The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Eli 0 0 C
ARE Mil Ml
Pythians Confer Right Upon
Chancellors at the Qrand
' Lodge Session. . .
: i v
Humber of Delegates la Future Win
Be Governed by Membership of the.
OrdeiHabbard Company Wins
" First Drill Prise.
The Pythian xanJ lodge it yesterday's
session conferred upon put grand ehan-
, ceiiors toe right to tote in rrand lodgt
, eesalona. A second Important Chang In
the law of tha order u that of allow-
Inj tha larger lodges larger repreaenta-
tioa m tin rrand lodge. ' Heretofore
tha rule haa been that each lodge bad
two delegates to tha grand lodra meat
inga under tha new rale the number
of delegate Is gorerned by the alia of
'tue lodge, with tha provision that no
lodge shall have mora than five dele
- jrates. . -.',-:. -j.j? i ..-.. . , i .,- . ..v
At t o'clock yesterday afternoon the
. oriu of the uniform rank waa held at
'the Armory. The flrat prise of $100
iwaa won by the Hubbard company; tha
' . t i -
; i
1 ..w . w.v.... ... J 1
Aged Prospector Tears ; Finger
Nails Out Seeking Drink
, In Barren Rock. ! ;
J. W. 'Bf array Meet Terriblo Fate
TThlle Seeking Pock Male on the
: ' Southern Desert Had Hunted
Gold forManjr rears. . ,
'"Tia Id abo atate penitentiary st BolM, where Orchard,' the confessed murderer ef Ex-Oorernor Steua
enberc. Is held. la this Institution Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone were held for a' time after their arrest.
In the upper corner Is Warden B. L. Whitney. V;.t?-V'v;"Vi '.'.'i
. (8wdal DUpttea to Tbe JoeraaL) "
K.lnlM Cir . Uiv llTh. thtrtMntti
50 prlia Waa awarded to the If cMlnn-1 nf tha mrnA oanrt nt Bnraatara
VUIe company. The Competitive drill I ttt ImiriM nf tha atnta of Onma aon.
tor the silver trophy cup will take place vened In Rainier on May II for a two
tnle afternoon. , , ' Idaya' aeaalon. with Grand Chief Ranger
. ,"UU1"U" " ln" compeuuva ami, i a. B. Dalgity prealding. The follow
the time today win be takes vp with I ing omceriv-were elected for tha enau
ouaineaa eeeaiona. cioainr tonight with ling term: A. I Brown of Balem, grand
the Installation of tha new grand lodge chhf rangar; O. Freeman, Oregon City.
" iert, r . "w . Igrang aub-chlet ranger; 3. Ecklund,
. .im. fLBuuin yannmi or roniana Portland, grand treaeurar; A. Brauer,
; 1"ctt srand chief of the Pythian Portland, grand aeoretary; K. Wright.
.i lnllK,n 19 ncceta u Grande, grand recording secretary;
' i Jur fair or Kainier. r. - P. Lalnen weber. Astoria, aenlor
co""nuoB r STana lodge or woodward; John Bauer, Grants . Pasa,
Pythian Slstera closed laat night with junior woodward; H. J. Kurath, Port
f the installation of tha following grand Und, eenior beadle; A. Bandera, Albany,
. w Junior beadle; grand truateea, F. R.
'i .T".? ch ef ."'E1!,bth Banning psterson, W. E. Snyder and CoaUnao;
'of Portland: grand aenior, Mra Ida Har- suprama repreaanUtlree to Chicago to
. . .o v, ""'-, rna junior, inn , the supreme lodge. W. H. Klepper, Port-
Chase of Coqulllv rrand manager. Man jMd; A. P. McLaren, Rainier, and T.
