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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
11 THE QkEGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MiY 23, 1C07. TODAY'S MARKETS There Is Practically Not a Barrel of Flour for Sale at This Time on the Entire Pacific Coast for Foreign or Coastwise Shipment. mil PRICE APPLE ASSOCIATIONS - TO PACK MUCH BETTER 00 Sales Said to Be Made In Ca!i-IJ fornla on a Three-Cent Basis--No Salmon. '. Today'e market featoreer . Salmoe flshlnf topped. '" . i Strawberries remain Terr blftl. . -. Chicken market bolda price. . .- v Mvetertoa tone la . - Hears advance In wheat price. . . flour advance set nearer. " Prone price look! favorable, - . -. galea eX creamery better hlf her. -v " Cherries are aelllns Sowa.. - Hop trading la nominal every wliei. ' r 'lraa Me Leoka TevorakU. ' With every prospect tor abort apple crop tliroughoet tb ommrry and the prone crop ft leet year ti a rood position, it lonk at tfcll ' tltae ai If very fsvorable prices will be obtain ed for thle rear's prodnctloo. . There Is eon- alderable differ see ef optoina orar the Pacine nut regarding the oatlonk for the crop ae " regard else. From California moat rr porta ear. that the Santa Clare valley will Bot bare mack more than a half-crop bat the daraar there la very likely exaggerated a It la la net erer everr aaaanrt.. In .any cirnt it look ae If the crop will not eqnal that ef last eeaaon. In Oregon tt le sot believed that the damage to the crop try the froeta of a . few weeka ago will amount to very mocb hut there la etlll plenty of time for farther depreciation. It la eta ted that Boaenberg Broa. Oo. have bought the trope of prune on the ercharda of T. B. Bntcbln and the Earl Fruit company Red orchard) near Grldler, CaL The Motcblne ro--wlll probably amennt to ever WO tone, aa there are eome SO acre of that orchard. The Beed place baa 80 scree. - The crone 00 both ercharda are heavy. It la anderatood that the price paid waa on a three cent . basis, tnousb. . tUla. la not eon armed, -the alaea of prone In thU dlatrlct run large. - ; Salmon Fishing if Stopped. ", .... , Practically all aalaeea tailing In the Columbia river baa topped aa a reenlt of ttbe kith water. Cannere have therefore closed their plant and . are waiting tor mere favorable condition. Mr. Seafert, the veteran eanaeryman ef The Dalles, ay that all the fish are following Warden Van Dosea's Instruction and are going down stream; telle drat. According to Mr. Senfert, - the water la to high to admit of fishing at thle time. "We have pecked, to date," be aye, "about a fifth aa much flah a w did t thla time year ago." The average aeema . to be a boat the m at all points. Aa regarda the future of tb present aeaaoa there 1 oulte wide rang of opinion among cannere. . Bom Believe wet a aoon. a . tn present high water anbaldee the fish will ell come op the river and packer will be enable to take care of the fish offered. Other be lieve that the ran will sot be good at any time thla aeaeon because they eey the fish are not there to catch. These latter assert that the fact that practically no largo Osh have been caught a yet cleerty show that the etream m fished eat. other again giv tni am reason why the fish will make their ap pearance la the river at a later day; about July IB. ''..' Mysterious Tone la Xgg. There is a very mrstertoce ton ruling In the egg' market at thle time. Some, la fact moat of the dealer assert that moat ef their ale are made at lee with aa occasional one at ISHe.