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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
HIE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 83, 1807. ', 13 FPU SALE REAL ESTATE. , 1,100 FOB t nln Woin house, close In. $l,4fi0 buy ia Al modern, Man. $l,tt0 Best buy la city; modem In svery respect, on comer lot 60x100; close In. 1 $2,000 Elegnt bom, lghtly locution, mod- rn fixtures; streets Improved; www' and t sidewalks n; ye, thla will surprise yoa to, 1 1 knOW that will !! It hl. - t,m l , 12.000, , ..- ,'.. HOME LAND CO., ' - I ; hov. First St. , , .( HOUSES, VEHICLES, ' HARNESS. BEST work and light bsrnees, prices lowest; ; ws take your old harness In axebang for new. Keller Harnesa Co.. 40 North ninth at. personal; MISS KTIIKL WARD, manicurist and ehlropr ... dlst. formerly of 20H Third at.,, la now at 8;w Pine at. Phone Pacific 1730. FOB SALB Panel-top delivsry wsgoiy food aa LAPIE81 Aak yonr druggist for Chichester new. 420 Baluiont at, Llr.T.7,m'' property -wit String A ""n wtsmngtoa at tlarland. tor quick aaiea. , . WILLAMETTE) HEIGHTS lot at bargain for f - oay; room for three bungslow. . A. ' yC. 0f. 24 Lnmbar Exchange. . '7B.A00 RaanHAll kntna on WI ll.n,.t. H.1fcM A; 11 fOOKla and reeentlnn liall mnr ...v.. IJT TT y PUIII HIHI Mil' 1 U in WTWTJ I 124 Lnmbar exchange. S SPAN of good draft boraea. weight about g.ouo pounai. 348 Front it. , . XIEABg ef horses, weight 1300. 2 wagona, new Ht of hirneaa, siceptlng ona collar; nearly new band scraper and lead brt. 2 log chain. 12TB complete. S(4 East 20th . It., corner t.oing. - -J , I'll I a. tba Diamond. Brand. For 25 rears ' known aa best, aafeat, slwsys rallable. Taka . no other. Chlehesters Diamond Brand I'lUa ara sola py druggists everywhere. - ... v LADIES: Dr. La Franco' a Compound: est. 1 . speedy regnlstor; 23 cents, droegtsts or mailt booklet frac. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. MABEL 0TRATTON, formerly of Unutllla. Orij pirase writs ia A. v., joa mm at. DENTISTS. DR. EARL 0. MrFABLAND dentist. Suite . 710-71 MJ3 SwstUnd blag- Pbons Main 2201 DR. W. B, KNAPP baa returnsd from east (iffln 10 Hamilton hldg. - EDUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPKRT COLLEGE. ' Commonwealth bnlldlng. 81b and Ankenr. Jihona Main 8001. Telegraphy, ahnrtband, ynrawrltlngA nvnminablp. Rngllah branch, individual lnatructlona, apaclal acholarabip. M . " U.lll y. A. 0. Oag, 4 In 8081, A-8001. ' yoor property' wit IH Waahlngton at.. with Strang aV Harland, for quick aalea. . OKJftrirTll SNAP. . ' I4B0 and aoat of atreet Improrement Rod : ner aranua lot HO x 100. Market nine of . v thla lot la $700. Owner want qnlck aaU.I .i i tm A. . i . a rr v.. I . ' UHJKiy ix gov wa hum. nrm xi. tt Lemek company. Sixth and Waahlngton eta. -nil , Urn. i A MEW Broom cottage and 80 100 lot with ; - city water, sear car una, la MUwaokl. , Harlow PowlUig, Mllwankl,. Ore. 7. KV WB8T !) INVBSTMIINTS.- - ' 88, BOO Two cottage oa piajr treat, rent- mg for $30, per month. 10,000 Two nfca bonaci In Nob HID duv. inct, lot 00 g 100. t $14.000 no ni-room hotw in beat , : dence dlatrlct. Pay par cant oa two yaare a w mora lease. . - : For fnrth; parttcolgrg regarding the .. xuvpemea are V ' . EIMMERMAN TAT70HAN, Hoom 810 Bnchanaa hldg., 1 Phone Mala 1678. 86H Waahtogtoa it. .4 LOTS In North Atblna, $1,000. - A. 0. Gage, x umiMr excnanga. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. $3,750 A atrictly modern 8 room boaae; will taka 81,800 to $3,000 la email oottaga and aererai iota on or near Bt. jouna .car unci balance terma. -' . $4,800240 acre In Klickitat valley,' " fenced, bog tight; good new building,. Will exchange for city property or a good little ramneae propoaition, - ' ' 1 t. 1 $3,600 A cracker-jack drag bnalneea, lo cated in a lire country towa. . Trade for ood realdenc nronert. . 8Trl good wheat rancbea, and few " good Talley farm to exebange foe city prop- ' '.arty. What ha Toul If yon want ta . make any kind of an exchange, Turner, Wj) waaningtoa at. OLD books bought and aold at 168 Fifth et. ana nil second at. llyund uroa. DESIBABLID cltv nrooertr In Aitoria: will ex change for Portland property, W, J. , Cook, cui junmoer jucnang niag x ortiano. ; Trt iTrnimii rvw hmiM and lot.: or will al! foe caah th beat bakery proposition la Port land, all caah, counter trade; long leaa and taw- rant. - Adores u auo, ear journal., 160 ACRES of ancle tend, near Lyle. Willi., fog boom or lot la good loAgtlon. W1U pay or aasum dlf faraaoa. , Addraa K 80S, car 1 journal. , j " ; FOR 8A1EL1TEST0CK.,. FOB SALE good cowa nd milk route; ana tomera ewe in. iwui riret at. . BUEINESS PERSONALS. FOB lumber Of all klnda. rough or en faced. call us up. Whsther your orders are large ( or email, we neuter promptly. Trarla Bros. ; lumber yard. Fast Eighth and Hawthorne are. INVENTIONS bought ano aold. - Covenant Con-1 tract Do., n meaner bldg. Main 2SS1. SKCLLT CO., 14th and Flanders ! floor, feed. nsy, grain., rnonea a 1011. racine nix. WB will paint yon bouse ' just right at th ngnt price. i. r. Hsnrton, contractor. High-grade painting, tinting, finishing, paper- hanging and slgDS, 8hop 665 MalL Phone 1ST Sellwood. ; : .. HOLMES BHSINBSS COLLKOB. ' ' Washlncton and 10th ate- Flledner bide Rnokkeeplng, Shorthand, Typewriting and all Engusa nrancnea ungnt, ootn aay ana aignt. FINANCIAL aid to ale worthy young ladle who win to tat morrnana course. Anniy at one at ornre. nit uommonweaita oidg Sixth and Bnrnelda ata. , ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, M. I. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark at. aTIaeTic and Oaa Fixtures and Snppllea. . ManrsM. Tiling, urate ana iogmnu PACiriO BLBCTBIO CO. Fngtneere, eontrao- tor, rrpalrers. oleetrlo wiring, aonpllea. M First, anr. Stark. Mala 888. E. H. Tate, mgr. WFSTFRN RLECTBIO WORKS, ! Sixth et. Con tract ore. elecrrte anppllea, motor ana ay Bamea; wo Initau light ana power piasra. PIOO0TT. FINCH BIOOBR. ettorner at - law, Mnlkey bldg corner Boeoad and Mor MORRISON BLBCTRIO CO 801 Baat Merriana et riitnree, wiring, repairing. Bast 8128. PENCE AND WIRB WORKS. ARCHITECTS, RRN8T KRONER, architect Plana and apeclO- cation also nuuaing aapenntanaenea, . H. a DITTRTCH, arWlflect 821 Wllllama arc, . II ..rill . .1. M, . n 7 I PORTLAND WIRB IRON WORKS Second and Brerett ata. Phono Mala 8000. GASOLINE ENGINES,, ASSATERS. FOR BALEFARMS. ACKBAQB. acroa ,. anlmprored UaoV - J MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Mar I VICTOR Talking Machine and record! Stela way (or etneri piano, ainermaa, Vlajr ) pe.. auxxa ana aiornsoB ata., op p. r. o. ., $800 PIANO, to ba aold at a great aacrtflco. No agent considered. Opportunity of a Ufa- - uiiw. u oi, varw journal. OARTIN CTANIDR EXTRACTION CO., Montana Assay Office. 1M Motnaoa at. ' OASOLINB BNOINES. Stationary and marine: electric eonlp- snents; launebest acceaaorleai wboleul and retail: angina repairing. . Belaraoa Machinery v.. iBZ--, Momaoa at, . 1900-48 $1,150 20 acre near Bearerton, T acroa lear. balance la moon tain awalo land, hou . and barn, good orchard, small frnlt. ' $2,20040 acres, i mil from etatlon, part ly Improved, amall boas and barn. ( $2,200 21 U acre well Improved land, 19 . mile from PoHland, . I miles from B. 8. etatlon, on rnral rout; IS aeraa,ander calrl ration, balance to woodland, good 6-room bouse, telephone, bar and other Mt-balM lag, abndnc of frnlt of all klnda, will ; aell stock and all firm Implement cheap. 'A Bo llttl country bom and a batyala. .v .... B. UCATJ9.- . Vj:'.:.., SM Stork at. - FOB SALB ITS acre of fin land, with goad , mproTmenti wlthla 1H mile of good acbool; thla place I adapted t th ralalng AUTOMOBILES. SHEFFIELD marine engine a. lay propeUar. raDTMnka. Mora m Go, First aad Stark ate. HARDWARE. , . - HOWARD M. CO VET. A rent Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobile, Ced illa and Knox. Temporary locatloa Clsk Oarage, 15th and Alder ata PORTfyAND HARDWARE CO. solicit opportna- uy to qoot prices, it Bixtn at. raeine oa. FOR SALE -Mlf( CELLANEOU8. cnin ornco. we ecu, lease ur rent new ma-"l y aeoond-band marblne B and op I other make of ew machines $28 and Dpi aeedle for all make of machine; all Kind of machines repairoa ana faeranteeo. B. n. Hlegal, agent. ju Horriaoo at. parao Mala gins. ;'' art. ;V FREE LESSONS IN ' BmhroMery Brery Day. TBI NFBDLBOBAFT SHOP. $88 Waablngtoa at . HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. Amaricaa plan, S3, 89 par day. BBLTBLBBB; Eoropoan plaai 4tk aad Alder ata. ' ii , wm . INSURANCE. : ' -;!: f T VH'atD 8TATTH VlTtAVlt. UM OF lOKTT.illTl AxtOflg. J.J.i.... .... ' ... Nortbweet Corner .Third and Oak Stroat. Transacts t Omni UliIm Boats. DBAF18 tOHVUD Arailabl la Alt Cltle " united State aad Europe. Honrkon and Manila. Collection mads ea Fa mt ' fTT' President ...J. o. AINHWORTH ICashler...' B. W. aKflMBIJ ..a......... . BL. LM DABHU laMBlini vasoier ..........It.. . - Assistant Cashier .....A. M. WRIOHT Flo-President ADD fTXTOir. BANKtaS Fortlani, Oregon. L , W. M. lUDD. C. H. LADD. ' ' "v.- . . i ' Eatanuanea Itiov. Transact a Omerat Banking Binmo. . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. " ' tonq rlnga depoalta. Interest paid on tlm deposit. J. W. LADD. r, i Savings MIA SRCHAWTS1 WATIOVAX BAKK Portiaad, Oregon. " IY1 i "A WATSON President I R. L. D0RHAM...,..,..,.,.,TlcPrlrn ' S. C. CATCHING Second Assistant Caahlct .. , . ' Ttaasacts a General Banking Buslneea. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issoed AvalUbl 8 .' ii All Parte of the World. Collection a Specialty. . 11 W-f sivr ctw a y yw.b m ... , . . , , ...! ,fiu a. a w.t,.iaM. California. dnltal paid an 84.000 000 I Snrnlna and rmdlvMed profit. ,....810.168.878 WM. ,, Oenecsl Ranklnr and KrchaagV Bnalneea Traaaactad. Interest on Time Deposits. BAViNUV DEPARTMENT Account may bo opened or io ana spwsm. , . , Portland Branch Chamber of Oommercs Building. j. . ' . MACRBA.. ,......, .Manager i.iT. BDRTCHAELL. Aattirt Manas FOIST jTATIOHAX SAjrx-rertUad, Orsgoa. Oldest Matlotwl. Bank a tn Padfl CoMt. . CAPITAL AND 8VKPLCS. 81.800.000.00. DBP0SITS. $14,O(X.O0O.o6. . . " A.