, ;;aret 8 locum of Union; grand mistress Kennedy, Roeeburr.'
vr recoras ana seais. Mary k. Hogue of The next convention la to be held
I V. " V. ' J FT M-'oc. r" or May ll, 10. at Hood River. A. Brauer.
i, tlL T. wUan,,i rand protector, Rrand reeordlng eecretary, restrned and
' i. iw .BX n'l ?J SaJ?m;- Tan'1 ba offlca waa riven to A. B. Dalgity of
; guard. Ma Gevurta Of Portland; grand Aatorla. , Tha honora of paat .. chief
, Mrs. Sarah i 5 Hochstedler of ranger ware conferred on A. Brauer of
n ,.. onyaer or Aurora; Portland, A. , Dalgity of Aatorla and
'unrema' rtnraafntatlva T.lllw n d..i . .. . . . . A.
. uiuv. jjromir a. j. onrooer oi Asiona. isi
of Hood River; alternate supreme repre
sentative, Miriam, B. Brooke of Port
'land. i ' . '' .. .
(Continued from Pag One.) .
Ferdinand 'E. Reed, who perhapa mora
than any other one man ia responsible
- Tor this larg popularity of Mr. Devlin
I iln theae precinctaefflcially at least,
f teas gona osrof pollUca and la now en.
.'fraged In the real estate business under
the firm name of Devlin & Reed. DU
reetty after the' prlmarlee" tha Republi
can central committee c&rne to the con-
- elusion that Reed was "an incubus" to
- -the Devlin boom and ousted him from
the of flees held prior to the primaries
In the MaUory building.
. , ' Derlla Gets a Faxtaas.'' I':"-
Mr. Devlin, following the wishes of
the committee in removing Reed from
the vicinity, opened his private offleea
' In the new Swetland building, at Fifth
and Washington, wber he - engaged
. rooms ii7 ana us.
meeting, waa the most harmonious
the grand Jurisdiction of Oregon.
(Continued trom Pag One.) '
are now enjoying their honeymoon In
British Columbia. ,Xs '.', -'v'-'
M re. Cook, a daughter of -Dr. Giltner,
la known as one of tha beat educated
and moat intellectual women in Port
land, Formerly aha taught at St
Helen's hall for several yeara, where
aha held the chair of Latin. In later
yeara she has been the acknowledged
leader In preparing young people , tor
college. 'vvv'A,,.. '".r--:-:'.
.Mr. Cook la aapttaliat who has held
commanding interests for many years in
large business enterprises. Ha came
here aa a boy about SO yeara ago and
grew up with the country. With hia
brother, 3. W. Cook, be owned the bis
fisheries at Clifton, Which they sold
r (Continued from Pag On.) '
and would v killed him bad it not
been for his (Meldrum'a) wifa
"These matters hava been reported to
the authorltlea and w now aak th aid
and assistance of th law-abiding tlU-
Devlla would not be able to appear at
th meeting tonight on account of
sudden spell of aickneas which put htm
In bed yesterday, .but th Republican
managers at city headquarters say they
will have their champion groomed and
ready for tha fray when th meeting
open at I o'clock tonight.
Good music will be provided for th
occasion, and It la expected, that a large
crowd will be present to witness tha
A t)vl.A .. MvtlAiilaplv thneias
wVo have TbeVn bowlin? TaVan'd order MlLCTT nt
. . .... . t,if t nravant trou. I "Jty candidates at a publlo gathering
kT: T-,7.r iha ' rt.f:M its campaign. The meeting wlU
M.Mmm or Mi oauea w oraer a. s w oiocs.
sans, but because w are anxious to
prevent trouble and bloodshed.
"All tha friend of Mover, uaywooa
and Pettlbone hava been instructed and
enjoined not to enter into any dlffl.
ouiiy, or any argument wiia rs w ; , . Be-rlee.
th cltlsen and to avoia irouoie li poo-1 T-cknort. N. T. Mit II. Desire of
si Die. aeeas, oi nn w- th proeecuUon to secure corroboration
mitted in this town they wlU b prs-0f the alleged confession of -Alder-
cipiiaiea oy xne imponea runmeu m man W. J. Frederiche caused hia trial
Meldrum stripe, and ac self-presenra- on the charge of bribery to be postponed
Uon IS tha f irat law Of nature,' W Shall l.t aTanlnr until Mondav. FradaHcha
protect ourselves and our friends wlthajierM that 11 other councilman, with
every means at our command and to th I himself, received 111.000 from a nool
utsi exiremiiy. . i or contractors wno were bidding for
"Let th offlcera disarm th Meldrum I contracts for a 1600.000 water-suDulv
gang, who have no right or authority to service from tha Niagara river. Ha re-
carry weapons.