- Other. Jnst a truthful, say the are getting 18 and 19e for aU they eeU. Just why there I such a difference. In price In egge, dealer are nnable to' eay. Some be lieve that cold store I Interest are at work Using to bold dowa tb price. .. ; . . Sutter Sella At A4vao. While the general market quotation have sot been changed, some sales of creamery but ter bav been made at an advance M e a pound , over the present price daring tb peat 4 boar. These higher-priced sales were for Northern account. Creamery men tat that Armour and Swift bar been endeavoring to purchase large amount of butter of late for tons purposes but they will not eell them supplies antll ail their regular trad la filled. Chicken market ha aa eaay ton bat value art anchanged. . . ( I - Brief Vote ef the Trade. Potatoe are firmer bar a a remit ef Hi better price In the east and no auppllee are being sold under 2c Shipper are paying from 1.7S to $2. ' ; ' Cherries are lower with larger snpplle from tb eoeth. .. Only' few crate of California atrawberrle In. Oregon Id better supply with lightly lower price. - . Bop trading 1 nominal every where at this time. . - '-:'. .: String bean cam la from Texas thla mora le. Quality bad. i t ',, Artichoke are lower1 with. larger applies. - Trad pay the following prices to groat street. Prices paid shipper are lea regular commlntoo: , :.;.. Orala, Floor an Teed. : -v,..:-,. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, Pc, largs lota; mall lot. 10c. . ' WHEAT Club, 8Sc; red Bossies, 81c; 'slue stem. 85086c; Teller. 2c. CORN Whole, tZSM; , cracked. , 128.00 per ton. ?J''-. ' . . ' BABLET Hew Teed,1 121.00?!2.09 per ton; rolled, S23.0024.00; brewing. 122.00 (323.00. EVE fl.8S per ewt. OATS New Producer' price No. 1 white. t2 50a! 29.00 per ton; gray, $27 .50 (328.00. i FLOUhV Eastern Oregon patents, $i.tS; ' Straights, 4.00: export. 4.00i valley, 3.90(9 .IB; graham, H. whole wheat, 14.00; ; rye, dub, j e-'" r (Jeatmal Special Servtce.l v ! 4 Hood Kiver, Cr.p May 23. e Resllilng the ImDorUnce of e I . packing their applea In the most . attractive mannef, fruitgrowers 4 e tills year are determined to spare e) e no expense in proparlng t nllt for market Oregon applea will thla year attain a fastidiousness of ; pack never before attempted ao ; 4 coming to advices reoetved by e the management of tb Hood 4 Kiver Apple Growers' union. Each district wUl vie with the e ousr 'in trying to put up the -! most attractive looking fruit .Southern Oregon growers have 4l Sandatora aireaay contracted for a gor ; geous svn-olor label for out- e) siae decoration and a fancy mat will be placed In the top of each . box. Thla will permit of 'a Tory 4 affective display- being - made )' when the box Is opened and la believed will add to the price of e the fruit , - . , : Hood River's union has de- cided to spend more money than NEVADA LOSSES I'JIIEill OMKET MlJillll Hi il'J EXCITED t. ' . Mining Shares In San Francisco Local .Values: Are -Up -Export Stiff on Downward Slide- Banks Call Loans. 1 Flour Five Higher Sharp , J. Break In Chicago. over before in the packing line . and will thl year put In pera- 4 tlon a now method for bearing , e the extra expense. It has adopted e , ; CoUimbla 1ft Jumbo Bit ... Kendall Booth , Blue Bull .... Silver Pick ,. Blue Bell Dlile ......... St. Ivee .am 1one Star ,.7Z Crack. Jack .. r. Mohawk .... Orandma ...... Gold. Con.. ... GOLDOTKLD LOSSES. . I .05 10. Wonder .OS lore .10MI Kendall Bit. .01 .OS .03' .14 .01 - .01 .04 .01 ' .01 .2d .0 Great Bead Kmplre Lagnna Comb.