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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE JOURNAL AN INDfcfBNDEiNT NEWSFAPBR. c a. JACKSON. ....PoblUbat pablbtbm) awy evening (nrvt Monday) an ' every Sunday Bwnilof, at Th Journal Balld ' ln. Flfta and Yamhill atreata. Portland, Or. ' Etra at the poa toft lea-at Portland. Or., ft tranamlaaloa throng li tU oalla aaoood-alaaa TRLKPHONB MAIN TITS. ; , AD orrtronra re.rti-4 by thla BSBibar. tbe otwrator tba department Jo wank Tall roHEION ADVERTISING BEPRKSENTATIVB Trwland Benjamin fipartal Adwrtlatnf Afaney. Uronawlca Bnlldtof. 125 fifth -arano. Naa lorij jtimiw Jlalldlnf, Uhtcafo. - Snheerjptloa Tar dm by mall to any addraaa Bi to tolled Sutaa, Canada at Maitco, ,., ..AII.V. - . Dm reae'......."..3 00 On Month.. I J Da IW. 12.60 t Ona meats. ...I. .9 So DAlLT AND RCJNDAT. Dm raar $7.10 I Om month.......! AS Labor to keep alive la your , breast that little , spark; of ' celestial l fire, called , , Don-: ' sdence.-Washlngton. ' ' A PARTISAN CANDIDATE. : fit - A lengthy advertisement Mr. I Devlin puts . partisanship above ; Ji everything else. Immediately following a platitudinous Intro ductory paragraph, he saysr "It Is well to keep In mind that thla Is a . partisan campaign. ' It ' has , been I made so by . the Democracy." And then he quotes Mr. Thomas letter j n support of , this assertion. But everybody knows that" the Demo- 4 (ratio voters rejected Mr. Thomas' ? theory and policy of partisanship in f knonlclpal affairs.'. They voted for ; Mayor Lane's renomlnatlon as a spe t rlflo' protest against Mr. Thomas' r proposed partisanship, as well as an Indorsement of Mayor Lane's admin governed cities. Do the such government heref have outgrown partisanship ln! mu nlclpal affairs. Is Portland to pro gress along with them, or fall back Into old ruts 'and let a selfish and almost inevitably a corrupt machine run the city? Mr. Devlin pleads for party. We think , the People, . far more important, v v; J. ,;; ' THE SETTLERS AND THE . LAND GRANT. . .. , V "SrS! DEVLIN THECORPORATIpNS' Whiti Slav if the CANDIDATE m en l ime i By Rev. Thomas B. Gregory. T IS a matter of common report that Thoma$ C Devlin is the ion, period" candidate of the corporations ' and that they have been heavy bonaw wd R of. the black wnmal, anil contributors to the large campaign fund which was raised ml cnuirn ot pur Angio-saoii wood iiuiu i an sfoi Y.iuua inai WU in iU'. N THE ATTACK of . the . settlers upon the grant of lands that corporation Is Improperly hold ing for speculative purposes, the prderto make him mayor. X. , As yet the charge is undenied. It . is notorious that very large sums have been spent in Mf. " "J"11 nj. koiImj to ,. , . , t . . . . , . JL, T .ivelgle people into their vessels u .iiv viuuiim ut iree Daaaasa tn i ica and the assurance that when once Not tlie Sort 'tp M J " ' 1 By 'Irene Gardner.. : ' , Tor the benefit of those slrls who may sometimes have the sort of expe rience a certain friend of mine has Just Bone through I'm going to tell about her, without, of course, mentioning names. -, ,:;v This" flrt fo1rqulte a long time, went Smair Change fill II .1 . v ' some respects as bad as that to wbloh i "I wie negroes were reduced. - It. Was the OUStom Of the Shin mas-I about a ran with man nt whnm in-1 she was very fond, and who. In turn. unaer seemed attached to her. 8he natural iook ii ror a-rantea that he liked her or was-informed by Mr,- Devlin immediately aher the primarylection un-r'th.V k. SZ $ZS?i1t that his own personal expenditures had pot been .excessive. :;.v.;v;.. M,;fwitii excellent pay. " . t ,noUn,1 '... 1 1 ii i it jtj ii. . s ri t al . - - - - I 1 aA a. i. . . . i " r vvnence men am ine monev comer( vvno is Davine inc-armyi . v colonies me scoun Wanted, strawberry weather. ' ' i ' ; --a e ' :, ;.. , " A candidate la known tor his polities! company. ' . a iivuwn pi auini to- veai rne man whn,, it. ; "i . . . , , - i, ,. ,, ft nev. Mr. Clark Isn't half so sorry he did It as Corey wUl be later., , i k There are times when we feel like In WIIU. Ul IUI 11. I ..... A. a . - ..... .. i Mill L ill K j ii I ii n M Dill 1 1 inn nr in, w.irni. n..i:- k.i..irt4l.'i..;. in.. TM.1 1 ;''L.r,ri--',r''? wineo ra ner, ne naturauy hl, - . . "7; T- V ,. - " fcujii a vciiaii, uui.ii uciuic mc fiuuauca vuu suivc, a iic yuiuai vt r passage 10 Amer-i took it ror granted that he liked her drelly captains would make haste to' the girl a Thinking to please him the girl en tered Into about everything he proposed to her that they tio. Did they have a late supper at a restaurant they gen-, .