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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
19 .THE OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY Ci, ICC7. Classified. Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 15. San Francisco QfHcc pregbii JoumaL Hi MarkctsCbct: Jd6rifl ASTxartscmirTa : inn btxb. v bcbxptiomb mcuiTW. . l6rrontan when in Sao Franolaco have their mall sent in caro or Tha Jonnwl,.Qo ;;; j 4. ARTHUR I. FISH. RepiwaenUUvw. ; WHEN AWAY FROM H0M8 Copies The Journal MB be" obtained ti j v- t following title snd town ootsld of Oregon. " Th Journal would appreciate th receipt ef report ef feller to obtain eople at the paper . at any of tbeee place: . - . coi.rAi. washinoton a. b. Km. walla walla. Washington waiia wen Stationery Company; Eonn-Hcuwtll W v psnyi Hotel Deere Nam Steads Dalee Cigar Stead: Central News Company. - , TACOMA. WASHINOTON Hotel TaeemeWewe .1 Stand, lltt Sooth Fourth -street! Central Newe do. J People'e Newe Oe. v ATTLSL WASHINGTON Bsmls Or) . . News Stand; Iataraatloaal New 1 Agency ' . Newspaper War; Botol Seattle New etaad; Easter New Co. .;''.. .L AN DIEGO. CAHroaNTA Anae New Ooaa- -- eany, Newepaper Wagoa. -i - f .SPOKANE, WASHINGTON John. W4 Graham , o. 'i: Ml N N A POLI8. 1 MINNESOTA htT . , 0v ' aaegb, 50 Trd street, ooth. ; mr tiimi iiinimniii T. Jat ' street: Oeore-a L. Aehermaa B. W. Cer, A fU ' " KANSAS CITY, MISSOUBI Tema. New Otas hii. KiimsH Wagon. L'aloB CHICAWO. IIJJNOIS P. a New tompajif, 178 nrartorn afreet. ' CENTER, COLORADO TJWoa nimA ' LOS ANOELES. ' CALirOlinA Aoa Ktwl OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Aniea rtewa Oeaf neay, Newapeper Waaoat Haka WewaCo. AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA . Wbeathr fewa Company, Newapeper wagoni roer m Oraar, Ferry baildlnc: iohaaoa Newe Onov : paay. I4S1 Finaura atreet) Anwa now wa Vcwa Weaona. ' ' '- ALT LAKl CITT. PTAH Roeetifald Baa. aoa. Newapaper Waoa: O. U Daelaa,Betal .. Keayoa; Barrow Bros 41 West , ' street, Bontb. " OODKN, UTAH Oray Hews Ceaiaaay, '" Newe Bteeit OMAHA., NEBRASKA Mmarl Hotal Haws Stand. - HEW YORK CrrT-sArthar HoUWax, , ' eaner Weaona. KORFOLK. TA. Kraf A Ooatd. NEW TODAY. McKenna Junction The Tunnel Townalta it Improronient Ca will of far for sola for a abort time a limited numbor of lots at McKenn Junction. - . v :. v". McKenna Jnnotion Is looatod on Co . inmbla Rnulevard. at tha attroaoh of tha tunnel tinder University Park, at the crossing on the main una or tne u. n. & N. from the east with the- main line , of the Harrlman aatem to fug-et Bound. , McKenna Junction is where the depot and railroad yards wiu do., ; . ( .- - Orders hare ' been given for asaem bllna of crews on the Peninsula, - and 1 wore, ts to be commenced very' soon on the approaches to the tunnel, the lay ing of track for the Swift and Armour : Packing- ..'a planta, and the completion of the Troutdale Una. 1 McKenna ' Junction ' Will be a - manu facturlnc city with large payrolls, ' : ' Other ' great Industries ' are planned for McKenna Junction. Buy a business lot now before prices are aavancoo. t for plats and prices call on or ad, W. H. Grindstaff OFFICES Ooddard Station,- on St ' John carllne. 610 Commercial block. , ;i , Phono Main COOS. ,, ,. v'- ' ; r HOLLYflURST LAYS FINE, LOOKS FINE IS FINE ON TftE CAR LINE NO ROCK OR GRAVEL, No stumps to dig out ,, -A beautiful place for. a home x See Hollyhurst and you will buy Commonwealth Trust Co. ! SIXTH AND ANKENY 1,800 , 1IH acres fruit land 1H mile from Sh Dalles; acre In grapes; 4 acre will yield crop this r yeart 1 acre - In t-yar-old , peaches, , , apricot and al- : monds; tVt acres cleared ready to culti vate. Must be aord Immediately. J, A. Douthit , - rum DAxriis, omzoohT. ' :. : SNAP! 49 acre on Section Lin road near elty," on propoaad ML' Hood' car . line. Only f 250 pr acre. AU In culUvatlon. : rxa sr. r0Ha sit stau m- NEW TODAY, 635 feet, -A atres; railroad running through; frontage on Macadam road. ' ' H. P. PALMER, , 222 Failing Building., WEATHER REPORT. The Utah disturbance baa moved 'Mat Western K ansae. It has muted haary rain in tha Tvxaa panhandla, - Oklahoma, mbraaka, Iowa, Booth Dakota, aaatara Montana, Wfoo in and oortkara I'Uh. Hrary rain baa alaxt taneo at a,w uriaaoa, and uDt fain naa 00 nirred 1 t enrrallr throocboat tha Mlaalaalppl vallar.'. It la pooler In tha Rockr moautaln atataa and warmer la California. Tha Indlratlooa ar for fair woatbr la tbla dlatrlrt toul-bt and Batordaj, with Ufht froat tonlirht In aapoaad pUcea aat of Ua Caacada Douotaina, , ; ,. --"-- ' .'!" Tamp. - , - - -.' u Mai. . Mia. PraHp. AtlanU, Oaortrta ......... .86 , 64 . Blamarck, North DakoU ...64 ' 44 .24 Boaton. Maaaachnaatta 04 4S .0 Chlcag, IUinola .'. ,..82 : 4H '.,.. Cincinnati. Ohlo.... M 62 .0 I)nar. Colorado ..........64 48 ,U Kanaaa Cltr. Miaaoarl .....8tJ . 64 Loa Aoralea, CaUfornla ...T0 - t2 Naw Orlaana, Looiatana ,.M ' 4 : ' New York, New i'ork 4 6 Omtba, Nfbraka . ........ T4 00 Pblladelpbla, PannajflTanU .TO Portland, , Orecoa .,....,...65 M t LoaW, Mlaaoorl ....... .fill ( .-. , Bt. PanL, AllnneaoU-M..fl4 -. AO Bait Lake, L'Uh . 88 , (tan Pranclaco, Callforeli ..6S 63 . Waahlnftoa. D. O T4 M . .,, TBI BJVKR. Tha river will reach a aura of IT.S feet Batnrdar. and eoma to a atand Bnndar at auga of about 14 ft. It will fall allahtlr Mondar, Tuaadaj and prottaDlr Wennaaflay, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Emma V.- BaUwood to Q. T. Hlnmors. block S4, BaUwood ...4 S.O00 Roalna Btarni to Charles Andaraen et at., Iota Si and S3. - block a - aiooUeella addttloa 20S LaVbert and -Theresa Stopper to K. W. uxner. lota a and a ninca 1. irr- Ington Helghta ........ ......... BOS Horrla W. Cooper et aU to n. A. ambit. Jut 8. block 1. Irrtnrton Uriah U ... ; UO Orerlook Land company to Margaret Orerlnok 1.000 Ellxabetb Thomas ta JL AC Hicks at aL. north an feet of lot A block 'DO. HoUadar'a addition 1.. S.S00 Dora W. aaa Frank I. Baraga to Jona ., . Helaar. lot S. block 18. Unooln Park, 1TB Holt O. and Faanla B. WUaoa to Oeorgo E. Raatall et aL. lota B and S. block S. KUIIncaworth ' BIT Morris W. sod Myrtle H. Cooper to H. L. ornnn. lac 2. - blocs T. irruutton HelshU , '.. B9S Gay 0. and AdeUno B. Willie to A. W. Wbltmer, es acres beginnlnf' at a . point la north boundary of Donation Land Claim of AJonso Gate aad wife. t.SOO Security Barlnga A Trnat company, traa- tee. to Daniel ft. and Ann a Del xwom- er. lot and -east H of lot 4, buck , 14. John Irrtnar'a flrat addition... 4.88S J. P. and Louies Menefe to Annie 111- ber. east SO feet of lot I and eait 80 feet of north 40 feet of lot 8, block 10. erlcuul townalta of Alblna Martha B. Kant to Mary Deeor, lot 4, block 6S, Portland 'City Homeatead . . . Oaorg Pnlt to Henry H, Klein, land beglsning st southwest corner or see-. Hon 8, .township 1 snath, range 1 eaat 1,800 Marlon and Elisabeth Idea ,te Erneat E. and Lydla H. Lang, lot S, block 24. Central Alblna , 8,000 George W. and Lydla B. Watt to AUea Clan, . lot , anoaiTUion 01 sat 4. block 14. Portland Homeatead ' MO George W. and Lydla a Watt to J. Al len Clark, tot 8, subdinsioa of lot , h,It. 8 A BuAl.. TT.... A VsAK Sa ABlt aT0SI UBUU A. J." kllWBl 1CU W. H. and Katie M. Klngery to Joseph SO K. and Alice m. Davis, lota .1 ana , block 8. GraceUnd. .1300 Helena and Edward Doerlnf to Alice M. Darls. Iota and a, buck 8. Orsce land addition ....................... so Henry W, and Hattle A. Irtee to Noah Frederick, lots T ana s. Mock e, cur- uru nuuAiiue M, .IUIU. a,.,,.,..,,.,. H. M. and N, B. Hicks to Cornelius H. 10 and An a. jonnaon, snatn or lot 41, In aubdlTtalon X DeLaahmntt Oatman's Little Homes ............. l,eo Clemena B. and Ida M. Kayser to Chris tian Brrnhard Lchmann, lot 10, block "A." First atreet terracee 1.000 Robert J. Upton to Joseph A. Badeaa, iocs 8. , o, sn 1, Dioe , up ton Park 1,800 Tfaereea Blanch Deane to Anna Lamb, lot 6. block S. Woodlawn , 800 TS The Land Company of Oregon to Erie r m-. 1a. . kiaaw a nt vi d..w . Coast inTeatment company to Wrennle E. oalnea, lot is block a, srtoa id-, dltlon to St. Johns 160 TJnlreralty Land company ' to Pa rid B. Job niton, lota a, 10, u and 13,. InocB 186. I'nlreralty Park 1.000 Fidelity Trustee company to Caroline Btt- aaa Tonne;. - part 01 lots 1 and X, block 6 8. SCO O. and Generlsra O. Oolton to Robert T. Llusey. loia and 10. block 8. Orchard Homes addition TOO Stephen and Mary A. Collins to W. U Dial, north 4 or iota 10 ana 15, Block B. Abend'a aaaiaon to Alpine ...... 1.400 Joseph M. Heely and Walter J. Burns, trusteca, m uarry tiayes, lot is, block 8, Warerleigb Helahts Anna H. gbogren to H-.- E. - Hayea. - lot 18, block 14, Eaat Portland Heights.. Alnalle Estate company to J. D. Ken worthy, west 85 feet of lot 4, and aat 1 feet of lot 8, block 300, city.. Prank A. and Sarah B. Wlllard to Fred U Newell, lot 18. block 1, Montarllla Sycamore Real Eatate company t C I. and Jewell Permenter, lot 8. block X Keara Park A. H. and Phebe A. Breyman. John .-and Elian B. Sommerrille to Carrie Talbot, lot 4, block 11, Bunnyslde addltloa, . 600 isoo 4,000 : rs 100 450 Per abstraets, title tnaarance or mortgage nana, eau on racine nue irnai eompany, I04-S-0-T FaUIng bldg. Get roar Insurance and abstracts re real eatate from the Title Guarantee A Treat eom pany, 80 Washington at- corner Second. CEMETERIES. RIVER VIEW Single araves. 810) famllr site 10x16, for 8100 and upwards, according to else; tne omy cemetery in Portland which . perpetually maintains -. snd . cares for lots. For ton information, apply to w. R. Mac. kensle, Worcester block, city. W. M. Ladd, president. ROSE CITY Single, glO; family lot, OK ... S-Tft OMnAln.M. -. ' ner of Fremont St. snd Colly road. Phone Tabor 100. For fall Information apply to rrans neniegej, oua uommercisj bis, raoas Mala aoa. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning, McEatee ft GDhaugh, ondertakers and embalmers; modem la every detetl. Seventh nd Pine, Mala 430., Lady ssaiatant Erlcksoa Undertaking Co., snd smbalmlng, 408 Alder st ' Phone Main visa. May assistant. J. P. Flnlev at Bon. Third snd Madison sta. Office of cons ty coroner. Phone Main 0. .' Eelter-Bvraes Co.. funeral directors, embalm- on, 878 BosseU. East 1088. Lady aasiatsnt. a. a. tfematock. fneerel director. Bast- 18th aad Umatilla. Phone Sell wood 71. Lady assistant. Edward Holmao.' sndertasee. -820 Third etT ,notices.4 PROPOSALS for Brick Asylum Wing. Salem. Or., May is, JWJ7. oesiea proposals, moorsea ori the eutaide of envelope, "Proposals for Brick Aayluni Wing, Salem. Oregon,"- and addressed to W. N. Oatens, clerk of Aaylnm Board, wlU be received at the executive of fice, Stats Capitol, Salem, Oregon, , until 2 o'clock p. m. of May 27, 1907, for furoisb Ing material and lubor required to construct spd complets a brick' asylum wing with plumbing, hot water besting, ge and electric light, water snd sewer connections. In atnet accordance with plana, specifications snd in struction to bidder, which mar be ex amined at the- gorst-nor' of flea, Capitol building, and W. D. Push, Bolem, Or. For further Information apply to W. D. Pngb, architect, Salem, Or. W, N. GATEN8, ,- .A i.