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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
10 THE . OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, FRIDAY; EVENING, MAY . 24, ltz7. erately well for one. Now Gum must hav a try. II had It and hi u lna even wore treatment than Groom. Thre hits, a paa and two wild throw mad the scoreboard look ' sick again. It was 11 to 8 in the last half of th ninth. Bum amlled and tossd them gentler than aver. Biff! bang! Pour hlta and two errors put the Beaver up to and. left two on bases. Only on man out, too. Just a hit and It wlU ha 11 tn 11. Tint nrh HffAftp ta1i mit Coast League Game Exhibition I on a slow grounder and oum swishes i ma mruuga in empty oiue. m ! ran groan and run for the Th awful record follow: ,,, - los ANGELES, i; : ATI. TL IT. Prt A. IB. Carlisle, If. .......... 4 8) 8 0 0 rums, 11. ,t Braahear,1 tbJ.. 4 Smith, Sb. 6 visitors !1 exgitim'g fiiiish . - ; : "'" -1 ' -" w 4.; , GRAMMER; SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP WILL BE DECIDED NEXT MONDAY of Heavy Slugging and Wild Throwing. BIG BILL' BURNS HARD ' ' TO HIT AT THE START an. it i iaviiu, . rs. ...., Nagla, a. Hogan. a Burns, p. ............ Hut la vers Land , on Him Later, ) Nearly" Tying " Score - Portland , Uses I'p Three ritchers-Carlisle Knocks . First Home Run of Year. Totals IS 11 It 17 It ' v-vov i- i PORTLAND. ' . ; i . At). K, li. 2t J. A. JS. V YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. -' ; - ' , Lo Angeles 11,' Portland t. '? " f Oakland 6,, Ban Francisco i , "" ' Standing of th blahs. , -. ' .., . . . T ,. Won tat. ' P.O. Los Angelas . ........27 14 .'.C5 Fun Francisco ........15 1 ".66s' Oakland . . ,..,,.... .11 21 .611 Portland ...... ..II 271 Hlt-and-run-and-sllng-It-wild was the diverting program followed for r two hours at Recreation park yesterday. There wer I hlta, 10 runs and IS errors most of them wild throws plied up In that delirious baseball jag. And of course th Beavers crawled out of the UtU end of the horn, al usual During the agony umpire, teams and core boy lost track of th tallies, but when they were finally checked up tt 'was found that Los Angeles had 11 and Portland had . -. '"'- Big Bill Burns, Dillon's southpaw wlsard of the horsehlde twist, presided on th mountain for the visitor - and for the first half of th gam, had every blessed Beaver under his hypnotic spell. ' ; Contest Secant a Joke. Los Angeles got so far In th lead that the contest became a hug, joke. With only three safe hits against him , up to the eighth Inning Burns Imbibed the Idea that th Beavers couldn't land on the broad side of a balloon. He quit gripping the leather, shortened bis arm stroke and slid them over like .dough nuts. ' And th Beavers landed seven times in two Innings and came very near 4 pulling the thing out after all. They would have done it, yes. If Oum had been himself and If Manager Mao hadnt dreamed a dream about Carson. The elKhth inning, the bases full, twd men out and only one tiny outfield bin- gle needed to tie, the score! "Shrimp" Schimpft at bat "Shrimp," who - had swatted out one nearly to the fenc th time before. Then McCredle dreamed Ms dream., He saw a vision of Carson hitting the ball Carson! who has had more chances to pull out a game by a hit than any other Beaver sine the home coming, but who never made good, not once. ;.:. '. ,'- ; .-, Carson JUttre Ho. So the Shrimp' was motioned to 'the bench, Carson came to bat and promptly retired th side. Score, 7 to 8. The Beavers wer beginning to hit and Man ager Mac decided Oiat the ninth spasm would be "an Interesting' one.; Groom had been whaled unmercifully for seven InnlitffS and the- Shrimp had done mod- r .... ' mm - V. Shlnn. as. -,; .;, , Casey. 2b. ........... Bansey. If, , ........ Mott, to. McCredle, rf. ....... Donohue, lb.,....,.... Moor, c i. i Oroom, B,- ... rt rfTTl r- --!