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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 24, 1907. - WOULD TEAR 'RAILROAD lli- TRACKS FRO STREET ble for Abominable Condition of Thoroughfare in the Wholesale District; NOON JN PORTLAND What Is Going on la Town Allien the Clock Strike 12. . TT,;? Noon, the dinner hour, th hour of comfort, or pleasure and relaxation th on hour In th twenty-four which cornea to man and woman of every sta- '. ' i ': 'v. ,'.'rp ,.,-.-... '. ;':!.' 7 ' tton with grtr similarity than th : Property.Owner DeclaVe Portland RarTway Company Is Responsi-1 aStrt in Portland to ahadowa 041 anxious faces turn to Unas of goodwill, and If vil lainous hot bread, plea, spices and other Indigestible were excluded there would be no such words as tlyapcpsla or In- digestion In the dictionary. : ' But the contrary Is true, and medical science has to step in and aid the man or woman who has been too busy to pay proper attention to health. ' The greatest step forward In medical discovery Is Ml-o-na, which cures all stomach and digestive troubles. . ; ; . In hundreds of the bast homes In Portland and adjoining towns the handy little tablets, so pleasant to take, yet effective, have given quick and lasting relief In Indigestion and that disagree able full feeling after eating. Ml-o-na acts very gently. Much of Us wonderful power over Indigestion comes from Us uniform but sustaining aotlon. The reaulred stimulating and strengthening Is given to the Important organa of digestion without producing thewallghtest weakness or reaction. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 80- cent box of Ml-o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the result. Ml-o-na Is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mall on receipt of price, 10 cent. ' Booth's Miona Com pany, Buffalo, N. T. , if Classing th condition of First street a a disgrace to the city anq an aoomi nation to be rid of, charging. the Port 1 Und Railway, Light A Power company with maintaining a nuisance, through three administrations and praying that the alleged - offender be compelled . to lav ttavement between Its rails, a com mlttaa of nrooerty owners along the street precipitated warm discussion at the meeting of th street committee of ' the tslty executive board yesterday aft- , ernoon. , :. , - ' : Aotlon Is desired at once by the prop erty owners and they express a desire - to Imorove First street with hard pave ment but thy are not ready to proceed ' with the work until given assurance that, the railway company will improve the rail and track.- Heavier -rails are wanted by the property owneray who charge that the present rails are-almost worn out ,V;--,f ,-v:' ; 'v " J -'-. Would Tear. Track TTp. V; , -C. K. Henry, spokesman of the prop erty. owner, who waited on the street committee, urged that several rails be "removed from the tracks unless there Immediate compliance with the re- uuest. ."''""' ' That th company 1 to blame for th present condition of the atreet is be lieved by City Engineer Taylor. He said the crossing at the First National bank was abominable. The portion of. the street outside the tracks is in good condition, being kept so by the city. Originally. Mr. Taylor" explained, a franchise had been granted to the prop erty owners along the street but the Portland Railway, Light A Power com pany acquired the 'franchise under lease extending to 1925. : Under the cir cumstances surrounding, the franchise soma doubt, was. expressed as .to the city's ability to compel the railway to orooeed with th Improvement. . . Th matter of determining the legal status of the affair was referred to City Attorney McNary and a report will bo made at the next meeting. The city engineer was ordered to confer with Mr. Fuller and the city auditor will address a letter to him relative to th resolution requesting the company to lay heavier rail along th street Mayor Urge XBTestigatlon. Mayor Lane suggested that if large im provements were contemplated It might b best not to crowd the company too