'. Mated a Fiwolaraatlom, -Under
a scars head prominently dis
played on Its flrat page tha Idaho Dally
Unionist, official organ of tha tradea
unions of Boise, prlnta the foregoing
paragraphs and issued them to tha pub
llo as a proclamation. This oomes as a
sequel to a series of incidents that
hava occurred in Boiaa during the laat
few ' daya In which Imported gunmen
and detectives have taken the initiative
in trying to precipitate trouble with
union men and socialist Attorneye
Darrow and Rlohardaon of the defense
hava personally requested the local au
thorities to either disarm tha gunmen
and detectivea or take ateps to prevent
repetition of their attempts to start
Sine th arrival of th wltneaae for
this state, and defense many Interesting
altuationa have been developed." Several
of tha state witnesses are detectives
and strikebreakers formerly employed
by th Colorado Mlneowners' associa
tion In ita war against th Western
Federation of Miners in Tell u ride and
Cripple Creek, Colorado, while many of
th witnesses for tha defense are union
minera, against whom the detectives
fused to divulg the names of his as
.. (Teornst Snaetil Rarviea.) '
San Bernardino, May 38. J, W. Mur
ray, 69 years of age, died of thirst
among tha lava beds of Old Dads moun.
tain Friday. Hia body was found four
days later by Indian trail era aent out
by Superintendent F. 1 C Robie of the
Orange Blossom mines, to whom J. A.
DurnalL Jr, Murray" a companion,' had
In his delirium Murray had tied Ma
undergarmenta to a dead tree, had torn
his outer clothes Into shreds, clawed
hia face In shocking manner and worn
sway bis finger nalla frantl.iay dig
ging Into the hard lava for water., v
Murray and Durnall had be in grub
staked br P. Ma rax, cashier of the Ta
hachapl bank. Murray had fo 40 year
prospected on the desert and waa fa
miliar with Its dangera " , -
At willow Springs their mule broke
loose and he started to track it While
trying to retrac hie steps ha became
loat la tha lava beds. Durnall went
after him. burning signal fires over th
valley 'all night, and tha next day ha
notified - Superintendent Robie. For
three days Indians were searching for
Murray. They followed his tracka back
and forth and in circles before eomlng
upon his blackened remains undor a
greasewood bush.; '-. , , -
tJoaraal Spedat Berrlee.) :
Washington, ' May The president
this morning heard the plea of Mary
Wagner, aged 11, that her father, John
Allison, tha former bank robber who
escaped from the Michigan penitentiary,
be pardoned. . . t .
mm u
Our line of Chesterfield Qothes for' spring J
-'offers you the widest selection and utmost advan- J
tage In style, "quality and workmanship. Irs thef:
staying qualities that tell at the finish. . '
. C3iiss
Will give you better service, hold their sfyape longer z
and have better style to them than any other make ?
of high grade ready-to-wear, clothes in the world, i
; . . .We give you an absolute guarantee that the
coat of any Chesterfield Suit breaks back or other- :
wise loses its shape in one year's wear we will re-
place it with a new. suit free.- ; :'
$20.00 h S50.00
269-27 lMorrlion Street
The Store Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices..
Long Silli Gloves
Women's Long Silk Gloves, in black,
white and colors, double tipped fingers.
