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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY ft. 1507. 10 Sart frattcis co : Office Oregon Journal 789 MairkctSCbct. 3d &4h jUTB"TTSBraWTB i ' BBTD) ' :' BVM , ,yw BCAUPHOWS Mmoxxwxn.:.:r:y , r Oraronlana whon In n JTraxiclsco can have their mall sent. la cars of Ths Journal offloa,. i.."..'-'-, .'- ARTHUR fc," JTISH, HipfMWtetlw. . .WHEN AWAY FROM HOME 4' 7r'.i'"-'v..--'-'-';-'-''"" " Ooplaa of Tlit Journal can fca obtained la ; the following cities aad towaa outside of Oregon. The Journal would appreciate tb receipt a ' report of fatlore to obtala ople ef. the paper at any ineee pieces: .., . i'itdIt WAaHrrtonTANT a SI ' nrtiuT. WAIXA WALLA. WASHINGTON Wall Wll Stationery Oompsey: Roaora-HoawaO Com- paar I Batal Decree News Stead; Calo Clear . .. etaoai I en ire l riews uooipsnj. TAOOMA, WASHINGTON Hotal Ticonia Nawa -i Stand, 11 H BOUT rxwrxn Bxree ... t New Oa.;, People' New Co. SCATTLB. WASHINGTON Btalr raed Newe teed; International. ' News . Agency - Newspaper Wages; Hotel Beattl New ataadi . Barter Nir Ce. ' ' ' .- BAN DJEOO, CALIFORNIA i An New Oaat- . psny. Newspaper Wagee. -, - " 8rX)gANB WASHINGTON John W. Graham dt Oa. , - . '..- i i MINNBAPOLIS, BTWNBIOTA M,,I.'. Cava saegh, M Third afreet emit. . fT. LOOTS. MISSOURI B. ,T. Jett, Mm .. atraat; George U Aekermea, B j W. 4 Cor. Btahtfc and OUv etreete. . , - 'J' - ' ' KANSAS CITT. MISSOURI Tome Hewa Owb- paa. Nawapapar. Waroa.. I'nloe f Araeae , frwa txv, oppnaua union aepn. CHICAGO. nxiNOIS P. O. Hrwa Oampaar, ITS Paerbara atraat. ' - "i . " , PKNVEK. COLORADO Oatae) Depol ee Stand. ; ' - LOS!l. CALI"01NlA-JkBM Hewe OonpaaT. Nawapaoor Wi. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Amoa Wwa Oe wt n r VaiaTBinaiffnM WaaYon Rlla ifAWS CSa ' ( (AN TBANCiaCO. CALirOBNIA N. WbeaOea Nawa Oomnaar. N win nor WaKO! Fnetar A Oraar. rerrr balMtat; Jobjnra Nawa Ona- eaar, 1481 rill mora atreati aawa nawa w, ALT LAKK CITT. TTTABt Boaatirald A Haa. aoa. Nawapapor Waroa; O. u iiaaiee, nowi Kanroa: Barrow Broa it Want Bocoae " tttrt am.f I. f ' 00 DEN, UTAH OraJ Nawa Conpaar, Depot Nawa Stand. : , OMAHA. NEBBASKA Hfflard , Botel Nawa Stand. ' ' - NEW TOBK CITT Arthor BeUltag, Nawa- raoar Waaone. NORFOLK, A. grop Oonld. ' KEW TODAr. -ON- EAST 28th ST. CAR Go and flee tho Property TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 240 Washington 9t. l. PHONE PRIVATE IX. 30 McKenno Junction The Tunnel Townslta aV Improvement Co. win offer for sale for a short time - a limited number of lots at McKenna Junction. - t Cif mtijiHini ii.i:isni it i ''.ys"'el'.y'y! MoKenna Junotlon Is located on Co lumbia Boulevard, at tha approach of the tunnel through lana street under : University Park, at the crossing on the wain line of tha O. R. cVN. from that east with tba main line of the Ham man system to Puget Sound. .' . McKenna Junction Is where the depot ana rauiroao. ysros wui oa. Orders have, been given for assera ' bllng of,,. crews on the Peninsula, and work la to be oommenced very aoon on tha approaches to tha tunnel, the lay ing of tracks for the Swift and Armour packing - Companies' plants, and the completion of tha Trout dale line. ' McKenna Junction will" be a manu facturing city with large payrolls. ; ' Other great Industries are planned for McKenna Junction. , Bur a business lot. now before prices ra advanced. , For plats and price call on or ad- Y. II. Grfnctotaff OmCKS Ooddard VUtlon, Johns carllne. : 61S Commercial block. .,' 1'bona Main 00. ow Bt ROSSMERi mm AND NEW TODAT. . SNAP! ;' ; acres on Section Line road , near city, on proposed Ml Hood car Una. Only 250 Pr acre. All in cultivation, '.; mo x. btbovci, flda btabbt ;,;,FOR.SAtE;;i: $5506 Corner store bulldlnff, -'warehouse and barn, stock of groceries and hardware, en : corner Millard ava .and Klndorf road. Will sell all together or will sell stock, and lease the building, or will tell building and lot without stock. Sea M. 8. Brown at office, MU- a - a f. . . y - ' T. luro avonuo, m. ocv ear. . MUST BE SOLD SXEOAIT lOVI DOSTT XZBI TB3S. ;' A new, well-built l-story house. rooms, alt modern conveniences, cement basement. : spler.dtd ' location, only one block from two vear' lines, East ; iTin, near Olisan 12,000; one third csah. T. BCHMXP, 10 Grand Are, last Bids. eL-U-L ! J ! gggg WJSATHER REPORT. Tbe waatara dlaturbanca Is sow central orer eaatara Nebraaka. It baa cauaaa Baaaf raina In Sootb Dakota and eoutbaaatern Montana, and medaratflr hear? relue eanorallr' tbroeek- ont tbe Mlaaouri and MImImIppI rtrer rallera. Tba waathar on the Pacific elope Baa pecome mora aatth-d. end bet little rals baa fallen during the laat Si boura. The temperatures within tha Columbia Htm dralnase area eon. tlnaa alte-bUr bo low aormaL but the -conditions era farorable for armor weather la tbat see tine duiinit Sunday and Monday. , -' The Indlcatlmia are for fair weather is tblt dlatrlct tonlbt and Sunday. ' - .. .. Temp. ' ' ,.',' Max. Bin. Preclp. Pkar city, Oron an .. . , 44 Blamarck. North Dakota . -4 Botaa, Idaho 42 Boaton, MaaoachnaetU .....St) , 44 Cblcayo, llllDota .,,.. ,,, . -, 60 Cincinnati. Ohio ..,.84 , 4 Draaar. Colorado ...... ...,..M ,, . 40 Edmonton. Alb. .......... .Si ' 8N Bnraka, California ...,,....',,' M Hrlrna, Mnntana ,..,.42 . , S8 Kaltapall, Montane 82 :.. aft Lawlaton. Idabo 72 .. W foe Aaealea. CaHrornie ...7J M New Tork, New Xorh .....66 ' M Pocetello,, Idaho .4 42 Portland, Orcjoa . . 6S , 82 : Bene, Nerada . ........ .'.SS - v1 id St. Paul, Mlnnaaota .SZ 48 Salt Lake, CUb 61 44 Baa Praacleco. California , .82 . 