- 1-1 ncnimprr. n. ........ l i s p Carson'.... 1 .0 0 Oum. p. 10 0 0 'i Totals $--$nni Carson batted for Schimpft! In eighth. J , SCORE BT INNINGS. Los Angeles W.. I MOMIt 411 Hits . ....... ..1 J 0 1 0 4 1 t II Portland . ......0 M M M I 4- I H1U . 0 llvll4 ;':; v v ".'""SUMMARY, i ;Vt Struck out By Oroom. I; by SchlmpfT. 2; by Burns, 7. Base on ball Off Groom, B; off Gum, 1; oft Burns, I. Two-base hits Carlisle. Hogan. Bra- shear.. Home run Carlisle. Double plays Hogan to Smith; Donohue to Bhlnn. Sacrifice hit Ellis. Stolen base Ellis, Bassey, Brashear. ' Hit by pitched- bails. McCredle, -Donohue. Passed ball Hogan. First base on er rorsPortland, 4; Los Angeles, I.' Left on - base Portland. . : Los Ansele. ft. Innings pltcVd " BJT7 Groom, T; "by SchlmpfT, 1; by Gum,-1. Base hits OfT Groom, I; oft Schimpft, 1; oft Gum, I. Time of gam On hour and 61 min ute. Umpire Derrick. n streetcar, - X ' I "."h 7 1 i ' V ' J. t t i i Ijl . f lU-rt I-.A EH Your Tongue is Coated! ni---rzrr"ri:zz"rrirri::-"rrr"-:ri:"r2'" Watch for Symptoms! O0K In your pocket-mlrrorl tnsldo th lid of your watch-caul , Fur coal on your tonrue? 1 Bad business. ( Whal you been Eating? : j What wets you drinking? i What kind of Lazy Chair did you Uks , werolss In? 'Now don't think 11 doesn't matteri - iBecaus. It's your Bowels that talk now, avery time you open your Mouth, , i That doesn't help your Popularity, nor your Earning capacity, , ' Besides, a person with bad Bowels la In a bad way. " - t , Co, and take a Ten Mile Walk, for. : Exercise! : ' : ' - . Haven't time? Too Lazy? i- . Well,- therd ts another Way. ; Taka- Artinclal Exercise for Bowels - . . ' II your The Grammar School Baseball Tronhr. The final game In th Grammar School league series will be played next Monday afternoon at th Coast league grounds, at Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets. The competing nines will be those of the Couch and the North Cen tral grammar schools and the gam will be called promptly at 4 o'clock. ' - h-Couch grammar schoor hi not lost a game during th. entire seasoa It has won nin. The North Central ball tossers have lost but one gam and have won eight . Should the Couch nine win Monday's contest it will be given the handsome cup donated by Dr. Brts- f-tow. - Should North Central win. It will be necessary to play off the tie In an-1 other game. . ..- - Th Grammar league series began April If, and since that time more than I 40 matches hav been played by the 11 teams taking part. f NOTES OF THE CAME The star performer of the day was Callsle, Los Angeles' left . fielder, who Is1 noted for his heavy hitting. Carlisle hit the first home run of the '-season on the Portland ground. . In th third Inning he waited for a nice one, and promptly boosted It over th right field fence. , It was his fifth home run this season. Carlisle tried the trick again In the seventh, getting a two-bagger. This man is a wonderful batter. He does not swing at any old thing, bnt waits and wait a By waiting he got two bases ' on balls yesterday and scored three runs In alL . . ,, Donahue make a better first baseman than Carson. . "Donny" made some pret ty plays, ons of them being a double which saved a higher heap of dlsgracs In th ninth.. -. .- ''; -. f,e--'Y'! -- ., '' '. Moore, the change catcher," handled th stick with a percentage of 400. He caught well, but was not so sure of fouls as "Donny." . He also showed lack of Judgment in . throwing a time or two. . The Donahu) family of ball players promises . to rival, the Delehantys. ism schools in FIELD DUr Will "Jlggs" Is the famous first baseman of the Chicago White Sox. George member of the Canton, Ohio, team the Central league, Pat Is with. Portland team ; and Frank - with ' th Springfield club of the Central league. A petition to the National Baseball commission and the