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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, ; MAY 24, 1C07. fO DAY'S MARKETS Latest Reports . From California Are to the ; Effect That the Flooded Islands Are Being ' Planted to Potatoes Crop an Average One. mm or . SPUDS TO SOUTH v; .-..( WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS Dealers Sending Supplies as Fas as Possible Bears Try . " to Depress. . By Everdlng A FarrelL . 4 '; Egga are coming la freely and 4 are . selling at practically un- changed ' prices, and none ' too ., e rapidly. Wa do not look, for , much changa la some tlma, 4 prices In tha tut in lower CWIIIGE III FOR M SIIOIVERS MM WHEAT SALES III GOLDFIflDS uanjhejr hay taen'ta i month j Majority of List Gains In San Chicago Market Gains Over Cent Today's market fee twee: Good shipment of potatoes, California potato outlook. ' Australian on loos la good thsp. Wool sale are jult good. -Varied prlc la egg market. Small .prist chicks srs mthr. Car eabbega and cm lemon la. Oraxy market ralos wheat. ; Poor string bean rejected. ' Creamery batlee eelllng'So Berth. . - Oosd Shipment of gNrmt..' - Shipments of potatoes from this city to Cull ' fornla point ars Increasing again owing to the nncn Improved ton ; there, gvery dealer who baa supplies la selling aa good prices ara being NillmL Oaa or twa dealers ara talking "' about very dull fading as IW, want to buy . at lower figures. ; ; ' .-Sr::' It now develop that California la very likely - to produce aa . good .and heavy a crop of po ; tstosa as aver. Tba Islands bare been drained nf tha flood waters to a mat .extent and mowers there ara now busily engaged In seed luf . Seed stock Is therefore la demand la ths south at better prices. Of tb situation tba Calif orala Pratt Grower asysf , Look far wool ; Crop. " "Notwithstanding tba fact that Saa Joaquin eonntjr experienced a fresbst last March, men well versed la the potato situation prophecy that tba crop this rear will be larger tbaa arar. .'I look ft a larger yield of potatoes , this . yr tbaa last yesr,' declared marie : Moretng, the well-known grower. 'I think the . aTMf will be little entailer, bat the yield will be niacb besTler. Crop la the a flooded distracts ara looking fin.' A. C, ears: Tba eerlr croa of votstoa light, 0ob seeding was don during February I rktri but on aoeoant or toe eonaiuon 01 in isnas, the acreage planted at that tlma was email, and as a natural result tbs early crap,- which comes la about tb ailddle of June will be light. Some planting for late potatoes was don la April, particularly on Roberts Island, and there will be beery planting this month. Tba seeding will enatlane until July. Of eouree . most of the potatoes will be 'later tbaa the ;ssoa Just past. These late potatoes, however, will be in good shape for storage purposes, and, taking aracythlng Into eonslderatloa. the com ing season aboald be a profitable .one, both for - Slow eta and dealers. Potato seed la bow la . brisk demand and Chinamen are paying more Butter la quite nrm at un- 4 changed prices, and It looka to 4 I 4 : ua aa if tha bottom had been- 4 reached for tha present at least. 4 There ha a baan but Uttla changa , In tha poultry situation la tha , 4 a past week. Hens have been , ) 4 mora plentiful and hava been a 4 cut a cant, and springs have been In much - largar supply. 4 4 Many a mall aprlnga har baan ' . marketed, daaplta tha fact that :laat week we advlaed against tba ahlpping of any that weighed . less than .11 pounds -. to . tha d doien. It la likely that the a price on aprlnga will eaae off uttla from now forward,' Bprlng a ducks If large sail vary wall, aa ' 4 do also larga apiing geesa 4 Hides ara steady at tha re- a a ducad prices. -v . 5 " ' :': a 4 Potatoes ara quiet at Btt- 4 ; changed quotations. : d . Timothy hay la la good da- a mand, but other sorts ara quiet. , Francisco Today- Mohawk Hit Very Hard. Early, but Loses It Later ' Local Market Higher. Sandstorai ,... ,10 Jumbo .40 do Ext. .10 Bias Bull .08 B. B. sUt ... .01 Hlberaia ...... .01 oLDmxD ainrs. Lon Star Ore S. Storm Bxt. Oreel Bend bed Top Ext. D. B. B. Coo... O. Delay ...... Lagans Com. fracttoB. Q. Bend Ext. B. flak Ext. .01 .01 .01 ,04 ,01 .OS uo .15 OS .01 Columbia aft, ..1 .01 Kendall. ....... .OS Booth . ..i .OS Mirer Pick ... . '08 Dixie .......... .01 Ht. Ires ...... .07 . O. Wonder .... ,'.01 ' Kendall Ext. . . .01 M.yn ......... .01 . Trtangl ....... '.OS Kcwsnos ' .03 ' Cracker Jack ... ' .01 , V. .alohawk ..m , .1 - Ksd H1U .0. I. Tiset .02' arsaduia ...... .06 tK .OS World's KThaa Waather. - Nebraska Two weeks of rain. Iowa Rained yeaterday lsat night. .. Kanaaa Rain In sight ' Mlaaourl Ixoka Ilka rain. 1 :, Illlnola Rain expected. . , ; Indiana Looka Ilka ralnv ' Wlaconain Rain In sight, v Dakotas Showers predtoted. ', Pacific Northwest CooL and a CLOSE M1PIIIGII III THEATRE Lane Forces Will Gather at the Empire Saturday Before V - Election. T MAYOR SPEAKS AT : ' MOUNT TABOR TONIGHT Final IUlly Will Be) Attended by x- Benator Gearin, Judge Pipes and Other Prominent Speakers Will Dnpllcait Armory Sleeting. ' Bed To Penney lraala .. OOLDFIELO LOSSES. .....4 lOold. Mining, s.ts .01 .4 Atlanta - Loa imioa ..... . .36 .08 .OS , CHI0A0O WHEAT TAttJES. 1 a chanae of aentlment In Oold, field lssnes la Baa Francisco today May Joiy Loss. 100; nlnespDles. S4.0041B.00 Ber'dosi s-rsn fratt. 8.26; strawberries, California, 22.t8 per Thar was . , m - ... . ia mil. m few of the leaders lost hearlly. tha general e"wn" ' market wss buorsnt and there seemed general J Wsesmbsr .... 1.014 buying for big people, aiohswk was eerr wees. i. ewe May St, .ST, I .00V $ .86 1906. crate ot ie sozea; ures-on, per creu ' i.,T" . a,, itm . of 24 boxes; cherries, 81.0001.60 per lo-lb boa. . i" JV. rv! rl.,ul, VKQETAHl.KS Turnip, new, oogil sscki .aTolnjg ap 10c. . ftmMni esrrots. 76effll.00 per sack; beets, 81. 7S per moTel. "B ,lS??Bd C. BUrar Pick sack parsnips, S1.00iQ1.2&i Csbbsge, 83 ! tome- JPS ta raloe. i.'f toes, Mexican. 81.75ai2.OOi riorlda, 84 60; par- , M. ' n.-K-.fc atL- m, snips. 90cfl; atrlng beana.UHa lb; eanllrfow. -2neU w 7 Orarbeek, Starr r, 8I.S0 per dos; peas, 78e; horsersdlah, 8c Oaaaa eempssyi , v per lb; arUchokes, 6l76e per aosi Hubbard ' OOLDbTELD DISTRICT. aqiutsh, 6c per lb: cranberries, 910.00itfll.00 1 , "Bandstona 80eA.' Bed Too 92.W. Mobswk Saturday night, June 1, tba Lane cam pairs, will coma to a close In tha Em- plra theatre on Morrison street whan the closing 'rally will ba held. Nego tiations hara been In progress for soma time between tha Lane . managers , and tha management of tha theatre and it has been decided to allow Dr. Lane and his friends to hold their last gathering in that place before tha battle. The Lane forces are much pleased oyer securing- the Empire building, fori it la more centrally located than tha armory and mora oonranlent and com fortable. Plans are being perfected fori another big mass masting auch ss was held In tha armory a couple of weeks dropped back to So. a kiss of Be a soars f ram I yesterday, th Chicago wbsat market was Terr I "0 When ex-Benator Oearlo, Judge . a a - ...d - ,. , . I ajaatlwan M-lma . -i a, . a B a a ITrlMasi m,M UaaiAB T . & a..-. a V a 8 assbj isaarsiva. opvimi wweff Dill F xyvm wiu 1UIJWI JuW VfJll7U Vilff v: si 111 v-iiism vwwt wni w Dtimff durinff th riy Ipaiim . . , ., .W "mcac7Th."wb.L T.h ,,at d tha. Other Llrerpool opened lower and closed higher. I fsatnres of tha evening have not been The TJlxltke Elarator eamnan at Omaha 1 determined UBOn definite!- aa vet but r-Mr1-! n,T" .tM-tt wmpie sc green I will be announced In a short tlma. vase mmi aarranx. n.n.. Th.r mm Aave mmi . . ... ... . . . - .... . . on the eroo. The et.iV l. w .11-. -i.k ui. ww niso D me place or . Kay Si. .........I .87 .BO 14 . 1.00H . '1.0i4 '00 .88 81. Bed Top tost Oslo. Inaln- S9 IK .K.r Ooldftald Mining dropped ; 28c. Loa DllloB With tha dosing bat ellirhtlr changed from Largo Savings! For Vhorn? Th first obligation of an Insurance Company is to be safe; to be safe. .This the Mutual Life) -. - has met from the first: for sixty-four years its solidity" ' hu been eYsrywhert recognized. The next obligation is to be economical. This the Mutual Life has met in Tarying; decrees. : For most of its history its record in this respect was enyisble, but a few years ago its management lost sight of this and became open to just criticism., Nov this hu been corrected, and things are different, : TEie Miiiual . Life Insurance ip&ny is today under a new management that . has done much and will do all to restore snd surpass its early record as the best caretaker of the -insured , Mean while, where are the very Urge aannga resulting to gof To in policyholders, of course. To be 01 to become one means theiefore to shaie to unusual savings ss well as unusual security. - - i The Time to Aci Is NOW. Fm the aa forms ef policies coniult eat ' earest agent, Ot sritt direct Tha MMtuaJ life lnswsaca Caatpaay I New Yavk. - - n t. - a I Ollabaa I E,br', Pro"a, per lb; asparagus. 