82: .6 , .84 .0 i. .9 T. .28 .22 .0 .04 .18 ' .0 . .0 ' . .0 .10 ;. .0 .40 .0 .0 Tacoma, Waabtne ton ......S 60 Wslla Welle, Wanhlnftoe. .70 mi RIVFR , ' .02 Ti riaae at Portland will reach a etese ef 1T.6 lWt Sunday, and remain nearly oa aland Monday, Tneedey end Wedneeday.: V. REAL ESTATE' TRANSFERS. William L. Wblatoek et sL. to Apsrt- ntmnt Rnllmn Mmnanr. lot B. Dioca S. Home addition I 1,450 Tbe Hawthorne Estate to A. B. -Met-calf, lot 1. block S, York 880 al lot 1, block . York addition... .1,750 Alnra Harold to Robert J. Flaber. tot 25. block 28. Carson RelghU ' 10 E. Xa. Comer et si. to R. H. Powers, Int. 1 to A block B. Albloa addition to AIMna 1.000 Elisabeth Wood et sl to Stepbaa Ku rilo. lot 14. block 10. Berth Irvine- ton ...,' S00 B. P. Watblne et aL to Mlka Eanfr. t . Ints S and a black 102. Portland Clta Hamas lead S00 Bomsa Cstbelle Arch bishop to M. G. B.rfl.k at al. lot ST. soctlon t. Mt. Calrsry eemetery 68 Ida Johnson et al. to Stanley , Syrek. . lots 4, 8, east 78 feet ef lot T, and ' wast 26 feet of lot 1. block 1. Ethel Lyna addltloa ..:.,............-... 1.400 Aanle E. Buckley to Apartment Building . eomoanr. lot 8. block 2. Borne ad- . dltion BOO Omab J. Bryant et aL to Maggie O'Oon- . mnr. In S block S. Rstlrosd SbonS . addition .1,200 M. r Rnhda . al. to Bertha Moorea. - lota 95 end 88, block S, Kara Park., 1,600 Fanny N. Jsmlson et aL to F. W. Gilt- aee. naif of northeaat IA of hlock 1. A. N. King's addltloa 8,250 Ella T. Noble et al. to B. n. Wilbur, , lot S. Delshmntt A Oatmaa'a Little .Horns No. 8 ......... ,1,000 Merrltt O. Collins et eL to snnma . Hnlvmnn. U. -mt lota S and S. block 2S0, Bswtheraa Psrk addltloa . . 1,400 Fred Keller to George Elsenbaoer, lot 10. block 20. B'oodlawa ...1,200 J, M. and Lucy Level to T. S. Me- Daniel, lot 12. Yance ............... 10 B. M. and Carolina S. - Lombard to W. " - R. and Elian J. Lltzenbera. lots 1 and 2. block 8. Broadway addition . . 1.600 Salem Flouring Mills company to Boa- , coo k. anr . mix in. n mwb . . uli . View Park addltloa 200 John F. and Catharine B. Bamford to - Rtella H.. , Bennett, lot S. . block 10. Hawthorne's First addition ,4.600 Robert H. Jones to Ollrer O. Nash, lot . 1. block B, Sooth Bunnyslde XBSS Title, euarsntee m Trust company to Kethar lulrTmnla. lot hlocK la. ' West Piedmont , 200 Aeorea W. and Lrdla B. Watt to Got '. Delano, lot 9, block 6. Bralnard...... B. B. and Ella T. Noble to Madora C. Jaokana. . lot 22. black H- Hlahlu ' Park ...i .' 10 Patrick and Sarah Oemploa to Jsmee ; Keiuy, lot 10, block is, uncoia rars. sou Flnler O.' snd Bfflffll P. MeGraw to H.: B. Moore, lota 6 and t, block f. Lent ' 220 frank and Julia M.- Sweeney to George C Lamcka. hit IS. block 7. Greens ad- - ' ' dltloa , i . ... . . 10 T. E, and Olara A. Hammersiy to J. P. W. Anderson, kit 1. block IB. Sell. wood .... i. 100 Msrgarlta HalTersen to Eseklel H. H1U. bit 8. block 8. Farrell'a Second ad- . dltion 860 Onstaf E. Nordstrom to O. W. Priest, , lots S and A. block 14. Williams ara- nne addltloa ......... ,',',.,, r, ... 3,000 Moore inTestmenr compsny to r. r. ie- GreaL lot 18, block 10, Vernon.. r S80 B. M. and Caroline S. Lombard to H. E. and Ssrah Wrlghtoa. lots IS and 16, , block l. -Broadwar addltloa and lota 1 and 2, block 8, Broadway addltloa. 1.19T H. B. and Ella T. Noble et al. to Bobert -Blcks, lot 6, block IS, BlgbUnd Park 150 Norman J. Robertson to Mlcbael O'Brien, lot 8, block fr, Leah addition ......... . 10 W. B. Meade to Michael O'Brien, lot T and 8, block 62, Bolladaya addition. 8,000 For ebstraeta, title hnrarenee ' or mortgage wane, cau on raeine Title mil toampaay, 204-64-T Falling bldg. ;,.W;..v j. Oct 'year msurauce aad aba trade te real aetata from tbe Title Gnarentee A Trust eous- peny. S40 Washuigtoa st' comer Beenad. MARRIAGE LICENSES. G. A. Russell. 206 Foarteentb St.. 33: Daisy A." Rlchardson.-lS.-"?"? p-s--Georee R. Flanders. Gwendolen. Or.. 26.: Josle B. Hurt. 18. .- . r - John Pollock, w. eohns, or., 28; Dora . D. Sinclair. 16. . Schuyler C. Mitchell. ., Ban : Francisco. 42: Bertha Dsrls, 28. ; ; Wedding Carde.- W. Q. Smith' Co.. Wash ington bldg., corner Fourth aad Washtngtoa eta. Toaeetn Co.. florists. , for .' flowers eg , a0 kinds. 128 Sixth at." .,",-...'.-5tt--.t3.; &'tv 'iir- viarao afroa, iw w torn jwww ,mnu iih daslgna. 388 Morrlsoa St. ,! ... .- - -i, Full dress utta for rent, all aiaee. Valqa Tailoring Co, 80S Stark at :'- ' 'A WEDDING INVITATIONS Latest and beet! $6 per 100. A. B. Hawk Co., 140ft Third St. BIRTHS POOR May 18, to Mr. and Mrs, J. P.. Poor, 44S Mil er avenue, a dauarnter. BURNETT May 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Sober aurnett, 203 tiooxer street, a eon. BOAG May 11. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Boag, Powell road North 4Ntb at., a son. . HAY WARD May 18. to Mr. and Mr. Eugene o. ttaywara, its b. bits a oaugnter. DEATHS CARLSON May 28, Mrs. Ida Carlson, aged 88 years, it moniu, at ' nays, unnton, ur. ; a track by train, both lege being completely sevsrad and head Injured, causing Internal hemnrrhaee. - TROTTER May 24, John' Barre Trotter aged ears, si uooa namariiaa aospitai; raaa trold abeeta on left aide. " . . ... . . . IS I, E AH AM Msy 23, Baby Ingraham, . S84H . vas, stin sorn. , . i ..j-..