarks. He assured tha people of hla aympathy with tha policies of Mayor Lane. . Mr. Andrews Is an old friend of the mayor and decided to be come a candidate when he learned that the mayor would run again.- Excellent music waa, provided during the evening. friendship has existed between them. Mr. Nutt ia a native of Iowa He waa born at Council Bluff a in 18(1. At the age of 10 years he became a rod man in a , Burlington railroad . aurvcylng crew, and from that day ha remained a rail roader. He continued with the en gineering department until March, 1190, when he was appointed trainmaster on an Iowa division. A year later he be came chief clerk In the office of tha superintendent of Iowa lines, and with in a abort time waa made asaiatant su perintendent, s On Mr. Levey's with draws! from the Burlington lines, Mr. Nutt was appointed superintendent of the Iowa linea. --.. A few yeara later Mr. Nutt went to the Michigan Centra) aa general super intendent at Detroit. There appears to have been a sort of free masonry among men who Came up from the school of Burlington railroad operative , They show a disposition to hang together. W. C Brown, who started aa a brake- man on the, Burlington main line and became general manager of the system, and later head of the New Tork Central, is still drawing upon the Burlington for men who can operate a railroad. Very. E,6 w Kai,eS JAMLSTOWN EXPOSITION All Points East .' .. ' Are you goinp; east? Do not for- .-i " : . p-et our excellent service and that r . v you can make' the renowned .Yel- .A ' v - . : . lowitone Park trip when using our -X .; ': line at very little additional coat, . "i'i X'XxX.',. t. "EVERY LUXURY OF TRAVEL"- NORTHERN PAGliic RAILWAY 0 For rata and informa tloa call on or address ' 'V D. CHARLTON, A.' Q: P. v A: If Portland, Oregon. Ticket Office Third and ' Morrison Streets. iini it TiiAVf ic r nciri iit CTiMnc enn una ii nuitaflj wvuLM j i nmn i mi What All Republicans Should Stand for and :4 . Demand From Lvcry. Candidate. peopla, or when it wm more neoeaeaJT Olseusa of loeal city government. Zt should be a cam as and la which, oaljr suob anestloas shall ha dis- MEETS DEATH SIX-DAY RACE CLOSES TONIGHT , Chariot Kaoo Vaxt vsek at Xxposltlom Sink. Tonight will be the close of the big six-days' race meet at the Exposition and it promises much excitement. The ' session will close tonlaht at 11 o'clock. Next week a real chariot race will be aiven and new RIchirdson akatea will be furnished. Don't fill to see the race tonight or hear Parsons' orchestra. The Expo will not be open Sunday. QUARRY NEAR MILWAUkiE . MAKES BASALT BLOCKS Machinery and equipment ' valued at sxv.uuu is oning jnatauea oy mo unnen- den 4 Palmer Rock company in the quarry above Mil waukle. Rock crush ers, donkeys and derricks,, are . being swung Into place and operations will begin at once. ' - There are 60,000 basalt blocks all ready for delivery that will be lifted out aa noon aa the first engines and derrlcka .can be installed. They are aold, and will be used for jetty construction work. The quarry la about one mile south Of Milwaukle on the river. Barges are be ing built to transport the aand, crushed rock and gravel to the city. ' , 111 HUSH aMBHasaMaawaaaMBBawaaM y Brakeman Clarenc Payne Crushed in Wreck on Astoria & Columbia River. Is THROWN BETWEEN CARS ANO GROUND BY WHEELS Was on Rear Car Signalling to the Engineer When a Northern Pacific Train Crashed Into the Caboose ' Track Strewn With Wreckage. A disastrous railroad accident, result- lng In the death of Clarence ' Payne, a brakeman, and the partial demolition of two cars, occurred at 10:45 o'clock last night at Beatfjr aiding, four miles from thla city on the Astoria ft Colum bia River line. . . Through Northern Pacific freight No. 14, bound for Seattle, in taking xhe' aid ing to clear the line for No. 12, the Ta coma flyer. crashed into a strlha of freight care, with such force as to smash the caboose and a baggage coach and lit ter the mam track with wreckage to such an extent that traffio waa Inter rupted until an early hour thla morn ing. ,.. ,'-,.,'--.....,,.., ..,-.