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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1907)
THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL:, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 3, VICD7. n t - . ' ;-) if. .. . .; . i , i iiT , -, rAIXTIXQ ANP PAPERING. r. A. DO KB will give ya the bwt estimate for satisfactory work. KM Yamhill at. . PAITS, OIL AND GLASS, ' -V r. . BBACH CO. Tba Phaser Faint CM window glass and alaslaa. - US' tint 84. f ' ' STENOGRAPHERS. i FUBUO stenographer aad typewriter. , -. 4fi oa Mnn anfi Phone TOWEL BTJPPW. , Pbone l: OLBAlt TOWBLS DAILI Coos, 8i par morjin. fortune Laaadry Tsi apply Oo, Ninth and Coach. Fbeee 410. REAL ESTATE.' TTTE WRITERS. r PAIBISK. W ATKINS CO., WO ALDBB ST. '' ,lnl aetata, ratals, loans and lasaraaes, ' Wa msk specialty f handling raaUti aad property for residents and noa-raaldaata. SJaMbuaneej jaJU rnoee wan was. - f. W. OOIT.BEB. ml aatat and meaai iaa- nabad lsiic. rust au, rsoai it. v CPBritZ AO KNOT, doabwa la raal aatata aad aaataat. M(t Btart at. ,- waia aiaa. 0R FM ETKRT MflCRIPTtOH. . W. 'W. WIPKT. Il Oammarclal Md. BBADQOARTERS for aaw aad rabatlt tra- wniam or au maaaai aaa aor window; ir ea ara folnf to bay a aav typawrttar aaa aa ba tort haying; wa can aaa yoa mootyt wa 1 hava parta for rapalrbic all nachloca; atara aetata for tba Vlalbla Pox) wa boy all kinds of typawrltara. Tba Typawrttaf Kxehaaca, Ine., B. J. KUlaoa, aianayar. M Third at. by tha Curtlaa Lumber company of Mill City 'for thu; currylnt; of . lumber to i point southward, la loading at Yaqulna City, ; Tha achoonar has a lnrr ei paclty and will be abla to tranaport hsary consignments of lumbar to tha aoutharn marKats. - ,- - 1 . Tha paople cf this aoctlon hall tha I undertaking with delltht. as they be Ileva it la tha bealnnlna- of tha rehabili tation of that port and will reault In ra vlvlna tha trada to points between Port. land and other coast polota. Bhethl tha venture prove aatlsfactory to the com pany, other boats will be chartered and placed on the run and tha principal out put of tha lart-e mills at MM Cltv be consigned to the California and South raolflo market. : ' . ., 9r".WruA ' CONSUL' EISEN ' BACK RUBBER STAMPS.' . fl. BTAhtP WORKS. t4 Alder St. I B Mat T10. Babnae sUmpa. aaala, ataarfls! bas ' (at, trade ebaefca: imp. W i BIWUI U . I . erase slpis aad plats. STREET PAYING. WARRRN Ooaatreetlea Co., atraet partus, ataa- wbjss aaa eroaama. . sit urmDar Kicoaafa. THfi Barbae Aapbalt Psvtag Oa. f Pertlaad. OftV ees Wwoertw blk. ROOFWO. nit ROOPIIfO, tetrarlna. rapatrtnt and astral ' Jabbing. J. Iall. Ml Jaffaraoa at. rse. it. ' - SIGNS AND SnOW CARDS. A - POSTKK 4 BXRISKR IOIT& .. Wa ban built aa the lareaat eln letttiai la tba etty by flratlaaa work and kaaplna rwr pram lata. Oar prices are right, aad krerett eta. Pboae Sxebange 68. . "BTON8 THAT ATTRACT" Portland Slga Osl, - st Btart sc. rseae raane lowo. j'r TBAJTSFEIt AND HAULING. CX O. PICK, otnee 88 rtnt at. end Oak eta.) phone Bed. P tnre aned and parked for ablpplagi Stark Pianos sad feral- dloo brick warehooae with rroat aad Clay eta. eaparate .Ire ORBOON TRANRPER CO, IM North Birth at pooaa ataia ow. uaary aasung aaa atorage. Returns From Tour of California and Mexico. Dr. William T. . Eiien, Danish . vice- consul in tbi city, 