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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, FRIDAY" EVENINQ, MAY' 1507. OFFER 10 BUY :fflll HOST JMEIIIIG 1,1 SUM LOSING IS r.V'f WARBLE III PARK ALL PRESEIITED Council Practically Decides to Grand Jury Soon Ready to, Re- TILMIi RIGHTS FIGHI llilll! WANT MILEAGE) LOOK OF FEAR r BY BIG CYCLOflE Two at Moscow Testify Kester St Paul Suit Commences With Hearing Before Railway Com- Bay City Mayor Gaining Confi- Snyder, Oklahoma, Wrecked, and Proposed t3 Get Timber Land Through Them. ! Past History of Octopus . at Issue.;'. mission June First -Discrim-i inating Rate Withdrawn. -ri dence and Faces Trial Hundreds of People Be-';-'- Employ Noted Leader's Band : C for the Summer. turn Indictments Against More Bravely. lieved to Be Dead. Furniture Trust." k 0 111 TOIill DOl'JII D1BAII0 WILL EVIDENCE fSoeetal DUMteh to Tbe JnareaLl -i Moscow, Idaho, May 24.- The object or tbe testimony introduced in the land fraud case this morning waa to es- ' (Joaraal Special Service.) - St. Paul, Minn., May 14. The ' flrat government1 suit' against the. Standard OH company began today. The question tablleh the charges of ? conspiracy! at Issue la whether the government can against Defendants Kettenbach, Kester investigate the wrongdoing of the oo- 'Dwyer..":--r. -i ' topue earlier' than 1898. .. , J W. W. Pefley of Boise and Ivan Con- j Judge Johnson of Philadelphia and nell of Portland both testified that Kes- Judge Mllburn of New York. Tor the ter approached thera and offered to buy Standard, declared the Standard's hls- thelr stone and timber rights, offering tory is no other than spectacular pre- frora $100 to $700. Connell and Kester Judlce because the present company became acquainted while they were at was organised in. 188$ and Its wrong (Special Dispatch to The Jooraal.) Salem, Or May -14. A conference will be held Saturday, June 1, between the state railway commission railway omotals and representatives of the cora-l PATRICK CALHOUN HITS (Journal Special Service.) Vnrt Smith Ark.. M f 4 Hundreds TROY FOR PASSING LIE of lives are believed to have been lost land the entire town of Snyder, Okla noma, destroyed by a terrible cyclone tending Bishop Scott's academy at Port land In 104. Connell was visiting In Iewiston . .and '' a proposition, he said, 1 was made by Kester. . He accepted and field Upon a piece of land loathe Pot late). country. HJs , evidence : was not - concluded at the noon recess. " ' ' ' A lively tile between counsel occurred In court this morning. It was , dis- closed that Pelley is now employed as, a guard la. the district attorney's office and he was designated by counsel for the defense as the Inner guard and a special agent of the government was designated as the outer 'guard. The district -attorney admitted the charge, Jpsst wrong doings of the octopus have ' bat replied tartly that during the land nothing to do with the present Kellogg . fraud cases in Portland the district at- for the government, excoriated the trust, torncy's office was broken Into and some I tating It need not continue its steps-to valuable -papers stolen. Foi"tbis rea-1 control the earth as that Is already son he had seen tit to carefully protect practloalUy done. the government Interests by placing A competent guard over his office. v . PRISON TEN YEARS AND PAY A THOUSAND FINE mils lnterchanaeabla ticket for $100. or a 1,000-mile ticket for $60. In Montana recently a $.000-mlle Interchangeable ticket at $H cents a mils was granted the traveling men and It Is thought some such plan may be adopted in this state. The Multnomah Lumber A Box com pany has Informed the state railway commlaalon that In the case of the dis criminatory rates of the O. R A N. com pany's line, which provided a 15-cent rate from Baker City to Portland on box shook s, against 14 cents from Portland to Baker, City, It bad been advised by the freight agent that the lt-oent rate had been withdrawn and the 14-cent rate made to apply both ways. ur lEFfioi IS- MISSOURI COMBINE Judge Anthony Say Three on Com Sad-Faced Celestial, Who Runs merclal traveling men to conalder the Free for All Fight Narrowly Averted this morning. Every wire in that seo travellng i men's demand for-a 8.000. . . tlon of the country Is down and it Is a t--y- --7 Impossible to secure details of the dl slderatlon of Forfeiting the United aster.' . Indirect reports received here are to the effect that the town was torn , Railroads Franchises. doings