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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
i: I: TIIEv OREGON DAILY JOURNAE, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVEOTNO, ' MAY CS,; ICOT. n : Oilier Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 18-19, NEW TODAY. McKenna Junction Th-Tunnel Town alt A Improvement Co. will of far tor sal for a. ahort time , a limited , number of lot at McKenna function. ' ; . . McKenna Junction is located on Co lumbla Boulevard, at the approach of , thtunnol under Unlver.lty Park, at the crossing on tha main. Una or the o. "K. N. from the aaat with the main Una HELP ' WANTEPtAIJa. WANTED Yonng maa tn drlre CUT delivery , wagon, whnlnU bonae. State (, aalary wanted, reference. X BO. Journal. WANTED Aaalataat ablpplng clerk, mannfae- . taring plant. State axe,, an Jury wanted, ref- HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A womaa te Jo kltrhea work ' prints boarding- bonae. 180 Fifth at. , . GIRL or Womaa, hoaaework, part day,' Sunday tree; altep at borne; wafea fib. 001 jverny ; (treat. ', -. . - ' WANTED Immediately, capable womaa cook oat of town; .wagee I3B. Housekeeper panl- tartan, xuuft laraniu. Main oai. FOB REyrFLATB .' ? MVS) and six Noma ea T8 x 100 ft. groand. beautiful ahafle treea and lawn. Are place. . furnace, laundry . traya, porcelain batha, and : fan ranga, etc. Kent Terr reaeonani.. , p , ply, W East 27tb at., Bunnyald ear. ., lS CHAPMAN St. Whole flat or rooroe, partly rornlabed or nnroralabed. lie children. BUSINESS CHANCES. of the Harrlman ayitem to Puget Sound, barbkbshop Modern, complete, rood leaaa, ::,', ''. ' -" - 1 ,f :'?... I - owner leaving town. 406 Lumbar Exchange, -, - McKenna Junction la where tha depot if- ana railroad yards wu b. . " Order hare been riven for aaeem-1 i Dung or crew on in f eninaaia, ana ' wor la to be commenced vary aoon on ,,. tha approachea to tha tunnel, . the lay lnf of tracka for tha Swift and Armour : 1 Packing ..'a plant, and tha completion 01 in xroutaaie una. . - McKenna junction will ba a manual lecturing city with large payroll. I sr.. I J. Other rreet Induatrlaa ara- claimed I lor jacnenna, junction. . - , Buy a busineas lot now before, price are aavancea. , . , . - "FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. , IP TOU- WANT A HOMB, ' TL'... 1. With TliaMT ' ;'' I1.00O e-room cotUa a, lot of fruit. 1300 .11.250 Ooed Cteen eettefe-ea- ear Una, plenty 01 trnlt. lerm uae rani. ' 1,200 4-room atrlctly mod am eottate. H 11,6004-roots aiodera aottafa Bear Haw tborne are, - 1,B0 New, " $1,900 New 8-teom tottaca, etrtetly k arn:Kaat Xnd t.Trta. r llsoo fl-room nodera booaa, Baat Btk at aa car ltaf.pTeVm Ilk rent. . J ' 12,000 b room modem aottaga, Xaat Mm rn x Vraual Val UJfj BlBr a aj ta a Fine buildUig lot In all parts of tha. city, tlfiO, and bp. Any old tennj. -i MICTROPOLITAN EEALTT 00., , , . asm Alder at. Boom '' . ' ' for plats and prtoas oaQ en or ad- araaa ; . . ... . . ? W. II. Griridstaff u n. HiWRR. oolldtora and' eaieamra' neao- onartara. . Eearern meeiaciiirin wn "r reaented. Real eeteta quick aalce Mfotlated. ptltlona circulated. , 00 aizui u mow FOB SALE FAR51S. OFFICES Goddard John rarllna. - . f MO Commercial block. : . Phone Main I00. - 1 mA irto WAVth MA a A9i BtaUOn, R , acrM ealtlratod, balaaee paatare; every acre can ha miltiTatadi eae mile from email townl ' food plank road; bouae.bam, some fanning Implement: I7B aa acre. O. W. Hnaaon pbone erenLnre Woodlawa MO, or call 0t Commercial bldg. ' ' ' HOLLYHURST LAYS FINE ' LOOKS FINK k. i w .IS FINE , ON THE CAR LINE NO ROCK OR GRAVEL Ko stumps to dig out 5 ,w A' beautiful place for a home - Bee Hollyhurst and you will buy 1 If you "Never Have" : a d v e r t i s'e d, and the "Never Have" bogy has ;terrors"f or you, perhaps you will continue to do things in the hardest A; Journal Want Ad - will make things