much Just at present He wanted the city's rights wett defined before pro ceeding In th matter of compelling the railway company to improve th' street. Discussion of th proposed bituminous macadam pavement, for Third street be tween Main and Hall, was before the committee yesterday, but .upon sugges tton of. Mayor Lane was held over for two , weeks. The Lister Construction company of Tacoma underbid the Bar ber Asphalt company for this work, th bid of the former being f2I,41S.S0, while that of the latter was 127,676.08. , The estimate of the engineer on this im provement was 132,64. Owing to th fact that the construction company was not well known In this city 'the contract was not awarded at. the tinier the bids were opened. ; Ae In the ease of the So lon bid of a few day ago,' the Barber company maintained that an effort .was being made by the Warren Construction company to hamper it In the bidding. Upon Investigation the committee deter mined that such a concern as th Lister Construction company -exists and a let ter read yesterday from one of the of ficers shows that it Is ready to proceed wun tne wora. , .- - K. L. Babln favored awarding ' the contract to the lowest bidder provided a contract was mad which would tire- vent , damage suits , being -brought against ipa city. ... . v. ... tree Xmpror amenta. Q'Neill Co. were awarded the eon tract for the Improvement of Florida street, their bid being SS.547 61. Th engineer's estimate and 16 ncr cent of the estimated cost was SS.2I6.I0. .Multnomah street from East Twentv- rourtn to East Twenty-seventh street will be Improved by Oleblach 4 ' Jop 11 n, their bid - being I1.8IL74. The awarding of a contract for Fifteenth treat wa carried over two weeks. The Improvement of Nebraska street will bfd TEEr, Speaker, on Arbitration WAR IS RELIC OF PAST ABES Are Heard at Lake Mohonk Conference. JVehaJera avenue was referred back, be ing 1206 over the estimate. . No bid wer received for Bast Fourteenth from I Hancock to Tillamook and on Oaaten- oein svenue from Russell to Page. No bias were received for Idaho street Advertisements will be made for bids i for - improvement oa Belmont "street from Ninth to Tenth street Ther 1 a ,ooo-yai-a fill there and the estimated costof construction is M.SCs. Contrao. tors will have eight months to complete a,K....,. n i wi th work. Also Belmont street fro Ambaasador Creel, Bolivian East Nineteenth to East Twentieth, th MOST INTERESTING DAY OF ENTIRE PROGRAM estimated cost of which Is I8.i!4. Extensions of time were rnntM Xftl. ler A Bauer on Seventeenth street from Elisabeth street to Clifton street antil July, and Qlebisch A Joplln on Francis avenue rrom Belmont street to th Base Lin road of 4 days. Tne remonstrance of Mrs C A. rr. nahan aganlst the ' accentanca or . the Alberta "street improvement was over ruled and th work ordered accepted. Minister Calderon and Hon. Fran cis B. Loo mis Are Prominent Among the Orators. Smart Shapes for iimmefEVery Hat Fully Guaranteed "9 Best for - Style... and Service Choice All the "Tg?r Peer of WM aii : , iSr"ytr Hats ' Strawy and Fine Panamas in Favorite Shapes for Summer SHIRT SPECIAL Men's Golf Shirts, extraordi ,. . ' nary values, 45 ' si FANCY HAT BANDS -'An assortment of new color combinations . ; and Individuals are obligations subject to th- conscience of the sovereign and cannot ba . an object ' of compulsory olaim, 1 They do not confer any right of aotlon outslds of toe will of their sov ereign." '. , "Referring to th eleventh amendment to the constitution of the United States Benor Drsgo remarks that it forbids a Judicial action on questions of law or equity aa between th cltlsen of one of the states against any of , them or by the subjects of a foreign power.' "Th doctrine advocated in thia fa mous dooument Is thus Summarised 'In a word the principle which . we would like to se established Is that a public debt cannot warrant an armed intervention, much less the occupation of the territory of any of the American nations by a European power.' "The Pan-American railroad