- Payne was on the ear of the freight algnailing when the collision occurred. The unfortunate man was 'hurled be tween two . cars and Instantly killed. The body was removed from the wreck age by. the train crew and brought to thia olty by Coroner Flnley. An inqueat will be held this afternoon at t o'clock to fix the responsibility. No. 84, which was made tin of SO heavily laden cars,- had orders to wait for the Tacoma flyer at : Beatty slding. On -the aide track at the time was a strlna- of 27 oars. The accident ia be lieved to have been due to a miscalcula tion on tha .part of the crew of the dis tance between ; the end ; of the freight and the cara on- the'etdlng. ? - Payne was on the steps of (the ca boose; signalling to Engineer E. Nelson when ' he met his death. The ; train backed up slowly, -but for some cause that may develop at the inquest the engineer did not slow down in time to avoid the collision. The caboose and baggage car - were badly smashed, and was , necessary to send- a wrecking train from this city to clear tha line. . Tha Taooma , flyer 'waa blocked for several hours, and, to tha great lneon venlenoe of the passengers. Payne waa a resident tif Tacoma, and leaves a wife and family. No arrangementa have as yet been made for the funeral SELECT ROSE CITY PARK ' FOR OLD LADIES' H Building Operations Will Com . mence Soon on Substan tial Structure. . ' ' ' V 1 Toa oaa bow RATES S 1 make you arrangements to visit the . JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION - , - r . . - ' Or any other point in the east, this iommer, and take advantage of the very low ROUND TRIP rates that hare juit been fixed upon by THE OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION COMPANY. , From PORTLAND to i Chicago. :..$71.S0 St Louis $67.50 St Paul $63.15 $85.00 $81.00 $81.40 Omaha. . . . .... . . . .$60.00 $73 JO Sioux City........ $60.00 $73.50 Kansas City. ..... .$60.00 $73.15 A Crect routes both ways.' B One-way through California, Tea daya allowed to rotas' trip, 00 days for return. pleasure wnaia iimiiab j topoveia at TIckeU will be on tale Jane 6. 7, 8; July 3. 4. 5: Ausntt 0; 9, 1 0; September 1 1, 12, 13 Oorresponalng rednotloB la rates from tha ettles named to Jamastowa and. rstura. ror rail parUoalara lnq.ulra of WM. McMTJRAY. . , C W. STINGER. Oaaatal Paeeeafst Ageaa, Olty Ticket Agent, . . ''"--' . : -r I Thtra and Washlagtoa sttawts. , . , :: A' two-acre tract tn Rose City Park haa been selected as the site for the "Old Ladles Home." The trustees of the society have sufficient funds in hand to putup a commodious and well-ap pointed building, to Improve the grouuds and make the home a delightful retreat for old ladles. The trustees have about 120.000 in cash and f 110,000 In Portland city prop erty, enough of which will be sold to raise sufficient funds to carry out the plans of the building committee; Among the more active members of the society, who have assisted in form ulatlng the present plans of the trus tees, are: Mrs. P. J. Mann, Miss Nlch olson, Mrs. Martin Winch, Mra James Failing, Mra. Henry Corbett, Mrs. Rob ert Livingston, Mrs. Hannah Robert son and Madame van Bolton., C E. Ladd, Richard Williams, C A. Dolph. Martin . Winch and Tyler Wood ward compose the board of trustees. As soon as the trustees can make the necessary arrangements, building oper ations will begin on the new home. Republican iiyieeting The Fifth ward Republicans will hold meeting at the halL corner Fourth and' Mill streets,' this evening at 8 o'clock. Speaking by T. C. Devlin, J. P. Kennedy and J. P. Ka'vanaugh. Good music; all Invited. ' ESSSSSSSSSTt We Originate OTHERS IMITATE S s See Sunday Papers Jacobs-Stine Company