easy, for you. " Rate 1 cent a word; ' ' LAYMEN OF CHURCH OF - , ENGLAND IN SESSION Commonwealth Trust Co. , "f i S, IXTH ANDt ANKEN On the Car Line ... . ...... . ..... , (?eomal Special Servtee.) V Winnipeg, Man., May XLLayman of tha Church of England ara gatharad her from all parta of Canada for th fifteenth annual convention of the do minion branch of tha Brotherhood of fit Andrew. .ThO brotherhood la aiflll- kf.. . th. Nn nthur amburbas name in na unuw oww u '"- tract excel. . and It Work la puraued along tba sam llnea. Tha convention win do in ae- alon curing in remainaer 01 ma ween, Tha buaines ' aeasiona will ba inter laperaod with rellglou aarvlcea and ad- i areseea ana nrmoni 07 cirua tuu Area of lot 1 to 18 acres. AU tna layman of prominence. The reports to feaulsltes for an attraeUv country b- nreented to tha meeting ahow that homo, within eaay reach or "ty. 1 brotherhood is making - gratifying avu-an acre ana Increase In Its membership each year, The 'organisation Aow extends through out tha xJomlnlon and us membership embrace more than 3,(00 men and 800 boys.' FIRST COLOIIYII . EITHER AMERICA ylU, Melancholy Faie-.Related . In y thov First. American Tra-'.t vf ;.V eler's ' Talei V :'AS: LlFT BY C0LUMBU9 AND SEEN NO MORE BUafi Told" b 'DrChanca, . Wh6 Camo With the Great Admiral on ; Ills Second vyage FeIIowYoT tTcrs Who Later Mado Blstorx. ' Ash brook plan. ! Investment Co.' B. QTJACKENBUSH. Prea Xaln 871. 844 BTABZ T. ,v - . , , MUST BE SOLID suoAJnr ao-cB oo-c'T mow x. - .A new. well-built' l-atory houae, ( "rooma, all modern convenience, cement basement, artlendld location, only one block from - two car llnea. East, 27th, ear Ollean 12,600: one third, cash. WALDO HILLS PIONEERS' PICNIC JUNE FIFTEENTH (Special Dtepatefe to The loornaU SUverton, Or May 22. The Waldo Hills Pioneers' association will hold Its annual meeting In the grove on J. A. Vrt0Bim"l0S flVaad Ave., sast Side. ' Hunt's farrt west of this ity Saturday, tlUllO IWa ' V emtaavrTwsa uvu vr vi fj a.11 lSfJT(J two years ago and la growing both in I interest and membership : each year. I Speakers from different parts of the 1 county have been invited to participate. J Water feetV 4; acres J rtilroid running through;-frontage on Macadam road. - " . (, MARBIAGE' LICENSES. . nm. a.-nriTann. 31f Pearl Seller. IT. Frederic f. T. Thompaon, Colambna, Wmd., PlMaithew Caenett, 80 BseaeU street If. ltel. lie Kofrrra, jh. Hermans. Batantn, 288 Jaffereoa, 88; Anna Weddlne Card. W. O. Smith Co.. WafV lnf ton bid, comer roarta and Waablnctos ft. " All kind of plant (or (ale at 41S Vancoonr are.! price. reaeonaoM. roone mwa oaiv. Tonaatb A OeH ftoriata, for Dower . ef , ail MtUlm. tn fltitli at. .. . . . i . . . i. L Clarke Broei, riorHta Vina flower and floral deaUrn. . 880 Morrleda t. . . .. .- mn-.1raa nit for rent, ail alaa. Cnhjee Tallonns OW30 Btars (t. WEDDINO IKriTATirjNS Lateet and beat) IS per iw. a. a. oawa v., ui - - FUNERAL NOTICES. HABTIOANMay 22, ISOT Mr. Bllsibeth Hiriinn. awd 48 Tear, awtber ef Mra. l tJathjrtne . Tracy, Mra. . Mary Keegan and FWJannand of thl city. Funeral will ' iae Place from realdcnce, 145 M. 14tb at.. -,ir Batarday, May X.V at 8:BO a, au, tbeneto 7. the Cathedral, IStb and parUr.t., at a. m.t 'Ji t f Wbere aarrloee will be held. Interment Mt. r' CalTiirr eemetery. meada reepectfolly , ia. H8WITT May Si 1007, Mr. Mary Hewitt, a red 8T year, s Betored wife ef R. 0. Hewitt ' of 000 Delay at. frlenda end acqnalntance 1 , are reflpecttully Invltad to attend tbe funeral t aervlce at Dunning, McBotee- A Ollbanrt' cbapel, Serenth and Piae ata., Friday, May ,' 84, at S p. m. Interment lea rir cemetery. LOST ASD FOUJO). STOlilff fllifk rocker tpanlel bitch pup, email white a tar en nraaai, iron ana inn ai.t Wedneaday I18Q p. m. Party found berbot- Wol'inT U PlMf " "' ' Waxtet snscELLAxrors. . mnnrsT prices oaid for nien'a ctn(f elnth- In hrai furniture of all klndt. 