-;i-.- " ' y- 1. - f . Clerk.- BALED, bids will he received at the office of the school urrK. uity Han, antii 12 m., Saturday, May 26, 190T. for furnishing School District No. 1. Multnomah county. Or., with eordwood. alabwood or coal for the en suing year. - Thee bide will be opened pun Ilclr at 8 p. - m. ef aald day at the School Clerk's office. City HalL , Specifications can be had by calling at the School Clerk s office. apply eemnutkes. . A - w. Biicva .vvit- MEETING NOTICES: W1SHINOTOM CHAPTE KO. R. A. M. Sp-lal convocation (Frldnyj, eninf, May e. at o o'clock. . Maeonla BaU. Burkbard balldlac. Royal Arch decree. .Via. Itora welcome. Membera nrfad ,ta attend. By order n. h. f.- ? , , k. a. BJiARoir. MnLTlfOMAH CAMP No.- 1 ' Woodmen of the World, aieeta i eeery - rrtdar nlfht at lUl Kaat Sixth:- blr claaa Inltla. tton tonljbt; Tlaltora aordlally invited. Drawlnj for , dour to . prut rmiianK. , . J. M. WOOD WORTH. Clerk. hi. W. A. KtERuREEN CAMP. B.466. meeta Wedneeday eras log, AVIlaky bldt.. Third and Morrwua aw.,' -: . M. W. A. Oraron Ore pa Damp No. .t7i Moa- daya. 17tb and Marabail. Vlaltore LOST AND FOUND. rOlTND A place to hare hatr ajaHraaaaa tea rated and retained eatne day . S2S Eront at. Main 474, Portland Cwled-QaU Factory. . Matager, aroprietor. . , . LOST A bUck leather card esse eoBtammg S railroad tickets. Berorn to room 08 Labbe Flitg. . end recelre liberal reward, W. B. -'-Cnlngbm. 1' . ,. v- r.-Uyh t.r.' m. iAhi. , -.1 . Tu "Wiiu,. . face, name Bobble reward St 1204 Wulam- ette bonlerard. LOST--Pnrae containing - - .11 1 . Mllfl BUTT lUWrj ' naalt on Salem National bank: ina bank) return to H. Nolu. US KiUlngsworth are,, and ra calre reward. LOST, strayed or stolen, blood bay horse. with black tips, on r ama reel marseu white end whit stare marked oa f ore need; B. H. branded en left side; liberal reward for information leading to its recovery. . P. AngclL 488 Beat Ninth St. East SM8. IP THB lady advertising the lost watch en grared "Minnie -Berth. Zmaa 08" will call at the eaahler'e window, Journal amce, ana win reeover bar property. 1 HELP WANTED MALE. Wltrrcrt At earn, a lire asshlrlewa naill man of neat annearanr ana loo aaarsss to learn pleaaant and profitable business; fair alary I Stan win. exceiienx -enaneo apr vancemeai. ror inwmew Bourses w auvkj car Journal. WANTED MM - to eat 100 cords ef fir wnsdi 81 cord and good clean timber. AOaress box 18, R. D., Dundee, Or. FIRST-CLASS harness makers; stsady employ ment. The r. l. cronia uompsny. BAWTERS, fliers, engineer and yardmen, mHI- wrlghts and , woodsmen. . vnsmners, iw First st. .. ... BRIGHT young men wasted to lean tolegraphyi 4 pnaltlona wnea competent, uregoa kxitiege. 608 Common wealth mag. WANTED Boy with wbeaL Jonas' book a tors, Wl Aioar a. BOT8 wanted: factory work. Apply Amerlcaa Can oom foot latnax. PACIFIC 8TATI0NKBT PRINTING OO. 106 107 Second at. Pboa Mam 881. -'. W dcalga and Install the moat modem and tmnroved office srstemet eomplete Uae loose leaf filing devices. WANTED Salesmen; many make 8100 to 1150 per month: eoma area more: stock ewes, nei oa reeerratloe. far from aid ereharde: cash advanced weekly: eholos ef territory. Address Washington Nursery eompany. Top. penlah. Wasting ton. , MEN AND WOMEN to lean the barber trade m eight weeks: freaneiee nrn rrom fin to 12S weeklyj expert Inttructore; eatalogtie free, loler Syatem et Colleges, 88 North Fourth t, Portland."- . WB get work for oar memberat apodal mem bera, 12- X . as. u. A., rouru aaa lamuui. WANTED Boys ever IS years to work la randy factory. Alden canay --. Jinn sua uusan. WANTED At once, a flrst-las carriage painter. .104 Cuua nve. Mrv end hnra wanted to learn plumbing, pi; terlng, blocklaytng. aieetncai traara; ires retalogne: position secured. Coyne Trade Schools. New York and Baa Francisco. WANT esrnenterlng, grading; "Win give den tistry or typewriter, uau room a, ku wasn- lngtoa at - - BOTS to wort rn factory good we see. Apply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., izta sua usvu-sts. ..WANTED. nnrlneer with larce experience who en- deretanda generators and motors. Address B. W. Haines, sorest urore, ir. s BOTS with wheels wanted st once. Apply to Olds. Wortman as King. Ttnv .hont is rears ef ass to . deliver and mak hlmeeir nsemi in arnrsiore; man utb nrar Grand are. and Bumalde. Call st drug store on above corner. CEME'NT finisher wanted: one accustomed t ratting aldewaixa. o. uaro, ws Morrison mu FINISHERS, button bole makers, to work en custom coats: also apprentices to learn tail oring. 103 Commonwealth Diag. WANTED Boy nged 18 to work la machine shop; good wages; st ot vans st. ASSISTANT eaabtsr, wholeeale house; Mat age, experience, references; salary expected. Address at auo, ear journal. WANTED An honest Japanese boy for cham ber work and cleaning arery day 6:80 to noon. 626 Btxth st DELIVERY boy wanted; apply Lovejoy Line coin, bookbinders, 128 Flrat St. , "WANTED Rough carpentem to lay floor. Ap- ply E. Clay and Becona sta WANTED Bhlnglera- call Cleveland av. - Sumner st, or phone East 1873. MAN to set up and polish stoves: most be ex perienced. Edwards utx, -jBi nrat at. WANTED Tonng man to drtvs city deUvsry wagon, wholesale honse. state age, aaiary wanted, reference. 1 ou, journal. . WANTED Assistant shipping clerk, manufac turing plant. State age, aaiary was ted, ref J erencea. 8 804, journal. WANTED By wholesale grocery bouse: hip ping clerk; state eipertenca. Addreea A 80S, care journal. 