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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 2. 1S07, - w 11 . . .. , - nr.ii nrn i - -r. 1 . ...... . , , , , - 11 . - ill- bbUOCU Hi'. LEV II It V;,; OF 0 DOZ Darrow Loses Hit Mild - Manner 1 And Seyerely Arraigns Ap- ' pains Counsel. A. . I 4 - i -, . fc i ' ' ' ' , re TO"?.,,,, y ' , tiff between' Lawyers . ;. STIRS HAYWOOD TRIAL ; , ; , : .7 ; Imported That James McParland, I Plnkerton Sleuth, Delivered Speech ''Before Secret Meeting of Citizen' 1 - Alliance at Bole Not Confirmed. Br Qeorgs H. Bhoaf." ; (Staff Correspondent Appeal to Reason.) - .Boise, Idaho, May J4- Those ' who . tiuril rlaranr L narrow obleat to th manner la which James H. HawUr Of im protMUtion mtd to ptriuaaa jurvr ' la the Haywood trial to reverse hlmaalf regarding an pinion he had just ex pressed, will no longer contend that the Chicago . attorney .la, aa passlvs aa he appeara to be. - -: v Lee Egbert waa the flrat taleaman sx euaed at the afternoon aeaalon of the court r He waa one of the special " venire of (0 men that had been aura- I jrjsjhed to appear. He aald that he had vlormed a fixed opinion regarding the innocence vr nuui m wis uwauui "u that he did not know whether or not he could divest Himself of that opinion and render a verdict according to the law and the evtdenoe. Attorney Hawley then asked If be waa la the babtt of forming opinions on Important matters simply from the newspapers and loose talk. Other questions X a similar na ture were aaked which evidently cave the Juror some embarrassment. Stirred by the qucations of Hawley, Darrow aprang to his feet and entered a vigor- ous objection. - '..:..-'.., rj "Objection overruled," responded the court, almost before Darrow had . fin ished stating Ityyy - y ' 'Ir': r clash Between OouaaeL' . - "But," declared the. attorney, with rising emphasis, "Mr. Hawley is ask ing questions that are leading and In competent, and he is asking them not for the purpose of ascertaining the con dition of this Juror's mind, but for the Jiurpose of intimidating him and terror sing the other talesmen who- may be called upon to ait upon this Jury." "Overruled; sit down!" commanded ' the court with Judicial calmness. i Darrow aat down, with aa expression of countenance by no means aa serene . as a aumraer morning. Heretofore this great labor lawyer has mainUlned aa equipoise that was truly charmlng,-nd 4 this, in the face of strenuous provoca tion.. He la well known In the aaat as an apostls Of the doctrine of non-resistance, and It Is said that his personal conduct conforms strictly to his teach ings. Ordinarily bis actions are gentle and bis voice Is as soft and low as a mother talking to her babe. Conse quently spectators were astonished, when he ripped out unexpected the sen tences with a cracker attached to each, and accompanied the exhibition with facial grimaces that bespoke great men. tal agitation. The lightnlnga which bid tneotarliy (JHashed.? from.' bis' otherwise pensive ayes-waa a revelation, and in dicated, possible ; explosions lnvthe fu turSy - y ' ' ; - " - " f ' y, Talesman Creates &aafn. , Henry' Curtis, the last taleaman aa eused, ' created considerable .merriment regarding his answers about' socialism. Curtis said be read the Idaho Statesman and ths Appeal to Reason. When Hawley asked him whether or not he was a Socialist be replied that he did' not ""Wall, what are ytur politic T" in quired the lawyer. "I have been a Republican." - .,., , " 'What are you nowf - -' "I vota a mixed ticket" . : "Do you believe In socialism T" " . V "What I