- L.' MTfiLS t w "',r.;"-i; rreannent w. vt ai.""" i"r: J. W. KEWKIRg Cashier 9. T. BTKTBNB. .... .Second Aeslstant Cashier .Aaahrtaat CusW TRUST COMPANIES PORTLAND TBTST COVPAaTT OF 0KE00N Ths Oldeet Trast Compaay JaOrogsa. B.FHOUBCF.S OVER $2,000,000. General Banking. Two per cent tatereei oH enecli e soontg fovea bnndreds. on dall halea of 8000 or over. Lett- of credit and iehn aa all part of the world.. Saving account. Tim certificates. $ to 4 per centt fT" special certificate. $800 or over. 8H to 4 per cent. . Can for Book of ''lLLt7STlUTIONS.M i "ontheast Corner Third ami Oak Streets. Phone Prtvat Exchange TJ, J.BNi'AfHnN ..Preeldent J H. U PITTOOK... Fdt Br LEB PAGET '.Secretarv I J. 0. OOLTRA Aaelatant Secretary SKCjrmrTT SAVTNOS TRUST COVTAVTSo Morrison Street. Pert! aad. Oregoa. Tranaacta a Oeneral Banking .Buelnea. SAVINGS DEPABTMBNT. Intereet a 1 low- cal Tim aad Baring Aeeonata. ,Aeta aa Traate for Batata. Draft and Letter of Credit, . . . ? Avallabl oa All Part of th World. - ' A. 1. MILLS., ...... ...Second Vice-President I B. 0. iCBITZ. ,, .Secretary ; ytcv. B. kuhukli,. .Assistant pecssrary r-rXTLX OTAXANTEX A. TRUST 00 VF ANT 140 Waabiajrtoa StrsstV I ,. a. ,vr ,, MORTOAGB LOANS on Portland Besl Estate at Lowsst Bat. 1. THOR BtTR ft B 088 . .. . OBOROB H. HILL.. Title insured. Abetraeta Fnrnlshed .President I J NO, B. AITCHISON .Vice-President I T. T. BTJRKHART... ...Treseorer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M OXBIS .BB0THZR8 Chamber f Osaaaasro BalUlag. Municipal, Railroad sad Public Service CrcroraHon D0WNIN0-H0PKIH8 COKrAlTT XaUblUksd 1191 XK0XXXJ. ' , . STOCJCS, BONDS, GRAIN Boogbt aad Sold for Cask and m Margtsv Prtvat WlrsiV . v ' BOOM 4 CHAMBER Of COMMEBCB. Pnoa Mat ST. B. R. MOORRHOC8B A CO. Artists' aaaMrlals. fr moidtag. pictur. J ISAAC L. WHITE,, fir lnanraaoa. ; I Sbar of .Tock dJuVTngT fl7P7 rTngm'nrt g! FBBI FOR BVERYBODX Ring ap Mala 4IM J, ACCORDION DRESS PLAITING. - S A M m JS m-m I - 1 JBSB) attaall AH U. 1,1 A Barfs mm mm m. m ml utl " - 1 soon ; bargaial Urn. Carltoa, Oragoa. v Addrsa CL W. Tall, ; .': Snap ; : z, A anbnrbaa tract of 84 acre ef tb best . land In tbs county; eome llttl cleared; John . son creak rnna through land; good level road to city, S ml lea aoutbeaat, bait mil to car- : line; low price aad easy terms. See as at . nc U yoa want something cheap gad good, J. lm WELLS CO.. . ... SOS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 90 ACRES Improved, miles from' town, on . river; good soil ana lersl ; some Umber; snap ' at '$128 per acre. 82tt Third St., room 6. OHOICB 10-acr orchard, apples, early and late; ' , cherries, grapes, strawberries; 1 acre timber, v lire itream; good bnlldlngai atock and tools; ',; all complete, for $2,100. . 824 Third at., : J- room o. .-, i BUT yonr farm near Portland; rich aollt price advancing: aend for my big descriptive- list 1 or can. u. w. mion, Many, or. '. mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-m , FABM, 740 acres, 8 mile team Eugene, wen improved, mostly bottom land, $25.00 par . sere, low 'Interest, easy term. For partlca ' lar call 160 Pag at. Phone JSaat 868 Port land, or kddre Jobs Ingham, Kogens, Or. r call I13H Frost at. Wa bny aad aaO tor- liar, ctouiing eg spy old thing. HOLDBN'S RHBCMAVIO CURB Snr car tor rnsamatism. Sold Pr aU druggists. , BILLIARD AMD POOL table tor rest r sal on easy payments. MISS O. GOULD. BIT Bwetland bldg. Accord ios pleating and button covered. ''. BATHS MASSAGE. Z W. lm PAGE, Insn ranee; etn plovers' liability. surety bonds, trarglsr and accident lasaraaoa. rnooo Maia azs. zu railing niog. JAS. McL WOOD, employers' liability sad b dlvldsal accident security beads of all klads. Phono 4T. sua. McKay bldg. TUB BRCNSW1CK-BALKeJxLLENDEBCOm I MANICURING, face and scalp treatment; hatha LEATHER AND FINDINGS. "....', attl $TAtsul Mm - ' , . I m m.A ... . 11AU. RTnSSk SB I ea 11x1 fM bj w. .au-yaj sr - 40 Third tU Porthtad a t I S $ f - PHONB MAIN S3T4. $ $ $ $ Extra special furniture and stores; largest assortment, cheapest prices la new and scc- ona-osao gooaa or every aeectipt ion; aa a call ana ne convinced. I $ f $ THE DOLLAR, new and sec rlptloat gtv 232 First St., Near Ms! OLD BOOK STORE removed 188 Fifth aad u Bocoaq ata. .. .-. - SHOWCASES and flxtorss, new and second BABd. Carlson A KaUstrom, S88 Coach at. FOR SALB Rnna boot Oldemobllo, cheap, v, In- ium mil rim, mi,, at mri Bosrmaa at. OASOUNB lannch 80 feet long. 8 feet wide, 8 test neep, win eeli ebeep for esab. or trsde for Portland auborbaa kite. Bealy Iaraatmsnt vo,, itJU-Xi ADington ldg. OWING - to dissolrlng partnership, a homer pigeon aquab plant mnat be sold at one third it cost, ueo. gi. Hoots, Kaiams, waaa. H0ME8EEKXR8. TAKE NOTICB. 80 acre. 86 nnder cultivation: -room kon. Urn 60x00; barn 80x88: wartrjlpsd roB SALE Farnltur -room house, cheap. SI .late Urn bora and boose; 43 head cattle. I .Seventh at. ,,,, ...T?,., 18 of which ara mllcb cows: wsgoa. toowsr. j 1 1 rake, bay-fork, aad carrier, plowa, steel bar- j job SALB Kslley steam drag saw. eomnlot, STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest makers. : BOWB. DAVIS KILHAM. 100-1)1 Second st. Blank boots mar-ufactored; agents for J oner Improved Looee-Lear ledgers; see th a Eureka lest, tb best oa tb market. ii I, c 1 1 1 ' 1 .. i i i in BUTCHERS SUPPLIES 1 BTJTCHBRr SUPPLIES S. BirkeawaM Co.. . 804-808 Everett at.i larrest botcher snnplr f noase oa tn cos si. writ tor cata logos. 