'returned yesterday from an extended tour or California and Mexico. He reports having had a de lightful vacation but felt homesick for the Oreron climate all the time be was in tas south. In California It rained mot of the time and Mexico, too, fell snort or producing tha weather to which Dr. Klaen has become acclimated dar ing- nis z years or more In this city. roruuia is wan talked of every- wnora. i ney say. you have a aood nltw. i Advice From a Vell-Knovn Specialist ; . V ... ... vKflcn you come to our omce you can navo tne ponuve asgusancs that you see via personally, and we are responsible for all contracts or . promises, (i ; 'r'f:'-. :r'-.'''' f '' ' '''''"'f V-YA' IN MOST CASES OUR FEE . CONSULTATION f DEC " 2 YEARS IN PORTLAND You are In no way obligated to take our treat ment oy caumg to investigate our methods, or writing to us, nor win tms consultation or our opinion cost you one cent We want the honest investigation of any afflicted man in search of honest treatment tKI ""PB!tDrrr baooaob TRANsrBB Co. I beautiful city and a substantial city. Tin I Storm aa SSc Stark at ttft I and tha v nraHInt - . i. ' 1 SAFES. risif iibu i - Ba(, Oa." proof mt I thesi ar ' rORTLAITD SAPB CO.. eo artcrta for Har- rtaa-B all-Mama eares ana Mansaneae etaai Bafa Ca.'a bank nafaet SO eaennd-hand flre- afas and baak safaa, very eaeaps write a. SS Bereatb et. ti DIEBOLD Hagaaeae Bafes Large llnae ra triad, f . Lark -Out Opened. Jacks, Jalla, Metal Per- ? altare. , Honest pnrta aad Oooos. Bna I SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. i , . SHOWCASES af every seeerlptleai baak. her ae uw COLLIDES WITH , CABLE OF FERRY and thay prsdlot a prosperous future, MARINE NOTES Astoria, May SB. Arrived at 4:10 and lift up at I a. m. Steamer Hyadea, from Tacoma. Arrived at 11 a. m. and left up-eteamer W. 8. Porter, from San Franclaco. Arrived down at J1:0 a. ai I and sailed at p. m. 8 earner p. A. KI1- burn, for San Praaolsoo and way porta Ban . Francisco, May . 8aUed last We Don't Want ,Yonr Money It We Fail To Core Yon. No Incnrsble Cases Accepted FKOSI OUR PfilVIOUS EXPE RIENCE WE KNO.T .VDAT 1VC CAW DO. WE CURE ALL ACOTE. CHROMIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES 'fr-rVMr. OF UllS s BLOOD POISON1- at obt rnuuiu, rmxaxx- ; TVTb UTS DXSTZOXXsUJrO DXS- tTTMAJrmAOa' . ITBaZJBOTZtS. Ar yon In the clutches of this I awful, llfe-eoneumlng disease, al lowing youraalf to drift oa Ilk a hip without a rudder to a certain and awful death? - Not for your self alone, but for your posterity, I wny not navw tni "King of AU MaadlH permsjiently eradicated from your system by a method 1 inai naa given saw lire to hun dred In your very same condi tion? , InveaUgat for yourself what we ar doing along the lln or ear specialty. - Steamer Norm. Loses Smoke- iffttSEST lcc,',or Mtf 5tt,ntt,t- stack and Whistle in and atara flxterae aiade to order. .MaafactnrlBg C-k. PertUnd. MxAJp. jLZB'Jtr'if&lT"0 MEN 8H00T FALLS IN SMALL ROWBOAT - WHOLESALE JOBBERS. 1 . Tr ORFOON CHEESE CO. fIJtO.) CHHESK a BCTTKB, BOOS, ate., dairy pmdaets beaght I or handled oa eommiaaKia. - iw mt at. f (Swetland blag.). Portland, or. ' fe ekaWeaaMaiBMBBaa Astoria, Mat 1 5. Arrived at 11:1K mhA left up at S p. m. Stea-mor iJalsv rrea. man, rrom nan rraaclaoo. -Trrived down I m. nnusn steamer Tottenham. Arrived down at p. m. Schooner Ai vana. - ..