National and Amer ican leagu officers asking for a benefit for - Cal A. McVey, signed by , officer and managers of the Paclflo Coast league, has been forwarded east 4 Mc Vey was a member of the famous Cin cinnati - Red Stocking club and wsnt through the season of 1169 with a won derfully good record, not losing a gam a He went to England .with the Boston team In lt74 and was one of :the origi nal members of the "BI Four" that went to Chicago In ll7V winning the FJjGHT FOR FIRST PLACE CHuujiiuuiiiij) if. umv vr. OS, wks always a hard-working player, and now that his wife- Is sick It Is considered only light that the game he : helped should help him. - . . , - , That's-CA3CARET3.- They rouse the gowel Muanlgg just as a Cold Bath freshens Athletlo Muscles." Waken them tip, Strengthen them so - they Contract and Expand the Bowels and Intestinal la k healthy, acUvt manner. That's how these muscles work ' tha Food along, through your thirty feet of,' Intestines, to Its Finish. . ,.'... That's howtbey saueeta Castrlo Julca "', Into the tood, to Digest It ' . - . r That's how they make the millions of little Suckers In the Intestines draw the Nutrition out of Food, and transform It Into Blood, Brawn, Brain And Bone. - One tablet taken whenever you suspect - you need It will Insure you against 90 per -i cent of aD, other nig likely to attack you. ' , Casoarete don't purge, don't weaken, ' don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach.. . Ten Cents, at all Druggists. Be very csreiui to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped CCC." r , ' rl it SB. TATXOB, II Second Annual Interscholastic ' Games on the Multnomah . Field Tomorrow. ';"..''. BETWEEN HILL AND HIGH I TRI-CITY LEAGUE WILL HAVE DIAMOND AT OAKS Sam May of Military Academy May Break . World's ' Record tor Halt Mile Large List of Entries In All the Events. : Six schools will compete In th sec ond snnual InterscholastlcMrack meet, Managers Sign Lease for-Tnreelwhioh win be held on Multnomah id Years Frakes and Apostles Play Sunday. Diamonds Watches ewelry SOLD ON The Trl-Oty Baseball leagu Is at last to have a diamond of Its own In Portland. The managers of the leagu hav Just come to an agreement with the Portland Railway, Light A Power company . whereby they will ' lease grounds adjoining the Oaks for a period of three years. ; The new diamond will be situated just back of the skating rink. The sit I under water at present, but it will be drained and diked as soon as possible and will be In first claaa condition. It la not believed that It can be got , into condition much before July 1. . , , The officials of the minor leagu are enthusiastic over their . success ma far and are willing to sink a little money inMav' Hill's middle distance runner, has trying to put their game on the sound-1 nearly equaled T the world's i Inter- tomorrow afternoon, -beginning at t o'clock." They- are y the Hill Military academy, the Portland High school,' the East Side High school, Columbia uni versity, the Portland academy and . the Allen Preparatory school. , The meet promiaea . to be a hot c test for first honors between the Hill athletes and those of the ' Portland High. Hill is unusually strong In the running events and the High school boys are expected to excel on the field. All the schools .have, some 'good men en tered, but It Is conceded that first place will be won either by, Hill or PorUand High.- - . -v- , - - . Last year Portland Academy won th meet easily, but her two star men. Reed and Swart, graduated and ahe has developed no men who can take their places. The boys will attempt to break some Interscholastic records. Sam ILasy EI3I3 ' Hmllton Dceber . Hove- - ments nts ' fcU ttffj. -, A.aiS 5 Pay a small amount down, then $1.00 per week" thereafter. We not "only issue a cer- ' V tificate fully guaranteeing every article '.purchased from us, but we also guarantee To Sell Cheaper on Credit Than Others Do for Cash "You Make Your Own Terms" . ' WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE. OF SILVERWARE Gevurtz & Sons " . 