- fract- . -O. Bond Kxt .. Millatorm ...... Kswsnoe ...... KediHlll ..... .01 .02 .01 .04 .01 .09 . .24 - .10 .OS .20 or ; 0i - : .01 Ooldfleld Atlanta , Mohan k Kxt I. Boae TTMBgle OOLDVIBID GAINS. I fellow Tiger .. .M ..... ...0S I . a sliding scale by which no box or applea will be marketed for less than S per cent and none for more than 10 per cent of Its filing price. By thla plan a Just proportion of the expense la plaoed . on the high-priced va rietles which have heretofore, been . marketed for . the name price as the other grade. This year each apple will be wrapped In printed wrapper announcing that It : was grown at Hood.f e River and packed by the anion. Finer labels will alad be pro- vide and mats plaoed In the tope of boxes. The union will ' likewise handle spray material e this year and packing paper, glv- The range of valuee ea Nevada (hare la tb Saa Francisco market I steadily downward. Banks oontlnn to eall la tbslr loans and this Is forcing bolder to sacrifice their stock at any figure they eaa ob Latin la aa already de moralised market - Starr f V e Wkeat aad xnour Vp. 4 e Wheat valuee are again lo to Jo a bushel higher In the Port- e land market Even the large . millers now report a great . e scarcity In offerings and Port- land values are therefore noml- Ixoally the flour market la very firm with a great ahortage e ' In supplies. ' Millars are holding e back local aales aa much as . I e . posnlble . arid advanced values e e look closer. Practically no ax- ) e port la being offered. ; Quota e e tlons In thla line are at 14 a e e barrel, an advance of (to from former figures... ;.''. OPERATORS WILL nor rai! our Announced That Strike of Teleg raphers Has Been ; Averted -, by. Compromise. Journal Snerlal hnln I Now York, May U. -The World says tt is authorised, to males the announce ment that the strike of the telegraphers has been averted. Peace negotiations between the men and the offlolals of the oompanlea have progressed so far that a foundation for. the settlement of all grievances haa been laid. The) men art now aald to bo satisfied that the West ern Union directors and the Postal of ficials will give them a "square deal." Bamuel J. small, president of the na tional organisation of teleeranhera. haa full iower to call a atrlke without wait ing for members of the national execu tive committee, who will arrive here shortly. San PVanclsoo , telegraphers wired Small that they wanted to atrtke "at once." but Small wired back to "be REPORT OF THE CONDITION "';',' .of the :. ' '..7"'v 1 ; Sscurity Saving Gltos!: Co. Statement t the Close of Business May 20, RES0VRCES. 1907, Loans ,...;..j........;..........................;.3.3e4,034.4T Ponds 1,340,T55.85 F! Estate .................. rr. .?Ii?5I Cash and due from Correspondents....... loaiai.iB . i , - LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits Deposits ...... . ................. f6,242,811.78 v ,f 500.000.00 . '2TT.T05.63 5,464,756.25 ...CJr.,:..: . f.V.t A. L. 1:!".-.;'i-'-..'.'. -.: '? f6,242,511.T8 OFFICERS. f:": . i '- '"V, C. -.F.' Adams, President. " ' L. Mills, 1st Viee-Pres't. ( R. G. Tubitx. Sec'y. , A. Lewis, 2nd Vice-Pres't. ' G. F. Russell, Ass't. Sec'y. DIRECTORS. . C A. Dolph. .1 A. Lewis, Joseph Simon: ' A. . L. Mills. ' . . , . .. C F Adams, y J. N. Teal.- ,1 James F. Failing. , A general Banking and Trust Company, business transacted. Interest paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates of Depoait ; Way July wept Iee CHICAGO WHS AT YAXTJK9. Mar ZS. liar 72. Is. 100. o OfflcUl bid . seiees bf Overbect, vuuu cvnpan . . :r ' OOLDriHLD DISTHlOT. '' ' Sandstorm eOe, Bed Top $3. BOA. Mohawk f 14.00A, Cornmbta Mt 4ftc, Jumbo $8.50, Jum bo Eit. 11.40, Vernal Sue, P.nnajWanla ScA. Ooldfleld U. Co. S1.2BA, Kendall 25c, Booth ft-, Blue Ball toe, Adam lie, Silver Plrk 48c, Max Queea 18eA, Nrv. Bor 78c, B. B. .. . ' i