1 . , WANTED At once, Commercial dub. Al tonlter. Apply t Aar IftKV a T. t" '' aawaB sVael 4r srea awdl awO ta.JjtA' WBUtCU . AA, SVJ, alwjx 11 ej bht w UH,m.J ( VA, Eaat 84th and Tillamook sta. . Wage $2.60 -and iz.73 per oay. WANTED Man Fourth at barber tor Saturdays. 64 WANTED Men to cat cord wood at 81.80 per cord, pnone eeiiwooo avo. HELP WANTED FEMALE TEACHERS for Chinese. Apply Superintend ent, room 3, Madison bldg., at 2, or Al (slice SOett, Second St., st T P. In,. WANTBD-aBeftned, . capabje woman for re , sponsible position, with opportunlUss for ad vancement,, Vlari company, 10th and Morri- f SOB StS. WANTED Girl to work In tailor shop. Apply lltt n, soar in. - WANTED A woman to do kitchen work !m prlrata Dosraing nouse. too nun at. 1 G1RL or woman, houaework, pert day, Sundays free: sleep at oome; wages siu, not aearney atreet YOtTNO lady to work In real estate office. Buchanan bldg., 2864 Washington at 610 BCTTONHOLB-MAKEB Co., 291 H Stark t wanted. Jacob Shirt WANTED Experienced waitress,-' alas ehanv barmaid. The iinaeu, Aisraet It., Deiweaa ' anus aaa goaru am. . HELP WANTED FEMALES 'A l. Cola I WAKTTIV-.TOUNO LADTm TTX, , LEARN TFILKPHONB 01' KB AT . INO: GOOD BALAHT, SHORT HOURS, PAT WHILI I.BARN- , INO: LUNCHEON : SERVED , FREB Or Oil A BOB A NO I.OCNOINO AND RtST BOOMS ji IN CONNECTION. , APPLT . CHIKP OPKBATOH, ' TELBV PHONB HI.IKI., WEST PARK AND AlfUH BTB. I ! TPBRHtWCBD CHOOOLATM DlPPRR" u. HI0HE9T WAOES, OEORHH A. M'NBTL COMPANT. WHOLESALE CON PECTlON E EA, ' HO M. roCRTU BT, NEAR CUBAN. : h HOTjf EOIRL WAlfTED FAMTLT OF ADTTLTB. INQUIRE t21 N. SI ST. BT COB, OP LOTE ! JOf, OB PHONE MAUI 1S4U , HANSEN'S LADIES' AGEN0T, S4Stt Wash. Ington at, corner Berenta, epstalrs.- Pboa Mala 8088. Femskt help wanted. TBONO girls for candy factory I w.w.,. -,,. .-hniamla ment, Georaa A. McNeil company, wholeale soafectlonera, 110 norta roartn, sear wiiaaa. y ' I WANTED Olrls to wort oa hamming. Inoatr nia-wau laciory, jo run. . . GIRLS wanted: factory work. Apply Americas Csa US, font 14th at. , . . , TOUNO ladles wanted to tears telegraphy! I noaltlons st good wages when eonpetent. Oregon College, DOS Uommon wealth bldg. HELP WANTED Unloa Laondry eompany. , GIRLS WANTED Opera tore to work ea ahlrta and everaUs. Leseona glrea to InexperieBoed. ' Apply at Standard factory Me. i. Grand are, . and Beat Taylor at. .. .... - WANTED Woman cook, rood wares, 8 to fain- my. Apply s Worth sotb. . raone Main B80T. GIRLS to walk ta neper boa factory! clean. tMil, Mirk. V n fllftl.. IDfh aiiA nil... ann. . ',. .... ,TT ., WANTED Shirtwaists to wsah at home) ale rpiaM sewing. rboos TtDor OT. GIRLS IS years of age aad over who want permanent noaitiona win sa opporrnniar ror saTsncement, apply at once te moa, vror- maa 41 aing. ' ' - OIRLS as sppraatlcee to the millinery- business wanted a once. Apply to Olds, Wortmas a ! aing. il .A GIRL for hoasswork, S2S per month. Pour In fsmUy. S01 Madison at Pboa T008. DRESSMAKER to make ahlrtwalats; permanent position: good salary to competent person. ' The Needlecrsft Shop, 88t Washington at WANTED Lady barber Fourth st for Bator days. . 64 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. 8,000 MEN, women nd cblldrea wanted In Hood River to pick and pack strawberries; a fine crop and ebaaee to earn good money Dickers must corns nrensred to camp: s-row- ers will haul outfits to and. from boat or de pot; eeesoa Just commencing: wUl be brisk last week la May with plenty of work for everybody by June L Parties wsnttng fur ther pertJmlare csa write as snd your letter will be snewered by growers tat need, enabling yoa to secure s place la advance. Hood River Fruit Prowers' Union,' U. B. HEALTH ACCIDENT INSTJRANCfl CO., Barlnaw, Mich., sella best dollar nor . month policy oa market; stock company. See Aldrlch, w ret em manager,- too Msrajaaai '1 Agenta wanieo. . . WANTED Amblthms people to call at 188 Fifth st. and In Teat Irate the opportunities open to them by s coarse of study with the Inter- national Correspondence Schools of Bcrsaton; no experiment; tndorred by thousands. BTENOORAPHEBB. both mak) and female, good position open with beet firms: no eharge. Underwood Typewriter Ca, 08 Sixth at HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. BL O. Drake. 206 H Wasbingtoa at Pacific 1870. AGENTS, saleemes and sollHtora, If there M any article yoa wish to handle bat don't know where to get It, come or write. - Solicitors as Salesmen a Headquarters, as Sixth at. Main 6188. SITUATION WANTED MALE. STATIONARY ENGINEER, with It yean ex perience, wisne a position, J'non Kaat 03V7. Ask for T. Prate. -. - - WANTED Position by engineer, aged 84, with years experience witn traction engines. 0. 0. Cain, 1628 Olia at Portland. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Position housekeeper for gentle- man wita one or two eniiaren. (Jen rurniaa 1 h. 4 HfMuta. . Addnaa.xi ana. m JournaL' : WANTED AGENTS. 0NB ' hastier ta esch towa or locality to handle medlclnee or soap: writs quick; tig money. R. M. Plnmmer, 860 Third at - AGENTS WANTED Csa yoa oell goods It so we need you; complete eatnt tree; cash 1 weakly. Write for choice ef territory. Copl- I tsl city nursery uompsny, eaiem, ur. WANTED A few mom good Bve aa lawmen re Mil ear coast-grown trees; money advanced eaeh week : outfit furnished free. Write a for Dart leu lara Albany Mireerlea, Albany, Oram), .y.. . WANTED An agent for one ef the best hoose- hold articles known; retail for a 1.1 Inquire W. L. H., 460 YambUl it EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. 