1 Corners of .v . ; First, Second and Yamhill. Sts. : est kind of a basla. Th new grounds will be extremely well situated for drawing a crowd and should be a great help to the-Trl-City people, who have entered the field with the evident pur pose of becoming a permanent fixture There wiD be no Saturday . games played by Trl-City leaguers this week. Interest among the players and their friends Is centered on the game between the Frakes and the Apostle, which will be pulled off at St. Johns Sunday after- i noon. The Frakes lead the league with 1.000 per cent; and. as the AposUes are a close second with only one - defeat standing , against them, the contest snouid oe a hot one. SALEM HIGH DEFEATS ' THE SALEM TOWN TEAM (Special Dlptch to Tbs Journal.) Salem, Or., May 24.- Fiehtinir as-alnaf great odds the plucky nine from Albany town went down to defeat before the strong Salem High school baseball toa sers Wednesday afternoon on the Wil lamette university diamond,,' and when the game was over th score stood 1 1 to The Albany, hoys did not support and NicollaL scholastic record for: the half, mile In practice and will probably try to smash tne record tomorrow. . , There uwl be 11 events In all. five on the field and Seven on th track. There la a full list of entries' In all, and so many In the short runs, that they will be -contested in heats. First places will count , second place -t. and third place 1. The entire list of entries follows: ' ' lOO-Tard Sash, Hill Military Academy Hlfl and Tay lor. , , Columbia University - Dockstader, Fries, Qui nn, Ennls and Kehoe. Allen Preparatory McAllen, Burton, Parrlah and KlcollaL. ' East Side High School Phren. Hoi- den and A. Cornell.' ' . . PorUand -' Academy Glass, l Cornell, Stokes and Nichols. West Bide High School Huston, "Rob erts, Dart, Woodard, Young, Brace and Breedwell. , ' 020-Tard Bash. ' ' , ' Hill Military AcademyHill, Taylor and Baker. - . Columbia Kehoe, - Black, Dooley, Fries and Ennla Allen . Preparatory McAllen, Burton their ! battery and - appeared . outclassed In practically every stage of the game. Keene, the Salem High school sltcher. delivered the leathern sphere with great dexterity and allowed the. visitors but two hits. W. Perkins, another . local player, made the longest drive of the day by scoring a two-bagger. For Al bany, Dooley, the twirler; did some a-ood work. , , ' , ' BILLITER DOWNS SANDY EVANS0N AX NANAIMO - Vancouver, B. C, May John Bil liter of Toledo, Ohio, the 130-pound wrestling champion of the world, , de feated .Sandy Swansoa with- ease at Nanalmo last night. Billlter took the first fall In 60 seconds and the second In 17 minutes.; 1 v' et-iyi; ;,:sAfl;-M Oakland Win t Frisco. XU'-i'JeafaL Speelal .'Service.) ...t..-;:., : Ban Francisco. May 14. Wright was hard to hit yesterday. . On the other hand, Hughes was batted out Of the box In the third, Oakland securing her lead In th early Innings., Snore: . R.H.B. Oakland . . -; .0 0010110 0 6 10 . 1 San Francisco. t 011 0 0 0 0 0 J . 4 1 Batteries Wright and Bliss, Hughes. Henley and, Street ' . ?".TratJonal -League."' ' ;- ;. Chicago 6. New York I. ' . St. Louis 4. Boston 1. 'Cincinnati S, Brooklyn 0,"v j Philadelphia t, PltUburf 0, V East Sid High Phren and Cornell. . : Portland Academy Cornell, Olass, Bell, Nichols and Stokes. West Side High Huston, Meier, Dart, Young, Brace, Woodard and Breedwell. -440-Tard Sash. ' - " Httl Military Academy May,'. Rush and Graham. 