understand of it; but the fact la socialism is such a base that I don't know where I am when I try to study -It Some of it looks good to me and some tof it looks dreamy." The Juror stated that, polities would eut no figure in listening to the law and the evidence In the Haywood case, not would It bias his Judgment In rendering .a verdict - Many women and children were pres ent when court convened. For the first time since the trial commenced ths court room was completely filled, every chair being taken and many persons standing. Mrs. Haywood and her chil dren were present ss was her father, R. B; Minor of WInnemucca, Nevada, who aat by her side during the after- Mayor Haines, after listening to the complaints of the attorneys for the de fense regarding the obstreperous con duct of several Colorado men. has nromissd that be would investigate the nla-ht but their transaction" r kept from the ' public. Plnkerton de tective. James McParland. it Is reported met with the alliance and delivered a. speech, 'i but the truth of the report could not be confirmed. . . TALESMAN LIES ' ' ' .. r"'-'"' ."V '" aSSBSSBBBSaSSw Jfllj4 V''V-J (Continued from Page One.) ."Z Hawley of : the prosecution . had once " crossed swords with Darrow of the de-fonse-and shown himself tbe possessor of a pretty temper. Judge Wood had ellenced them both with a peremptory brevity that showed him again a man of quick deolalon. and stubborn : dis cipline. There wss nothing In ths quar rel. It didn't last three mlnatea. - But It craokled in the droning silence of the courtroom like an ,ctrlo; spark jind . indicated . luat something ot -what fmvr happen when the real battle begina next week. - y -i"? ''' 'y"::.'.;: ; . ' . rrylag Hawlera aaaoe. fha long wearlneas of getting a Jury Is trying at least the patience of Haw ley of the prosecutloni and tha knowl edtrahat the alate hs a mora aerlous sMflhKa they were 5 three weeks ago 'Srepared to believe, are driving at the nerves of .counsel for the def enaewy y- h - Orchard is, after all, not tha wreck " they imagined him . to be, but a very cool and calm gentleman, determined to play his own game for his own ends. And McParland of t Plnkerton a had showed himself In a hundred - subtle ways to be a much deeper and much mora capable man t than defendant counsel thought him. He drsgs around the hetel lobblea .and th atreeta rof Boise so sleepily, but he seem a to never sleep. Hia man have brought In wit ness after wltness.y rumor - aald, he would never find. He has kept the real facts of Orchards confession ao aealed and unreachable that no man can even guess now with credit at what It con tains. He is so steady In his affirma tion that the case la a good cms . and tha prosecution seen-.a so. well contented to pit ite two attorneys to, the 14 of the defense that those 1 have become -.Mresnlve In their seriousness. And Uera ia a fcencial determination oa all mm s vmm tg-je mm c loak ' . .' .ill :'' m ' .mtU 1 a -I.U.'4 fiM tt Wntnn' Suite XX7alta fViata mnA SHrta at rellC- Never stirh thronpa before or sucn Darcrains. A nousanas oi oouars worm vi "k w. w ..- , . 