-'-. KEPHART May 3;-lm B. Rephart, aged 7"rv i moo to, aoo nortnrup;. cereuro aplaui IDenlnsitla. :. .... BARTIOAN May 22. Mrs. Elisabeth Hsrtlgaa, st St. Vincent's hospital; acute nephritis. BE WITT Msy 22, Mrs. Mary Hewitt, seed years, at St. vinceat's hosplul; ralysiar dJa ( the heart, . - . . . , CEMETERIES. RIVER TIEW -Slngls grsves, $10; family Iota, sis 10x15, tor 100 and npwsrds, according to else; the onlr cemetery la Portland which perpetually maintains and csres far lota. : For fall Information, apply to W. R, Mac v kenals, Worcester block, city. W. M. . Ledd, . prtisldeat. K .,. v ,. BOSS CITT Slnjtla f-aa, $10: fatnllr lata, 2b to 175. - Snnerlntandent at eamatarr. ear- ear of Fremont at. and Collr road. Pbooa Tabor 208. - rot fell lnformatloo tppli to J Frank Srhlafal,. SOS Comnierelal klk. . rboae Uale BUS. UNDERJAKE11S. T : . . Panama, McBntae A' Olfbaufb. adartakare and embalmara; modern la erery datalL SereatS and Pine. Mam 4.10, Udy aaahitant. ' Brlckaoa Cndartaklnp On., and embalmmir, 40t Aider at. Phone Mala 6138.,, Lady aaalatant. J. P. Flnley A Sons, Third and Madias eta. Office of county coroner. Phone Mala S. , . EeUer-Byraee Co.. funeral d tract ora, embalav era, 878 Raaaall. El at I08S. Lady aaalataat. - A. B. Rematock. funeral director, Baet Ittb and Dmatllla. Pboae Sallwood Tl. Udy eaalaUnt. Bdwerd Holmaa, andertaker. 230 Third st rvmnAU NOTICES. DAVIS fn thai alt. Uaa -29. at fha raaManoa of ner eon, A. k. uaata, bus Amawortn ara., I mrm, oaran J.. iaTm, wraow oa miliam B. tiarl. a rod so yrara, months and 10 daya. The funeral serTlces will be held et the a bora residence at p. n. Sunday. May 2ti. Friends inalted. ' Interment Blrerrlew eeme tery. af :.,..! -, v i': v,,..,.. .; , FUNERAL of tbe lata Wa. Lamb will take plica at pis lortner. resiaence, tuz Maranaii St., bat. zist and iHd sta.. tomorrow arternooa tSnnday),1 at 3 p. m. rrlendi mrlted. - CARD OF .T1TANK8. MRS. JM'OB ELLEN DEEDS and I. Aronaon and wife extend thanka to their many friends for tbelr kind sympathy and klndneaa ahown by tbeia at the bite illness and demlae ef tbelr daughter end sister, Henrietta Deeds. T-lll I' I LINCOLN-GARFIELD POST NO. 8. 0. A. R. 1a hereby requested to sssemble at their kail . Sunday, 2:80 p. . m May 26, to march to h tbe Taylor St. M. B. ehurrb to partlclpste la tbe memorial semcee witn the spsnisn war - raterans; and at 7:16 p. m. to attend me morial eerlsce at the Grace M. B. church. . comer 18th snd Taylor sta. F. B. Shop .' harsj, commaader. B. A. Wthlfartb, adju- taat. " .-. s '- .. -. . . .i,. U. W. A. BYE BG BEEN CAMP. S.40S, steeta Wednesday evening, AUsay bia-. Thaw aad -Morrlsoa sta, ,-. . M. W. A. Oregoa Grape Camp No. 6,878, Moa - aaya. iTtn ana Maraban. visitor weleeme. LEW WALLACB COURT NO. 7, Trifle Bea Hot, will (Ira whlat eocial ea Monday e.enina, may , m eao ailaky bldg Prises and refreshment; Admbartoa 18a, By - oraar ox tne committee.- . -. NOTICES,' 'J 'Proposals ',Invltcd for Soppllcs ' FOB TUB Oregon State Penitentiary FOB THB PERIOD ENDINO DECEMBER tl, v twi. .... , Sealed bid for drag, dry good, gro ceries, butter, leather and findings hard ware, flour and meat, etc., will be received -at the office or the Superintendent f the eiate reniiennary, unui Wednesday, June " as a e cjoca p. m., at Wblca time they wiu o openao. A deposit ef $300 00 In cash or certified check payable to tbe Superintendent, most accompany each bid for meat and Sour, and an old st nras muat on accompanied by aa amount equal to 10 per cant, of the amount or tne nw. ' . : Samples to accompany all bid where prac ticable. - The right la reserred to reject any sua an mas ana io accept er reject any por tion of a bid. Oa each envelope should he Inscribed the nature - of tbe bid. Goods . et Oregon . manurscture er production will n celra preference, ether thing being equsL All goods and supplies must be delivered to the penitentiary witbla 20 daya after tbe contract Is awarded. Schedules of the various lines of good to be bid on, ,wlll be famished apoa sppllca tkm to the Superintendent. ; Voucbere will be issued for payment ea tbe first of tbe month following the comple tion ef tbe contract and BMathly ea. con tinuous , contract, . :, : a W. JAMBS, -V , Bnperintendeat, State Penitentiary, Salem, Oregoa," May 30. 1S0T. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES Salem. Or., May io, iiaiT. Tne ora or Trustees or the Ore gon State Insane Aaylum hereby Invite sealed proposals for famishing the following snppllse to tbe Institution for tbe six months ending December 81. 1907: Groceries, mill feed end flour, meats and fish, dry. goods, druge, stationery, leather and finding, shoes, plumbing, hardware, tinning, furniture, crock, ery and glassware. Lists of said supplies win be furnished by tbe clerk ef the board upon application. Samples can be seen at the Aaylum, and goods must be la accord ance therewith. - Where eamplee am required end not furnished by bidden, tbe article muat be equal to samples to be seen at the Asylum, end bids will be assumed to have been made oa basis of aamplea. All gooda muat be In strict accordance with aample in original package when possible, end de livered at the State Insane Aaylum within 20 dsya after contract la awarded, ' and bide must be on blank forms which will be fur. fllshed, together with Instructions to bidders. by the clerk, ugoa application. Bach bid on flour or meat must be accompanied by a certified check for $300 and - each bid on flab , by a certified check for 876: and all ether bid by certified checks equal to 10 per cent ef the amount bid: checks ef un- eueceeefu! bidders to be returned imme diately, end those of accepted bidders wbea the contract Is completed. Bids must be enclosed In sealed envelopes, and digested to .the board, care of tha clerk. , and -plainly marked "Bids for Asylum Supplies," suaf the clsss or goods should also be inscribed fn the envelope. Price, v fitness and quality Jx-ing equsj, prsrerance. win- do -given IO articles manufactured, grown or produced In this state. When a particular article la specific- auy rauea ror, Diae iot omer una or manu facture or brand, equally good, will be enter tained, but 7 to insure recognition of each bids, ' samples of the -articles It Is proposed to supply must-accompany tbem. . - The board reserves the riant to relect snv or an bias, or to accept or reject any part or a oju. at 1 Bids WW be opened et tbe Caoltol at Salem at 10 a. m., Monday, Jnna 10, 1907.