A PraO' tical Peace Project" was the subject of an Interesting address by Hon. Franols B. Loom Is, former assistant secretary of state. After reciting the history f the movement for th Pan-American, or intercontinental railway, Mr. Loom Is spoke as follows: "I do not hesitate to say that no other single project enterprise or undertaking can do so much to establish substantial, permanent conditions for peace, good will, good feeling throughout this hem isphere aa the building and operation of an international railway from New York to the Argentine republic. "The essenc of all that Is worthy and good and noble In our civilisation would be carried southward. The too frequent disorders In some of the smaller repub lics would cease because these com' munltle would be brought into quick and oloae communication with the outer world. They would ba in touch with hotter and mor stable conditions. -Th government In those "unrestful coun tries would be able to transport troops quickly from one part of the national domain to another, and uprisings would be swiftly suppressed. . "Maintenance of peace and good order In Mexico was enormously assisted by the building or rallwaya. In our own country civilisation followed the rati across the plains over the western mountains to the Paclflo ocean. The wild Indian, the desperado, and the truculently offensive cowboy have in their turn disappeared. Bavagry and violence, local warfare cannot stand be fore the regular movement of trains laden with the necessities and the com forts of life, with people who know their meanings and their use, with teachers and preaches and physicians to minister to tne mind, th body and th spiritual welfare of mankind. "These humanising and clvjllslng in fluences that Inevitably follow the pion eer railway' cannot be restated. This means that this great road through the heart of Central and Souths America would be the most prodigious Xgent for progress the world has ever known," PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES BY VETERANS OF SALEM Usual Parade and Other Exer cises, Sunday Sermon and Visit to Schools. (Special Pispatch te The Jenraal.) . Salem, May 14. Extensive prepara tlons are being made by th old soldiers for th observance of Decoration day. Th Grand Army men will meet at their hall on Commercial street and, escorted by company M, O. N. O., of this city, and the Salem Military band and fra ternal societies, will make their annual pilgrimage to th cemeteries. In the evening they will gather at the First Congregational church to hear, a ser mon by Rev. F. E. Dell, pastor of th church. On Memorial Sunday the member of Sedgwick post No. 10, O. A. R., the Woman's Relief Corps and th Ladles of the Grand Army will attend services at the Christian church. On Wednesday, May 19, delegations of old soldiers will visit th various schools of th city. Th delegates have been chosen a toU lOSW: i . . i . High School J. P. Robertson, 2. M Parvin, Earl Race, W. H, Brown. W, H, Byars. .; . . East School A. W. Drager, " D. W, Mathews, D. C Howard, F. B. South wick, A. N. Gilbert North School Rev. J: Heps, J. J Good, I. Baumgartner, R. A. Crosson, J, E. Ross. Lee Her, . - - , Central School I. C. 8utton, William Lansing, Philip Thomas. Mr. Clark. Lincoln School F. Kurs, Dr. Lane, F. A. Thompson, David Cade. Park School W. H. Simpson, J. H. Smith, W. H. Folger, Thomas Radecllff. MILLIONAIRE C0RBIN HIDES WIFE'S NAMff (Special Dispatch te The JooreaL) , Spokane, Wash.. May 24 At th aga of 70, D. C. Corbin, the Spokane mil Ilonalre. president of the Spokane International railway and father-in-law of th Earl of Ford, has been secretin married. . It Is reported that his bride was named Mrs. Peterson, and was for merly his housekeeper, but Corbin re ruses to divulge her former nam. Dy soeosla ' Is America's curse. " Bur. ' dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspepsia every time. It drives out Impurities, tones the stomach, reatorea perfect du gnstlon. normal weight and good health. OH. HAVILAND 'I SAY II Purported Oregon