were not legalised untu 1100. The government, represented by-Mil ton E. Pvrdy of Washington, and 7. B. Kellogg end C B. Morrison of St Paul, Will oppose the change In the govern ment's out rued in- hob at st. Louis, insisting; that the Standard's operations sines 1870 ars necessary to establish a conspiracy' In the restraint of trade which the company sought to hide under the New Jersey laws. Judge Johnson of Philadelphia ar gued In behalf of the bill of executions, tolling the court It must find an Illegal combination, conspiracy, and that the i (Journal Special Service.) ' I down and many of the Inhabitants killed while fleeing for their lives before, the terrific wind storm, Early' this morning the telegraph op . . , a. B - a amsi -.asas aaawe aaas 4l" eaaaa- war San Francisco, May I .Considerable rmtor at Snyder called the local offices HARD OTsE This Sentence on Dorris for Kill ing Simms Liquor Cases at Enterprise. rRtwcial TM-Mtrn la The Ion null Enterprise, Or., May $.. Judge Craw ford ' of the circuit court Imposed a . - parries- Conspired. . (Joeraal Ipeelal Service.) j Jefferson City, Mo, May 14. Judge Anthony,- special commissioner ap pointed to take the testimony In the Standard ouster proceedings, upheld the charge of Hadley in an exhaustive re port claiming that a trust combina tion, understanding and conspiracy was formed by three companies, to prevent competition In 1(01. He - stated that the defendants fixed ' and regulated prices driving competition out of the state C This report will be reviewed by the supreme court. It 'involves the Waters-Pierce and Republlo Oil corn- sentence uaon James Dorris, recently I panies. if it is affirmed the upper convicted of manslaughter, of 10 years in the penitentiary and thai he pay a fine of $1,000. Ills victim was Charles O. Simms, whom he killed In a quarrel at Lostlne. October , 1908. i i Robert Bowman of Lostlne was fined $400 . for selling Intoxicating ' liquors; - there are ataer Indictments - against Bowman for the same offense, . Alex Mavour of Enterprise was fined $400 for' selling intoxicating liquor. . Jacob Bauer of Enterprise has had seven indictments filed against htm charging htm with selling Intoxicating liquor.- The court on the first charge fined nun $400 ana on the and .sentenced him to $0 days Lottery, Prays for New Mayor. May Lee of the family of Ding Wing is sad and disconsolate and refuses to be comforted. Hi sees no surcease from unhappiness . under the existing conditions, but with the true Celestial optimism and spirit of fatality he Iboks to the future for hope and better things. ' May Lee is known in Portland and for many years has been a vender and purveyor of small pieces of v paper covered with unchristian hieroglyphics which mvtk thA -mirnhaanr a ehanoa at a court can deprive the Waters-Pierce iargt fortune for a small fee. In other company of Its.,-franchise rights and cancel the license of the other two companies to do business In Missouri. or Impose fines. ECHO OF EXPOSITION : FRAUD IN LOCAL SUIT worda he runs a Chinese lottery, "Hello, May Lee, said his friend this morning as that worthy emerged from his barred up citadel in Chinatown. "How: is the American life treating you. anyway?" "Not velly good," said the man of chance. "Him expense velly, velly big. him business velly, velly bum.' "What's the cause of It all," was the question' solicitously. - "Portland, he too d n tight." said May Lee. "Chinese lottery velly bum Lottery man starve to death unless progress was made this morning toward securing the Sohmlti jury, : Before the noon adjournment three men were tem porarily passed, by both', sides. Interest is increasing .as the completion of the Jury approaches, There were a number of women In court today. Although only four Jurors have been passed, both sides J ilmhml. expect to complete the jury by Monaay morning; at which time the witnesses have been notified to appear. Msyor Schmlta is gaining confidence and Is losing his hunted look. ' , Because JE. P. E. Troy, an insurance man, called him a liar, President Cal houn of the United Railroads struck him a blow in the facs yesterday afternoon during a meeting of the board of su pervisors . which had been called . for the purpose of discussing a resolution revoking the franchises of Calhoun's company. Chairman Boxton of the su pervisors board Interfered and ordered Troy from the room and was taunted by the insurance man with accepting noes from the United Railroads, t Troy was present at yesterday's meet ing In the interests of the municipal ownership movement, of which he is a strong movement He referred to state ments made by Calhoui shortly after the disaster as falsehoods and was de liberately dealt a blow In the facs by the head of the, United Railroads. He did not attempt to return the blow, but refused to leave the room when ordered out by Chairman Boxton. onto the wire and started to send a message Hs said? r "Big -twister coming; halfr town gone .