- Br order of the Board of Trustees of tha Oregoa State Insane asylum. . !, W. . UATENS. - Clerk. THB firm ef Olsen A Roe have dissolved nsrt nersblp, F. P. Sbeasgreen having purchased ins imeresiB ana gooa will or I). M. Olsen, - The business win be incorporated and con tinued nnder tbe name of Olsen-Roe Transfer . - U). All orders for transferring or storage win ne given prompx ana carerui attention. Office 208 Oak et. Pbone No. Main 647. Pbone No. A-2247. F. P. 8heeaa-reen. nbona Pacific 106L Henry Roe, pbone Main 6111. PROPOSALS . FOR LIGHTING Pro ooaa la will , be received by the board of public commhv , s loners oi me suite oi uregon at the capltol - building, Salem, Oregon, at tbe boor of 11 a. m., June 6, 1807, for lighting the capltol building, penitentiary, Insane -asylum, reform cbool, mat echoal and blind cbool at Salem, ' Oregon, with arc and Incandescent ' lamps. - Information, - specifications and bUnfc pro posals may be obtained from the clerk of the board at the capltol building, galem. Or. i W. N, GATENS, Clerk of Board, KOTICB OF STOCKHOLDERS' - MEETING. t The annual meeting or tne etocxboidera of the Oregon Iron aV Steel Company will be held j at the office Of the company, room 339, Sher lock building, Portland, Oregon, June 18, 1907. at 11 o'clock a, mw for the purpose of elect , Ing a- board of director for th ensuing year, and tbe transaetkia of such other bnalneee sa may legally come before the meeting. - . A. S. PATTULLO, Seer tan. ' I - rortlsad. Ortoa, Msjr 24, Ml , .77- ISa JB9BBZM3&nB9GSBBmJK MEETING NOTICES.' LOST AND FOVXD,' POUND A place to bare hair mattreaaae raao . vatad and ratarnad aame dar .. S2ft Front etv Main 474. Portland Cnrlad Hair f actor. B. AIMagar, proprlatur. , , v IP TUB ladr adaarttalna tha loatawatrb ea praTad "altnnla Hartb, Xmaa 2" will call at tha caaklrr'a window, Journal .office, aha win reonrar Her proprrt. , ,. LOST On Alder, between ..Front and Tenth, . two plecea alnc, 8 feet wide by 4 feet ,kmf. ' Kewara. xel. Main uzts. , ' " FOUSrv-A llsht brown time. Owner can hare . aainV by nrorlnit property and paying ex . panaoa. 602 Henry are.! Bellwood car. LOST Watch fob Initial, O. M. J. Return to nandyaar Shoe Repetr Factory. Reward, HELP VAXTED MALE. WANTED At once, a Ilea amblrlene young . nan of Beat appearance end aood Sddreaa to . learn a plesaant and profitable bualneaa; fan" ' salary to start with, excellent chance for ad aancrment. -For lnterrlew eddreea 0.806, care Jourael,"- , 1 ' 1 " FIBBMBN and brakemen on railroads la Port land and vicinity, to . rui Tacanclrs canoed by promottoos; exporlence unneceaaary; are ' orar 30, over 140 pounds, 6H feet er orer) ', firemen. $100 moothly. become eo(lneere ani C eern $200) brakemen, $75. become coudnctnre . end eern $110; name position preferred.. Rall- .wsy Association, care Oregon Journal. , WANTED Man be cut 100 cords of fir wood. $1 a curd and good clean timber. Address i bor 18, R. D., Dundee, Or. - S FIRST -CLASS haraese makera; steady employ ment. The P. 1- Cronia Uompeny. i ... SAWYERS, fllere. engineer and yardmen, mill' vrlchu and woodsmen. Cbsmbars, lOOtfc First st. ' . .. ... , BRIGHT young men wanted to learn telegraphy; positions ween eomperenc. , uregon , voncge, . nos couimonweaitit piog. - . BOYS wanted! factory work. Can Co.. foot 14th st- , Apply ' Americas PACIFIC STATIONEBY PBINTINS) CO, , 106-307 Second St. Phone Mam Ml. - We design and tanatatl the moat modem aad , improved office systeaM; complete line leoee " leaf fttlna davtosa. v i... ; WA NTBD Salesmen ; maay make 2100 to 8160 per month l sons evea more: stock clean, grown oa reeervethw, fay from old orchards t eaab advanced weeaiy; mo ice or tsmrory. ' Address Waahlagtoa Nursery catnpeny. Top- pen lah, washmgtoa. - .... . . MEN AND WOMEN to leers tbe barber trade as eight weeas: STsousias vara ima io n 828 wwaklrt enert Instructors; eats locos free, Molrr System of) Oallsgss, 88 Mertb Fourth WB gat wort for ear rmberet special mem- nor, as. v x. aa. v, . roarra ana xamniiL WANTED Bo ts ever 16 year to work la ready factory. Aides Oansy on.,' iota ana wnsaa. WANTED At i once, a flrst-elaaa earrisge painter, ltvt vaioa avo. MEN end boy wanted to learn plumbing, plae- terlng. blocklaying.' . electrical trades; tree catalogue: position ' secured. Coyne Trade Schools,' New York and Baa Prandsca.. WANT carpentering. gredtng; will jive den- tli try e typewriter. lngton et. Call e, zs vrssn- BOYS to wart la factory good wages. Apply Pacific coast Biscuit us., ina aaa vavat an, n.!i,(,,.-i WANTED. " Vsetnser with large experience whe dentsnd generatora and motor. Address E. W. BatoeeTForest Grove, Or. BOYS with Wheals wanted at Apply to Olda, wortmaa aiag. WANTED Aa honest Japanese her tor cham ber work and cleaning every pay :sv to aooa. 828 Sixth it - ; .''tr DELIVERY boy wanted; apply Lore Joy A Lin coln, bookbinder, izs First n. WANTED Shingle re eaB Cleveland are. Sumner St., or pboae Bast 1873. - ad WANTED By wholesale grocery bouse; shin ning clerk; state experleBos. Addreee A 800, earn JoaraaL - WANTED At once, Al Janitor. Commercial Club. . 1 ; ApplF. el 38 MBN wanted at tv E. Kern's new brickyard. Bast "B4tb and Tillamook eta. Wage $2.60 . and $X7 per day., v-. WANTED Men to eat cord wood at $130 peg -cord. Pboae seuwooa ea- FINISHER aad large her wanteds 108 North 11th -at..