-. ; '. I.- - i . 8chmltx, if reports are true, Was doing worse than fiddling while' San FrarJoleco burned, i. -.: ... i , ., . . If there should be a deadlock In the Republican national convention, there's Cortelyou. , - . . t . ..... ,k. i.. I ruiaDumn are innanaan nvir a k u. JEncllahman anil TWhn, . ..m' k. I i; A. I. Tr " . 7. . . . i tnrrnH rh. D.ik h w.-.7. and have set about the. task, with If.. . . s - , . . . . .. , . . ? . ... . . v rascally captains would nockat the era. I. . tCil,, VIp?r?. 7.1. . . . . . ... ' m .. . . . j . . - , " B mt Ne uv B apt JIW aaaiiu VL am iiiekn w wu iisacai I i - - -w -. v r I hi si wlntt. ftlthousrh ' hA dOAfl tint Mr In It I ' f How AnnM invthlna Kni MraM .4 egal advice and ire assured breml- answer to these questions. Mr: to be, as he rails be expected with Corey at the w -...fc-i.i-: ..Ki:- . 4 it. w. t.r thai amina. 7. .""""""f -uiubwhut compaiuonsoi to neaa or ine steel trust? , "v""d tus auwvuim i iumk puuuv nit gvui k auu iuc aiuuuuis ui mc vuiiki ivunuui u mi 1 - , - v. , ple&se nim. always drank, too. . . 1. u.v. . n ui. mmvui uiuu.ii r i . . . .1.1. 1 ... . Mr. Southern Pacific is at last confronteA J of ward 'Workers,' strikers and political heelers who are enlisted J announce through every medium -at with a atari. , Tk. An I A h n,li K 'TU ' ..Ua'.i; ' tvv. I 5b.ellC command that good artisans and w, . v. 1 w auvu 1 uuuvi iVfuil iauuwi . . ll uu 4 a E1V aalij K r IILVAO v iv- lihAnri hsnl ,wv . Ti . I .. - ' .h.ii...K.,..u.. H-. . , a . . , t . .. i." r .,;-- ;tri'V'..."i:r".l" -- ersuy stayed until the place was about v -r r" " " y-.-i aucai macniner vvno supplied : me nuge sacK wnicn nas Decn i 5. r.Trr wv"u. "t. -"'. M1 ready to close. lingering .w... ...A. ... m x i I P .... I nsllshmen and Dutchman wniiM ha I . - . - . . ' buaao uieao tanas are 01 siern- siuu resolute purpose. -They have sought - ? pcupic nvB u ceeds. - lean strongly to their side of what campaign fund, and an offer was made; to publish a similar, stated and, a iiy to thi ship maS accounts neitheV wm eventuate into a aesperaie legal .-. u.U.t kt ravnr T nn n,, , halUncr- rtae. hr. 1 lof P"e over, permitted tnem-1 tw0 W9rs toe-ether a areat deal "ia helu ' ' "owV "ou,a Prsoa to rAnfilnf Th-V ,-- hahin na Cnt fn bcna" 0 Lint Uut the challenge has Deen ig-f..iv.s to be sold, or bound out. Ar . I TaKSLS 'L.-?! utodr.-t their children.. " nored. Why? , ' o?Mve.pH , ; r 1 . , ... ' . .-4 nr. :t ' A ur. ZL9 " "lin w from his attentions that they would re- I. There;. always inne government granted the lands r . ,v"kuvo,?M".K"4HU ufi"u,wHuic "-' 'r1111 .ma 1 . . v .." .." .isult in a.sroioaai of mama re - 1 tnanarui ror;-it hasn't been nk ......a S . . ..If .aa a , si to a corporation and that corporation I challenge is a tacit admission that, the charge is true, that he is the I service was $100. when this time had pubiicir and solemnly pledged Useif candidate of the corporations and that they or their off icers ' are :pr.h: .khVr wmpVni aaMlI tka laatilai A oai f ' . . , I . . . " w---.a.aM ww aa I VArmBflY Savauiailnsr hAa. at as I ' something OltAvCOld Then early last fall she began- to note I enough to freese things up-iately.Sal to sell the lands to actual settlers in lots of not more than. 160 acres, and supplying thai money? to carry on his campaign. ping noe, a , weeding hoe and a new axe. Children were sold for about one This change . became more pronounced with each passing week. She I It than mk..:. ar;rk.a,i:.. T ZlTs rr"".""'..'" "r ww" did not ask for anv axnlanatlon. but kant at a price hot to exceed 2.50 per ,v-,1wr.,ak"?. 'c."47tt;v f "V &$;n&t" r eye. open aid , finally discovered acre. That i. th. cornoration hA- reason? Every, intelligent voter knows. He, knows that Harry taV.