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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1907)
THE OIIEGON DAILY JOURNAL', TOIiTLAIiD, CATUKDAY LVilNIIiQ, , BUSINESS CIIANCE3. t. : IF 70a have a business of any name or nature tbt you wmt to fell quickly, or If you want partner, cait at 2o Alieky bldg. 1 WANTED A party to Join ma m chicken ranch on truck farm. Main twit. - CIQAB stand for aals. Oaka Tama. 'i rOR IAL1 OB TRADE On account of alck- . .... tn I gffnr new l-atory building and saw - , aioca ot merchandise, doing a line business, 1 m canine. Address H iUH, car journal, t QBOCRBY, central, lone leaee, low rant, large sinvk, rood bualntss, ftrnt-rlas In ' every I , Bsrtlcnlar, $2,500. Address B BOB Journal. FOR SALE Grocery atom doing fin business; Invoice about $2,500, will discount S per cant;, owners desiring to entcaire m. other bualn. Addraaa D Sou, ear Journal. . PABTT with a tittle money ran secure half interest In food eatabllebed builnee. - Al- r draaa H 806, Journal.. ,. .. . - .' .. , GROCERY STORE at -a sacrifice price; Will :. Inventors a boot 11.000.., Will cell for $760. No fixtures. Tba Amaa Mercantile Agency,' - Abingtpa bldg. . . - 1 $300 TAKES clear, confectionery gtore; $600, a grocery atore; $900, a cigar, grocery, to ... , cream, etc. Thaaa atore bare living rooms, .. are wall located, doing good business. Inves tigate.-: 888 wmiams at. . SEVEN room nicely furnlebed, 808 U IMn at., 8460; rant BHB; a gd bargain-, " ou want It, con quick. . Address u out. journal. FOR SALE Well-locsted aakwn on Third at. I, Srloe $1,000; doing rood bnatneaa; cheap rani, tto. Crockett A Barkaun. 183 Ftrat at I i: bm SAMS HEAL ESTATE.! : inn I -1 n n .n n -i - . , -, - - - - 'A BICE B room cottage, BOxlOO, Improved lot; sn excellent Bom ror". Modera B-room new bouaa, tap-to-dat M rr reivaet, 1M lcka frosi Williams Bear Ruaaall; only $2,200. ' $1,000 buyi so Al nom, the boat bargain v is tse city, 1 . 1 " - $2.M for on of th past bouae la Sun. '" Byatde; taiy trrma. If yoa are looking far .boms see . L- w bst tke real bargains. mini unu i;u. . : 14 First St. . -'li" Wl HAV an elegant ft-room modem bouse, fitted with sll modera arceassriea; the bona res t be built for tb price w aak for hour . and lot; fine sightly location, near zotn ana . Tergert: moat be sold tbis month tor $2,000. ; WliFyea be the lncky onet ; ;t - - BOMB LAND CO., '. '-.-'i First ML r.-;..",. Look! - OENCINB SNAP. ' ' 1450 and 'cost of etreet Imnrovament Rod- - fjey avenue lot BO 1 100. Market vain of this lot hi 1700. Owner wanta oulck sale. Act quickly If you want tbl. Be H. W. Lsmcks company. Sixth and Washington ets. A NEW btaom eotugs and 80 a 100 lot with city water, aesr rsr 11ns, in muwsukm. ' Harlow ft Cowling; Mllwaukle, Or. ; 9 ROOMS oa car Da, would fine boarding aesr isrgs shop, gr.wo; oy owner; 1 . oaay terms.. Pboa Unloa 2763. txans quica. 'HEW- madsca ap ro-da -Jooaa bw, BS.SSO; r $300, $2B monthly, Phoa East B7a A BARGAIN Two sightly tots. 83 m 100. Esst Yamhill at, between 23d and 24tb tt at $028 each. Richard ft eornall. SUM Esst Vamhlll. Phon gt I860. FAXON PARK lots 100x200. In rnltlvatloa. level aad sightly: prices $800 to $378. O. H. Additoa. Lenta, Or.; kit. Bcott car. Be. . . ff-ROOM bouss. almost new. fin lot. V betwsoa Hawthorn and W, . sr . aoiy $3.000; $500 cask. 248 Start at FOR SALE Cheap, modern S-ronm sou. . Key . at 125 Beach, or phons East 71T, . . 1B0 ACRES eordwoed and ssw timber. miles out, good roads; well -watered; sawmill 4 mile: JV mile to railroad: $31 pot eor. a R. Additoa, Lenta, Or.; 8 far. FOR B AI.K 8 room boas and two loU, $2,500. . Pboa Tabor but. 82, boo BUYS a new T-rooa bonss and tot BOX 100 - near two carllne.. Inquire Holmes ft Mcaefe Baal JCatats Co., 88 Third St. $260. CASH buy d Win B.rsto., add. Ho.. Address Percy, P. O. Boa 118. city, FOR SALE -By owner, modern T-roem bona, , Hawtborna'a , Flrat Addltton; two esrllnesi $, 100: half,' cash ; balance term. Pboa ' East 4868 Sundays, or after Bp. m. :i MEW ADDITION Fin lots 80x100, arrests 00 1 . feet, aesr ear m w. lam. wij 115: terms. Take Mount ncott ear. o. k. 1 . Addition. Unto, Or.. 8c far. wwn mAdeta o-room bouse. Jnst completa: . terma; a good Investment: mak an offer. Phons Esst 361. E. Boy da ton, 608 Oar- field. - ,.-. r--- - , IRVINOTON 75x100 la choicest locality, Hancock at., between 21at and 22d: will make barcaln price for quick aale. - Owner, SU Lumber Excbangs bldg. . - JfEW modern lO-ronni houss, lot 78x152, street . at sots enos. .i,ow; eaay , lenne, si, u. , Towr, Pnlverslty , station. . . . ; PRrrni 81.800 In Ben wood, centrally located. .a 8-room cottage, 60x100. - bearing fruit trees: will selr at $60 a month, no Interest. By owner, 43 Spokane ave Sellwood U- , - tloa, Oregon. ' ' -; - - - DID yoa se tbat M B room bonss sn Shaver I and Oarfleld ave.7 It'a a snap; ss It. 808 I Oarflrld avnn. antTTH PORTLAND SNAP. nn. mrnr. nnnhetrocted view, ala 88x110. only $1,500. 80S Fourth st. - Tel. Pacific I . 2125 or Main awu. TWO trirtly modem- 8-room eettaae, Snany. . aide, iaewer oiatricii; mmmu v? uwu, ' balance aame a rent. A. P. Smith, owner, I iS Commercial block. IF yoa want to buy. n or exchange your property, can oa or address oeo. w. Turner, 08H washlngtoa at., rornaan vr. FOR SALsVPart.'on time. B-room hons. mod- in vit7(I near Corbett at. and Ha mil- ton arc.. $2,500. Address R 201. cars Jour. pal. . C. R. Dcnnell & Co. REAL ESTATE. rOB SALE A brsotlful subnrban home, 44 seres 1 1-3 miles from Council Crest carllne; 10 towns can be seen from this point; fine ' drive to city; 8-room oara rinisnea Bouse end anod barn and orchard with variety of small fruit; this Is a ebolo location about 8 miles from center or city; win aeu entire tract rassonable, or divide. - Inquire of I. ti. Ouve, owner. 