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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
" 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, !MAY 21. 1C07. G MOT IS , ' ; PICTORIAL AD No. Vll-Serlss cf jf S Look for the word "R0YAV? impressed in the bottom of the loaf 7 7 yiCTIU OF PLOT The Name:-. Guarantees Qnallly Purity arid Perlec A"', 1' ; ''' ' ' ' ' W ' ---"''"'n'" '' ' "'' '" " v''" Clcantlc Timber ; frauds Are - Unearthed With Prominent 4 - Statesmen Involved.. fJoamal Soaclal Berries.) " ' Washington, Mar 24. A former msm- ' w of tha ' United States ' senate, re ' 'puted to be one" of tha richest men In i the worlds a prominent -raiiroaa wian, two of the wealthiest lumber barons In "the- country, and numerous small fry, ara altered to bo Involved In Umber frauds agtfMt tha government that are now being presented to , grand , Juries tnr action by half a dosen . or mora -United flutes district attorneys. These ' frauds, it Is declared in official quar ters. extend into a number of states, in- rindinr California,' Colorado, Oregon, Iiaho( Montanar Mlnnpsota and the Dft- ' Information Is reoelved here that In- dlctmenu will soon be handed down In wiring persons prominent in the usi- T'heas world and others formerly proml nent In public Ufa. : . ' It develops that the timber frauds , about to be brought to a head have been under Investigation for a long time. Complaints made In this connection were taken direct to the department of justice. . Secretary of the Interior Oar- : field said that ha bad no official in formation -concerning the frauds ia question.. A statement was made today that the grafters enmeshed lnT- this latest ssandal succeeded in ; securing Dossession through Ingeniously f raudu lent schemes of thousands of acres of timber lands. In securing- conviction of the men said to be involved the gov ernment expect to regain possession of large areas of forest landa. Much of the land. It is understood, has not been cut over. lion In Olending" . Could you ask foe more than wa v guarantee?' In buying COFFEE ' of us you are guaranteed quality land purity," besides .getting per '. faction in the blending and roast- "Ing.: What you buy you get, nd '! the values, represented cannot be . surpassed by ' any - other house. We ask no favors because our coffees sell en their 'merit - Tou cannot make a mistake in getting . our prices and our advloe. -. , ,-. DMtBiirnsCoii 210 Third Street MINNESOTA MONUMENT UNVEILED AT VICKSBURG . Mannar flDtetal eniaa.l - ;v' Vlcksburg, Mlsa, May Si. In the presence Of a large crowd that Included scores of veterans of tha civil war In uniforms of blue and gray, , Governors Johnson of Minnesota and Vardaman of Mississippi today dedicated the mon ument erected by Minnesota in, the Vlcksburg Battle Park In memory of the soldiers of Minnesota wHo partici pated In the siege and capture of Vlcks burg by .General Grant In 1861.; ' . . The business section of Vlcksburg and the main thoroughfare leading to the park were profusely decorated In the national colors. The dedicatory ceremonies were of a simple but Im pressive character. Speeches were made by Governors Johnson Nand Vardaman, ' Chief Clerk Schofleld of the war de partment. General L. F. . Hubbard of tha Minnesota monument commission .and others. , ; .-...p.",; ;'..-; ,v, -.-f l The . Minnesota memorial is a 115.000 obelisk, made of rough ' faced granite, towering 10 feet high and bearing suit able inscriptions about lta base. In ad dition to the central monument there wera placed a number of markers ahow rtng the ground attained by the Third, 'fourth and Fifth Minnesota; volunteer . infantry, and the First Minnesota artil lery in the memorable siege. STANDARD ON GRILL AT MINNEAPOLIS TODAY fftaraal speelaf service.) r' Mlnneaoolls. Minn.. Mav J 4. A for- i midabltft array of legal talent appeared! in tne unitea bums circuit court today ' to take part In