-. . - '-.- WANTED Firsts Is a s pantry Oak Tav- TINNER wanted; good man on dairy work. Independent caa Co., ea norta sweats st. RT78TLERS to solicit hasluee: ealarr and cmn mission; experience unnecessary. Apply xi Lumber Exchange- bldg., Second and Stark ate. WANTED Carriage blacksmith. 480 Belmont street, r - -. "- TINNER WANTED Good man -on dairy work, WANTED Woodcutter, ' Dear Gresham, $1.25 per cord, board a per week.- ror particular call Sunayslde Fael Co., 86th and Hawthorne. STRONG BOY for dried fruit room; wage-835; chance for edvaneement. Apply Alien A Lewie, 44 Front at. - ' - HELP WANTED rFEMALE -tJ-)-Ll-X.t- 1 ll-all' m si -l I li '-,', GIBL8 as apprentice to the' tnllUnory busineee wanted at once. Apply to Old, Wortmaa A King. " WANTED Girl to work la .tailor shop. . 11U N. Fourth. Apply WANTED A woman to do kitchen work private boarding boose. 186 Flfth at, YOUNG lady to work la real estste office. Buchanan bldg., 28H Waahlagtoa at 010 BUTTONBOLB-HABBB wanted. Jacobs Shirt . CO., lej Stark t '..-' -,.rv. . ... WANTED Experienced bermald. The I.indel waitress. ' also ehsm. bermald. The XlndelJU, Jdkef, it.fc. between " Third and Fourth sta. WANTED Girl to sell Ice cream and sand wiches at Oaks Tavern; $10 per week; 10 ex- perleneed waitresses at $10 per week, short nour. , ho liquor at. Oaks Park. ,. . . WOMAN to do honsework by the day; no wash ing;) regular employment; good wage, i 808 sourtn. rnoae (dam trriT, WANTED Girl for general honsework. Woodlawa 1218. Phone WANTED Young girl to ear or 8 mn chil dren s boom evenings. 011 Sunday mora Ing, 1 124 North 14th at. - '.-....t,-s..-. : WANTED Waitress t the . Owl restaurant. 289 Bait Morrlsoa at WANTED Good, - Steady girl for laundry work, Apply st racine Laundry, 281 Ar thur at. - r WANTED Two ehambermalda tmaiedlately. $30 and room. Dewey House, 36 North Sd St., aesr Bomtdde. ,i. . ' t . . Most peoplewha " board are 'adaptable", sort ; of pe6ple--that'3 why keeping boarders, is not such a cheerless vocation as it might be. r But it's an impossible vocation without adver tisfng. The Journal will ' keep your house ' filled. v 'r ' HELP WANTED FEMALE " WANTKD YOfTNO T.ADIES TO LEA UN TKLBPHONB OPRRAT '''..'.' INO; GOOD SALARY. SHORT ' - HOURS, PAT WHILB J.KARN ISO: LUNCHKON 8KKVED ' 4 ; FBKH ' OF CHARflB (AND ' I.O0NOINO AND REST ROOM8 C0NNKCTI0N. APPLY , ;.,-,, ,', CHIEF OPERATOR, .TKLK. ' - PftONB ", WK8T PARK ;: , AND A(DKB STS. . ETPBRIFNCBD CHOC0LATB DIPPERS HIGHEST WAGES. ' GEORUB ' A. M'NEIIi COMPANY, WHOI.ESAI.B CONFECTIONBB9. 110 H, FOURTH ST.. NEAR OLISAN. . , BOIUBOIRL WANTED FAMILY OP ADTTLTS. INQUIRE 221 N. S1ST. ST., COR. OF LOVE JOT, 0B PH0NB MAIN 1240, , - HANSEN'S .LADIES' AGENCY. 84844. Weak. - Inrtoa at., corner Seaentb. upatalra. Pboae Main 26V2. . Female help wanted. STRONG girls for candy factory. Oeorge A. McNeil company,' wholesale eonfeethiaers. 110 - North Fourth, bear Gllean. '. v ' GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory Me. 3, Grand are. and Baet Taylor st ' WANTED Girls te work oa hemming. - Fits-Well factory, 78 First. ,.- Inquire v GIRLS wanted:' factory work. Caa Co., foot 14th at. . Apply Americas YOUNG Udlea wanted .to learn. telegraph a.' con j net en r. positions at good waces when ' com Oregra College, 608 Commonwealth bldg. HELP WANTED Union Laundry company. GIRLS WANTKD Operators to work ea eblrta and eremlls. Lessons gives to Inexperienced. Apply si Standard factory No, 3, Oread ave. aad Eaat Taylor at.' - . -. , . WANTED Woman cook, good wages, 8 to fam uli jr. Apply 48 North 20th. . Pbone Mela 6807. GIRLS to work la paper box fsctoryt clean, . stesdy work. P, 0. Stettler, 10th and Slusaa , atrseta .",; :. . v .-. . WANTED Shirtwaist to wash at home; ala piain sewing, rsea Tabor SOT, . GIRLS 18 yean ef age aad ever who want permanent positions wlta ea opportunity tot advancement, apply at. eace to 014a.. Wort man A King. -.j. X .,'. W ANTED Refined, capable woman - for rp- sponsiM position, with opportunities for ad vancement. Ylari company, 10th .and Morrl eon eta.. . . ...... .- WANTED Lady barber tor . Satardaya, ronrta st. BIALE AND FEMALE HELP. 8,000 MEN, i women snd chlldrea wanted tu Hood River to Dick and neck etraarberriea: a fin en p and ehanee to earn good money vA ntckara nnlt enma ' nranared to eamor amw. I em will ban! ontflts to end from boat or de pot: season lust commencing: will be brisk last week la Msy with plenty of work for everybody by Jane 1. Parties wanting fur ther particulars eaa write aa and your letter ttui os anawarea ey grow era la aeeev eianiing yoa to secure a - place la adraac. . Hood River Fran Grower1 union. U. S. HEALTH ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO., Ssginaw, Mick., eelle - beat dollar per month policy ea market; stock company. See Aldrtch, westers manager, so , Marqoam agent wanxeo, , , WANTED Ambitious people to eel et 183 FlfUi ex. aaa saveetigate tne epportanltiee open to tbem by a eourse ex etudy with the later Dattaaal Ocrrespondenee Scbeole et Reran toa; no eipenmani, moorsea oy xnoqesnos. , STENOGRAPHERS, both male aad female, good Kwiiuaa vip7a wiro seal una, no caarss. unoerwooa -j.ypewnter u,, ea eixtu u BELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. a. urate, xudh waahtngtoa st. Fadfle 1870. AGENTS. salesaMa and solicitors. If them hi sny article yoa wish to handle but don't know ' where to get It. come er write. Solicitor Salesmen a liesuuoarters, 08 Sixth et. Main 8188. , '-- . ---,- -J'-- WANTED Respooalbl man and wife or tnld- aie-eged woman to cam for bonse during sum mer, aaarse B. ran Alien, sen strong et, SITUATION WANTED MALE. STATIONARY ENGINEER, with 13 reere ex . perlence, wiahea a position. Pboae teat 63BT. Ask for T. Prate. WANTED Position by engineer, aged 34. with 5 years' experience with tracttoa englaea. 