-i AstoHa, May J 5. No bar report; cap una oown. xiaes at Astoria today: High water iijio a, m, T. feet; 11:11 p, mj . im. Mw water c:ii ro, 0.11 rest; :is 1.0 feet.' First Time Daring Feat Has Been ALONG THE WATERFRONT Performed, Say Ancient Mariners Under our syim of treatment it la tttrariw lmnA!M. ki.. to remain in the blood, and auritv and kaji m - M. During the period of IS year In this cltv wa have auiwi m men, received more written teatlmonlala of thanks, showing that ' wa give every man a square deal and hosts, aeientida trtmnt nwwtn. Ina the absolute reault and cures In ail scuba and chronl fligrssis of , BMas. Thla stands and ahows that wa da tna aa m nmi. .a speclalista. know our bualneea . Don"t delay but call at oao. COM BU JCTATZOsT An AJTD IT1TM Our ranutation and rk are not a mushroom growth. W hav been curing men for II years. . . writ. II you OSJinot calL AH oorreannnrlanna atrtAtlv aiuiMnM.! and all replies snt to plain envelope. . Enclose s-cent stamp to insure wplr. ; v: . . . OFFTCB HOURS I a. m. to I p, m. Evening, to 1:10; Sundays. m. to ii noon, .. For more than 20 veara X fiava Keim tmrnmamA Im th. M.t '.mu business in Portland and have had my share with other real estate men In pulling and coaxing "Doubting Thomases" to invest money v, in 'Portland property. ' Vk O y. , , v ; f? m,l f woman that would with care examine terri tory with its extraordinary hidden and revealed wealth tributary to -Portland could doubt that Portland would become the largest dtr , on the Pacific Coast, ''-yy-'-', w..t,;.s,..,A,'.Z's ' . My labors have been confined to exploiting; developing "and Bubdiun a forest and building ; beautiful homes thereon on the beautiful Uble land between the riven. : 4 v Reallxinz aa I did that It weuM h nhanlntal hIaA..n.i. : a-' build a "Greater Portland" on the Vt sections of land on the west bank of the Willamette river now called Portland center, knowing full well that large manufacturing industries would t water and rail, that the Peninsula would become the center of great f , development and business activities. Blind mutt be the man or wo- J - mvtt 4wkv wt arsauiiiuigj snu lurraanon oi a mignty city located between the rivers. Millions noon million of riniiaam. In the next five years will be made by wise investors. , - , "T A A' Ia. -it a . X . 1 y vuib ii axioms mm pleasure at una tune, alter , more than 20 years a resident or A'oruana, that I can now offer the public the best Investment that I have ever offered in my 20 years' experience. ' ever offered Portland. Acreage be- I a, av a a-irrw - av av BMr Aa.. UVIOl BI Wse BisTXiprrroRs or pinb ctoajuv POKTUAJTO, OBJBOOM, . In This District Columbia Recede Slowly Next Week. wm KTtiiMNll A VABXELL. prodeee aad . aibwloa awrchanta. 10 ftoat et Pertlaad, Or., rooas aai jib. . . nainnx PDRNrTTJRB MANCPACTDRlIfa m . U annfaetarars of faraitsre for the trade. I th steamer rarUaaa. Qregea. . - . WADHAMS Si CO.. faetarars and eoai end Oak ets. Word was received from th upper Columbia thla morning to th effect that Th steam schooner T. A. XObarn auea ror Ban rrandsoo at S:t0 0010 una morning. . me schooner LHlebonn Is TO days out from Manila f or .Portland. She is a mau eran ox iot tons net register. Th steamer J. N. Teal will be given mu ,apin next