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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. "FRIDAY ; EVENING, MAY 24, 1007. '. TOJflOHX'i AKTJBEMElfTS. Grand ;.v "Tb? '.In fik CSnt.nt.T Worn.." , umpire ,,.,..,.,....... .. " v""JVL,Ti. Ljrfa ....... .. ..."The Counterfeit Stat . Tanaae-ae" Charter- amendmente were aiacuBsed . . .i.t nutin of the Brooklyn Re-1 publican Improvement club laat night Improremente, the Isauance of bond for the construction o a new Madison atreet bridge and those ' n additional pipe Una to Bull Run creek for the re inforcement of tba, water, aupply were i.A.aut ariwt measures by the meet ing. The publlo dock question did not naa with an muon xavor. nowmr. in l meeting waa presided over by Counoil- man A. a. Kuswigru. - Rev. Lawrence A. Black, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church, ha tendered Ma resignation, to taae eiieo -uiy . u. v.. .uumt&i a all at Puyallup, Washington., and .will enter hla new field of duty Immediately upon leaving Portland. Rev. Mr. Black haa beta In charg e of Calvary church fo the paat three years, and under hla guldano it . - ..ih.tantinl rrowth. a la a. u.u.n, nnititfnn. x new paa tor will ba caUed without delay, ao that the church will not ba long wu regular minlaUr. . ". , , z ... I. . it' , l.ll .'a '. . , 1k -i Tha Umatilla County Caledonian eo- rlaty la noiaing lie annual ouii,.- thina. - Mlaa Elisabeth Harwaa, .-..ii. a,.-,,,., an J - Adrian EDDlna ajauue owwwn . - - - ,.. catlaiit vaatarriav to take Bart In .4k. aniial Annflftrt of tha society. Mu nicipal Judge Cameron, Mra. Epplng. ...i.. uniiii - Maaara. - MoCormacX, King. Rennla, Hood and pottage were also Tin the party. The meeting will . . . j . . K.rlnnln, Inl 8 conunua miw .r " V. n morning. The Portland ontlngont will - return Monday morning. , . . 'm.iuu. I- k. Portland TJUbllC achoola are to ba aaked by tha Socialist party, branch a. to prepare I. ... .nutiiin fnr two cash nrlaea of SIS and 110. ' The conditional bf the contest arc that the eeaaye ahaii not contain mora than $00 wordaaad : .v., ahaii be reoelved by tha eonteatant from any peraon. , Three prominent cltiaene not membera Of the i.n.i m Ka'aalaotad to Daaa - on t)ia merlta of tha essays and award th prliea.; - 'v , v i . . W ita a,a,aa olvtl aarrle'. com' mission announce an xnmlnatlon on July 17 at Portiana. urcson. w 9VV"Ir cation to ; fill a vacancy In the poaltlon of engineer-fireman tto ; aorre rv about October 1 to May Or June, an nually. toe aalary H00 per annum) In the United Statea courthouse, and post 'office building - in thli t city.. Persons A..t.fn. ,a Mimwtt should call on Z. A.lelgh, poatof flea department, city. - i' w.l-'r .teaa' KiiwaA fttf the black' . A II wu ww. ..ww . . . . .w -1 . XT Taiin 877 William avenue at 0:10 o'clock laat night The loss la about ibo. m is ujjpuu . - AKlna waa the cause. Captain -lay of angina No; t happened to be passing on ma way m and noticed tha blase In a pile of aacke m i.. 1lnar nn tha. floor Of the ahon. iha bUae .waa then reaching the drv.roof. rf; 1;'. L?" - th flofllallst Wrty will hold meeOng Sunday night at I p. m., In Allsky nan. Tnira na r. . t . . n.Vhl Tnnah R. Wise Will deliver a lecture on "Tha Jewa and the navAlutlnn In RU8B1S." A. eoruia ww come la extended to all. m and Mrs. Oeorga A. . Webb, tha alnglng avangellata. wlll be at .the Can. - ..i.,i. hnroh. East Twentieth J." and Eaat Salmon atreeta, Sunday morn ing and will alng. by apecial requeat. That Beautirul ooiaen waie. ,t ., I' t4 Annual Empire day . concert Combied Brltleh aocletiea. Armory, comer j - Couch. Mra. Walter Reed, Mlaa Iwlerj Mr. Crothera. Chair taken promptly at 8. Admlaalon Xa ' centa. .i. TmnMvamtnt association meeta tonight to diacusa lmprovementa, corner Mississippi avenue and Shaver atreet Buaineaa of importance to trans act Rmnkf follow. Tj. M. DavlB la preeident and J. W. Booth la aecretary. 