-: i " - "'V-, v.. t Further than this no direct word nao been received. At the conclusion of the word "gone" the wire went down ' and communication ' has not been reestah DAY OF DAYS Fl Playgrounds of People's Institute Will Be Formally Opened Tomorrow. : Judging, from the spirit' which per-1 All evidence collected I by Deputy. vaded the park board meeting this United States Attorney James Cole in , n I . .. ... .... . . uie investigation or . mi atiegea rur- his command was j disobeyed, Boxton' started for Troy to put him -out and was taunted with having acoepted bribes irom Calhoun. Others inter fered or a second fist fight would have occurred. ' ii ' " , : Calhoun argued against the resolu tion to revoke his, franchises and Intl. The opening of the play grounds of the People's institute is to be made the occasion of a gala holiday for the chUdrea of the north end tomorrow. The block is one of the parks bounded by Elahth. -i Ninth. - Davis and Flanders stresta which has . been . fitted with Seeing that apparatus for the children's enjoy ment In the morning the 'games ana plays for the girls will -be under the direction' of Miss Millie Bcniota ' ana Mr. Myers of the People's Institute win have charaa of the bora. At 1$ 'o'clock a generous lunch will be served which, will delight the young sters with its oartv features. From l county Jail, but permited him to ge on parole during good behavior so far as jSclHog liquor was concerned. The other charges . against Bauer have not been eoneldered. . r u4 , , me grana jury ai inia.ierm o court second $100 1 St. Louis Fair Sues for Money city get new mayor pretty quick, lays in thai '.,. , '.j . . i - Thus does the Celestial mind d Alleged to Have Gone in Wrong Pockets. delvs i oracularly Into the clvio future. Franda i in connection with the man- has returned indictments, US greater lagement Of the exposition at St Louis number for selling in toxicant a SeveraH, Indictments have been re turned yogainst irrigating ditch com panies for neglecting to screen ditches to prevent ;4he fish from entering. are said to be behind a suit now pending in the local circuit court The suit Is one brought by the Louisiana' Purchase Exposition company against J. J. Man nlon, a concessionaire, for ; $2,162, leged to be due for rent of booths. Mannlon in his answer, . filed , this mornlna. aliens that all hla ranta'wara CONDENSED MILK PLANT lJZJ. uviitsi sta-ass .viuvf sjmu siaii JUBif nlon : had ' said his rents. but that the MBpeelal Diepateh to The loeraal.t I persons to whom they were Dald had CALL PEARY F fe THE PENNY GRAF ALBANY ALSO TO HAVE al- Oregon City School Superlnten dent Tells Pupils It's Not Up to Them. Albany, Or., May 24. Albany citixensl are considering the establishing of a Mannlon with the paymenU. An audlt- congenwa ra n piani nere. ai a puouo ng company is said to haVe taken meeting in the parlors of the Alco club charge of the company's accounts and Is . i. - nearo now attempting to collect the open ac u-w .Mnoiuciit ui aji . iuiuiig oi i counts. jiuisDoro in regard to the plant In op -. eratlon at that city and the advantages that have accrued to the. city and the surrounding countryv " , v ; ...' It la planned to subscribe $76,000 stock and . put In a first-class plant, identical' with the Gall-Borden plant at Forest Grove. The promoters are con vinced they will be able to pay $1.80 per, 100 for milk and make a net profit on the Investment or 25 per cent. . ' UNIVERSITY MEN PICK, . -FLAWS IN PETITIONS "5Y -fV; i'i ip".'"' f'T I ji - i .i r'.; f:- yyj "(f.; .-.