-M . JaJ? w much devoted to a came, not the owner, but a trustee Lane cannot be intimidated nor influenced, browbeaten nor cajoled, v?Juaft?r "c.n,?"n . .; Sike a ions VtUVa1!? rn .kVm. i.u ..a .i.t . - I ti: t i ' . ... . ' - . , ; .... . , .. I ' w againai aiding inese wnus I ,.,,,.,. ,Z -1 wim aa inveresi, ana ma real iuno-i tic nas no political aCDIS to pay, HO macnine IO dictate HIS policy, I sieves to escape was severe. A fine of I j""" 7'r T" tlon of the trusteeship was, 'not to no 'brivate ambition to aerve. - He doe not tmnorlre r he d, not im.p.0."? .'op. W.?J? S?f was oSSi T-T"' t0 th' own, but to sell the lands. Such was d beauivocate Everv Question" submitted to him since his ttatYS; I iaTJt1- : the command of the law, and ach ??f3;? X " .V JJTSS anV:M a. a.a a. . . a I ITIf I III I II in 1T1 III IHIlTr TWl 1 VP3 TM U LTTl nai rf"n n 4TsrTTI 1 TI gn W in 9 Tl I UettnKMfJ Br COffJL sfUBLminWl "Tlw im an I . . - .-v e--- ' - me pieage oi ine corporation. . . :: I " 7 - 7 - . -o-. .. " A- . i' , Morally, in the case of an Individ-j ye Single to tne rignts ana tne interests oi tne people. - ; A MW AtaaSi aa. B ak aAHaaalaJ aa.a - ual, the lapse of o-years could not Selfish corporate interests which seek to profit at the expense D'Tlln X9 Istration Thev nominated Lane as 9 trafasforrned mere trusteeship 0f the people have no use for such a mayor, as Harry Lane. Their ln.dind 10 pf3ratnv'hlilt5t Z th! strauon., iney nominated Lne as , t compiet e ownership, not even u l 7 n i- u- l i. i- . v j master for each day hs had harbored to under ;? eircnmstances that? dia- t, technIcalltlei r Morally. ' the and more ubservient to their ends. They want an accommodating number TjSSuSi fVo" ill Brit-j M flight of those years cannot have.ef- "ayor anu mcy ociicvc mat mr. xjcviui win nu tne Din. ffir.tnd that rhano-A In thn hattalf ntl I rnirmraMnn . loon licenses perpetual, slBce they lately where Mayor Lane stands. I countries, was aa high as - - vawS MMura W AVT UtD you about r hanoen to know a friend of thU man's very well, and I said to mm: , . . . "80 Mr. A's going to be married. I'm not surprised, except that It Isn't the gin 1 thought he'd choose," , -v '. ,-. -e 1 With-December wheat up around a dollar. It Is presumed the bakers are hurrying to make tholr loaves smaller., ,;. . . .. ; Some Mississippi people are accused of selling whiskey by telephone. But bobody is accused of drinking It that way, .. -7: rf". ; : , "T " I , V : - i . . ."Common Sense Spreading" la the' title of an editorial In the Indianapolis Star. ' Perhaps that la why it la so thin la many places. -,' , . . ' v.""--' ; a Judge Wood, having taken several newspaper correspondents fishing, It Is surmised that he. will take no Judicial notice of any lies they nay tell about flSh,' r ,.. , v. . ; ai iooks as lr Mr. Fairbanks was ' tlnflly and specifically indorsed him ; as being a mayor for the whole peo- pie ' and not for the . Democratic ! party. , They at once approved Lane and repudiated the proposed ma : chine. Devlin quotes Mr. ..Thomas. I We refer to the voters. Hence Lane Is not only a Democratic candidate, but an anti-machine candidate. Mr. 1 Devlin has made himself not only, a , strictly, partisan candidate," but a , machine candidate. We think? there - are a host of Republicans in this town 'who want: ni more machine ad ministration of municipal affairs. With di3ingenuousness that sur prises us, Mr. Devlin concludes his long plea 'ihusi ;,"tt for Repub licans to say If they prefer a Demo cratic administration, f where , every "Whom did roa think he'd ehooaar "'. ' t ,w. .1 . . ha l.nk tn k. I "-""a " '" ana money ppeni la it gl?L B&. 7a riaratL h,,velopl1' Presidential boom, but llv- - girl. Bnes ail rlgut, In. an munh In ih. V. hi.. that lah lalanrfa rfnMn. .K. ........,. ..a17 eighteenth centuries, to say nothing f . ov nut. that man i- never I to "lav down, those that were brought from Other 1 1"00 marrying her. He wouldn't , ' the corporation, Is the ' errand on which the settlers have embarked.'; J It will be a battle to the finish with no quarter asked or givenon either side, and the courts and laws will have been tested to the Quick by the time solution is reached. flagrant cases would such proof be forthcoming, and the whole- want that Sort of art fa. Tim V... ... I u im ica, waa aa man mm bv.vuv. 1 . II " . " .0. 