The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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l?raHEjV.reatf &May: &jjJRCs' Sales
11 omorrow
MeMSitmlp Styles
$25.00 to $200.00 Value
. V...,.WMI;14SKB i
For tomorrow's' 904th Friday Surprise'
Sale we announce another one of our sen
. sational offering! in beautiful high-grade
dreaa and evening Waists 200 of them
secured at a great concession from New
, York's finest waist manufacturerThe
assortment is very large . and includes
fancy waists in plain or figured chiffons,
chiffon cloths, messaline silks, taffeta silks
and fancy nets in Gobelin, Hardanger,
Danish, fish and cobwebbing nets These
waists made up in the very handsomest
styles Long yokes and shoulder effect,
paneis oi pausre emproiaery, piain or
Japanese sfeeves, trimmed in heavy ap
plique medallions, Cluny, round mesh and
Val. laces, embroidered in heavy silks and
bands of Persian silk and velvet Colors
are vwhite, cream, ecru, lavender, light
and dark blue, green, brown, canary and
black All new,-high-class' dress waists
gelling regu
larly at prices
from $18 to
$30 each.....
See them in Fifth St. Window No mail
or phone orders filled Plan to be here
early if you want best values 2d Floor
Womeh'siSaSO SHIrHbsiery at $233 Pr.
For, tomorrow's 904th Friday Surprise Sale, 300 pairs of Women's Fine Quality Pure Silk, Hose, in black
only, beautifully embroidered instep in 4ainty -patterns bo wknqts rosebuds, forget-me-not, 11L
etc.; aljjizes, & to 10; every pair. in the lot regular $3.50 Taljie. Jpur. choice, special st;.... veVeK?
For tomorrow! 904th Friday Surprise Sale, 300 Women' DuBarry Scarfs, in' Crepe de Chine, India Silks
and Flowered Mulls; plain and Persiin effects, full 2 yards long, widths from 9 to 18, inches, ll-OCXP
values. On sal at this wonderfully reduced special price take advantage.... ........r.i. ...... w
Women's $2150 Oxfords $ 1 .48 Pr.
Misses' S 1 .75 Shoes for' 98c a Pair
";'; h:,: - 1
Great Surprise Sale bargains in women's? misses and boys' foot
wear tomorrow Standard styles and qualities at a big saving A
complete assortment of leathers and all siies Don't fail to profit
by these great values
1,000 pairs .Women's Oxfords, rici kid patent tipsf'gunmetal and patent
; colt, fight or heavy weight soles, Cnban or military heels; narrow me-
dium; and. wide toes;, all sizes; regular $2,00, $2.25 and ? 1 f.Q
. $2.50 values. i. On sale tomorrow only at, the pair...... ... . V "0
500 pairs of Misses', Kid Lace' Shoes, patent tips, light or heavy loles,
' spring, heels; good, serviceable school shoes: sizes Syi to 2, AO.
$1.50 and $175 values. On sale at this special low price, pair..-. -rCJC
Boys'-Box1 Calf and Vici Kid Lace and Blucher Shoes, with good, heavy
double-vgoles, solid counters and insoles, every pair guaranteed satisfac
tory. Great special values as follows , .
Sizes 2 to ' 6lA ; $2.50 values, pair. .................. . $1.08
Sues lZyj to 2 $2.25 values, pair:
Sizes. 9 . to 13; $2.00 values, pair.
500 Couch Covers $i.35-Knit Drawers 33c
For tomorrow's 904tlfeFriday Surprise Sale we offer in 'e Curtala"DepartmehtThirdkSor--500 Dou-ble-Faced
Negus C6uch CdveM," Oriental figures and Bagdad stripes, 3 yards long, 60 inches- 1 C
wide, fringed all around, handsome colorings, values up to $2,50 each, at this low price, ea... V J J
For tomorrow's 904th Friday Surprise Sale, 1,000 pairs of Women's Knit Umbrella Pants, trimmed with
deep lace, French band, well made and finished, all sizes, best 50c values. On sale tomorrow atlO
this extraordinarily reduced price take advantage of this opportunity to supply your needs...;., 73C
5 iJ
. " 1 1 i . . . .-. .. ... .. ' .1. fc'iv.v
2000 Men's New Golf Shirts
$ 1 .00 Values at 55c Each
- ... "'. ... : .... .' . ' r
In the Men's Furnishing Goods section for toniorrow's 904th
Friday Surprise Sale 2000 men's new, spring and summer Golf
Shirts at one half their value- Made up to our special order we
guarantee them the greatest shirts ever manufactured to sell at
$1.00 each Madras and Chambfays in light and dark patterns.