the arguments on the exceptions to tha bill of complaint filed by the United States government against the Standard Oil company cf New Jer sey. ; ,......w;., y--. ; i"-' .;w , This is the case brought by the fed eral government against the Standard ., OH company and Its allied corporations . in the circuit court at St. Louis under the Sherman anti-trust law to enjoin "alleged conspiracy to restrain trade.' The defendants answered the bill and ' filed the exceptions to portions Of It, and It was on these exceptions that tha , case was called for argument before Judge Sanborn today.: ' ' - '. ST0LYPIN DECLARES DOUMA MUST BE GOOD R ' St Petersburg, May 24. Members of the douma were warned by Premier Stolypln yesterday that their program - for the forcible expropriation of land, .adopted without consulting the govern 'tnentt could not be permitted and that their action was stirring up the peas ants. Stolypln said, that the govern- ment waa anxious to aid the peasants in buying land on easy terms, but that the scheme of the lower bouse must not go farther. , - ORDERED THINGS SENT i . .. . . i si ... ti" - 10 GOVERNORS OFflGE .." i ' v Paid 'for Them in Bad Checks , and Victimized Merchants - Lose Their Change. ' (RpeeJsl Dlspitea te The hiiull Salem, Or., May 14. A well-dressed young man representing himself to be a brother of Governor George B. Cham berlaln, ; passed several bogus checks hero Wednesday, and Is still st large, though the local police have put forth efforts to locate him,- A check for tlf fell into the hands of Maplathorpe Eyre, the shoe men, of whom he ordered a pair of shoes, to be sent to the gov ernor's office. This was not "that bo eared lor the shoes, but that ha wanted the change from a $16 check. At the Barr jewelry store be. purchased a ring, which be ordered delivered at the gov ernor's office. He signed the name of G. A. Chamberlain, but on one occa sion he started to write the initials "G. E." but soon discovered his mistake and changed TE." to "A." Pat Fennell of the Salem hotel Is of tha opinion from the description that the man slept there Tuesday evening and registered from soma town in Ne braska. ... .v,.;t- It THE BEST $3 HAT H T,iE7Vv:'IN THE WORLD y.m. c. a; boys meet .AT SALEM TOMORROW ' (Siwelal Disrates to Th Joarul.t Salem, May 24. Extensive prepara- tlona have been made for the entertain ment of the delegates from the various cities of tha Willamette valley who will gather here - tonight - previous Ao the opening of the T. M. C. A. Boys' club convention Saturday morning at the First Congregational church. The visit ing delegates will be met at the station by tha reception committees and will be entertained in homes in tha city. The registration of delegates so far Is as follows: Portland, II boys, leaders; McMlnnvllle, 17 boys, 1 leader; Eugene, II boys, I leaders;. Corvallls, II boys, I leaders; i Albany, II boys, I leader; Woodburn, boys; Liberty, I boys; re form school, I boys, 1 leader; or a total of 101 boys and 14 leaders, s, h ' .-' The sessions of the conference, which will last two days, will be held at the various churches of , the cltv. Thi Saturday evening session will he at tha nrst Metnodist church. Sunday after noon the Bible studv conference, tnr boys only, will be held at Reservoir hill, near this city, and Sunday evening the farewell meeting will be held at the irsx congregational church. ' , 80,000 SOLD, , NOT ONE RETURNED BEN SELLING LEADING HATTER rfflll L. SiTHMT CO WAREHOUSE TRACT SHOWS GREAT ADVANCE ' A.' M. Colvin nurohaaed vestria 50-foot lot on Twelfth street, near Hoyt irvm weorge A.neg ror 114,000. -This property Is in the heart of the ware house district and waa surehan Mr. Krieg less than two vaara man tnr 15,000. The Alnalie Estate comnanv hum aM to J. D. Ken worthy a 42-foot lot facing Harrison street between Park and Sev enth streets, for 14,100. i Forty-three realty transfers. wh a total valuation