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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND', FRIDAY EVENING, V MAY 24, 1807. .,' I Note 16 Our Customers and the People in General We) are' being criticised by some of our worthy contempo' rarlca-or in language that cannot fail to be understood by all we are creating havoc with the business of certain stores. because we are always cutting prices. We've been in busi ness for more than 14 years and it's time our methods were understood. ' We are in business to undersell. We are in busi ness to serve the masses. We buy surplus, stocks, sure, If we get them so cheap that we can make the people's dollar worth two dollars We send our agent east among the makers, 'and if we discover one who is hard up for funds, well give him money for goods, provided he needs money urgently, and will sell accordingly ' Is there any harm in that? Aren't we -the people's agents ? Isn't this the people's store? Don't the peo ple appreciate it? .. Would this always be the busiest store if it weren't always the best? We sell more .clothing, shoes, hats and furnishing goods than any two stores in Portland, Oregon, because we have the outlet, and the outlet wouldn't exist if we didn't undersell You must admit that for mer chandise, fine, medium or trifling, this is the store, and no matter what you see, or when you see it, or where you see it, you will find it here for legs.' "You may dress better, and' swell your bank account, if you learn this lesson by heart and profit by it. We have no charge accounts, we sell only for cash. The Chicago Clothing Cot kMMluit-. si f siffil y f UU uou r- I As una a Sa'a c g ftl m&L . , 1 ys'ss lis fr ywiu yfc - - "OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT" "NOT IN THE mGHPRICE CLIQUE? f MW; WE SILT THE MCE LET THOSE FOLIb MEN'SfSUITS ; t : 23; 33 AND 50 PER ,:;;XENT, SAVED . L : : The entire unsold production of X. I. Singer ft Sons. New York City, at less than cost of making. This is the. sort of newt we hope, for the sake of the clothing; trad in general, you will seldom see. -But it makes good reading for the man who wants, good clothes cheap. Very few of the people who have commented daily on the unseasonable weather have any idea of the havoc that weather has played with the makers of men's clothing. One of the biggest, strong- eet and beat clothine? concerns in th coutt try I. J. Singer ft Sons of New York - determined - last week not ; to delay any longer in disposing of the stock which the slow and chilly spring kept on their hands. They were anxious to. get to work on their . fall and winter production. So they came to our buyer, who was in the market, with a proposition which culminate! in this- ad vertisement. ..- $8.75 WIU Inf ' Man' Spring op Ooata mad to sell at; S18.00 ud np to S1S.00. The entire stock of B..T. Singer &- 8ons,eonsiatlng of about too Coats, waa bought at about 6O0 on the dollan, They com in 'gun mti Ty, tana and herrtnabono trip yrormfiui also plain ahadas of BT&y. Aboluul the one chance of .your lifetime to buy an Overeoat at half prtc. AU alsea, II to Dual measure. ' 1 The Chicago Clothing Co. 69 to 73 Third St. orseshoes Over the Doors , ywttt Buy Suits Made to Sell at $14.00, $15.00 y ;i 6 v , :;.w. and $18.00. .-j . : : ... ' I $14.00 Fancv Blue Sere Suits. ... .$8.75 $14.50 Wonted Suits, in shadow plaids and stripes i k i .f 8.75 $15.00 Mixed Cassimere Suits ..... ,f 8.75 15.00 Black Thibet Suits i. f 8.75 14.00 Plain Blue Serae Suits . . . 8.75 15.00 Fancy Cheviot SuiU... i.f 8.75 15.00 Plain Gray Suits .$8.75 Will $10.50, Buy Suits Made to Sell at $18.50, $19.00 and $20.00. $2a00 Plain and Fancy Gray Suits f 11.75 $19.00 Blue Serge Suits ...... $11.75 $18.50 Worsted Suit, with mixed col- ors . . .S11.75 $18.50 Black Thibet Suits... .; f 11.75 $16.50 Two-Piece Suits in all colors fll.75 $17.50 Light Cassimere Suits,, herringbone effects . . , , . . ........ . . . v .. .. . ..fll.75 $18.00 Worsted Suits, club checks and over plaids - . , .jftTT. " . . . . .fll.75 $18.75 Club Checks knd. .Velour Cassimere StlltS ."'i;e-4 a e rf4 a HeT5 MEN'SSHOES The greatest values 4weve ever- offeAd sensadonal bargains. Follow the crowds to The Chicago's great bargain-giving .Shoe Department. A new pair free for every pair that goes wrong. . . -v f 2.65 for Men's $4.00 Cadet Calf Leather Lined Shoes. : .:.- f 2.85 : for Men's $5.00 - Patent Leather - Blucher-Cut Shoes. f 3.45 for Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Hahd- ' Made Shoes, all styles. - f 1.85 for Men's $2.50 and $3.00 Shoes, plain toe or box toe, Blucher or Bil. cut. f 1.85 for Men's $3.00 Vici and Patent Qx- fords, Blucher styles. See them.