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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUKNAt. PORTtAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY .ft, IC07. Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp., 18-19. SNAP This offer is good, for a fewdayi only Six Acre Tract ". BACK OF IRVINOTON t $800 per Acre 'Adjoining property is gelling for ; 91,000 to $1,000, per acre. . For nftrttriiYsra .v.:.:'-.- '-,', Barnes, CoIIinson & Starr : - 76 FIRST STREET 8.G0O Will buy Wllbelm Park block. 800x200 feet located t th Junction c Uuuam and Taylor's Jarry roads, cr Una, railroad atatlon, iirr and . ferry road landing. - Improvement" coat 11.000. Old established bualnaaa on property and has been for the paat to years. Two blacksmith " shops, - grocery and feed a tore on opposite aide of atreet and other business - antarprlaea near by. Only a ahort time at abov price. : . 5.500 For Urge l-roora bouse. i , - full, lota, eornr,', beautiful grounds. - aaar Michigan av. and Beech at, ? ABRAHAM WMIT8 STHi Washington ., yaolSo ms. . . v Horn 1841. , ; . V MARRIAGE LICENSES. , Joe Scbwarts, 361 , sbermaa at, TTi Dare Pa If and, 10. - W. H. I. TM Ooauaereial at,: BU i41oe xavingsion, x. Martin Mayer, 083 Alblaa am, 10 Mm. AM O. Bracer. 80. - M., J. Stereos, 1M Seventh at, 88: Elsls ?enoo, IS. George OEleee, 838 TamhlD, S3; Clara B. Barteaatsla, 38. . , Wedding Card; W. O. Smith Oe., Waeh togtoa bids sorasr rearm and Washington eta. Tonsetb A Oe., kinds. 19 Sixth florists, for flower ef B Curb Bras., rkrarto Itae flowers and flnral dealcae. 280 Morrlna at. rail drew salt fa lent, all sane. Tailoring Cs 80S Stark et, ...... Vntqae WSDDIHO IhTTrTATIONS Latest and beet; SO rer 100. A. S. Hawk Co., 144 Mi Tblrd at. BIRTHS HOT April 2, te Mr, and Mrs. Baa Boy. Chinese, 948 Mala itmt, a Sob. . THATCHER May IT. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph , Oay Thatcher, 404 Maahattaa are., a daugb- ; ter. ' lUSMTTSflEK May 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Itaanmasen, 147 N. Thirteenth st, a daugk- : DEATHS 'OAKLAND May SX Mr. Marls Boberta Gar- w. laad. . aaed M rears, 480 College street) ). ' pneumonia, (lobar), , i BaTTEKHONMst 81, William a red TS years. Nehalem: elrrhosla Battersoa, ei UTO. . TLX TLX Mar 81, Mra. Mary Tattle, aged 8 , yeara, a monuis, u days, jbt n. llta; aeate s gastritis. JOHNSON May SS, Mrs. Ananda totinam. aged 4T years, 1 BMata,,ao days. 109 rark mt' MrlMbtnA. a. LEVEL May IS, 'Joseph M. tercl. aged M years, 4 months, 10 daysi, llsl Stephta at; -t relapse lobar pneumonia. MEETIXa NOTICES. THE M. W. Grand Ledge ef Masons of oretoa will eonrene at the .' Masonic temple. Third and Alder 'fl V, - ati.. on Saturday forenooa at r :. for the noxDoae of burins .', the corner stone or the oca wn- lows' borne. . ft Dec la 1 esrs will leave roerth and Yamhill eta. at 9:15. All Masons invited. By order of 11. W. GRANDMASTER. NOTICES. TITfJ firm ef Olsan Bos have dissolved part' serahlD. S. Sheamrreen having pwehssed the interests and good will of CM. Obwa. III boslnees will be Incorporated and enn- tinned ander the name of Olaen-Boe Transfer ' Co. All orders fur tranaferrlng or storass will be Klven prompt and earemi attention Office SOfi Oak st. Phone No. Mala 647. Phone No. A-224T. r. P. Bheaegreen, phone . : Pacific loei. uenry aos, poone main 0111 HELP WANTED--RIALE. riNtSHEB and tarle boy wanted.. 108 llortk 11th et. . " ' " ' ",; ' BOTS wanted to lesra trade. Baihong A Ce. Inters, 100 Front st. - srruATioxs wantepfemalb. TWO efperleneed daf workers want wasting, ironing, cleaning, $180 day. 410 North 2.1th. WANTET---TO RENT. 