7- ----- do so seve93St hundreds are supplW themselves, and at about half the price yon pay at other stores. lt' a sale that brings far better and greater ySesyWwkSwii before, andan event thaf s the most Ulked of , sacrifice in city today. .No mitter what you want in ready-to-wear gar- AH Portland and for a hundred mflcg around crowding to the mm ; GREAT SKIRT SALE Over 1,000 In all to fd and almost half sold alreadv THAT tells you how great a bar gain they are. Ladies' and Misses' Dress and Walking Skirts In the newest pleated models; made of all wo6l chiffon, Panama, voiles, cheviots, broadcloths, novelty checks and plaids, silk warp brilliantinee and taffeta silk, all color and black. .Every one fancy trimmed. Skirts worth $4.00 and up to $15.00, all at prices that don't pay for tha cloth alone: , , .J.,yv ..vy- Worth up to $15 ; .98 Lot 1 1 Worth up to $6.00 $1.98 Lot 2 , Worth up to $9.01 $2.98 Lot 3 ; Worth up to $12 $3-98 Remember, $4.98 buys the best, and there's many of them real $15 values. Women Finest Suits At Exactly JHalf Price a . . . ... aa . . a en. Another great express shipment 200 more of the swellest of Women' Suit, bought ... u.W mA n ieAA likewise. . Garments made bv tha foremost and most noted 1 mim w t itt n T ' " , , . an .r nf srrles. Tscketa all silk lined. ' Every one fancy trimmed and fully j-ggg aav . v w w - sr - w t i All .1am awsj! tslaiW mwA ASS MA akafe s A. a. ' ' m A al m. ' aai mm au auca. rk suit T ' mmm m $10suitsM5 1 Odd- and Bnda and Brokn Lot- of 'V'f1 A :c' 4T Women's $10 and $12 Suits S)4t0eJ)c3 Plain materials and fancies, all colore, choice , v .Inn anA am that should Crowd Cf Tf1C this ection a never before. Choice OV1 1 w 7' y. AND READ THESE You Can't Afford to Skip; a Cine 100 Women's Latest Style Wash Shirtwaist Suits In whit and all colors, fancy styles ana trimmed. Suit $2.50 and $3.00 g;98c Women's $2 Black and White Plaid Petticoats Look like ilk. fully mercerixed and ruffle trimmed. All y $2.00 kind. Choice 98e A One-Day Of fer of Our Entire StocK 1 ; $1.25 and $1.50 Corsets Our entire stock goes." Choose any $1.25 or $1 JO Corset In th house tomorrow for 89c portiMds (in? oniniT stqre SNTIU tlOCKONYJUUUU.ritON IND tORIX While They Last 20 Dozen Ladies' Only Jl.4y ana ttutine 10 a cut lomer $1.49 Just 240 to go, and those that com earliest get them: mad of fin Jap Silk, all fancy styles, lac and tuck trimmings. There 11 be a crowd after, them, so come, early. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 Waist At Less Than the Material Cost Ana aWt few iosem to ptclt from either, awl then, aade. STew, atyusa, slefamt Waists, aoafHt abeap, a half ana leas, aaa sold to you taa same wy aaada t .lumri r waita lawns la almost 50 dif f srant stylsa, laos, embroidery aa4 saedalUon vxlmmao. Elbow and Lono Sleeves Wairt worth In a regular way two and three time these prlc and att i so gnat tnat you u oaj main vj aw uu - All 75e and up to $3.00 Talu in tare great lot encaca. - ; bargain so them. LOT Worth and w 35 c LOT Worth to Salordays Great, iefions 9 c Bargain hbt from, all over the house. Not how you ear: ' -y y 'r'y :'' ... .... .. - v i ; . ' . ,' ' , . i ?'-.'. 25c Gold Plated i BEAUTY PINS OarS of .oa aoaea foi ....... V 25c Dai' Pins 9c y . - " Doseas anA dosena of styles, all Beau ties, set wis fanoy Jewels, bell tops aafl fUlgra effects! aU SSo ?; . 'q Tains .......;......V.;7C 15c Tooth Brushes 5c lOaed lot of makei's samples, over S.COO Vootis'sWasaa la all, pare bslstles, Urrs aid small slsea. "BToae 'U r ths lot wottft las than XBo, eaoa. , DC 35c Veilings 19c adad you, all SB valnes, and sums i worth leas, handsotne plain aad dotted sffsots, alaok, walte, asowa and navy Wall It lasts yow: gwt taa nest 80o veUUrs at, yard tuoaeat q A Another Day ol the Greaf Shoe acriiice Tomorrow the' wind up of our great sale of auction Shoes, and prices are cut again to make this the busiest day of the entire sale. Over S.000 pairs of the best and finest Shoes still left ana out tney go regaraiew of value, as we've determined to dear out all the odds and ends and small lots. But come early, the best bargains go to the first comers, and you want the best, don't you? y ,4- 9 SQ.50 f?. 5 da 61 Men !4 AH eleaanp-'lot aad laoladln aaaay of h finest from pa Ta aactlon pareaaee. Btada of soft viols, patents aad gaametal, blaenat aad laoe styles. Most of theaa the tin at fines ahoea. trat some few fot every day woav, heavy aad Urht sola. Bvery sUe, plenty of wide widths. sToae worth lee than SSJQ 9 to f4-00. Oholoe, f 1.88 als. ..