Monday but th offl- cozxxa szooiro ajtd tajoexxs roBTivuro, ouooxt. Speculators- Attention! tween the rivers adjoining the O-4 N. Co.'a terminal and Swift B a m rrr in.1.1 Tj T7 A 1 TP ItrVrjW . ,, w.w ouwwraii, nua oy carciuiiy mvestiganng thla extraordinsi-y bargain. Only a few acres left Each acre a fortune. Price f 1,000 buy one or more, c , ; - By the way. if you are looking for the best home site in Port land, most beautiful beyond description, visit WALNUT PARK. '-Office corner. Klllingtworth and Williama avenuea. Take any IT car going north. Phone Woodlawn 1115. Call today on , SUBURBAN OFFICE S23 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. '::'' PHONE MAIN 4557. a .-' : ' tlssloa an e gTooare, lerebaata. ata. rearth JXKNITCB8 manafactnrtng and epartel ardare. L. Bevenaky'e farnltare factory, SOT rroat at. ALLEN 4 LEWIS, main I talon and prnd ace mar cbants, Itont aad Davis ata, Pertlaad, Or. WHOLESALE nwiwf and glassware. Berele Oa, Port 1 a5. Oregoa. - Prael, . W. BrMPSOK. sale daalar In r SOI WaablMtoa et-Wsol. ata end bar. - TRAKSPORTATIOX. Norma, plying between eial trial win nnt k. T Awl m ..J -1.11T .1 . . U1 Bni xnursaay wnen tne crart will practically destruction la th swift current on her be completed. , s last down trip. Racing down stream Th Harrtman llnar Columbia, Captain sh collided with an overhead ferry ca- Do ran, sails for San rranolaco totnor ble, with the reault that her smokestack row morning. and whtatl wer torn completely off at Joeph Supple has been awarded a th boiler. Th accident was due to contract by th Vancouver Transporta th high watr. In th dark the lookout tlon company to build a now hull for did not notice th obstruction, which, the steamer Maecott Th dimension with the water at th ordinary stage, will be: Length, IS feet; . beam. 21 was high enough . for th steamer to feet; depth of bold, I feet, Th Maa paes. Sh hit It with a deafening craeh. eott will be placed on the' Lewis river When th stack went by th aid run In place of th chartered steamer iinuioa i rum iub zurnace anox Toward tne I sky and th greatest car had to be dls- played In preventing the upper works from catching fire. The steamer was completely covered with soot when she . i , a tat completely covered with soot when she V ' A I 3 S Kfl IV I) 7 flnallT mA ,Mt nr C'N'o Ending. " IT- . - y. 1 Th Nowa 1 operated by th Regulatoi 5 TRIPS BV at Spokane, Jan 14, BS aTOly AS, 8B Attg. B. ;.':::..', yw, eTuy as. t sfosca xoxm. B. U. Senates. ...-na 1 S. 0. arsldt. ... .,.. .. .ataa 4 -: ; & a. axabxa atoxmu . Ekagway, Eltka, Xxtnean aad way porta, . ; ateUlng p. ta. n. B.U. Oa'S timbolat...afay S, IB, BS Cottage City, via Sitka... May e, IS, 81 City f Seattl..... May 8, 18, 88 y MAM SaaJrCXSOO StOTTTB. - ' fining 8 a. sa, Troa Seattl. City of Vae-la." ...Kay 8, to Seiu.Ar.; ..May 10, 88 Vmatlua.... May is, 80 City Cflot, S48 Wasnlagboa S. Rerulator Captain W. R. Thomas of th Open luver Transportation company's steam- MARINE INTELLIGENCE Kag-lar Ziaars Da ta Arrlra. "rmni ana way.. May 88 Coata Rica, from Baa Francisco.. Vfa aa Namantla, from ortant .... May SO Columbia, from gas PrsiMiace- .T.Jaoa 1 r Relief reDOrted to Ms comnanw trwtaw 'u f-" 'w- that two men went over Celllo fafl. in AbTr'nt "d jiWWJl a rowboat yesterday. Thl I said to AIi. from orient. , ......V.1V.V jBi ta w mt nrwi umi mis tncK naa Been - ". .....aagast 10 performed, and it would not hav been ' gla Xlaars te Depart i poaslblo had th Hver not been at such I?fT.mi.,'aiJ:B Fr,Bd r 3d a Mgh stage, , . 