'v :-,!, STORE WANTEf'::n,i''vS , On lint st,' Morrlaoni Waablngtoa or Stark; ... will eay . $100 per onth.,.iildraa .Btora, WANTElMI8CnELLA1NTEOU8. WANTSD Booming henas, IS or SO rooms; west aide close ins cash. . Address B S04 :. esre Jtornsl. '''''"'''"'"''''-"'''"' - '.."..... ( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. rOB SALB A beantlfol sabiirbsn home, 44 iciM 1 1- miles from Council Crest earllnr in ran ha seen from this oolnt:' fine drive te city; S-room hard finished boose and barn ana orcnara witn winy or smau rolt: this Is a Choice location about 8 miles from- center of I city i will sell entire tract resaenahle. or oiviq. inquire oi . u. wove, owner, S24 Chapman st ,,, NEW g-room bungalow, kit 100x100. Owner, .jeVCttoa Barber shop, 808 Merrlaoa St. a APARTMENT boose location building site, best location on west side; miiw on King St., SO feet from Washington; eaat ' frontage. . O. O. Shay, Abingtoa bldg.. Mala 1SH2. IBTIN GTON $,T bays a new modern . boms, 711-foot frontage, S rooms, paneled din? In g-room, cove ceilings, fireplace, furnace. gas and electricity;. r;- selected wood ; rub fin e sleeolng veranda: owner lsh led txlat; entelde going to soatbera vregon. v. w. JHeiiraan, io Abingtoa bldg. , iiala1044, Besjdenoe Bast 184. WB HAVE $3 ISO -room new modem bnngabwi $1M Brnaisels carpet, $40 range; 100x100 eoraer; Salt down, per monin. $8,000 30-acre farm, all Improved, f mile ef good town; half down, balance; on tune. HAH1LTUCI B nUUXAfl, S04 Ooodnougb bldgn Opo. P. O. on Fifth st. , Choice ' acre near boalsvard fine - locstloa. Vacant lots snd homes. New modern, a rooms with three lots, cor ners terms. . Bee W. B Bast, Arbor Lodgs; Bake date. VXvf e'Weodlaw JL23, A". ieauv TRAFFIC 0 BQUIID Regular linen Bring Crowds , ( Who Wish to Escape Riots in tha Bay City. WHALES PLAY PRANKS OFF OREGON COAST Larg Schools of Blonster BfAromala Encoantered by Steamship Colura- 1 bla. Which Arrired Hero Lust I Night After rieaaaxit Yoygge.- The Ilarriman liner Columbia brought 100 passengers from Ban Francisco last Bight. This was tha largest llat brought north "for many months and It Is said a number of tha people have lert tbd Bay City In disgust because of the complications arising from tha strikes. Trafflo . Is badly crippled, aay those who coma north, and there la no tailing when order will be restored because one serious atiike la no aooner settled than another la on tbd boards. Coming up tha coast tha Columbia ran through an . Immense . school of whales. Tha wbalea have been reported by other vessels that hav. arrived hers recently, but none aaw more than tha officers of tha Columbia. The monsters seemed to be everywhere. Tb passes gcra enjoyed watching the pranks of tha Uviathana Immensely and tha alght of them blowing tha water Into pillars of foam afforded Interesting amusement Mariners say tha whales sporting off tha coast are of no commercial value. They are known as tha fin back or black whole. Borne of them are evi dently very old, having attained a length of It or 10 feet -. - - The whalaa appear along tha coaat every year about, thia time and their appearance usually suggests to some ona the idea of equipping an, expedition un til It la ascertained that tb whales are of . no value. ,. Last rear soma ' who thought they saw rifts of gold In tha aky tried to arrange with th owners of steam schooners in th coasting trade to have the crews allng harpoons and thus make each voyage along the coaat Whaling expedition on the side. But vessel owners could see nothing tab gaunea vj. in ecaeme. '-... PORTLAND MAN NAMED John Maher Ninth Vice-President of ' , I. LU. A T. A. I, , Seeretary XX P. Rail of longshore men's union No. HI thla morning re-I ceived a letter announcing that Presi dent Keefa of thiLUK AT, A. haa appointed John Maher