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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL? PORTLAND, FRIDAY- EVENINO, MAY- 21- 1SC7. EW STEEL BRIDGE IS III HANDS OF VOTERS ,'1 Right to' Issue Bonds for Construction Will Ba Left to Citiien on . June Ballot Present Structure Worn Out Railway " : " Company Will Pay Interest on Costy -y For tht purpose of building a? safe and modern bridge over the Willamette river At Madison street and. Hawthorne avenue the people win, at tbe June elec tion, vote upon the question of Issuing ' 1460,006 bridge bonds. It Is provided in the Ordinance that revenue from rental to the Streetcar companies, will take care of the Indebtedness. The bid bridge Is unsafe and must . soorf fee . abandoned. - v ; :-' ':zK-& i The amount asked for by the engi neers la regarded e . reasonable, con- - aldering the Importance of the 'traffic over this bridge, and the necessity for, having a modern structure, that will be adequate to carry the very largely In creasing t raffle of the tuture. The bonds will run 9 years and bear. 4 per cent Interest ; It Is provided that any receipts from sale of the old bridge that shall not be used In construction of the new one shall be put Into the ginklng fund for bond redemption. yy, The ordinance provides that the new bridge shall be constructed under the di rection of the executive board, which hall sell or use the old bridge, or dis pose of It In whatever manner may be most advantageous to the city. It Is stipulated In tbe ordinance that before beginning construction of tbe proposed bridge the executive board shall enter Into negotiations with the Portland Railway, Light A Power company and arrange for track rentals in the mini mum sum of $16,009 annually. . The rate per car shall be t cents for each car It feet long passing over the bridge, and more for '.cars larger than that alxe. . But should not a sufficient number of cam go over the bridge an nually to make ud the rental sum of lis, ooo the streetcar. company shall pay the difference to tbe city. unless the streetcar company enters into such a lease arrangement It will not be allowed to operate cars over the bride. ; . No exclusive rights shall be granted to any car company to operate cars over the bridge. Should the pres ent company decline to enter Into such lease the executive board Is empowered to abandon construction of the proposed new bridge, or may proceed to acquire by condemnation all tracks, wires and easements now on the bridge and con vert them to the une of the city. The ordinance apparently safeguard the city at all points, end aa the neces slty for a safe and permanent steel bridge at Madison street ' and Haw thorne avenue la paramount at ' this time. It will be the part of good cltl- senship to vote for the bridge .bonds. CAPT. McLEAN Capt W. H. McLean Of the big ocean steamsnin city or uraney or un Tan- clsco and Panama makes this important statement: In December, 1904, X waa In the last stares of Brlxht's Disease. - San Fran cisco physicians told me that there was no show for me. The -dropsy waa so deep that I could stick a nnger in the flesh almost an inch. J. "W. Burnham, 1 president Burnham c Marsh Co., told I me he knew several cases of Bright s nieease that had recovered under Ful ton's Renal Compound My old friend Portion of Donlon 4b Peek told me the same ' thins earn ne , anew or - worse cases than mine that sot well. This started me. , The first half dosen started tbe change, and I am at thla writing (ten months later), aa well aa ever, and I cam paaa lor lire insurance, i nave told passengers from all over the world of my recovery. This treatment ought to be known all over tne giooe. . .......... - CAPT. W. fcL MCLEAN. - , Paclflo Mall Dock, Ban lYsncisco. Rrlaht's Disease and Diabetes are I curable In 87 per cent of all cases by Fulton's Compounds, . Send for liter. 