73 ;i . 2urUi XLUd. Fbone facia itwa. Do Yon How to Buy It's easy now, b cause the beat kinds of paints, enamels, stains. - Tarnishes, are sold under the name of QUAlllY. a mark that signifies the Perfect Paint for Every Purpose. iff your. nearest dealer cannot supply you with the ''Acme 0aUtyldndwewilL Ask for a copy cjf the sew textbook, "The Selection- and Use ef ralntt and ITnlsfces." Free on request.- NEW ERrVPAII! ANU VARNISH CO. I iznrsib!.,i'oniana ' (Journal Special Servtca.) ; , Washington, IX C, May 21. The Smithsonian Institution at Waahlngton ha just published as a part of Its mla eeUanaoua collection a document until recently practically overlooked by atu- aents, wnicn is remarkable for Us his torical value. Besldee a memorandum or two by Columbua, It is the first orig inal daacrlptloa of America by aa actual Observer. It Is a letter by Dr. Diego Alvarea Chanca, physician to tb fleet of Columbus on his second voyage of discovery to America, dated at Port of Isabella, Ganto Domingo, at the end of January, 1494. . The . tranalatlon Is by Dr. A. M. Fernandas d Tbarra, a mem ber of the New York Academy of Sol- anoe, who is thoroughly familiar With the history of Columbus and his times. Dr. Chanca, the author of the letter. had been especially appointed by the Spanleh monarch a to aocompany that expedition, not vnly on account ef Us great political and commercial import ance, but alao because among tha 1,600 persons who came over from Europe to America la that fleet were several distinguished court personages ' and a large number of ybung gentlemen be longing te aiistooratle famillea, reatleas and dating warriors who had done ex cellent military service In the war Just successfully ended Sgainat the Moors of Spain, i ; . . , . . , A Cargo of Xlatory Xakera. "Mingling with tha men of dfatlno- tlon, says Dr. Tbarra. "who cam over to America in that expedition, I may mention the following: Juan Ponca da Leon, the ' future conqueror of, Porto Rloo and later on the dlacbverer of Florida; Alonso d OJeda, th future diacoverer and explorer of the north coast of South America, with the Ital ian Amerigo Vespucci made his first trip to tha new world, named after him; Pietro Largarlt, - the aubaequent dis coverer of tbe archipelago to whioh be gave the nim of Marguerite lales; Juan da la vCoea, the expert eoamo grapher. another' of the first map of America In existence, drawn by Mm in the: year 1500, and now la th Royal naval museum at Madrid, and many other men whose names are Inseparably connected with the very early hlatory of America,'' ' . T Wanderings ta Wast tndlea. ' V A pathetlo incident in th trio waa th search for tha little band of adven turers Columbus had left tha previous year upon the laland Santo Domingo. Dr. Chanca say: ' The letter relates the experiences of that ventureaom band In a aearch among the cannibal laland of the west In die for the handful of men- Columbus had left th year befora The expedi tion set sail from Cadis September 21. 1495, and th -voyage across consumed between five and six weeks. Dr. Chanca glvea a vivid account of their aearch for a harbor, of their first landing upon an uninhabited shore, tha new the towering mountains and fresh streams. They Immediately aalled on In search of new wonders, which they found tn the form of a new island, where they found traces of cannibal feasts, of which Dr. Chanca says: Among the Cannibal Carlbe. ' "When we aaw those bones w Imme diately suspected that we were among the Caribbee Islands, whose Inhabitants eat human flesh, because the admiral, guided by tha Information he had re ceived from the Indians be had discov ered during his former voyage, had dl rected the course of our ships with 1 View to finding them. Thither we came In as straight a channel aa If we had sailed by a well-known and much-fre quented