- - hoes $1.98 Women's $3.00 and $3.50 $ m DRESS OPIRDS 1 Xfs positively on of the gioatest of Shoe haagalBa. cTHaM of It, S3.00 aad 93-80 value at S 1.40- Vaw. stylish, dressy Oaf ords, la paten hid, viol aad gmaaaetal, larga eyelets, wtth rltiboa laoea, kid Uaad throughout and turned at welted sole. Xrary else aad width, aU as aad fXM valaea, Oholoa, f 1.49- WOMEN'S DRESS and STREET OXFORDS T A heaping table full to pick from being the odd lot of a doien kinds and mor Oxford for dress and street wear grades mad to sell at $2.00 and $2.50, all S8f Fatent leathers and vid kids, Ught or heavy soles; all hav Cuban hel and w id ribbon lace. Nvr In our esreer has a greater; . . . m aia -.a. I 0 - a. JJ.. Id, M-a.aiear CAr barg wrt ocen of ferea,. lor niga-cxait rooiww ux nam mx cw w ; , Women! $1.75 White m Boys,?2MShoes?p of sest was ealf, win aoa- rlppiaf uppers, double oak soles. n slaes. Shoes saad to seU . 9X60, pair . ladles' SI Vld Kid Slippers 49c Aadles 9U00 viol kid -polat Kouse iQr Uppers, all slaaa, pair 17 Beau's geaoia ealfskut Work CI 50 hoes. Dlala or eaa too, pair ........ ladles aooo Juliet House JMppora, olastto sUes, aU slaes, pair , Gents' Furnishing Bargains TO CROWD TH1C STORE MEN'S 10c CANVAS GLOVES Go at. pair Vv MEN'S 15c D.S.DandkercIi'ts Op Large size ....... tit FilenV35c&50c w a wv vi I 8" And when w ay 35c and 50c kinds that's what we mean, eau tiful Four-ln-Hand. mad of fine silks and satins, all colors and pat terns; odd lot of our finest, and all 35c and 50e valu.', Sy, !1Q1 Cholc 1 . . v.. Men' silk finish Egyptian balbrig gan Underwear,' aU sixes; mad to sell at 40c "I Q ' Choice ..5JC- Men'a 91.SO and $9e $2 HataS All surplus lots from our big New York maker, new, soft shapes, in black, gray and brown, all sizes. Every one worth $1.50 to CQx- $2.oa Cholc . i . s. i . ; . . ... .OjC s sai slit da .98c 1 Big eyelet, blucher cut, all sizes; f pair or on day, 79c Family Liquor A aavlng of onefourth to one-third guarantied. Tomorrow w will gir FREESr1'4 Port Wine With every $1.00 bottle of our famous Wesrwell Whiskey, Rye or Bourbon, this is a grade usually sold by drug stores at $1 JO, our price $1.00, and w also give you a quart bottle of white Port Wine free. 500 bottles Jss. E. Pepper Distillery BottlingOl Dn Whiskey, for I day only.O'tC UUl Xawfl1e t e,. Soap s! Thousand of bars at cut prices. A solid car load to go.; J -v B8o Woodhury Yaelal Soap . . .'lTe tSo raeksrs Tar Boap IT XOs Traasparaat aiyearla Soap. . 4f So Cake beat having' Boap ...... 3 ,10o X.aeea Viae Tar Soap ,,,..,., 50 Sffe Sou ralrskut Koaey Yollet Soap for .............. ,.vL 400 Boa Savon's Snehess Tlolet , l , Toilet Boap for ................. lSe onyeerlae Toilet Boap, box . Ito Bos Kedleated Oarhollo Boap.. 8e 8 Tremendous Saturday Salej of Mill Ends&. Ribbon Remnants V2 AT HALF PRICE W e .a mm a ' Over 1,000 remnant to go and at Just half price, and you know our regular prices are far below the lowert quoted elsewhere, and when we say HALF PRICE it's a Ribbon bargain that should bring the crowds from miles around. .Ribbons of every kind and style Taffeta, Satin