'JiT JtV r w The TiAinM of tha mm mmM 1 rt. p, " V. -L! 111,0 -7....M.y BO learned. They wer watched from shore J0"0". tor Baa Padre and way June and th specUtors expected every mo-1 1" Tr. J:. . T1"" ' 10 ment to see the frail craft dashed t Ti2.i. JS" Jone.ld I Am Master of en's Weakness win s i im ii i at aw m W atT7 AV 5 pieces on the rocks or be drawn be neath the surfac by th swirling whirl pools. Many time it swung completely around two or three times aa it sped on with th current that run Ilk a mill race. The falls ar practically level, however, a a result of th high water, otherwise th feat would never hav been performed, so old river man d clar. Th river Is slowly coming to a stand. Th Snake fell three Inches dur ing th past 24 hours. Th Willamette at Portland will com to a standstill to morrow at 17:6 feet. ..Joir 17 Aagast M FLOUR FOR HONGKONG Liner Arabia May Cut Way Porta on Next Trip. It Is probable that the Portland Asiatic liner Arabia will go direct to Hongkong when she sails th latter part of Jun. owing; to the heavy demand for flour In that port It Is also believed that every bit of space will be devoted to flour, in which event she will take out approximately 58,000 barrel. The Arabia will not be the first ori ental liner to sail out of this port, be- Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES Jtram a, v, i xdxt s, , bi avottst - B, , 10; BEPTEKBim U, 18, 13. "Chicago and return, $71.60. St. Louis and return,' 167.60. St Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth, Sup- cause th Numantla of th am line la nor, wuraipeg ana un, juT.aur ana r. i ecnaauiea to leave in a lew day, but) Hyadea, Am. str., at CWumbla X turn, ttO.,M'':v-f ' tBe i1' Will tak th regular beaten Daisy rreamaa. Am. str., at B. 4 a Tnilklft t ABB V a . rul" loaonama, kods, moji, Shang- ",i :r- iMii'cr .a'rii. u J nai ana uongxong. Th Numantla was .; -For tickets, Bleeping oar reservation t0 nT BTlved today,, but having been and additional information, call on or I uelayed In getting away from Toko- Mcomedla, for Orieat " Vaaaala bi far. t. kfarboffer. Am. str, at Willamette 1. Wk. Tola, Br. ah., -at Elevator dork. Jordanhlll. Dr. hk.. at m. a w m,m. XI nit a, Br. bk., at Irving dock. Telln. Gr. bk, at OolombU No. 1. Btratbclyde, Br. etr., st Unntoa. Waahlngton, Am. barge, at Ellsworth, u mllr above Vancouver. . . . n - Plntram, Am. sh., at Stella. Redondo, Am. str., at B. A W. mflla. Whang Ho, Chinese lank, at the Oak. -Joba Palmer, Am. bktn., at Kalaata. Bxpaaaloa, Am. sch., at Portland Lamber Oa. Jama Bolph, Am. sch., at West port. Agate, Am. bk, at Vancouver. William Oltea, Am. ech.. at Aararla Mahawell, Am. bktn., Wallace Bloogb. plamood Bead, Am. bk., Vancoevar. Letitta, Am. sch., at Rainier. IxMilalaaa, Am. str., at At tor la. Mnrlel, Am. atr.r at Newport. John Smith, Am. bktn.. at Btella. Emily Bead, Am. ah., at Portland Lamber Oa. fitrathyre. Br. atr.. at Ealnler. . Northland, Am. tr.,t Willamette Ires Bark, Nor. str.. at Oceanic deck. Irene, Am, sch.. at 8t Helena. Byndford, Br. str., at floor aallhs . Columbia, Am. shp., at Btella. iri " o ' Am- lamaa-Peelsea. ""a T' ai naiiace Hioagh, Virginia, Am. ach, at Inmaa-Poaleea. Columbia, Am. str., at Alnsworth wharf. Glendale, Am. ech., at Astoria. Abbie, Am. sch., at Balnlar. Churchill, Am. sch., st Knappbga. jknu-iupa, mjai. aca, ai Astoria. W. mills. address H. DICKSON, CP. A T. A. 188 VXXKD ST. POXTXAJfD, OB. Telephoned: Main 680. Horn A-228S, Ho! For Astoria FastSfeamerTelesjrapfi hama. eh Is not considered due to ar rive her before May 80. - ' Full flour cargoes hav been set afloat for Hongkong before on the regular liners, the steamer Nlcomedla having sailed direct for Hongkong with flour about three year ago. AMONG THE COASTERS Hyadea aad Daisy Freeman to Load Lmnber. ; v The American .' . steamer Hyadea will be in the harbor, thl afternoon to load wheat and lumber for San Franclaoa She arrived . at ABtoria early this morn ing and left up at o'clock. It will probably be late this evening before she T vwuijvaj aivi wbi wa. ea. yvtuuiwia UvrvBk J.W tjt DaUv earrtaa batawaa ' , . "7?" w w.w uw vo. ruiiu . . i -r- . lumouk - t.- Dally (except Thursdays). Leave Aider street dock T a. m. , ... ,. PXOBTS MAZsr,Ba. Colambia River Scenery bzopxatob van stbamxbs. Boaair. i. vtn. ntk.i , tmn p. dj, carrying freight and jMaaragera. Bpleodld aceosamoda tlona tor eetflts and Uveatock. j Cock foot of Alder st, Portland; root f Court at, Tba Dallaa. Pboae Mala via. portlaad. BTOAtlPK TACtnO STBAXSBXr GOVS Steamships KOANOKE - ' , and CEO. W. ELDER Sail fo F-jreka, San Francisco and Loa Angeles direct every Thursday at Id. i icket efflce 181 Third, near AldaT X'lrcne M. 18Jt H. TOXJNQ. Agent ' AXJbAXT UXB OCB4UB BTBAMSMa. xjvxarooL,: glasoow. londou, ravsx. Naw ataaawra VtCIOKIAB asd vfsonriAM tnr.l-craw tarWn angtoca, and TDATISIAbt' tmr. tr aalUaga ar Weekly frooi MONTHKAL. t naalng down the Blctareeqoa St. Uvtmh r"'' r mht. AcwmmotlonTVSr! I.aaard. Kataa: Saleo ao.oe aad nowarria- . . . .. ' . . -w.w ana m,M. lA A 1 T Ata a . . . - . " . 17 jraehsaa sL, Ckleag Th Hyades will be followed by th Macxinaw,, Dotn.; of .them coming to W. T. .Carroll, who represents the shippers. The Hyades and Mackinaw will make only ton trip each, as they ar scheduled to go north from the sound after de livering their cargoes from this port. Th steam schooner Daisy Freeman arrived her thl morning : from San Franclaco, bringing considerable freight ana several passenger. She discharged at Greenwich dock and, then shifted to the mills of the ICaatan. a. txo., Lumber company to loa I lumber for a uia cargo. BOOST FOR YAQUINA People Rope Steamer Leggett Will Remain on Route. v (Bpaclal Ohpatcb to Tha Journal)' ' T AtuKuy. . iir afar- K TU. schooner JLegretL "reeen'ti, ' Lumbar Oarriara Ka Im. B. F. Whitney, Am. bk, Uakawett, -Blwall. Am. ah.. Baa Padre. ' LUleboane. Am. ech, Manila. LncUle, Am. ah. Baa Franc lac. Mabel Oal, Am. scb,, Ban lYaaehma. JlttrltTar, Am. bktn.. Baa FTaDchwo. Aurora, Am. bktn., Baa Fran Cisco. ,BtS Am' "tt- 8,11 Pranclaea. W. B. Hume, Am. sch.. Saa Padr. J. B. Btataoo, Am. str.. Baa PTanclaox DaUy Presmaa, Am. atr.. 8 an Praaclsea.' Churchill. Am. sea.. Baa rmaclsco. Jim Butler, Am. str, Saa Pranclace. B. P. Bandera, Am. sch., Baa Padre. Chehalls, Am. bktn., Saa Padre, Nokomta, Am. ach. Ban Pedro. Alumna. Am. sch., Baa Pranclace. Waafaingtoa, Am. str. Ban