-... , (Special ri-mtcb te The Joaraal.) Salem, Or., May 24. It Is up to Attorney-General Crawford i' to decide , whether or not the petitions asking for the referendum on the state university appropriation bill, were prepared in con formity ;wlth, the law governing ref- ' erendum, petitiona He is. expected to pass on the validity of the petitions "to, morrow. ,:' V- v,- ,-, j University supporters asset that the warning clause Is defective and that the title of the act Is not properly stated. It is eald that instead of taking the exact wording of the act as passed, a copy or me iie or tne Dill as originally presented by Representative Allen Baton was used. Some of v the signa- . cures are piao aetociive. (Special , Dtepalcb te The Journal) Oregon City, May 14The proposed MMHmant tit 1 .nt nn all tha mnh rtnt .tfite." children of this city for the purpose of helping to defray the expenses of the Peary expedition to the north pole has met with much disapproval in this city and - Superintendent McKee of the eauetd by' the company not having .the :Z"':"T ":Jt 5i!"di" TenAhr. W This schem: was" startei some i ; I ago Mannlon sets up a counter claim for 7.ood damage , which hs says weeks in getting into his booths, and that he lost $7,000 in profits that he would have made had there been no delay. . '. ,-. m -, - , SALMON SELLERS AREARRESTED , District Attorney Manning ia round ing up tne proprietors of fish markets but In many parts of the state It has met the same fate that met it here. It is spoken of by many as the "penny graft" in this city and there was little consideration for the measure. DIAMOND DICK DISCIPLE CHARGED AS A THIEF . (flneclal d-oatch to Tbe JoumaL) Vancouver. Wash.. May it. With barely enough clothes to cover him and with a Diamond Dick novel as nia.capi In the city who are selling salmon tal stocks Pan Brunrldge, a 14-year-old COMPLETE PLANS FOR f , CROOK. COUNTY FAIR ' (Sperfal blepttch te The JosraiL) ' Prinevllle, Or., May J4. At a meet ing' of the board 'of "directors of the Central 'Oregon Livestock and Agricul tural ' association details of tbe fair to be held this fall were decided upon. The fair will open September 15 and con tine Ave ' days. ' Premiums covering every ."Variety of produce the country affords are offered. A complete speed program, furnishing races on all the , daysof the fair, is provided. The asso ciation owns excellent grounds half a mile from . Prlneville and Is prepared With suitable buildings to handle all exhibits.'; : DECLARES GIRL WAS ' KILLED TO HIDE CRIME (Joarnal Bpeclal Bervlee.), Elmhurat, L. I., -May 24. Ross Harn back, brother-m-law of Amelia Staf feldt, declared, the ; $rl was killed to hide another crime, that filacey knew she would ten f and so he decided to kill t'?',-"?- : - f.VLAUGHLIN RESIGNS - FROM POLICE BUREAU ',;';;' - . ;r . i momnt Special Servlre.i i.vC 1 New .York. ' May $4. Captain .," iro-r-iwRhltn resigned, from; the, police bu , f ,i u this afternoon and the Gould, al 1 cone piracy investigation will be 5 altej . ; - , r . - . u. . -.-. ".---. , , -.. wunout a license. Tnree were sar- ralgned in Justice Reid's court , this morning. S. H. Conrad,' 19$ North Six teenth street, was found guilty and fined $50, which he paid. The others, Johns Brothers, 61 North Park street, and' A Wertemberger, : 210 North vSlx- teenth street, will be tried later. : Deputy Constable. Big Werthelmer went to Corbett .yesterday to arrest M. B. Reed, charged with operating a fish wheel without a license. Reed was ar raigned this morning and released on ball pending trlaL '' .A Donnely of St Johns is ' charged with assault on, Fred Lerck of the same place, and. put up $100 bau in the. Jus tlce court this morning. '- I. 0. G. T. LODGE ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The district session of the I. O. G. T. was called at 2:30 o'clock yesterday aft ernoon in Jones' hall. Front and Glbbs streets, under the auspices' of the Swed ish subordinate lodge, svithrod, No. S. Among other business : transacted, : the following officers were elected-: District chief Temnlar. F. G. McHenrv: districti vice-chief - Templar, Mrs. M.- Hopda; TARRfl RT OFFFRS BIG district craplaln, Mrs.- Anaheim Nelson; district secretary, O. Jemtegard; district treasurer, E. J. Hawkins; district past chief Templar, J, E. Knox; district mar shal, Alfred Nelson;, district deputy inuranui, AURnnni jieivua, . , , . . j The next session la to be held in Au gust- f . : ,?'; lad. was arrested by the police .last night, charged with stealing $10.75 from a workman at the farm of A. L. Hath away, east of the garrison. Brunrldge came to Vancouver several days ago and drifted about, Anally go ing to the Hathaway place. Just how he secured tha money is not known, as Hathaway has not reported to the police in nerson. yesterday afternoon Hrun ridge engaged a room at the Club cafe rooming-house, on Main street. Later hs went to the Baltimore house and. en gaged a room in that place and still later engaged and paid for a room at the QuUle wming-hOTse,-awFeura, aiia Wa-hinaton -streets, , It Cwas,. there he waa arrested, after the officers had forced their way into the room. The lad has evidently seen consider able of this world for one of his age. He acknowledged the theft from-yth Hathaway place and said he spent, the money. He says be cornea from .Fort land, and that his father is now sick in a hospital in this ity. Tne ponce win look Up his father today and unless he is In position to do something wun mm it is probable the boy will, be turned over to the reform scnooi auxnoriues. MASONS WILL LAY CORNER STONE OF 1. 