'Meuda In thla city have learned of .the death of Charlea Lewis, which oo- ..A vanantlv In IiOS AngCleS. , waa well known here and for yaa'a waa a traveling aaleaman for Allen & Lewia. , Wa are fittlns; the new Torte aye Klaasea with a great ci '" XXPZUXVOZ, '' 1 ABrXXTT .: AJTD rXVAWCIAL' XISPOHSIBILrrT : AXX XBSSlfTUX Dt AWT mrAHOIAt , nrennrnos'. , ths attaixs ot Tie Oldest TrattCampwy ia 0rt,oB ill IW THX KAW Of itori Of HIOK STASDnrO. ABrXtTY AKD ioo ixpatiKioi.' , '' otra ofowra . a xviDXirox f OTTR 1TBXXAL, TIT 00VSXBTA. TITS fOIICT AWD THX EXgOXI Of COTOTEOWI TSXATirarT Af . fOKOES 10 AtL ' Of CVM f A TBOH8. (' ' . I ' We py t v eC lntyst on eheek g.U.c- Of JMO ? t crtlflctP of dtpoalt, and from SW to 4 pw wot spcl eertlflcetee ordepMltpsjrtble on short, notice. - Call for sUtemeat end boot of . . . ulrBTXATIOB.,,' , $2,00M00 Portland Trust Company of Oregon ; S. . Cor. Third sod 0 Btt. Pbone licbaof e 7a. h7 L. PITTWK....-.Tl P,,,Bt B LEI PAGET. i.;.rmnwr I (i. 00LTBA....'.ABilstsat Bcretry F t J " CAPITAL AND $150,000.00. . " ASSETS MORE THAN $2,300,000.00. ; . The Questfon of Selecting a BanK Is Too Important to b decided without mature de- , w - r liberation. ' 1 ' 1 , Depositing your fundi tha r- - ' RIGHT bank meant a great deal . . . to you, whethef you. deposit much f : T ' or little. v . - 1 , So aucceasfully haa thia bank V ; alwayi met the moat exacting re- " ;T; - ' ' ( quirements of other depositors, w t ' ' ( ' feel justified- in believing that It. ; . ; , o v will meet YOURS equally at welt ' ; v The officers of this bank wiU be J ( gld to have . you interviewt them . , v. , at any tima relative to banking . business. - - - - Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon. all who wear them. They coat a lltUe mora tnaa me oia-iaaoionw they are well worth - the lf f erence. George RuDenaiein, ; reiiasie its Fourtn atreet, between TamhlU and Taylor. . .-. ; -r '.,v;A- Bui ni 'iroree from William A. (nt..t'imi Tnn"Hmlth L: haa been filed In tha circuit court by hla wife, Mra. Mamie Bmlth, on tha ground Of de sertion, alleged to haa oocurred In June, 105. The couple were married In New York In July? 1 - Bmltb. had prerlouBly , attampiea io eecur v.- fmm hla wife, but the decree waa denied by tha trial Judge. t ; j tit Miliar vhn waa indicted by tha federal grand Jury on May 10. charged witn maKing inq ).:iiv.i., tha United Btatea commlaaloner f pen atona falsa affldarlta concerning pension clalma waa arrestd and committed to the county jau uu nima- , nllvcred to families at brewery prloea. .Kelly Family Liquor Store, corner Park and Morriaon. Phone Main - IS. Home A !80i. .