0. O. Cain, 1623 011a t., Portland. ; WANTED Shirtwaist to wash at home; ala plain eewlng. . Pbone Tabor 867. ' WANTED Position ee gardener: reference fur nished. Cell or ddree 206 Salmoa at. srrrjAXTONs"' wanted female. TWO experienced day worker want washing, ironing, cleaning, $2.00 day. 410 North 3fltb. WANTED Housework to do. 888 Fifth St. COMPETENT woman as cook: 14-year daughter as wait and help; no trtrier need eppiyt would go to country. Suit 11, 281H Market at. - Phone pacific ioob. WANTED-.AGENTS. ONE bustler 't la each town or ' locality handle medicine er map: writ quica; pig money. B. M. V Jammer, zoo Thim er. . AGENTS WANTED Cn yoa ell goodst If so ws Deed you; eompieie eoixit rree; easa weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capi tal City nursery uompeny, aaiem, ur. WANTED A few mom good In saleemea eell our eoait-growa treee; money adranced ; each week; outfit furnished free. ' Write a ' for particulars. ; , Albany . Nurssrles, Albany, , oregoa, urn. I, i. i I WANTED Aa agent for one of th best hooss. bold articles known: retail for $1, Inqoir ' w. u n.j oo xamnm at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPFICB FOB MBN. - - 86 North Second et Pboae Mats 1526. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. 206 Morrlsoa st......... Pbone Padrte 288 37 North 8eeor4 at...... .Phone Psdfls 1800 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Loreiiir eftmn and farm help a specialty, 30 North Second t- Phon Main 6296. W pay all telegraph charge,; , O, K. EMPLOYMENT. OFFICB Help famished rre te employers, ki b. za. pnone btut. WANTED TO RENT. . WANTED TO RENT Houses, eottage. fists. wore, ernce. roomipg aonsss, ate. - tuaad- mrds will do well to cell on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. a-none bx. tx. a, a. uor. so ana uas. i . WNTED BY OPTICIAN. V, Small space, 40 Met front, '40 deep, for op tical parlor, in gxi location. -Address op- ncian,. care sournai. ..', . .':.:,.--,t WANTED To rant 4 or 5-room bouse between Idoiladay are. and Morrison- t But mat and location. Address W 800, care Journal. WANTED To rent for tbe season, cottage at . North Beach.' Write er pbone full particular - to-. M. xiuiey, ear rags a tun. STORH WANTED On First t Morrison, Washington or Stark; will nay 6100 per month. Address Stom, earn JouraaL AT ONCE Furnished desk room with aa of waiting room u possible; must b la well known building, centrally located.' Answer Immediately. - Address 8 808, care JouraaL WANTED REAL ESTATE;. IIST your property, with as-.'for qoick sale, . Abraham A White, office 8 and 0,, Labhe bldg., 227 Wsshlngton at Pacific 1218, Home A 1241. r-- iV,-., - . , . r..'. WANTED A modern 8 er S-room house, west t ef Flfthat, aad aewth of Olajr at W sOi. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 1 or 3 lots in Lents, for cash. Ad : dress C 804, cars Journal. COOS BAY, profitable to owners of lots South Harbor snd Scbsefer's sddltlon . answer, giving number of kit and purchase - price, s sou, cars journal. MR, WANT MONEY. If yoa wsnt 100 men sell your property to their menda list it with me; new plan. M. v. uowse, ou bixiu si '--Main 818S. t":-''"1, ,:-:.-!,.;.". -. , ,j WANTED Cheap lot, $126, quick. 308, Journal, ' , Address :AVANTEDmSCE WB will boy your household good and gusran tee the best prices. Call or phone. 8. J. ( and I.. Rubensteln, 175 Front St., Opposlt Msttonsi hotel, racuic leoi. t "" t " ' 11 n " WANTED Furniture snd household goods ef every description bought, sola and exchanged. . . The 8. 233 First et. Mala 6374. f . WB haul deed horses and eettle free. ? Oreroe Fertillrer Works, or notify Camey'e Voter! aary. Fwerth aad Ollsse eta., Mala less. WANTKD Spot eaab paid for yoor furniture. etc., rrompt , arrention- aiwaye girea. eve East Clay st Fbone East 100T. CASH for hoe ss bold roods. Savage- PeaneTl, 846-847 First et. Phonj Fecinc SO". WANTED Men' eaat-off clothing and shoes; we slso buy household furnishings; blithest price psld. Csll at the "Fair Deal' 62 N. Third. Phone Pact fie 1722. WANTED Furniture and household gooda of any klud. See Johnson before yoa sou. ' 7 Union eve.'. Phone East 441. y-... ' --v-' FURNITURE AND CLOTBINO WANTED Richest rash price paid. For A Brower, S3 North Third St. Phone Main 2111. ' '! '" WE PAY MORB FOR FURN1TU8B. w, POBTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, , . ' ' Main 6655. 311 First at MIDDLB-AGED msa and wife . without chll , dnn want to take ram of boflse - during owner's sbsence for ths summer.- location w object; best of refereeee. Address L 201',. care Journal. - --', " WANTEH At once, second-bnnd soda foun tain and ahootlng gallery outfit. Address II, ' 804, Journal. . . . ' HIGHEST PRICES paid for men' caatnff Cloth big and bouse furniture of all kind. 78 i . North Third. Pbone faclne 1084. WANTED 85 vacant room lit good hnsi-J ness locality; reasonable rent, j Addrse jaraj ' B.-T. Mack, 830 Russell et . WANTED Boemlnel house, 18 er 30 reoma; west - eldef close la) eaab. cam Journal. .f-.v Address m sot, WANTED To buy second hand blcyel. Front .''' 168 FURNISHED ROA0MS--FOR RENT. THB BICH-1L1E0, 88H Worth Sixth at, Ele gantly goralsned; stasm bsat aad hatha. THB GRAND. 454 North Third et. Booms for gantlemsa. $1.25 per week aad sp. THB KINO, w Jefferaon St., strictly modem, up-to-date, electric light and bath,- for $8 a .week aad ap.