of thia eltv. ninth vlce-prealdent of th international body to nave charge of all tba branches on the Paclflo coast Mr. Maher will fill th vacancy caused by tha reels-nation or J. a. Jiadaan several months ago. The new appointee la well known In local labor union circles and. baa been president of local No. 165. I L. M. A T. A-, for some tlma : Tb longshoremen feci highly honored In having th lra- portant office given to a Portland man for tha Second tint in succession, be-1 neving mat it, renects credit upon the I management ox in unions nere. TO SELL OLD STOCK Gorernment Engineers Advertise I V?"-.i CJearance Sale. .1 ; Th government engineers will die-1 pose of a lot of condemned machinery ana material on June 10, when bid will be received at tha offlo ef Colon! B. w. Roeaaier In tha Custom House build ing. Th material will go to th high- eat Quaunea Maaer. Th articlea to be sold ar named in a proposal Just been , Issued and ar located at th government moorings, opposite St Johns; Fort Stevens and Cascade Locka Th property consists of anchora, awnings, -, blocks, tackle, rope, tarpaulins, machinery and junk. . . MARINE NOTES Astoria, May J.Arrlvd down at (:16 and sailed at :20 a. tn.. steamer Roanok. for San Pedro and way porta Sailed at :S5 a. m, ship Eclipse, fori San Pedro. . . : " San Francisco, f May ' H. Arrived. oaraentin j, M. onrnth. from Port- land. Arrived last night steamer Costa Rica, from Portland. Sailed laat night steamer Washington, tug Samson with barg Walacot in tow. for Columbia, rivr. ' ' - .. Astoria, Mar 14. Condition of th bar at I a m, smooth; wind, east, five miles;, weather, cloudy. , , , v ; , Tides at Astoria Today. . High Water. Low Water. 10:i8 am. 10:88 p.m. 4:1T a.m. 4:28 t).m. 7.8 feet t. feet . 1.1 feet 1.9 feet ALONG THE WATERFRONT ' Th steamer F. A. Kllburn sails to night, for can Francisco and way ports. Tn steamer Breakwater will probably soon b put otf"the-Portland-Coos Bay run in opposition to -the steamers Al llano and - F. A. Kllburn.. f - Th steam schooner H. Marboffer will begin loading lumber at Vancouver next Wednesday, She --will be , inepected Tursaay.- The British steamer - Tottenham is now on the war to Astoria. She left FOR SALE FARMS. 6 ACRES, IBOO. . o seres, few. z ' 10 acres, $3, BOO. ' . 80 scree, $,900. -80 seres. 13.000. . - Good improvements and' close to carllne. tv a are n-aoqaarrers lor rsrms and aerssge, ' - 808 Third st. . " TWO dairy terms for sale or trade for Alberta land. aaaress sue, esre journal, -v ' HORSES, VEHICLES, . HARNESS. TIMBER claims en railroad grant lands, 4,000. wy ro is.uuv.vw per ciaim. apply at once. Boom 807, Perkins hotel. ' . PERSONAL. MIR9 OIB80N gives scalp treatment; dandruff. VtisH Morrison si, room ox. MIRS ETHEL WARD, manlcorat and chiropo dist, formerly or xui inira si., w bow st 830 Pms st Phone Pselfle 178. tmmm s . a $1.00 Q mm. it "us . s .a iBj ..mXJLm.tsi js. . sa. sua Q the Inman-Poulsen oompany's mill with a heavy llat to port but la axpeoted to get on an even keel when bar water tanka are filled." Assistant United State Engineer General Bagnall returned from Fort Btevena thie morning. Ha report! that too tons of atone la being dumped on tha Jetty dally. , The Chinese war Junk Whang Ho, eaptala B. Carlson, entered at tha eua tom house thla morning. She la owned Americana, but la not dooumented. ium wuiammt is rising aiowiy. dui will coma to a stand Sunday at IS feet, at) Diatrlet Forecaster Beale statsa In hla rlyer bulletin thla morning. Ho expects tha river to fall Monday, Tues day and Wedneeday. -Tha steamship Roanoke sailed last night for 0aa Pedro and war porta, - MARINE INTELLIGENCE W;: -rr Begalar Liners Due s Arrive, Ifnmsntis, from orient. .............. ...May 23 Alliance, from Coos Bar .... i e May 24 O. W. elder, from Sa Pedro Bad way. .May M Coats ftlca, from San rranclsee. ...... ,May M P. A. Kllburn. from San rraa. and way-Jnn 1 Columbia, tram San rranclsee ...June S Boanoke, from San Pedre and way.. ....June 4 Arabia, from orient. ................. ..Jno Sfl Aleala. from or lent July 14 Nlcomeola, tron Orient August li ' ! - Begalar Liners te Depart ColomMa. for San rrancisc ........'