of 150,100. . were filed for record yesterday, - and of tha 41 transactions JO represented purchases of homes, valued at from 11,000 to 11,100. Many concrete laid in Dallas. sidewalks.' are. being The only way to make Strong, Powerful BRAINS Veal Shanks; for stew; ;;tif .5 Brisket Corned Beef.. 5 Plate Corned Beef....;.,..i.5 Brisket Beef, Plates and Flanks of Beef 5 Beef to boil and choice Beef for stew . . .. .5 Fine Rolled Roast Beef. . .12 Choice Loin Steaks. . . . . .12f Fancy Roasts of. Veal. ... . .10 Pork Loin Roasts and Pork Loin Chops ... ..............154 Shoulder Roast Pork, . . .V&M Frontquarters of Mutton. '. . .104 'Alt Flour Ustd in "Table Queen", Bread Is Scientllically Sifted ;X At All Grocers Thii is oar Sifter, a Modern' Machine, - That sifts til the flour uied in "Table Queen" ' ' Great lacks full are emptied. at once in the bin ' And carried right upward, a ilick as a pin.! .-. '"No wonder this bread is so good," say the mothers,'' "The way it is made makes it discount all others." ; At All Grocers 226-228 Alder Street, Between First and Second . Streets : "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST'' i THE QUALITY of Smith's meats has never been better. It rarely has been as goad. WE GUARANTEE that every pound of meat that leaves our market is tender, fresh and perfect in every way. WE GUARANTEE IT. Don't eat ice-car meats; eat Smith's meats.: Absolutely pure and weighed on CORRECT SCALES. : 7 Legs of Mutton , i . . , i . . . ; 1 15 jj Round Steak Vi ::v: 10 Prime Rib Roast Beef.... ..10 Shoulder Steaks 8 Choice Pot Roasts........... 8 Kump corned Beef.. ;....... ....... .6 7b Try It Is Always to Buy f 7 . v ' Tht sifting, of the flour, which is the first stage in producing nutritious TABLE QUEEN BREAD, is performed with scientific thorough ness, by means , of our modern Sifter, the most perfectly devised piece of machinery for the pur . pose in the world. Perfection of equipment in this, the simplest act of bread making, must sug gest to you the absolute soundness and reliability of every claim we make for this wholesome pre-' duct Better than mother's because it tastes just as good and she didn't have to make it' v A Summer Delicacy You'll Like It , Royal Lady Cake Take 12 ounces of, fresh creamery butter and wasK until, the salt is; re- , movedjVAdd 10 ounces of flour, and cream the ' mixture. v Take three-fourths of a quart of egg whites and beat them very stiff, adding a pound and a half ot granulated sugar, then mix with it the first mixture of butter and flour, also a sifted half pound of flour, being careful to mix thor- oughly. Flavor it, put in a pan and bake in a . moderate oven.t' , t ' . - i-1- - ' IUaa n .tit a F Tkiim fsAmss w till have a limited number of arencles to be placed with en. Hull. Ill UUI'Ul" I Uiril UlUWvIa tarpnsinr out-or-town grocers. - write u regarding- this matter. .Royal Bread Bakery, Eleventh and Everett street, Portland. Or. Veal for stewr; Mutton Stew Best cuts of Loin Veal Cutlets Best 'cuts of Rib Veal Cutlets Legs of Veal. ,,..i.l5s pi 3C 3B GROCERIES 849-331 OAK ST. Fellows Grace. V ... 1 Both Phonesi 8590' 348-330 ANKENY ST. MEATS ..i5 in S Ot J. 1 km xayiC7 a Mutton Loin Chops and Mutton M Kit) Chops . .. v. . . .....15 g And if you want the finest thing that Oregon can B produce in the meat line, eat Smith's milk-fed, daintily -m handled SPRING LAMBS. Frontquarters of Smith's Milk-Fed Spring Lambs. .... ... .V. 15? Hindquarters of Smith's Milk-Fed Spring LambsrC;...ri'.V.20! Loin and Rib Chops from Smith s Milk-Fed Spring Lambs. .. ..204 If Your Groceries Cost You too Much I Try Portland's largest and cheapest grocery. We are leaders in quality and price." Store on . - Oak street near Seventh . - " - ' OREGON RANCH EGGS, per' dozen. 20 BEST CREAMERY. BUTTER, 100-POUND SACK DRY GRANULATED SUGAR 2-pound roll. ; . : . . : . . .'. fc ..... w . 