0. 0. F. HOME REWARD FOR DIVORCEE vt- ' (Joarnal Special Serrlee.) Omaha, Neb., May 24. William Tags-art , a cousin of Captain Taggsrt, is here and offers ; $1,000 reward to find, Grace Taggart and her two children. She was divorced - from the captain In Wooster,' Ohio. He says the captain is seriously ill at San Francisoo. Mra Taggart completely disappeared . after At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning the HARRIMAN HAS NOT cornerstone of the administration build lug at the I, O. O. F. borne will be ded icated by the grand lodge of Masons of Oregon The ceremonies .will be of the most elaborate nature and will be at tended By many of the high officers of the state in both Masonic and Odd Fel-, low orders. Dr. W. T. Williamson; grand master of the grand lodge of Ma sons of Oregon win have charge of the dedicatory services and Grand Master racnard Bcott-of the grand lodge of Ma BEEN WHITEWASHED (Joarnal Bpeclal Bervice.) , ' ' r Washington, D. C, May 24. Chair man Kxiapp of the commerce commis sion, stated that the story that the com mission has exonorated Harrlman is ut terly groundless, as the commission has hardly begun bis, case. Our slosran is "Better streeta" aava sons will deliver the principal, address. the Cottage Grove Nugget - mated that the supervisors were scared to I Mr. Krohn will have charge bf the out by the - graft prosecutors. This boys' sports and prises will oe awaraea Boxton denied, pointing-, out that tha I for the, races and games. At I o'clock resolution had, been Introduced by 8u- a program will be given at which Rev. pervisor Tveltmoe, who was appointed William Hiram Foulkes and Judge to the board after the alleged bribery Fraser will speak, and mosio will be ocourred. Boxton ended by stating that provided. I the condition charged by Calhoun ex- At $ o'clock the great event of the Isted, be, Boxton, would have been the day for the older boys wilt occur. This one to have Introduced the resolution, l the baseball game, between the two competing teams oi me ooys cmo. The rival teams are the Oregon Eagles snd the Badgers of the Golden West and excitement is running high r over the contest - "."', The automobile ride will also begin at S o'clock, and the wards of the Peo ple's institute and A many of the little residents of that part of the City as can be accommodated will be taken in large auto cars through the principal streets of the city and to the otty park. Banners and flags' have been donated and cltlsens may be on the watch for a sight of happy youthful faces and which was postponed for , further' con slderatlon today. " f 1 PERISHES TRYING TO SAVE A LIFt morning the well-known DUrbano band will reoelve the contract for furnishing music in the city park during the sum mer. L. Russl. manager oi we organ lsatlon, placed a bid lower than the other two . organisations. Tbe other bidders were De Caprlo and J. H. Ever est. .- The final selection of . the nana was deferred a few days, in order to ex amine the bid more thoroughly, D'Urbano offered to furnish a band composed of 2$ pieces and himself for $$ concerts for $$,100. Two thousand Sunday programs will be printed with out charge. -John. IL, Everest offered IS concerts by $0 pieces, excluding the leader, for $,100. lie would -furnish the 2.000 . Sunday programs at $a per con cert No certified check aocompanled the bid of DeCaprto as required in the advertisement and that bid will not be formally considered when te selection Is made. '." ' ' . .. ' Miss Pritchard. superintendent of tbe children's department of the People's Institute, and Mra A. .IS. Rockey ad. dressed the park board relative to the Installation of water pipes and faucets on. the playgrounds In the north park blocks. They also desired that a foun tain be placed In tbe girls playground. Herman Horning of