.May S r. A. Kllbnrn, for Ban rraa. and way.. May AUUnee. for Coos Bar ..May $8 O, W, Elder, for Mas Pedro snd way,.,. May 80 Costa Rica, for Ssn franciso .........My 81 Numantla. for enent ..........June Roanoke, for Ban Ptdr end way., June 4 araDia, ror orient ,.........,.ene i Aleela, for orient. ......... ........ ...Jaly XT Meomedla, for Orient....... .Aagast 80 .. .. Tissila la Bert v 1. Marhaffsr. Am. str, st Wlllamett I, Wks. Plmadale. Br. bk. at Astoria. w Sola. Br. sh st Elsvstor dock. Jordanhlll. Br. bk- at B. W. Slnlta, Br. bk., at Irving dock. , . Tellos. Oer. bk, nt Colombia No. L . Tottenham, Br. str., st Astoria. : , ' Strathcljde, Jir. str.. st Iinnton. Washlagtoa, Am. barge, at BUswertB. BH i mile euove VsBeoever. u Slntram, Am. ah., st Stella. - : Redondo, Am. str.. st B. W. mflls. , Whang Ho, Chinee Junk, at the Oaks. ,. . Jobs Palmer, Am. bltn., at Kalsms. Bxnansloa, Am. ech., st Port land Lsmbsr Oa Alrens, Am, scb at Gobi. James Bolpb. Am. ech., at Weetaort, ... Ante, Am. bk, at Taneoaver. VlllUm Olsen. Am. ech., at Asarls. , Make well. Am. bkta.. Wallae Sleegh. Diamond Bead. Asa. bk.. Vanoooret. Letltla, Am. ech, at Rainier. . iMldmfe. Aes at., at Aatnrla. ' Muriel. Am. str., at Niwnort. , , jodb amitn, am. osin., at aiwiin. Emily Heed, Am, an., at reruana limner LSK - Northland. Am. str., st Brydoek.' Bark, Nor. str., st uceanie oocx. Irene. Am. Sch., st St Helena. -Hyndford, Br. str.. at floor mITls. : . v r Colombia, Am. ah p., at Stella. , '' Joban Ponlsen. Am. str., st Stells. " ' King Cyrus, Am. sch., st Wallace glonirh. r. A. Kllbnrn, Am. str., at Oak street ' Virginia, Am. ech, at Inman-Poulsen. Columbia, Am. str., st Ainsnrerth vbarf. Gknidala, Am. sch., st Astoria. ... Abbte, As, sck, at Bainlar. '.-.' Lumber Carrier Za Beats. B. r. Whitney. Am. bk, MakaweH. El well. Ana. eh. Baa Fed re, r; Llllebonne, Am. ech. Mantle. Lucille, Am. eh. Baa rranclsee. Mabel Gale, Am. sch.. Baa rranclsee. Retriever, Am. bkta., Ban Francisco. Aarora. Am. bkta., Ban rvaaelsee. Bants Ana, Asa. str.. Baa rranclsee. Jf. R. Hssie, Ass. seau. Baa Pedro. . B. Stetson, Am. str.. Baa rrandeee, Daisy rreemaa, Am. str., Saa rraaelsea, CbnrchllL Am. sch Saa graacUco. . Jim Boiler, Am. str. Ban rranclsee. K. r. Bandera, am. sen., saa reore. Cbehalls, Am. bktn., Ban Pedro. Nokomls. Am. sen.. Ban Pedro. Alumna, Am. sea., Baa rrsndse. Washingtoo, aa sir, nan svaneise. . Excelsior, Am. str., San rranclseo. Wslaoot Am. barge, Saa rraneume. Za Beats With Cement aad OeaeraL Beeeleocb. Br. sh., Hamburg. Rrean.. rr. bk Hoil. Conway Castle, Br. bk., Antwerp, Ialgonar, nr. en, uamnerg. Enraoe. Tt. bk.. Antwern. Oenevleve Mollnos, It. bk., London. Bene Karvller, - rr. sb, Hambors. Laennee. Tt. sh.. Swansea. t Le Pillar, rr. bk, London.. Martha Roex, rr. bk, Hamburg. Moaamblqoe, Br. sh, Newcastle, ! . : ; Samoa, Br. bk.. Shields. Blam. Oer. ah- London. i . Socoa, rr. sh., Newcastle, . ' . Vlncennea. Tt. bk.. Olasrow. Marechael Tnrrene, rr. bk., Bamberg.4 Vllle 4e Mnlbouse. rr. bk, Antwern. Onethary. rr. bk, Antwerp. , . Plerrt Lor!, rr. bk., Antwerp. ' - Walden Abbey. Br. ah.. Antwera. r Oleneeslln, Br. sh, Antwerp. - Versailles, rr. b(.. Mitn. ! General de Boisdeffre, rr. bk., Loadoa, General de Negrler, TT. bk., Loadoa. Coal Ships Sa