1 V- HANSEN'S EMPLOYMEtTT OFFICB FOB MEN. 8 North Beeood st Phone Mat 1830, x PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPPTCB. tOSH Morrison st.. .Phons Pacific 18 87 North BeesM at.. .....Pboa Pacific 1800 BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a specialty, to North Second at Phone Mala 0290, W pay all telegraph charges, a K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Help furnished free to employer. 83 N. Sd. Pbon 870-7. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Bonses, cottages, flats. stores, on ires, rooming-nouBea, ate land lords wUl do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. , Phone Ex. 73. 8. B. Cor. $d and Oak. ' WANTED BT OPTICIAN. man space, 10 fet front 40 deep, for op tical parlor, Is good location, Addraes Op tician, ear JournaL . WANTED To rent 4 or 8-room honse between Holladay ave. . and Morrison t State rent and location. Aadreea w aXio, ear Journal. WANTED To rent for the aeason. cottage at I North Beach. -write or phone fall pertlculara t to u. aa. muey, cars rags as son. Classified Ads '''r''": in Th Journal reach tha popl in tha I ' great Oregon oountry at tha right tlnaa 1 ---....-.,,. 1 Rates for Classified Advertisements . .Count el words to th Una) On cnt a word each Insertion, v Mora than two Insertions, t cants per Una each Insertion. ; By th week, '85,1 cents per Una O days). . Mo adverUaement taken tot leas than WANTED TO RENT.' WANTED Immedlataly 8 or 4 anfurnbihed roonu ror iirnt nouaeieppiof, three adulta: refnrencea exchanccd; muat be reeeooable and Adareaa K aua, eare Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LIST roar property with an for quick Bale. . nnuun wnite, orncea a ana a. tjanoa mat., waahlngtoa at, Paelfla ' noma A ism, 1 - ,. , . , ; WANTip 1 or Iota In LenU, foe eaeh. , Ad I WANTED 8. 6 or T-roora bona between Rod ney ana uoacn and Rnaaell . and Cook eta j-aone, saat 0007 or call S48 Btantoa. COOS BAT, profitable to own era of lota Booth Uarbor : and Bchiefer'a addition to a newer, cmna numner of let and Burahaaa price, B 100, care Journal. WANTEDfloma rncome property, eloaa in: for vaau, aw oe reaeonanie. vi nara tie payer. ' 4S Weahlnctoa at. WANTKrv a aaodera or B-rootn hoooa. or ret at, and Booth of Clay at. W toi. cam journal. ... MR.WANT MONBT, If yoa want 100 tnea to sou yoor property to their mends Mat It with , ")' nswpUa. v M, D. Bowse, 06 Sixth at. aaain oios. WANTED MISCELLANEOTJS.' WB will bay yoor household goods snd gnaran- , iea toe cear prices, t air or pnone. . . , and L. Rubenateln, 17B Front at epposite ,ainoai noieu racuis leuu ,j,i ; . . du WANTED Furniture snd ' boosehold fends -rf ersryaaweriptMa nought, sold snd exchanged. us , iu First au axaia 097. WB bant dead bono and cattle-free. FertUlaer Worka, or notify Carney's Voter sry, roan aaa u ilea a ata. slam iea. WANTED Spot cash paid for yor fnrnttare. etc Prompt attention alwaya gtrea. - 4 . Beat Clay at, , Phone East 160T. CASH for bowse ho id rood a. Sara re t PsaaaD, - Sfo-S4T Flrat St. Fhon Facin BOO. WANTED Men' cast-off elothlng and abos we also buy household fnrnlahfngsi 'highest Kce paid. Call at the "Fair DeaL" 8 H. Ird. Pbon Paeifle 17X3. . . r - WANTED Furniture and boosehold goods of any kind. Sea Johnson before yoa sell. 88 TJnloa sr. Pbon Baat 4441. . .- ' rCRNITCBB AND CLOTHINO WANTED Highest cash price paid. Fox A B rower, S3 ; worth Third st. Phono Main gill. WE PAT MORB FOR FTJRNITUBB. ' PORTLAND ACCT10N ROOMS, . 1' - , Mala 6465, til First st- MIDDLE-AGED maa and wife without ehn- . drea want to take eere of bouse during . owaer'a abaeoc for th anraaaer. lAcstiiia no object: beet of references. Address SOL cars Journal WANTED To bene' rears, -on lm- ' proved soburbsa property, L 804, JoBrnsL WANTED At ones, seeond-bsnd ods foun tain and shooting gallery outfit. Address B, 804. JournaL .. . ' .-- -.- ..-. ' t HIGHEST PRICES paid for men' eastoff ebwn- mg snd house rnrmtnr r sn ainos. s North Third. I'hon racne low. . WANTicn JM vacant rooms la a sooC bus. - - - - . . . nee locality: reasonable rent, - Aaoreea wa, B, T. Mack, tSOH BnaseH st - " FURNISHED ROOMS FOR BENT. THB RICHELIEU, 88 H North Slrth at Ele gantly rarnlshed; steam neat ana naina, . THB GRAND, 48 U North Third at Room far . genUemen., 81 M per wee aaa an. THB KINO, 800 Jefferson at, strictly modem, ap-tOKUte, electrle light aad bath, for 88 a week and am -, , 1MU THTRD Onm forts btv furnished with double bed, transient sr weekly, reason able. , -.. : -.'.-. - THREB large roome in ubnrb, partly for. niahed; pries 110 monta. Aaarsas r sua, ww Journal. . t- '.,,: NICELY - furnished room, writable for ene or two gentlemen; private family: as or nstn snd phons. .288 Uth at, between Jefferson snd Columbia. .,, . FOB BENT nice, neatly furnished room, as of bath and phone; 6 mlnnteo' want from poato fries; prices very raaaonsoi. io nut, reamer MVmrioaa, TWO rooms, reasonable. Phons Eaat 487L NEWLY famished eait in moat desirable lo cation. Apply room 0, 188K First at, earner Alder. . - . CLEAN aad newly furnished room, single and en suite. The uwens, zuft nussou at. - ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. A SUITE of 8 rooms, newly renovated. 80 per Math. BOO Kast iota st, none can 0001. I SINGLE room 88.00; 844 Front at 8-roonj flat Sio; 190 Market at. Tfru-iMSi A vr TtAATin. : . - . ,, - -, . T n.i-un. -u . . ... .. . . - , BOMB cooking, like mother cooked; free old nil hot water hatha: clean comfortable and homelike place to get board and lodging at 44.60 and $3.00 per week; come home; we am ' expecting yoa. 288 M. 10th at Portland, Or WELL-FURNISHED room with board, $26 per month snd up; aiaqitaoie ooaro; stnctiy cooking. Th 'T y,,1.,,,,,, FOR RENT HOUSEKEETTN0. at no WEEK CP Lam, clean furnished boom - kseplng-rooms. laendry snd bath, , 184 Sher man u soutn, roniano. $1.38 WEEK CP Clean Famished housekeep ing-rooms, parior, nstn, isunury, iurusw ueai, yara. suae oouiuu 9 v va., .