1 912.KS, Columbia Mt 48c, Jumbo 93 BOA, Jam- I -.Ta 7i5I. t w 11 b 90(2900 P dos. kBBcne; rbahsrb. 8Ha bo Krt. 81.6X). Vsrnal 20c, ftnnsylTanU Sc. 5lTi rebruary I J,b,' StTi- 16?? Cs, S1.00. Kaaan.Ma. Booth 41. "a asOB bell peppers, 98 60 per crate; spin-1 hlue Boll tHe. Adams lie. Bllrer Pick 64a, r box; bead lettuce, avdoa; hot- I May Queen lSeA, Ner. Boy Sa, B. B. Ext 8. Blu BeU 18a, Dixie c, O. Columbia 40a, Hlbernla Sc, Bt. Irea SSc; Conqueror 12c, Blk. Rock 6c, Lon Star 18c, O. Wonder So, Pot Iscb 8oe Or 80e, Kendall Bxt, 8. Bsndst. Ext. be, Maya 8e, AUanU 6Tc, Orest Bead ft&e, Blmaron SOeA, Empire lOo, Bad Top Ext. 26c. riorenc 84.KL DUm'f. B. B. Con. 28c. 0. Daisy 81.07H. Lsgans 8 1.20 A, Common- ach. 11.00 ne bona, 91.75 per box; cucumbers, (1.2632.00 weisaianes, 10 sue pnacass; .eggpisat, xe DRIED rBCITS Apple, eeaporsted. SltO e per in; spnoots, 1HMCX1 Ut20a nar Ibt nsecbea. 12C11SU Dr lb: eseke. Ua nar lb Ism: nmnea. 80 te 40. Sotflc: Us dma ea eaeh 1-10 amaller else; ngs, California black. eH per lb; them - " """a Lane rally tomorrow night at Which Orsea burs are reported making their way time Judge Pipes .and Mayor Lane will ten mm raieago ssys that tney aaaraas tha voters of that district on Pennsrlrsnla. That state ralaed I .1.-. . 1 1 . about W.000,000 buahsla last iioa. V"5L Ii ""'i. Local Xaraet Oood. . '"-.r." J luw I1""? Local wheat Tslnes ara rr eond. Aa hleh r.""u.n? g":wnen ne will as 88 la resorted nald for blnastem and all leu 01 nl" POHClas and Of What hla ad- ether gradea show similar sdrsncaa. Local mlnlatratlon -has , accompllahed for tha rionr market quiet with bo foreign selling, it good government of the city and tha !m- Californla white. Q0He per lb; dates, roldea, 94.60, per bait tarda, 91.4OSJ1JI0 pet IS-fa beau j , flrooerlea. Xsta, Xto . 8UOAR Cubs, 88-12U powderad. SS.STHl berry, 93.82H; dry granaUUd. 99.77H: Btsr. Hi conr. a, 99-77 HI extra B, 96.27 H! goiaen U. S3. 17; D yeDow. 96.07HI "PT.'J1' ". T" 1 provement of municipal affairs, .... ..un ..u u, eiu, ws) man wmii , 1 , B(1.N,M, in v- v-i - "'gr mrmmvmmmm iuwvuilgi W Ul UmJAU for the first ward tonight at Twenty- foe e. cash considers tloa. wsalth Comb. Fract. 92.88 , Or. Bend , Ext I Official Chicago prices by Carteck. BUrr third and Thorman streets. ic, or. nana anx. ie, aaunnorm euea, 1 g-Oooks cooipany: ' I r beet I Pick Ext. Sc. T. Boee 7c. CoL Mt, Ext. 4c, J - - - - - a fvMica V. ev. A f 71 1 KM 7BUUW, ft. VI f t g t Bjtl, wV. a. . gvosrey v -wa aas as.. for tba rental c-f Und tbaa Isst year. Po. I gnu,Qi,ted, 9.S7H; barrels, 10c; half bsrreU, Ooldf, Cwas. 96.60. DUm'f. Triangle SO. tstos ars sum being planted bsrs snd there a tha apuads, and wblls som ef this plant Ing le ef aa experimental character, tha result win bar to be reckoned with, nererthelee.' " . Weal Salsa Aj ttulte Oeoi, . The wool trade tapert much better con ditions ta tbs local market. Prices paid art somewhat better than last week owing to tb brutkar demand from tha seat, Twenty-twe rents Is th top Sot valley wool at thla time but aome groweia are holding back for higher furores; contending that their stocke ara worth sereral eesta-mors tbaa .Is Oregon." - ' ' ' ... Spring Chicken Are Weaker, V : With . larger ' arrivals ths spring chickens trade is not la so good condition snd this re sults In some dealers making a slight' eonces slon la the price to msks tb. market more l better, 26c; boxes. 60s adranea cai sack basis. (Above prices are SO days net cash eaota- v BOKET-98.S0 par erata. '"'-" COFFEB Package brands. 818.88016.68. SALT Oarae Half pooad, 100a, 111.00 per toa 60s, 911-uOl sable, dairy, 80s, fla.OO 100s, siaio; Dales, 2jx; imported Liverpool, oue, 918.00; 100s, 917.00; t24s, 918.00: xtra fum, B. Bonsasa So, Kewsaos Too, Bsmeralds auca, I WHEAT. nruaiia jec, vracser sara are, inwa -1 - Onea. . Blrh. tjarn. Kilo. s5: T"lsear . 2?, September lM 100 i 102 4 v December 101 Z lOBVt OOBISTOC& VIHTKICT.' " ' - CORlf . " " Ophir 77c, Mrxloan 41e, Oonld Q Ourry 14a, I May BSU 64 68 Con. Vh-glnin 67e, 8a rage 80c. Hale as Wor-ljuly 62H , B8 62 Vt cross 80s Xlkw Jacket 60c, Belabor 18s, Coo- I September t'i 68 t3 iiu.dc wit, aum iev eu,' jwcnvuaw Ave. L'nloa Slfc BOLLTBOa OISTBICT. ' V Original lie, Bullf. M. CL ITcA. Koat BuHf. CToee. 7 88 Ta 100 100 . 101 nrnni rTnn innni i II I I III! Mill bbls. 2a, Ss and 10a, 94JOi6iO; Urerpool I Be. Nat. Bank 180,1 Harris fc. Amethyst SOe, I May July 1 6eptmbc ....... VI s of- lump rock. 820.60 per. torn 60-lb rack. 811.00: 100s, 910.60. . , . - s.