ssxsusmSusxsussssssssiiss: zsxssz a E! I I v ' This should ba a aamnalan of edneatloa. sTerer before has there beam , a looal campaign where Questions of such magnitude and Importance ware so as aotea upoa ar ms the prlaelplea and pollelee palga without peraonaUtiee , cussed aa lawolra eleaa government, affloieat publle servioe, lmprovemrat as expeditiously ana aa uorouguy aa possroie - to meei ne requremram ox - present growth, careful Investment for tha wabllo' need of the Immedlstf xuture, judicious expenditure ox the pubus money, ana taxauoa aa my sot ezoeed the hounds ef reason and that shall be baaed, upon wall , established aooaomlo principles. Tor , one, Z favor ' that our argu ments shall follow these lines and that we preaeat to tha peopla such. ' facta aa may arouse them to aa approbation ef present eoadlUona and the ' urganoy which now exists for a eonstrnctlve poller of city government and " . ah anrAAntfva fan. MnAhl a a uMwnnliililti wnilt In . rtTMtkiimX and IiumI m-ua, yw -ww mrw fyuuwuu, ui sny B wu mwmjf u uutw anas vnifl u ak Mmams. ttumnun. n bu naait m&a ma wr iu iiimamoTt . tu . ' lattaa of filial I man YKammM. of tba Bmunintla Oantral Donunltea. Unrlnir Democrats to rota their tloket to stand by their aaadldates without a plan .ox gorernmena, wrcaov any expression ox . principles ov pouun, vwn . regard for personality or ooaatdaratlos of qualifications, and oomlng, as IS , did, from the defeated oaaaldatp in tha primary election, la oaa of tba most ' foraeful and loyal partisan arguments Z have aver heard, and, unless X mistake the Intelligence and party loyalty of X publicans, it will appeal to ' Um W1UI a invwwjwvi wm aww w.m a - - - XonAay la sTsas. j...; ,- aa.,-. i .i 'i 1. a .'..!u.; '' '' '. Ths XepabUoaa party, through Its Central Oommlttee has promalgatad s , platform to whioh all eaadldates " oa tha tloket have subscribed, : It la a a.a.AM -av.a -a .1... Manna nrna fa aM naataa .: vtn iu omoera are eieetea. xi u mna xirai rouor ox our avverumena rver of ths Question and made a wsU-dexlned statement to tha people of what It proposes to do locally la tha way ef building and Improving oar city, and thereby assumes responsibility fog tha ability and faithfulness of its oan , dldatea, and tha measure of their accomplishment If elected. , Wi first favor an Improved public service. . Se -we' need ltf . Zs our system of street cleaning and street repair all that yva oeuld daetret Za oa poUoo department as effective as you eotua wiaa, ana your ures ana property bo safe from tha highwayman and thief that ao Improvement Is post To have noticed with what facility tha criminals are captured and punl and It is for yea to say tf you are satisfied with results. Zs tha fire depart, meat perfect, or aeaxly act -Are tha parks as attractive aa they might bat: Are street and sewer improvements pushed along with tha earnestness that tha time demands or that should ha eharaoterlstla of a foroeful executive department t In short, are tha people getting all they pay for, or has tha servioe of a local government Improved ta proportion as tha eost has laoreaaadt . ; -.,r. Vt; v....;'.'v -.-l"' '.;. ;-:.V' .-' '' O ' atoir 'rmm cOtr or rmvia mrjom mam rtroxaASzi). Cost. , . ISOO. i- 1S0O.I 190S. v, 1S07. Polloe separtmaat ,..;,....r.f78,S33.4 f S788J4 S111,03&OS fl7a,7O0vOS treat Bepalr ............. T,S44.03 . 83,034X8 . S048.40 Tire Department SOMa.ra : Z0AO37JZ -, tea,S3XS Garbage Crematory ........... .SOT.Sl 4.T413S 13,S78S treet tTUaalng aavft sTprtakllng a4tS.4S 4S043 TaSLM. : . xow rorrm TAXia xatzi zrcrjtaAJSD. Taxes, ISOO ...... ....... ...... ....... . ... . . ... .$818,458.74 Taxes, daUaeat ,.' ,01,808.43 Z.loenses ............. ...'.... .......... .... lflOtOflfl.74 All other sources BW81AS M'Amj. ltoa :V. ..'-v,i-' '; -" " '- Taxes, lto7 ...... I............ 398,101JM ' Taxes, dellnuuent .w... 8,890.48 Zaoeases 1S3.084-OS AU other souroes 6137.18. 