-1.. .'i.-.' THB MITCHBLL HooaekMolng and transient rooms, reasonable, seventh ana rianaer sts THREB large- front housekeeping rooms, first floor., glvi First l reasonsDie. usii room 23.,- ' ' '. ..-v-V-:-:,'- I OOOL, pleasant, furnished housekeeping room. Th Raymond, 110 8. Jersey at, St John. 1 block mm nation. a. ;....-, v,. . HOUSBKBEPINO room, $300 tip per week; light, phone Included. BOH water it. GOOD furnished and unfurnished housekeeping room and cottages, west aid of river, low rente. Apply. 864 N. 20th. Willamette Heights cam to 20th t tarn south hall block. NEW housekeeping room, furnished or anfar- - ntshed, with set ana eoia water, paw. ire. and B. lotn ex., roruanu, w, . , . . i s, ,y NICE housekeeping room, BUH Oliaan at. In, quire at corner arugstors, uiisau sua iuui, I A S0ITB of large housekeeping room with nght ad nstn. o a. ana sb LARGE, light, - nleely-furnlshed housekeeping snd transient rooms, ous Aiasr. FOR RENT $ famished housekeeping room. 860 Hall t, "r-:' - . FOR RENT. - Five fumtahed or' anfamlahd " room for boosekMplngi lower floor; gas, bath aid -phone. - - - -.f , T8B Hood t, corner Porter. Phone Main 4420. FOR RENT HOUSES BSamilmlBaBlssnse1sw aasaswJihsAassaai,weVaiaek $18,6010 ROOMS, bath.' , , I 2U U rooms, bwdwb, Anaeny as.1 :. - i 1 20 T room,- modem: Alblna. 28.60 6-room modem flat: clow In.- ' i w 6 rooma, atrlctly modern; Bast Pine, 37.600 room atrlctly modem; west side, too Store-mom on Slrth at. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., 1 t ' - ,nt 4-room eottsg. rnton are. and Aln worth; em . tknn. Iacirie 9.10K . . "'. -- , v . .1 1 1 1 ' 1 i.l, ..1 1 8-ROOM new, trletly modem, ready in two week, fine reaiaence oistnct, handy to two carllnea; atoo walking dlatanes. (W B. Pine; , $.16. Address 1306 B. 14th S, . Phons Scll wood 09. LeOompte. FOR RENT 4-room eottage , Phone East BOS, , ' h Garfield ave. NEW, modem 6-room honse, east of Steel - bridge, 20 minute walk to buslneas district; no email children. Address F 806, Journal. GOOD cottages snd housekeeping rooms, fur. . nisnea or nnruruisnea, west side of river, Apply 86 Pi, wtn; Willamette Height a suA aauoa sssnn jmu inss . , FOR lUiOTt-nOIJSES STRIOTLT modern B-room cottage, Bunnyaldei 12(10 down, balance as me aa rent. A, Binltn. owner, 646 Commercial blk. WB rent A Co. aad eeil plaaos. Bbsrms, Clay FOR RENT FLATS FIFE -and als' rooms on 76 100 ft. ground, beanUful ahede trees and lawn, flr pUoea. jfurnacs, laundry trays, porcelain batbs, and .. aaa ran i.e. etc. Bent very reasonable. Ap ply, 86 Eaat 87th t.Sunnyald ear. B-ROOM flat for 818 per month . water for- nlabed. Csll at isjo a.asi osm . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ?::- ,u--, FOR SALE. . . H0U8B FOR BENT Furnltur for aie par. gain If take at pace, xao Msmeon . FOR RENT--STORE3-OFFi6eS. 10 Fine Stores Flreoroof. ienforcad concrete building, oo - I . ennylna fun block on Bumalde street, be tween rouru ana swa ww -, i- -!rf - ;:Lci;lei 'Buttable for grocery, dreg, shoe 'Stores, barber shops, meet markets, sto.1 plate-glass .fronts, cemented basements, medera plumb- ', T"Bsjjrt ire rrB ifOlfTXT, ' . -' Gcyurtz & Sons ; ITS FIRST BT. FOR BBNT All or Part of ground floor apace Bank of Brltiso uoinmDta niag., rrooi sea Anheny It. Apply H. T. Cos. Mais 428, KICB Office enlte tot rent. Third and Madison. hUdlsoa bldg., DESK-BOOM for rent - Apply til Commercial block. - , . . ONE HALF furnished olAe mite for rent to lady, Call room 84, Xueoel bldg4 or. Fourth snd Morrison ate, -s v... .--.'. '-. 1 GROUND FLOOR office oa Fifth etreett near Stark, with stiop room ir aesnea, uage- msna jtiaacoAra. i ruu st., . . . -e- 8 TO RES for rent William ava. and Bkldmor; - at., auiUble for hardware aaa drugstore. Cab ea premise or addreea M BOO, Journal. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALLROOM and lodreroom, new, with all modem conveniences, on car line. Pbon Mala ' 8V6; Aatomatis A-1396. SUMMER RESORTS. m'0k. i LOCK8LBT HALL Seaside,- Or- Dr. P. Ui Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. A. Carlyle; - rates from $12.00 per week Bp; rate aad . reservation may he mad now win Vw. Aus tin, dentist Raleigh bldg. r - BUSINESS CHANCES. ' BUSINESS CHAlfCBS. .'V '-- tl 600 wUl buy. a fin rooming hens tl ' West Park street, wB famished, and almost I new; long lease; no better' location ta the I $250 buy a half Interest ta a wall eetab . Ibbed dyeing aad cleaning worka ea Wash- 1 ington sts., doing fine Baslneae; wUl clear yon f iw per montn. . 88,000 Grocery store and- Ice cream par lore, 0 living roams ge with th place: do I 83.000 worth of business per year; this Is a nne piace ana wan tocatea ea u east sioe rent eu; nap, ...-.; ., y .1 ;T, . ? - $8,000 wfll hay well tabnbd' barber, (hop with t chah-a, doing a good business snd In a swell location; good re sons for Miliar,- -. t -a:'.: ..... '," :i . . i-k'. ' KBfWBDY A HIKOK. '' 839 Lumber Exchange. Phone 1888 Mats, ' ' - A GOOD CHANCB. - - A batcher business la good Vaney townt have beea In buslneas for alx years. This Include residence, barn, yards snd slaughter boose aad horses snd wagon, with a fall out fit to ma a batcher business. A good place to bay and ship dressed meat to market A good chance for someone to get a fine farm anyone having city property to trade. HARRY BALL. Boom ts, Raleigh Bldg., Sixth' aad Wash, $300 WILL atart yoa In a business that pay Tvnsirom so n siv per a ay. noons. 