City ..Interview on Estacada Affairs an - Impossibility. AUTHORIZED NO ONE T ' td SPEAK FOR HIM Meanwhile Intensity of Mnnlclpal Campaign at Estacada Not tn Question Strenuous Efforts to Dislodge Present Administration. (Special Dispatch te The loornaL) -' Oregon City, Or., May 34 "Not having -v been In Oregon City for the past three months, and, furthermore, never having given anyone authority to us my nam in making statements, th direct quotation purporting- to come from me and published under an Oregon City date last Wednesday cannot pos slblv -e .authentic." xsald Dr. W. K. Havlland,. independent ? candidate for mayor of Estacada, last night whlj in .Portland. .? f, ?.s V:-".," X Dr. Havlland says he Is at a loss to , know how : the statement could have been' Issued. He has not been in Oregon . City, has made no such statements, and has authorised no one to speak for him. rreA more Intense municipal campaign than that in progress in Estacada was ' probably never held in an Oregon town; The whole county of Clackamas has become aroused and grave charges of graft and corruption are freely printed v in Clackamas county news columns. The fight centers 'around the reelection of J.- W. Reed, mayor, recently convicted and" sentenced in the circuit court for - complicity in the ' Sellwood election frauds. Y The case is pending on appeal to ths state supreme court. . :t fceed" Seeks ' Tlndlcatlon; A "vindication" at the polls is sought by-Ir. Reed. The troubles of the little city on the banks of the Clackamas in voire injunction Ksuits, bond issues, street assessments',, the purchase of i water system at an onormouR price, re fusal to comply with charter pro visions and numerous other, things cov erlng the entire mun-lclpal life of the Estacada government i Ther is a big scheme on foot to maoadamlse the streets in Estacada, so as to make it a desirable place tor sum mer visitors. Property owners have to Hood's . Sarsaparilla ' . - - . . Pnrlfles ahd enriches the blood and baildl op the1 whole system.' . v .v -. It radically Cures all blood diseases, from pimples to scrorala., , ;; v .., - It is the best remedy ' for catarrh, rheumatism and dyspepsia. " 1 At all times .of the year it is ths most widely useful medicine. These statements are confirmed daily by cured men and women. . : v Over 40,000 testimonials recelf ed ' la' two years an unequaled record! , , '; In Ubletaas well as in usuaf liquid form. 100 Doses One Dollar. ' , Py th high assessments, which amount to practical , confiscations of their property, whil it 1 alleged the only benefit goes to th Portland Rail way, Light 4k " Power company. : Much real estate in the city would not sell for the amount of the street assess ments charged against It. , Charg of Oontraot Oraftlaa. '"It la openly-charged that th eitv of ficials are Interested In the contracts. In fact, it Is said that one councilman boasted of a sub-contract received for delivering gravel to the city. Another offered to bribe a protesting property owner ana aid him in paying his enor mous assessment so that ther would not be enough of them left to sign aa effective remonstrance. ' When a remonstrance wa presented the council refused to honor it and an injunction was secured. The suit will be tried out before Judge McBrlde in Oregon City. ' The assessments amount to $86 for 25 feet. An assessment on an unimproved corner lot 60 by 100 feet in the residence section amounts to $510, much more thap any sane purchaser would pay for the lot after th streets naa been improved. Charges of graft are mad regarding the purchase of the water system. It Is said that the motors were removed and old one substituted on the city. The plant cost In the neighborhood of $7,000 and it cost about $2,600 to put It In repair. The sewer system is like wise unsatisfactory. Vo Reports oa rinaaoes. Th Injunction recently issued by Judge McBrlde revealed the fact that two of five councllmen have never been sworn In,-that the water commissioner I not even an American cltlsen. There has been no report of the