rriodse. EiccUlor, Am. str., Saa Franclaco. Walamt, Am. barge. Ban Franciso. Qulnault, Am. str., Saa Iraadaoe, Sa Bout With Cemant aad 0aeraL ' Baccleuch. Br. ah., Hamburg. Brena, Pr. bk,, HulL Conway Csstla, Br. bk, Antwera, Dalgonar, Br. ah., Hamburg. Europe, FT. bk., Antwerp. Genevieve M alines, Pr. hk, Lesoa, Bene Kerviler, Fr. ah. Ham burr Laennec, Fr. ah, Swanaaa. Le Filler, Fr. bk, London, Martha Boot. Pr. bk, Hambara. Moumblque, Br. sh, Newcastle. B. Samoa, Br. bk., Hblclda. ' Slam, Oer. ah, London. ? Socoa. Fr. sh., Newcaatn, E. w Vlncenncs, Fr. bk, Glasgow. Marecbael Tnrrena, Fr. bk, Hambare Villa de Mulbouae, Fr. bk, Aatwen?' Gutbary, Fr. bk, Antwerp. Plerrl Lotl, Fr. bk., Antwerp. ' Walden Abbay, Br. ah., Antwera. GlencMlln, Br, ah, Antwerp. , . Veraallles, Fr. bk., Lelth. " ' j: General de Boisdeffr, Fr. bk., lodoa. . General da Negrler, Fr. bk,' London. Vcv:' Vi;CoslSb!ps'EB Seoia, r -. - Bele.VFr. bk Newraatie. A. . , Col. de VUIebois MareniL Fr. bk, Newcastle A. Claverdoo, Br. sh, Naweaatle, 4, WUlsoott, Aa. bk, Newcastle, A. Tramp Btaamara Za Boote. Ascot, Br. atr, Bnenoe Ayres. - r Drnaao Mara, Jap. str.; Japsa, " African Monarch, Br. str, Hen Fraaelsce. -ritrathyre. Br, str.. flan Ftandaco. Tellut, Nor. atr. Baa Franclaco. Maori King. Be str., SbanghaL . ' Knight Tetuplar, Br. etr, orient. Hanrlk Ibaem Nor str. Baa Francises, Qorcn Alexandra, Br. str.. Madrss. KaHbla. Br. str, Bsn Francisco. . atoasha Mara. Ja. etr. SaUaas Craa, ' Not th announcements of all other clallsts and medical institute and you aee how little they say about their treatment for Men's Weak esses and how lightly they v.vr imaw iuujki, i si vii nnn wai us vary four has a vital wssknsss which oon- tantly drain hi power, and ,that man must . TATXOB, continually force himself along In hi every- Tiding1 SpMlaUst, day path of living. There 1 no real Joy or happlnees that is not nMurred by his vr-preent feeling that he la sot aa other smb. Now to such men I offer hop.. Jt not onry hold out a helping hand to lift them up, but I urge them earnestly to accept my aid. I can gain their confidence from th first examination by locating th seat of their trouble exactly, and can always entirely convince thm of th logical effect of my treat ment Vhen I explain its action. I never charge for this examination or consultation. -"' . .. -....- : .That there la some functional derangement the direct result of Inflam mation, enlargement or exeaaslve aenaitlvenees of the prostate gland (the nerve center of th reproductive part), brought on by early dis sipation or resulting from some Improperly treated contracted disorder. Thl condition oaanot possibly be removed by internal medicines, and any tonic system of treatment that stimulates th activity of th function can but result in aggravating the, real ailment This Is a scientific truth I have ascertained after 4 careful and oientifie tudy and upon which my own original system of treatment Is based. I employ neither tonics, stimulants nor electric belts. I treat by local direct methods exclusively, and my sucees In curing even those eases that others have failed to temporarily relieve with their tonics Is eonolnslv evidence that my method Is the only possible means of a complete, xeAioal and perntaaent our. ; A Guarantee Worth Sq X do not car what your experience has been