Immense assortment to select f ronvCuff s at--tachcd
or detachedEvery shirt well made and
'finished Good full sizesBuy all you want to
morrow at the phenomenally low price of, each
' Phone and Mail' Orders Will Be Filled' With th Greatest Care
In Portland's Leading Cloak Store for tomorrow's 904th Fri-
day Surprise Sale A bargain
extraordinary , in Women's
Jackets Entire new summer
line secured from a prominent
manufacturer at a price less
V r - tnan : cost ot material alone.
, Jight-fitting, semi-fitting, box
effects in stripes, checks, fancy
mixtures Trimmed with self-
strapping and buttons Some
have collar of plain material.
Assortment includes tan
" tripes, . gray stripes, lavender
mixtures, green checks, lighf
and medium gray checks, also
short tight-fitting fan covert
coats Strapped and velvet
trimmed English fly front;
All siaes.
Regr $8.50,
tomorrow. .
SeeTifth St. Window Display , ;
200 PorcH Rockeri
A great Friday-Surprise Sale of Porch Rockers on the Third Floor
tomorrow. Just the rocker you want for the porch, bungalow or
beach cottage natural-finish, rattan comfort seat, high 1 OQ
back, reg. $i2S vaL On sale. tomorrow' only at, each . . . ; . V 07
Complete' line . of Porch, and Bungalow; Furniture, Lawn and Porch
Swings, Hammocks, Croquet Sets, etc., on third floor. -.Lowest prices.
Tbm6iTOys 904th Surprise Sale
Ribbons :
In the Ribbon Department for to
morrow's 904th Friday Surprise Sale
we will place on sale 5,000 yards of
beautiful All-Silk Fancy Ribbons, 54
to 6 inches wide, in floral and Per
sian designs, suitable for sashes, sum
mer dress trimmings, hair bows, belts,
fancy work, etc.; very ? larg. assort
ment to select from, reg. 50c' value.
On sale tomorrow only at thiilQ
special low price,-yard. .... ; ,Sf7C
Women's 75c : Vests at 43c Each
1,200 Women's Extra Good Quality Swiss Ribbed Vests, low neck and
sleeveless, prettily trimmed with wide VaL lace and insertion, aim
4-5-oV every garment in, the lot regular 75 value. Buy all yorl X
want of them, tomorrow, at this; special low price.;. . . ..... .HfC
Values to $3 00 at 49cDozI
! i t, ,.,,, , , , , ll, , , ,
Great Surprise Sale offering of 5,000 dozen French and Round-Thread
v.l T ..... Tn....: 1 tij : v ; j . f...w.
. a. wovva uu jHiuuuu iiuiu f4 ,iv mean wiuc, ycry AC3l "pai-
terns in grand assortment;.Yalues up to $3.00 per doren yards.' VtQ-W
On sale tomorrow only at this, low price, per dozen yards. .nfC
904th Friday Surprise - Salo - -
' '4tflf'i Anothcr g grc gpec Friday
-Sk ,l ' ' Silk Gloves10,000 pairs Two
m 'i-,, ) (i : ancTthree-clasp styleaDouble-
j tipped finger-All new de'aira
ble fglovcg of best quality of
Milanese silkParis point em-
Ah i broidery backWhite, mode,
v y1jn tan,- champagne Also a few
fs ? .pairs oi sueqe iisies Kegular
w r m m ai nr
. oac ana ixa gxoves,
wJ&i$ tomorrow' only, pair w
ml- jpfi N6mail of phone ;orders
M 1T '' 'Naiad Pure .White Shield, Nos. Z
11 8 I A nd A. orat vain. .'l2
SPECIAL SALE OF DRESS JLinelvMesh Shieids."aIrsTzes .'24e) :
All high-class evening apparel at
' y tegular prices, today , and
tomorrow Magnificent stock of
exclusive novelties for all occa
sions to select from Other stores
have been - offering evening ap
parel at halfcgular prices with
out much success It s all in the
style and quality of the apparel.
That's why there's no difficulty
attracting scores of buyers here
at ft off Evening coats and
evening wraps in all the very lat
est models Jap Kimono effects,
long, loose and semi-fitting gar-
: ments in broadcloth, Venetian
Tussah silk, etc. All the delU
cate shadcs-Evening costumes
in silk, Jace, net, voiles, broadcloth, etc. Exquisite garments
for dinner, reception, theatre and party wear.
Immense showing at prices from $25 to $200.
All at off today and tomorrow. . .
For tomorrow's 904th Friday Surprise ! Sale, 400 dozen All-Linen
Hemmed Table Napkins at a special low price; size 21x21 inches, best
iaterns, in -large assortment, grand value. ; While they, . CI;
ast tomorrow at this low price, per dozen. .... .....v. . . V
; f 904th frIday surprise sale
$3.50-$'4 Values $2.10 Pr.