1 1 i BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adntph A. Dskam. 181-188 First St.. csrrle a foil line end cs piste assortment at lowest market price. J UA-ji i ib in i iwbi i i wastaeasas - , CARPET CLEANING. THE Pacific Coast Carpet , Renovators clean I yonr carpets Ion ths floor without removing ,' fnrnttnr frotoi rooms. We rsle no dnst, , resiors all dirt, and grcss spots. ,. Pboo : racii.: sis... - CHARLES U MA STICK A CO.. Front and Oak sts., issthsr ana akina of evary description for all purpose; , sol and tap nttsra; findings. i. LAND SCRIP, WANTED and for sale AH kinds, tacradlng approved forest rsssrve scrip .for sarvsyod. snrveyed, timber and prairie govern si ent land. B, M. Hamilton. "Tba PortUnd." Portland. MONUMENTS. MEU A KINGSLBT. 2M First at. Pcrtland'a leading marble and granite work. MONUMENTAL BRONZB CO Most dnrsbl grsvs headstone. Room It, S68 Stark at. MACHINERY. B. TRENKM AN CO. Mining, aswmta log ging machinery; nyarsnue pipe, csstingl all kinds repaired. 104 North Foarta St. OTcrbcck, Starr & Cooke W(X:.r' ; aunt, rggyiBioiiv uhth"v siwm iu avaim. , , ., Y-, - wi DO A BTSIOTLg oixcuinio suani., - Contlnsoo MarksU by Private Wlnv Quick Sorvics. REFBBENCBH Udd TflbJO, Bsakta, and United Stataa National Bank of Portland. - PAlTmNG AND. FAPERING. FOR rsllahls work. rMsoasbl prices. Sheehr Bro. 282H tamhUU assr 4th. , Mala S07l P. A. DOANB will' glv yoa ths best asttmat for sstlafactory work. - 898 Yamhill irt. Plumbers. K FOX COttanltarr plumber, SSI roond, JJt. Msta and Salmon, Oregon phon Mala S001. DONNBRBBRG RADEMACHEtt No. 808 Bsmsld si. PRINTING. TUB MODEBN PRINTER! Artistic prrntlns. M Rnsssl hldg, Foarth aafl Momaoa. Pseifl 1828. ... , , l OGILBBB BROS., printers Csrds. blllhssas. to. Pnons Hah isna. 140 iir . T REAL ESTATE. PARRISE, W ATKINS CO.. SW ALDER ST. Besl estate, rentals, kjsbs aaa W msks a specialty qf baadllng rsntala and property for mldeata and non-rsaldaats, Estsbllsbsd 1S7X Phone Msla 1844, J. w. OGILBXB. rsal aststs and loanai actaa- Uabad 1888. 140tt First St., -room a.,. STREET PAVING. WARREN Coaatreetloa Co., street saving, atds- wsiss sas srassmgs. si Lsimoer xaBaxur. IHF) Barber Aephalt Paving Os. sf Psrtlaad. OffW 868 Worceatar blk. TRANSFER AND. HAULING. pis aos and fsrnlrsrs aseved, packed tor shipping snd shipnsd: all work SAFES. , ready guaranteed; larf t-atory brick fireproof - wareoosws roc storsgs- Otnc gtsy oak at. Olaaa Boa, Pbsa Mala 847. a a PICK. fOc SS First St.. between Stark . Snd Oak ats.i phoa 888. Plsas aad farm tnr moved aad packsd for shipping) sasnms : duos .brick wsrshoos with espaxata fcoa Front aad Clay at. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 184 North Sixth st, r"w aiBin o. nssvy aaaung ana Moras. INDEPENDENT BAOOAGI TKANSFBB CO. stiorsgs. stars st. Mala vr. TRANSPORTATION. SPHINX AGBNCT. dealer tn real astata sod - rrataU. S0SH Stark st. Msla 8184. cultivator, garden - seeder, milk sep arator, patent churn, feed carter, sickle. grinds. 60 fowls. 8 tors mr ether boas. ( fOR SAXB T8 OoMmbia and Edlann phono Sold goods; prlc $$.800; 4H mile Kclao. . r,pB cylinder records; half prlco. EUot, Wash. farms. ISO ACRES. 100 ere nnder cultivation; good house; new barn; S running atreama; soms . rood timber: suitable to plat In amall tracts; 1 mils seat of Concord tat km oa Oregon In ftrat claaa cofidltloa. Calf 404 B. 88th st I riant on coast: Lorln and Harding sts.: phono Bast Tm; carpets Mesne, refitted, eswea sna hid; steam sad eomorcssed sir process; , novating mattresses and feathers a specialty. JOTCB BROS- proprietors of th Blcctrte Clean I mg works; carpets- cleaned ana mid. bom dry and com Dressed -sir cleanlnr: caroet rsfitttnt onr specialty;' work guaranteed. Phone Main j 8071 and A S873. S70 Grant t. THB H. O. ALBE? CO Seoond-hsod chlnsry, aawmilla, etv 848 Grand ivs. Call oa 8, Huntington; fthsr room t. Chamber of Commerce bnlldlng. A. J. PAUL, 100 First at., a eomplet line saw- ill machinery; also engine snd pollers. OASOLINB ENGINE. New 8-horscpower Lswis. all complete; must sen; cost sow; will , tags f 1D0. , Addre I ZOO,, ear joornaL--' . OSTEOPATHIC SICIANS. City carllne: 8180 per acre; terma. Harlow I rOR rat.r n h.i-w eh.t. tr ..v. uowung, auiwanais, or. - Fourth street.. SO ACRES for sals or trade,' S mile north of Salem, fin frnlt or gardes sol, timber pay - tor place; pna g,w. u. tu riauie, xun xnira at. : ACRE AOS on tb Penlnaola, assr N. P. and I r. nr. Jonn una., oe A. v. wags, Mimnsr EgChSngS. .; J-:, H " , i IDEAL sSROHARD SITB. I f 160 acres, bttutlfal valley, S nils from PortUnd Joining public school. : IS seres cleared. 26 acres elaihed, balance I heavily timbered; estimated 12.000 cords Wood; Rich soil, running stream, frnlt cannot b Injnred by frosts oa this property. Price 7 per acre; will take goon city MOTION picture mschlnes, flints, etc., for rent, bought, sold, exchanged, Newman. 145H 6th. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON. 104 Fourth St. Office sad store fixture built aad remodeled; bowcaeee and conn tors. Phone Mala 1T8T. I DR. LILLEBRLLB PATTERSON, specialist sa nervous, seats aad chronic diseases. Office 817 Feotoa bldg. Phon Pacific 1180. DR. R. B. VORTHRUP. 