-a iw.a work nf all kinds, tire w ii a iu .,w - etc, Columbia Iron work, 118-170 Kaat Washington atreei. , - . , . u. '! un carina B. Unna announce the barmltayah of their younger on, Banford Kllert, at Temple Beth Iarael, Saturday. May 6. wi. ; An.n'a Kushlon Komfort shoe offera nmathina- antlrelr different from othera. You ahould see them. 40$ Mor rlaon atreet1. ; -r ! . v Special 10c, 15o and ioa lunoh, 11:80 to w oregonian j wnwouoniin Sixth atreet. - : : ,l un . Jaaaa Mar a in a. lor v.ui. Washougal and way landinga. dally - eept Sunday. Leave waabingioa aireei dock I p. m. ;... m-iL- r A ahronlo. nftrv- X7r. VT ai vert a. . w . . - . ' 1.1 Ji...a.a alatrlrttv and OUB ana avFrcw . electric light treatment. Commonweaitn building. . mi., m t Wlaa. M. A. fltUrde- a .(.- irviaif anil Waahincton. Main 02. PainlBBB method used. rrt -- .irir Ore eseanes. ele- I Tator endoaurea, fencing, eta Columbia . aaa A TTTa aVlat arAM ' Iron woraa, ' ..lot a mafalwork ODCnB Dumiucr av - - a vnr nartteulara. Museum or art. Fifth and Taylor atreeta. t, .: Wbt pay morel Metager Sta yonr ayea. for 8L $41 Waah. Bt, cor. nn. formerly at 111 Sltfh atreet , ' ; CaplUllata. Twenty-three aore for sale aa a whole. Weatern Oregon Turat Co.. $81 Stark atreei. ; , j vaiak-a and anopiiea. . Leeser Cohen. Ill 6th, tha Kodak atora. vtrilltaMi fe vakVialllarh. dtn tilt, hll moved hla offloe to 401-4 Buchanan bldg. 2 nn l ..lla tha haat aaf et OOal ACQIl UK WW. - ell and fine gasoline. Phona Kaat. 4 88, r -.. 111 Tenth atreet liuuiau iwi.-, , - - lunch 11:80 to $; buaineaa men'ej lunoh, m' a rnaianii the attornar. haa re turned. $81-884 Chamber of Commeroe. Gary's Mualo Houbn 111 Fifth atreet Photo mounta. Woodworth, 14$ H lat IX Chambers, optician, 11$ Sarenth. ' Berger aigna $84 Yamhill phona. Oood $8.80 ahoaa. " Marka Shoe Co. V ' -.f - '"'.V !., aaaaaaaaaal tm f'' "i Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. s . Back Jeweler $0$ Alder. V Oregonian Confectionery, 111 Sixth. Nuraeryman Pllklngtonj ft Yamhill. r. Summer dresses. Madame MoClure Co. Beautifying oreama. Sea Mme. Hudson. Dr. a C Brown, eya-aar. Matauam. Klaer acenla photoa. Imperial hatel ROXING AND WRESTLING AT MULTNQMAH lUJMIUH l . ia in I nadlnasa fori tha boxing and waestllng entertainment at the Multnoman ciud iomgnw . wu. -.nt f ttm kind of tha aea- son, i and will begin promptly at 8:80 O'clock The program t ; j Boxing Tony a V, .!.. I . .. cm Uitrhas tb. Jim Smith. la iwuui a. o at 120 pounds! Taylor Roacoa of Seat tle, tb., cnariea amuigm ya .-" at 120 'pounds.-'; . -i".-; , " -rxr -. X , . - n f a ott va. fl SL Smith. at 188 pounda; Edgar FrarJi "! Frank Venabies. iw pmmua. j :' '' vim itnwv . .. ' i auocee the nrat time use Hrbineand on will aei inaian lanw. a . wt liver regulator. A ppatove cure " ."-.i .i- . Avananala. malaria. , china ana ii ..V,r ff" v., of Emory, Texas, wrltesj. My w fe haa been usma i, i. . .,. children for five years. It Is a ; aure cure jot -r -"h.t lt ver, vwnicn ja wu,.... i, , i ha done for my family.', Sold by. ail f i n as Bank MOTHER'S EFFORTS 010 s NOI PREVENT MARRIAGE Georze Grayson Secures His V , Bride Statements of Age Ki:-v;t ? f r t Differ. - v 'i Mrs. Sarah Orayion of $08 Height avenue,' who apent all Of yesterday try ing to prevent the marriage of her son. Oeorga R. Grayson, to Miss Pearl Oel- ler, learned laat night that her day'a work had been in "vain, aa the young couDle had been married Wednesday evening, and yesterday, tha flrat day of their married career, they spent at U)0 home of a friend. . r Though Mrs. Grayson insists that her son la only 10 yeara of age, and that perjury waa committed In order to 'on tain a marriage license, young