1 , renaieton Tribune: The Portland Jnu. ThU white slavery laated unm wall f' '"7 the girls with as little Lj . mky id foiuie Ri ona into that nineteenth' oenturv. . . ... I wupies as sne seemed te poesess about rp . I va aA-jaiea. vT Oil, fc raillVr a . . . I rood time with tha Ii.V- 1 " xacaieoTut let us a a lace ror Pendleton Tribune: The Portland Jour trusteeship, not morally, but legally. !, "'T? T?. prf Mf' change hi. mind, ?uZmZZn?: S a . .... ' - I Ul V I1U1AL1UU UL la W . . UU1T 1U U1H I U llAal.Il T tin M.II.SBr CIlHffTTlrln a: I . . - - ..... . . -. nas Decome ownersnip in tne case ori; r .7 j .. ,y . - . .B : good time with that anrt if h.;"' " ' iuwbi, iiagraat cases wouia men v y ;.' - - . ! Jriacw ior AtveryuunK ana n,verr-1 .h.v- n,., . r1 . 7 1 nope ror tns neat. , 9 In It Placed ? i, that kind. He'd never think of marry I "' 'i 'V J . Does anybody suppose that some some restraint which the city is able I politicians axe putting In ' a good I to exercise under the present law I deal . of time and expending much would be lost, pood citizens should j effort to elect Mr. Devlin for the vote against the proposed ordinance, real benefit of the city? . Does any- MUNICIPAL MORALITY. OKLAHOMA. W E E SHALL await with due pa tience the outcome with re gard to' the admission', of Oklahoma, without giving all3r' comln t0 U- Mayor Busse t0 do his or her part to make too hasty credence to the current or cnicago, recenuy eiectea, nas in- th fiesta a splendid success. Interest of the municipality shall be j reports that the Republican leaders ugurated cleaning out crusade. rnaie an instrument to aid m per- are seeking some means bv which " " not to ex-Mayor Dunne s ere1!! petuating the rule of Democracy in I to keep that territory out of the I nat Chicago was so overrun wit; 11 1 iiir in w 1 m rm r r. . i 1 1 l i. .inn. v. m rw r . i . i. . m . i Portland, May II. To the Editor of Xtk womn hoae code of right and jj" jsrtJnlr hame that nature The Journal-The prohibiting of 1 .mo" w"; bt sliding scale to be ad- VmVA1 " ing on the rear platforms of rs Is one J"'" V0, wbt V fle -he thought hJfi f' "v! of the best rules adonted bv the car compatible with the matt who happened wlth0 oelng compelled to come by lin.a it pnrtiZ t ZJSHti He would have thought w,r ot Astoria. Astoria Budget Tes. Ln.' f EZZfgJZ. ih. :?n?fMrt J far more of that alrlTf ah. h.J then mean old Nature might have vl.- . . . lni ao ina nut aa w crowo. t(1 - -' ' I .nraaJ the Onlnmhla K.l. ....! Ject? f,:,.-1-.-:1 'XV : -iv-V-, WJ?. brIUr nlor?6d. t perfectly willing to do so. and. Ln. above Astoria.; But both Portland and- JS.iffS, im i wAmi I uently." he got hi. pleasure out bf ltHfn-aiN.U be thankful . . r .... .. .w . 1 vi ursrAsirawi thai1 lr aw ea.i.K -a, ror im will nraarMV anil va ii mi- mm a w w a avvAl efaj Vfmj I " a ea a v v ma a LW more wnnpui ngniing eaon other. , vwmvmoi municipal acuvuy The roses will be readv bv the an. girls and boys from the front rtii.L"i !f.. in the. direction of moral re- date set to do their share la main- -v0! r.i n-wce there to do thing, which In hi. heart he di.- form, of more decency ana taining Portland', reputation as tti oTtie r Rose City,! Now-, it is up to every-1 absolutely no other plaoe left for them my friend replied: - - bodv tii An hla W W narf ; ' ' A Bsawauwt. That', a mistaken idea. A alii of I Diaiure years, like the 'one we've been tailing- aoout, should have sufficient Orcgfon Slcleligliti ob the for Victoria's - birthday will be SArVAd hv Rrltnna thmne-bnnt city and county and state. We might Union because a majority of Its neo- vicious and- criminal elements dur- world toaay. .nd eTerv vear well ask what harm has resulted to pie choose tq vote the Democratic las his term. That he was not in centuries to come as a deserved trib- the people in the election of two op rather than the Republican ticket, empathy with them may well be ute to a great and good ruler, of a three Democrats, and assert very con- The president must approve the con- obeyed, but he did not suppress or mighty people. fldently and indisputably that their stltntlon that has been framed, and "terminate them to the extent that , r ' election was a very good thing for then; proclaim' an