Friday and Saturday , at . rf f . O O
$1.08, ?1.50 and 3)1 .JO
No. 80 Sfll( Ribbon
Best quality 80 width Satin Taffeta
Ribbon, in all the popular shades,
on special sale Friday and 1
Saturday at special, yard... . '. d X C
" Sleeveless Vests
100 dozen Women's Low Neck Sleeve
less Vejts, nicely, finished and very
elastic Special for 2' days aV : C
8 and.. .OC
about threa veara aa-o. He ' waa also
part owner in tha big Sterling minee in nl trthebreakers wer pittd.
southern Oregon with Henry E. Ankeny.l Xeportd Miners Present.
H I The state's witnesses here are nart of
who helped deport the
- Her Reed went
. to work again in perfecting th private I whose sister was his former wife.
, . Devlin .machine. A number of clerks i has mi aon in town. FinvA cook, who la I h. n..mK.
5nd "tenoirrapher wer installed un- engaged in th .automobile buaineaa; a minera from the Colorado atrike dla
t'tll.ulL. w. v"4.!1. Wf ngi- son in California, Ray Cook. , and a tricta and many of the witnesses for
, un wbu uiui.uuni vii b oroauer i oaugnter, Mrs. ueorge siazweu or as
. , lio man oeiore. ine pnmarjea I torta.
auum mis urn. nowever, ine jour-
A1 . V.1 I k . t A ...... .
; not been thrown over by Devlin, aa the HILLSBORO CHILD IS
f. cenu-ai oommutee announced, and at
FpMw ill Sifiirlay pciil
the same time it waa discovered that
' Reed had entered Into an understanding
with Frederick Malkey regarding the
machine support for h, Is. coming sena-
ivnu campaign, .,. v- -v- .
This Information split things ,- wide
open down at the Republican headquar
ters and after a heated session there,;
at which Reed consigned the official
the -defense present constitute part of I
a se veraX iundred union miners who I
wer deported. The meeting for the
first time, between these bitter and
Irreconcilable enemies . can ' batter ' be
BURNED TO DEATHI lmalned than aMcribed- it during the
ae wsaa vases va U va VUkAVS UDtRISU I
these elements is averted it will be be- j
cause tha days of miracles have re
turned and men hava ceased to be I
Sheriff Hodgln, with a force of depu
ties, spent the greater part of vaster-1
day and this morning scouring thai
- - (Spaelal Dtapatch to Tbe Joeraal.)
HUlsboro. Or., , May 1 3. Th J-year-
old aon and only child of Mr. and Mrs.
K. I McCormicfc of thla city died at
1 ' o'clock this morning from tha ef-
managere to a more southern dime, the burn caternillara in the vard when his
Ploturee of Mr. Devlin disappeared from mother noticed hia clothing aflre. With
ice aoors or tne b wetland -building office rare presence of mind she clasped him
and in their place appeared tha plain and wound her heavy dreso about him
legend, :"F. E. Reed. Walk IN.", Si and extinguished the flames, - but not
Ttf the reporters Mr. Reed now con- before they had severely injured him.
fides that he is in the real estate bust- How the clothing. caught is a mystery,
ness. and see but littl of Mr.. Devlin. Th funeral will probably be held to.
j.v uicuus, uuwtiw, no says; - loose I mOrfOW,
-r- tnougnt ney would throw
fects Of burns received a few daya ago.
Tha Child waa Watching his mother country for talesman to annaa In anurt
I. .U A wVam hi. I r '
tomorrow afternoon
for tha Haywood I
(Continued from Fag One)
Children's 25c Hosiery
15c Pair
"Friday and Saturday only at this special price. , Chil
dren's fine French ribbed Hosiery, double sole, heel and
toe, silk finish, seamless and guaranteed fast color, sizes
5 to 94 ; standard 25c quality, and never sold for. f"
less, pair. . . .. '.. . . i 1 DC
100 dozen Women's Hosiery, fancy embroidered designs,
allover.lace and lace boot; also white foot and a full range
of plain colors; values in this lot up to 50c pair. OCV
Friday and Saturday.,.. ...... ,4. f .......... ...CioQ,
Boys' Wash Suils 50c
Buy your boy a Suit here Friday or Saturday and pay about
half. Come in Sailor and Buster Brown styles, in a variety
of stripes and pain colors; regular 85c and $1.00 a
values, ages 3 to 10, each:.!.;................;...;. uUC
Nazareth Walsl 15c r
r - . ' .. ' 'f - --,.(,, .... . -., . T ..