415-18-17 Deknm bldg. Third and Washington st. Pbon Msla 840. Bxamination treo. PERSONAL. U. MELTON Offtos, store flsroresi gei lobbing. 87 First St. Phon Msla 81PO. MONEY TO LOAN. CAFES. A. REINER, the practical fnrrler, late of Lewis building. Is now located In the store at BflS - Waablngtoa street, corner 17th street, where be bss secured more convenient and com qoartera. Fur work In all branches. Sealskin garment remodeled and redj-ed. ex pert fitter, 80 years' experience. Order work . . I , . ulln,.. mlmmmf- mil work doS st nmmer il"x&sk' th CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. time to attend to your furs. THB OFFICE 2SS Waahlngton at, phoa Msla TTl. Bsmusi Vlgnenx. resldcnc In exchange, not to exceed $5,000. I HOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURB 80r cor tor rhesmatlsm. Sold by aU draggists. GERMAN booka, magaalnea, novels. tc. Geo . man. mngiisR, rrenco, apsnau, Hweaisn sna Itarlaa dictionaries; fnrslgn books f all kinds. Bcbtaal Co., B28 First st . , Sum pressed whllsryoa wait, BOe. Ladles' skirt stressed. 60c. Gilbert, IOC. 4 Sixth st. hutrs l Awna I -,,v v,u....- turo. ..,b uw JWJ!LSr L"-" vigor.-rstord by Dr. .Kav. I ..-: j V. ir..Krn.f i iriLni ;"W.?," ''D psoBta a nwatment,.' ssi I monins, so; sent secnreiy sesled ny msll ' Agents, Woodard, Clerk A Co.. PortUnd. Or, ..-This Is aa exccptlcnaliy good orchard pros- " pect Address vox, ear Josrnai. HOOD RIVBR frnlt land, SO act, prlc $2,000. Phone owner, Boott 1818. -. - -,, TIMBER. 11. 1 IU. - IB I VVU, nWllU,.W. WUU IURW, It Mat b direct from the owner; we don't ' wsit aay optica antll w ss what yoa bar to offer at your lowest net caeh price;, send us your descriptions, kind of timber and Four sstlmst if yoa hsv It. . Write as and find oof what w can do for We at In tb market at au timea .or MOLES, wrinkles, snnerflnoas hair ' removed, No ehargs to tslk It over. ' Mrs. M. D. Hill. . room 830 Fleldnc. bldg. Pbon Paclfla 185, deal that ia right. GREGG IlT-irTenton bldg.. BBOS 84 Six 4t, PortUnd. DR. BINO CHOONO. tnTnortsr CbliMM medicine; sell Chfnees tea. certs In car for .all diseases. , isi Id, bet Xsmblll and Taylor. LOOKING FOB TIMBER t We offer yoa every advsnuge through mr BALM OF FIGS -tr sll female disease. Eaat Belmont Pbon Baat 4084. -' 20 system of expert exaininatlona which enables I MANICURING, fsc massage and scalp traat- yoo to uv.iu,. v. . u.v, , mam.,: jry room i, svsh wasnragtoa sr. ithnnt snendlns; tlm or -money. If our I '' - gensral report maicatea inat w nav wnat mks. OBROCK, gradnat maaent cabinet you want our aatlmatea by .-two and a half acres are easily .Verified. , r i TBI "THB fcACEt WAT." JAMBS' D. LACRT CO., - ' . 82$ Cbambsr of Commerc. Portland. 807 Lambsr Exchange. SeattU. . , , - bath, aalt glow, alcohol rub, cream mssssge; nrersnces. . us BvntB at Main swoo. BB ATTRACTIVE I Pimple blotches, freckles. mack needs, red veins, eosrss pores, scsems snd falling hair cured or no charge; trial treatment frsSL Idrira 1.. T.X PUms. Jgl rjZVS,1 m.mmm rUInn,,,! OA OOA OOA tmmi 1 tj,H . I ,f a . . " . hMf n.n rir limner, ovr lawmnu iiuuiv- n in sge.' oawmui ou.uw capacity, c-miie i i unaion atina, suo oreronian niog.;. asm flume: 8 head horses; logging - outfit;, bny the fimner; no coarge xor- oaianrv. t ruosis .only 8 cent each to put tic within hip's ..r tackl. v. - u. ooay, ouo Aomgnm oiug. : daya, gentlemen nights. Msla 1968. TO OWNERS of timber claims snd 'timber , We wilt buy for cash any good timber trib utary to tne nenaiem nvsr. rrui ossi wiib ; owner only; ' write, glrlng full partlralars. Nsbslem . Investment Co., 828 Cbambar of . Commerce building, Portland. rOr. nieRTTFIED serin, say sis. O Howell, B&8 Chamber of Commerce. a aoo.noo FEET of fir timber, 240 acres, 80 miles norinwesi ox a-orsinnni' iwv. V C. L PARRISH A CO.. ' 811 Marqnam Bldg. Pbon Mala 8222. . SAWMILL COLUMBIA RIVER. lB.MaWOft. to 18.000.000 feet yellow ftr tlm topHFiod mill, 2H Bliss flume ; deep water mt w ... a - m ttnnmmw .n.i nmm - rn 1 1 wnn. .nr. fit; all goes st stumpag prlc.. fir timber. C. c. Bhsy, 808 Abingtop. biog.- FOR information how to obtain valuable tim ber lands for a mere trifle. Inqutr Mooltoa scobey, uit ooi voiumbia oiag. -n --i-w FOR SALB Half Interest' In an Al logging , show; $60,000; $25,000 cash., Address X 803, car journal. . - SO. 000.000 FEET yellow fir timber near Co lumbla river. : C. O. Shay, 808 Abingtoa bldg, ' - SAWMILL SITE. 10,000,000 feet fin red fir timber near , O. W. P.. electric lines Plsnk road right t , property; only $1 per thousaad. ' Mors tim ber csa be purchased. , 0. C. Bhsy 80S Ab , ington bldg. -" r- " ', ' - - ' HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. B0R8ES and bnrglee for rent by ' dsy ad ssontbt speclsl rats ts bnsli tun aad Hawtaoras, p sasi ta. week BACK date of magastnes at B ceata. Book ator. 281 Alder at . t ' Jonea DR. T. I. PIBRCB. ' snedallat, ' diseases of , women; all Irregularities corrected; no s '. posar; mcdldne by . msll. Office 181 First r St. corner Yamhill, Portland. Or. ; DON'T be doll and Inactive; Sexln Pnia cur , an vreagnee; ai a box. a tor is; mil guar ante. Address or call J, G. Clemenaon, . uruggiax, fortiana, or. . MISS, RAYMOND Msssrnas. '24J Morrisun s,t, room 14. Pbon Main 8S1L ' EXPERIENCED masseuse give treatment for rnenmatiam. Z24H Washington at. MMB. VA8HTL, CHIROPODIST Scalp and taciai maaaag. , aui 'inira st . , , - - MIPS GIB80N give scalp treatment; dandruff. irust Morrison at, room 02. YOUNG adehtlfle maaacua gives electrical, al . eoholle and medicated treatments, slso tub ' baths. 