- j HI 14
I I K f
600 pairs Men's high-grade Trousers
at an exceptionally low price for to
morrow's 904th '; Friday Surprise
Sale Fancy worsteds in the very
best patterns, suitable for business
and dress wear--In Cght and dark
stripes,' in , very large assortment
i Cut in- the very latest 'i. fashion.
Splendidly made and finished and
'perfect fit guaranteed All ' sizes.
The best bargain in men's trousers
- it has ever been our pleasure to of-
to you Regular $3.50 and $100
, values , Choice
; tomorrow
' pair
fc: $2 JO
Ros.o Men's Clothing Department Second
Floor MaU Orders :Wffl Be Filled
Great Kitchen Goods Sal
Continues. All the Week
ISo Flour Blf tars on aale for . . 12
60c Km Foacner, special. -4ie
18o Collanderj on sale X9r..ea;i4i
lto Tin MUk Fana on.aalo at.. 9
ISo Porcelain Bait jBoxea, ea.. .27t
15c Clothes Rack, on aala at.. 12
boo uaito oneue, Bpecii,
16o Tea. Cannister, special, a.l2
1 Oo Soap Shaker, oh a te at . tji
So Dlah Bft epeclal ,tj ea.,
aeo Flotura Hooka, the Joien.19
6o PlctureLWlre,' on aala
Egg Whips; Special at. each . 4f
lOo Sensible Egff Whip, each... 8f
"20o illlk StralneTs, special, ea.l6f
I6o Calif ornl Toaster, at, ea. 19
S0cl Boup Strainer, at. each . . .24?
loo jeuy oirainec, ai, eacn.ij.xf
To Strainer on sale'Ta.t, ,each . .5f
' Ho Wire Bug Better, eaoh. .l2f
lOo Caks Turners,, for, each.. .8f
So Granite Lipped Pans. ea.,28f
ISo Granite Flepans, special.. 12f
40c Granite Coffee Pots, ea...33f
I Bo Granite Teii Pots, each..28
40c Granite Berlin Kettlea at.33f
'40o Granite Berlin Kettle at.49f
0o Granite Tea Kettles. ea..9f
SOo Granite IJpped. Kettles at24V
loo unmut iiippeu, aiiuh u.xsf
26o Granite Dippers, at, each.20f
lto Granite Drlnklna Cups..lOf
lto Granite Measuring- Cups. . lOf
SOo Granite Guepldors, each..24f
SOc Granite Frying- Pan. ea. .23f
JU1 Granite ware, at low prices.
COO No. I'TJhlYereal Food Choppers,'
best on the market:, great special
ralue, on sale, each. . . . SJ1.19
lOo Cook's Fork, on -sale for... 44
16c Egg Beaters,, on sale for-12f
6o Potato Mashers, on sale for 6f
10s Fly Killer for, special, ea. 8f
26o Earthenware Teapots, ea. 10 g
40o- White Enamel Basin, ea.32f
iso wnue junaniei viups mi...xxe7
SOo White Enamel Dish,' each. 164
12o White Enamel Soap Dish.lOf
75o S-foot Ironing- Board at. .62f
oo vuusa wunpovn, specnu.t7f
11-lnch Chop.Bowl, on sale at. 14?
20o Wire Clothesline, special. 17?
o oan aniiiy .raint, special. 21?
16a Mop Sticks on sale for. .12?
J 5o Coffee Mill on sale at. e&.28?
SOo. Granite Dish, special, ea.17?
Oo Granite -Bakepans, each. .24?
6So Granite Dlshpans, each'. .53?
40 Granite Saucepans, each. .33?
6 Oo Granite' Saucepans, - each, .49?
SOo Granite Lipped Pans, ea. . 24?
"Lindsay" : Incandescent Gas, ;
. ' Globes. " special, each . . . . . . 164
"Lindsay" Incandescent Gas Man
' ties, speolal, each ........ .18?
Great special lot of the celebrated
White Mountain . Ref rlgeratsgWJ
latest imnroved ': model: ,.ha.ni4
v somely flnlBhed; . economies! loe
consumer; 190 of them. Regular
111.60 value, on sale at this un
usually' low prioe, eaoh...flt8.64
6,000 ' new adjustable ' Window
,' Screens, 14x33 inches; 'value ex
traordinary. Buy .all,' you 1 want
of them at, each.... .,...,,,27?
(00 v S-foot ' Stepladders good
stronpr Ones; special at, ea.'.OO?
xawTT acowssa, 4.19 back.
100 new model Meat Safes, .well
made . and finished; good strong;
. ones; beat vaL In city .. ..Sjl.09
Bpectat lot or 60 . 4-ciaae,', la-inch.
Lawn Mowers, every one cuaraa-
. teed satisfactory; .marvelous value
at, each ;;.?, .w.. . ... ..... .f 4.19