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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 24, 1 1007.' - 1 : :(. SPEAK FROM. SUE PLATFORM Rival Mayoralty Candidates Ad- j I dress East Side Business Ivten's Club. INSTRUCTOR READY TO BEGIN METAL WORK Miss Watklns Will Open Classes in One of the Old Fair Buildings. ' Miss Mildred Watklns, who has been enraged by the Art association to con duct a, achool of metal work and de- PALE SMOICE OF PEACE . fl!0' ! "rL .In 1 HOVERS OVER MEETING school ths first of nest week. She ex- presses baraelf aa delighted with the room secured, the Administration Bes- Mayor Lane and Auditor Devlin Dl- euss City 'Affairs From Non-Po- A'- liticai Standpoint Former, How ever, la Favored One. f Streets of agate, porphyry and quarts reaching out ahlnlng and white In the . sunlight, long boulevards, roae flecked '. and shaded by majestic trees, and hard surface pavementa of superior quality; ,., thl is the picture of the most beautiful - city of Portland painted by Mayor Lane : at the meeting of the East Side Bualneaa ,--, Men's club-last night ,-t'- , .-.. : "Ws dig for our,. streets." said the . : mayor, "the softest rock that grows in , ) the bosom of the hills, while In the bed of the river, obstructing the channel to J the sea. lies burled hundreds of thou- , sands of tona of agate porphyry and quarts, hard like the diamond, . which . would make the beat covering that could . . .. pe louna. r ' : ., ;. . Wo Mad BJllnaiaf. : : The esst side meeting wss a success , laat night, and harmonious. If the! largo crowd that gathered cams with I I the expectation of seeing Mr. Devlin I ifeed off the earcsss of the "little doc-1 tor," or of witneaslng the mayor In the! . act of supping tbs city auditor on the f wrist, they were disappointed. Politics were forgotten, and while the Repub : lican candidate looked Into the future and talked of the experlmenta of Glas sow, London and - Paris, Mayor Lane told of the time Eaat Portland waa : known as the "cabbage patch," and re ferred affectionately to the other 'speaker 'as "Tom." . S v. "It makes no difference, aald he, "whether the mayor of Portland la Tom or I, it is the city council that mskes 'the lawa and helps or hinders the ds- - veiopment of the city. Organise your pu.h clubs, then, and keep them active Study the Improvements you need and - teat them out, and then ses to It that -your council provide for the develop ment that you desire." t - V Mayor; the favorite. ! i ijnjpgq -awjg 'aaaa-yar . '.I V'. , . . . 1 NERVOUS COLLAFSf Zi OTTXV WBSTXITTZS ST DB. ITTIV- ram ms. 7 VV vvr , i i -" aMv MIfli Mildred Watkins. taurant building at the fair grounds, where the' light and the Interior ar rangement are all that could be de sired for such work. Miss Watklns hopes to teacb ham- Takes. Waea the rirrt Warning Symp toms Are WoUced Muon, MeetfjeM mffsrimf Kay as Sarsd. Are you troubled with pallor loas of aplrlts, wsves of heat paaalng over the body, ahortneas of breath after alight exertion, a peculiar aklpplng of the heart beat, poor digestion, cold extreml tlea or a feeling of weight and fuUneee? Do not make the mistake of thinking that these are diseases in themselvee and be aatlafled with temporary relief. Thla la the way the nervea give warn Ins that they are breaking down. It Imply meana that the blood-lias become impure, and cannot carry enough nour- unmeni to ine nervea 10 seep mem healthy and able to do their work. Reat, alone, will aometlmea give ths needed relief. The tonlo treatment by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, however, pre vents the final breakdown of the nerves and the more serious diseases which follow, becauae the pllla act directly upon the impure blood, making it rich, red and pure. , Mrs. B. C. Brsdley of lot Parsells avenue. Rochester. N. Y., says "1 was never very healthy and aome yeara ago, when in a run-down condl tlon, I Buffered a nervous