824 Chapman at. VXW B-room bungalow, lot 100x100. Owner, I at Eaton Barber auup, bus aiurriaon it. LPARTMENT boose location building aite. beat location on west aide; mxioo on King at., 80 feet from -Washington.; eat frontage, , O. - C. Bbay, Ablngton bldg.. Mala iMi. . BVINGTON $6,760 buyk a new modern home, 75-foot frontage, 8 rooma. paneled' dining-room, cove ceilings, fireplace, furnace, gas and electricity;, selected wood rub fin ished pslnt; outside sleeping veranda: owner . going to southern tnwgon. i. w. Hellman. 06 Ablngton bldg. Main 1942. BealdeiM 'East 194- -'''-' t'r" :.:-.'VS:-x-- .....: . - ' : WH HAVE- -. $2.250 0-roont new modern bnngaUw; $160 struaaeia earpat, 4V range; luoxioo corner; half down. $20 per month. , - $3,000 20-aere farm, all Improved, T mile -Of good town; half down, balanc on time. , HAMILTON ft HOLMAN, 104 Ctoodooogb bldg., Opp. P. O. on Fifth at. Arlior; Lodge Snaps , Choke acre near boulevard, fine location. Vacant ' lota and home, v New modern 6 room with three lota, cor ner; term.-- Ss W. B. Butt. Arbor Lodgs; mak data. Phone Woodlawn 126. ES, we are Mlllng lots, $10 caab. $8 month, right at Tremont aUtlon, Mt Scott line; se them today; office at Tremont or alt Cham ber of Commerce. Purs ft Co, :UST rll before June- 1. g new B-room bouse ia Vernon; only $1,780. 111! B. ISlh st:-, i A- $3,600 Bt 0WNI8. s ' New, modern bouse: . first-class location, lot 40x123 feet; fine lawn, and ro. 762 B Bslmea t., Bear 28d; term If desired. .. ' GIFT 1 lota aad house, $000. and Wygant st. .--.if Miller, Both 0B SALE By owner, a 6-room house, carllne; price; $S3ft' Pbone Tabor 827. EACTIFUL large new modern 6-roora cottage, H blivk of liawthorne are., H,0"' cash; bal auce terms; owner, 310 Last Siila St. . FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. Piedmont Street Car, Men, : Attention! ; . Wa bv4 tola la aril in Havelork. T Prk4 $200 to $.150 each, according to alae and to- cation. Term $20 to $85 cash, balance $10 moots. Aba tract furnished wna yoa pur. IHOMPSON ft OOPBN. 4S Ulaajaalppl are. , Pbooa Woodlawa SOI ONI of the nicest bonses on Beat Burnt Me at. for asle: $ room a, extra large, with hall, I attle and cement basement; modern and com. I ' Dlelei newlr . sanered and oalnted and m I line condition; nice neighborhood; location I cannot be beat for convenience to street I . ct re, pnblle school, blah school, stores, etc.; '. will alway rent well. Owner. 702 East Biiroelrte at.; between Saat ZSA and, Eatl ( . ' ' $250 Down RjI. monthly navmanta: new. atrlctlr mod ern 5-room cottaaa. 1 block car Una; full baeement; 60x100 lot; It mln. to weat side; win snow tuts property tomorrow, w.. 4. Psy Co.. sua atari . ,- . ; V ' . -ROOM bouse, fin fruit; $230 cash, balanc I monthly. Owner. Phons Bell wood 204. CHEAP lot, BOxM, cloa la, cement walk, new improved street. inrner, pnotte bmsi w. 7-R001I bouse, modera, newly painted, tinted sod varnlebed: near East 8 Id Higtt ocnooi; tluaa la and bandy for care. $3,780. room house, all hi good condition; will rent for $28 per month; oa East 6th at. ' room modern boas ebole location ea Baat Bid; full baeement. modera plumbing, eome furniture; sll goes for $3,700 IS mla- - atss walk to basins. . . -room house, oa East Ash, elos to car tin and walking distance ; all modera, for $8,100. 6-room modera bona, full lot. cement baao- , assat, gss and electric light; stationary tab, cement walk; WlUispis svenue; $3,600. llI.M.1 t miuunwi . 1 ;T""''Vj , tW Abtngtoa Bldg.- V s :' ' V. YriKiwa FOR A HOME Biz-room boost; room all flaslr tlatsdi electric light; fine plumbing; Isrgs baaemsnt, dry ss boas! ale porches; beautiful seat front tot; ahad trees, young fruit and strsw kn.iaai hii hv BwBss for a boms; basincss neeesaltates mortng resldsacs to another part ; of city. Pboa woodlawa ta. 00 FARMS, small tracts and tote; bargain a 0. W. P. electric line. O. B. Additoa. LssU, , Orsgoa. , Tsks Mt. Scott ear, as. If TOD wsnt to rent that Is your business; If yoa want to buy a lot or build a bouse that " -. ,..-. M- Thre lota Bear Lents. I I" . ki.w h.. xi-iina BtSA awk. Inaalral ons block from carllne. $150 aaeh. Joseph Hornlk, 827 Water at. ROOK cottar. sr. Johns, tin rivervlew bit. few days 00 1; iiy. i 1,800; $280 caab, balanc Uk I rsau Address T BOO. ear journal. $4,600 BUT 8 60x100 oa 17th at., between Over-1 ton ana r swjgrovs sis. swa as, uawutus ; bldg.- ' . (260. PAST time, take corner lot at end of I Alherta car line: I.'iOO take 8 lots Corn Willard sve. and Nickel St.; Mt Scott car I line. Th are bargain, act Williams ava. B-ROOM cottar, farnhibed. $1,600. 108 Fourth at. Tel. Psein w ar main swu. ... NEW room bona, cloo to ear and school: will ssll very cheap. U owner, ais avast Davla. Phon Eaat B05X - rntt a AT. It Kaer tflce br .... modera 11-room bom, built 4 - years, cement walks aad bass. . ment, gas, electrle and modern -1. fornacei plenty fruit: aeat , "table, lot 100x148; - good ear and aelghnorhood: eaay psy aaenta. Phono East 4807. JSI. EVSZZfiti T Miller, Both and Wygaat eta. M. D. ftOPBR. enllcltor' and aslesmea'a bead.. quarters: eastera manuractarlng nrm repre sentsd; real tat quick aale negotiated; pe titions circulated, no mi in ss. main wm. . HOT HOUSES. - 4 larg hsw hot house and 10 acre of fine aarden and fruit land: all -the land la cleared ead In fine state of cultivation; 21 acre In bearing strawberries; 400 em-rant boshes; 100 grape vines, etc: the hot house arc new, and modera In every respect, have fir, new gasollns angina and a windmill to furnish water for Irrigating purpoeee; this rlaco la altuated miles from Vancouver and 2 miles from Portland on a fine level graded mad; scaooi house across tns road rrom place; 1 mile to S churches, I stores. S halls. biackamirn anon, poatnrrice, etc.; k. f. u. mall and telephone; fine new B-room house. new bam and all necessary outbuilding: In eludes cows, bora, harness, wsgon, baggy ana an rarmmg implements; tnia place is s money-maker; will nay at leant 25 par cent act oa purcnaee pries 01 sn.uia), .. se i THOMPSON ft SWAN, , CI tl sens' Bank bldg., Vancouver, 1" Wb. ACREAGE. $900 8S acre . unimproved , land, near I -jleavertOB. - - I $1,230 20 acre nr Besverton, T sere I clear, balanc in mountain awale land, bouse I and barn, good orchard, email rrult. $2,20040 aero. 1 mil from station, part , ly Improved, email boueo and barn, $2,200 21 M acrea well Improved land, 16 mile from Portland, 3 mllea from R. R. station, on t rural rout; IB acre under culti vation, balance In woodland, good B-room house, telephone, barn and other out-bulld. : Ings, abundance of fruit- of all kinds, will ell tork aad all larnr Implement cheap. A IM Uttl country home and a bargain. : - ., B. L. CATE, . '': ' 226 Stark at ; , v H0MESEEKER3. TAKE NOTICE. 