50Q M $5.45 GOOD HARD WHEAT FLOUR, per sack. . , Humpty Dumptyy package1. The Market Basket Nnts Is from food such as nature selects to build brains."'" " , : Knowledge of how and why has produced v This food contains the phosphate of r potash, from wheat and barley, which combines with the- albumen of food to make the soft, gray matter in" the nerve centers and brahTin the human body. v - -t , A sure result comes from 10. days' use of Grape-Nuts food that's worth while. - - - - - " ". Pure, perfectly cooked at the factory, ready for in stant use, with cream or good milk, and delicious in flavor. Trial proves!!. ' : - - ' Tt vniiMn't be a bad Idea for every one to get In the habit of eaUng whole wneai or rye Dreaa i uu um a -a good reason for It Wheat flour; is roina- to be very scarce and likewise verv hiirh in the near future and It's Question lust now how the millers will be able to supply the wants of their flour trade when they have already sold beyond their probable grinding for the rest of the season.. The secret of it Is tha great demand that has come for flour to feed tha famine stricken of the orient; Una demand taxing aooui vwioe as many barrels or Hour as auring normal season. Then ' again, tbera was very good flour business with Cali fornia, much better than usual. , All of thta took wheat to supply and the re sult is that at this' time there la little 1 wheat to be had and flour 1s going to advance. .This is almost a oertainty at this time. . . ;;;:,'. ' -..t' While it may perhaps work a hard' shin on some who do not care for any' thing but the product of the wheat, it would do much . . for the health of con sumers were they to eat more ry and whole wheat bread. Most physicians agree that rye bread Is the healthiest and it tastes ' good too. r-? Then, again, there ia economy in the use of rye bread for' there Is practically no waste. The older rye :- bread becomes If : kept In condition, tha better old . consumers like it. ' ' - "Thcre'a a Reason" for : ; , ' GRAPE-NUTS Soft shell crabs from Maryland are the latest .to be displayed in the Fort land markets. A Fourth street plaoe re ceived a shipment yesterday In very good condition. .'' High water : is interfering consider ably wltb fishing In the Columbia river and as a result most of the salmon now in the markets Is from the Sacramento, the Rogue or the Umpqua. Meats will be somewhat cheaper with in the next week or so owing to the larger supplies In the local stockyards and the lower prices resulting there. Chickens are getting cheaper with the more liberal supplies. The price within a short time will be Within the reach of most . consumers almost as cheap . as regular meats. Eggs are quoted just aooui tne same i a week ago; the large aupplies hold ing the market In check and preventing advances at this time. - While the production of butter is very heavy according to ? local creameries. there is a very .Insistent demand from all centers and prices are expected to J go no heavy. ; lower t Btoragsttr; now T Vary I BtrawDemes promise " to be rather scarce this season. It has been found that a worm has destroyed a large per cem 01 me. crop at Mount Tabor and other local ? points.7 The ' very. cool weatner lias prevehted , tha California crop from ripening so fast and the re sult nas neen that shipments were made in small lots and hlah ericas main. talned. -Cool weather has also ehankaii the growth of Oregon berries and prices iinuua very mgo, .r: Asparagus Is now so plentiful that It can oe purchased almost at any price. The season, however, , la now at Us neignt ana prices wUl ; soon advance. quality best at this time. : Hothouse cucumbers are Mttlna- with. In eating distance of the average con sumer. In the retail markets they are now quiM pienurui ana some are sold a iwo ror 16c cabbage-is still 'very scarce with El i . 3 poyinds Molasses taxes. . oy !1 H i! .91.00'- Scotch Oats, package. .IPs Baker's Cocoa,' can . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2 Cans Minced Clams... Eagle Milk, can. :i5 Pound Mocha and Java Coffee. .25 11 7 Pounds Standard Rolled Oats. ; .25 6 Ponnds Broken Rice.C . . .'. .'. . . . . .25 12 Bars Laundry Soap?.,' . . . .'. ,25 81.20 Sack Rose City Flour. . i. a i Green or Black Tea, pound.... v.'.25 Q BEST CREAMERY BUTTER 50C ; FRESH RANCH EGGS -20c A DOZEN ' u nui nrr scares with i t arV gen.- higher M 5. Daily Butter .40 near future, owing to . the Improved Best Sugar Cured nam . . . . J X7 f vwuoo in oanvrancisco. That market It, t - loi VIMUMU, WBS-VU ........... aw. Cream Brick Cheese, lb...,,,.,, 20 and 25s Limburger Cheese, each, . . .35f Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs. . .35 Oleomargarine . .,' 40f ChickensJ7M8c lb. LaGrande Creamery 864 YAMHILL ST. - SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS. RESTAURANTS. AND BOARDING-HOUSES' , t g CsSnXSSSSSSSSEaKRSSZ:SKSK is ; now drawing again on tha Pnrflan1 Green peas from local points ars now coming Taster and are ohiun.r . fir oeans irom California, Texas and Flor ida are In market -Best quality at fOo a vounu. .. oome at ion. Many strangers are Visiting this sec- new lion looxing zor new hnraaa. anva tha Cottage Grove Nugget. . Some sales have Deen maae, ana it is expected that there will be quite a boom In farm property rrov omtnauuHo , ii you suiter from rheumatism or pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment will bring . quick relief. It Is a sues' eura tnr i sprains, rheumatism, contracted muscles and all pains and within the reach of an. i rn zoc-owo. Sl.oo. C R. Smith. Tenaha. Texas. vrlta; . T d.n .... i Ballard a Snow Liniment In mr f,mii. for years and have found It a fine rem edy iur an pains ana aches. I recom- mena or pains in the chest" Sold YOUR SUNDAY'S DINNER TEA Will be incomplete without nice fresh cleaned Poultry, Oysters and ; Fish Xy a At . . ' . , i meats we nave. - ah ours are CDple tniniC SDlCeS and j fresh cleaned and handled by us exclu- these lines, therefore know good goods. Tour order will be appreciated. '! extracts ire always . dis honest N6:1heyar(5not veer rrecer retams rear money tt yea aea't Hke ScbUliag's Bertj ve say aisb . G. C0VAC0 & CO. B9S Tlrst at, Vaone Sfalm S3S. ft BAY CITY MARKET ssssasrsssac: 'SSSSSSSSSSSia H S3 If 185 FOURTH STREET. NEAR YAMHILL ' ; . : Prompt: Delivery to All Parts of West Side ' A Full Line ol First-Class Rlcate Spring Lamb, direct from; the farmer, never in cold storage. Home-made Lard, Bacon and Hams, Corned Beef ; also full ; line fresh Vegetables Fresh Eggs and Butter t - - ' The very choicest can be had. Call up Main 2830. Home . : : ,. , ; . ' , Phone A2830. it SPATH & KOEHLER 1 ' n IK : K J li I N :.. N H . . H t. - M 3- T0WNSEND & VAN SCIIOONHOVEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers , 147 FIRST STREET Study oux prloes then you will hea why our trade has Increased. On am. are of tna hlgliest quality aad we eballeng a comparison wltk ths finest tha caa be found in any store. ' -, -. ' , , . Fresh -Ranch Eggs. dox. . . . . . . , SO Best Creamery Butte. 50 and 65 We get bur -eggs from the farmer. butter from the :creameries no middle men. , - , 1 Postum or Flgpruna Cereal 20 can good Peaches or Apricots . ,15e Standard Tomatoes .......... .10 I cans Cora, Peas or String Beans. .25 1-lb, pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda. . 6 Naptha Soap ........... Bf bars Baby Elephant Soap... ....254 lb. English , Breakfast Tea,;, ...25 lb. Gunpowder Tea '....1.1.'.".. : l sacg nest valley nour,i.,,,, 1 sack Best Hard Wheat- Flour ipawnw ,. :-.fl.80 1 bottle Worcestershire Sauce. iso sis 1 lb. Whole Nutmegs ..,. new v.rop rrunes. 7 lDS..,.ih,.25 1-lb. csn Corn Beef H-lb. can Deviled Ham. S for ....'.zHZ PH0NB-MAINJ288. East side delivery 1 Tuesday and Friday. 2S fl.OO 3Sf ARM CD. HAMMER SODA BULK, 3 POUNDS lOo JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY DSST 3