financial con dition of the city and the officials re fuse to divulge th financial affair of the city. , Responsible officials have never given bonds as is required. .. -To Illustrate the interest taken, at a recent caucus, in whloh Reed was nomi nated over his competitor by a vote of 29 to 32, . there were 41 qualified voters present, . while there are but 70 voters in the entire city. Lines are sharply drawn and the fight is being openly con ducted.. . Everyone knows who Is' his friend and who is not. ' Br. Bsvilaad's Candidacy. Dr. William K. Havlland. a young physician, is the anti-Reed candidate for mayor, 'He and his ticket were nominated by petition.. The other can didates on the anti-Reed ticket are: A. Morrow, councilman,- first ward; Edwin Mallory, second ward; ' William Dale, third ward: E. F. Surface, fourth ward, and J. F. Lovelace, fifth , ward. Re corder and treasurer ar th same on both tickets. K NY Johnson is the nominee ' for recorder and H. Cooper treasurer, "I fpol that I am the candidate of the resident property owners," said Dr. Havlland yesterday,;, "or rrshould not be a candidate at all. ; I have 86 per Cent of them oa my petition,". , ' Xlstory of JffunlolpaUty. Mr. Reed had nothing to say about his candidacy.; He said there may be something , to say later, but at cresent there was nothing. - His ticket Is as fol lows; W. A. Jones, councilman, first ' (Jooraal Special Servtee.) Lak Mohonk. N. T May 24. A gal axy of notables addressed the Interna tional Arbitration conference here this morning, the session being by far the most Interesting of th entire program. Foremost among the speakers were Benor Don Enrique C, Creel, the Mex ican ambassador to ths United States; Benor Don ignacio calderon, the minis ter from Bolivia, and Hon. Francis R Loomts, former assistant secretary of stat. - Ambassador Creel spoke, in part, as follows: ; "War still subsists as a relio ot past ages. The organ may have suffered a modification, but the function still lies latent, a terrible menace, y "The people who cam before us needed war, as they did not know other mean of attaining Justioe, since the geography of the world has not been determined, and war was the only means to satisfy the rights of eonquest ana tneir ambitions ror power and wealth. ... Thia doe not apply to th present times. As opposed to the old civilisa tions, which were essentially artistic, scorning manual labor, frugal and poor modern civilisation Is Industrious, rich. run or necessities, .based principally on the extent of scientlfio knowledge and habits of labor, order and economy. "Therefore, war which brings with it stagnation or capital, destroys human life valuable as any other labor-pro ducing factor suspends circulation, do creases consumption, is In our modern life Illogical,, and everything tends to its disappearance. In th meanwhile th tendency 1 to reduo th effects of disputes, to minimise thaangers of armea conflicts ana to settle,, oy means of arbitration, the large majority of the difficulties that may arise between the nations of the world." ward; C FHowe, second ward; L. C. Pos son, third ward; EF. Surface, fourth ward; E. A. Miller, fifth ward. 'The municipality of Estacada is two yeark old.: The present .officers are the only hnes that have ever held office in that . cty. Some of them, including Mayor Reed, were appointed by the leg islature at the time the city was in corporated In 1905, but many have re signed sincX that time. Elections are held biennlaKf. . - . SELLWOOiPOSTOFFICE PROTEST IS IGNORED ' . 