shock, csused by a misfortune to a friend. It was so great that I waa unfitted for work. "I was Just weak, low-spirited and nervous. I could hardly walk and could not bear the least noise. My appetite was poor and I did not cars for food. I couldn't aleep well and once for two weeka got acarcely an hour'a sleep. I had severe headache moat of the time and palna In the back and spina "I wss treated by two doctors, being under the care of one of them for alx mo nt ha I got no relief and then de cided to try Dr. Wllllama' Pink Pills. I soon began to feel better and ths lm provement waa general. My appetite became hearty and my sleep better, The headaches all left and also tbs pains in my back. A few mors boxes entirely cured me and I waa able to go back to work. I felt splendid and as though I had never been sick. Dr. Wllllama' Pink . Pllla are Invalu able In auch diseases aa rheumatism, after-effects of the grip and fevers, neuralgia, Bt. Vitus' dance and even partial paralysis and locomotor ataxia,' Dr. Wllllama' Pink Pills are sold by SPECIALS Interesting items offered for tomorrow only these being subjected to delivery at our earliest convenience ' tM .us-u -n .' nA'n -:a..'.2ii . Ut-i-&w ' .''..., , . m tui vvuxvu iimu, icicptxuiic VI w. A, uiucia wiu iiul uc accpicu. i . msrlng, chaalng, carving and enameling of metals as well ss ths rudiment of U druggists, or 'will be sent, postpaid, design. She Is particularly weU fitted on receipt of price, 60 Cents per box, six boxes for IJ.Bo, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. AT THE THEATRES Si Mayor Lane waa tendered an ovation when he came from his -unobtrusive -,back seat to address the gathering on ! east side subjects. Mr. Devlin had ' preceded him with the first address snd was well received, but ths friends I ner work at the arts and crafts ex and neighbors of ths msyor rallied to I hlblt will testify. Information ss to .his welcome and gave him not only I classes snd "ths hand." but the voles a well, and I day at ths 1 IIKamIIw tnn . I A Assist a t A Ant ass f AA anhAAl miV Mar. Ister. charter amendments coming before ths , voters in Juns, on the history of the I rTTI F RPPIIPP IQ '.east side.' and. the developments of the I - ILL "LrUUttlO HEIRESS TO FORTUNE as an Instructor. She studied for four years at ths Art school at Cleveland with L. H. Martin of Boston snd also studied designing with Miss Backer of Boston. With Mlaa Carson and Miss Barnum of Cleveland she began work as a eraftewoman Ave yeara ago and continued with them until she accepted this position In Portland. ' The work 01 tness crsrtswomen was exntDitea at rra7 ir...i- n , ths St Louis fair snd received the sll- Sni Warren Profession" Tonight ver medal, which waa the hlgheat award Tonight, Saturday and Sunday nlgfata the given for metal work. brilliant actreu, Bom Coghlaa, supported by jaiss waiaine expresses a prerer-1 iinn company or players, will, present once lor mm enameling, a urncn oniwi mucn dlacnatrd plar "Mra. Which Shs is Sdept, as those who saw Warrea'a Profwalon," at the Helll ' FearteMth ana Wutatngtoa tnu. MIm bow at ths hKlrht r i... v Book or Magazine Racks Special 75c 200 of these Mission Racks in select stock it, weathered finish, 30 inches hieh, 15 inches wide and 10 inches deep, exactly as illustrated. Specials ;:; For tomorrow evening only after 7 o'clock, the follow ing in our Drapery and Shade Department: "S'S! 15c prass Curtain Kods, extend from 30 inches to 54 inches, complete with brackets, each.., v... . . . 500 yards Cluny Lace Edge and Insertion for special lace cur tains. ues, tins, in Arabian tints only, ; Regular 15 and 1& yaP CgJ ts, -per. yard r . r 1 ?i ,. . . m-, .ttsi i: ,J Purchasers, limited to 10 yards each. SPECIALS ' ; M in the BASLMLNT DOT. Richly decorated Cake Plates and Berry Bowls in the German china. Artistic patterns and rare designs. ' v . Two sizes, 9-inch and 10-inch Berry Bowls, in two patterns.' Special, each, 30e and 60s 10-inch Cake Plates. Special, each ...... ........ ... . .40s t Purchasers limited to one each of the above specials. jih. u uui.iucu am -- mau PODTtncIns. Bhs will rln rv rouBBum uuv - uu srapuio picture or Bernard "u'w s most lntsrtsUnc woman. Sesits Selling for Henrietta Crosman. hJ- .:?"," rtm to " airreeable, rw , "WMUBMi," aald the " i lis rtritw or kflra CrtM- . Bljoa theatre. Mlas Crim"n wUl be at the H.lllg theatre sext Mondar. IDA WAlnSBilsw a.i.S.a.a . " ' 7... . wwb mom will Brmnt as . " powe will si : future. They advocated, publlo parks, mors bridges, better nreyervlce, flushed -1 streets, municipal docks and mors pave- omenta. They safd Portland , was .the best, naturally the moat beautiful and ' ths most healthful city In ths world. ' All that is needed Is one long, harmo- inlous pull together, continued without ' loss of energy, and the Paclflo coast 1 1 will yield homage to Portland as the queen of the west : H. A. Calif f presided At ths meeting ana rranx tsennett and Pr. 1 M. Davis made short addressee , principal speakers had , MKa' Ladles' quartet sang and ware .'obliged to respond to a hearty encore. Unusual Bargains Offered in Our ' Exchange Dept. Yovtcuorr is MOO MAKCYOUI OWNrtXMI Lavyn Mowers Garden Hose Basement Dept. UMBRELLA TREE BERRY CAUSES GIRL'S DEATH wonrsai paciai nvrrKv., . . i i.ii. . ' - mLtl pi n n .... . . t "i . ouuurn i .rr.j iim K. . . . . from San Prancio -were - pa.aing l SiSLJjT this city yesterday, " m I. rr (" - unm doz ornce. ueorgs a. iuutnirj waa on vi-ina re lief commutes loosing aner tns wants Th Tlr . . - " t fTJL. All of exiles here. Her attention was at tracted by ths cries of a little baby , Ji" - . M r child and " ' "r-" ""' certain to please sTtryone. The Baker mmnan. h.. .a sona. temark.bls snceeasn this sesaoa. bat thi (Jon rial Special Service.) . Fresno, Cal., May 24.' Xn accident be fell Fannie Wrought a high achool girl While walking along a cement sidewalk with two com' panlons shs slipped ornan umbrella tree berry and fell heavily to the sidewalk, striking the back of her head, fractnr lng her skull and -breaking her collar bone. Shs dted st ( o'clock last even ing at Burnett sanatorium, never having lien's Soils $1.09 A WEEK Burns aCesled la One Tay by "TatJB XOUEEXOI.D XrJSOW." i aJiuBgiaia roiuna money n UT, form S AntiseDtio Meailnar Oil falls tin. Fref erred Btoek Canned Goods. ) Allen Lewis Best Brand.. girl. She sought out ths child and found that Its parents were numbered after the two monr th WUe4 ,n th snd aianafetnent btllsres that by theuctlon of ,ng Burnett sanatorlt concluded. Ths j Prt from the ministering of a mother- j "The Dairy farm': snother distinct snd striking I re8,nel consciousness. IT wuinan on u train, no luiura igr I -... n im wonaarrqur Inter- the waif was determined. She arranged ',"n nd hM ba s great attraction wherever vvs asss liHV fl'lf MU HUt AIIUWIII ,af ManHfw sanal 4 mvtA Mat A9 Is, it it were her own child. She called It I A Contented WonumH at the Baker. Iorothy Beatrice Cough try. Recently . for n trtnlnf of tnalM ntrrlmftiit m . Wants to Sell Yon Your Summer Clothes ON No statement was mads by the girl ss to how the accident Happened, put her two companions attribute her fall I to slipping on ths berry. shs adopted the child legally, which ac tion, through the will of Mra Coughtry, now dead, makea ths one time waif, sole heiress to her fortune of $150,000. mmmmm awithered arm At Their Onlfllling fctabMshmenf, 165 and 167 First Street Our Summer Suits, Waists and .Millinery have an air of chic and betterness coupled with cor rect style you don't find at other stores. And we sell 'era all at $1.00 a week Many Cheer as Life Is Restored to the Paralyzed Member )f Mrs. Kalif Last Night at the Great Fer-Don's Free Demon- strations. , .MU auiit ins oainraay slant' per ivinum wan ina infifmutit ain i Seaman Company's Last Wek. noan di tarda t nirrnr a M-rmM.nA . . .t. . juuiuirw is dtot rne naaraan atk jMiM,naM .111 be disbanded and the house will remain clMed ""j11 fall. "Wicked London" U the ctai In bill and a more merltorloqa Belodrans with which to wind up the season could not bsts been selected. It ban beaa imamM t 1.... huiM. all h. J , . . - ww. my 19 Try popular. 