1 - - Columbia Fries, Hi neks, Burns, Hol comb and Black. ' , , . Portland Academy Baird.1 Williams R' Watklns and Jaeger Bros. and Bell. West Side High Meier, Brace, Breed well, Young, Hlckson and Breeding,"' 880-Yard Stan. - HIU Military Academy May, Graham and Baker. ; ' Columbia Hlncks, . Burns, ; Holcomb and Davey. East Side Shawcross. , ' Columbia Dockstader, Qulnn, Black, jsnnis and Kehoe. - Allen McAllen. , : . , East Side Holden. ' . Portland Academy Stokes. -.West Side High McOulre, Latou rette, Hawkins and Smith. . ; y ' ' ' S90Yar Mnxls. " Hill MlllUry Academy Phillips and Gleaaoa - ' - Columbia Kehoe, ; Black, 4 Dooley, Fries and Ennla - S - , ' : Allen McAllen. f;'v -East Side Holden and CornetL ' Portland Academy Stokes and Gray. West Side La tourette, Hawkins. n . t r 1 ... . . Sflrh'jtixe.p. .' ' r HIU Military Academy Taylor and Baker. -, , , ' Columbia Dockstader, Black, Kehoe, yuinn ana Haywooa. Allen Parrlsh. East Side Holden and Shawcrosa : PorUand Academy Stokes, Glass and worris.;.,-' -..'t, ., .: West Side High McGuire Rnnvan. 1 xoung, uuoureue, uickson. and Healy, ';' '.' Broad Junp. . r , HIU Military Academy Taylor, Mer- cnant, May tin HIU, . - Columbia rKehoe,' Haywood, Qulnn, uvcHiaaer ana .nnis. 1 . .. Allen Parrlsh. . East Side Prehn." ' " " . Portland Academy Stokes and Glass West Side Hlckson. McQuIr. Smith, .Breeaweii, van tana Meier. . - Vole Vanlt, HIU Military . academy Merchant, va)tx ana uaiy. Columbia Dooley and Kehoe. ; -' East Bide Holden snd DeMarr. Portland academy Stokea, Williams ana oray. 1 West bide High Woodard, McGuire, rc,( iacKman ana venstrand. . Shot Ynt ' -- Columbia Qulnn, Velsgerber, Dooley ana xoomey. . HIU Military academy Taylor, Dona- son, uaiy, Loomis and cort, ' - . AUen Parrlsh. East Side Stanard' and Fisher, Portland academy-Hardlng, Henrys ana wemeu. t , ; West Side high Runyan, Smith, Haw kins, Dart. Hlckson and Rosa ' - SUcus Throw.-' Hill MlllUry academy Taylor, Hill and Merchant - Columbia Black, Dooley, Qulnn Too mey ana weisgeroer. . Alien Parrlsh. 1. East Bide Stanard and Fisher. Portland academy Harding, Henrys ana worneiL West Sid high Meier, Smith, Dart, nuss, neynoias sna Mawxins. ' Xalf-Xlle ely (Four Men). HIU Military academy Reed,' Loomls Hill, Taylor, Baker anL Graham. ' Columbia Frlss . Ennls, Kehoe, Dock stader and Qulnn. Allen preparatory McAllen, Burton, Nlcollal, StovalJ, Parrlsh and Chenno weth. . East side Prehn, , Holden. . Cornell. Shawcross and Stanard.' - " PorUand academy Stokes, 'Williams, Glass, Balrd, Bell, .Nichols and Cornell. - West Side high Meier,1 Dart, Hlck son, 'Huston, f Woodard, Brace, , Breed well and-Young.. ;.:,: 'y -j; -. In addition to-the regular medals for point winners, It business firms- have donated a special trophy each for th winner of the various events. The don ors ar . un , Bailing, ; - the Honeyman Hardware company, 1 W. ; Frledlander, mum . Dic.ici, a. . a. jacAipin, A. Se C. Feldenhelmer, A. J. Coff man. Butter field Bros., George W-McMlllan, Frank . Note ' the" announcements of all other clallsts ana - medical institutes and rou aee how Uttle they say about their treatment for Ken's Weaknesses and how lighUy they pass over th subject ' Yet one man out of very four, ha a vital weakness which-con ' StantlV dr&flta hi. tlATp. mmA ha vnaM miiat continually fore himself along in his every- XB wpeo-au. day path of living. There la no real joy or happiness that is not marred by his ever-present feeling that he Is sot as other men. Now to such men I offer hope. I not only hold out a helping hand to lift them up, but I urge them earnestly to accept my aid. I can gain their confidence from the first examination by locating the seat of their trouble exactly, .ana can always entirely convince them of the logical effect of my treat meat when J explain its action. Z naver charg for this examlnaUon or M consultation. - - . . "Wcaknc3s,, Means Just This: That ther la some functional derangement, the direct result of Inflsm- j mation, enlargement or excessive sensitiveness of ' the prostate Head (the nerve center of th