with other treatments, what guarantee you have, and what promise wr unfulfilled In th past as unsuccessful, unscientific treatments and unreliable concerns ar In no way a reflection upon hottest, trustworthy btudaeae methods lived up to by m for twenty years. I hav an established reputatlon, and my guarantee mean that my patients are Indisputably tnsnred of success In their eaa. Thre Is all the difference in the world between a guarantee of thl kind and th promise of those mushroom concerns which are continually failing In business. I repeat my tralghtforward. square proposition to wait fox my f until the ease Is ffyted. If 4u.n; V 1 l i I, V. :. tp.,f This beautiful strictly modern 8-room house in most desirable part of Holla-day can be bought very reasonable. Corner lot, large porches, '400 very choice roses and other jj fine shrubbery. Time can be had on purchase price. Is I a beauty. See owner, 111 Abington Building, City. - $10 My Fee In YOl 1 PAY Uncomplicated ..rwiVA cases WHEN CURED 11 II N 8 II a ii TAMXOOCBLB, SWBXMATCttmXOB A, ' X.0U9 TZOOX, OBOAjriO WBAZMXSS, COxTTBAOTSB BXSOBSZBS, STsUOTTTU, SPJOIMO AbWAi rouox aatx afZXdBB, X also treat and cur thoroughly. . , promptly and EXAMLNATIOM FREE I offer not only FREE ConsulUUon and Advice,, but Of every ca that come to m X will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without charge, No ailing man should neglect thla opportunity te set xpert opinion about his trouble, ' , ' If you cannot call, writ for XMagnoal Chart My offices ar opn ; all day from 8 a. m. to t p. m., and Sunday from 10 to 1. the PR. TAYLOR co. 834H XOBSZSOaT ST- COB. aTS001TX. VOBZLAJTS. oxvomr. B2SaRssssarsssssssxsn - ' ' 1 H H if We Originate OTHERS EIITATE Mackinaw, Am. etr., Besttl. Saa Mateo, Am. str.. Baa rraadsoa. Oil Oarriara Xn Xrate. Maverick. Am. str. Ban Frsoclse. W.,., Porter, Am. atr, "Saa Fraadse. , fotice to the Public. 1. a. 3. Mills, eveslrht nenlarlar of th Oregon College of Optometry, Is nw wcaiea. bi in sixth street be tween Stark and Washlnaton. whtra no nas installed all th latest annll. ancea for the careful and correct fit ting of defective eyesight Consulta tion will be given free. Preferred Stock Canned Ooeda, AHb Lewis' Best Brand. ALBANY MUSICIANS - ORGANIZE A BAND , fSpaetal Dispatch r The Jooraal.) - Albany, Or., May IB. An organisation to be known as th Albany band ha bn formed. Th members ara to practice systematically and rearulariw and will be open for engagements. Al bany has been without a musical ornn. lsatlon of this, sort for some time and th new association Is hail with de light. James Coon of thla etr h.. been selected aa director and with his many years of experience he will no doubt b able to nerfec a nlarh a-r.. musical erganlxaUon. . " M M M See Sunday Papers Jaeobs-Stine Company MBBaaMgaaragssssssgsariiJssasrrrsiizzsr5 n , ...miiiii,. ii --'"ym yearw''- A ''Mr. V . Dr. Morrow's Anti-Lean KAKZS XDAJT ROr&S TA -; xazonga the nervous 1 sys- , SVatens. , Xt ; la a ' nn,.v vagevasie oomponad. Contain no oil or fats or ny orug that ta Injurious or iiaoie m proauc a nablt IT IS THE CJUtATEtT TONIC IN THX VVORXJ) nAcn ootti - eonuin a month's treatment and costs I1.BS at any flrst-clasa drug , , , mwiww - jriMuwui ay tne ANTI-LEAJI UEDiaiE CO. Oregonlan Bldg, Portland, Or. u I I . -I D k 1 ' .