-. fl.50 for Men's $2.50 Work Shoes, best - stock, satin calf, plain and capped toes. $1.65 for Boys' $2.50 School Shoes, sizes 12 to 5tf. . , See Window Display of Shoes Greatest Values on Earth. S3 85 For Genuine Panama Hats Worth $5 to $6 MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's 75c Imported Balbriggan Un-' OQ derwear, plain, ecru and fancy....... 0JQ Men's Plain White Negligee Shlrti'n worth $1.00, at IVC Men's Fine 50c Neckwear at lTf $3.50 Boys' Patent Oxfords... .....$2.25 Men's Waterproof High -Cuts, worth $5.00 and $6.00 Men's 35c and 50c Dress and Work Sus-penderar-over 3,000 pairs to select , JJg Men's 25c! Neckwear, Wash Ties, Silks and Satins, Tecka and Four-in-Hands 1fl $3.45 t e e f , 7c at ..... Men's regular two-for-a-quarter Black and Tan Sox, thousands of them... .. Men's 85c and $1.00 Dress Shirts, some with pleated bosoms, some plain white, CQ4 none worth less than 85c: special., ...C $1.00 Will Buy Men's White end Fancy Vests Made to Sell at $2.00 and $2.50. The entire unsold 'production V of Kling Bros... Chicago, 33 to 50 bust measure, sin gle or double-breasted styles. See them, Over 100 dozen to select from. On sale tomorrow at f 1.00 See Oar Wmdows- SATISFACTION OR YOUR , MONEY BACK See Oar Windows Take Our Word For The Greatest ; We Ever Held It MEN'S SUITS 35, 33 and 50 Per Cent Saved LThe entire surplus stock of -Garson, Meyer ft Co., Kocheater, N. on sale. All eises, st all prices, 33 to 50 bust measures sin gle and double-breasted three and four button Sack Costs, with or without cuffs. The character of this clothing can best be learned from an inspection, but a word as to Oarson, Meyer ft Ca may help yon to Judge what you may expect to find. ' This concern is famous throughout all clothing dom for its fine factory, its expert catting and for the scrupulous cleanliness and care in manufacture. Its workmen are said to be the highest-paid clothing hands in the Uni ted States. The values given' below are the f-actual prices for which these suits would sell if they had been sold to us at the Gar son,' Meyer ft Co.'s regular figures. We took their entire stock on hand, and can now offer this early fn May as good suits ss are ' made in the United States at these two prices: "" $14.75 Wv-v; Will Buy Suits Made to Sell st $2150 and . $25.00. $22.50 Blue and Black Soft-Finish Worsted Suits . .. . ...,.. .....I,....,... $14.75 $25.00 Fancy-Weave Suits, worsteds and ve!ours .... ........ i .$14.75 $23.50 Blue and Fancy 1 Weave Serge Suits ........ ... .$14.75 $25.00 -i Blue - and j Cray r two-piece Suits. shadow plaids . . ............. .$1475 $22.50 Gray Worsted Suits, shadow plaids and club checks . . . . ...... . . . . . .$14.75 $25.00 Brown Suits plaids in . stripes and $18.75 Will Buy Suits Made to Sell at $27 JO and ' : :. 130.00.. ;. : V. :r.,.f-' $27.50 Fine Hand-Tailored Suits, Garson Meyer s best. Blue merges. . . . ,.i.7 $27.50 Garson Meyer's, Finest Gray stripes. plaids and checks $18.75 $30.00 Hand-Made -Blue , Serge, single and double-breasted cut, with or without cuffs on coat '.. .. ..$18.75 $30.00 Silk Mixed or Worsted Suits, largest variety ot patterns shown in the city, all hand-tailored $18.75 $30.00 Black Unfinished Worsted Suits. ......... , . . , . . .... . . . . . , ,f 1S.TB MEN'S PANTS' - $l.BO -la the price we hava put for to morrow tot 100 palra medium-weight fl.10 . Panta. . ''::.-:?:";.. ..,, -i-- --,.-':- JS2.50 Will T do eaacUy "what ' the $.B0 " oea at ether atoree. We ahow about SS atylea at this prloa In blaeka, Mnea atrlpea and fancy In all wool or worateda. $3.50 WIU i aive yon the choice of IS atyles ef fS.OO hand-tailored Tronaers, the famoua Hanewall, Brand Broa,' and other hlg-h-ataadard cuitotn-made panta. , 1 $2.35 For choice of 10 atyles peaMop. cuff . bottom outing Panta, , worth p -to M.00 and 5.00. f . The CHICAGO CLOTHING CO. 69T0 73:TIimDST. noRsunots drat ins c:: EMPIRE DAY IS OIK BIG tllEIIT Montreal Unveils ' a Magnificent Statue to Memory of Ber r . . War Heroes. , V Montreal. May . Montreal '.today ' observed Empire day by unveiling In .Dominion eauare a magnificent atatue . in oomraemoratlon of the famous . Etratheona Hotae and the part thy :i I. tfe 1... Rintlt - A rno.n ra Thrmillng ceremonies were made the . Taion ror a great pamouo ana miu vXrtarr dlaolay.