route." ii Dr. Chanca explains the horrible cus torn s of the natlvea. Such of . their male . enemies," tie says, "as they can take away alive they bring here to their' homes to make a least or them, and those who were killed- in battle they eat ' up after the fighting Is over.' They claim that tbe flesh of man Is so good to eat that noth ing like It can be compared to It in the world: and this is pretty evident for of the, human bones we round in- their nouseav everyinwg i tnai couia o jrtuiwed 'hftd already been gnawed, so that nothing else remained of them but what was too bard ta be &ten. In one of the houses we found the neck of a man andergolng' the process of cooking In a pot, preparatory- for eating it." Baarob lor Exterminated Baa a. This hafbor Is 12 leagues from tbe place vnere the Christians bad ' been left by the admiral on bis return to Spain from th f irat voyage, and under the protection of Quacamarl, a king of these Indiana Who I suppose is one of the principal sovereign or the lsiana. After we anchored at said spot, the ad miral ordered two lombards to be fired in oraer to see ir mere was any re sponse from: the Christians, who would fire In return as a salute, for they also bad lombards with, them: but we re ceived no reply, nor did we see on U)e seaahpre anybody, or 'any sign of bouses whatever. Our people then became very much chagrined, and began to realise what tha circumstances naturally sug gested. : V' ' , '..' ., i?.' '- .v.-'r "While all of tis were In this de pressed state of mind, the aame canoe with several Indiana on board which we had seen . that afternoon, eame up to where 'we were anchored,: and the Indians with a loud voice Inquired for the admiral, ... rate . of rtrsi Amarloaa Colony. "They were conducted to the admiral's vessel, , and remained there on board for-three houra talking with the admiral in the presence of us all. They said that some of the Christiana left on the island had died of disease, other .had been killed in-quarrels amongst them selves, and that - those': who remained were all well. . They alao said that that province had been invaded by twq kings namea ; monaoo ana : wsyrenu, wno burned all th bouses. -'.'- .i? "Next morning some of our men landed by order of tbe admiral, and went to the spot 'where the Christiana had been housed. 'They found the build f t - pi 1 e v- , . ..( SUCCESS BeMSKl u KUliiiflsworlli Mo Ride Was triiblished durlni the Lewis and Clark Exposition. 1905. show ing the doom of the "csJarnity-howlert," aa the wheels of progresa . - .a I a .a k teeat k TW M t m passed over, tneir ooaies, crusntng tnem to numinuntoi. a ' number of these SUPPOSED wise men prophesied a stoppage in the growth of Portland that a BOOM was on, that values were bound to recede. This 'class of men have always had my sympathy, from the. ;fact of their impaired mental vision. This clsss does not only live In Portland. You will find them In New York, Chicago and all large commercial centers, and so it will ever be. They are a ' class of men to be greatly pitied; especially ia it true in regard to those located in Portland, for they fail to grasp, the FACT of Portland's matchless location, where fresh' wster, ocean and rail meet, where three states deposit all their wealth at her docks. Seemingly they were afraid to allow the thinking world to visit -us and to enjoy for 'a short period our magnificent climate, our scenery, for grandeur and beauty unsurpassed on EARTH, little, dreaming that this attractive city, with its roses, hidden as well as 'revealed treasures, . would not Induce them to build their homes -here, as well as to populate the entire state of Oregon. I never had a doubt but that the Lewis and Clark Fair would be the dawn of the beginning of development. For nowhere on earth do the stars shine brighter, or the sun shine lovelier, or the rainbow of promise with