- . '(Above prices sddIt ' sales ef leas tbaa paid la western I ear lots. Car lota at special prices subjeot to iiuciasuons. RICK imperial Japan, No. I. Sc; Ke. t, 6; hew Orleans, bead, 7e; AJax, 6c; CrsoM, Bi4- BHAHB Sman 7c Denver But. Anx. IOcA, Bonnie Clar 42c, MayfL - Cons. 84c, Monty. Ohio Ext. 7e, O. ' Scepter 14c Monty. Mt 14c, B. Daisy 10c, HomrsUk. Ooae. 84c, Tanks Olrl 6c, Nugget 6c, Tramp Cons, 80c, Victor 12c0, Sunset he, North Star ScA. TOKOPAS DISTBICT, Ton. Nar. 916.0OA, -lsont. Ton. 92 70, Ton. Ext. 91.S6, MacNamara 27c, Midway 26c, Ton. Bshnont 98.40. Ton, No. Star 22c, Ohio Ton. Sc, West End Oons. 70c, Resco 16e. Ton. A white. 88.80: larre white. S.29; pink, 88.20; bayoo. 8s.76; Llmaa, ei exlcao reds. 4& .i. L I NUTS Peanuta, Jamba, SU per lb Tlr-J Csllf. 6c, Golden Anchor e, Jim BaUr 86e, Egg market-show many prices; soma ef nelginia. iua per lbs roasted. 10 aer tb: Jsoa-1 Ton n.ah nm He num. a, w. nvm. , trad still contending that 18c Is ths top, while J nese, 6fn5Hc; rossted, 7WTH per lb; cocoa-1 ijca. Monarch Pitts, Ex. 12c, Mont. Mid. Ext. vmvre arv jot w imiiivv uii ur are wib.u, ooiavw per oosj wsmnis, vsiinnvw, iw 1 IOCA. rl X. Ton. (Joria. IOCA. - v -earing a high as UUe. with aom sales at I Per lb; rrenca, 15c per lb; pin nuts. 140160 1 , .,..,. - " tb. towsaOgnr, ; ? Pr lb; hickory aota lOe p lb; ehestnuta. . . ""X'A: ... W.W1.I tUUlW VWS Wi DIUU BUI 0 I rr . ' ' . w. OATS. 47 14 88i ME88 PORK. May ..........1632 ' 18S 1881 July .....1945 IMS . lfW2 j September n...1667 1670 1660 LAfD. ... May 800 . 000 a I July 817 10 September .. S22' 927 SHORT BIBS. May 878 878 July 8R8 87 September .. 887 ' 887 84 tw a if i 48t 475a SH tB 8iiB I SOS 06 IT 878 877 S82 1832 1662A 1606 1 00 10A 922B 879 882 807A IXVZXPOOL SRAIV 1CAJLXXT. Creamery batter movement t the north Is e being paid fbr ahlpment there. Prlc here nncbsnged. Takima Hops Bsu Low. atssts, TUh sad Provisions. FRESH MEATS groat Street ilogs, fancy, AnM R.i.w. te .- .. ?e9c psr lb: large, 8f7e per.lh; veal, xtra. . ..7- . -.h.. v' T i.A k: 1 par lb; ordinary, 7 So per lb; poor. lb: mutton, fancy. 838c ner lb. uah b, uaijon, Blu. -or ua no psca t wcai; that sales of choice Takima bops bsd been : made yeaterday at 6c for choice . stock. It Is . suted that a large number of deal la Tsk- una aiw aooin w oe pnsnea wrong n Dentate 1 lue per lb; 18 to 20 lbs. 16c 1 break growers there are more la ths Ides of seUlng J bacon, lBM4t2c Pr lb; picnics, 12c per lb; rnsn xnoss in uregon. uowevsr it is reported 1 cottars roll, liue per lot regular abort clears. - that slightly more tbaa a earlot wss purchased onanuiked, 12c per lb; smoked, 12a per lb; by s local dealer bar st 4a far something bet- clear backs, ansmoked, 12c; smoked. 13e per -ter than straight mediums. lb; Cnion butts, 10 to 18 lbs, unsmoked, PC w r m.. ipj. psr lb; smoked, Se per lb; clear bellies, nn- Brut antes ef the Trade. smoked. UHe per lb; smoked. IStto per lb; A car of eabbaga and a car ef lemons ware shoulders, Ufta pet lb; pickled tongues, SO among the morning's arrivals from the Booth each. - " this moralng. - . . LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf, 10s, 18ia per Strawberries sre lower with ths more lib- R: Ss, U per lb; 60-lb Una, 12fce per lb: eral supplies. Arrivals In general are not ef steam rendered. 10a, 12c per lb; sa, 1SH best quality. Boas strictly fsacy stock sells 1 V 'Fx .??,ru.n.0' .''.r 17c. Mustsna 18c. Little Orev ITe., I Sept. 2c, Or la-, Manh, 18c A. Brancho 7s, Plnanut I t July Sept. lie. Buffalo Sc 8. Dos- 12e. T. Hme Sa. In. 1.B1UUO iixoi nivi a. Stlw aflv. Vln- tit.. as.iH v 1- M.1 1A , . ik 1 .1 1 il, , . Ik. I Nevada Hllla MA SA Ha A. a ti -. . - 16 14 e per lb; 18 to 20 lbs, 16c; breskfsst I Bsgle's Meat Sla, Bnby Wonder 15c, Alice ef I LrfarpooL May 24. Official prices: v - WHEAT. Open. Close. ... 7 Sd 7s 8d ... 7s Sftd ' 7s 4Ud CORN. . ... 4s 10Ud 4s 1014 d ...4s 10Hd 4s 10i4d May 28. Oaln. 7s 2d d Ta 4 fed '- 4s lOTad 4 lOVid la SSc aver cnotatlons. The sscnnd shipment ef poor atrlng beans, from Denver were rejected 'by th local trade on account of quality. , a small - shiomsnt vt Anetrahsa anlbn ar rived this morning In good shape, give cents 1.1 1 ass ta meets marvel continues with a : good demand for small slse of both real and CANNED SALMON Columbia river. 1-lh tails. 81.80; 2-lb talla, 92.76; fancy l ib fists, 91.80; -lb laacy fUta, 81.16; fancy l ib orala. 