Boat. Belen. tr.' bk, Newcastle, A. CoL ds Vllle bote Marenll. rr. bkM Newcastle. A. ClaTerdon, Br. sh, Newcsstle, A. ... -Willscott Am. bk, Newcastle. A. ' Tramp Steamers Ea Bents, Aaoot Br. str, Boeoos Ayree. Uroean Mara, jap. str., japan. African Monarch, Br. str, dsn rrsaeise. Btrathyre, Br. str, San rranclseo. Tellue, Nor. str. Ban rrasclace. Maori King. Br.' str..' BhaaxbsL ' K sight Templar, Br. str, orient Henrlk Ibsen. Nor str.. Ban rraactses. Queen Alexandra, Br. str., Madras. Kallbla, Br. str., 8s' frsnclsco. Mansha Mara, Jap. str, Salinas Crux. Iiradea. Am. str.. orient Mackinaw, Am. str., Seattle. saa Mateo, Am. str, sea rrsacisee. Ott Osrrlsrs X Xsete. . Maverick, Am. str.. Baa rrandeee.' W. S. Porter, Am. str., Saa rrancisee, , BBBssBBBBaeBBBaaaBsasasjjasnsn . . OREGON GIRLS CLIMB ; WYOMING MOUNTAIN K Special Dispatch te The Joamal.) RawUns, Wyo., Mr 4. It was B day of pleasure that th Oregon girls touring to tha Jamestown exposition spent yesterday, i Th United States government engineers explained !- tb great .. federal , reoiamation project in eastern Idaho. Th big coal mine at Kemmerer,k. Wyoming, wr visited. Blanche Langley of Forest Grove and Grace McCoakey of MoMinnvlll climbed Castle Rock at Green Rlvar In It mln utea beating th best., woman's record by three minutes. ; Ail ar welt - prominent-Vancouver. MAN PERISHES IN FIRE " '(Special Dispatch te The Journal ) Vancouver, B. C, May I4.Francla I Bernard, on of Vanoouver most prom inent citizens, was burned to death la a fir which destroyed his home laat night - The residence, was completely destroyed. Th origin or tb fir is un known. New Chinese Restaurant, v Hung.' King, Law hav moved ; their Chinese restaurant from Second and Alder streets (upstairs) to $07 Burn- side atreet ' between Fifth and Sixth" streets, and will open their restaurant to the publlo on Saturday,, the lth, conducting a strictly ' first-class 'Chi nes restaurant making a specialty of Chines aooaies and chop suey. "Staging OWH Matinee. , Tomorrow there will be a matinee perform-1 snce oi "Toe singing oirr by the Ban rran clseo Opera company,' at the Martjnsm Grand tnsatre. - This com te opera cas made a most favorable impression in Portland and the oris- 1 clpala ef the erganlaatloa are heard to excellent I sdvantager-Tbe mnsie la sbove the ordinary. having been written in the most delightful vsia or victor Herbert, ' "The 8troUer." " - Instsad of comic opera there will be musical comedy at the Marqaam Grand aext week, be- ginning Monday night "The Strollers," one of I the best of the Istter-dar musical comedies, will be offered by the Saa rranclseo Opera company 1 with a besntiroi production. This attraetloa I combines the best) talent of the prima donnas snd comedian. ' There ft distinct prat and the mesodlee are of the taoefnl sort which ba te popular. Bests sre now ea sale roe sll performancM. Seesea ell Unas aa be reserves' oa arpucatMx, - - . . SELECT DELEGATES . TO OREGOn GO'iFEREIiCE F. S. : Akin and Mrs. Charles C Morton Chosen by Grace ', '-pv Methodist Church. T. 8. AJrln was seleotd as delegate ana Jdra. cnanes A. Morton as ressrve delegat to th Oregon conference by Grace Methodist church at last night's meeting. :,'.!",, : .,. Th conference meets at Orae church, this city. In Beptember. It 1 under stood that an effort will be mad to hav on of th Orae church repre- aentatlvea aent to tha general confer ence la Baltimore nest May as on of Oregon's thro delegates. ' Last night's meeting at th church was enlivened by a number of flve mlnute talks on pertinent questions by prominent members of the church. Bishop Moors was present for tha first Urn ainc hla return from th east' He leaves today for Spokane, Moacow and other point