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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ' FRIDAY; EVENING, ' MAY i 24, 1007. Will Entitle You to Be d Member 1 1 And secure to you all the advantages offered, among'whlch will be all the pipe you need FREE.; Our salesmen will explain .' all other details. We ' install ' , ? r : r , this great range in your kitchen and if at the end of 30 days you are not perfectly satisfied with it if it does not prove all we claim for it we will take it back and refund every cent you have paid on it. , Your money is simply taken as a guarantee of good faith a guarantee to us that- we do not dcal with triflers.: . You want a good steel range. We, have what you want, owe meet on an equal plane and enter into a bona fide business transaction. We as well as the manufacturers, guarantee ery Eclipse Range for 15 years against breakage. It is written in the contract as well as in the following guar- anteebond: . ' ' ' - , , . r 1 , - . (TM to fortiffl, Tk, ECUr$ESTOV COMPANY Mt tetmrnt und (nttntubr tht Shnr f Rangf ctvtrtA br tku efrhfiral, W t track by Jbr mtJ that tmhaarr fair and atttaha art gntw. ', H k Vnntff Ifateeit. HtfUt tnrvLtm m mm Stmt m Amjr. mml Im mm m X " -. ECLIPSE STOVE CO. . SM W t atvusn KM " "Range Club. 100 Members Wanted C2E3ET :.. SPECIAL TERMS, SPECIAL PRICES to all who will enroll as members of our ECLIPSE STEEL RANGE CLUB. We are authorized by the Eclipse foundry people to make SPECIAL CON CESSIONS to 100 buyers of the ECLIPSE STEEL RANGE who will enroll as members of this club and meet its conditions. Bodk Your OrdefeNOW Have It Delivered When - Ready, and Save Money Thereby U , . 1-,. . - . . You hkve often wondered, perhaps, why your wife burns to much more fuel than your neighbor, with a family no larger than your Own.' l::;-- -u :.-;J-.;: C';-''V'?c;;v Are you wlse to the fact that the reason for the difference lies in the stoves you use and not lack of economy in the handling of the fuel? ' , Very often this is- the. true reason. If ypur range is not scien tifically built, you must expect trouble. V.-.1-" r If the firebox' is too large for the oven, your food burns, unless you allow some of the heat to go up the flue while you bake. , ' ' If the firebox is too small in proportion to ihe oven, you are compeUed to FORCE THE FUEL CONSUMPTION by opening the drafts and "piling in" wood or coal in an endeavor to make the ill-proportioned firebox heat the large oven to the baking point. If the rolled steel of which the oven is usually constructed hap- YOU bflVe 4lU UVer tile PrlCe Of I it is in most ranges a great loss of fuel is occasioned before you - I nave toe oven not enougn to oaice. Any utner Meei Kange This extra consumption of fuel, through faulty construction, makes many ranges expensive affairs to own, even as free gifts. ktA Tt, r11 T., - f-a.. THEY ARK IEAK AT ANY, PRICE. "Eat their heads off" at rrc ianc ti otcKc c taugc woodyam. And allow you its full value in part payment on an "Eclipse" Steel Range. If your stove or range is not, giving you satisfaction, see us at once, as we are able to offer special inducements to club "members. Get Yoar ; ry T TTfr jJ Ji : i ; . :';'--;;-.-is.-;;-,...- r9 i - SPR NO 11 u-n HI ere A 1 Will Pay for the FINEST SUIT IN THE HOUSE. Wear It While Vou Pay. YOU ARE WELCOME TO CREDIT Great Reduction in GO-CARTS All Folding Go- Carts Reduced 20 Per Cent "Eclipse" Uses One Third Less Wood On the other hand, the "ECLIPSE" STEEL RANGE is con structed upon scientific principles the principles governing the con struction of the finest locomotive or hot-air furnace: V j 1. The size of the firebox Is correctly proportioned to the size of the oven to be heated. . !. The oven is built of steel plate, rolled to the proper thick to insure quick heating with a moderate amount of fuel. 2 ness, Corner FIRST and YAMHILL Streets QEVURTZ 3. The drafts and flues, after long years of experience" and countless experiments, have reached a degree of perfection un- Buy a new Cart NOW. AH equaled in any other range. ..,! . By actual tests it is found tnat the "Eclipse Steel Range RE HIRES ONE THIRD LESS FUEL TO DO QUICKER AND 3ETTER WORK than other steel ranees so extensively adver tised. Many enthusiastic customers declare that the "Eclipse" re quires but half as much fuel, which, in individual cases, may be true. ' But, just think of it! ' A Range that WILL SAVEONE THIRD of your fuel bill and yet do quicker and better work I , ; , ' i r That's what counts in a Range. . ' By its : great - saving of fuel ONE t THIRD the "Eclipse" easily pays for itself within FOUR YEARS! the latest styles and a wide range of prices. Plain and Fancy Wicker Carts Corner SECOND and YAMHILL Streets CONFESSES TO THEFT OF F IDS -A Law . ':-? " '1 v.- - Halm Dixon . Takes Case Out of Lawyer's Hands and Admits Stealing Charch Money. - (Journal fliwlftt Srrlf. ' BloomlnKton, 111, May 24.