diuv sac. inn no. u. voiumoia i tneir tnntri wie, riiDernia le, Bt. Ire vie, leoqoeror 13e, I erala today. The market closed i to 8TA Blk. Hock Be. lauia Btss 11m a. Wondsr Sc. I ntt u. m.. iwwj .h..r.l Ing Its members , the benefit , of the prtoo at wholesale. per barren sprouts, ( ) net- lb! asp rams. 00390c per do, bonebe; rbnharb, SHt9 fe per lbj , areea- on loot, 10e per do; rtorlda bell peppera, 8.B0 per crate; spin ach. $1.00 per boa; bead lettnce, SBe do; bot bonee, 11.75 par boa; cucumbers. $l.ISQ3.O0 doa; radlabe, IBs doe bunch eej eggpUnt, ,10c DRIED FHPITS Apples, evaporated. 840 ISJ.' 10 ' Prtcota. 18HQ20e per lb; peeciHra, I2ffl lSUe ser lb: eaeka. u tvar Ih k.uT w to osaocj e crop on sle; naw - California black. each 1-10 emall.t California white. 6-38H per lb; date, solden, $.M per box, farda. fl.40tlJ)0 per lS-lb box. ' vnoertea. Suta. zt. SUOAkV-Cube, SClSm powdered. tS.STH; herrv, 5.82Ui dry erannUted. 5.TTH; Star. I5.67H, ooof.lA. SS.TTm extra B. I5.X7H; Jrannlatet TO KbttX&ll? he; boxes, 60e advance on sack basks. 1 1-' ,38J- (Above prke . Uy. set euk SaaMsta, I 5-!!.. Sl,, Sg.1 HONBT SS.SO per crat. COKFEHJ Package brands, S1B.M$1.8S. ' SALT Coarse Half ponnd, 100s, 111.00 per ton; 00a, 111.00; table, dairy, SO. $16.00; 100a, eie is. Dares, fz.ou; imported Liverpool. 50a. $18.00; 100a, $170; 22a. $16.00; eitra fine, bbla. 2a, 6s and 10a, $4.tK)(BB.50; Liverpool lump rock, $20.50 per ton; BO-lb rock, U.OO; 100a. $10.80. . (Above price enplT to aales ef lea tta ear lota. Car lota at special prices subject $ EICB Imperial Japan, No. U Se; w0.' S. 6He; hm Orleans, bead. Ic; Ajsx, fio; Creole, BEANS Sman white, $8.90; larae wbft. $3.M; pink. $8.20; bayoo. $4.70; Umas, 6W, Mexican rede, 4c. . , NUTS Peanuts. Jamba. . IU ear' lb: Vlr. finla, THe per lb; roasted, lOe per lb; Japa nese, 6SHe; s-oarted, 77He per lb; eoeoa- cnta, 8oOc per doa) walanta, California, lae per lb; French. 15e per lb; pin nnta, lai6c per lb; hickory nata, lOe per lb; ebestanta. eaatern. isaiae oer lb: Bra ill nuts, lfto ser lb; filberts, l6e per lb; fancy pecans, 18020c; simonus, xvignftc. ... ' Heats, risk end frovlsiona. - FRK8B MEATS Front Street Bos. ' fsscy, SV&QSe per lb: lars. STc per lb: vsaL extra. oo ir iu, orauary, i q per id; poor, ne siuuaii cil sc. osnosi. sixi Mam Te, Atlanta Sic, Great Bend Sic, Blnv erone aoc. Empire - 10v . Ked Top Kxt.-Sfte, Florence .lo, Dlam f B. B. Con. 21e, Q. Palsy $1.05, Larnna $1.15A, Commonwealth S5e, Comb. Fract. $2.70, Or. Bend Bit. 12o, Or. Bend Anx. I:,. Millatorm e(VA, B. B. Bonanxa 0?, Kewaaoa TSc, Eameralda 20cA. Portland ISc, Cracker Jack le, rrencle Mohawk 50e. Red Bill Sne, Monawk Ext. 12e, Loe 1)1 Ilea lBe, V. Titer 18c, Grandma 10c, S. Pick Ext. Be, X. Rose Be. Col. ML Ext. 4c. Ooldf. Cons. 15.50, Wsmf TrlanfU IB , O0MSTOCK PISTBICT. Ooblr SIjTO. Maxlcaa oe. Onnld A Ranv He, Cos. Vlrafnta eSc, Savage 88c, Hale i IVorcroM Kc, Yellow Jacket $100, Belcher SOe, Oonfldenc TBcA, Sierra Mar. 81c, Ex chequer SaeA, Unloa SOe, . BUXLTBOO DISTRXOT. J , . Ordinal 10c, Bnllf. M., a lie, Mont Bnllf. Se, hat Bank IS, L. Harris Se, A met fa fat SOe, Gold Bar 66c, Btelnway Te, Denver Bsf. Anx. lie. Mayfl. Cone. 8c, Monty. Ohio Kxt Te, 0. Scepter 14, Monty. Mt. lfle, B. Daisy 10c. Home. take Cona. 72c. Tanks r.lrl .V. Norset Sc. Tramp Cons., Sic, Victor lOe, Bon set ScA, North Star 4c. , - TONOPAH DISTRICT. x Ton. Wer. S1S.13H, Moat Ton. $2.B, Ton. Midway $1.20, Ton. . Reecoe 18c. Ton. Aarhfls. Sn jim n.iA. me. Ton. (Cash Boy ScA, Ton. Home 6c, Beet ;. stonsren nits. ex. lOe, Mont Mid. Ext So, Ooldca Crown lleA, N. r. Ten. Cons, lOcA. '.. , . MANHATTAN DISTRICT.' . Mans.Oona. S5cA. Mann. M. Co., fe. 0. Wed ire Sc. Seyler Hnmp So, Dexter He, U Joe 2c, Creecent OeA, Combination ScA, Granny Inc. Mnatanf IBs, Cowboy Se, Oris. Manh. 13 Broncho So, Plnennt lOe, Buffalo Be, B. Dok. 14c, X. Horse 4e, Indian Camp He. ;.. v VARIOUS DISTRICTS.' Fairv. Silver Kins lftcA. rslrv iu nvi Nevada Hills 4e. No. Btar Wonder S1.22U. Eafle's Nest 4, Ruby Wonder 21c, Nev. JbL I swrence ioc, ritiaDurc ouver reak 00. $ .074 11.00 $ .02', $ .S3. 