1 " MAt the Turf Inn." rroni xna oara or in. mn.rtnt ..m 1- .in.- Uur" haraa raiaa h... k... n..u. state and there is an sicltlng race, with three Fer-Don S Medical Experts Make boraes, la ths little sketch. "At tha is. r- . . . . r kl.1. .. a .tl ' . - I TJ . J T5IJJ HT a. Tlf-lt- I """ - " P"rS tn prosram at the Grand thla week. "ThJoirl Who Dared" Is a comedy with a plot andr a lovs story, acted by clever 1,1 10 1 mm me itesiiimaie stafe. and the third aaeten wmcn atskes a hit la "Tha w.ih.... ana tne vara rjaniat," in which rartliue la I luuwutw aim, au poasiDis variations. Special Saturday Women's smart, new and Stylish Summer Suits Regular $30.00 values. Extra special at $13.85 Piy Us a Little Down and $1.00 A WEEK STRANGE AND STARTLING SIGHT Bed-Ridden Man to Walk. ''Knobs o' Tennessee." It was a poor, withered arm. dead and cold, from which all life had lied, that I waa held up to the Great Fer-Don by Mra Kaur last nignt at tns tree show grounds at ths corner of Twentieth and I Washington streets. Mrs. KaUf, who Charming New Summer Millinery, All Now At f-3 OFF Bamaiafcaa m . nMUUHWn aired. au a. AUU, WHO f "Knobs o' Tennessee"- at tha Hia- h..... La.a.i?ji aataVU. a. A a. . . 1 . .. .a aVU heard of the wonderful work of the 1 : Special Satudray YVery dainty and beautiful Lace Waists Splendid values ranging; up from $4.00 to $15.00 beauties. Extra ? special, all at 1;. A v - 1-4 OFJP Buy (be Latest and Smart est Millinery In ToivriNow At 1-3 Reducti6n bait '? mJSrlZ'!' Jr.lnLb''i!L,,t Gre,lt Fer-Don, was inspired with the neat or tnelodramMIe authors, Hal Re Id. Thla kn. .1.0. ...1.1.. .u. .v...l 1 the first time that tha nlai haa haan st Star prices anywhere and the performance ciTin of we biock comninr ta eaaal ta that vnarau Dy n-BTeiinc organisstions which pre sented It here at higher prices. "Knobs e iannmaee - naa not one OUU moment In formal : ,- This is one of the new models of Summer Suits. It fs here in striking patterns in gray, olive mixtures, browns bordering on tan and blues in different designs.? : . This week we make a special feature of Business Suits at $10.00 Come in and see the patterns it will be worth your time. GuICuhnProp ' We've Everything to Wear for Men and Boys 1C3-16S THIRD STREET. -. . MOHAWK! BUILDING hope that perhaps she, too, could share in the- Brood fortune so many were expe riencing, and find relief from the awful bondage of helplessness. Assisted byf a rnena. sns came upon er-ijon s mat- form last nlsht and asked If there was Bandar afternoon snd nirh. T wlfl i T T...--": any nope ror ner. -ine arm Deinf . seate are aew no "sale " t '.h"'" ai, .n. ..,a.ucu . ...ivvj D.l. I IttU .u Joyed Its use. Fer-Don ripped the en pircllng sleeve .from . wrlat to ahoulder and the wonderful masrlc preparation waa applied. After rubblna- for a brief time, Fer-Don asked the woman to raise her arm. Oh, I cannot," she replied. Try. anyway," said Fer-Don. And. to her afreat surprise, she raised her arm above her head. She also lifted a chair ana iouna tne new me coursing inrougn her armt " Her happiness shone in ber face as she turned to thank the man who had brought about this wonderful event "Wait a moment." said Fer-Don: I have rumed your sleeve. I will Day 1 or a new waist, ana ne gave ner sev eral nieces of sliver for that purpose. I which, however, she accepted only after mucn persuasion, as sns eiaimea tns benefit he had rendered more than re paid her. for the ruined article. Another who experienced rener was Ed j. Ma pes, who has been, for years a sufferer with deafneaa. Mr. Manea found he