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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
i . . DUEJVKD E IS .'-.-. Famous Christian Science 8ui Occupies Attention of Con cord Court Today. DDY CASE UJV), V W UA)M& : : ' t Journal Special ferries.). ''.-; Concord, . N. H.. May 4.-General Btreeter, counael for ths three trus ten of Mr. Mary Baker Eddy, In the Christian Science suit, . h completed hie argument In favor of a motion that the ' trustees be substituted for her "next frlenda" aa plaintiffs.. The rest of the day's proceedings ' wets devoted to the presentation of the Side of tho next friends opposing the trustees. Counsel Hows tor the next friends began bis argument summarls Ing the affidavits of bis clients that the trustees had determined the case In Advance; that" Mrs. Eddy's son. George clover, took action for the love tt her. that the trusts like her name to meet exigencies and the trustees disappeared when exigencies did. Ex-Senator Chand jer follows Hows and Btreeter, probably concluding his argument late today. JURY DRIVES WEDGE UNDER TACOMA'S LID Special DtiMteh to The JaamiLt oma, May 14. Sunday closing of s&loons and reform got a severe Jolt when Jo Malone, against whom aa In formation had been filed charging him with keeping his saloon open at the back ' entrance) 1 last Sunday, was ao qultted by a Jury of six. of the most prominent -citlsens and business men of Tacoma. " Some six or eight saloonmen face warrants for keeping the rear en trance open Sunday and the acquitting of Malone, while It does not establish precedent, at least Indicates ths drift of opinion. Som of the Jurymen are disposed to excuse the verdict by hold' Ing that the prosecutor did not so con nect his testimony ss to show that ths mn who got, the .license for Malone's saloon Is ths same person who holds ths license now. , j itsvk u ji isi z 11 rs"iii i ii v. - 1 yiu ji n u in i u i 11 11 . i-'i , 11 if if v i 1 - ' " - J K ' "';,'. I ' l 1 . I ' . C , , , , .11,1. L . ABSENT WIFE T"; "; (Continued front Pag One.) struck her, threatened to kill her, falsely accused' her of Infidelity and called her vile names. She said also . that Ford wanted her to lead a life of sham to help htm make money. They wer married at Eugene In February, 10. Recently Mrs. Ford left her hus- . band and cam to Portland, where ah ha been living with her sister. Ford Is at Wend ting. Oregon, working la - logging camp. Georg W. Felghner testlfled that his wife, Oertl A. Felghner, deserted, him at Onaway, Michigan, on Christmas dap. 1S. and was granted a divorce from her. They wer - married "at Hrsy, Michigan, In September, intr Though he said he had other i evi dence that h could hav produced, Manley A. Haines was content with proving that Sarah Haines deserted him eight years ago, ana was gran tea a ai vorce from her. They were married In this city In May, JS8J, and have two children, a son 16 years of age and a married daughter. The son Is living with his father, , , . , CALEDONIAN ANNUAL - PICNIC AT ATHENA . ' ' r . iv.- . . - .-' '"",'r-':"--'':''' '". v yat .1.1 TU..4.k W .- TMM,1 , ' A.thena, Or., May J4.-Th annual Caledonian plcirro opened at Athena this morning. Hundreds of. people are her and bagpipe muslo and Scottish songs are heard everywhere. The address of welcome ' was delivered by ' Mayor J, D. Plamondon and the annual address by Judge W. R. Ellis. Addresses wer also mad by 8. F. Wilson and ex-Gov ernor ; T. T. Oeer. Leading Scottish dancers from Portland, among them be ing George Campbell, are her. Th program will continue two days.- COMMITTEE OF 23 "' ;' (Continued from Pag Ona) until a cruel detachment from head' quarters found him asleep In a vacant building on his beat; William Beudel spacher, one ; a health officer until fa transported a smallpox patient through th city on "a streetcar crowded with people, Sid, last, , but not least, John Gray, whose political services are al ways on tap for either side that desires them," all are Included In the list of membership. These are th charter members of th "committee of Si" and hav avon and are still winning their spurs by active toll and effort. What their expectations Vjire they keep to themselves, more or i leSli consistently, but they are acUv and, they say, effective. Oriental Tours. ' Excursion . ' ' Japan-China, t Personally conducted. Leaving Seattle Juna 26, 1907. Returning August to, 1907. Very low rates. ' v Fof further information calf on or ' address W. W. King, Manager Oriental . Tours, 14 Downs Building, Seattle. PREACHER SAYS SALOON .... -TAX IS FRENZIED ROT Columbus May iiTh general as sembly will close today with the, regu- lar temperance report adopted without debate. , Rev. Worrell stated that it was f rensied financial . foolishness to sup pose the people can hurt th saloons by taxing them. Kansas City was chosen for' the 1908 assembly. . - - - Jamestowm- Exposition via ITw York is one rout of excursion tickets sold daU"rvr Pennsylvania Lines at low States. Stop-overs at New lora, rmia-lelphla,- Baltimore and Washington. Tickets routed via New York going .or mtiiminav atul via PhlladelDhia. Wash inrtnn. Raltimore. Columbus. Cincinnati or Louisville in opposite direction. Long return limit For full information write V. N. Kollock, Dlst. Agt., 24 Stark SU Portland, or. - Nest of Owl at Astoria. ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) , Astoria, Or., May 94. A local nest --of -the Ordr of Owls was instituted here Wednesday"; evening by Sam- Jj Wheeler, official organiser, with th following officers: Chief executive, ' William Mundy; vie executive, Kilts Weatherford; vicar, Ed Palmer; treas ure i, Charles ; Dahlstrom; secretary, Fred Lewellyn; execntlv committee. William Hull. Harry Jones and Harry " Christiansen. ' ' . - Cures - baby's - croup, Willie's dally cuts and bruises, mania's sor throat, grandma's lamene8S---pr. Thomas iEo fectrl OU th srsat household remedy. The Greatest Merchandise ILvent for Portland Men! Ever Planned a We say "The Greatest "There have been other sales, many of them but none like this.. Building coming downa new one all PtTt. r THE BUSINESS," that's the slogan. Prices named in. this advertisement are positively lower than goods of eaual quality HAVE EVU-K. before been sold for in this city. , "DOLLARS FOR US, DOLLARS! FOR YOU." The entire store fairly bristles,with bargains. Reductions are gen uine and radical 'Read items carefully then compare the. printed statements with the actual merchandise offered. Come prepared for surprises cotne expecting more for your money than you ever got before. You'll not be disappointed. Read on. . . ; . THE MOST DARING DISPERSAL OF UNPARALLELED AND ABSOLUTELY MATCHLESS CLOTHING VALUES EVER ATTEMPT ED IN THE NORTHWEST is the all-powerful magnet that is drawing thousands of happy and satisfied buyers this week to the Jin mm W:1B AT THE HONEST OLD JOHN BELLAK CLOTHING AND SHOE HOUSE GOR. FIRST AN YAMHILL STS. 'THIS. IS A PEOPLE'S SALE ' THE BUYING OPPORTUNITY FOR THOUSANDS At your own. price if you name one within reason. -In the face of the most sensational and unprincipled advertising by merchants (?)' who care namrht for truth and less for principle mercantile degenerates, so to speak this great sale grows greater with the days. , FOUNDED ON TRUTH AND BACKED BY RELIABILITY THIS GREAT DISTRIBUTION, OF WONDERFUL VALUES SEES THE CROWDS GROW BIGGER EACH SUCCEEDING DAY! Men's Suits, Hats and Furnishings; Men's, Women's, Boys', Children's Shoes Carnenters and other artisans masons, plumbers, painters, etc., are impatiently waiting for the old store to be emptied of goods, and will brook little ie summer dead one," f,,rv.m h str I Hir niivfr i in iew y oric nurcnasini? iruuus iui xxiji vv iwiiM vuuumv utwiuv swu building where the sale is now going on. Delays are dangerous now don't put off buying longer if you haven't provided yourself with tl U re a loner lime aeau, saia an oiu pxiausupiicr. viouu uuuusuyuy, wu, uuu iuca mitfif a frartr. "You ve onlv one lite to live ana vc but get in with the "live ones" and share this week's bargains at JOHN DELLAK b. v HEV'S NEGLIGEE SDIRTS A lot of stiff and soft-bosom Shirts in standard makes at.;. 19) 7Sc Negligee and Golf Shirts 45 Men's Splendid Work Shirts... 38) Our best $1.25 Golf Shirts $1.50 Shirts, newest patterns, m white checks, stripes and dots HEN'S UNDERWEAR fine ribbed Shirts and Drawers, for men., Men's fine Balbriggan Underwear. Men'a fine Cassimere and. Worsted Underwear, great bargain t,,,,,u rr iinf 194 65f Mil I Matchless Shoe Bargains . Cut out this aT and bring it with you. 50 CASES HEN'S SB0ES-$4.M AND $5.C9 VALUES : , J: FOR $2.95 ;;. , rrV-, : Patent leathers, ' vici and calf, new lasts, made in master workmanship by expert shoemakers. $4.00 and $5.00 , flJO QC values for Men's S3 and $4 Shoes for $135 Similar to lot told of above and equal bargains.' 35 cases of Men's Box Calf and Velour Shoes, in Goodyear welt stylesat the wonderful bargain price 2 Lsdies' Shoes, 51.75-52 Vals. $1.00 8,000 pairs of fine Vici Kid Sfioes, with pstent tips, well made, stylish and durable, the regular $1J5 and $2.00 grade AA to be sold for, a pair.. sJU.VU Women's Patent Vici and Calf Shoes, worth $3.00 in .d C the Great Rebuilding Sale for.., sJIUU Women's ,$3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, new - JO OA V I MEN'S NEW, STYLISH 1907 SUMMER; SUITS Splendid $15 Values, Sale Price $6.95 Unequaled $18 Vals., Sale Price $9.85 Matchless, new and up-to-the-minute made Suits, products of such est custom tailors 14.85 styles in latest cut and superbly famous men's tailors as Charles Kauff man & Brothers and Rosenwald & Veil, the equals of the best custom tailors in America. Carried by only leading houses and sold everywhere for- SZ5.0Q. Just ;: in bought for our new store, but will be included in out Great Rebuilding Sal Special at . .'. MEN'S $10 SUITS $4.95 In small sizes only 34, 35 and 36 bust measure. Only a few. left. ' Big bargains for "smallish" men.- Best regular $10.00 values ever offered in Portland while they last go in the Great Rebuilding Sale gjj WONDERFUL HAT VALUE MI A Grand Special 10,000 men's newest styles in Fedoras and Tel escopes: pearls, blacks, eravs and browns; $1.50 and $2.00 values while they last, choose yQ r v pjfSee those golden savings' in bur windows at the Now at its height at the JOHN DELLAR CLOTHING HOUSS at First and Yamhill, where the building is about to be "made over" fl 1 slCL mmmm steK -., (Wssw jssissBiaSMfe- "5 I V uu V ) Ml J !