southern Oregon has a pet mountain lion which answers to its name over the telephone. He wants to sell It to the park board for 11 K0 . Th beast ti II months old and measures six and a half feet fronf tip to tip. It is recommended as a "perfect pet and guaranteed not to bite The su perintendent . of the park will see If there Is a berth for tbe cat Owing to the'faot that but one bid was received for running a confection ery stand in the city park during the summer and was without the required certified check, bids will be readver- Used for. Letters will be written to eaon or tne confectioners . apprising tbpm of the advertisement , v . . A communication waa received from the Playgrounds Association of Amer ica requesting that the elty name dele- nit'ure trust was this morning sub mitted : to the federal grand Jury for Its consideration. : The' long probing into the operations of this combine has been carried on consistently: by Mr. Cole and it is. not known how long a time will elapse before the grand. Jury will take official action regarding the matter.'. ; , ..... It Is the" general opinion that the government haa been able, to make out a strong case of violation of the anti trust law and that an .Indictment will be returned In a short time which Will involve some of the most . prominent furniture manufacturers , end , dealers on the Paoiflo ooast. :.;:..;..' .u Ia the federal court today the prelim inary" hearing of the Butte Boys Mining company case is being pushed by Dis trict -Attorney Bristol. - James Parks. a government mineral land . surveyor. was on the stand for the greater part of the morning, and with maps made by him outlined the condition of the. prop erty owned by the defendant com This case is one brouaht by the goveri ment against the mining company and ; George W. Bever, who is cnarged wun fraudulent use of the mails.. The hear ing la being bad before United States Commissioner Bladen. '. J " LEAVES I'JIIK 10- '.IE IH BARREL Thief Steals Both Clothes and Money From Engineer's Room In Factory. , John . Smith, employed at , .Twenty stranger at the union, depot yesterday and after having a drink with the fel low In a neighboring saloon discovered V. I. - . t V. L. . . ( . kl, r: cT2 oUS appoSnT. L-V!iiLZ!i In order to accommodate visitors In I in Chicago, June 20, 11 and 22. Mayor Lane appointed the following, who are Interested In playgrounds for children: Mra A. E. Rockey, Miss Pritchard. Mrs. the City park and nearby residents per mission was granted to use the trees to support -a telephone line, the phone itself being located la the confectionery stand. . ' ' : - ' ; ' , PLAN EMPIRE - . DAY PROGRAM Celebration In Honor of Queen Vie- toria's Blrthdev Takee,. Place Tonight. tk' Man Named Webb Drawn Under w banners tomorrow. by Knute Knutson at Rainier LAW FIRM BREAKS Both Drown. (Bpeetal Diepeten to Tbe JoexnaL) Rainier, Or., May 24. This morning while working on a pond at Howard's mill, about three miles , from Rainier, Knute Knutson, a young Swedish boy, fell In and being usable to swim, started to sink. A man named Webb jumped in after him to resoue him, and the drowning boy clutched to him so bard that both were drowned. Webb leaves a family, who were liv ing with him at the mill.' The parents of Knutson, who live at Woodville, Wis consin, have been telegraphed as to the disposition of his body. RECORD FOR FILING SUITS All records were broken this after noon , br the law firm Of Emmons A Emmons and W. H. Fowler,' which filed today 10$ law suits, the accumulation of six weeks' business. In tbe east side justice court 42 suits . were filed, 62 in the west side Justice court and two in the circuit court It cost the firm $$0 to file Its suits in the circuit court $60 in the west side court and $50 in the 'east, side Justice ' court::' f,- There la no divorce suit in the list though nearly every other kind of com- nlalnt is Included in the number. The number breaks the record in Multnomah county - for the number of suits ever tiled by one firm in a month. FAMILY MIXUP IS . "T a , it mni-iiT io am-r COMPLETE IN ALL nFTAI S A. W. wniuni .io iiui tAr'tUItU lUHtUUVtri Difficulty between' two families at Bertha, a little town outstda th nitvi1'' . - .,.. ... r. .i.. i. . t.. . .... , . . . " , i a. in. nnus "u " -mo m Doumern at "White Salmon, Washington, suffer- Paciflc. has caused the arrest of Her- frm complication of diseases. He man . Janercker, the head off one of the WM token to his country home two families, on a charge of assault The i.