Nazareth Knit Waists for Children; the best waist made,
on sale here Friday and Saturday. Come in pure white In
ages 4 to 12; standard 25c quality. Don't miss this I C
special. , ........ i....... ... ...... r .V. . . V IOC
me out, but they could not do It They
waniea m 10 get out or town for a
couple of weeks, , but I am still here,
and I am going to stay. Will Devlin be
: elected? Sure. But the Republican een
- tral committee and Billy Cake won't
working for months on the theory that
Former Governor Steunenberg waa mur
dered by Harry Orchard at the instance
I U rnANrv O tUMCI-DtnU timber land. The sleuths ballev. that
tne muraerea man learnea or some
( , do it, They wanted my organisation, j noise Idaho May 2S--Tha T Steunen- threatened to bring the, criminals ; to
Kbut they did not get It." 2 hm t It 3 SSJSSE l0 th. W" d-th resulted from
J bere in my pocket, and If you will come organized at a meeUng of repreaenta- swindlers fear of exposure. k
up into the office I will prove it to
' you, .; !, have the organization, that la
i , going to elect Devlin, but Oake and their
i , bum machine couldn't elect anything."
tive citizens of Idaho here several
months ago. and of which W, A. Cough.
anour of Fayette was choeen president
and Frank Martin of Boise secretary.
la now pushing the Work of collecting
funds for the purpose of erecting a suit
able monument to the memory of the
late governor, to be placed in front or
the Hew capitol building now in course
of construction at this place: ; The as
sociation has collectors in every section i
Sensations are promised by the da-1
fens In other quarters than those so I
far disclosed by tha trial of Haywood,
and eountleas rumors of a startling na-1
tura are flying everywhere.
(Continued from Page Ona)
(SoeHal Wapateh to The JoorBal.V
CorvaUis, . Or., May t8.-r-Corvallls, th stata. at din a' in the work of rais-1 leal animosities, charges and counter I
lng the necessary money. is pro
posed to erect a monument to cost 125,-1
nnn . .
like many of the other valley towns,
baa tha railroad land fever, and oiti
sens by twos, fours and docena are
flocking coastward 'every day for the
purpose, oiv locating .claims on t which
they, intend to nie and then tender to
- th ; railroad!! company - the purchase
. price, hoping thua to establish a prior
ciaim o me tracts, aunday a Tlarge
crowa leix inis city oy private convey
ance for Alsea valley and points beyond
Eellefountaln. in southern Benton coun
ty, headed oy a locator who knows all
charges will be forgot, and th speakers
will tali what the east side needs in the
way of ; improvement, . and what each
prospective administration thinks It can
The promoters of the meeting, which
WU1 be held in the Odd Fellows' hall at
Grand avenue and Pine streets, say that
tne meeting win be nonpartisan. ; Poli
tics will be eliminated, and improve
ments will be the theme. Each candl-
date will ten what he thinks about the
subject of fills and bridges and grades,
(SDerfal DiitDatCh to The Jonrnal.)
Pendleton, Or, May r -Tuesday,
June 4, the Oregon railroad ommls
alnn will hold a . meet In a- at Pendleton
about the railroad lands In these sec-1 for the purpose of investigating the I but nothing about the turmoil of poll-
need of a local tral n between . .renaie.
ton and Portland, otnoiaia or tne u.
R. N.. and the cltlsens will be given
an opportunity to go before the com
I mission to discuss the situation. An
effort will be made to secure a strict-
ly local : train between Pendleton and
Helena,' Mont, May J. All of the Portland, such as is now run between i
linemen of the Kocsy Mountain Bell Portland and. Biggs.