80 acres, 85 under cultivation; - 6-room boas, barn 60x60; barn 80x36; water piped into larg nam sna noose; 41 neaa cattle, . 18 of which are muck cowa; wagon, mower, i rake, bar-fork and carrier, plowa, ateel bar- . row, cultivator, garde seeder, milk -sen.. arater, patent churn, feed cutter, atckle : grinder, 60 fowl, . 8 stove and other house hold good; price $3,600; 44 mile Kelso, ; Wsah. : Call sn J. 8. Huntington; . other . farm. a'.. .X-..: -, . ; ,. - , ,. - I 8 ACBES. $500. -. : : J B acres, $650. - -s- - 1 10 acre, $2,600. ; . 1 1 1 ' SO acre, $2,600. 80 acres. 88.000. " 4 Good Improvement and cloee to carlme. j W arc neadnuarters tor rarm and acraagc 1 1: ussiio uinu tA., - y-a.." :.- .... .. 203 Thjrd tt v '; ? FOR SALE 178 acres of fin land, with good imnrovetaente. witbio H4 mlle--of - sood vacbool; this place Is sdapted to the raising I . of stock or dairying; fine out ranae; must re I soon: bargain: term. - Adocee v. w. Vail,. writon, ursgon.-' -- . :.:,. BUT yonr farm near Portland; rich (oil: price advancing: send ror my nig aescrtptivs list or call. U. W. Vlxon,.-canby, or. 160 ACBES. 100 acres under cultivation; good aouae; new-barn; a running streams; some I rd timber; am tarn to piat in email tracts; mile eaat of Concurd station on Oreeon City carllne; $160 per artei terms. . Harlow I ' ft Dow ling, Mllwankle, Or. , 87-ACRR farm and lob worth $4 a day: B5 v acrea cultivated, balance nocture; every acre can be cuitivatea; one mne rrom small town; good plsnk road; bouse, barn, aom farming Implements; $75 an acre. C. W. Hudson; phoa evening Woodlawa 540, or call 606 Commercisi oiog. - - TWO dairy farma for sale or trad for Alberta land. Address N 804. ear JournaL $2,500100 ACRES, near Columbia. 60 acres . reaay ror pww, Hiuct rine timoer. ir you want a snap come aad sec me st T79 Esst I S9th at. Pboac Scott 8520, FINN - FARM of BO acrea near Bearertoa, T3 ere to high state or cultivation, all fenced. .1)1. ... . .. m v.- '- .m. 1.. , land-nearly level,- ao waste: new bonae of . s rooma, new barn; on good road; aoll of I v xrciient quaitty, aw ; ioito, isrm can pe divided. For price and term see:. J L. Welia uo., we cuamner 01 commerce. , $S.000-rl0 acrea la high atata of cultivation; I . Iai 1 hwww. w." .iuw V.M , I near Lsnts; part cash. Du Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce. . ?. FARM, 740 acre. 8 mile from Engena, well- Improved, moatly. bottom land, 825.00- ner I acre, low Interest easy terms. For particu lar call 160 Pag at. Phon Eaat B6B Port land, or adtiresa Jobs, Ingham, Eugns, Or. 'VOJl SALE FARMS. YasMntoii&.Orcpa . $5,00o 1W acres, Kile from WaabSagal. in tuna county, waanington ; w cleared. 10 acrea arem timber, balanc aelly cleared; all fenced, al level; two-etory "-room Iioum. fair bain, S ct srebard., boreee, t wacooa, new mower and rake, eream separator, ell farm Implemeata needed farm. 60 bead of cattle, ail milch cow. bote. Some rhickanai mala eonntr road $ good apringa, one dear bonae; beet of black son; mil to school; half seek, baiancs years at per cent.,.' ' 140 aerss fins land, all lat. saativ cleared $H miles from railroad, good location., beat sf soil, miles from Portlands price $1$ , per aersj good ttrm. , $1. MO 100 acres SH mile from railroad, v 1 Clarke county. Wash., 22 miles from Van ' couvsr; 10 acre In cultivation. 100 acres river bottom, family orchard; aew 8-room .. rustle bouse, cost 1A0O: small bamt bee - of esttls, cows: sll farm Implements; SO ; acre fenced;, fin soil; tnvsstlgst this before " 1ST sere tn Clerks county, Wash, BH ' miles from Wsahoagal: 11 seres cleared, i ' acres besrlnc orchard: B-room hsurs; BO acre level and mally e leered, balanc rolling, fin piacg soli; pric I1,B00 good Urms; goos I. TOO M aerss, -18 miles from Portland, i In Waehlncton eountv. B miles from Beaver ton, 1 miles to railroad: ail feeeed; sll level; 12 sere la cultivation; some timber balance easily cleared; family srebard; on err fin grspss; 4-rosm home: small atabls, fins erring, on main sounty road; tin Iocs " Una; R. f. D.j (war abol beat. f oU; giv fooa terms. . ... . . VA j. $1.T00 M a ere. 1H miles from Wasbongsl, Clark county; IB sere la cultivation; om mm; good o-room rustic sou; larg oara, rnatle and palsted; all fenced with 4 wb-eai fin location t aew mower ssd. rake; plows, harrow, email tool of all kind; $800 cash; naiaae years, f psr cent, ' $400 10 aerss, aesr Tsacmrvar, tU acre cleared; balance slssbed aad - seeded; s eoaaty road; sear sruool; no soil; tarms. w, w im,, 7S wim u.t. v hhui ill, new g-roem boos, new bars, all faneed; all wv . . , .11 - m evi, b r, 0.1 aesr caooi ana enurcn; on mala county road; this Is s, snap; glvs terms. ' ae SAA tA t m . - wm A. eiwiw in viarav cvunij, iwmmu-t 4 miles from railroad and boat landing; So seres cleared, some timber, bahiaeo easily ciearso. 1 acre nesnng orcasra: -room bow; ; near school: fins soil; half cash, balanos B yeara at B per cent: will tak part M ax cbang for elty property. $4.500 80 acres aesr WaahouraL Clark county. Wash. 1 . 70 scree la cultivation, BO ' acre meadow, aom timber, S acre bearing orchard, moatly apple: all fenced and em - feared with 4 and 8 wire, cedar posts: fin 1 spring near aooset 6-room bouss. large barn; flrat-claa aoll, black loam, no rock or gravel; U mile to school : 8 bead of fine horae. i colt, IS cow, S beg, asm cbk-kemi al) - crop in: mower sna rase, su rarm imple ments and household fnrulture; all for $4,500; this I on of the best boys on the msrket: bslf cash, baiaae 10 year at per cent; would take part In exchange for Portland property; Investigate this before baying. 