1, BO-ROOM rooming hooss, rood location, leaee. rric ss.oou. Koora 7, 181 H pint etreet. AH old eatabllabed mannfactnrer wants part ner 10 manage nasinees. . win guarantee yoa ou to siuu per wees. sz,duu reqairea. noom 1, isitt- rim Btreet, - 10-ROOM rooming house, good furniture, low rent. Snap, $460. Boom T, 181 H Pint et BBLIABLB real estat dealer moat have In terested help , to attend once; dictate to stenographer, etc. H will gnarante yoa 8200 per month. Some capital required. Boom T. 181 H Flrat street ' MANUFACTURER wants partner who csa spend part of hi time so th road Introduc ing goods. .. Only $600 required. Boom 4, 181 Vi Pint atreet FOR SALE A grocery, ' deltcateeaen and lea , cream, bualneaa. . Address B 800 Journal. WANTED A person with capital for a well established wholesale produce . and . grocery ousmesa. aoaisai - n es soumsj. BOOMINO-HOU8B for Ml, 4T room; win tak part real sstst in MChang. 82Mi North Third t. , - '. - "- FOB SALE Carpet cleaner, best largest, most ap te date In th city; will stand Invoice; , e map ir taxes r one, aaar js 174. r joaraai. -: . - . BATB MONEY Anything la printing e Ma, den. Odd Fallow Temple, . Pint and A Mot ta; apauira ... HATB opening tor- partlea, with mn or large capital, la heavy manufacturing enter. - prise, to estsmisn is Portland; win stand - - cloeest Investigation. - For partlcuian d aren o ibs, ear joarnab ,-. EMPLOYMENT and real Mtate buslnsea doing env per . mouiui wo mucn etner onainaM; must sen; iou man. a nonn intra t $000 WILL bay half Interest ta eetabHshed rar ing ousmesa, - investigate. nocra - qjv HO chanan bldg., 8S0)b Waablngton at ' FOB 8ACB or i exchange, a good merchandlalog business in Vancouver, aning a noslnee -of $16,000; will Mil or exchange for farm or city property. Addreea boa T8, Vanoouvz, FOB SALE A flnt-elaM eonfectlonery In a good tooatlon, ooing a gooa oastnsM. - Can be hid very cheap if taken at one. Muat Mil on accoont of bnalness la east 61t Wll. nama av. tnon- aat sius. ; - ' A GOOD grocery store; vain about $1,000 for f iou. rveison, ism ana u-ving BOOMING bouse, 42 room, rent 8100 per mouth; price $3,000. 610 -. Buchanan, bldg., w..kl.,A, A. . f FOB BA LB Confectionery ana ice cream par lor: aoing good Doainess: reason lor MUlng. Apply Alden candy Co., loth and Ollsaa, or address G. M. Tourney,- Woodburn, Or. v STOCK COMPANIES Incorporated. If yoa have toccs or oono ror ai. let m try so sen tnem ror- yon. ueorge m. auogg, uroger, 640 EUlcott Sqnar. .Buffalo, . ,i -: -i - A SNAP A small hotel, an newly furnished. is rooms: also paa a pooiroom rurnianea ana a confectionery department and tobacco; wUl let It go at cost If taken at once;' sickness cans ef Mlllng. . 888 N. 16th at snd Over ton. t. v-i;--,; '"!''.;,- t i";.i',-;'f!.;-a.'i:. P0R SALE -A pUnt well equipped with mod em macmnery, au conveniences, , lor s rur, nlture or wagon' factory, In a - beautiful town; mild climate, railroad center, water navtgaUon;- price $16,000, or will put pUnt against capital for operating purposes. Tltls Guarantee A Treat Co. I WANT a truetworthy partner la real estate euainee. au yoa ere asxea o ouy is nan th office- equipment and do your (hare of work.- Buatnee eetabllshed flv year. .S 806, care JcurnsL -i. BOOMING bous, 10 rooma, $480. Room C10 Buchanan Bldg., zso waaningtoa at. . BARBERSHOP Modem, - complsts, good lease, two JMTinji tewBe avq muuw BUSINESS CHANCES. IP TO0 bars small amount of money win start you In motion picture business; profits , from 10 to 30 dally. Newman' Alotlos : Picture company. 146 Sixth. - , r. FTJRNITURB factory and aawmlU for sals, - ootn in onerationi owner will buy entire out, v . ?ut of factory; a fine business proposition , hat wUl pay from the first day. Address W 804,-care Journal. ....... . v . ' HOTELS OUR SPBOIALTT. ' . , If yo wish to buy or sell a hotel or room. tag house In or out of the city, corns to n ',. and we will procure yoa a purchaser without ' ;. UUUUUU. - ' . '.t .1 ; 'v. !...', ,. 0. a. arnold co, " v i 1 v fBacceasors to P. L. Austin Oo.,) ' , Ths Original Hotel Brokers. , ;. n 125-lia Abugtoa bldg. , A 88 H0RSB water power, with Sift acres oat" land. -.Water-power Improved with dam, anl' 7 m.' t Bums, is acres or ins iana unaer cuiiirction, - soots buildings! railroad running throtigb the ' land;, A nne chance for factory: 8 mllee from Portland,' oa the 8. P. B'y. 14,600, ' terms. Barlow Dowllng, Ullwaukls. Ore, : CORNER groosry, with 92.000 stock aad fir. tures, doing fl.BOO buslneas; centrally lo- " 7 ' Bated, low rent: wlU sell st throtc proof - of business shown by former sales. Most bar cash. Address owner, B SOS, Journal. ', HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. ; ' It your hotel la tor aale In or oat of the etty, bring It to ns and ws will procure a ' purchaser without publicity. -Beferenos Hotel ... ', ' Men' Aesoclatloa - 0. S. Arnold Co., oris. -' Ina) hotel brokers, snecassor to P. I Auatia " - a. OoH yg-ias Ablngtoa bldg. , v, - . BRI0KTARD tor aale; plenty of clay ea th piace, . wnicn win p incioava la tne aale. B 800, car JournaL . "-. I WANTED A maa who la wlllla to sttaad to -t.i nusiBees when It clears yea B460 month. Work -le simple and -eleaa- the -ealy oaoalat ef - -Its kind- la Oregon aney aoeored; aa In vestment ef 11,000 to 18,000 required. Call 191 Fourth st. . . ... IT yen bars buslneas ef eny asms or nature (nai yoa want to aeii quicaiy, or ir yoa