election !n the ter- e should, 'it i he pleads that he : San Francisco has stood np brave- the people generally, but our pur- rltory for its adoption or rejection, cou,d not- he incompetency. j under all its great sncceaslve pose lust now is to call attention to and the report Is that strenuous ef- How sincere Mayor Busse may be, or afflictions and woes so far, but how the manifest and glaring incorrect- forts are being made to Induce the l"Vmach he will accomplish, re- can It be expected to survive a beer ness1 ot this statement Nobody president to find some flaws in the mains to be teen. But he shonld be famlnef ' ' 4 . knows better than Mr. Devljn that constitution that will ' require 'the en credit for sincerity until vhis , v'' " Mayor Lane has. not used .'every" territorial convention to frama an. insincerity is shown, and he deserves The candidata whn r.ia.a tha in, Polk, county, many sawmill, are all bUSy.:-"-. ; . Boring for oil will begin near Dufur w.Tbis Date in History. 16 Nicolis Copernicus, eminent .! tablllty A)f character to, say what she tmnnmnr IIpiI ' Rom Hit.'1 , I Will not do In her BCaualntanaa with 1707 Carl ven IJnne. llluatrloua men-: Th woman who. thinks she 1.1 wlthta- SO days. Swedish naturalist, born. Died January Jla" ni by being lax In these mat- 10, 1770. . making a great mistake. I only Fruit in Malheur county was but llt- li:0 WUIlam. Chauvenet. wh ' gave hfPe.thla.girl my friend Is not going to tie Injured by frost, to the Annapolis Naval academy its first n,arry win guess the reason why." ; ' ' : a e ; f great educational character,, born. Died Ji" r f" he never will guess the The Vale Orlano 1. now an elght-ooK In 8t Paul. December 18, 1870. ""n- and fo will go right on making umn, aU-at-hom twloe-a-week paper. lBBi HiQwara Advingsion or , jjouisi-i Tvi .w n ' bui , ,. , ; e e immwnm. ... . 1 ,w " anory nere. ininklna that ana became aecretary of atata. 1860 Jane Porter,; Author of "Thad dsu. of," died. ' 1855 Arthur; Wing, Plnero, English dramatist, bprn. 1876 Henry Klngsley, novelist, died. BornlSSO. . , .1881 Queen Victoria revived . title of Duke f .Albany for , her youngest son, Leopold. v . .'' 1888 Brooklyn bridge opened to traf- wa w liBiB, Liiinninar wnmr s a . .1 possibly some ain h ,7 Z.Z ' wheat crop i find In it a hint ,ia " "IV eounty. Ha. been duct V4 " . Iw.".wr bwheU old at in 0 ' Benton eenu a or any 'Interest .oUhe munlclpalltyM j other, tr at least that the vote -on it the "oPPort bt the people of Chicago terest of a party first and of the dtv lie. lor the purpose stated. That he stead- may be deferred until so, late next in als efforts. ; T ; , second is not a good man to elect ow Francis Train com- lastly refused to do spand to build year that Oklahoma will. not have a The new mayor of Spokane la f ol- mayor or conncilman: , . SJJ oiSr--th worid ln 47 lip or help construct a Democratic right to the seven electdral votes to lowing a like course. That city has J l8 United Butes battleship Ore- toaxhine waa exactly the reason that which it will be entitled if it becomes for mhny years conUined hotbeds of ; Where ' does the money come f 'rw rtf Va 4:B0 ' mU" ,MWn..'n,.A. t vi. jt.ii .. . " . . w.'a . ii.. -mm . . . . . . . arouna uape Morn in 7 aaya v"'vv"wu auuimia- a Biaie in time. . ,. , coraomea vices ibu are an ouense i rromT And where is It gOlngTThls 10 Rochambeau statue dedicated trauon ana renomlnatlon oy certain We do not doubt In the least that to all good citizens. Mayor Moore is what thousands of voters are ask- nthusiastlc Democrata. They urged! such a movement is on foot, nor that j baa ordered them to clean up, and lng. xnat tAne had been a mayor for Re- j some if not moat of the Republican to make themselves decent, orderly . puoiicaiuusiM mucn as wr Demo- leaders are concerned In It, but we lawful, and If be is strong Governor Hughes says. little, but craw, ana so nominatea Mr. Tnomas. j will not believe until compelled to enngh and the people support him gets what he wants Just the same.' : juui ui majority or. uemocrats said do so that the president will be a " they should he will succeed in his L Lll H JUI1H LliHL LUHV WHUIM T n Q T. I M w. W . ... 1. 1. .f 1. . . .ffAMI v. Unil.anA hna t.illnnMA.. I J,;' . . . . . . . ' . .