1.01 ;. l.oo4 v 1.044 .oaZ . .soj ....... 1.01H . 1.04th v 02H ..... The Chlcato wheat market was andsr pres sure U day. Short sellers, were elated with their control. of the sitnstioa and war sellers off. May Vial Kenorts now beliis received fiftni KanaAa ear that the condition of tb crop ef that atate la worse than previously believed. Great damare I M SKrvr said to be reanltinf there from hlf a wings ana ary wester. - Official Chicago . prleas bp- Overbeck, Starr vooc cempanyt. .. - WHEAT. r i' . " Open. High. May ......... , MV 08 H , July loo :i.M' Sept ......... 101 10S Dm J02V4 v 108H ; . .' CORN. May ......... B44 , 64H July i S3. tH oept Kr Jnlr Sept lew.'.,i" Close. Mtt S7V4 99 '100W 10054 101 644 : o3 B84 4 47 B4 OATS. S8H 62V( 62 63A 62ZA 62A Mr July Sept 40tf ' 41 '. i MESS PORK. ...,,.t..16S2 12 16T5 . IrtM 1675 1678 k LARD. ' May SOS 90S , July SIT . B20 Sept ......... SST ST . SHORT RIBS. July SOB 60S ' Sept S10 BIS 47' rl 88' 163S 16.10 1070 SOS SIS w SM sos : 4T , 89 ism 18.12 . loSS SOB sis 830 ' 00 683 : IXTEXPOOI OSAOT MAXXZT. . Liverpool. May Official prices: 'V WHEAT. ., - Open. Cloee. May 23. Gain. Jaiy T ld T t& T 1H4 lttd Sept .......T $d T 4d Ts S d ld CORN. Jnly .....;. 10d 4 lOUd 4 lOUd d ! s TEN MILES OF CEMENT WALKS FOR ALBANY 1 (Special DlsDstch te The Joarnat a Albany. Or May 23. Albany la hav. ins; a boom In cement work. A promi nent contractor recently made the state ment that property ownera In Albany would build over 10 miles of cement walks neat year. In accordance with an ordinance passed by the city council some time ago property owners are obliged to re place the old woolen walks with cement and the curbing mast be of the aame material. , : The entire cement district comprises about 100 blocks, and with the rapidly decaying board walks the builders of cement walks are having more than they can do.. It can poat tlvely be ahown that the city of Albany naa a greater district to be covered with these walks than any other City in tha state outside of Portland. CHARGES COLLEGE BOYS ROB CHICKEN ROOSTS -7.;-- -A, . (Special Dispatch a The Journal.! ' Spokane, Wash., May 23. Eight Pull man college boys have been held over to the superior court on , the charge ol stealing chickens. Roe Haynes Is the plaintiff and claims that the boys stole three of his chickens and had them cooked at one of .-the restaurants. ' Thai boys claim that they formed an anti- profane club and every Urns a member! used slang he was fined. Finally they get 4.I5 In the treasury and decided to have a feast ; They claim they pur-1 chased the chickens, but when the man of whom they aald they bought them denied having aold the chickens to the boys they were up agalnat It. - AmerlcanHohal Hi , eJ I aw ' II SAN DISCO, CAL. Capital (paid p) 9100,000. turplas and V. Profits $40,0oa ' Officers and' DlreptorsLouls J. 'Wilde, Pres.! ft. M. Powers, Vice-Pres.; H E. Mills. Vlce-Preat Chas. L. Williams. Cash ier; Is, J. Rio. Assistant Cashier; 5. Strahlroan. ea4 V Tons Padflo STortliweet Items : Send Us Yesr Vlsltars fr Cpcd Trca cicn! 4 SAN DIEGO'S CLIMATE ; Four limes la the history of Ban Diego has the tempera ' tar touched SI degrees, but has never fallen lower. The ' temperature of Ban 'Diego has axceeded SO degrees but nine . 