Loulwn, plains, figured, striped, dotted, bordered, etc, in all th colors of the rain bow and black and white; one-half to three-yard length. Ribbon for every purpose; and just the kinds you want, too. Every one at Just Half the Reduced Remnant Price 10c remnants, 20c ones; lOf ; 30c ones, 15; 50c ones, 25f, and so on. lOO Doz. Women's Tan and BlacK HOSE All seamless, all sizes, , Just ' one case to go and all 18c values, pr., 10 Small Lot of lO Doz. Women's Lonit ixioves ?aic Finest blsck French lisle, all sizes, mad to sell at $1.25, pair. 79' Clearing the Millinery 49c Real Bareralns Now Stock far too large and we are making the biggest kind of reductions to clear out all surplus stock with a rush. Choice of about 4 dozen. , .; Women's $2 and $3 Street Hats ; Rough straws and fancy hair braids, trimmed . with wines, auills and ribbons choice. .... 40c and 50c Wrcalhs 10c Each an tolora. full alzes. only a few In the lot " - BIG $2.19 SALE Of 05 and $6 Trimmed Hats A whole table full to choose from and at this price the " season's . greatest . bargain all A fy. , f f . ahapes and all colors; everyone heau-A Y) miZs tifully trimmed. The same identical T styles that all season long sold at $5.00 Jsf ma a. t una 90.UU cnoic Our entlrs stock of '( TRIMMED Pattern Hats that sold up 7i aao, ail go aow.57 flU at, ehoioe. .. ..' What Left of the L.JGroceries 7y At almost any price to clear them out Mostly little lots now, 1, 2, and 3 dozen bottles or cans of a kind and to clear them out, down goes every price, in many cases to half wholesale cost At 9 o'clock to morrow the selling begins again. Come. ML Hood Washing, Pow der 34 targe bottle Blueing- or Ammonia ...... .B Pink Beans, lb. 2Vt Res. - 16c Bpanieh-Amerl-ctni Beans, can . ....8e Re.:. 40o -bottle Salad preasln- i . ... . . .-23 U i box , best .' Assorted Spices . ...... .14 Re. 10c eaa Corn -Beef .114 19o Dutch Band Soap. .69 e Matches, box.......2f Re. So bar rlaundry Soap .. . ...... 2 Pure Cider Vinegar, , bot tle ' -I'', iff Res. 10c bottle Cataup.64 Reg. 100 pkg. Violet Pancake Flour ,, 104 Pels' Naptha Soap, - bar . 3H Teast, four pkgs......8 l(o pkr. Quaker Oata..9w Borden's Eagls Milk. 15 j 1 gal. tia Sunaet Table Syrup .......... .40f tSo Snyder's Catsup, bot J' tie ", ' . ...., 18 Fig Prune Cereal, pack--" age.-. ..... ...... loe Baking Soda, pkg. 34 Btrdseed, pkg. ........ T Reg. too bottle Pepper Sauce ... . ,,,.. Electric candies, eacn . 19 Younofci VSfi'lOSnifs Bought 76 of them from a maker hard ! 71 Af pressed for cash at less than half price,' J Uf( and that's how you get. them tomor- MjlVAafV row. Choice. All Sizes 13 Up to 20 Years h newest ef this spring's style, made of fine worateda aad cheviots, la eheeks, stripe aad plalda, Ught aad dark solors. Single aad donhls-hreaatedi well nade, llaed aad trimmed, units worth every peany of 8.0O to S10.0O aad w chaOeage tha town to match them for lees. e Mens Sample Suits From one of New York's finest makers. One, two and three of a kind and style. . SWTS MADE TO SHI A n.9S At $25 and UpiQ $27.50 b s Oarmaut fa 'every respeot to any JUm eLLZZS your own tailor would tan oat. But see y them, that's th best way to reallte th tmportaao of this groat offer. AU SasjM a S37JO values. Oholot g 14.95 No. 04 Covered tOc, for No, Ot Covered , (Oo, for Great Granitewarfe Sale Half a carload of th genuine Royal Steel Enamel War at one fourth to. one-third C. Everybody know Royal brand ,1a the best mad and at these reduction it s certainly the chance of th year to buy th finest at less than th commonest sort usually costs. No. 1 8 Lipped Saucepans, uncovered, re. ' tic. for 18f No. 19 Lipped Saucepans, uncovered, rng. -400, for ..,,.33e No. tl Lipped Saucepans, anoovered, reg. tOo, for .,,,..,......,..... .....42 No. lS-Coffe Pots, reg. 40c. .......33f No. 15-Coffee Pots. reg. IOo. ....... 