00 acrea la Clerk county. Wash., B mrfe from boat landing and railroad; 100 acrea la fine etato of cultivation, aom greea timber, bslane pastnr, sll fenced with poet sad wire; acre bearing orchard, $ acre apples, eberrl and pears, balance prnnee; sew T-room bouse, cost $1,800; one lants bars 00x100, fruit dryer, miIkbon,wltb fine eprlng water In It. other eutbuUdlhge. blacksmith shop and tools: personal property goee with place; good team, t wagons. 1 new; 1 hsck, new; 1 top buggy, new; new Oaborn binder, all kind 1 of farm Implement: 14 milch cow. 1 fine bun, 4 bead young hogs, 128 chicken, new cream separator, with tread power; 50 tone bay. BOO bnabet oats, 'soma wheat and puds: near school, R. F. D I tbl M a beauti ful place, beet of black soli; pries only 848 pstser, toeludlng personal property; give ' $2,40040 acre, IB mile from Portland. 1H ml lea from th Portland ft Salem Electrle car; $8 mile from R. R. station: 8 mile from boat landing: 80 acre la cultivation acre fine hope: acre greea timber: 4-roora house, small barn, good well at door; team, new warns and aarne; cow ana can; 1 dosea chicken; farm implement: best of ofl R. F. P., mo to school, K mil to church. The above advertised. plane ar all faaraareed a Abov bargains are bat a few of th farm on ear 11 t. w nv to largest int ei farma of any firm In Portland or vicinity Prices range from $500 to $30,000. Writs or call if yoa are la th market for a farm. : Washitagioa Oregon i, 108 Second at. Portland, Or., Aad 800 Mala at., Vancouver, Wash. Phon Mala 2404. NOTHING BETTER EVER OFFERED IN THB STATE OF OREGON. last una. , about 00 acre under Blow. good large bouse and S tenant bouae; large barns, 1 will hold 54 hesd of stock. and 160 .ton or Bay: na a si we; ins oiner, oexvo. will bold considerable amount ef bay; nog. house 24x40; room -overhead for reel; chicken honaes: cream erv building 26x28. hone-power engine and all kind of Imple ments too .numerous to mention; 48 Jersey cowa. fairly wall traded; all yearling helfere, a hi of haraMi and harness, wacons. hack and buggy; price $12.000; $4,000 or $5,000 will handle It; place -win pay ror itsen; on of th best dairy farm In the Willamette valley, and several smaller and larger farms in ins v.nier on gooo terms. Otto, Crockett & Harkscn 138H First St . --- 23 ACRES Crop, cows, team, poultry,, tools. houss, barns, ereea, fi.twu; aau casn, neianec per cent. 604 Goldsmith at.. Lower AUUna. CHICKEN ranch. 'acreage near carllne, elos lnt price reasonable; terma. Owner, SIS Com mercial blk. TIMBER. TIMBER LANDS. To the Owner of Timber Land! We want timber land in larg snd small tracts, etagl Claims, in ursgon, wssuingioa ana laana; It must be direct from tb ownera 1 we don't : want soy option until wc see what yoa bare avr at vonr lowest net cssh price: Mad ' yonr description, kind nf timber and your eetimate if you navs n. Write na and find out what wa caa do for yon. We arc In the market at all time ,"or any deal that la right. 4 ntt find BROS.. ' 817-18 Fcntoa bldg., 84 Sixth t. Portland. IfiOKlXa FOR TIMBEB1 ' We offer you every advantage through oar system of expert lamination which enable ran to determine the aultablllty of a tract without spending time or money. - If oar general report indicate tbat we hav what you want our cellmate by two and half . . . . . ..... acre ara eeanr TTiiia. TRX "THB LACET WAT." JAMES D. LACET ft CO., ' (28 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 507 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. LEWIS RIVER, near Columbia, 80.000,000 feet best red fir timber, $1.05 per thousand tump as. Sawmill 80,000 espselty; SH-mllo flume: 6 bead home; logging outfit; buy " the timber: no cbsrge for balanc CoaU only S cents each to put ties within aMp's taekls. C. C. Shay. 80s) Ablngton bldg. n nnrwiraji nf vlmner claim and timber- W will buy for cseb any good timber trlb- -Tatsry to the Nebalem river. - WlU deal with owner 00171 vnn, i.iu " Nebalem Investment Co.. 828 Chamber at Commerce bnllding, Portland. . Or. CERT1FIBD scrip, any sirs, lowest pries. O HoWslL ASS Cbsmber of Commarca. . ,: ...... gAWMiix COLUMBIA BITER. - 15,000.000 to 18,000.000 feet yellow tlr tim ber; B-ood mill, 4 mile Oiims; dsen water ' dockage; donkey englnea full togging out fit; goe t itumpsge price fir timber. C C Shay. 808 Ablngton bldg. -.,.V.. ;-. SAWMILL SITE. - - 10,000,000 feet; fin red fir timber Bear O. W. P. electric line; plank road right to property; only $1 per thousand. More tim ber caa be purchased. CL': 0. Shajr, BOB A lnftoa. bldf. u f I 1 j ' - I 1 ) . TIMBER. 80,000.000 FEET yellow fir timber near Co lumbia river. 0. O. Hbay, S06 Ablngton bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS on railroad grant land.. 6.000,000 to 12,000,1100 per H sec. Terms one half . when located, balance when title is secured. 407 Bucbsnan bldg., Portland, Or, HORSES, VEHICLES, ' HARNESS. 100 HORSES 100 Great auction tale of ' uhbrnkea ' Eaetera Oregoa boraea, at th Union Stockyard, oa Tuesday, May 88, 1007, 1 p, m. aharp. These horses range la also from 14 ft to 16 hand. Will make good drivers, saddler, milk , wagon, expraas and delivery hones 1 aom fin young mare and eolta; will grow to to money. The vry thing for farmer. Com to this ' al.r TWADDLB ft BICHABDS. B0R8ES and baggie for rent by day week ana BMMth; special rata ts aaali hid an uawtoorn Bast is. BEST work and light harness, arlc loweatt w tak your old harnee m exebangs. for new. Keller Harneea Co. 48 North Sixth at t SPAN of good draft bora, weight about 8,000 pound. 248 Front st . SPAN - of draft horse, weight $.000. Esst Seventh at M.( Woodlawa. phone Woodlawa 88.-.. ; , .;! .. '"'JX?'