4Jonrotl Special Service.) ' ; Washington, May 24. Sellwood and Brooklyn postofflces, in Portland have been ordered consolidated by th post office department. Protest which was recently mad against this consolida tion by the people of Sellwood, through Senator Bourne, cam to the department too lat to reopen the matter. - - . - , Disarmament Beyond Beach. " After reviewing the history and prog ress of the arbitration movement among the countries of south and Central America and asserting that the prlnci pie of international arbitration Is doctrine more generally practiced and accepted In South American countries than anywhere else, Senor Don Ignacio Calderon, minister of Bolivia to the United States, continued as follows: it Is useless to speak of disarma ment when first of all the rival nations havo more confidence In their fighting strength than in the Justice of their cause or tne love or peace or their neighbors. To a certain extent the democratic doctrine of government by the people and for the people affords greater security against .wars, provided the public sentiment Is properly guided and the nation as a whole has a true love for fair play and honest dealing. "When- the-venesuelan-'-port were bombarded by th combined fleets of some of the great powers of Europe, the Argentine republic, through har minister of foreign affairs, called at tention to the great Injustice and the menace to the sovereignty of the, victim republic that such actionx Implied. "Senor Drago, in his famous note, among others, mad the following state ments: Th acknowledgments of a debt and the liquidation of Its amount must be made by the country without curtail ment of Its fundamental right as a sovereign entity; - but the compulsory demand at a given time, by -means of force, would only be the' destruction, the weak nations and the absorption of their government with all of their facuXr ties by th strong nations of the world. The orlncioles acknowledged In the American continent are different. The illustrious Hamilton said: "The con tracts entered Into as between nations POSTUM THE NERVE AND BRAIN BUILDING LIQuiD FOOD Read " The Road Weavine" -in PksV:;:S';Bi,, ; There's v Reason" UETROrT --- . .....rftii- IVOT" QFMssBBBssBjBsjBjBBBjBjsaa " mi cuisinniiss Arc Most Sonflhl For Pay large Divl Dends Are Safe and Permanent Here Is An Op porhinify (o Secure " a Great Bargain in a Desirable Railroad Stock Toledo. Wabash & 1 Louis K. 1. Sfc at $3.00 Per Share Be Worth That Before the Year Is Out TDE TK1E TO BUY ELECTRIC STOCKS IS BEFORE THE ROAD IS COMPLETED Otherwise you have to pay large premiums and your investment Is no bargain. Let us illustrate this in the case of the Indianapolis Street Railway Co. Early in its history in 1900 stock sold at $15 per share (par $100). It now sells at $118 per share. The Toledo, Wabash & St Louis Stock will go the same way. . It can only be a few days before this stock will be advanced to $9 per snare, bux huw. Look it the Map at (he Top ot this Adv. , gkrrernmavt O wit ship of Ball roads X Agitated by Stoma. The Up-to-Date Plan Ownership ty the people wfll supersede all ether. Toledo, Wabash Si fcoals aUroad offer th sorattom. STo bonds. Vo preferred svoek. All stock eomsaoa stock. ,aau7 wna efrerjr outer maaxm. M ana xor isve peopiew Brerr share shares eaoally wtth en a ma ot Vhm weoole. br the veovi A eoessa7 air Use from Toledo to BV Xfoals, ooaaeotlar the Oreat Kakea with the Xlsslssippl, forming a eoaaeotlag Uak be tween the Atlantlo coast aad the Oolf of SUsioo, BoUdlag a sailroad by pops heen made It will be finished. pala subsorlptloa, A start Toledo. Wabash St Louis Railroad is bonding an Elect no Air line interurban Railroad from Toledo to St. t-4 Louts via De- flan oe. Ft. Wayne and Indianapolis, the construction and equip ment to be nrst Class in everr parucuiar, roaaoea 10 do roaa ballastedi track standard gauge and equipped with 70-pound steel rails. Right of war for the first section . ,.. ' BM 1,, practically secured. - Contract - has been let and bond given br the con structlon company for the fulfillment of same. The construction oompany has accepted siock of the railroad company In lieu of -payment. This stock Is first offered to the publlo the people. If the Investing publlo can tell a good thing when they aee It they have the oppor tunityprobably for the first time -to get an interest in an Interurban Electtio Air Line will be. built A most Important start has been ' made. . The right kind of a start v Surveys have been mad between To ledo and Deflanoe. , V Within