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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,; PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 21, IC07. IMDi! Comer F!rt end Ald:r Stir - 1 -, Home of Government Inspected Heats : IS NOW THE LARGEST RETAIL BUTCHER SHOP IN PORTLAND ; 1 . '. rrTBMBHaM-oaBnaMMWMnanMaMaMaaaBaaaaaBaBnnM . .sv a i ?sw a , i ,. -a . il " - . eMsaskr j i.r - -m -s"" .P" wsav i ll n 1 1 in . t ' 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 ;.ir sr. .. Our constantly growing business demanded that' we greatly increase our quar- ' ters; we have done so now occupying almost double our former, space j we have installed large new ice boxes, we have increased the number, of blocks and salesmen, and with pur two entrances one on Alder street, we are ready to supply you quickly and satisfactorily, :with, theJbest meats' in" Portland at the lowest prices. V Visit Us Bright and Larly in Our Enlarged and Thoroughly Equipped Market And now wt know too ire tacer to hear the reeult of our orb contest. In which we offered fire meat order, values from $5.00 down to $1.00. for the beat aniwer to little Bobby Stronse oneatlon to his father: "Paoa. whr is government inaoected meat the only safe meat to eat?" - We won't keep you waiting another minute. Here they are read them end note that we received such numbers of excellent answers that we had to extend the priie list, rivinc seven more than we promiaed. If your name (orinitlala) appears as author of the published answers, call Saturday, earl, for your prise. NOTSAWben so requested, names a,re not published. . .--t First Prixe-A $5.00 Meat Order, awarded to Marcaret Faber, 420 East r Second Prixe-A $2J0.Meat Order, went to Mrs. 8. L. M. F 960 Tbirty.Fourth street. , Here is her answer to Bobby's question: Broadway. Here is her answeri , "Because farmers and cattlemen having old, uaeleis, of aickly cattle , "Became, my son, our government as well ai, others would'not employ send them off to the butcher. Government inipection stands-"between the inspectors if the conditions of meat offered for inspection had not proven public and such meat, and should be nude eompuuory." V . that scientific inspection was' necessary. 0 t ,'.- "? J . Third Prix e A $2.00 Meat Order,, was won by Mrs. F. F , Front street She answers Bobby's "Befauae'it insures safety in eating it, as it is the purest that can be bought, also protects us from un scrupulous dealers who protect the purse instesd of the puDiic Fourth Prixe A $1 JO Mest Order, was awarded to Rose Killen, 246 Fifth street This la her an swer to Bobby: ''y-.-r "My boy, government inspected beef simply means pure, clean, Sweet and tender meat free from all disease germs, dust and dirt." ' Fifth Prixe. A $1.00 Meat Order, was riven to Mrs. C S. Ronald, 122 East 53d st, who writes: , , ' "Inspected meats, prepared with skill. My son, will never make you ill: They'll mother's every need fulfHL -v . They'll cut in two my doctor's bill, " ' This is what no others wiU." t eilowiag will teeetve, y pveta tkMnaelvM at tke Many Woo acaxket em sjtu4ay amlif, a roast ef af ex tog ef mutton M tkr aaer ehoote, fox skalx faaday SATURDAY SPECIAL) In All Cuts ol Choice Veal Veal Rump Roost. I2c Loin Roast of Veal. ... 12Mc Breast of Veal ... ............. 8c Veal for Stew.....).......... - 6c Veal Cutlets. .. lOc Shoulder, R.oast.....::..... , 8c Price of all other meats art la proportion The writers ef to ADDITIONAL PRIZES - The first on this overflow list of seven ts Mrs. Nora O. Ward, 4(1 tln street 'Well. Bobbr. meat not Inspected, . - , ' t- ... ....mniant should b rejooted. ' " The dealer's consideration belnf wealth, Rather thn perrect neiin. -Mamma knows meat's always food , ' When she burs of Harry Wood." The second Is submitted by Mrs. Berth Bhaver, of MllwauMe. , i "Because overnment Inspectors' must be competent to fill the position, rtMttW government employee would test, all, meats and make reports on merit only." The third on this list Is from Mrs. Ann S. Xetchum, Woodlawn. X3overnment lnepected meat ts best be cause the stamp shows date of kiUlneY Insures freedom from disease forms, guarantees axalnst harmful preservatives, thus Indicating freshness, purity, quality, .cleanliness and healthfulnees." ' '..'