Grayson says be la $8 yeara old. The marriage license waa procured Wednesday and the ceremony was performed the aame evening. When! prayeon'a mother waa told last night that ner son waa aireaay married, aha aald aha would never again own him aa her son, Mrs. Grayson la a, Widow, the mother of alx children. and la their aola support. Aahordlng to the records on file at National Guard headquarters 2$ yeara la the correct age of Oeorga B. Oray- aon aa aworn by his zriena, uuver vj. Muon. when County Clerk Fields ls- Bued the former a marriage license. The records give the birthplace and date of birth over the signature of hla mother, Mra. Sarah Grayson. At the time he enlisted tha first time, in Apru, iu Grayson's age waa 18 yeara. Ha en Hated again in 180$ and hla age waa again aworn to be si yeara. TEACHERS' CLUB : CLOSES YEAR'S IRK Annual Banquet , at the Sargent Hotel Enlivened by Nu- , merous Toasts. ! : The Portland Teachera. club cloaed tha work for tha year with a banquet laat Saturday evening at the Sargent hotel, Hawthorne and Grand avenues. The club haa Just completed lta ninth year, whioh baa been the most profit able In lta history. French art has been the subject or study during the year, while for the next year Greek architecture and sculpture . haa been chosen,' ' ;. ". '"'; The entertainment committee, eon stating of Misa Mary McKeown, Mlsa Viola Howenatlne and Mlaa Faye Saven son. arranged tha following program of toasts: 'The Club," Mlaa C A. Barnes ( "The Bored Member," Mrs. L. n. Thomas: "Greek Architecture." Mrs. G. W, Allen; "Greek Sculpture." Mis M. 8.- Barlow: "TO rresiaenc or ne Rtata Teachers' Association," aaiaa m. B. Fraaler; "Our Caatle In the Air," Miss A. S. Dlmmick; , "The Oregon Teacher," Mra. Marlon McRaa; Our President" Mra. A. B. Watson. imAM the invited guests present were Mra. 'C. S. Sltton. Mra. Marion Mm. Mra. : O. W. Allen, Mlaa Wil liams, Mlaa Helen Spauldlng, , Misa K. S. Baratow, Mra. M. b. Jeaxiow aoa jais A. B. Crocker. DATE PAPERS AHEAD SO, OFFICE JOB WILL HOLD St. Johns Treasurer , Leaves Home, but New Ordinance, , Proves Troublesome. 'w..laiil,Hnii In elt af- A uiwim n. ...... -- fairs at St Johns haa put . the city council and several officials tn a quan dary and haa furnished food for con siderable argument among; nm civ,oa. T a an Anttnanca to b passed by the council, Q. M. Hall, treaa- urer-iect, npyuiiu uk-' th appointment ahead $4 hours ao aa to make It legal under an ordinance not then passed. - ' G. M. Hall left St Johns laat Monday for 1 Grande, Oregon,' t--attend the meeting of the grand lodge of the Odd Fellows, it ia nis .- i hla old home to Canada before returning to Bt Johns, and he aUted befor he left that h would probably b mbaent about 0 daye. ' : Should h be absent longer than $0 daya without permUalon from the city council his office would be declared va cant according to th charter of the city ' of St Johns. In order to retain bis offlc C A. Woods of th PninsuU bank waa appointed as deputy, but the appointment was dated on Tuesday ao aa to come under tha propoaed ordl nanc which waa duly passed. -. A Harney1 yilty farm sold for $50 an i ar, y r -,..v ; v.S : '': LIQUOR JOKER III PROPOSED UJ Arneridmerrt ,to B Voted on Provides Perpetual Fran chise to Saloons. MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION fewswpvvvy- - r i TURNS ON LIMELIGHT Ordinance Would Give Breweries and