1 ture. w When to ausnect Brlsrht s Disease weakness or loss of weight; dropsy, puffy ankles, hands or eyelids; Kidney trouble after the tnira montn: ' urine may show . sediment; railing vision; drowsiness: one or more of these. For sale ny an druggists. , Trade sup plied by Clarke-Wood ward Drug Co I wholesale druggists, foruana, or. , ,. The ' ',, Ladies' and JMisses' Man Tailored . GOATS arid DRESSES Washable or iWool Materials ' ' help make our CLIUNCI I 111 GRID. LODGE SELECT SHE MS OK Entire Body to Decide Upon A Pythfans Adjourn' After Having Location, for Building the New Jail. Installed Their Newly Elected Officers. , TWO BIDS RECEIVED . MEET WITH FAVOR PENDLETON ORDER WINS SILVER CUP Corner at Park and Flanders Streets Looked Upon aa Desirable Place Tract at Ninth and Davis Also ' Considered. ' Home for Aged Members Will Be Provided Final Steps at Next Annual Session Next Meeting In Portland. . Instead of making recommendations to the city council for the purchase of a building site for the new city jail, the ways and means committee yesterday Damon lodge No. 4 of Pendleton won the $100 silver 'trophy cup In the eon test in ritualistic team work held last decided to leave the whole matter ofln'a-bt In the Pythian castle hall, Blev- selecUon with the larger body from the lentil and Alder streets. The competl- 11 bids submitted for consideration. On I tors for the cup were the Pendleton. a previous occasion the council did not I Elgin and Seaside lodses. At Tester- concur Id the selection made by the I ...n ... committee, and it was this adverse a- Iod 1-M talrM tA -rnvTAm . that prompted the commutes to ho ' fft, -imrm uie location or the noma will oe as- termlned upon at the next session of the grand lodge, which will be held in Port land the first Tuesday after the third Monday In June, J908. fn -t . A committee waa appointed yesterday to revise the constitution and laws and report at the next grand lodge. . This action was made necessary by that of the supreme lodge, which at its meeting in New Orleans last year adopted a new organic laws and the laws and constitu tion of the grand lodges must be made i to. conform to the new organic law. The routine business of the grand i lodge was finished at ( o'clock yester day afternoon and final , adjournment was made. - . . : The following are the grand officers who were Installed yesterday: Grand chancellor. J. M. Wall of Hillsboro; i grand vice-chancellor, O. C Moser of Portland; grand prelate,. R. L. Nelll of I Bumpter; grand keeper of the records and seal, I R. Btinson of Salem; grand i master of exchequer, J. W. Maloney of Pendleton; grand master-at-arms, W. W. Smead of Heppner; grand Inner guard, i H. A. Dunbar of Eugene; grand outer I guard, V. It. Frasier of Independence; supreme L representative, w. I Brad- shaw of The Dalles: ' alternates. J. II. Altken of Huntington, Turner Oliver of Ln Orande; grand trustee, M. F. Davis i of Union. 'v . v. " JUVENILE DEPARTMENT the most interesting in town ' " for women j With Boys' Suits we . .......... ....... .,. i , v w f r ' - ' " i' i t ' ' - ( ...' ; t -. ( 7 Give Away a Base Ball and Bat or Gatcher'sMitt tlon BAnif the nrnnOBKla hlrhar on. rive bids were . received , after the - formal time - for 1 opening, and these . were Included ' in the Sumber referred f to . the council, but , the ' Irregularity In submission 'was noted. They will probably be considered un less there Is some likelihood Of legal entanglement v -.- ..- rv. Bengstake 4 Lyman's tender of a ; quarter block at the southwest corner of Park and Flanders for 115,100, as It now stands, with a building, or for 135,000 without the building, seemed to appeal to the committee aa the most desirable place, owing, to Its proximity to the north end. Councilman Gray was heart ily In favor of selecting this tract. The northeast corner of Ninth and Davis . streets . was considered another , choice location. The Moore Realty com pany offering the site for $10,000, which also included a 11,500 concrete foundation constructed within the last J 0 d ays and about 11,800 worth of : structural ' ateel . now on the grounds. - An option la held on this property, which expires next Monday, but it was suggested that some inducement might ; be made to continue the option until the council meeting of June t. Yesterday's Bids. Booth stated to the committee that " . lis did not favor any of the proposals south of Washington street, and thought that a selection in the neighborhood-of , , the city hall would , be appropriate. Rushlight thought that a site on east ' Burnslde street near the bridge could be secured much cheaper than any of tbe bids offered, but was reminded that no bids had been received from the east 'side. ' The bids received yesterday afternoon were - M. I. Clohessy and Edgar I. Daly, 10x100 feet, $19,600. , Northeast corner ..North Eighth and Flanders streets: also lot's, block 4. which tnakes JOOx ' . 