.;'''''. "; The fourth on this .list eomes from Mrs. R. A. Oreen, 841 H Morrleoa street "The only safe meat to use when on Is boarding medical students Is government In spected; seven of those gentlemen left my table because I used meat not - Inspected by the' government I. changed shops and felt safe.". y The fifth Is from Geo. K. T. Cook. I0T East .Sherman street. ' "The government's Inspeetloa stamp Is guarantee that the animal was fro from dl aae and slaughtered under sanitary condl : Hon. This wise provision Is all Important to the health of any community." , ' : The sixth Is from Mrs. C. A. Lux, 1 IB Kast Kth street. This Is what she tells Bobbr In rnyme; "Meat by Harry Wood accepted Will never be rejected. It ean't be Infected -When It has been Inspected By Inspectors selected ; . Through our government elected. Be safe! Keep thus protected." St has flvsa us great pleasure to read aU these weB wrlttem wers. It shews that the peopl are thlaxias' eatefally alomr wax food Uae. We Invtt yon to waich fox ear special prls offers next week. '4 Th9 seventh Is the answer of bright UtO lS-yeT-oid girl. Mart Hannlgan, I7t Eaat Couch street. She shows decided rt finality In her reason, also In the drawing wbloh ac companies It. which naturally cannot very ' well be reproduesd. ; -: -; ; ., . . . -;. . - Other Meritorious Answer J ' Other answers that were eerloualy oonsld . ered by the judges as being extremely good were sent In by Q. W. B, Mrs. A. B. Harris. C E. Llndolf, Mrs. Mabel Myers. Mrs. A, Lar son, Gladys Applegat. . P. Gibbons, Mrs, A. Butlhefer. Mrs. Gronqulst, M. Carr, M. J.1, Mrs. B. r. C Lily Glamorgan, J. Pv Mrs. XL Day. Kiel Hen He, M. Leaman, W. T. g., Mrs. F. a Clerk, J. Jordan. Pearl McBrlde, Mrs. C. Springer, Mrs. A. Ahrendt, Mrs. Allen, B. Cobn, M..M. Carr. E. H. W., Mrs. W. C. Ey man, Willi H Tallman, Evangeline Mclntoeb, s Saturday essers 'msaBll pecials Don't overlook the good things at Portland's Biggest Store during your Saturday shopping. v, . p f ;Qyjg jje pr ypiir Suny.dinntt.: ! 1 .. DRESSER'S JAP NOUGATE.;,.;....:. ............ .Regular 50c Now 35e DRESSER'S ilOLXSSES COCOANUT CARAMELS .Regular 25c Now 20 DRESSER'S CHEWING CHOCOLATES.... ............Regular 40c Now 25e '.''V-': BAKING l' ' . ' ... DRESSER'S ASSORTED POUND CAKES. . .Regular 40c Now 30e DRESSER'S GOLDEN ROD CAKE. . ..... .V; Regular 25c Now 20e DRESSER'S FANCY MACAROONS. Regular 50c Now 40f VERMONT MAPLE SYRUP, absolutely pure,, gallon ; . . .... . . . ?2.25 PIN MONEY PICKLES, pints. ; . .35f . GET THE HABIT OF SHOPPING AT Dresser's Mammoth Table Supply Bouse FIFTH AND STARK Branches: East Fifteenth end Broadway, end Seaside, Oregon HERRICK REFRIGERATORS ! GEMS OF PERFECTION rnnatniMlAn The beet throughout ' Made of good kiln dried oak. All nicely . peneled..'No pressed panels or cheap naments. f rom one uuru iu uu iwu trlgerator of same outside dimensions. Hurncient ic capaouy ror obbi rcoun. ini no unnecessary Wastage. ? ; Every :( square Inch of storage space ! Is easily accessible. Overlapping doors prao- ! tieallv alr-tlxht. Interior nicely nn . Ished. Exterior filled, -rubbed and var nished with a fine grade of coach var nish. Tine finish. v;- ' '" T, insulation All alls :; and doors pof our refrigerator heavUy packed with mlnersUwoQl "(one of. the .best lnau- liters) and, also heavy Sheets of Insu- i Jatlng paper. i. Highly r erncient in f economy v pf ' Ice. Our Insulation is double that generally used and Is very '; superior. ,';,'- vr:4:,i.'