Wholesaler Complete and Contin- vons MonopolyWould JBo Almoat Impoaalble to Reroke licenae. Tha mnnlnlnkl aaaoniation haa unllm bared lta guns against tha $$00 liquor ii..aa AnUnanfta. which la to emna he fore tha people of Portland for their ap proval on June a. . xne association sub tends that tha ordinance la tha . ' poa- ...... a larra-alaad lokar and that ahould It ba enacted It would maxe u practically Impossible to revoxe a n- aanaa whU. at the U1M tlm. It WOUld throw the liquor business of the elty . t . . l. - ., . . ,11M, MMMflMl tit mm nw uhui, wa m the breweries and big dealers of ths .it. it wnuid he. in affect a nerpetual franchise, to the Issuance of which ha nannia nf Portland are ODDoeea. xne association urges all voters to vote "No" on lha ordinance. An open letter haa been leaned aa followa: "To tha Votera of Portland: Tour at iiim ia Mtraeted to the initiative ordl ..... .ti,ii in ant Increaslne the imiivia, .11 " - license feea of retail liquor dealers to $800." . "th. - nmMaad ordinance erovldea that tha saloon licenses now existing shall ba perpetual - unices vn nuiu.i anaii violate the ordinances now In iw which mar be hereafter an ... .rt,liiiii tn the ltcenslnff of Ba' loona. WO ucease issuea unuor u dlnance can ba revoked for any other ...... than tnr tha violation of the ordi nances licensing saloons. It la canflned to the narrow llmita or tna wora ncens- (a an worded that lt would be aa easy to amend or revoke tha franchlee of tha Portland Railway aAnanv n tha Portland Oaa company, aa lt would be to revoke or change the conditiona of an ssoo license anor dubi neas has been aommenoed under such ii,..,. T alan nrovidaa that no new licenses shall ba Issued until after tha census of 1810, and tnen an licenses shall be laaued in tha order of their ap- vtlltatlAn ' ' "Thla gives tha brewers and whole aale liquor dealera, who now have tha t.t . n..riT alt nf the saloona In Portland, an opportunity to monopolise all new licenses to oe issueo, as n wm ha ao aaaxr matter for' them tO haVB OH file a large number of applications for months before any license can ba Issued. They can wait their turn, while no Indl- i .ahIImM fan affnrd thus to Walt VIUIMM mjn...wwM. Thus the propoeed law. If enacted, will operate to create a complete monopoly In the hands of the brewers and whole sale liquor dealera. The cltlaena of Portland are opposed; to perpetual franchlaea of any kind, and wa therefor call your attention to the fact that If you vote for the $800 liquor licenae ordinance you will vote for a perpetual license, which la only another name for a perpetual franchlee. Thia ordinance as lt stands Is a viola tion of the city charter, whioh distinct ly provides that no license ahall be 1b .... a narffld lonrer than one year. Tha liquor dealem hop that the people will vote Tee" on this ordinance and thereby override the charter without aeeing the Joker in tna aeai. "Thla auestion la up to yu. we urge you to vote No." "Br SAMUEL CONNELU Prea. "By JOHN BAIN, secretary. F.V.BALTES & CO HP AMY MAIN 165 INVITE YOUR iriQumiES Fon PRlfJTIfJG FIRST AID OAK STREETS Always Buy gMto" Collars' mrv ooarr eaaoa ao owok'' R....1T TrM-nnn" avaletlraUoBbolea Zuj to batten. Buons to hold, axo. p. tag a ataaa-s -Taov, m, v. LADIES' NIGHT OAKS RM TWO tmOaT BAWDS. COVTZbTTOXTS MXTSXO. 