92.76; Alaska talla, pink, SSOSOe; red, 91.60; nominal, 2s, tslL 92.00. PISH Bock cod. 7 per lb; flounders, 6e per lb; bsUbut, Te per lb; striped bsss. 12e per lb; catflah, - 10c per lb; salmon, fresh Columbia Chinook, lie per lb: staelbcad, Se per lb; her ring, 6 per lb; soles, 6c per lb; shrimps, 10 - - - . . J .. UUUO. IWl .IKI Wonder 60, Pittsburg BUver . Peak 91.80. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Report That Fraacbbw of ConsoU dated Gae Is m Danger. . Ths New York market was rather alow to. day. Tb weakness In Southern Railway pre- atock receipts ALL LIS LIVESTOCK ARE QUOTED EAST TODAY rortlaus Vniom Utoctrwto. Ma U.Ur SALE IS CLOSED lToaal'3lx Hundred , Forty-Five Thousand Pounds Highest, Twenty-Two Cents. (Special Dispatch to The Joexnal.) . Pendleton, Or- May 14. Tha follow ing Bales of wool closed tha sals last evening: - ( i Deane Goodman, 19,107 pounds atlOH cents, to Bleeman Bros., Boston. I Shank, 17,9TB pounds at 19 cents, to Rosa.. . " ": .- Harry Rogers, S,ZS pounds at 19 cents, to Lafayette Worsted mine. Wooneocket, Rhode. Island. A. Knotta, 90,070 pounds at 11 cents, to Orcutt. . Lchre A Pomeroy. 10,998 pounds at 19 cents, to Patterson. A number of clips were not sold, the sales price . not being acceptable to holders. , Tha total of 848,091 pounds wars sold. Altogether prloea ranged from It to 21 eenta. : : ' The next Oregon sale will be at Hpp ner, next , Tuaeday, - May : 18, and the next aale at Pendleton will ba held June .,;s ,v . .j:Vv v REPORT OP THE CONDITION - Security Savtags Ik Trust Co. ' Statemsnt at tha Ooat of Bnslness' Hajr 20, 1907.' , " RESOURCES.' ' " ' - t Loans .; ... i i. .... . . f 3,304,034.47 Bonds 1,349,TB5.85 Real Estate e,T402T Cash and due from Correspondents. ...... 1.531,981.19 . v : i ".' : - ,.v1' ' s - ; . ., r- -.s-yj - ,. , f 3,243.511.78 -v, i'.' J.,-t .l LIABILITIES. . Capital .......t . 500,000.00 . Surplus and Undivided Profits .... 277,755.63 Deposits 5,434,75615 ;.'',v "i;.'', ' :,:X',: ' .', f 6,342,611.78 OFFICERS. C F. Adams, President A I MHls, 1st Vice-Pres't . . R. G. JuWtg, Secr. L. A. Lewis, 2nd Vice-Pres't G. F. Russell, Ass't See.; . , DIRECTORS. C A. Dolph. : " L. A.' Lewis; Joseph Simon? A. L. Mills. ' ' C F, Adams. J. N. Teal James F.. Failing-. A feneral Bankins; and Trust Company business transacted, Interest i - paid on Saving Acconnta and Tim Certificates of Deposit Closing, showing a loss of 2T points. Cnlon I Today Pacific wss firm with a gala of 2. The 1 Week i general market wss np. London wss weak for v... , trlcsns. Tb Bock Inland company will is-1 Prrrioos rear '.. 810,000,000 of long-time first refunding 4s. I There was a - Bog. ...... 18 .....' SOS Cattw. 1 8SS .1,408 1 40 1.011 SS -' 427 sne 910,000,000 ef long-tlms first refundina 4s. I Th... nr. imUt m.. ii Consolldsted Oas was sold br traders en th 1 14, w .v., .-. i. I k. if- r . i. i- j, - t . -k v I t:.., -i-i i. A 'C ":F"' . -l receipts were Jignt ana au values paid at the m vwa.iioniitr ruling. npsnyt IRISH ARE KEEPING LIEIi OUT OF ENGLISH MIT hogs. Large sixes not so good movers at the par lb; perch, Se per lb; black eod, 7c per lb; price. ' v.. I tomcod,' 7 per lb; lobeteea, 16e per lb; fresh mscserei, oc per to, crawii.a, jw per oos; srnr- geoa, loc per in; Discs nssa, au per lb; Coiui California eharrlas sre In aiueb heavier sun-' ply snd some poor stock 1a selling down to 91. : Fish trade still reports a great scarcity of salmon with' the likelihood of an advsae la Prlc. . , . . ., '. : -. The trade pays th following prices to Front street. Prices paid shippers are less regular commissions: t ' Orala, Flour. 'Bod Feed. :' : V' . OKA IN BAGS Cslcutts, 8c, large lots: small lots. 10c. j WHEAT Clnb, 87c; red Boaelan, 8Bo; bloe stem. Sttc; tsller. 87e. - ,. . COEN Wbole, $3HM; cracked. 926.00 par gal . ivn. DESCRIPTION. bla river smelt, Se per lb; a had, Sc per lb; roe I snsa, oc per id; snav roe, ids psr in. orSTEUS Shoslwstsr bay, per gallon, 82.50; per lw-io sacs, as.ou; viympis, per gallon, 92.25; per 116-lb sack,' 96XO06i( JDsgle, ! eanseo, luc can, i.uu uoa. Amalgamated Copper Am. Car Found., co Am. Cotton OIL com.. Am. LocomotlT, oom.. All lines easy; eattla 88 A rear age today - i oown. . nfffrfal Ilieetnea ttrlma Hogs Best eastern Oregon, 9.SOiT.OO; j An Antl-Enllstrnent " CflmDaJoTI stockers and feeders, 900006.25: China fats, ' , waiupoikjn fO.X0CO.OU. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, 9X40j rsaor I fm. Sugar, com iuo per dos.,,' clams, 92.00 per box, Fslats. Coal OIL Its. Am. Smelter, com, Anaoonda Mining Co... BOPB Pur Manila. 15c; standard. lgsie. "tTO!2,'!0"-'" slaal. lie. , " I Sri?.'. "":-... l ib k 4. a nBiiiiimra aw iinin earann coal oil rean astrai vases, 1BH per I nmnirT.. -iifv-Ti'.' .1: water white. Iron bbla. 17 na? JX I Sf?.' Trsnslt BAELKT Mew Feed, 21.00(!f 22.00 per' ton! I 2iue ner sa! lied, S23.00!g24.00; brewing, 922.002S.00. I OASOLIKB-86 d Kiden.-lTa net sail hesdllehU 170 J.i I """."- "' cases, 24U per aal: tl' ?,,Y wa.i;- INn ner a.L I y"f m rem. BENaiKB el dec cases, SSc per gal; Iron Iron bbls, 18e water white. roiiea, .wa.w, uc - KTB 81.65 per cwt. OATSI New Producers price No. 1 white, 828.B028.00 per ton; gray, 927.6028.00, - rXiOUB Kastera - Oregon patents, . 94.55; straights, 94.00) export, 94.00; valley. 93.80 4.15; graham, . 98.78: wbole wheat, 94.00; rye, 60s, 6.00; bales, 9175. .-.. Y. ...V MILLSTVFFS Bras, 917.00 per ton; mid. dlings, 926.00! shorts, eountiy, , 920.00: city. fi.uwi anvi , iB.uwf,.w. I l-bbl lots, 6c; esses, Obe per gsl mai maviwn Jf"moty, willsmett kettle-boiled, esses, 60c psr gsl: 5-bbl Dry, fancy. 914.0017.OO; ordinary, 912.009 l-bbl lots. 65 per gsl; ground cake, a AfaaB slitakAAh sr f fl afait rs AA . ... I i . . . . I CM, A N. W.. com..,. Lnesapeas at tjmo. , """'Lt-.t'" . . 1rvi V i a. r .11: TCKr E fl IXn B IB CBS, BOO BCf gal: WOOdCB I iZZ'- o. .. ' ' . a nn. , m. hmmih iiaAiiii,iiM. , 910.0010.&0; clover. 88.609.00; grain, 88.00 " ' -" - winu sweei cream, xc; eour, jvc. BU'WBB City creamery, 22c; seconds, 20ft suiaiua, uuni evwuua, suftc; stors, ; .. EftftH Extra fancy, candled. 18ffll8Uc. . . CHEEflJt New Foil cream, flats, lSHOluc -per iu; ziHiue, mineiii-., iviiwjic per lb. v POULTBlt Mixed emcxena, lsgisvie per lb; fancy hens, uhic per in; rooatera, old, 12c - per jo; oia stage, uwu, per lb; fryers, 2c lb; ,broila, 25e per lb; old ducks, 18014'' per lb; spring ducks. 2ie22e per lb geese, old, 910e per lb; spring geese, rjuri 13c per lb? turkeys, 17c per lb for old: ijuaue, e -w " -' v e.w per aoa i Aireeeea pooior iii per io nigner, ' . Xops, Wool sad Bides. ? HOPS 1S0S crop Prime te choice. It; me- aium w prune, vtitiv, auvujuiav ejt)c: eon- WOOL 190T dip VaUey, a0O22c; esstern . uregon, io. s uitHDA- New 1807 29(228 We. smiEr-SKINS Shearing, lBftaOe eacbi abort wool, 2&40e; medium wool, 6076e eacb: 'ling woir76celX each. T TALLOW Prime, per lb, 8Hej Me, 2 and greaae, I'piiii. CHITTIM BA. i HIDES lrr,! Wow 1, 19 lbs and up, 17a ;ise per lb; dry kip. No. I. 9 w 15 lbs, 165 . Inc; dry calf, So. I, under 8 lbs, 20c: salted bides, steers, sound, 60 lbs and arar, H"4c; cows, b9c; stsgs sad bulls, sound. 7c; kip, 15 to SO lbs, i Sc; calf, sound, under 16 1M, lie; green, enssiiea, is aw cniia, lc per lb lass; tors hides, aslfced, each, 91.0802.00; dry, each, 91.O0uil.6O; colt bides, 25090c; goat skint, common, each. 10016c; Angora, sacl. UcUfl.bO; alieep skins, 25c4l1.60. (,- -''. '.: FruitS' and Vegetables, . ; POTATOES Taney, 92.00; sweets, Se psr lb; KlONb-Wobhlng price No. 1 Oregoo, 920 2 Mi; Ne. X L.U0 1.26; Teraa and AustrsUso, HKSc pec lb; garlic, 8c per lb. Ai-t'LES Kancy Hood Blver, 92.5008; fsacy lUnmeti eallsy and soutbem Oregon, 92.00 t'.'M. - . IHKSH FRCITS Orsngea new navel. 98.60 ' n.s; Meillterranean swsets,' 9-29w2.S0; taa i ti,sv; bannbaa. gc ' per . lb; lemons, i -1. . , jftt asr iuaiea, Msxlcaa, fiJii -per i tai 606e fog car lots; small bbls. 83c per aal. WHITB LKAXwroa tots, 1e per lb; 600-lb lots, 8e per lb; less lots, 8Hs per lb. WIRE NAILS Present baa la at I2.85. LINSEED OIL Pure raw, la 6-bbl iota, SOe; l-bbl lots, 68c; esses, 68c per gsl; gsnulu lots, 64c; w y -- i muiMi 920.00 par toa; less than car lets, 930.00 per ton. ; , ',", .. ; , . . TTBTfSD STATES OOTiamfEaT B01TDS, ,. New Tork, May 84. Oovsrnment bonds: ' . flats. Bid Ask. Twos, registered 1005 104 104 do coupon ......1B30 1 104 104 Threes, registered .1018 102 j 103, - . ' . 1Q1B 1IM M i Threes, smaU bonds.. 1918 101 Foun, registered, sew.. ....1925 129 do coupon ... ..,., lwb Fours, reghrtsrsd. old. 1907 do coupon .........."1907 Fours, Philippine t..,..lV14 do coupon Twos, Panama, registered. . -. . 129 -129 102 . 102 lOs" 109 PORTLAJTD BAVX BTATZHIVT, n..Mn..t inn., . .SSfll.nw). 2o ' C J l 1 Oil . n .... . t . . ao year ago .,....... .... nv,i,.w minora. m rvu Colo. Southern, vtafa Hi QH com.. srie, - com..........,,, do 4d preferred..... Illlnola Central Loulsvllls A NsshvUl. Manhattan Ball way ... Mexican Central, com. M., K. ft T., com..... Distillers ............ Great Northern Federal Bmelters ..... Missouri Pacific ..... National Lead ......... New l'ork Central N. T., Ont sc Wsstera, Norfolk at West, com, North American , Northern Pacific, com., Pacific Mall 8. S. Co... Pennsylvania Hallway,. , P. O., L. C. Co...... Pressed Steel Car, com, , Reading, com........... Rep. Iron A Steel, com. . Bock Island, com St. L. A S. P.. 2d pfd. . St. hi A S. W, com.... Southern Pacific, - com. , do preferred Southern Railway, com.. oo prererrea Gain today , Balances today do yesr sgo ...... 9 81,781.01 , jua,ou.BW .,...,,. i IV, JTEW T0SX OOTTOV KABKET, . Odmi, January ..,,..1168 February ... March ...... .tiW May .........1099 Jane ...... ...1098 : July ....... ...1104 August .......1107 tieptember ...hit October ..... ..11S8 November ....1138 5 December ..,.1148 High. 1109 ii m 110! 1091 1108 1112 1117 1140 1180 1148 ' low. 1145 1158 -10W8 1098 1095 ,1100 1106 1128 1189 1188 May 84. 28. 1147 1151 1161 1158 - 118 1180 1007 1097 14 1098 M 1108 1098 a 1106 1108 1113 1127 1130 1180-1188 1138 v 1188 BEBBtES AS.X BCABCE., (Special Dlapatcb to Ths JonrnaL) Hood River. Mav SS. The limct ahfimM bsrries this season wss sent out from here yes terday. It consisted of 80 erstes at 98 a crsts. Tlie -demand for berries Is far ta xceas of th apply and ss yet th fruit la ripening but siwiy. picker sr also scarce, v . " Y; Tba less eaid about the Core v a until the dlvorca eaaa comaa up th batter. Texas a Pacific. Tol St. L .A w., com., Union Pacific, com..... do preferred..,..,..., TJ. 8. Rubber, com.;. .. U. S. Steel Co., com.... do preferred...,. Wabssh, com ........... Western TJntoa Tel..... Wis. Central, com.,..., Virginia Chemical ...... H 809s 87 4 86 88 85 85 20 29 28 29 68 68 67 67 121 122 120 121 116 119 118 118 5 80 68 69 26 26 86 25vl 8J bH 87 88 06 05 94 5 52 58 62 53 170 171 170 17r 22 , 32 22 22 io 10 eiZ 128 128 126 128 148 149 148 149 84 85 84 84 80 80 ? 29 29 82 22 22 S2 29 25 88 22 32 22 22 ...... ..... ..... 86 185 118 118 112 112 ..... ...... ..... 188 , 20 82 82 82 82 63 127 128 - 12S 127 W" 'T4 Ts" 78 60 61 80 61 100 111 109 110 84 84 88 82 ..... .... 75 ; I 67 I 08 I 60 ers. S4.2 4.60; best cows and heifers, 99.2508.60; bulls, 92.0002)0. oneep enearea, mixea, .ov; aimn, o. SHARP BREAK IN HOGS Makes' It Hard to Secure Soldiers for Country. (Journal Special Servlc.) Dublin, May 11. The antl-enllatmeot i vmHnj aavw r- wlth uncompromising lgor by the Blnn Cattle Steady and Sheep Strong. a ,mxl?'ul r ... I recruiting for tha British army to such Chicago, May 34. UTeatocx receipts: lan extent that the mUltary-authorities ksnaiV City";::::::.':: i.600 1:060 4:000 anU-anllstment propaganda is carried on Omaha 1.600 1,000 adroitly that they can devise no nogs . ars ioc iowr witn -a.ow lert over, tee- metnoas or errectualiy cneoung ' It, eelnta s vssr aco were 14.000. Price: Mired, nv.. .v.. t. aa fnti a. fc.. .K oko, ai. I. .u .u.iain.w ""Wf imiuum.- tViFSStV 86i5062r''', tlon which is turned agalnat them. AmericanWalionalBanit ' SAN DIEGO, CAL. Capital (paid arp) lfV00. Suplmg a&at tTav Profits frSOOOO. : Offleers and rXrwotora: Lonls J. Wilde, pres.; R, M. Powera, , Tloe-Prea; H. B.. Id la, Vtee-Prea; Chaa. X WUllama, Cah - ler; U J. Rloa, Aaelstant Caahler; & Btrahlman. p V Tear gaulfla sTorthwart Xtaans ;,-'". ' Send Us Te&r Vlsllsrs Ur Cood Treatnccl SAN DIEGO'S CLIMATE Toar timea tn tha history ef Saa Diego" has tha tempera ture touched 83 degrees, but hag never fallen lower. Ths temperature of Saa Diego hag exceeded 90 degrees but nine teen times n vninytwe yaara. ' I 1 i '. - - .- i ',' v'. ' V ,. , ' , i . - Y" I ' i . j f ' ' ' i . j Cattle Steady, Bheep Strong. SHIPMENTS OF. WOOL Vale Sending Hoary Supplies to Mar- v ket hearjng Under Way. . That Is shown by thla -extract frem "The Republic," a Sinn Fain organ pub- lianed in Helfaat: r. v., "Wherever a military garrison ' Is found In Ireland, tha place haa become I a moral plague-spot. In ail armies lm- moralltv la Drevalent. but tha Ena-llsh ! army Is unspeakably bad, and far worse than any other In tha world... In proof of this refer to tha Army Medical Re-I 87 122 3ts 119 HI 100 i9U 01 fi in 19 K 68V 137 188 87 82 V. 07 87 120 108 78K llltt 8 138 (Bneelsl Dlsnetcb to The looraaLt Tals. Or.. Mar 24. The shipment of wool I nort rmhllahed bv the wsj- of flea ?L" "'.Jm13.' J'" 1804, which give the incidence of man L.. it. I annually treated In hoapltal for loath mvuiw uiocaooe iuo ioub imuiuraiiiy follows! German army, 17.1; French ff H 124 1 fairly bernn. It Is estimated that 10 timet iUVkl ItXH I .h., anvnimt Will U Silniial fmm, tkU tihn linn rwu I - . . V .7 - "V". ZZZ . . I Dei ore ue ena ox in www evsaoo. 