.8 film,!!l r"nra. Brant landa, ,000,. 000 to 18,000,000 per claim. Apply at one. awoa mil, rerkias Dotal. BAT HORSE, weight 1400, T year eld 1 anrrl i nor, nuggy ana earn; udy caa drive. ssi a. an aiarx st. ONE good black bona for sal at 888 Water t. pnes n. iir oa aqnoay, sioaaay ar xasa- day morning. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. OLD book bought and sold at 16$ Fifth aad Sll Second st . Hjisnd Bros, DESIRABLE city property la Astoria; will ex change for Portland property, w. t., two. 501 Lamber Exchange bldg., Portland. . TO EXCHANGE for boas and lot or will sell for cash the Beat bakery- proposition la rort land, all cash, counter trad; long lease and low rent Address O SOS, car Journal, 0BOCERT bnsineea- to exrhasgs oa farm or city property, onod trade; low rent In voice $1,500. Z SOB, ear Journal. - I HAVE S lota tn Baker City as part payment on aom rorusna su Durban propsriy. a- dre Q 804, car 7oamaL FARM la fruit district part (40 aerss) tn u. tlvatloa, aeree orchard;, good buildings; 4 miles to railroad. - Exchsngs. Valua 88.000. What cars yon? Addraaa B 80S, ear Journal. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. 4 OOOD frh rows: one 7sry; fin mtlcbera. W K. Madlaoa at THRBB choirs cows, big milkers; tost hi aad 6. - 627 Boeelawu ava. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. VICTOR Talking Machine and record; Stein- wsy (or other) piano, ajnermsa. via m u-. Sixth snd Morrlsoa its., opp. r. O. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. :'; Steam ; Cookers One "To Hoosekeepera The Ohio Steam Cooker cook everything to perfection and paya for itseir in trom en to inrs monus or saTing 85 per cent In groceries, meat and fuel bills; nothing to burn, dry up or boll over; for canning fruit it reduce th work to oac half; no stirring, ao burning, and the fruit - canned Dy the cooker w simpiy aeiicwns; flu gna, an, wood or coal a tore ; all over ons burner; If yoa want It you can buy one with $1 down and- $1 a week. Can at $74 Ftrat at, or ring np Pacific 2564. We will bring yoa one. INQEB sad Wheeler and Wilson sewing ma chine office. We aelL iesee oc rant new ma- eblneei old machines taken la part payment; aecoad-haad machine SS and no: other make ef new machinea $20 and no; needles for all makes of machine; all kinds of machine repaired and guaranteed. B. 8. SlegeJ,' agent SSt Morrlsoa si Pbjos Mala 2183. $$$$$$$$$ 28S FIRST, NEAR MAIN. Ws want your trade at toe Dollar for I atoves, furniture of every description; your I old furniture taken In exchange, or the high-1 eat cask prices paid: new and good as new. moos A gs3T; Main cm. . B. H. BERGBB. FBEB FOR EVERYBODY Ring up Mala 4200 or call 81BH Front st W buy snd U rsr- nlturs. clothing or any old thing. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CUBE Sure rheumatism. Sold by all drngglsta. tor BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent r t sal 00 sflsv narmantm. - THB BBCNaWICK-BALrTB-COM-ENDEBCO, I . a Third t. i-ortisn. OLD BOOK STOBB removed to 168 Fifth aad 811 Second ata. , . SHOWCASES and fixtures, aew aad second hand. Carlson ft Kailstrom, 288 Conch at. . FOR BALE Runabout Oldsmobtl, cheap. 1 qnh-e 271 First at., or 807 Sherman t. GASOLINE launch 00 feet long, 8 feet wide, B feet deep, will sell cheap for caab, or trad for Portland euburban lota, Hesly Investment Co.. 210-214 Ablngton bldg. 0WINO to dissolving partnership, a bomer pigeon aquao plant must u nia one iniru Its COSI. uso. su. xiuuia. aimdi, nm . FOR SALE Fu nil tar 8-room boas, cheap. 81 Seven to M. , OABOLINB BNOINB. Kew B-honepower Lewla, all complete; anst soil: cost $500; will take $180. Address X 800, car Journal. . , MOTION picture machines, films, etc., for rant bought, sold, sxenangea, newmsn, novi 01a. TTBKET eggs for netting, 2Bc cseb. Phone Union S4o4, or aara n 201, JoaraaL FOB BALE Extra fine mall automobll; very cheap. vyii at ut -xiiismooa si. -. A GOOD SAFB for sal. 7. D. Daback. 173 Fourth at. COMPLETE CAMP OUTFITs-Beat tent 14x24 feet, Wlta tarpaulin, camp aiove, new saro aene store, cot mattress, chain and rocker; good table, complete floor and sides, for aal cheap. Addresa C. M. H., car Journal. A good family ,ianncb and sailboat for sale. . u. mioses, 11 rourin si. PERSONAL. A. REINER, the prsctlcal furrier, late ef Lewis building, M now iocs tea in ine sior si oua Washington street, corner 17th etreet where he baa secured more convenient and com modious quarter. Fur work In all branchc. Rnlk1n aarmenta remodeled and redred. ex pert fitter, 80 yeara' experience. Order work specialty) sstlmste cheerfully given; all work dons st summer prices. Now is the time to sttsnd to your fur. - HOI. DEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sor 1 fori rheumatism, bom nr au arugguia. GERMAN books, magsslnee, novel, eto. ; Oer- man, English, rrcnen, npanian, nweaisa and ltaHsn dlctlosHirles; - torsive book of sll kind. Schmale Co., 229 First st SUITS pressed while yea watt, B0.- Ladles' akin prerseo. our. uuoerc. 100 cisin ei next 10 yueiie. x-oone aisin svsnv MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve Ulobnie. - on mooin a xrsatment, ga;. a awath. 88; sent seenrety sealed Jy malL Ageata, Woods rd. Clarke ft Co.. Portland, Or. MOLES. . wrinkle, smperfhion babr ' removed. I No cbsrge to talk it ever. airs. m. u. biil 1 room Fleldner Mdg. Pnone Pselftc lS!t. Little matter :. if the boarder or lodger or tenant leavesbut' biff- , matter if you delay ad-. vcrtising-for others ! A Journal want ad will fix up the matter. 1 PERSONAL. DB. BINd CHOONfl. tmoorta Chines , medicines; sells Chinese tea. certsla cur for M disease. 