100 feet. This bid was received at 2:80 p. m. May ZI, 1907. . II. C. Brandes and the Hart Land company,' 100x100, $(0,000. . The south east corner of Fifth and .Jefferson " Streets. The above bid was received at 11:65 a. m. Wednesday, May St. 1907. M. Seller and P. Lowengard, by E. J. Daly, agent. - $15,000. Lots -t and I, block 8, Couch addition, being 100x100 feet on the northeast corner of First and Couch streets. The above bid waa received at 2:80 p. m. May 28, 1907, Goldsmith ; ft company,!; one quarter Mock 10px9B : reet, northwest corner .Second and Couohu.streets. $40,500, .H. W, Lemcke company, 100x100 feet, $88,000. ' Northwest corner of Seventh and GUsan streets. ' Proposal was re ceived on this bl&May 15. 1007, without certified check. Another proposal was received on the same property, together with certified check. May 22, 1907, at 8 o clock p. m. FIRE CAPTAINS ASK RAISE IN SALARY Basing their petition on the fact that engineers In the. city Are department are receiving higher pay than the ' 28 captains In the service, a delegation i from tbe captains appeared before the ways and moans committee of the coun cil yesterday and asked that their sala ries bs raised to - $125 per montn. The captains are now getting $100 per I month, while the engineers are paid $110. They cited that the engineers are subordinate to them and under such conditions they should bs entitled to greater pay. The matter will be acted pon at the next meeting; of the city I council. BEN N -x ' . . v " ' ' ' . v " ."V:'"-',) ; Ht . ' .; .i-v '.;.. . : .-,v; -; :,? --.....;. -; r ) Leading Clothier 1 yssfswsd took Oaaasd Oooes, Allen St Lewis' Best, mane. A SERIES OF STARTLING VALUES EM EAST E E U1U1 M.U . . wi;ll VUlta 388-390 BAST MORRISON , STREET, NEAR GRAND AVB1NUB - HOUSEWIVES OP THE EAST SIDE, ATTENTION! The new stow wM bj tort 'weeks oM toraorrw. In cwmmemoraUon of tht event we preient the.following lilt for your perusal You will be money to pocket by i.l j .x l :: WWtf TTQTl?TTiTTTTnM HW PiURV ATT. T1AV CATTTDriAV xrrND TUT7 rutr niru ....... . . V . r ...... scquamnng yourselves witu out mcuwus u iumuuioun,. vi. ..w.. - w wuiwaun. ,. ' ' 1 CTA NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL After three weeks to our new location we wish to thank yon for the liberal patronage bestowed npon ui i nd for tte many expressions of food will offered us front all iides.' The past three weeks has kept ut busy receiytof congratulstions from thousands of shoppers who appreciate our efforts to senre them to the NI,W AND UP-TO-DATE1' way. We shall endeavor to reciprocate by continually of ferine; you the season's best and most reliable merchandise at prices away below the market value. We believe you are weary of reading; of Fake Sales - and of "heartbroken manufacturers.- We have no job lots to offer you; our stock Is as bright and sparkling as the wl9J!!!LJS r0 SA!J PHfiJ th only ntethod that finaUy spells suecess. ; THE SECRET OP OUR SUCESS 111? BUYINQ IN LARGER QUANTITiKS Anu si!.ia-iu ruR smftw-nR riuww n,MwfPfR BiwMjrinuii jrudditfitt iu uu, mow well we succeed in doing this is plainly demonstrated to the list of prices given below. We have no charge accounts; w conduct large stores to the middle west, of which this is a branch; buying to large quantities for our three stores and selling for cash makes a combination that provides low prices. THB FOLLOWING ITEMS ON SALE SATURDAY 50 pieces fancy colored Table Oilcloth, -regular '20c quality on sale at ' 14 yd Handsome patterns to best grade standard Table 09 Goth, full width and sold regularly at 20c yard; any. pattern on sale at this price. , 50 dozen WOMEN'S WASH BELTS best 25c quality 10c : Over 600 sample Wash Belts in plain or white : embroid ered, with ' large brass 'buckles;' regular 25c