-n. ,,,,1, iy ouj ui;u cuuieuipugit pq. vumw,. vuu; u uiuiumn.o,i , Koosevcit snubbed? sxma oi a mayor, one ror tne wnoie litical trick. The proposed constitu- much . th same as Portland, with ) From the New York Evening Post people, rather than for the Demo- tlon of Oklahoma 1b nnlaue: it eoes reference to women In saloons, "a S?vr"or JSaf h!" icrats. And we think a great many far beyond that of any other state gambling, ' etc., but heretofore they question raised in Washington dis- u lvln Mm "upport This is an Itepubllcan. are of;JV.t the same In safeguarding the rights and inter- have been ignored, or illicit vice has lii aSill m ppinlon-hey want a mayor for the ests of the people. . It is ooDosed bv paid fines periodically, but Mayor it nth, .i.a-?a1l?Il ment in our leading cities. Dr Lane ivtuutv imiw iLuw luau mr ivo- me railroads ana the "Interests." It Moore says mat tnese ordinances I " -.e ai ? aisposai or Governor publicans alone, or, rather for a. few is what corporation lawyers will call must now be strictly enforced. , And mafbohii Republicans who; are anxious to run radical. Very likely the department once the change is made, and the well with hi. little .tick, of honesty .... 0..1'. ' h, 1 1- 1 .J .. r- . . W I al a i r party macnine. . - of justice, if so determined, can find new order of thingi i tried for a li "?A "m?nr-.;.B0 ' wash- "... . .. '. .7 . . I., j i inaron correspondents xeii u. that. It I. at Washington, D. C 1908 Reunion of Presbyterian church (north) ' and Cumberland Presbyterian church effected at Des Molries. . '.f . n i a " i -. "' : - Portland Is for Lane. From the Eugene Guard (Ind.). In Portland Mayor . Lane has been nominated by the Independents a. well as by the Democrat., and Indorsed by Has Governor Hughes "snubbed" the? un'c'Pa' leagued .Also the press of horrlblel V1' fiu'"o vi pari? aiiumiiona, J .', TfiA TAii.n.1 fiaa n.1nt.ui w. . . . v "-? ,mauj -1 sometning m il repugnant to the fed-1 oyoaaue wm never resort to "ail over" between the president and the tract Tecentlyr frohl "MiC'TJevlIn's feral ' "constitution; almost ' any hired oW conditions wilt - wonder ; how wrnoivlf Mr. Hogher hadDniy-teen ISnnlr tn' which ' ranaataMfw mA 'T.- . .. a .A I..'.: Li,- .a.a . . . ' real good he might havt had Mr. Koose - - , aW . a vuuim va vr vaacav nibu ' tuiD Ul IT " wY w , l veil SB DflCKlHaT rn ina)- alstently 1 declared ; himself ;agalnst any other constitution, or law' But I "Astoria is in the "throes" ot vioe-eresidencv a i n jar oi course, ine presidency nas partisanship in. municipal admlnis- it i9 what the people of Oklahoma similar revolt against illegal and in- Tto tin ittV-hiaiitattM iranua, uu n&mnai a municipal aa- want. It Is what after long and ma- decent vice, openly practiced In its Poon of a governor of the Empire mmistranpn allying itself with state ture deliberation they have decided saloons and other places, and we be- Bs keVn. " rilT .tfln."n m." or nauonat poimcs. , ne showed on. And if statehood is refused on Heve that thla is the beginning of own feet, and who, if he has any further cieany, ana conclusively mat tnis account of this constitution it will th' end of such 'conditions In that 77 u tt",T was a' wrong and evil thing. Then- be because Ihls has been demanded cityT ' No' city, large or small, can ihe peSPie f instead IV by a cdesend- 11 years ago-he said what he really in the interest of the "Republican any . more afford to ; be an "open lng prsstdant . V., -- ..:; thought and' what. was true. The party and of, the corporate lnterssts. town'Mn these respects. No mu- 1 n v mr- ' thoughts were mostly those of others Such an action would be an tmt- nlclpal government Is doing its duty - j U , ? and they are the thoughts and opin- rage upon the people of Oklahoma that does not prohibit gambling, re- Trouble-don't you 'mind It. and don't ions oi every siuaen 9 an writer and would be resented by people of Quire saloons to conform strictly to p,,.wy?" .,, v V," aCar'' a " on municipal ; government, today, all parties throughout the ' country, the ' law, banish even the slot ma- heAven. 