in the Inland Empire. All tha O. A. R. poats In th city hav accepted an invitation to at tend services at Grace Methodist Epis copal church Sunday evening, MISS. BOOTH TO LECTURE HERE Commander of Salvation Arrny Will ' Lectaro Next Month at the v ' :;:' slarqnam. . Commander Bvangelln Booth, aeoond youngest daughter of QeneraJ Booth, and head of th Salvation Army force la th United Btatea to to visit Portland Juno a. v . Th coming of Commander Mlaa Booth Is heralded with - great enthusiasm among th local forces of tha Salvation Army. In Miss Booth, the oltlsens of Portland will have th privilege of hearing on of th most eloquent of th leading apeaker of the day. Those who heard Mlaa Booth lecture at th Mar qnam Grand on th occasion of her first visit to Portland two years ago will not fall to bear bar again. Miaa Booth will take for her subject "Transformations" and will lecture at th Whit Tmpl on th vnlng of Jun 4. , HARRISON AND . CARD TIE Exciting aoe at Exposition sink Xaai 's, : . . BTlght. Th big rae meet la drawing heavier vry night at th Exposition rink. Tb racers war all full of ginger laat night and when th ball rang were all In a bunch, Harrison crossing th lln scarcely a f ot la . advanc of Card. Kruse brok a skat string aad lost half a lap, which be again picked up. Ther Is general skating before and after th raoAs. Muslo by Parson's or chestra. IMPROVEMENT MAY LOWER ASSESSMENT Whs ther th hauling of dirt from a stret being Improved and dumping It on prlvat property without th con- snt of the owner entitle that owner to a lower assessment Is likely to b threshed out by th city officials. ' Testerday Fred Groner, who awns property oa Montana avenu. whioh Is being ' Improved, addressed a letter to th atreet committee of th city exec utive board, stating that Upon visiting bis property h found a larg pll of dirt placed ther by a contractor. H said that his property had been dam- ageu and that In Justice to himself h thought th assessment should b low ered. City Attorney McNary will ren der an opinion as to whether or not Groner 1 entitled to hav a sllc taken off his assessment t Building Permits. .. X). 8. Crow, three one-atory dwellings, Clinton, between East Twenty-seventh and Eaat Twenty-eighth, $5,500; Theo dore Counter, repairs dwellings, Eaat Fifteenth, - near KUllngsworth, $176; Charles Woolen, repair dwelling, Eaat Eighth, between Burrnan and Mildred, $18; J. Johnson, two-story dwelling, fihaver, near Gantenbeln, $1,800; B, G. Brand. one-story office, Portsmouth, corner Columbia, $200; W. E. Purdy, repairs dwelling. Commercial, between ilVVRISIANSACK' I' fey The Piano Opportunity of Your Life is Now Before You ; ; The Inauguration of the Greatest Piano Clearance i; 5 Sale Lycr Offered to the Public of Port- 'lv": ' '-'- , ' '.('. ' ;'-';'". ? , t . ' " .' '' -V" ai - '- -'4 -i;':- - -' ii. : 4' r -'- -A, :- ' v ' ;' ' ', - " .' " r- V Jt , We sre simply going to sell pianos regardless of dicUtion of fs: tory prices or without serious consideration of profits to ourselves. Ctrpenters. painters.' decorators snd " electricians sre swarming all , ' over the place, pianos included, and in order to make room for ser . eral more cars of instruments due this week we will come nesrer . ' making you s present of s pisno than will ever be offered to you' sgain. We have on display In our windows several beautiful pianos that should sell for twice as much as we are now saking, but we must get them out of the store snd out of our way. A fancy- ' grain walnut for flT another for a beautiful figured ma- ' hogany for f 177, and another for f 197 and the cut of prices on .; our entire line will range accordingly. Used pianos from 75 up. If you cannot buy, we will