greater brilliancy than it does on Portland, Oregon, . the coming New York of the Pacific ' And it affords me pleasure at this time, after more than 20 years a resident of Portland, that I can now offer the public the best investment that I have ever offered in my 20 years' experience. Speculators Attention! SS&' ever offered Acreage be tween the rivers adjoining the O. R. ft N. Co.'s terminal and Swift & Co.'s property. BECOME WISU by carefully investigating tftis extraordinary bargain. Only a few acres left Each acre a fortune. Price fl.OOO buy one or more. By the way, if you are looking for the best home site in Port land, most beautiful beyond description, visit WALNUT PARK. ' Office corner- KilHngsworth and Williams avenues. Take any TJ- car going north. Phone Woodlawn HIS. Call today on . SUBURBAN OFFICE 323 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. - PHONE MAIN 4557. Furni ture Trust lng, which had been fortified to., a. cer tain . degree by a pallaade surrounding It, all burned up and leveled with the around. ' Thar found alao some rags and itHhlw ?ounT ZSl rXS. i "tuffs which the Indians had brought e'"i "e?.a, "d WTLS to set th fort and the houses in the environs on fir. They observed, too, that the few Indians seen going about in that neighborhood were shy, and dared not approach, but on the contrary. when called, fled.' s-; ,.?;:; ; ye Gold Story Too Zrge. A great part Of his letter Is taken up with subjects wnicn appeal xo a man Of his profession. ,. He catalogues- in valuable form minerals, grains, fruits and many kinds of flora which caused him to Wonder, as he wrote, whether bis friends at home would believe mm. The rerTorts from natives and from ex plorlng parties of vast quantities of gold in tne lsiana xorcn mo cumu u his narrative. "Thus, surely," be conoludes, "their highnesses the king and queen may henceforth regard themselves as the most prosperous and wealthy sovereigns on earth, because never yet alnce the creation of th world' has such a thing been seen or read of. On. the return of th ships on the next voyage they certainly will be able to carry back such a quantity of gold as will fill with amaxement all who hear of it" ... . Jref erred Stock Canned Good. Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. 1 GRAND LODGE OFFICERS . ELECTED BY PYTHIANS .i - - .. . . . --. . (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Taooma, Waah., May 28. The Knights of Pythias of Washington, at th twenty-fourth annual convention elected, th following grand lodge off! cars to serve the coming year: Urand chancellor, Orno Strong of Ta ooma; vice-grand chancellor, H. T. Granger of Seattle; grand prelate, R. W. Thatcher of Pullman; grand keeper of reoords and seals, R. "O. Parks of Walla Walla; grand master v of ex chequer, Ben Haverkamp of Tacoma; grand master at arms, Eugene Foster of Sedro-Woolley; grand Inner guard, J. H. Elwell of Vancouver; grand outer guard, Rl M. Dye of Daveoport. Walla Walla will probably be selected as the place or uie next! meeting or the grand lodge, the matter, being left for a de cision tomorrow. ' -. ' Out of the ST lodges of the order in th state 8 are represented at the gathering here. In the competitive drill by tee uniformed ranks at Wright park the Seattle company came out ahead, winning 82 polnta, as agatnat 87 for Spokane and 84 for Snohomish. The Judges of tha . drill were Colonel Kin sey, National Guard of Washington. The Pythian sisters held a memorial service today, those taking part In the program. ' being Grand Chief Affl , Barnes, Lulu Christopher, Seattle; Mrs. This ( four Drawer' Dresser Doomed y'' v I I I I Civil m.n - fSrSip info BreakintheFurnte v- i - - " ' . "Trust Prices Princess Dressers The furniture business of our city is controlled by a "Trust which has COMPELLED PEOPLE TO PAY EXORBITANT PRICES. "Trust" means graft "Anti-Trust" means