41 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Washlng- DR. MRS. J. O. MACKIH,, osteopath and aleo tropath; ladle' treated in the forenoon; gen. ', tlemea In the afternoon. , Room 26, 146 Vi BlXtB lb.., :. .,,'-.-. WEAK men, from any cue, any age, or length of time arnictea. send l for a recipe -thst Insure qukkly snd forever -foot eomplot and perfect restoration, regardless of failure or disappointments by ; prerlous treatments ts methods of curs yoa may have tried; posi tively hsrmlest and th - greatest restorer known today. Lout O'. Carr, 815 North Aa deraoa at, Los Angeles, Cal., .. - YOUNG lady give treatments. rroom o. . . , 863H Yamhill. MISS LB ROT, 291 Alder at., auitea $ and Mssssga ana gogig trsaaaasA, - .'-Always Consult the Best ;? PROFESSOR KHIMO. " y Ores test living astral desd-tranc clairvoyant or the are; adviser on business ana su sr. fairs of life; tells your full name and wbst vou called for. whom rou will marrv. bow to control ths on you lore, even tbongb miles sway, reunite tb separated; give secret powers to control; doc all others advertise to do. ' Hours 10 to 8. dstlr snd Rundav. Office. No. 8 snd 4. Grand Theatre bldg. 862Vi Wash,, near Park at Phone Main 1267. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reajlng. 26c 235 ninn si, corner aiain. - ': i PROFESSOR WALLACE. !' . Portland's favorite clairvoyant, nalmiat and medium; readings 26c, 841 Vi Morrison, corner .ueventn. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST SLABWOOD CO, 865 Front, successors to Fnltoa Wood 0o. nr. oaa. siaowooa. coil, xct msib inso. FOR prompt dellrs.r of slabwood call Mala 4ST5. Oak, ash, fir snd cosL Portland Wood Coal Co., 18th and, Savior at. . WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Honse and blacksmith coals. ' coko, i char coal, atnaung. fbone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST T. ,: ; . s, B. JONES 00., Wood and Coal. 181 Bast Water St. OREGON FUEL CO. Is now taking order for wooa ana coal tor Tutor aeurery. bs Aldsr t. ; Main 86. 1 .. ii.-,-., , -., CHIROPODISTS. WM. DBVBNY BSTBLLB DRVBNY. THB ., oniy scientiris cniropodists, psrnrs goa orsw - niag 102 -m st . Pbon Main isoi, CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M, D. Hill, Room ricianer oiag. Both pnones. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed,' $1 per month vaiqn snoring ijo, bub marc at - H,' W. TURNER, dyer; carpets dyed a special. iy. duo jerrerson sr. , Main xaia. DRESSMAKING. MRS. . VAUGHAN, , experienced dressmsksr. BVZVk Esat Uunwld at Phon Xaat 261T. MADAME ANGELES 242 Fifth, Pacific 082. DANCING. WOODWARD DANGJNG SCHOOL CUss Man., i oars, sna mi, it,.; social, laser ana atsp saucing lanxnt; asaistsnt ieaenrs; class and private leasona dally. Western Academy kail. Second And Morrlsoa sts. Psclflc I30. DANCING lessons 26c, classes and prlvat. dally, Prof. Wal Wlllson, ball S04 AHsay uiuw., inira ana norrwon bib. boci asacing. ( waits, two-step, three-step, etc.; atare danc ing, duck ana wing clog, reel. Jig. Highland fling. Spanish, to. - , ENGINEERING. ttttttttit$ttstttstt$t$t$tttttt$t$t$) $$ft$$t$t$tt$)$$t$$$t$$t$$t$l$$t$l $ - . OUR SPECIALTY . j ft SALARY LOANS t Jit ,TO EVERY ONE WORKING, ttj $ttt $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$ f $ tst )$$$$ ttDII f$tS$ tm ttt HOURS 8 A. M. to 8 P. Mt $ SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. LOW RATES. i : EASY PAYMENTS. ' NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER. STATE SECURITY CO.. 704 DEKUM BLDO. FOR FARMS Or EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. ESPET. 218 Commsretal bldg. RUBBER STAMPS. P. 0. STAMP WORKS, 248 Aldsr St.; pbons Ms In 710. Rubber stsmps, aesis, stsneiis: os gsgs, trad cbacka: brass signs snd pistes. ROOFING. tTN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and asasral Jobbing. J. LoslL S12 JsfJersoa st. Pas. 1A84. as SEWING MACHINES. PHONB Pselfle ST88 and I personally will ssB and repair yonr sewing mschine; worn gsar aateed. 8. Rama, adjuster, 881 Third at . SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER KLBI8ER SIONS. Wa bar built op th largest sign bastnas fa tb city by first-class work and keeping -or promise. Our prices sr right. Fifth And Xrsrstt SbJ. Pbon Bxcbang 68. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS -,v::'5'TWIS-"f,;,:: 8. B, sTpokana, Ittaa 14, S5 July IB, BS Aug. B. gaa, wt ISu BfOia mbtrn. ' B. B. Bnaog..,.A...;.......jima i 8. B. FFartdaat.a...a.M((a.,.,jBM 4 . & jVLABZA XOTTTX. - tkAt-nj, Bltkm, jnaa aaa WsVjr porta. suing s p. so. BL B. a. Oo,' Humbol...JCar t, It, M joTxsvai nvy, TMk auixa. . .assr a. ib. mi City of Bttla.... ..Mat 18, M bav naVsTOiBoo motm. r USlint f a. to. rroai Baattlai City 9t Tutol ..BUT 8, B0 nsnt-or. ..Mm in. as TJmatllla... .....May 15, SO IAX rSAlfOISCO'S tXASINO C0KSOHCTAL -XOTXZa COBTAmXQ) 200 ROOMS. ThiStiJames m.X0H W, AVD TAB BXSS ATat, , , Z f"ZQ raAxcisoo.. ' ; MZy l jfATIOBAaV K0T1X 00., lrs '' Z v iiZZZ yrm. . Bsgg. Mgr. '.Zx': H (itaated ta th heart of th buslaees 'dis trict Modsra and handsoaiely furnlahed. Prt vst batba, telephonee la erery roota. Sampht rooms fn traveling msa. Rates from $1.M ta J4.00. European plan. Aecessibls to all depot a. ttoatsd la tb heart of tb shopping and aasA ' seas district Class to ths theatre. ' , , in beau tip uii snsw . Hotel "Key Route Inn" 22nd Street and ; Broadway OAKLAND Sunny "rooms, privat bath, lonK-dlx tanc tslcphones, eomprosaed air clcsn- Ins, larg lobby, caf a la carta with cuisln And servlc unsurpassed, JFor rt ate, Mdr8 . . , N. S. MTJLLAN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager PaUca not!, ban rranclaca ; HOTEL, AUDUBON SAB rXAXOISCG-XIIXOPIAX PLAX 0X1X Slutl rooms or s salts. ' Rlavatnr. stautss beat electric light snd all amdsra oarsmV. ncss. strictly nrst-eisss. Oonvonlcst to shop. ping ssnters. On direct Oa frost fsrry sad Third and Townasd depot. Rets $1 an. 828 ElUs St., neer Tsa Nas srensa. a B. OANTKR. Mgr. ... M FOBTLAND Ofxajaotg v 'jWr8irtWaWOswjWasaVs . ": ' 0$ ltm if ttt Mt OsaiMi' mSTJRKS AIX. KINDS OV DEA.TH PROM ANY Iaifls A tm FsssV r ' It P. Sharsg Ptsaldssg '." Wav, $L Ssutb V.Prsa. X. B. Oreea Ota. Mf s. st.OW8citary H.K.BssnsVsrOsa'llssB. J i :r SSBSBBBBB ; .- . "',-'" I MXMBSR -' -"' IHrtlsad Cssalist sf Cumaiin " Psrdasd Beard ef Trsda r - '- -;, RsVsXRCXS . . . i Cssgsa Tm ami SarUp Sank PorlUsdOrai . ' Tbs Braisueet Cnasyaay ' K. a Dsn At C. CisssiilIsI Ag i: WB Bash a pisBslse we Ae net faUUI We e yea a agusra desi Look aa ss - - ' . t "' sm m m .':',ro? r -. MOMS OPTtCX i-T-t LATA TBTTM BUXt Cm Wmkumm W Bm , PwiUmd Om. CGee Vo City Cfflet, S4 WMhlxtftOB Btt SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portlan Sign Osv, SSI BUra St. mono nans ios. mm vmmM i$$t tmtmsmttt ttttttttttttttttttt imjj$mim$HUintjjitjj$i$ji MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city oroporty or for bonding parpoee. for from 8 to 10 year- tlms, wltk prlvlleg to repay all or part of loss after tw years. Loans approved from plana and -money sdvsnced as bnlldlng progresses; morr- . asses rsken bp sna repiscsa. FRED O. STRONG. Financial Agent 242 Stark at CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on salaries, Insorsne , policies, pianos, rhrnltur. ware boos receipts, etc.; sny deserving person may ssenrs a lib seal adveac. repaying by easy weekly f montniy installments NEW ERA LOAN ; TRUST COMPANY, . - 90o Abingtoa oiag. . : MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PBOPLB snd other upon their own nam without aeeur. iiy, cnespssT raic. wasiesx paymvnTwi miim in on principal cities: ssv yoorseir money ny getting onr terms first ,, TOLMAN. 223 Abingtoa bldg.. I08U Third st WA NTEO- Notes, mortgages or contracts on any kind of real estate la Oregon ana wasn fagton; second mnrtgsges pnrchssed If wail secured, h. at. Nobis, 81S commercial pig DON'T borrow money m aalerv rmMl yoa ss 'Hutton cremt co. 812 Dskam bldg. , . j. MONBY to loan; largo loana specialty! also bnlldlng loans; lowest rsrwsi rire insurance. William o. neck, all Failing oiag. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg. Monay to lend on essr-psyment pisa to wsg srncrs; stnctiy connaentiai. . MORTGAOB loans at enrrent rates; no com mission. Columbia Life Trust Oompssy, tamoer Excnang oiag. . , MONEY to loss on an kinds of seenrtty. did hou, room g Washington biag. -t WII- TO LOAN Soma to suit on ehattsl security, h a. rrsme, ois tn Marqnam. QUICK loana on an securities. S. W. Ktag, 49 Washington mag. Main aioo. ON mortgSgs, 8200 to $8,000; cost pa par only, ward, iswysr. Alliky bldg. A LOAN for th ssklng Sslary or chattel. Ths Lxn siu uexnm oiag. EAST payment lot to salaried people. Fm pioyea' Loan co, 710 ueknm bldg.. Mam 2Z4, MONEY loaned to salaried people Just on your own name; oon t no rrow, until you see me; mv srstem Is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeeper, streetcar men snd all other em ployes: Business atrictly confidential, a. A. Newton, Bll Buchanan bin.. 2SS Waahlngton, MUSICAL. THB . WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin. bsaJe. guitar Instrnctlooa. , 814 Waablngtoa st PIANO, violin, cornet, trombone, clarinet Pro- a. omitn, go izib at Mala 4701. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. H. oossirrT. cnrineer and surveyor. Offlc f. B. BEACH CO. Th Pioneer Pant Cs.; 88 Waahlngton bldg., corner Fonrth and window glaaa gad gUalng. . 1A9 Pint st " s i isaj sHaswsi ; . msia sajoa. ' , . gaoaa gj I sBsB nsyJ WW sssssj' . trwsas !.. .a,..., .,. IU1 II.' A Hf If II .:i 11 MIIjMFUU T WsB-XAswa -aUllabU . . " ' , CHINESE .