7mt. uu' "m ? OI Aside from a politician with an ax No territory was ever better entitled chines, and as much as possible re- The sorrows that,, like shadowa, come to grind, there is not a man whose to statehood than Oklahnma . Tb strict other evils. A citv'a moral. wiL15??.th. 7r .. r .. . .-v iiuf uu. . miura mai aunneam. and Dioasoming or May. . . 1L ' .' Don't you mind the thunder, and skies having given Portland an admlnlstra. tlon that Is above reproach and stands out as a luminous example In these days of municipal grafting and corrup tion. . Voters are fast learning- that fealty to party organisation means that they place-in-the hand, ,-at-m boa. power to nuiia up a machine and rob them with out limit, a. has been - done in Ban The! Deeper Note. -Birds bf victorious Spring, : Tou know no grief nor pain Bin, sing,, sing! , ' Reiterate .the strain; i to you life doth not bring, t vr ioa. or gam. a our unrorenoaina aonr. ' With each returning I. Ju.t a. .wee( and strong, A. .livery arid clear, A. when the Attic throng ,' oiooo, nuani, to bear. Tet aomethlng do you mia. ur ww to ui is lent. The anfrltual bliss. - . whispered messaa-e aent other-world to this our admonishment. , ine mystery -half divined - i Of "Where." when we itanart leaving our loved behind Alone to bear the smart; ' High melodies .of mind, Deep muslo of the heart. " , Bo would I not exchange " For your my graver lot, -' ' - "Ahe wider xach and range' . t Of, feelings you have not, n t "Affection", fresh and strange.- : And friendship unforgot. Alfred Austin in.' the , Independent e a Salem claim, to be the greatest hop town In the world, and may get a beer reputation. '- , , ,. ... .-1; s ; ,.-.,'.-.. . , ... Salem Is going ahead with paving two or three streets, Instead of one. Good paving pays. v..-v, " North - Bend - has . subscribed .. more money per capita than any other city in Oregon for advertising purposes. I " .::"v:; ' : e -. ty-- In five minutes North Bend Commer cial club members raised 8300 for a set of Coos Bay furniture for the governor's orrice. ' ' "" - r A man living across ihe Willamette from Albany sold a team weighing 8.7S0 pounds for 8700, to be used as a dray team in St. Johns. - - - ";V"'':-;-.1i i vA'S ', Tj.y ' Everyfew days some property-owner In Dallas tears down his old. unslehtlv yara rence, and by .0 doing remove. town just that much farther from crossroads village class, say. the server. 's' e " A'" ' ' ' Albany Democrat: A. Woodburn pa per recently boasted .of three eggs, a H. Walker brought in .three egg. 8 1-8 by 7 7-8, U by 7 and 74 bv IM. beating the Woodburn ' egg. altogether by I 8-18 inches. ' , - Things are wblzslng among the Union lumberman, says the Republican, and the Indications now. are that there. will be more lumber cut and delivered on union uiie season jjo- m ;:.lpt" So Slow. From the Weston Leader. It oocurs to the Leader that" Waann I board the cars at Francisco, Philadelphia, St Louis and has often "uffered unjustly from a rep. than for any one year in the history of many ; other cities.' That Is wh tha uUtlon for clvlo sloth. Instead, whan I th. place. , .. are not disposed In Portland to exchange f things are started here they go a-hum-1 i ,,"-. ,"- . - a proven executive like Mayor Lane fori1"1""' nd any a purse-string ls gen- Juntas an Aurora young man was going a practical politician of Devlin's char- .rously unloosed for the publio bene- to help his best girl into a buggy to take aoter, whose warmest supporters are, flt ' K ' '' ride the horse', ran away, which to say the least, lukewarm in their de- Thousands of dollars have been sub- cause, the. Borealls to inquirer Now, sire of pure popular arovernmant tn ita scribed at different times for the Nor. did the horse hear a sound like a cow full meaning, L , ;, c X v I mal ; "ohooL - Churches have received J pulling her foot out of ' the mud and 1 - i ,v: annnnrr an a 4,000 edifice has 1 it ror the signal to Start T irttt .n-iA99 B-:.5?ul wr typubii sub-1 e From the Merrill Record. opinion Is worth considering in the politics of its people Is none of the are in these days a necessary object United , States today who will not agree -with Devlin the author and disagree with Devlin the candidate. The plea is disingenuous, too, be cause the future success of the Re publican party is not tied up at all with Mr. ; Devlin's little