Telephone company in tne state went it
i tlca or the rock a which strew the path I
in a municipal campaign. '
It was feared for a time that Mr.
1 i
strike yesterday, demanding an increase
In wfeges of SO cents a day. About 160
men are affected. The linemen's state
strike la general over Utah, Wyoming
end Idaho also.
' 1
SI. 00
-. aeaanasisj
(Snaelal tXaDateh to The - JoantaL) :
Boise, Idaho, May 21. The closing I
aeaalon of the State Bankers' assocla-J
tlon was bald: yesterday. The meet
ing throughout has been a big success.
The following offlcera were elected for I
the ensuing year; President, F. W.
Kettenback of Lewlstont vice-president, I
J. E. Clinton Jr. or Boise; secretary, L.I
f A. Coats ot Boise, and ueasursr; S. IC I
. . . COFFEE ;
3 Buy it in ' airtight pack
ages, not ' exposed to air, i
and grind it at home.
- Tear graesr rstaras yeer steaey II yea eee't
like Schilling's Bast: we ear hlai
White Parasobl 1 2000 White Waisls at 97c I Corset Covers
250 White Linen Finish Par- -'' : ' .- . ; ' ' . - ' AAftA Fne Cambric Corset Cov-
asols, latest novelty handles Pe .f!?1" barn.ln Shirtwaists ever offcred2000 txtt $ Iace in.ertion,
and our best $1.50 quality fine Whlte Waists ln ovfr 2P, t g lace edge, beading jind'rib-
' Friday and Saturday; fl-jr or short sleeves, lace and embroidery trimmed; waists bon ; regular 40c V. n
special .9 C 5? S19 collation worth as high as $2.00 apiece. M value ; pcda.j. , , t . Jq
Women's Satin Pad Hose Friday and Saturday, choice VIC The Brassiere form-fitting
Supporters, 4-strap style, Manufacturer's Sample Waists', about 75 all told in the Corset. Cover, lace and rib
best lisle elastic, all colors lot, some slightly soiled from handling, but otherwise bon trimmed; regular 75c
and regular 50c grade.) r perfect Dainty lace and embroidery trimmed ; fA grade. On sale, at, . f A
Special, a pair.,,;. LoZ waists worth up to $3.50.- Choice at, each.... .D1. Ji special........0C
Ruffled Curtains 50c Pair Men's Underwear 25c
Friday and Saturday only, 150 pairs Ruffled Swiss Cur v 'ere. ' ' I ' , ' '
tains, 2 yards long, 38, inches widei fancy stripe pat- V. Mp IvflPITlblll " " '
terns, and our regular 85c quality.' Friday and A 1 " A VI JCil lllClll
Saturday at special, a pair:...... ;...:.:QUC jen's light weight" Balbriggan Underwear, knee' and ankle
' i - length drawers, with double seat. Shirts in either long or
"-''-- w " ll 1 r ' - sort slceves- Boys' sizes also in' this line. A splendid
. . Just In by Express , : , . ssrrsr. r.t:.h.1.'.'. 25c: ,
New. White Linen Skirts, Silk Auto Coats with plaid Meas nght weight Australian Wool Underwear, fine Jersey
hoods, Wash Silk Waists, Net Waists, Cream Serge ribbed, nicely finished and the identical grade sold at ex
Coats and Skirts', Black; Voile. and Panama Skirts.-;. Spe elusive clothing stores at $1.50 a garment ' Friday ' AO '
cial prices Suit Department . , ' .. and Saturday, garment ....;. "oC
Mail Orders; f(Lrrff Qfih n Paris Patterns
ceived. - Send for our new (( J . : (! X. -i -O now. seI1 at 10- cent each.
Reduced' Price List it's , ym0S ,r Ov. , All seams allowed. They
. . -, v Free. ' - ' CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS. ' are Union-Made, ;
uayescx nuuets. , ; - s ... -.