80V 80$ 100 108 19 19 80 n" 110 188 f 88' 88 25 25 6ai ltfT 185 jt" 82 87 j 25 PORTLAND STOCK MARKET 80 Homo Telephone Fives Rise $2J50 In Asked Price Today. Total sales for th day, 589.500 share. Eops la Oood Shape. (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal) 78U llOV irTrpr! 10 I Bsnk of California lost SS ta tha bid and 81 4104 last tha a a brawl nwlsaaa ttnAmw stau aViak IamI sSWriaivtarst I1??? I Horn Phon 6s advanced 82.50 la tb asked y I prlc. Other bond unchanged. associsiea uu nsx sj.ou m in nia ana sx in th ked. ,',' - ' -' Cascsdts lost a, whll Tseoma Steel gained the same sum. - In th Ooeur d'Alene Mat BulTioa gained e. 0. K. Consolidated lost tb oema sum. Best unchanged. No sales. ? , . . i . Official values) r r t ' ' BANK STOCKS. 1 ') Bid. Aaked. Bank of Caltfornla ....9840.00 8350.00 Bankers' 4 Lumbermen's ..... 104.00 ..... 28U 137 tn , 88 88 8 12 til 16 25 army,' 81.1: Austrian army. 95.3; Italian army, 94.3; Britlah army. 112.4 per 1,- 000 men." . . r : Tha figures for: tha military., station I at Dublin, which are also quoted, ars j far above, tut , average 280 : per 1,000. i The subject Is one which doea not ad-1 mlt of discussion except In medical Jour nal But tha appalling figures speak for themselves. And having given pub-1 llclty to them . in the first .place, - the war oinoe cannot wen. institute proceed ings against those who quote' them and draw obvious conclusions from them. II Merchanta National I Or? eon Trust A Ba' Sara, Wash., Msy 84.-Th bop fields here I "JTJ 8 Tings ... i oopgrowsrs are n, altbough labor ars in fine condition and the boi un with cultivation and training. Is hard to obtata at any prlc. Preparations mast be msae to ear tor ue urge crop that la aatlclpaUd. t . , a....... .. .. , 900.00 185.00 160.00 120.00 - v : July Wheat Today, Chicago ......8 .09 Bt. LOUIS ., .K..... .VOl New Tork 1.06 silnseapoUs ........................... 1.00 Tha machine senators In 'How": Tork were forced , by .tba people to yield. Everywhere the machines ar , losing their aTift, 3. ..;v- ..Y,;Y. Cnited States National LISTED flECTJHITIBS , (BONDS). ' American Biscuit Co. Ss ..... S.50 100.00 City Suburban 4s ..... 93.00 Home Telephone 6s ........... 87.50 O. R. N. By. 4s ........... 97.00 100 00 O. W. P. By. 6s 100.00 108.50 Psclfle Cosst Biscuit Ss ..... S7.00 PortUnd By. 6s .............. 80.29 s MISCHLLArTEOUB rTrOCKS. .1 Aasoclsted Oil .............. 80.00 S3 00 Home Telephone ... i .;. 89.00 42.50 Pacific Tel. TeL (pfd.) ..... ,100. tlO Paget Bound TeL v .. I . ... (X00 - ' kfl NINO ' STOCKS, j ! , ; . Y ' " " Lskeview ..................... - .19 i AUnhttUa Crown. Pvtat ..... Jl .28 .r$LoSO Excursion Rate to Seaside I j .Sunday, May..26th Taka advmnta of tha low Sunday rata from Portland to gee aide sad return, which win ba withdrawn after Sunday, Jan t,' : 'fM msTU,ull" 1JraKi i y. sr. vj' l Via (be s4storia& Columbia River Railroad A HALF DAY ON THE BEACH Tickets on sals- At Northers Paotflo ticket office, Third and Morrison Sta. and at Union Depot. - , . SL ST. TEWTIK9, ' .: lewnexea ASToaxa, ojub. AeTwa. Tha General Federation of Labor of Franca haa now assigned June 1 aa tha data upon which all organized workmen of that country will cease etork and re main out ' until a ' general 'Sight-hour workday is conceded. Porlci Mining .T .19 Wsshoufal Ext .26 UNLISTED STOCKS. ' " Tsqulna Bay Tel. 5.75, Oregon City Mill te Lumber Alaska Petroleum ;...,.,..., i .15 BrttUh Columbia Amal. Cascadla Mtnmoia ..,..,.,..... norning . ........... Standard Con. Tseoma Steel..... COECB D'ALZNB DISTBICT. Buttloa -. ...................... , .10 Copper King .12 Happy Day r.. ...... ...".v..,., -04 0. K. Con. ....i. ......... .04 - Snowabo .40 i Snawstoroi ., 2.90 a a a tn . aj . .22 .00 .08 .07 .09 M 10.00' 4.00 1 .25 .xo .15 . -06 .10 .10 .05 .05 i .47 ! 8.00 rwwwwwww ..T,,....., i To AstoriatSunday-iVIay 2i& i FAST: : ,STH. TELEGRAPH i Will leare Alder-street dock 8 A? M.; arrir Astoria 1 P. M. -Leawa T Astoria 3 P. M4 arrir Portland 9 P. M. . 1 ROUND TIUP G1.00 Meals served, SOe Tickets on sale Alder-st dock. Ph6ne Main 5fS5 --a-m......,..A...,..w........ , . ' ' 4V ;;Yr,v.,tYC:,;Y' .-'v--yij:,': V-"VVVVT TT.TTTTTTVTTVVVVVVVVTVVVTTvTVVVTfvTfffV