- Bast aad Bsc 1 rvvrrrk Has mads a Ufa study ef roots and barb. and ta that study discovered snd U gl'IflS to th world hie wonderful rssMdlss. . VO MIRCTRT, POISONS OR DRUGS TSTT-. JU l!UIl WITHOUT OPERATION, OB WITHOUT IHX A0 OF A XXITX. He guarantesa to ear Catarrh. Asfhsaa. Lang, Throat Rheumatlsas '.Nononsnsss. . NsrvoBS Debility. - Stomach. IJvar Kldns Sreesihleat ins imI M.nlMnA V.m.l. ff.h ' Bsss snd AH Private, ' A juKC tAtitcK tUICt PORTLAND SAFB CO.. sol sgsets lor Hsc-rlng-HsU-Msrvtn vsfes snd Msngsnsss Steel tl. . k..b Wmmtmm 91 ImmiI.I.mI Mm. YXCJD BWXZiXi BTZOBrr TBApr 8 roof ssfss snd bant asfss, very cbsap; sss I To Vanoouvar, B. C, And lntermedlat Mm or writ as, 88 BevsnU st I points, carries atandard slaepers SaatUa DIEBOLD Ma ranee Safes Lanrs line carried Lock-Out Opened. Jacks. Jails, Msta! Fur- nltnrs, fHonest prices - snd oooas. phones. J. B. DAVIS, 66 -Third st to Vancouver, and Beattla to Balllna. ham. Le&va Seattl union depot 11:10 ! Jsst Xsoslvsd Trom lSklns, Chtoa Safe. Bar. ..'ana avails Die. - IF TOD. ARB AFFLICTED, DON'T DELAY. If ysa csaaot ealL writ tor armotaca blasai aad circaUr. - Incioss 4 csats U susaps, , STENOGRAPHERS. PUBLIC stenographer snd typewriter. Main 1271. 814 Deknm bldg. TOWEL SUPPLY. r I D. m. daily. clecDeri ready for occurjaMiav i.iii - t- , r.v in m. u.iiaivi si iBuiain unqis- i axrsj lurusu uniii i aw m, - ionnecunsr xrsuna leav Portland At S t. tn. and 4:10 n. m. dally. Two other rood trains for Ever. ett, Belllnarham. Mow Westminster and Vancouver leave Portland union depot dally $:S0 a, m. and 11:45 p. m. For tickets and sleeper reservation call or address H. j VIVHSVN, C P. s T. JL. 1M TZZBD Bt. CONSULTATION FREB 0. OIX W0 CKXNFSX MEDICXsTB 90s. 188i First St. Cor. Muxrlsoa. VartlsnA. fUasa Msntioa Tl OrsgsSL his Papar. Phon Every Vcm:n CI. RAN TOWETA DAILY Comb, brnsn, sos 81 Dec month. Portland Laundry Supply Co, Ninth snd Couch. Pbon 410. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. 8HOWCA8ES of every description; bank, b nd ator' fixture made to oroer. zu tatxe MfnafactarlnaT Oo, .Portland. ..... MSTXOJrD, OB. Telephones: Pao. States Main (80. MOmi A-Z28B. .. , , Ho! For Astoria ;i k MtatsnsUdaadshssld 1 boo h woossrrai MARVEL WhlrUmi Sorav I TA nsw Tats1 gj.ksia. Atas. Measad ofuw. Bs-8i. at Most convenient. , uiiMsss laiiasiir. . OO OH R. H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter tamper Co. f Hamilton bldg. Mam asso. FacffAamprTplprfranl I uoiuiivumti ititciuun 4rsMlsrlt oannot aupply th .rsiN sosnsa other, but aaad iuubb Inm ' Illustrated boob asal.4. It Sirs eh ft tat 1 other, bi illuatral full paruoulara and direction ta L I valuableloladlsa. MAKVBL C II 4V . IM ST. W l ORK TTPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for sew sad rsbnnt type writers or til makes; so onr window i u yo are going to buy a new typewriter sa as bs- ror paying; w can ssvs yoa usuvsy; sr ksrs parts for repairing all meehlnea; state agent for th Vlalbl Fox: ws bay all klads r typewriters. in lypewrner - s. sen a age. inc., B. j. Kin son, msnsgsr. as inira st., t BL1CKENBDERFER Typewriter Agency; sap. puss; repairs, ttaieign oidg, otn aaa Wi PUBLIO STENOGRAPHER. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB OREGON CHEESB CO. fINO.) CHEESE. BUTTER, cutis, etc., oairy prodoeta nought or nanoiea oa cvraunsitni, io . xrxB st (Swetiana mag.;, roniana. ur. M. A. GCNST CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINS CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. BVBRDINO mission mercnanta, Or. Pbon Mam 178k FARRELL, "prodnoe and 140 Froav at, Portlaad. Dally (eicopt Thursdays). Leaves AJdat atret dock 7 a. m. XOKOaTJI MAYsf BSS. Columbia River Scenery - BSOTiXsATOB XJjra BTXAJCBSB. Dall sarrtes bstwsss Portland - snd - Th Dallas, sxcept Saaday. leaving Portland at I I a. m, arriving anoat o p. m, carrying rreigni sna PBsMBHm, - opisvuju scssjbsbaoc tlons for outfits and livestock. - Dock foot of Aldsr St. Portland! fool m ooort. st. 'ins usues. rnons Main sis, Portlaad. STOAT TV fACOTO BnAJUTBXP CO.-B Steamships I0AN0KE - vzl and GEO. W. ELDER San to Eureka. San Franeiaeo snji t.l Anxeles direct every Thursday At $ p. m.1 1 ICKet onicei inira, near Aider. Phones M. 1$!.- H. TOliNa. AgnV tor UmIm sv I WO0DAXD, C1ARKX 00. AND LAITX-DATXX AIS.UW UO BX0sUUk. Scclfs Ssnfal-Pepsin Capsulss A POSITIVE CURE For In Sam marloB or Oslsrrt of the Bladder and llsssd KM. . Mrs. so SOBS BB rax. vara , quickly and permanently In worst rassa at issnrrfcasi and sjlawHt a matter of hew WJ WJ MwwMr m av bsrmMs. Prims ai.OS. OS bV Blaik ld.Iil,llK)gss.$AJA the smu-FEFsm . BllrtataigK 0kU , - Sold by AO Orsgvxskg, - , AxoukBT xjara ocxaji BTxjsaxxn. 0BEGON FCBNITURB MANUFACTURING CO, lIYERPOOt. tASOOW. L0XDO, HAVHR. -Masufscturars of furnltar for th trad J'FJl.JZl .TH'0IjrAN. Portland. Oregon SXOT.S'tlMtwU WADHAMS V COk, wholesale grocsra, mens- bar, or sailing ar Wsekly from MONTttKAL. -; factnrer end ommlaatoa sncrckssts. ponrtb psaslng. down th plctorssou St. Uwrsnc m sKaWsisjntMijsjiip :: -iif ... . snd Osk su. FCBNITURB msnufscturtng snd speclsl orders. It. Bavensky's roraitnr raetory, but Front st ALLEN LEWIS, commission snd produce m enaata, Front aaa uevia sts., roniaaa, ur. river uw biiuibi. snvnmouums mm..... v. -'" """""" ana epwards; second cabin $40.00 aad anwards.; rw. . y. ..I . .JA tA 1 . mmmm vrinb dimiu., .-r-'.vy ana spvil UA1 CO MT A I. V nd nnwarda. 174 Jackaoa boui.. Ohioao WHOLBSALfe eajockery snd ghuawar. Hegsls Oss, Portland, Oregon. Ftasl W. SIMPSON. 801 Wsablngtoa st WhsA. I sals dealer grata aaa bab ;. - ( If'JM i i ii. i ' i ' ' . -