181 2d. bet. Xamblll ana aayior. BALM OF FIOS for all female diss seas. B2B Eaat Belmont Phono East 4084. MANICURINO, fee maaaag and scalp treat ment, ity room I, BOSMb waaumgtoa si. MRS. OBROCK. a-raduato maaseossi cabinet : bath, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream maage - rsrsrsnco. iw aeveata su sis avo& TURKISH BATHS, 800 Orsjronisa hldg.l Mdts aays, gsatlsmoa aigbta. Main iwoa. BACK date of magaxln at cents. Book store. tl Alder at loan DR. T. 7. PIERCE, snectallst. dlaea of - women; all Irregularitle corrected: no ex ' poaur; medicine by mall. Office 181 tint at, . corner Yamhill. Portland, Or. 1 DON'T bs dnll and In act I v; Sexln Pill care 11 wsakne: 81 a box, for 0i run guar- antee. Address ar rU J. u, cismei druggist, Portland, Or. ' MISS st- RAYM0KD Mssseus. S68H bforrlaua room 14.. raoo Mam avii. , EXPERIENCED maaseu give treatment for meuniatiam. TVt wssbingtea st. MMB. VASHTt, CHIROPODIST Seals and facial 201 H Third at - I DR. MRS. 7. O. MACKIB, 0t so path and also. I . trnnsthi Isdle treated la th forenoon: tlemea In tn anerooon.1 Moom so, 1 Sixth it WEAK man, from any cause, any age, or length of time afflicted, send $1 for a recipe that Insure quickly and forever your complete and . perfect reatorarin, regsrdle ef failure or . dlaannnlntmenta by prcvloue treatment or method of cure yoa may have triad: post. ttvsly barailsM and th greatest restorer known today, iymis o. varr, su norm a a ' dereon at, Lda Angela, Cat -. T0UN9 lady gtvM trsatments. 363)4 TamblU. room p. Uins LB BOT, 881 H Alder at, salt $ and - siaaasg ana scalp treatment. . MABEL STRATT0N, formerly of Umatilla Or - pieas write u . u v., ins a. ui au PILES Itching, bleeding, protruding, fissures, f tatuls, conatlpalloa and all rectal dlea cured ia 10 to 80 days, without the knife - or ligature. Call or writ Pr. T. 1, r lores, 181 First t. Portland, Or. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co. Bavin and Cotton - Boot Pi lie ar tb only euro remedy for de- layea period a: by mall, fx per nox. Aooresa Dr. Ptoros, 181 First at, Port U ad. Or. p LiI ' trMtment; dandruff, 248H Morrison St., room 68. MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist and ahlropo dlt formerly of 201 Vt Third t, fct now at - 830 Pin at. Pboa Pacific 1738. JOHN E. DAVIS, th af aad lock maabaa gon east with bis wire, taking la the s art era cities, and will be goo about $0. day. MADAM A. LUCKET, now located la br ele gant new quarter, is prepsrea to meet ner old patrons and receive new one. Fees and scalp treatments and special attention to lumbago, rbeumatlam aad aarvousnsss. l6Vi Front at. Main 2011. BUCINESS PERSONALS. INVENTIONS bought and sold. Covenant Con tract Co.. 437 rued ner bldg. Mala xwi. SKELLX CO., 14th aad Pleader! floor, feed. aay, grain, ruona a 1011. rscine oil. WR will paint yoer bona just right t th right price. 4. r. nannon. contracror. High-grade painting, tinting, flnlahlng, paper, banging and signs. Shop BBS MalL Phon I8T Ben 11 wood. ATTORNEYS. PIGOOTT, FINCH ft BIGGER, attorney at law. 4 Mulky bldg, eoroer Setoad and Mor rlsoa. ARCHITECTS. ERNST KRONER, architect Plans snd spedfl. cations; also budding superintendence. ASSATERS. OARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. Moatsaa Assay Office. 18 Mariana at AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. OOVBT. A rent Pierce Gnat Arrow. Locomobiles, Cad- j Ills aad Ess. Temporary toe tloa Club Gangs, 18th and Alder ata. ART. . FBEB LESIONS IN Embroidery Every Day. - THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. ".. rrr.. . .. tat Wsshingtoa at B. n. MOOREHOU8B ft ea Artists' mstsrlato, picture molding, plctnr framing, tareoptt-J eons, lantern anaee. six Aioer sr. ACCORDION DRESS PLAITING. MISS O. GOULD, BIT 8 wetland bldg. Accordion pleating and buttons covered. ; a BATHSMASSAGE. MANICURING, feee and acalp treatment; baths and maaaage. 110H Fonrth at - BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. 0OWH. DAVIS ft KILHAM. 10B-HI Second at. BIsnk books msnu factored; agents for Jones Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new : Eureka leaf, tba beet on the msrket BUTCHERS SUPPLIES BUTCHEBS" ' SUPPLIES at"' BlrkmWild C., 804-304 Everett St.; lsrgset batcher supply I boose cm tb coast. Writ for esteiogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekam. 181-189 First at, carriea a run line ana com plete assortment at lowest msrket prloaa. 1, ,1. 1 Min 1, 1 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MBLTON. 804 Fonrth M-Offlo and atore nxtnrea built ana remodeled ; snow esses aad counters. Phone Mala 1787. . . B. MELTON Office. fixtures! general jobbing. 67 First st Phone Mala litem CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. Always Consult the Best PROFESSOR KHIMO. LOiYt Bring astral desd-traue elslr-oyaat or tn as; auviaer on ousm sna su r fairs af llfat tell vonr full nsme and what . you -celled for, whom you win martyy. hoes to control tb on yoa lots, even tnonga mne away; reunite the separated; give secret power tn control; doe sll others sdvertlse to do. Hours 10 to S, dstly snd 8undsy. Office, No. 8 and 4. Grand Theatre bldg., 852 Wash., near Park at Phon Mala 1267. MISS MAT ANDREWS Card reading, $80, . t39 I Sixth st, corner Mate. PROFEBSOB WALLACE. . ' 'Portland's favorite clairvoyant palmist and medium 1 rsadtog 96c. 841 H ktorrlson, corner Beventn. :; ., -. ; JOHN SLATER. : grand ' test aeaaee, Sunday evening. 8:15 sharp, W. O. W. hall. Eleventh, near Aiaer; isets, messsgsa,. uu names, sic. ' All welcome. THIS 1 not a charitable world. Wanda, the famous palmlat 229 6fh at., doesn't give baits or bids, but guarantee secrecy aad aatlaf ac tion: reading 26c and up, and by every known method. .- .. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND BAWDnST ft SLAB WOOD 00- 866 Front successors to ryiton weoa iva.t . nr. osk, sianweoa. coat. in,-aia-iv- FOR prompt deHvety of slabwood callMaln 4H7D. oa, aau. pr ano coai. rwM Wood ft Coal Co, 16tb and-Savler ate. . . vpcrrvnu .acir.n A rtTEL CO. Roas snd blackamlth coal, coke, chae coal, kindling. ,Phona- Main 1MB. TELEPHONE IUTJ. , ; . F. tt m w - Wood and Coal. 181 Eaat Water at. OREGON FUEL CO, to aow taking ordera for wood end coal cor rat swum, ess at Alain 65. - BANKS U ITJD STATES BAT10EAL BASK OF - Tranaaete a Omanl Ttanklnc Bostess. th United Btts and Burop. Honrkong snd Prldnt...i..,, c, AINSWORTH Vlce-Presldsnt ..B. LEA BARNES Aaalstant Caehler. , ., . ADO ih TTjLtON. BANKBS(irtiaadTbrioar W. M. LAUD, O. Transact' General Banking Bnalnsa. SAVINOS BNK DEPARTMENT. wuen on ssvlngs depeslts. HM EBCHABTS BATIONAZ, BAaTK Portland. Orwar. ill i 'RANK WATSON. ...... .President I B. L. DURHAM. ...............Vice -PreeMt ' W. HOIT......... Cssbtor ( GEOROB W. HOTT AsatsUnt Casblet '1 ' ' c- CATCHINO...... Second Aaalstant Cashier - Tnnaactg a General Banking Boalnea. Drafls and Letter of Credit latasd Available to All Parte of the World. Collection a .. Specialty. ' TA OF CAJJFOBKIA-.EtaWlahd 1884. Head Offlos, Ban Trelee, P1IJ; JJ15iV,!i? "-- ..44.000.000 I Surplus sad undivided profits. .....$10,l58.8i$ ' "TV ''"kl,,C nd xchanra Baalneea Transected, latsrest ea Time Deposits. f ' , , 1 V i SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts msy be opened of $10 aad apward.. , -; , nu iV. 1 Portland Branch Chamher of Commerce Bonding. ' Wsf. R. MACBKA ." .Manarer 7. T. BPRTCHAEI.L. Aitant Mawff Fas nOAI, BAKK Portland, Ongea, Oldest Natloosl Bsnk ea tb Pacific Cot . sCAPITAt AND SUBPLUS.. $1,500,000.00. DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.0 ; . : A. V MT7.LS .......... ........president J. W. NBWKIRK. . .Caahler TRUST COMPANIES P eTefa?nT,?J-0MyA1,T ' OBEOOW-Th Oldest . Trust Cempsny is Oregs. RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000. Oensrnl B.nklng. Two per cent Intereel on check c ., counts (even bnndreda) ea daily balancea ft $500 or ovsr. ' Letter- of credit and exchans a an part ef th world. . Aatna mm.-- i. 1,1, s a 11 apodal certificates. $600 or over. t to 4 per' 2BPIL?!?!!rN'....,.,........Pr.ident B. IBB PAOBT.. . i. .Becretary tCllElTT IAVTB0S ft TBTST COKPAKT Transacts a Orasral Banking Bnalnem. SAVINOB DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed l Tlaw aad Saving Accounts. Acta as Trnatee for Estate. Drafts and Letter ef Credit . Aeallahl mm. All a.M. .... w. I. .... - , -. . , C F. ADAMS........ Prssideot A. L. MILLS..., Secnnd Vice President uso. B. RU8SHLL TnXB OTARAnTTB ft TRUST CObTPABT fl MUKTUAuB LOAN. oa Portland Title InanTAri. 7. TWORBURW ROSS ... pmii CB0R0B H. HILL.... Vice-President BONDS AND M OBKIt BKOTHEBB - Chamber of Comma . ' Mualdpal,' Railroad tad D 0WTBft-H0PKnrS COMPAlTT-EaUbUahed 1983 BROKERS., " . STOCKS, BONDS.. GRAIN Bought Private Wires. BOOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. J Phon Mala ST. fvai4aa1r Clasw P rnntrm r V f Wl Uk.wae'JUll 1 t2fc LUUAW W QSAIW, FROVIBIONB, COTTOH, BTOCK8 AKD BONDS.- - ,. , r ? WE SO A STBIOTLT COMhtlSSION BT9INE.A CoaOnooM Markets by Private Wire. Quick ana uaitea sjiste wsiiosm mm i roriisna. , CARPET CLEANING. TUB pacific Coast Carpet Renovators eteaa your carpet oa the floor without removing fornltnr) from noma. Wa rsla no doat removs I1 dirt snd area apota. . Phohn Paclfl- 41. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING 00 Largest Slant on eoaet; Loring snd Harding at.: noons last 880; carpete cleaaed. refitted, sewed snd laid: ateam and eompresaed sir process; r novating mattresses snd festbsra a specialty. JOTCB BROS., proprietors of the Electrle Clr su ms works; earners c?esnea ana lam, notn nr and rompreased-slr cleentoir: carpet reflttfnt eor epedaltyi work guaranteed. Phone Mala SATS sad A 272. 270 Grant st. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DBVENT ft BSTEI.LB DEVENT. THB only aclentlfl rth-opodlsta, parlor 208 Drew bldg., 162 2d st Phone Main ISOt. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mr. M. D. Hill, Room 830 Fleldner bldg. Both phones. . CLEANING AND DVEINO. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co, SOB stark at H. W. ty. TURNER, dysri carpets deed a special. BOB Jefferaoa st Mala 2318. DRESSMAKING. MRS. VAUGHAN-. x dreesmsker. 82tt Esst Bornald st Phon Esst 2617. MADAMS ANGELES 242 Fifth. Pacific 883. DANCING. DANCING lessone 25c. classee and private, dally. Prof. Wal Willaon, ball 804 Allsky bldg., Third and Morriaoa at. Social dsnclng, wsfia, two-step, three-etep, etc.; stars danc ing, back and wing clog, reel, jig, Highland fling, Bpsnlak, etc WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Clean Man., Thars. and Bst. eve.l social, fancy ana atep dancing tanght; 6 saslatant teachers: class snd privst lessons dally. Western Academy hall, Secoad and Morrison sts. rseuic ioju. DENTISTS I DR. EARL 0. McFABLAND dentist Bulte Tlo-Tll-7lg Bweiiena niog. roons staiu mii. DR. W. B. KNAPP baa returned from eaat Office 10 Hamilton bldg. CAFES.' THB OFFICE 21 Washington at, Phone Mala 771. Bam nei vignsaz. " - - ENGINEER TNG. 0. H. GOSSETT, engineer and nrvyor. Office 88 Washlngtoa bldg.. corner roortn . ana Washington;- residence Glen wood. Main S5S6. EDUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGB. ' Commonwealth building, 8th and Anksny, bona Main, 8001. (Telegraphy, ahorthand, ty pi writing, penmsnsblp, English brsscbea. Indinanai instructions, special scnoiarsnip. . HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGB. Waahtneton and 10th ats.. FHedner bldr. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting and all English branches tsngnt, note aay ana nignc FINANCIAL Bid to ei worthy young ladtes who wish to take a ahorthand coarse. Apply st one at office. BIT Commonwealth bldg. Sixth and Burnslde ata. EICTRICAL 8TJPPLIES. kf. 1. WALSH CO- Sll Stark at Bleetrle and Gaa Fixtures end SuppUe. Mantels, Tiling, oratea and Dogirona. , PACIFIC BLECTBIO CO. Engineers, eon trac tor, repairer, electric wiring, enppliea. 4 First cor. Stark. Mala BBS. R. H. Tats. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 61 Sixth Contractors, electrle supplies, motors sna ay Bamos; w instsu light ana power piaais. MORRISON ELBCTRI0 CO 291 Esst Morrlsoa at-Flxtnre. wiring, repatrlng. East HZS. FENCE AND TORE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB ft IRON WORKS Becood end Everett sts. Pnone Msln 8000. GASOLINE ENGINES. msnriwa siicntwff - Btstlonsry snd marine: electric ' ajqntn ments: launches; accessories: whole! sad retail; engine repairing. Eelerson Machinery CSk. 188-4 6, Morrison at SHEFFIELD marine engine. Any propellers. Fairbanks. Morse ft Co First and a tare ata, HARDWARE. I PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. aoUdte Itr t qaote prieea. i Bixta ai. ri ' HOTELS. lOTLL Portland, American plan. $3, $3 per day. BELVELBRB; Enropea plan:4tb and Aider at. MACHINERY, B. TBENKMAN ft CO. Mining, sawmill, tog- flog machinery! hydraulic pipes, casting; ail lads repaired. 104 North Fonrth at THB H. , J. ALBEB CO. Becood-kand ma chinery, sawmill. to. m urana are. A. 7. PAUL. 100 First st, a Complet line saw BilU machinery; also engin aad buiicra. PORTLAND, OHIQOIf. Northwoat (Virnr Ihlrd and Oak B bUAk'id LHnLl.1) Available ia All U'- ef Manila, , Collectlona mads 00 KvnrM Tcr-.. Jtahler.'. A. W Saiv' iAaaktant Caabler W. A. Ilt'tf .A. M. WRIOHT B). LAPD. 7. W. LADDw Eatabllahed 1868." " " ' Saving book Interest paid on time depoalta. 1 W.' 0 A7.VORD..,, ..Aashrtsnt Cashier B. t. OTEVBNS. .... .Second Aaalstant Ceehler cent Call for Book of ''ILLUSTRATIONS. , I H. L. PITTOrK....,..,...,.i.Vlca.aWdit j H. L. OOITRA. ...A1tsnt Scretr; tm Morrison Srmet. Portland. Oreaon. I 1 A. LEWI rteat V lea-President I B. C. 7tTNITE.... Becretary Aaalstant Secretary 140 Washington ttreet. Real Estate at Lowest Bat.. ahfraa rnmtihl I JNfl m aiTriiianw bntm 1 T. T. BURKHART Treasurer INVESTMENTS o Bnllding. Pnhli Serrtce fvporarloa Bond. aad Bold for Caab and aa Msrgta. - : - t ' (Mem here Chicago Board of Trade.) W. Third st McKay bids . Portland. Orsgea. Service. REFERENCES Ladd ft Tfltou. Baakara. 2 LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MA8TICK ft CO.. Frost and Oak sts., leather and skin of sverr description sll purposes; sol aad , tap eatlirsi finding. .... LAND SCRIP. WANTED aad for sale All kinds, xoetodnig spprsved forest resrs acrlp for nrvsyad. sa- , surveyed.' timber snd nrslrts gevsrnsient land. H. M. namtltoa.- 'Tb Portland,'! PortUnd. BIONUMENT8. NED ft KINORLRT. 268 First at. Portland's leading marble and granite works. MONUMENTAL BRONEB CO. Moat durable grave heads tones. Room, 12, . 268 Stark at. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fir toaaraaa. $44 lock bide W. f PAGE, Insurance: employers' liability. surety bond, burglar and accident Inseraao. Pboa Mala 838. , 804 Falling bldg. , JAR. Met. WOOD. smpVtvsra' liability and tn dlvldaal accident cmrty bonds Of all kinds. Phoa 47. 808 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. , - ,f, - .,- SALARY LOAN -. " "HE A I)Q1' ABTERS. LOANS TO EVERY OXB WORKING, ' IX1WEST RATES IN THB CITY. ' REBATE given If paid before due. ' . Get $15, pay back $1.00 per week. Get $2i, psy back $1.80 per week. , r Get $25, pay twek $1.60 per week. ''' Get $50, psy beck $3.20 ner week. -J OTHER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. STATE SECURITY CO., , ' ' , " 704 DBKUkf BU0. Hoar 8 s. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, tin 8 p. m. ,:. , -c - - , - - ';-:-., MONEY TO LOAN . Oa Improved city property or far bufldkig pnrpnses. for from 8 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two rear. Loans approved from plana snd money eflvsaeed a Bending progisaa; gages taken op snd replaced. FBED H. STRONG. Financial Agent 242 Stark et CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ou salaries. Insurance policies, piano, furniture, ws rehouse receipts, etc. any deserving person msy secure a lib eral advance, repaying by eaay weekly monthly Installment. - NEW ERA LOAN ft - TRUST C0MPAHT. . SOS Abingtoa bldg. .: :- MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE sod : ethers open their own name without ecuc ttys cheapest rates, easiest payments: office In 60 principal cities: save yourself money . by getting onr terms first. -TOLMAN. 228 Ablngton Mtlg., 1064 Third st WANTED Notes. ' mortgsgee or contracts em sny kind of rest estate In Ore von end Wash. . Ine ton: second mortrsres purchased If well h. h, noon, nix uomuwrcnu bi. DON'T borrow money mi sHee mini yoa see Hnttcn creait ca - BIS Dekam bldg. MONEY to loan; Isrg loans spectalty: else bnllding loans: lowest ratw; firs tnsurancs. WUllam G. Beck. 811 Falling bids- , CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 kfohswk, bldg. Money to lend oa eav-payment piasj se wage earners: strictly confidential. MORTGAGE loans at current rate ae aom. mltnn. Colombia Life ft Trust compear. Lumber Exchange bldg. .. , MONEY to loan oa all kinds et eeenrtty, t Wil- liam HoU. room 8 Wasbtagtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sum tajmlt em chattel .aseurtty. B. A. Frame, 514 the Marqaam.. QUICK loans est an seenrttlee. ' W. Klnr, o waabtnrton bid. Main niwx. j ON martgsce. $200 IS.OOO; eaat papers aaiy. vrsra. lawyer, Ausgy mag. . v, A LOAN for the ktnr Salsry r cbatteL The Loan ext., eio ucxum oiag. r - " . EASY payment loan to ' salaried peoole. - Em. ployea' Loan Go., Tin Dekam blag., aim MONEY loaned to salaried peonle Just en your own name; flon t oorrow nntii yoa see ma: mv svstem Is the best for Tsllread mea. clerk-, beokkeepers. srreetrsr met snd all other em ployes: tmetness stricHy coafldenrlal. F. A. Newtoa. fill Buchanan bldg.. 26 Washlnrttm. MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, ban" gnrtar tnstructlone. , 4St Washlngtoa at PIANO, violin, corset, trombone, darlnst I' feasor . A. smith, zm lata st uaia . osTEOPATHio rirYsiaANn. D LILLBBRLLR PATTERSON. peil pen pus, acute ead chronic disessae. c 217 Fento bldg. Phone Pacific 1U0. DR. B. B. NORTHRUP, 418-16-17 Deknm h Third and Wsshingtoa at, anion Mala , Examination free. UMBERV FOX ft C0-anltar- ptnmbsv. 231 Mam and salmon. , tiregoo plum l DONNEftBERO BADEMACUK8 rv No. Boa Bnrnlde st PRINTING. Tr?s MorFTfi rfMvr 1-ati- it' i -.j. .'I l:r Si-i 1 ..