- .? ;. ' ' rs ' lROU TniRf) Comfortablr furnished . wttb double beds, transient or weekly, res bob ' able. .' - - THREE large' room In suburb. nlshed; price $10 month. Address JouraaL . r - V3L rtly for- FOR BENT 8 nice, neefly furnished -rooms, .m of bath end phone; 6 mlnutee' walk from postoffice; price very reasons ble. 188 18th, "' corner Morrison. - TWO room, rsasooabls. Phea Bast 4871. NEWLY furnlabad auita la meet desirable lo cation. Apply room 8, 188H Flrat et.-, eoraer Alder. : ' - - - , : CLEAN aad newly famished room, stngls snd n suite. The Owens, 3804 RueseU st TO RENT Front bedroom wttb slcore; prtvats fsmlry; eultsble for two. Telephone Main r 4in. S ..-. .',-.-, !"-v .3 - .;-: THB HEILBB, 880H Grand ave. Furnished - housekeeping rooms; suits; 4 modem fireproof brick; gaa rangea, electric and gae , lights; bats and telephone; rate reasonaoie. j ' THB COLONIAL, cor. 1 0th and Morrison S block west of Portland hotel; , flrsVclsss rooms and board; rstes reasonable; transient -' and table board accommodated. t UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLB room $8.00; 8444 Fmnt st 8-roooj flat $101 ISO ataraexx. "JU,1MBaamo ROOMS AND BOARD. ; v V: jmnmalatmmt<r laaaW. eaaaaaaaaaaaaajj DOME cooking. " like mother cooked; free eold and hot water wins; clean waiwwun auu homelike place to get board and lodging at $4 60 and $5-00 per week; come home; we am expecting yoa. 288 N. 16th st, Portland. Or. Y&TofShw !?UVZW WILL bar kalf Intreat I. mtahllsbed pay.' Ii;. tS. ChrraUr. 888 Tar lor. 1 -"8 hnslneea; investjgst. Boom $10 Bo- MINNEQUA INN. 876 TsrnhtTl t Nice rooms. taem neat, spienma aaeaia. wave, month; sew management: home cooking. FOR ItENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.80 WEBB TP large, eleea furnished hone. xeepmg-rwtzi.. wn,uj .u. - maa et. aonth. Portland. - U 39 WEES ' UP CI eaa Furnished boueekeep- tag-rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 208 Stanton st. V ear. THE MITCHELL Bonsekeeptng and traastewt ; rooms, reasonable. Seventh aad Flsnders sts. THREE larg front housekeeping room, v floor, 81 Plrst st, reeeonsbl. OaU S!8. COOL, plesaant, ftrrnlahed iioaeeseeping room. The naymona, no o. 1 block from ttioa. . -. - HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 82.00, up per week; .. . . i--1-AA . SM U ' W.Im a. - Ugns,-. povua "v. . .. --- . - GOOD furnished and m ftrrnlahed honaekeeping noma and eottagee, wesx m m ifm, w " Height para to 26th; turn south half block. BEW housekeeping room, famished or nnfur- nlshed, wits not na eoiu waxar, diu 388 N. lOtn It., roriiauo, ur. wirm honsekeenlng room. 611 Ollssn t. In. - - . m . 4uL quire at corner arngsxom, wuaaa ana mm. A SUITE et large housekeeping room witn light and batn, sao n. Ji'Q - . LARGE, light, alwly-ftrraisbeo housekeeping and transient rooms., ouo "oer. FOR RENT, furnished housekeeping rooms, 26 Hall st ' . ; :;.'" - - ' 1 Five furnished or nnfarnlihed ; room : for housekeeping; lower woorj:vgs.-, -. ana PbT"' T85 ftood corner Porter. N ' 'A':iJi- Pbone Main 4420. ; . fV?: FOUR anfomiabed housekeeping-room; electric Hebts and . gaa. rnona . racMre . i Columbia t- ' -S'T ;-': . - SPLENDID housekeeping iBartment: "room large and pleasant, iirai-cisss jocanou. .oos Morrison.'.'1 .'.' "'"' '' ':- "; ': ' ''.yW'..;'': '-i'1'' .'.r''''-'L:''-';.'i;': r ' 4-ROOll cottage, tjnloa Sv. a-Atasws Ikf $10. pnone raeine jmvo. .- 6-ROOM new, tTictly modern, ready tn two weeks, line resiaence aismci, nsnay io two csrlineSl also walking distance. 689 B, Pine; $M. Addreee 1805 K. . 14th 8, Phone Sell Wood 69, , LeOompte, . . GOOD ' cottage and housekseptnf rooms, for. nisbea or unmrnisnea, wni siao or ' nver. Apply 664'N, 26tbj Willamette Heights ears to 26th; tin-a) aouth half block. . .. STRICTLY modern 6-roora cottage, Sannyaldet , $200 down, bslsnce 'sam as rent. . A. P. Smith, owner, sis commercial CIS. WB rest aad eell plana. ; Suerma. Clay S-ROOM house, modem, .corner lot, west side, ror rent or lease to responsioie party ror term of year. .Addree K 806, car Journal. . FOR RENT I will rant my log cabla at Ar iel. Mt. aeott car,- to-aeeiraoie parties for the summer. $10 moat. . Mr. Mammon d, Zaher 000, ; . , . FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT New 6 room newly furnished bouse , ' for summer months; modern; 11 no -children call niornlng or evenings, 550 B. Yaaihlll. , In to FOR RENT FLATS FIVE snd lx rooms on 76x100 ft, ground, i - beautiful slmde treee and lawn. Am place. '" ' furnace, laundry- trays, porcelain batba, and T' i gas-ranges, etc, Rent very ressonable. ' Ap ' ply, Dt Kaat 37th t Bunnyslde -ear. d-fi to 0 6-ROOM flat for $15 per month; water fur-. , rlabed. Call at S Kaat 84tb at. ' , FOR RENT -STORES-OFFICES. ICS Fireproof, recti forced eoaerete building, ee rupytng full block na Burnside strseC be tween Fourth and Fifth street. . , ' :, LoigrIxasc Suitable for grocery, drug, shoe tor, . barber shops, meat markets, etc.t plate-glass fronts, . cemented basement,- mooera plumb. ln- s J; Hi,. BENT mm MONTH. yt'jTtfii Gevurtz & Soiw X ! f -.':: 175 FIRST ST. '"-':;, .V''J. FOR RENT All er part ef ground floor Spec ' Baok ef Brltiah Columbia bldg.. Front end ; Ankeny at. Apply B. T. Cox. Mala 423. A NICK office suite tor rent. . Third sad Medlsoa, Madlaoa bldg.; DESK-ROOM for rent. . block. ' - Apply $11 Cemaerelal. ONE HALF furnished oUce suite for rent te . lady. Call room 34, Ruasel bldg,, cor. Fourth end Morrison st. , A , GROUND, FLOOR offlc on Fifth street, bear Diara, wmi aiiup r,Mi(o lr aeBlrSd ."mans A Blanchard, 81 Fifth at. STORES for rent, William ave. and Skldmom et.. sultabls for hardware end drugstore. . Call on pmmlae or sddree M 808, Journal. awj.:. ,;iwaaa FOR RENT