want a partner, call at 806 AUeky bldg. WANTEDA party to Join m at 'Chlckea ranch sa truck farm. Main 6864. fx ?OH SALE REAL ESTATE. $1,100 FOR a nice 4-room bouae, eloss la. , , $1,480 buy aa Al modern, ansp. . ' $1,860 Beat bay la city: modem In every 1' respect, on comer lot 60x100; close la f $2,000 Elegant horns, sightly location, mod- era flxtarea; a treats Improved; sewer and sidewalk In) yes. thle will surprise yoa te know that w wlU sell It this week for only $2,000. - -.. - . ..s ,- HOME XAND QQw.,... ....., , 146 Pint Bt A NICB 8-eoom cottars, 80x100, lmprored lot; jt aa excellent home for $1,100, Modem 6-room new . bona, ' up-to-date la ., vary respect 1H block from WUllsms ave., near Russell; only $3,200, a $3000 hays aa Al hem, th beat bargain ' In ths dty. , $3660 tor one ef th heat Issmma la Baa . nyslde; easy term. l , - ' If yea are looking for a horn so a. , W bar the real bargain. .,- BOMB LAND CO., :..- - - WB HAYS an elegant 6-room modem kouae, fitted with all modem accessories; th boos can't be built for the price we aak tor bouae - and lot; fin sightly location, near 86th aad Taggarts mast be sold tola month for $3,000. WlU yoa be the lucky oust , BOMB LAND CO., ' . y -ft- toH rint at - -' - j . LIST year property with Strang a Harland. 848 H .Waahlngtun at, for quick aalea. " 111 11 y in LIST yoor property With Strang a Harland, 848H Washington t. tor o,aich lea. ' OXNCINB SNAP. - $430 and cost of etreet Imprevemeat Bod bey a vane lot 60 X 100. Market vsln ef , thl lot I $700. Owner want Quick sale. , Act quickly if yea want thle. See B. W. Lmcfco eompany. txth aad Washington ata. A NEW 8-room enttag and 60 a 100 lot with city water,-near car line, lav Milwaukee. Harlow, a Dowllng, Milwsnkl. Ore. ; ROOMS ea oar Una, would make fin boarding aouae, near large shop, f 8.300; by owner; aay terms.. Phone Union 8763.. Com quick. NEW modern Up-to-date 6-room bona, $3,130; ow, szo moniniy, roon wast 010. , . A BAB0AIN Two sightly lots, S8HH00, Bast YaniniU at. betwee 33d and 24th eta, at , ; 8026 escb. Richard Cornell, S028 Jtast ! , Yamhill. Phone Bsst I860, - . j FAXON PAKK lot lOOrlM), ta cultivation, , I level and elghtly: price $300 to $876. 0. B. ! Additoa. Lenta. Ot.l Mt Scott ear. Be. j T-ROOM bones, almost new, fin eorae let - betweea Hawthorne and W. H. ear nly , $8.000; $600 cash. t48 SUrk at , ; rOR SALE by owner; ene new strictly modern Are-room cottage. Baay terms, Pnone, Ta- . bor 226. - . i MHHWM M MWMMMM M M BHaMMMM 0WNEB want to U nlc bom of T noma, Sn plumbing, eaat front. Phone Woodlawn "' : OWNER wanki to ell nlc bom of T room a. i fln plumbing, cast front l'hen Woodlawn ' .092. ' . uL L TOR SALE Cheap, modem S-room bouae. y t 130 Beach, or phone sast tit. , OWNER wants to Mil bice home of T rooms, fine plumbing, t front., Pboa Woodlawn .-. 093, :. j- --- - - - . C0ZT 6-room bouse at University Park, with fin 80x100 lot close to ear. mment base ment bath, alnk, eloeeta, some nice trees. Pries only $1,6o0i terms. BOO Commercial block. Pacific 3278. - . :, i ii PORTLAND HEIGHTS. : 6-room ablngled bungalow, $600 down: bal ance monthly price $3,300. Owner, A $04. car JoornaL , -' ' ' . - 100 ACRES eordwood and mw timber, 0 mllee oat good roads; wall watered; aawmlU ; mUet tH mile to railroad; $33 per acre. 0., a. Additoa, lent. Or.i 80 fre, $1.860 AN ELEGANT new S-room . cottage, Baat t2d t vi cash; dl with owner. - Call T49 Taggart at, or phone Pacific 1674. FOR SALE 8-room boom and two lota, $2,500. Pbon Tabor 807. 1 aayV 83.600 BUYS a new 7 -room house and lot BO 100 r twb oarllne. , Inquire Holm A ' Menefee Real EBtste oo., aw imro n. $2,000 1H ACRES on Vancouver v, rm proved; nothing bettor In Portland to an la. Vestmsnt Register A Daulaon, 10TH Third . etreet --: :i ';1 8260 CASH bay good lot to. Sara toe addition. Address Percy, P. a Box 110, city. a ' . FOR BALE By owner, modem T-room boom. Hawthorne a nro : .nuuou; iw, aaniiwi $8,100; half caah; . balance term. - Pbon sst 4060 Sonday, p. at,.. NEW ADDITION Pin lot 80x100. atreet 80 reet, near car eieinw i ..., vu. .' $116; term. - Tak Mount Scott car. 0, K. ' Addltloa, Lenta, Or be far. TWO modern 6-room house, . juat complete; terma; a gooa lnvesimvni i mess sn oner. Pbon Esst 8641. J. B. Boydston, 86$ Oar fteld. -' - - ' i . IBVINOTON T8X100 In ebolct locality, en"'",- . Hancock at., bstweta 81st nd t2d: will make bargain price- for quick Mle. VWBBT, ; SIS Lammr Bxcnsngs vhuj. NBW -modem 10-mnm boom, tot 78x163, etreet at both no, a,owi sway ; terma, ax, u. Tower, Cnlverelty etatton. ; v e:... - PRICB $1.800 In SeJlwood, centrally located, .. a U-rOOm COXtagV, lww vraruf Iran treee: will Mil at w a monu. aw. interest. Br owner. 430 Spoken av., STW3eV ata tioo,. Oregon. ,,. :-. .:tv DID too- eee that new B-room doom oa Shave and wsrneta v.r s e s enapf sew., ... so, Oarfleld amnwa.--7ir'";rt-?e,v.-.'-'.'.-.. si!: v.:..:V-;-:-, ,' ' SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. , Fin corner, nnobatrueted view, sta 88x110. only $1,600. 208 Fourth t. , TL Paeifle S125 or. Main tjSta.'rv'-r?- 'i-w;'f? m XWO . ,trletlr modem 5 -room cottages, Ssany. ; aide, (Sewer aisirici;i emeu inrmu oown, balance suit rent A. P. Smltq, owner, ,'. 818 Commercial block. ; ' IF yoa went to bay, fell or exchange your property, call on or sanreas ueo. w, j.urr, 808V Waablngton at, Portland, Or. FOR SALE Part en time, 6-room ooe, mod- jsaies. if niivin TiaiBir I )riBBjii ai t ca naiiriiBek ton' are.. $2,600. Address B 30l, ears Jour. - BaL : ' C. R. Dcncell & Co. RBAL EHTATB, Stooat U, tot Stark sk, ' ' " 1'