reproductive parts), -brought on by early dls-"1 sfpatjon or resulting from som Improperly treated contracted disorder.; This condlUon cannot possibly be cemoved by Internal medicines, and any tonic system of treatment . that stimulates th acUvlty of th.' function can but result In aggravating the real ailment This is a, scientific truth I hav ascertained after a careful and sclenUflo study and upon whloh my own original i system of treatment la based.. I employ neither tonics, stimulants nor electrlo belts. I treat by local direct methods xcluslvly, and my success in curing even those eases that "others Tiav failed to temporarily relieve with their tonics Is conclusive evidence that my method' is he only possible means of a eornpl!, sadloal and permanent ear. A Guarantee Vrth Something Z do not care what your experience has been with other treatment, what guarantees you have, and what promises were unfulfilled In the " past as unsuccessful, unsclentlfio treatments and unreliable concerns ar tn no war a reflection upon honest, trustworthy buaiasss methods uvsq up to, oy me ror twenty years. ' 1 hav an established reputation, and my guarantee means that my patients are Indisputably Insured of success In their case. Ther Is aU the. difference In the world between a guarantee of this kind and th promise of those mushroom concerns which are continually falling In buslnesa Z repeat my straightforward, - square proposition to wait Sot my fee antU the cure Is effected. - M My Fee In Uncomplicated . C&ses YOUPAY WHENCUILED H "vwi-i - BLrsjuaaToxxuEoxa, XjOt tioob, oboajtxo . M WXAXJrXSS, OOsTTBAOTZD BZSOBAVJUL : BTSZOTUms. MWTCma TTLXn, X ' also treat and cure promptly and MOOS 10X80 I , thoroughly, ;' EXAMINATION FREE Z Offer not only FREE Consultation and 'Advlne. hn( nf that comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and ntajmnau' without charge, No ailing man should neglect this oocortunltv to m expert opinion about ble -trouble, ' , ? - : v ; V"" ' If you cannot call; wrlte-for Dtamosla Chart. M fflo ar. aU day from I a, ra. to p. m., and Sundays from 10 to L THE DR. TAVf .OR r.n 4 Momxzsov st, co. noosm, rosTLin, omzoosT. ESXSZSSSS2 WE CURE MEN OUR FEE sio IN ANT UNCOMPLI- GATED CASB8 , CONSULTATION FREE No Pay Unless Cored 86 Tear la SHwUanA . Omt methods - are tip to date and are - Indorsed br the klfb-st niedlril au thorities of Enrep and America. Heat our success la the treatment of men's diseases. :: - Hemern ber, our speclaltf .is limited to the dlMSM of MEN, sod MEN OVLX. 4 SPECIAL ' DI$ CASES Jlewly ' contracted ' . Ill chronic eases eared. All burnlnr. Itchln snd InfUamstlon s t o p p d . In 94 hours; cares . aff act ed In T drs. We eorer tbe n tlr field of speclil snd chronic, dmo- seated, compllcsted Olscases. A LIFE LONQ CURB ror Ulcer. Urinary Ob-traction, TarlMs and Knotted Yetns. Dkiod folsiw, Chrunle lilKharre. Skin IMseaset, files sad nstula, Kervo-Tltal Debility, KMoey and Bladder Piseases. W1LL YOU BE SHOWN If you ar not In th best of health, bat want to be. and, after ln-atlf atlng our plans of core, jroa do not aee filrness snd konestr la our proposition, your war of looking at thins ; U faulty. If yen hare Ured 1b this country for 10 years or awr, snd sr still unfemlllnr with one- method, reputation snd. success, write or tall upon and let us "8H0W TOP." It I never tuo late and you never get too oM to learn. We been longer established, are better equipped with apparatns snd experience for tresttng dlsestes that comprise our specialty than any other establishment In the city, and we are build In story sfter story In this (rest structure... "SUCCESS." poa th firm foundation of Bounty,' fairness, skill snd perlenes thst la fsst maklnt our easiness s Kins Solomon's temple tn slss and atrensta ss compared with our competit ors. Investlgat all thlac and hold fast to thst which is gOOd. , , ,.