RIISCELLANEOUS. BALLROOM and lodgerooaa. swi'" with ell modem eonventences, nn car 11ns. Phone Mais i SM; Automatic A-1B96. , ' SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKSLET BALL Seaside. Or- Dr. P. L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. A. Cerlyle: ratee from $1260 per week ap; rstss and : reservations may be made now with Dr. Aus tin, dentist. Raleigh bldg. , . ' ,. ;,'VbusVness" ciiances;'-V-' A GOOD CHANCE. A hntcher buslnean In a aood vsllev tawat good for7 ala have been In bualneaa tor six rears. - This Include reeldenee, barn, yard and slaughter aainao anq norsss ana wagon, Wlta a full out fit to run e butcher business. , A good plae to buy end chip dressed meat to market. . A good chance for someone to get a fine i farm anyone having city property to trad. V' - - HARRY BALL, . , Boom 2S, Raleigh Bldg., 61xth and Wash. $800 WILL start yoa In a business thst pay -yo from $6 to flO per day. Boom 7, i : First t.- -.- ... 80-ROOM rooming boose, good location, leas. Prim $8,800. Boom I. 181 'First s treat. Alt eld established manufacturer want part .ner to manage business, will guarantee yoa 850 to 8100 per work. 88,600 required. Boom X 1, 181 First tr t. ' , . - 10-ROOM rooming house), good : furniture, low rent. Snap. $450. Room 7, 181 first st. RELIABLE real estate dealer most bar ts terested help to attend office; dictate to etenographer, etc. He will guarantee yoa $200 per month. Sbme capital required. Boom - T, 181 First Street. . - , , MANUFACTURER wsnt partner 'who eaa spend part ef his time aa the road introdue- - Ing goods. Only $500 , required.. Boom (. 181H Pb-st etreet. ' . . .,. JtOOMINO-HOUSB for sale. 47 rooms; win-tase psrt reel -aetata, hi exchange, - 22H North "Third at. A - 1'-.'., FOR SALE Carpet c leaner, beet largest, most p to dsts In th city; will stsnd invoice; snsp if taka at one. , Address B 174. cam Jourael., . SAV1 MONBY Aaytbmg la printing see Mad. ,,dea. Odd Fellow s Temple. First aad Alder eta.) apetelra. , BAYB opening .' for ' partle. - with ' (mail r Urge capital, In heavy manufacturing enter, prise, to establish - la Portland; , win stand closest Investigation. Fee particulars ad dreea D 188, earn JouraaU. ; - . - - EMPLOYMENT and real estste bni loess doing $250 per month; toe mnch other busin; ' most sell; $150 cash.. North Third t cbanan bldg., 386 Washtngtoa st FOR SALE or exchange, a good merchandising - bustnese In Vancouver, doing a business I "' $15,000; will eell or exchange for farm er v city property. Address bog 78, Vancouver, Wesh. - FOR S A LBA Brat-claM -confectionery, la a good - location, doing a good baslnes. Oea be bad very cheep if taken at once. Must sell oa account of busrae la st 618 Wil liam ave. rbone Eaat 4328. A GOOD grocery atom; ln about 81,000, for $700. nelson, i 14th and Irving. BOOMING boose, 43 roorne, rent 8100 per . month: price $2,000. 010 Buchanan bldg.. ' 288 Waahtngtoa .st; " STOCK COMPANIES incorporated. If yoa have atocea or bono ror sale, it m try to eell them for yon. George M.- Kellogg, Broker. 640 EUleott Square, Buffalo, N ' A SNAP A email hotel, , an newly fnralsbed- moms: also Has a poolroom rurnisneo: end S confectionery department aad tobaeoe; will let It go- at cost if tskea et once; eicr- cans of selling. 388 N. 16th at aad Over. ; ton. ',. .'a,; j -yi . .y--i y .':!i;iv FOR BALE A plant well equipped with mod , era machinery, . all conveniences, for a fur ' Dltur or wagoa factory, in , a beautiful town; mild -climate, railroad center, water ..navigation; price $18,000, or will pat plant' against eapltal for o pars ting purpose. - Tltl Gnsrsntee A Trust Co. , ... BOOMING hous,' 10 room, 8450. . Room 810 .Buchanan bldg., 289 Waablugtoa st. BARBERSHOP Modern, eoniblete, good leasa, i. owner, karlng town.; 406 tomber Exchange. IF - YOU have email amount ' of money will - start yon ln motion picture business; profit from $10 to - $50 dally. Newman' Motion "" Picture compsny, 145 Sixth. - ..,; FURNITURE fsctory and sawmill -i ae sal, both In operation; owner will buy entire out. , put of factory; a fine bnalneee proposition . that will pay from the first day. Addree XW; 804,, cam Journal. '.'-- "y.- t4e'-t;: HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY, i - If yon wish to bur. or sell a hotel or i Ing boos In or oat of th city, corns tn as - and ws will procure yoa a purchaser without publicity, - i- , , - ..0. S. ARNOLD A CO,' ' " - (Snccessors to P. L, Austin A 0,,) ' The Original Hotel Brokbr. ,, 1 ' vvJXii, 125-126 Ablagtoa bldg. .' a : . A 85-HORSB water power, with 38 em d taaa. waier-powar improvea witn SslsJtnd Bom 12 seres of tho huid naAmr enl. . " -w .' I 'aonie thlldmgir railroad rannlng through thS' Sana,, a nns onsnco xor xscxoryi g mile - IS Irom Portland, on tne a. F. By. $4,600, term., Barlow A Dowllng, Mllwsnkle, Om, CORNER grocery, with $2,000 etock end fix. turee, aoing si.duu pasines ; centraujr lo cated, low? rent; will eell st in voles; proof of business shown by former sale. . Most fa cash. Address owner, B 808, JoaraaL BOTELS OTJB SPBCIAITY. tf your botel la for sale la er eat ef the ' city, bring It to us and wa will proeum purchaser without publicity. Reference Hotel Men's Association. C. S. Arnold A Oa., aria lnal hotel brokers, successor to P.. L, Austin A Co., 125-126 Ablngtoa bldg. . .- BRICKYARD -for ssle; plenty of clay oa th SUre, which will be Included in the sal. 800, care Journal. . - WANTED A man who 1 willing to attend to - bnslneas when it clears yea $460 month. Work is simple and clean; the only opening of -It kind in Oregoa; money Been red; aa in vestment of $l,vv to $2,600 tequired. Call 191 Foarth St 1 a)