--There w a dramatic apene In th,McLan county courtroom yesterday. ' Tlr.ln of lrnr lawyer' pcllcy of delay and effort to Invoke iympathy for her,, Helen Dixon, who waa arrested laat February on. the charge of embeislement of $1.S00 of the funds' of the Gleaner aoctety of the Second Christian church, of which ahe waa treasurer, dlamleaed her legal ad viser and asked to be taken into court When ahe appeared before Judge ,C, IX Myers she bravely entered a .plea of guilty and' waa sentenced to:the peniten tiary at Joltet for. an indeterminate term. She will' be taken to , prison at once ta coinraenee sentence. - ; , ' The sudden decision of the fair pris oner created a sensaUon aa lt.waa gen erally believed that' a brief jail sea tence wpuld be given. The health of the prisoner has been poor of late, and this fact led to the opinion that the state attorney would be eaay upon her. BOISE PHONE GIRLS - WIN THEIR STRIKE (Special Dlipeteb to The Journal.) .. Boise; Idaho, May 24 The strike operators of the Independent Telephone company U ended. - An agreement waa reached lata yesterday afternoon be tween the strikers and the company, All of the employee except one, who left the city, will return to work at from IS, to ft per month advance In wages. COMPLIMENTARY RECITAL Ellers WU (Mve Complimentary Coaoerl : '-VUm aveaiaf. jy-'. rc; jV v Mustc-lovers generally are extended ,a welcome by Ellers Piano House to at tend a recital which la to be given this evening at 1:15, In their hall. Park and Washington street. MIs Ethel M. Ly tic, soprano, and John Claire Montelth, baritone, are to be the soloists. 1 An especially fine program has been prepared, and the prestige of the sing ers assures a genuine musical treat. . No admission will ba charged, r," . . OPERATORS HAVE IIOI COMPLAINED Western Union Officials Declare .Employes Have Not Pre sented Grievances. ? ' (Journal Sneelal Serrlce.) XV tr Tnrk. Mnv 84. The Western Union Telegraph company has sent the following statement over ita "tickers" throughout the country. "Reports regarding the threatened strike of the Western Union telegraph ers appear to be greatly 'exaggerated, if not almost entirely the result of newspaper talk." v; At. the offices of the Western Union Telegraph company in this city It is of ficially stated that the company has no knowledge of any dissatisfaction or of any strike on the part of its operators. No demands have been made1 by the operators and consequently there have been no negotiations between the com pany's officials and the representatives of the operators' ualoa -J ; 'Tt la hardly likely the operators will start a strike' till they have at least formulated and presented their griev ances so that they could be considered and acted upon officially." This official statement was flashed to , 20,000 - telegraphers throughout the country. Samuel J. Small, president of the National Commercial Telegraphers union, today aald he was confident the matter would be ended without a strike. NUMBER OF NAMES ON UNIVERSITY PETITION (Special DlapatA to Tbe Journal.) Salem, Or., May 14. The petition filed in tne secretary of state's office asking that the measure appropriating $126,000 annually for- the maintenance of tha state university be submitted to the referendum contains .29I signa tures. Linn county . furnished 2.000 names, Benton county -600 and Marion about 1.000. ; v v - 2)0 YOTT XOYS ,t ;: J-',, .; your babyt Tou wonder why he cries. Buy of White's Cream Vermi fuge and he will never cry. Most babies have worms, and the mothers don't know It ' Whit s Cream Vermifuge rids the child of worms and cleans out ita system in v pleasant way. Every moth er should keep a bottle of this medl cine in the house. With it. fear need Sever enter her mind. Price 1 6c Sold . all dmggUUa , . m OFFICERS WIDER AMIES I Five Captains Accused of Mutiny ' by Colonel Ayres of Fort Walla Walla.' rJoarnal Sneelal Serriee.) Washington. May 24. Scandal has developed in the Eighth cavalry. Five Of the eight captains of the regiment were returned to the United 8tates from the Philippines under arrest with charges 'of mutinous -lnsiiberdination against them. They were arrested by direction of Lieutenant Colonel Ayres and are now confined at Forts Robinson and -Niobrara, Nebraska. awaltlng action by the war department. Captain Mo Nan r was tried in the Philippines and some action was taken against the other officers but they will be taken before court martial in this country. r: Unofficial advices received by the sec retary of war are to the effect that Cap- i tain McNally was charged with Intoxi cVtVnfY wMch jaauUad la a; big row la the regiment The other captains be came Involved In the difficulty, and It la charged, ; entered into a conspiracy of silence. - Colonel Ajres has been transferred to the Fourfeenth cavalry and la now stationed at Fort Walla Walla, Washington. The names of all of the officers Involved cannot be ob tained. TT ,7- STRIKE LEADERS ARE BLAMED FOR TROUBLE Vice Chancellor Borgen Says the Heads of Classblbwers Unions Responsible 'or Riots. . Trenton, N. J., May 24. Vice-Chan cellor Borgen has handed down an opin ion enjoining the Glass Bottle Blowers' association : of the United States, and Canada from further Interfering "with the business of the George Jones Glass company of MSntola, either by boycot ting or the use of pickets. . The opinion condemns the methods resorted to by the striking glass blowers in their ef forts to unionise the Jones factory. The strike In the glass factories has beta, one ft'tb bitureat labor atxuxtlea in the state. - The vice-chancellor says the officers of the association are ar directly responsible for the acta of vio lence of tha striker ui t tho hDIl act ually- participated In them. He -dri- -lT give little credit to and have no respect for men who Inaugurate a move ment which they know they cannot eon-' trol anil then auk tn . -- .vmv wiuniTfi hminu tht h. mAntmaM - - , I. a body of men, many of them ignorant, against doing unlawful acta. i ' "A crowd of Idle men pays no atten tion to moral precepts that are commu nicated for th Mranu K-t. . in defense when their officers are called upon to respond, to acta of a disorders mob." j' -v.'j-.i i . .. ... . . Notice to the Public. of the Oregon College of Optometry, U now located at 111 6lxth .tr.,. i,-. tween Stark and Washington, where h haa InsUUed all the lat for. the careful and correct fitting ' defective retrh rnn-,,i.,iA . be given free. .. . , .- (in