42 No. 10 Wash Baaln. reg. IOo. 23 Bird Cagfeo At One-Fourth Off Japanned and Brass, with perches ami cups, all slsea ,...OaT QTABTXX Orr Alt 90o Cages for....... .....OH All I1-2S Cages for .4 All 11.40 Cages for. ............. ..Sl.O.-, All tin Cages for.....,;tl All 11.00 Cages for.... f All S2.2K Cages for.. .. ... .... .... . . K O xotax im& , v XOfAJCXZt WAJUL' No. 1 Rice Boilers. reg. TOo, for..,..59 No. IS Rice Boilers. reg. SOo. for...., 69 No. 10 Rice Boilers, reg. IOo, for...,.T9f No. OS Covered Berlin , Saucepans, reg. 40c, for . 29 Berlin Saucepans, reg.' .................... 39 Berlin Sauoepans, reg. 49 No. 08 Covered Berlin; Saucepans, reg. TOo, for ,,,.................. 59 No. 010 Covered Berlin Saucepans, rag. v. iOq, for ..... .... .............. ... . 69 No. II Lipped Saucepans, uncovered, reg. y 0c, for ,.. , i ....,,.....,...:. . .1T. - mmmimmmm-i--'-'S!Smmmmm!0P-- ' ' , . - . ( . 1 " . . . . - r ..... 1 sides to- get ' a Jury out or tne present venire, .. ' ..---u ,. Court pesrsases . .-J--''--w...... Aa AnrAmA net a little tha great Utitude It had allowed coun sel in '' questioning jurer. themselves were not so wide in thelr -.Okna. : Atuf , vou felt that . the bands were tightening about ths Issues of the case. It ws. oomenow. e army halting for Its last bivouac befors the battle. The tolerance of time-wasting methods had departed.. If Hay wood ever "awaggerea- into coun nu lor my part I never saw him "swagger he has lost that swagger altogether now. His face la quite gravs. His man nerls serious. Even his small daugh ter sits silent beaide hlnv Th gravity of the case la unfolding like a somber shadow over the courtroom. . - TIDE FLAT PROCEEDINGS AT MANDAMUS STAGE y ? (Bpeelat Ditpetch e". The JeeraaL ) Satem. Or., May 4. Judge Burnett, la th absence of Judge Galloway, yes ' t , ' y terday ordered the Maauanoe of writs of mandamus, returnable June 14, on the application filed in department No. a of the circuit court by Attorney W. T. Muir of Portland against the state tana board. . The plalntlfa ' are Oefrg Me Mlllan, H. L. Steele, John Poz, C W. Cornelius, C M. Cartwrlght, O.'.' Lom bard, H. T. Hendrya. V- L. Parker. Alma D. Kata, aad Dan J. Moore. Th pro ceedings were brought io compel the state board to Issue deeds to ths par tie plaintiff for. certain tide landa to cated along the, Columbia river at a point between Portland and Astoria and aggregating I.ITI acres, for whieh they allege they have maas appnca"o deposited ths necessary amount of money. - Marion county , collected tTI fee for the filing of tit papers. , 1 ARMOUR EMPLOYES ARE KILLED BY AMMONIA -" (Joeraal SpeeUl Barviet.) -Chicago, May "It. Five , employee In Armour Co. a beef-klUlng department were killed yesterday afternoon by the bursting of aa ammonia pipe. Twenty men were overcome by the fumes, but It of them were dragged to fresh air and revived by their eompantona! C00S COUNTY CAMPAIGN : T0 GET GRANT LAuDS Marshfleld, Or., May 24. Suits yn been t'' 1 by 170 in '.'vl '. : v the Cvui:au C -.; ' ;i 1.x;. J c . 1 th Southern paclfte,'a a ruit nf t long brewing timber land trouti e thin section. Tender has ben mi ' the defendants, with offer to .r- the timber land, but this has t,."i fused. Attorney T. 8. Vtmit, r eentlng the plaintiffs. 1 Waahlnrton to pr?r" ' " 1 Praettcally an s Involved In V . , r'. 7