-f,:T!;,l: : ,' -' taioo : Yinrs. w cor tala dtaeas ' la ne week - without sa operc itlon. Every Indlcatloa of - the disess soon vsnlsbea, abd la Its stead- come tbe pride sod powerX and th pletsurs of perfect health and restored manhood. -. COWSTWOTlOaT V ' - We cure without th use of .knife by a trestmeat that completely dissolves same snd permsnently remove every . obstruction from th canal. loss or Yiaos. Too may be lsckuig In power and strength. If so ws -will restore to you tbs 8Z0BZT DISEASES. ' I .'Newly contracted esses cared. ATI ttchlnt. t ; InflsmmstJon and discharges : stopped In SM ' hours, and CUBED In seres days. - -BXDltEY, BLADDER AMD yiOBTATlO DIS- EASES. - . ,Ws ear ill Irritation, paid ta th ' back,P brlckdnat sediment, scanty flow snd catarrhal - condition la from six to eight weeks, . ' snsp, vim and vigor of per fect manhood, no matter wast tbs cause of ssm tbs us of potash. 1 WrIU for Symptom, Blanks If Yoa Cannot Call. Hour I a. as. U$ p. m., T to 1:80 p.' m. Sunday S t It una DISEASES. .Many silnlbts ara reflex, . originating rrom other dla :t eases, ror instance, sexusl - weakness sometimes eomes from vsrlrocele or stricture: . Innumerable blood snd bone diseases - often result from contagious blood taints the system or phyalcsl snd mental decline frequently follow Impotency. V la treat-' ; lng dawsses of any kind w , always remove th origin we cure tbe cans. ' OOWTaOIOUB blood VOIBOsT. It may be ln Its primary stage; It may . have been heradlUry or contracted. W - f"r complications. Ws stop Its progress, erad- Icate every trace of polao tnm the system, is from (M to SO days, to 8TAY CURKD rtiKBVKB, snd this without mercury . or Northwest Leagne, Butte -4, Spoken . - " Tacoma -1, Aberdeen 0. Vancouver 2, Seattle ,1. ? Portland Academy Baird, Gammons, Fuller and Frohman. West Side ' HighReynolds, C. W. Olsen, C. R. Olaen, Orlmm. Button. Peterson, Breeding, .Nicholas, Williams, Hastings and Dabney. .- . ; ; - ; Mile Bna.' " ---- Hill Military Academy May4, Bradley and McFarland. ;- , Columbia Burns, : Holcomb, - Hlncki, wavey sna uoarrey. . ' East Side Stanard and Shawcrosa - Portland Academy Baird,' Gammons, Frohman and Fuller. -West Side Reynolds, C. W. Olsen, C R. Olsen, Orlmm, Peterson, Breeding, Nichols. Williams, ; Hastings, . Dabney ana button. ;!) - r-.-130-Yard Hurdles. Hill ; Military Academy Merchant, HIU and Thompson. ' American League. St. Louis S, Boston 0. ' Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 0. Detroit 10. Washington 0. BASEBALL - KXCXXATIOsT VAMX, ' Corner Yangha and, Twsnty-fonxth. .PORTLAND ; ... y LOS A1NOEL.ES SCAT S3, S3, 84, SS, 88. . Game Called at 2:30 p. m. Daily. ." - Game Called at 2:IQ p. m. Sundays.- LADIES' DAY FRIDAY ADMISSION 25. GRANDSTAND 251, CUIJUDREN JO CI T MEDICAL and rt Wh A M M M . surgical mbuuMUl y oomwam jaBOoro abtd tamhtxtj .stjuibts, roBTXABrs, ossaov. i4M ' ( U I '11 ETH Save " Come at once and have free examlna uon. 1 - WB EXTRACT TEETH Irrtrv.- tt VER FILLINQS, (6e UP: GOLD FILL- ivv , act i. VJP AjLfltin, tt.vv; SPLENDID SET, 18 00j GOLD CROWNS tt.OO TO 16.00; WHITE CROWNS, ts.ll TO, $5.00. ah work guaranteed for ten year. Ladr attendant alwava nreaant. All work don absolutely without pain by specialists of from II to 10 years' ex perience. . , J ., . '.VI' . - Boston Dentists ;.. 7'.-., Who Main 8030. SfllH Morrisoa bu, Opp rostoffio. , YOUJK EYES Muscular , insufficiencies, which ar usually Ignored b most, optometrists, are especially and carefuily considered by us. -1 Our system of optical muscular treat ment insures your perfect comfort, n does - not ifollowT necessarily, '"that ybo will have to wear claaaea It will require but a Very.few minute Of your time to call and talk the matter over with us. ; Hlunsell Optical Co.- . Z,a Seaaa Kaaaell, atefraotlonlst. Xaoleay Buildingv Portland. Oregon.