75,00000 7450.00 13,180.00 110,00000 -e S4a07Sje Taxes, iso Taxes, delinquent , ZUoensea ............ ......... Al other souroes ....... 1413,804.85 4,70085 845,881.8 ia5,4SJO e 789,383 Taxes, lM ..... ....fsao,sss 'Tuxes, delinquent ........... 8,637.78 , Zaoease ........... 816.887.80 - a aa auiaj Sanaa ....... . - r aV--J-, Ustimated, 1SOT ' '."T Taxes f1145TJK Taxes, delinquent a50O0Q ZJoeassa V. . . W.00.00 1AS,T75.0 AU other sanieas 180,036)0 .1,454,8800 PORTLAND BANK AND OFFICE RAILING v WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, i ,. Poultry Nettinp;, Etc Phone Main 2000. WIRE AND IRON WORKS SECOND AND EVERETT STS. FILE E TO GRANT LANDS Residents orCoos County Make Application to Buy South- ; . ; ern Oregon Tracts. ; ADVENTISTS OPEN . ANNUAL CONFERENCE Reports j Read . by - President Bunch Show Encouraging Growth of Church. ; r it Boo ' ' Ami The Best Scooting Soap Made A Scouring Soap A iitut Polish A Glass Cleaaer Coo oounty people, determined that the Southern Oregon company shall be loompelled to sell Its wagon road grant ianas in aoooraance with tne terms . or the grant, have again opened a crusade, and about 100 residents have filed upon grant . lands and - made application to purchase at 12. SO per acre.. , The Coos grant was made in consider ation of the .construction ef a wagon road from Boaeburg to Coos bay. . The act passed br congress provided that the grant 01 lands hereby made shall ba upon, tne condition that' the landa shall ba sold to any person only In quantities not greater than. one guarter section, and, for a price not exceeding 2.0 par acre' which was the ruling prlca-of -similar-government-lends at the time of the grant . The lands have since passed, from the original wagon road' vedmpariy. to possession "of - the Southern Oregon- company, ' headed by Elijah Smith.. ii Several times the company has been at the point of aelllng the timber landa. which 'are very valuable, contain ing millions of feet of Fort Orford co da. But each-' time the . prospective purchaser, on - careful " examination of tha terms of the grant, came to the con clusion that the Southern Oregon com pany's title was cot food,aBd ao sals we' mads ?:;:vWi Seventh-Day Adventlsts began tha annual meeting of the western Ore gon conference yesterday - morning In the pavilion on the corner of Haw thorne avenue and East Eighth street. There was a large attendance of dele gates and ministers, and tha ' opening aeaaion waa an enthusiastic one from every - standpoint President F. S. Bunch had charge of the opening ses sion and delivered a very foroeful ad dress, reviewing the progress of the church, during the year and ' suggest ing lmprovementa in'dlfferent places. -Some interesting figures were given In the address, denoting tba ' financial and numerical growth of the organisa tion during the past year. President Bunch stated that tha - total tithes ot the year ending March SI, 10. amounted to $1S,022.. In the year which ended last March tha tithes to taled J21.171.61. During the year 2.8 sermons wera- preached fori the oause, The Bible readings reached 2.4 OS, and 9,282 - missionary visits were made. ' There were , 117 & accessions to-. the church; and 77 baptisms. Twenty seven persons , labored in the field for the church, 'which includes office-: b Portland . - PORTLAND, ORKOON. v ' KVK.OPE AN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS TOR ' TOURIST , AND COMMERCIAX. - . - - TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and drink, and it costs no more in the . . . Portiand otaJ RstbsksIIar than elsewhere In the eitv. Enn weekday night from 1:80 to 12. ML O. BOVrsms. Mam ret. workers and : special assistance camp meetings and 10 services. In ' ' A Stgnfftcant Prayinr. ' . ' "Mav tha Lord heln von make len's Arnica Salve known to alt," writes J. O. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. "It luicaty iook tne pain out or a felon or me and cured it in a wonderfnllv ahort time." Best on earth for enrea. burns and wounds. ; 8(0 at Bed Cross Fharmacy. ' . . NO ORATIONS FOR V. JUNIORS OF ALBANY jrlr-''":; -' I... i i . . . ; , , . . - (Special DlipatrS to The Xoeraett " ' 1 Albany.-Cr r May 25. Tha Albanv college juniors are on a strike, refusing to comply with the order of the faculty to deliver orstlons during commence ment week, v The college - authorities hold that tha orations are a portion of tha prescribed course and the class will be unable' to graduate unleaa Its mem bers comply. Tha faculty has for warded letters to parents and guardians advising them of tha action .of the class and asking that they cooperate In In forcing the rules. The Junior orations are an annual event and to the winner of this event ' Is awarded ths Wallaoa medal for oratory and publlo speakln. i demand a-snore eooaosalev sad saartary' snethod of street aleanhia;. We favor flushing hard-surface pavements at night Instead of sweeping, which leavea a plaster of filth upon tha street, whioh. with ths first ray of semllght or sephys of tha morning, la converted Into dust, lades with disease, . sad deposited la your markets, oa your food, la your homes and your shops and stores. This Improvement aaa be accomplished by changing tha present system ef oatch hastes. It to a matter eatlrely under the control of ths Mayor aad Executive Board. , . We adveeata that an aeesasary aaadafts aaa plpss f e pahlla aerviee required la ths streets shall ha axteadad to-the our lines before hard-surfaoe pavemaats are laid, sad thereby tha opening- of street aurfaoee to n great extent prevented. Zs this a soaad business policy, aad does It appeal to yoa as balna; within tha funetlone of a alty government T. X suggested this measure when the platform of tha party waa being- drafted, aad X know It la a soaad business policy, within tha functions of a city government, aad aaa ha enforced through the Sxeoutlve Department. . Wa advocate tha placing of all wires for telephone, telegraph and oles trleal purposes under ground, aad theorem oval from oar streeta of tha forests of poles whioh bow obstruct them aad Which may be a goo advertisement for Oreg-oa timber, hut which aaa never add to tha heanty or our city or die oonvenienoe of the people. x favor ths municipal ownership of docks, and favor It now la order that wa protect our commerce from exorbitant chargvs, provide beter f aollltlee aad help to make Portland tha Uawest aad busiest city oa tha Pacific Coast, by trovlalna- ths beet aooommodaUons possible where railroads and steamships meet la tha only fresh-water harbor aa ths Pacific Ooaat. Xa this X am aup-v , ported by tha platforms of tha XMpuhUoaa party aad by tha Judgment of .ha . most conservative business mas of this alty. X have been advocating- tha owner ship of dooks by tha city for tea years. X have repeatedly set forth ths . advantafsa thereof by citing tha examples la other sltles of tha world, aad ' X believe that tha people of this city will at this electioa provide for aaquJrlar dook property, whioh will result more satisfactorily thaa any eaterprlaa - :i- ths dty oaa sagaa-e la at this tlma, ; ' Ws advocate tha extension of our present park system by tha purchase of land for playgrounds aad parks aad for tha improvement Of connecting' driveways to meet tha preaeat requirements, sad so far as Is consistent without aa excessive burden of taxation. Ws advocate he lmprovemeat f Streeta by ths district plan,' which la : now so earnestly supported by ths press aad our oommarolal and civic or- gaalsatlona aad which, X am glad to say, X favored as Chairman of tha Oommlttee oa Streets of tha Charter Board la 100. The preaeat proposed amendment la exactly what ws reported favorably oa at that time aad which waa defeated br a verv declalve vote in tha Charter Board. The 