make your visit a pleMant one and give job an opportunity of hearing the celebrated 88-note Melville-aarlc Player-Piano, the player-piano that all who have heard concede to i be the only perfect player-piano iiMreFninsT in. un nnr win uni.11 sale will last only for s few days. PrtONB s. aaw HAm677 n jTofjr V, nMH67r ffiTVFNDEN-SOITT f'PIANO W 0- aBsaasaBBBB i m eawaeaf 37274 MORRISON, CORNER WEST. PARK. MAIN 677. Special Saturday Sensational Bargains FOR $5.00 AND FOR THOSE WORTH UP TO $10.00 SEE OJJR WINDOW DISPLAT The Chicago Clothing Co. 69 and 71 Third Street Oat or the BI4h Rent District Fay and BUnchard, $800; Edwards Furniture company, repairs store, First between TamhlU and Taylor, $$,000; C. M. - Foley, one-story .. dwelling, Ains wortb, between Union arid Grand, $1,000; B. Olldner, two-atory flats, Gllsan. be tween North Twenty-first and North Twnty-cond. $T,000; J. N. vogan, two-atory dwelling, Thnrman, corner North Thirty-third, $5,000; ;W. J. No matter what lines of goods you buy. ' -But especially is this true when you buy cloth ing. We positively guarantee to save you five dollars on your Summer Suit, and we have hun dreds and hundreds of them to show you. Other places askxt12.5Q and $15.00, but we sell the same suits for , mm - You'll get all the style and quality, that is pos- :v sible for the makers to put in such popular price , clothing and when once you buy at THE RD FRONT you are sure to come agaK J " SELLS IT CCEAFEH they nave ever naa in pleasure. luiivjiiuvt. uui ,vu . Store open evenings. a caress rm V ' .. . a . t sw n . ea tflSj Vfaaw $6.00 VALUES Harbke, two-story dwelling. Davenport corner Sixteenth, $4,000; Mrs. Ed Fall ing, two-story dwelling, Johnson, be tween North . Nineteenth and North Twenty-first $$,000; Union Laundry company, repairs brick laundry, Colum bia, between Second snd Third, $.60o; William Inenee, excavation a tore. Fifth, between Burnsld ana . Couch, $700. r;-.-. - ' ' Northwest Corner cf First end Tu' Not in the mfr Price Cllgae IF WRIT mmm YonrFIoorsfcr; LcssTftanlCenl PcrSqnarcFcol I Rogers Stainfloor Fin ish has . more points of excellence than any other floor paint. It is easily applied easily cleanednot affected by w a t e r d o e s. no t scratch, mar or show heel ; marks -- possesses high 4 lustre, but is I not slipperv--needs no wax, oil, , shellac vi ,or ; other preparation : to keep floors in first-class con dition. ; Good for lino-' leum and all x interior woodwork. Eight beau- j niw coiors gallon, $2.75; half gallon, $1,45; quart; ?; 7&; v 'pint, 45c One gallon ; will cover 300 square feet, two coats. , 5 Booklet, "Care of Floors," free. TITiIS, CRESS & CO. The Fatxrt Btot 145, , FIRST STREET Great Siioe Sale SUU Continues But at the rate we are sell ing, them they ; won't last much longer. .Get wise and pick out your style before the sizes are broken. Our, Clothing Department , has proven so successful that we must have more room, hence we are closing out our 1 Mission $3.50 Shoes All Style All Leathers Top & Bottom Shop 303 Washington St. fV TT PhTstdans erreei that V. V Pbat KM Ribbon Beer most healthful Bonn' iahbu? and sustainino; bev erasre, richer in foodvalaes than other beers. . Toe Pabst Ebht-Dav lfstt. inar Proceaa secures all of the nutriment in the barlevHrrain. which tha Pabst Perfect Brew. ing Process transmits to the beer in prt-digTested form. 8 Pabst Bhw Bibbon Beer, rich in malt and tonic prop erties of hops, makes an ideal drink at meals or be. tween meals, aiding' digestion- and'axwthiog nerves. . ., Charles Koha 4k Co, Cor. ard tt Pine Sts., Ported. Phoo) Mala 4S0. Exciting Raccc exposition oi;;:: stiTiarra surza 4 to cx STxamra ssact3 t :rs t i . General Ekatinj r ' ' Parona" ( M: i i i I