could bear a whleper after a single application or tne Maa-io Keuer. Mr. Robert BecKeL a farmer, neara or tne Fer-uon's meaicai, experts upon their arrival hers in Portland. Ha had been , bedridden with -rheumatism for several months and was brought to ths offices at 352 Washington street, in a carriage After three treatments by tne "Hyartngii" system ne today walked from the office unaided for the distancs of two blocks. Many others are testing tne value or the medical experts' new bloodless surgery and treatment of chronic diseases, their offices ; being crowaeu aany. , .v, . s, Fer-Don announced last night that he would have a ladies' wood-sawing con test Saturday evening at hisffeee show grounds, y Twentieth , and " Washington streets. Upon inquiry we found that this costest la a very laughable One, It being a trial by. ladles to see which can saw . a stick of wood in two pieces in ths shortest length of time. ' The prise tor tills contest will be a fS gold piece.' . "Wedded Bat No Wife." Berths M. Clay Is reiDCaslble fnr " bui no mm. wmcn tne atocs mnn.n. .t the Star theatre will present next week, with matinees Tuesday, Tbureday, 8atnrdayand Ban day. It Is a love atoryx written as only thla famous norellat can wrltex them. Next week Raymond Whitaker and Manaret Pitt. BOW or tne neaman atora , company at the Empire, yu vi. u. uwr wi cumpao co piay leada. . . x - - Children's Matinee. Tomorrow at the Ljrrlo there will be a ana. rial children's matinee, when Mlas terna ai. ton and the Alien stock osmpany will be seen 1 in tns inriinni maioarama, "Ths Coanterfelt. era." There Is an abundance of good, clean I fun that 'Will dellsbt the children. Other reatu sees satnraay ana Sunday; last time Sunday Bight. Beats may be reserved by telephone. ; "PoUjr Primrose.' Nest week at the Lyric the bill will be the delightful comedy-drama, "Polly Primrose,", with Hiss Verns Feltoa la the title role acd au the favorites or tne Alien etock company tn the east. Special features la stage effects will be shown. Seat sale for the entire week opens Sunday morning at the Lyric. CLAIMS SELF-DEFENSE IN STABBING WOMAN (Special Dlepatce to The Jmraal.t ' Butts, Mont. May 14. Mrs. Mollis Qulnn died last night as the result of stab wouniWlnfUcted by Theodora Cam panellL Ths Qulnn woman sought to protect snother woman from ths knife of Campanelli, and be thrust the blade Into her abdomen, Ha confessed ths deed, claiming ths woman tried to beat , , . . , -r . All Our Deauliful Millinery Now A( Off Pay Us $1.00 a Week Porlland's leading Credit Sfore, Two Floors, 165 and 167$ First Street The New York Outfitting Co. f ..MIS-. -V" 'lill'Jlt LOW RATES E A3 To oaa now max your arrangements to risit tbs JAMESTOWN EXPOSITIOIN Or tnr otber loint in the east, this summer, snd take' advantage' of the very low ROUND TRIP rates that have just been fixed upon by . THE OREGON RAILROAD A NAVIGATION COMPANY. ' , From PORTLAND to Chicago..... $71.50 St Louis. t........ $67.50 St Paul I63.1S B $85.00 $81.00 $81.40 'A " B Omaha . . . . .... . . . . $60.00 $73.50 Sioux City.. . .... .$60.00 ' $73.50 Kansas City ..$60.00 $73.15 . A -D'rect routes both ways. BOne-way through California. Ten days allowed for going trip, SO days for return.' ' Stopovers at pleas-are wlthisv limits. Tickets will be o xusile eTtuie s, J, t jnly s. 4. f i ' Annst 9. t. 101 ttoptember 11, 18, 1. - - Oorrsponding reduction la rates from tbs cities aasd t Jamsstowa : and return. . Tot fall particulars lag. airs of. s ...... r , Wf I. McMURRAY, ' . C W. STINGER, Oeasral raaseng sr Agent - city Ticket Areas, - ' Third and Washiag-toa atreets. SIGNS OF SPRING Are In evidence on everr hant nnr ..a Ithough . "Winter may finger In the up of Spring", you can't cling to your Win. ter much longer. Be prepared for the warm weather with a new mower and hose, such as you can choose from our stock at such out figures, ., .. . , . Avery (SL Co. VB TXOUB T. t