!i'' Circulation The finest system of clr ; culation. A continuous pure., col. 4ry T sir forced to every square Inch of in terior, keeping It always dry. sweet and ; clean, v No mould, f No '.talntfiAlrvls purified at every circuit, all gases and dors carried off. Articles highly sua I ceptible to i odors stored . wittr fruits, , vegetables, stc, without taint. Fruits dry Instead of decaying. Linings -Three different T kinds, In five distinct, llnee: , Regularly Sanitary White Odorless Spruce: always dry, , pufe-and clean, and, does not requlrei ; B r , , -;'.v- W"' A scrubbing. . Smooth surface. No poi sonous sine lining, there being so damp ness or - mould to make It necessary. The finest enamel and white opal glass linings on the- market -' s , Pans-Heavy, Galvanised Iron. Never rust out or leak. No seams. Made In one piece. - -'-'v -" "! v Trap An? excellent device. Easily removed and replaced, very simple, cannot drop Off. - Tube galvanised Iron, no rust Bell and trap gray Iron gal vanised. s -it . .,;. 4; ' Trimmings All heavily nickel plated T brass; -jr Hinges have long bearings and do - not 1 out ,out or allow the door to ; eag, --fasteners are an improved style. Nickel plated lever ' pattern, closing the . triple. Jointed doors - prac tically air tight. Casters Roller bearing,, lignum vltae and Iron wheel, making even the largest refrigerators easily moved. Our genuine Herrick Refrigerator Is high grade In construction, workman ship, material and finish, and has one of the best systems of circulation ever produced. Superior insulation, and will give the beat results,' whether for family use or : for grocer's, hotel, res taurant, or special purposes; - s - Such were the points furnished by J. J.. Kadderly when seen in his sales rooms at ISO First street alongside the depot of the Portland Railway, Light A Power company. .... ' ...,.;;.., ; Tou never had bread with a flavort Well, that's because you never used the rlsnt flour. . ' 'J:4; DESTI , Vhcn You Buy This Dalies Diamond Flour Makes bread that's distinguished from others whiter, lighter, flavored bread. Tour grocer has it If not send to Dalles Diamond Flour Mills, Portland. : You Got The PEST'; ir (With Portland Warehous U Transfer Oo.) - V ". ISO rait Wsshiartea Street. rheae Zest 507. FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS , 18c lb. . FRESH RANCH EGGS 20c Doz. BEST CREAMERY BUTTER 50c Roll SHAD 15c Each HALIBUT 10t LB. COLUMBIA FISH CO. rHIRD AND ANKENY 'STS. PHONE MAIN 5 THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR ROCERS. caret JjJuietoa00 JOURNAL WANTS PAY BEST iG SATO la . S s-ka . . an liii At the Big Cut Rate Grocery and Market FREE A 15c can of enjr KIND OP SPICE W ITH EVERY $2.00 ORDER -ft-A 25 lbs. Onions. .25 Best Creamery Butter 50e Best Creamery Butter. .45 Strictly Fresh Efs....... ....20 A. and H. Soda ........5 3 cans Tomatoes; Peas, Beans, Corn,.... 25 6 lbs. Rice .25 Cheese, lb. , . . .15e 7 lbs. Rolled Oats .-.25 7 lbs. Beans 1 .25 7 lbs. Prunes. . .......... . .... ; . .25 One box Spaghetti, Macaroni ' or" Vermi celli ... 25 1 lb. Good Tea.....................,..:25 2-lb. Brick Codfish ;.15V M. and J. Coffee ... i .... . .. . . . . . . ...... 25 Saturday's Meat Sale Beef Stew ...5t Pot Roasts, all kinds. ....7, 8 Hamburg Steak 7e) Shoulder Roasts ........r.";k..;.8e Prime Rolled Roasts 103 MutW Stew .6 Round Steak ..-,. . . ,10 2 lbs; Bologna ; J15 2 lbs. Head Cheese.... ............... 15 1 lb.,Weine'jrwurst..............(......'.10 Eastern Hams ........17? TryOurUrd, Wb. Pall... '... 55 , . , 10-lb. Pail.. ;...v, 91.10 People's Market and Orders for Albina East Side must o'clock Saturday. Grocery Co. The Bit: First street Mar ket and Popular Trading ' House. Phone Malni412 FIrat and Taylor Streets JCOFEEEC TEA jSRICETS BAKING OVDER OUSTRIGHT) v CLOSSETiG'SZVEItS ,P0RIUND0RE.r .. . '" I'l'siiiin ! My i issim--i ii sjsr srsi ng ni.i j'fi iiiwn m - . .z,Tjr:j, -r, .,.,jS;;il I Home Series No. I This young woman, fresh from college With her head chuck full of knowledge , "Of all the subjects I studied," says she, "Purity of meats most interests me. r : And the comforting part of it all is to know There's a simple rule for escaping much woe WATS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED a no aipipn lajpcrrpn 41-r- iilM lrM M-tl The most nutritious food in the world is high grade meat, such aa the government stamps with Its v seeing housewives will insist that. their dealers bring them none other. For home-grown, home-s' ernment-inspectedf meats, delicious and wholesome, depend upon the UNION- 11LT COMrANV,