SO day ground will ba broken and actual construction work win hav begun on the right of way f a great modernjOp - to - dat , railroad. wmxok wzub mavIu son rmsiaMT ajto rAgsTdraxBS. CONSERVATIVE CAPITALIZATION i The eempaay Is Ineerperated aooer the laws f the State et Walae ear (ss, 000.0001 si mulloa dollaje. dMds fate (900.000) sihaadrd thooMsd shares ef a par (10) tea asllsM each, taU-feid. sasx liability, sahla. -tar nil ktbla aa4 earryiag se Practical rath-sad naa and eaiwfst flaaaetara aeaisilse the aw Wattnay. fcrner saaaral t raffia aiaaatar et the Clevsv lai Una, of all tk efflaars aa diraotars, the repart et th aoosalttna aasls ewaetarate, at which a D. M IM Ba& saatceas aan aa a Bat et Ike rallraata hay hate baUt, ttatlttlca, ate., all ef whkb waeJd eaaopy too aw spaas te be yea U1 klaffiy affla year aasie.te th eoasoa prtatea balow sad forward, t aar ecfie. ae Your Own Banker Do Your Own Saving Why band year Bnoey erar te maa" wb baa a tlftt eat HBaakrM and tot alls In. vest your aaoaay la raUraad stocks st low prleaa. benefit by the aaarawes teeraas la the valne ef stock and draw baadsone dlrldends a ad pay yon S or par east to tb aae ef year awaeyf Aa a natter ef fact. It la yea who pay the bankar, tetrad f aim paytng van. Tear banker srababtr Baba SO 1 lw Par at oa yew maaay. ion ar uaraiora paytns aim IS to a par seat bar tae pnvnac ei mraaana 'J' aw and other crrltla. Fr benbers a ibtwi in rauroaa nam.. Taa - tvraaaBt serstits than to do aa, tharaby raoofnlalnt tha rain et tbaa acaritMa r, r - ' Ton ad no battar taoaatant la buying talk ocka tbaa ya esapkty la yaw every, day bnalnaa affair. LK a yoor nanaer ana. ranroai Boy ad staaa at low arte aad sera the Why aboald yon lat yea sanaer mvf yeor w wm r waai profits which year sense Is ifrf and nab tba 9040-100 or nayba S00 par cant that r banker awkast ay i! roT OTT TXXXi TOMOBBOW VIATTOU OAW BO TOSAT. TO- SAT IS TBOB DAT to act jtot tokobbow. Birr txxs aio.00 stock x-ob t3.oo wbtub tqtt hatb tmm OKajroa. , ran I TOT7B OBDBB rOXTBWXTB. In Orderiner Stock of Toledo. Wabash & St.' Louis Railroad Call st ear tfle. la th THfwd bahdtas. tryoa can; ft is hit to find Wa will ba.lad to at yon wbaa yon sjt tbar aad talk to yonfaoe V" ltZ,t .M. railroad. Com tomorrow It yon can; If not com a w want Ton to mt na; yon w . f a nuf von: T7. V. . to bur hot w want yoa to lnraatlriu. Our offlea nonr ar rSm a tS'i v. m . f( : t nrdaya. whan w. kjap opaa nntll 8:80 T In- fir th acwii.mod.tloo t nr client, and yoa will b wtlcemcd at any time betiraen tbaa boor. k XBQT7ZBT COO FOBf. Please fill out thia coupon and mall to Vanthwearten Bemtle Co, 800-301 Tllford Bldg, rortlaad. Or. Oentlemen: Kindly send me prospectus and full information regarding the stock of the TOLEDO. WABASH V ST. LOUIS RAILROAD CO. A- My Iam Is. CftfjT Stat f 't ; p.'j.a-iijr,.'!, ';- Company, Fin Out the Coupon . Printed ; Below and Mail , to Southwestern Seeprities Co. Western Fiscal Agents 300-301 Tllford Building; Portland, Cr. MSY PAYftKT PiAN 10 Shares, Par Value $ 100.00, Price $ 30.00 Pay $ 6.00 cash and $ 6.00 per month, for four months, 20 Shares, Par Value 200.00, Price 60.00 Pay 12.00 cash and 12.00 per month for four months 50 Shares, Par Value 500.00, Price 150.00 Pay 80.00 cash and 80.00 per month for four months 100 Shares, Par Value 1,000.00, Price 300.00 Pay 60.00 cash and. 60.00 per month for four months INot Less Than lO Shares Sold rUBUBASB COXTFOB'. Plaaa fin Mt Oil CMimi and anil tt te SOlTHWiaTSKIT aaOUHITIES CO., SOO-SOi TUford Bldfl Portlaad. Oreaoe: . ' ' Intlaant P1e enter any arda fnr ,'. .... shara t th Block at th ToLaOO. WAHaill A ST. LOUIS CO. at 3.00 pa aara, par aaia f'u.uu en, tor waira 1 ear- auk ppuctloa en br tloa en time scrnuHit fuilr abi ana noa-rfwraitabi. and arrylns no naraonal Uablllty. T1t narmant on fifth down aad en fifth monthly f.,r Vmt mootba aaraaftar. Ho ubacr1ptkm V Umm tbaa ta aharaa aaeapud, a pa cant dlarount for ah Mbcrlptloo. - Inclo plana fb....,.. ..dotlara t pay lor la kty nam t City : State ? ..P. J. r ..-- i t