- with -Tnaottinn' that a .-charge is brought by Mrs. Josephine of atmosDhere and surround- punDar. j , n1 In in lmnrovement The 'Plaintiff asserts that Janercker I v... v. v.. mn nru .nil knocked her down and then Mrs. Jan-1. -...i...A t nWaVtana held ., . . .. . . , . . - I . tuiiDuiw,,,"" v .ivnCT juihvto in .nu -craxciiTO una i n,, week, ti Is stated tnat pe ,'can bruisedt her. - Constable Lou Wagner I not recover, t For many . years: Mr, started out, td get Janercker, but found w.t. .. .onduAted a lewelrv 'store him in the, cltyf on his way to swear out I um , tnt nnd is one of cuivwauii ,.Hinei woaepmne jjuDDar, Pnrtinnrt's best known business mer who had beaten htm to town. , Both par-J chants-"f-';i& ' v V?''.'': ? v I y.., iri,uw unM.B vt. , ins vncouncsr. i wan linpos-ioio to mi irom appear-, , -,, " urav rn anjseswhich twon-Hturflght. ' Janercker W I LL" PLAN ; WA T -1 U put up $60 bail and returned to protect - CPT XAIIBTH Pllnin nis noma irom .xuriner attacg. ; - i . y uuLLku i vwimi wi- RRIGATION AND POWER Plan for collecting the -Fourth of "?'rJas e.i7.L . July" celebration fund,.. made by rHUM MUUiy I AIAI LAKr the general eoramiuee ai. a meuung o "vih "iwuii mill UMfNU kv", 4- h .n,iBoiI chamber at the 1V UVaw aa -- w ' " ii, . . (StxcUl DltMteh to Tf Jooroil.) 1 T a- ', h nltv win Ka Hn4 j au . m rr- . Alia.' SiaVBV. I al..tJ - M Sma "111 MS SB ilA-fSH nigrnPIl WIT IT n- . r , rib ' ti i. i. . . I aiviumi iu -v - " w . " r 1' '11' TT I " Sr -""-no- v. a subcommittee of three to wont eaon Woodeook,,all of Eugene, have lncor- 5. ...... . i. ..h.iwI W n-nnrai n. potated Lth Cascade Reservoir; Irrlga- B " committee that about $8,000 tlon & Power company with a; capital v.. MrJi : -inarifta tha . .a a - . . i . , I UD ivvini" ,. - ----- tOCK-OZ lor ma purpose OI w..i .U vhtm -nm -It U bi Havul run UKxnff noia or Mr. juiacKft waido lake z ' $ . wfrinH A J t L .Tu UI.L . . 1 lW .-IM..I rvH-a .wWA,wo.. wa a imlA At -ffsaoe-ei el err. XT a 4IUJ M VU9 W a, . w mviv w, wa-a snv. i nun umu UII wiv tTBaa,vasr vi vuss imo, tin;Hi(4 VU ilkfj I s-eeBSj ' aaaae. - K- AI I ' summit of the Cascade moilntalns. 100 Met I IU , UldUUdO mil., 'uat rf P,,.... , ..4 V, . - v. A . force,' f men at work . whenever t the weather' would permit tor a year pre paring for the erection of a huge res ervoir for irrtgatlna; an immense acre age in the upper Willamette valley. MILEAGE QUESTION An Important meeting of railroad pas senger agents and traveling men's rep resentatives will be held May 81 at the office of William H. McMurray, general passenger agent of the Harrlman. lines, in the Worcester building, to consider the mileage question. Passenger of t iolals of the Harrlman roads, and A. (8peHal Ditoatch te The SearaaLt V. unaruon, assistant generar passenger Prlneville. Or.. Mav it.-A. . aeneral agent of the Northern Pacific also rep- electric storm- prevailed over this part resen tattves of the Great Northern and of the state Tuesday, ,: Lightning struck I Canadian Pacific, are expected, to at- llvery barn In this City, but did little f na. . wnanes o. - passenger irarne damage. Telephones were burned out manager or the southern pacific .will HEAVY ELECTRIC STORM , RAGES IN CROOK COUNTY generally along all lints, there betna- but three left In Prlneville and none at Bend., A tree situated directly in front of the Pilot- Butte hotel at Bend was hit and torn to splinters. , Heavy rain fall Is reported- n all parts of the coun try, which Is of great value to 'the crops in goners - - - - come to Portland to attend the meeting, , , Bostwlckjlppointed. , v Mirarntl Special Barrloe.!' " J : Washington, D. C, May24i The pree Ident, today appointed H. J., Bostwick postmaster at Pageost ' Springs. Cplo rado. '-. .':..'' .i i: V 4 v .:.. The annual celebration of Em Dire day, whloh used to be observed as Queen Victoria's birthday, . will be celebrated tonight at the Armory by the local British societies. Tbe president of the British Benevolent society, R. W. Black wood, will-preside at the meeting, which will begin promptly at I o'clock. Extra seats have been provided and all will be accommodated. ' Mra Stevens, chairman of the ladies' Committee,' with a corps of assistants, has been busy in sttending to the decorations and tbe booths from which refreshments wlU be served. There are to be six booths, representing the Eng lish, Scotch, Irish, Welsh, Australian and Canadians. The, program. to be given la as follows: t - Remarks by the president; song, "Comrades In Arms," male chorus; ad dress, James Laldlaw, British ' consul; "Come Back to Erin and Klllarney," Miss Lawler; "Land ' of Hope and Glory" and "The Song of the Bow," Mr. Crowther; "Afton Waters' and "The Veteran's Song," Mra Reed; . "The Maple Leaf," Miss Brown. A chorus of male voices wlU sing two Welsh songs, snd ' "My Love Is : Like a Red, Red Rose." .The closing number wlU be a trio by Mrs. Reed, Miss Lawler and Mr. Crowther. ' , ? LIGHtBLASTS WILL NOT INJURE HEIGHTS HOUSES City Engineer -1 Taylor" went out to Willamette- Heights tms morning to in Vestlgato the complaints that have been made by ' the-. residents. of that district because of the heavy blasting that is being done by Contractor W. B. Scott In 'grading the' streets in . Russell & Birth's,, new . survey.' ; Engineer. Taylor put in a trial blast of , 80 pounds of nowder wrth-" the'eeult that ths clav and gravel .was thrown out butthrcon- ,cussdon,ithecauseiof: the complaints, was very slight from this else charge, He " advised the-eon tractor to here after use smaller blasts and avoid an noying the nearby residents. j . k ; being 16 years of age, S . Ceet- a Inches In height and wore a street ear man's cap. The police, are searching for the supposed pickpocket .. Mra Coleman, 86 North Nineteenth street reported this morning that two negroes, whom she hired to clean hen house yesterday, stole a $20 gold pieoe from' one of the rooms and also carried away a silk handkerchief. Detective Price Is detailed on the case and claims to have a clue te the identity: of ths thieves.., - '. A , A. Brokendoff,' an engineer at the Portland Linseed Oil worka complains, of the theft of a suit of clothes, $$8 in cash and a bank book calling for. $276 from . the , engine , room of ,.the factory, yesterday afternoon. .TJiOj, mpnfy and. bank book were la the poekets of lha garments. Joseph Dolph,' also an em ploye at the establishment ..complains of the theft of his clothes from! the same place. POLICEMAN STRICKEN WITH MENINGITIS Stephen . Hogebdom, one of ths re'-" cently appointed sergeants in the police department Is in a critical condition at' his home, 2X Halsey street suffering from a mUd : attack of -menlngltia . Hogeboora . reported Ul about a week ago and at the time the attending physi cian diagnosed the case as one of in flammatory rheumatism. Meningitis developed within a few days, however, and the policeman's life was desnnlrsd ot The physician attending Hogeboora ' states that his patient is -rapidly Im proving and confidently expects his complete recovery. The stricken or. fleer has. been a member of the police department for a numMr of years and is held in high esteem by his associates. LOSES NO TIME IN' ' ? ; ;' AWARDING JUDGMENTS Judgment against the Quarts floM Mining company in two suits on notes aggregating $1,276 was awarded by Judge Sears in f the circuit court this morning within an hour after the trials wore Degun. juarie A. veal sued the mining company on . A note , for , $600, While D. H. Latham sued on three nf aggrre gating $i,$oo. Against Lath- notes were allowed as credits asiess ments on stock smounttng to $62$, which reduce his Judgment to $1,176. In addition to these judgments the com, pany: was directed to pay attorney's fees of $76 in Mra-Veal's case, and of $100 In the Latham case. ; W. ,M. Fowler appeared as attorney for .both plaintiffs. . . ' ; VontjMeefagr The regular meeting - of t the Home Training association next Thursday will be omitted on -account of Decoration day. ' , . . . . - ' POLICEMAN LOOKS INTO GUN'S MUZZLE AND HANDS OUT MONEY Portland's footpads apparently do not play any favorites as waa .evldencvd by the holdup of J. F. Anderson, special noliceman and bridge tender on the Morrison street bridge last night .1 An derson, "who resides at 20 East Fif teenth street while on Ms way home ward at' 11:20 o'clock last -nlght was halted by -a lone, armed highwayman and relieved of $. . Although equipped with A "special po Jioeman's commission Anderson inad-, vertently left his revolver and star at home but It is doubtful If those per quisites of the office of peace guar- aiao wouia nave: prevented : tha Jjt Detectives Jones and Tlchenor the case., but as yet have not secured m v. w u-i vi mo criminal. Tea CEYLCN ;,V "Fqiger's:;,;-1. Golden Gate Tea . r i .; t .. t . To youth , . ' Pleasing: ' v ; To middle age " Exhilarating ; - - To old - age - -; Solace ; J. A. FOLQER & CO. San Fraoclsco I.