- - . - '- J . The statue la of large proportlona and i wakVkWaiAMS-ai as SnAAna 1 a twkmi V V ' aaM. lng to a rearing horse. t Ttia statue la the work of George William HilL a Canadian sculptor. The statue la of bronse, atanda 16 feet high, and eoat 133,000. It waa cast In Paris and la said to bo the largest equestrian statue that was aver ahipped across the Atlan-. tie. It has been erected on a magniri cent granite baae, on the atdea of which are panels representing battle scenes at Paardeberg and Komati river. In both of which engagements the Canadian troops took nromlnent Darts. fe- v1' .'V ' P'-- (jonnul Speeld Ssrrlce.j "v . - ' London, May 84. Empire day V waa celebrated throughout Great Britain, In some places on an elaborate scale. Dis patches from various parts of the em plre report the greatest anthusiam. Victoria the Good." v IJooraaL Speeial Strrlee. Ottawa, Ont,- May 14. Tha memory of victoria the Good " was kept green throughout Canada today by meana of tha national holiday that is the only rival ? of, Dominion day. The holiday waa made the occasion of many sport ing gatherings and of military and pa triotic exercises in all the large cities and tbwna. ' In thANorthwest. , t (Joaraat Speeial Service.) Winnipeg, May H. Victoria day was celebrated throughout. Manitoba and the northwest today, great crowds attending the centres of attraction The premier porting event in tnis city was a mons ter kthletlo meet held under tha aus pices of the T. M. C A. Athletic olub, The racing season waa Inaugurated at caigary apd. at MltcheiL IMiffY CHIEFS VISIT s : : NECESSARILY DELAYED Word received from B. H. Webster, chief of tha dairy division of the de partment tot agriculture at Washing ton, announces that ha will be unable to Visit this state en the, data first contem plated. --While here last December he promised State Food Commissioner J. W. Bailey that he would return to Ore gon about June 1. Mr. Webster states that other duties compel him to delay for a few weeks his visit to this state. LOCAL FIRM VILL GET HEATING CONTRACTS .'V-r .'f .--'' 'It! sasssasMsjwaBaBaaBBBBaBiBMaa : ' 'A .""'V' School Board Opens Bid " Seattle and Tacoma Exceed Portland Company. Doan'a Rerulets ' cur constlnatton without griping, nausea, nor any weak ening effect Ask your druggist, for them.. I centa per box. ' . . : Contracts for tha heating and venti lating of the Creston, Vernon and Tar- wllliger 'school buildings, now under course of construction, have been reo- ommendea by the school board commit tea for award to the W. G. McPherson company of Portland. . In competition with flrma of Seattle and Tacoma. The local oompany's. bid waa considerably the lowest i - The Creston school la located on tha Powell valley road .near tha point where tha roadway crosses tha aleotrlo railway-tracks. - The Vernon school la Just north of Irvlngton, and tha Terwllllger eohool, formerly the Fulton school, 1? three miles south of the .bustness por tion of the city. Tha first two are four-room structures, and. the latter is an eight-room building. ' ". The bide were aa follow; .. P- " Creston and Terwllllger bulldlnc W. G. McPherson oomoany of Portland. $1,860; ID. K. Miller Roofing A Cornice Company of Tacoma, $1,975; J, M. Ab bott dt Co. of Seattle, $1,910. . . Vernon building W. G. 'McPherson Company, $8,295; E. E. Miller company, $$,390: J. M. Abbo.v company. $I,J26, Teaterday a permit waa Isawed for the construction of the annex to the Montavilla school building, the contract for which was let - to Merchant Brldger at the last board meeting for tha sum of $18.48. The atructur will he a frame one and will contain eight rooms. Excavation for tha foundation haa been . begun, and . the con tract specifies that the school building must be turned over to the district in time for the opening of school next 8ep. temoer. A'..: ' k aAj tut Infants and Children. , Tbi Kfcl Yea Han Alrajs BcsgB ' . Sssirs tha Eignatoraof AMERICAN LIBRARIANS V MEET AT ASHEVILLE (Jooraal Special Strrlee.) - AshavlUe. N. C ' Mav $4. The Amer ican Library aaaoolatloa began lta twenty-ninth annual meeting in " Aahe- vllle this morning with a large and rep resentative attendance. . Th Initial sea- slon was given over largely to reporta from officers and committees. Presi dent C. W. Andrews of Chicago deliver ed his annual .address, and Andrew Keogh, reference librarian of 'Tale uni versity, read paper oa The Use of Bibliography. tyJ"T-' " " r - ; Th National Association of State Libraries held, an Interesting aeaslon this afternoon with James Iv, mil m. Ute- librarian Of CaUfornla. presiding: th college and rererence section of the j association, of which Theodore W. Koch, librarian of , the TTnlvaralt nt chairman holda a meeting this erening. i . :, -., Made in New York A LFRED BENJAMIN fc CO. have main r talned, for over one third of a century, their position as the leading makers of. Men's clothes in New ,York City. ' . , JLhe retail mer chant in . thjs city who sells their Clothing makes it possible for you to wear the same styles that are being worn today by me best dressed men of New York. Correct . Clothes for Men 4 ,A ' , ' ..! Hidaslre Agent Here Biiffum & Pendleton, In z. , .31U.Iorrtjcnri.