prospective machine. That machine would prob ably Injure the Republican party more than benefit It. ' The party's Interests are not, as Mr. Devlin as nimps, the machine's Interests; New w,rk and Thlladelphla are partisan- federal government's business. And its constitution is up-to-date ' and shows that the people of that terrl tory are peculiarly fit for Belf-gbv-ernment. , - Elsewhere In this Issue we publish a protest by the Municipal associa tion, against the enactment of the proposed Initiative ordinance increas ing saloon licenses to $800. The principal point raised is that the or dinance would, la' effect, "make sa- of an administration's attention. .u . .1 i... ' . . I mm . jL'aiiea . t,nronicie:. , . Bnerman IC V. Sain, writing l Vh. Co.' Bay Ho over 00 was ls lrfewhSnr: SsUZ'? tt Harbor, see. in H. M.. Cake of Port, for a famllv who had w ttZZ 1? correspondent . of the Portland Ore- land, a desirable auccesaor to the toga by Are. The annual Pioneers' reon nTn t' ' Fulton. .Mr. Sain applies never lack, for fundsT although man? -- The ooeTa ti'TZ..ZX P?Pution- of Sherman eennty. dent." etc. He la lucltad tn tht. ... mihlla ifn.t.ii ... .... ,. t..r-" m largeai towns, as stu- The Orient is demanding so much Donv.ou. ml,n,d ine wma Ih nt I t Enrn Rawfll II tl bp an Pacific coast flour that the mills of J For .very sigh we hear, ear, thereli the northwest coast are short. What has become of that Chinese boy cott and all its pessimistic propa gandists? ' .i Mr. Devlin makes professions re garding '.franchises. Mayor " Lane's position Is a matter of repeated pub lic record. The people know abso- come a llltlna- tuna For. every bit of trouble there'll come tne smiles of Junel ' - III. Don't mind the grieving grief most play Its parti , . i Tears must blind the sight, dear, ere Joy creepa In the heart, r' Don't you mind the thistles that wound the weary Xeet-r- , ,, We must know the -bitter that we may know the sweet! WUl F. Grimn, In Milwaukee Sentinel, j a. "brilliant statesman, energetli far Seeing diplomat, exhauattva given in this gyrio by-Mr-Cake's Indorsement of a occupies, and now the MaraWl SSn-a EX?; iS" o-root narDor,ror coo. Bay., i While U to be reestablished by a stock sub- " ,ov- fuLun, nuu iuiun .v-ieei wouio I acripnon or over 1 1,10a which. Is beln steadily Increased. , t - be sufficient for that estimable harbor. 1. the recipient Of such . eulogistic term, a. "cheap boaa politician,. Insincere and tricky pettifogger and crafty trimmer." We think we can see where Mr. Sain Is right. A man Who believes Coo. Bay should have no deeper entrance than Golden Gate Is Indeed unworthy - of tne i country', .upport. , , , s. -In Proportion. . . , . From the ; Detroit. Newa-Tribune. Occasionally a -faint peep la emitted by the custodian, of .the Judge ; Gray Democratic presidential boom let. . The volume of sound Is .just about In nro- portion to the slse bf Delaware in com parison with the rest of the union.. h , A Lobster Collection Better. - 1 . From the Irria-on Iriraf We do not take much stock in this j oay Dusines.. . wnat do we Want the north pole f orT : We will wager a "prescription" that if It is-fouhd It will not be half as valuable as one of Ore gon s majestic pines. '-And why should our little kiddle, give up their pennies to discover any old pole, unless it might be the - center pole of a circus tent Come off, governor. Let us lift a col lection to plant lobsters In Willow creek. : That would bo a far greater service both to this and future genera tion.. 1 ' , A Scotchman who i. in awe of legal document, lives in the Nehalem valley ' where railroad aurveyor. are running a "" line and he tried to prevent them from going through hi. farm; he succeeded until they showed him a legal looking document covered with' red seals and blue ribbons, when he went away, but soon, after, according to the Astoria ' Budget, he turned a vicious 'bull into the field. The bull soon spied the red .flags on the signal -staffs used by. the surveyors ana a. ne charged them the surveyor, scattered In all directions. A. the men ran by, the rancher' sat on tka fence and taunted them by r velllnt. - show him the papers.r The surveyors are now seeking a new location tor -running the Una, I