Fair Deal ings. When you wsnt Furniture, Rugs, Stoves, or House Fur nishings, buy from ua. We are not In the Trust" and you will save money. Compare our prices against the "TruatV prices. PRINCESS OR REGULAR FOUR-DRAWER STYLE DRESSERS. Full swell or serpentine fronts Genuine solid Quarter-sawed oskv finest birdscye maple or genuine mahogany in the new Tuna finish; Hand polished snd msde in the east by the very best workmanship, neat carvings" adorning frames snd stanchions, or without earrings. Extra heavy French plate beveled mirrors, 18x40 inches, in a great variety of styles for .your selection. . The "Trust Stores' (have pledged themselves not to. sell this class of Dressers for less than. $29.00 and $31.50. BUT OUR PRICE IS ONLY. ,.f28.T5 Royal or Pacific Oak Dressers Any style. Princess or four-drawer. Two swell top drawers, French beveled mirror, 17x30 or 20x24-inch sires, exactly the same makes, pstterns and styles as the "Trust Stores" sell for $17.50. Our price for Pacific or Royal Oak nly ....,........'. White Maple or Ash, only t Base 28x42 inches, height over 7 feet, 3 drawers and double cup board with 2 doors in top: base contains one 50-pound capacity flour bin, 3 large drawers; cupboard with shelf snd 2 kneading and meat boards. The "Trust" advertises them at "Tmat Price," $18.00 but WE SELL THEM AT ONLY 11.TB ENAMELED IRON BEDS. -Any sise full sixe, three-quarter size or single the same quality, as the "Trust" advertises at "Trust Price," $5.00; but WE SELL THEM AT ONLY .8)285 REFRIGERATORS. . " " ' Now is the time to get one and have the full season's use of it We sell a good sixe, substantially made and neat pattern at only.lf8.T5V - Other sizes in proportion. r i,n ', ' . CURTAIN STRETCHERS. The adjustable pin style, the kind the "Trust Stores' have agreed not to sell for less than $185 cash. We sell exactly the same style, nickel-plated adjustable pins and easel back at only.... :..:f 225 Ststionsry Bins, adjustable 5 frame, combination price $2.60. Our price ...i J, .....A .......fl.50 RUGS, MATTING AND LINOLEUMS. ' Just received another shipment of newest' patterns and best quali ties for the money which, as usual, we are selling below the "Trust Prices." rCs: -l ' sy- INDEPENDENT FURNITURE CO. Kbe Only Xxolturtve Turattare Store That I STot Xa the 2rar<ara Trust - vi AAy vu vvauHoawiA 1 ri tjm T.. CT Bwa WaahliLrtioa aad Btark. Orm rroak Bnfidlng. Abbott, Colfax; AUe M. Credo, Alice Merritt, Spokane. EUGENE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS' ELECTION Bua-en. Or.. May 23. Th Eugne hlah school student body baa held Us annual election, with the following re sult: - President Raymond Salisbury; vice-president, Chester CKrlsman; secretary-treasurer. Esther U'Ren; editor of the High School Newa, Will St John; manager of the News, Wendell Barbour; basketball manager, Guin. Watson; de bating manager, Bert Ruth. An amend ment to the constitution, providing for student body tax of 11.50 per year. $1.00 to ba need for student body nUrpriae waa passed. This la to do away with, the numerous subscription lists, which have been circulated during tb year. Mats gar fits your eyee for tL lit Washington etreet corner Seventh. formerly at HI Sixth etreet . . $1.00 ' ; sail PoilIrsMd Rapidly Growing Eastward IS - THE - PLACE TO BUY"""" "V 77" V know what that means when it comes to buying prop - y erty that has value to it and property that will soon treble JI in value. One look at "Terrace Park" will convince you that all we claim for it is absolutely so. City, cars, schools, churches and stores are there. No long wait for the .conveniences of the older settled sections. THEY ARE THERE. Lots $300 to $600, on easy, terms, THltfK IT OVER. AnyJM-V" car will take you to our "Blue Ribbon" addition. . ; Opposite Chamber of Commerce 270 Stark .Strc-1 ; Phones: ' A 288, Main 2828 i .'Terrace Park Tabor 180