'Seven-Minute Car Ride. ' Grand March. . " coffee; Coffee is nothing:; good coffee, that's thcthingl 1 . Teer vrocer retarea rear money U ye deal life ScUlliai't Bti vt t1 aim. . t . . - ' 1 r JM 1 A a' Copyright 1907, by L. ADLER BROS, tt CO Saturday 9 A. M. Regular Value $1.50 NICKEL TEA KETTLE Nickel Over Copper Mrs. Potts M 1M Regula Val & w Lai 11 . The Price Si '" '.' -r . :. evi- at the -Custom S :rf.ciftvggo SSlSS ISSSSLmSTib very liable to ba un wrSSmble! NUFFSAID. THL JACOBS SHIRT CO. Phone Main 1087. . 291J4 best patterns; aii s, -r value; other storei ask $18.00; sale ..l - - . ........a...... M.n's fine nand-tailored Suit, In fine grade worsteds; fancy Jt!ll&Vy and neat dark Ptterna, we.". !r.Zanf 3-hutton aingla-breasted coat style; our $20.00 vahies, lor tbis aaia oniy, ai aj the $uit.... o' ' . - . , . Men'.hlh-rde ing wholesare tailora in the land made o f JPJg d trimmin?,; SullyU 1 AS dfflelS I3S.00 lor clothing of equal f .Q J. grade; our best $28 values......... j oung men'. Vi or double-breasted coats; neat graj .P1nJ.eaaarrs; M .eajon'a cassimeres and '7j?5af ISm I valueV i The exclusive cloth- of 2M Suit! Vt 33s unusually low price, the g K).0J suit take advantage.. . , : ' .' 5aie uoya sr rnmi tl 0-.:a" nes - Wash Suits knas?r ScoND FLOOR .years, uranu nw - . , ; Boys' fine Wool SH.oubeaedi stylin cheviots ana c " . make; regular to 12 M. Regular 'I Value $1.50 Sad Irons Regular Val. 51.25 of a Shirt taiiiraw win Inaurs) everr man a VBTlit. mim STAKIv Sh Specials a 'cbraV. t Trimmed : sailor blouses and double-breasted styles, m wool tweeds, fancy s; ages 8 to 16 years. Best gd gS $6.50 vsiues;jcn sale at.....i Vw7 AMTTXlCJrT8. akeSaWaaJaa,l' W"J""Sjbj WMhta?M. UUUU I Ut A lav I. w , IVmlcbt S: e'CVx. Bat Klght, Sunoaj MUjat aaav . STWfnVftT It nPIVfrV Im Beraard Shaw's Mac Oliiaend flay - Mrs. Warren's Prcfcsslsi- aU Bailln at Xlieatre Boa-Otflee. lira and! RCfl Ifl THF1TPP i . WaaWnatoa "" MaU 1 x.t.. O KnraiETXA coJfA -'-': -U'.i la Sraert Danoy'a DtUfhtfol OMaedy in or A sttddix rzaaT.r . ... - a M 1 Rn. Balaaav. tl. TSeTWt fallerr, 60a Beats sailing at theatre. Marduam) Grand Att Weak, S tarda sad Baaday Hhttaee. aaw ruaJfOIBCO OFIBA OOKTaXT FreMBtlag Victor Herbert's Greatest Oteale niCEBl $, SOo, TSe. Matiaaea SB. BAKER THEATRE STlli. h. Tkmisb An Tbla Week Toe otmiic reus ,VH.r-. art.MIlAVf. laat wur aw - - , ms mrrrms WOIUI." : ' A imam T .Iater. Brlghl : wfl aa-ai BtstM tUTMlNll Ihm ftatar(l7 Uies Baturaay. veahw prlees. BOe, S5e, We- KaUpeae, sne, lalvtiait ek, "la Dairy Farm." ISriJl Empire Tbeatre uVTiK grtims Stock Compr la tha Great retre "WlOXZS tOMDOW.' " a. a. 1441. a. MaM"tl UtaV nwUa!Stage dlreetloa t alr..srbert Aaa- a.fanlav. " Mlrht Mleea. 10a. B0, SOo. 900. katloeea, 10. 5ft. LYRIC THEATRE raeae Mala 6SB. Thla Waak the Allea Stock OoIr ri " MStS'c th. Hlsoly Mle " - . dramatic 8ocoe.-- ' ' "Tine oorlITayIlITIa., - WaHnaaa Toaadar, Thoredar. BatnMay a4 Bandaj. Mcee 10c. e. Srwr nin ai :18. trie lOe, Ba AM Aa-. UMrrad seats ky phooe, UaU eSSS. OKlo opa from 10 a. bv te 10 p. a i , - THE STAR nose Hate S49S. Xatlnaaa nsteiaye, " Tkoisdays, Satereaya aaA SeadayB at $i0. yTieae IS aad SO easts. Svery Xvealay at SilS. rriaee 10, SO and so. Seeef Beats ky Ykeae. Hal Reld Knobs Tennessee THE ORAIND wxxx or VAT SO . k- Taadrrlll. de tase, BeadeA by Mtaet Orac Or By Ct Co. V ttafl lueaaea aad Zvery Zrebit. prte: MatliMea, - aot lnclnrt-n Bar,,' . in.. . - Slvanlnaa. Htiud.,a a HaUdaya, 10, Sue. aa Bus Seats Sled a w JL