'district plan of lmprovemeat wllMeesea tha oost of engineering- work, tha cost of advertising- and ths liability for error, aad will provide a uniform aad higher grade of improvement, will result la tha mors even distribution of traffio, and will add Infinitely mors to tha value of tha property benefited aad assessed therefor thaa will aver result from tha present methods. ' Wa demand that tha municipal officers shall reculre tha street ral companies of this alty to equip their ears with suitable fenders for tha pro tection of Ufa under the stats Jaw, ana that ths responsibility for tne svyie or form of fenders aad. the aocldents reuniting- therefrom ba not shifted from the eomeaalee aad landed oa the . city. Ba yon like that, or does it appeal to yoa as ths oaly thing to do If you wast to place resuoasfhlllty where tt belongs X favor this measure. , X have favored It aver slnoe the state law was enacted, aad X have freauently expressed my visws thereon to members sf ths preseat Oounoll. .- : ' : - w are opposed to all perpetual , franchUes aad tha present charter prohibits tha granting of them, and we believe la tha repeal of. thoas now ! In axlataaes and that repeal is possible, no matter where or how or by whom they were granted, because we believe that tba oourts will hold that It to against publlo policy that any person or corporation may hold forever aad a day rights aad privileges of great monetary , value which belong; by every prlaolple of right to a community la its corporate capacity. -' ' . .. We believe that an municipal franchises are publlo rights to ha granted to Individuals aad corporations oaly . upon such conditions and limitations m will Insure to tha publlo adequate servioe, aa laoreaslng; - revenue to the city commensurate with the value of tha rights granted, with full vjowsr of regulation, control aad revocation that all persons aad oorporatloas to whom municipal franchises may ha granted ahould be held to m strict accounting for any failure to meet the conditions of their grant, express or Implied, or for any Infringement upoa the rights of tha public . -, We believe la Civil Servioe rigidly enforced that political aad personal ' considerations should not govern la tha seleotloa aad appointment of subordi nate public off-clals, but that intelligence, moral worth aad sfflolsney should be the coadltloBs necessary to such public service. WB AU OPPOSED TO OAMtHfO X2T BTXST POEM, ABB At OTSEB PVBXVXO TXCZS, ABB DXMAHD THB ZBTOBCEMSBT OP AX,X UWI ABS 'POIaTCB BJBaVXATZOBB POB THE PBBTEHTXOB OP ABB THE PBESEBTATXOB OP THE PEACE ABB DIOETTT Ol crrr. xp bxoiotexi x mttst taeb am oats to bbtobcb axx, xo.wi ABB OAAtBXXBXI ' XS XBCXtlTDBB WTTEt -AXX, OTBEB CEIMXS. TXXS EOT BE "AB OPEW TOWB." -IT WXU BB A CXEAM CTXT, BtOBAXXT ABB OTBEXWX8B ZS XT CAE BE MADE SO. We favor batter quarters for ths Municipal Court aad a -alaaa, well ventilated prison for the. ooaflaemeat ef city offenders, all la. aooord with the dignity of our lastltutlona. ' wa favor tha restriction of child labor a rigid aad Intelligent tnspeotloB ty municipal officers of all mills and factories where people arc employed, and of aU aohoolhonses and public or seml-publlc places, believing that the aams wll add to the safety of Ufa aad .be conducive to the health, comfort aad-weUbalaa; of .the community.'- k r -' '" i-;i-f '.T.w t.- 1 -v. , . . These are the principles aad pollclea of local g-overnment advocated by us, and for the carrying cut of thla programme for the good roverament aad betterment of conditions In thla dty the BepubUoaa party pledges the rolls st endeavor of lta eaadldates. Zt Is for the people of this elty to. decide what they waa. Zt Is for BepubUoans to say If they prefer a Bemocratla : administration, where .every Interest of the municipality ahaU be made aa taatrumeat to. aid la perpetuating the rule of Democracy la city, aad eouaty ana atete. 1 4