kind. HUBBY AINT WENT AWAY HE DONE CAME BACK Mrs. Minnie Peoples,' who reported to the sheriff Wednesday that her husband had run away with, their team to sell It and go to her sister In California, and later found her husband at the police station looking for her, has written the following letter to ths sheriff: . "Mn fiherif, I was yesterday In the courhouse In your office, and told about my husbon Is run a way wun my team. lie waftnt rung a way he was lost with the team. Please you tell another men I dont want ta make any law suit agenst my husbon. i "MINNIE PEOPLES." si.oo CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES ' values to : - 75c .1 :j 25c 50 dosen Chambray Dresses for girls, all sixes and colors, plain or embroidery trimmed, less than cost of material , 2,000 yards Hamburg and Nainsook EMBROIDERIES lie values 7 Mill ' remnants of Embroid eries and Insertions, lengths from 1 to 10 yards; on sale at less than half the regular price. . 200 dozen v WOMEN'S WAISTS ; white or colored 75c" and 85c grades An .Immense quantity r of high-grade Waists; to white, s black or colored; all sizes; best 7Sc graded 50 Women's Man Tailored r --SUITS i-:-- regular $18 and $25 qualities 1". UT A Women's pew Spring Suits SI I to ; the latest materials and styles; each and every, one ' the product of New York's leading manufacturer; priced ' for quick selling. MISSES' v SCHOOL, ' SHOES best $1.50 quality; 89c Misses' Shoes to best Don- gola stock, single sole, Aso ; lutely solid leather, all sixes for the girls; Saturday at CUMrta 200 Doz."Dlac! Cat" Stockings Sr.SS' Black Cat Stockings are renowned fo their wearing qual ities; these are all perfect and will be sold Saturday for much less than other dealers pay for them to 500 dosen lots ; 4 pairs to a customer. ',''' oJpr 300 dozen women's 25c : quality Burson Hosiery, sold at ev ery first class store in Portland at 25c 0 pr "Bursoa" Mooklaf for wt: ars tas' only absolutely seam . lass stookiafs made. Thsss have ; merer beea offered at lass than So a palsi ws say all alsesi lass tnaa half yrlos.' , 1,000 yards American Printa light and dark, col ors, pther stores ask 7c yd. Our price American ' Shirtings a'r e cheap at 7e a yard; we cut the price in two and offer ;' you an endless assortment of 'the choicest patterns at half 'price. " '" 500 yards LONSDALE SHEETING - best quality -regular 15c yd., at i c fyd Lonsdale Sheeting full bleached and soft finish; a splendid opportunity to buy at less thsn cost . SWIFTS WOOL SOAP 50 cases . ' on sale , ' "Saturday at cake Swift'p Wool Soap; an enor rnous quantity., ofered at a hitherto unheard of price for Saturday. , .S . ' , 50 dozen V, Cotton Blankets best $1.00 andv " $1.25 grades ; 'white' and gray. ' , Heavy , Double Blankets, in ( white and gray, colors, strip, l if ed borders : these sell regu- fir II and tUS a pair; r choice "of the lot at 99 f pair.' - ' '.' ' 50 dozen;1 2y4-yard; length LACE CURTAINS" ""best 75c quality '1, ' Handsome patterns to extra - quality, full 1 length, Lace Wl vui vtuia, im uioui . v wm y summer cottage at less than 'cost of manufacture. ' ' - 100 dozen4. ' CHILDREN'S, SUNBONNETS' best 25c grade 107a The fBlough" - Sunbonnet ' for children, all colors, . all j' sixes; these retail at 25c our price less than half. " BOYS' ; TENINS' SHOES ." , V ;..v.; 43? All sixet to black - or white, best Qoodyear rubber soles, with heavy canvas uppers; regular price, T5. 1,000 packages COMMON ; PINS v regular 5c size' of the . best U . Steel Pins; three hundred - APapcr and sixty "pln to the pa . buy ; them at half price. "I 200 d6zeri -TURKISH AND HUCK TOWELS regular 20c size, ' ? C ea Large slsed Towels, bleached and unbleached, to Turkish or plain huck; these are ex tra large and made to sell at three times this price. ' " i200 iiozen ' CANVAS JGLOVES , best 10c grade., PC Canvas "Gloves for men or women; make good garden ing ; gloves ' and , wear well; buy them at half price. : " 7 . THE ABOVE PRICES IN EFFECTUNTIL SATURDAY AT 10 P, M. NO DEALERS SERVED.' QUANTITIES LIMITED. ' ;; In Ordtr to Gain the Friendship of the Little Ones, Each Child, Accompanied by Its Parent, Visiting Our Store on Saturday Will Be Presented With a I