'teea times In thirty-two years.-. i i . ' -.. , . ': . . . i ' . 1 , ... : - ' ... 1 . ... ' '1 - i ..... . .... ,. , -'. ..... ..,...( : HYNES' SUCCESSOR TO , BURNHAM IN MUTUAL h Sept 10V 10i,d 4 10 d dl ! N6W LAMB MARKET IS 25 CENTS LOI'fR TODAY I (Joaraal Special Service. I York. May 28. Archibald Hynes, formerly, general agent for the Equitable Ufa Assurance aoclety, ,. has I been elected to succeed Frederick . Ramor of Issue of Short Tim Notes Burnham, who la Indicted for grand lar ceny and . forgery, as president of the NEW YORK STOCK, MARKET I by New York Central Harts. The stock market was very qolet and dan In Mew York today, with a lower tendency te valpa. London reported aa easier feeling i or Americana witn console neavier. une report that the Mew Xork Central was aboot t lasne aou.uoo.wo in - abort time notes, bad a de praaaing effect npon the market. Official qootstlons Cook Oo.i nee i d; niunon, ibdcj, ewtwe per in. i '5P sawn, aiu-roruue paca local ; heme, 10 to 12 lb. lUe per U; 14 te IS lbs, le per lb; 18 to SO lb. ic: breakfaat rneon, inuzi'e per u; picnics, vm per lb; cot tare roll. 11V per lb; resales bort clsara, nnsmoked, lie per lb; smoked, Uc per lb; Clear backa, nnamoked, ' 12c; smoked. lUe per uit . vuum uuiim, xw w as ioa, nnsmocea. sc per lb; smoked, Se per lb; clear be 11 lea, an smoked. 11 He per lb: smoked, ISHe per lb; shoulders, Xia per lb; pickled tongues, SOe sach. .' LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s, 1S per n; 5s, 13c per lb; 60-lb Una, 12K per lb; team rendered, 10a, 12e per lb; 6a, I2t yvr id, ixmiiouna, iue, ve per in. . CANNED SALMON Colombia liver, Mb talla, 11.60; S-lb Ulla. S2.7B: faacv l ib flats. 11.00: -lt Uncy flata,.1.18r fancy 1-lh evala, Z7B; : Alaska tails, pink. SBQSOc; red, 11.60; nominal. s. isit, w. risH nock coa. 7 per n; noanders, Se per lb; halibut, 7 per lb; striped baa. 12e per lb; ' ratnen, lue per id; eaimon, rreaa Columbia Chinook, lie per lb: steclbeads, 8c per lb; her ring, Se per lb; sole, So per lb; shrimp, 10e per ioj perco, oe per id; discs coa, I e per lb; tomcod. 7e per lb; lobsters, lfle per lb; fresb mackerel, Se per lb; erawflah, SOe per dost star- DBSCBIFTION. 'e .teSrfipS' - trk-, ' . . asffAsa . l.a1 1 Br-. 5 is ... eAi W11 123 . -'600 178 aw ......... ... .587 Prevhma rear .. SO : "': ' ! There la e fresh showing of weakness In the beep market. Lambs are SBe lower, wbUe other lines ars holding at former Sgures.- P beep were weak; ethers esay. Official livestock prices: ' Hoara Beat eastern Ore iron, $9.BOQT00 $ 24t8 60; unina lata, Cattle Best eastern Oregon steer, M.JBffl lo'i'L00'" . W.MaS.60; bulla, Sheep Sheered, mixed, I4.S0; Umba, e. r.Ar,vT..m v.. ..-. CanadUB Pae., com. . rUK I UMV I VKK MAKK.tT ?tral Leather, eom.. I I rl No Sales Reported Dnrtng the Day- Associated OO Up. Associated Oil sained 50c en bid todav with asked price unchanged. Telephone shares ware by Overbeck, Starr . Am. Copper Co. .... Aa. Car found., Am. Coctea Oil, com ad, ioco., com. Am. Smelt., com. Anaconda Mining Cod , Am. Woolen, com ..... Atchison, eom... ....... B. O., com. ......... do nrefened Bruoklra Bapld Transit. chalet but xaqulna Bay rose 25c. resb nam : ! nr s ,r. n yw - -s- geoa, 10 per lb; black baas, SOe per lb; Colnm- I XT u?SJ'tatVZi..1 Hf 0 lb: rot I . " v . , " uui. duvw- " rB"ltorm gained 8c. . Mammoth Mining and Morning lost e each. In the Ooeur d' Alene Hat Bullion loat 14c. Cop- uu. . North., com... Chi. Ot. West, eon. Chi., MIL St. P...,. Chesapeake A Ohio ... Colo. Fuel A Iron, 'com. uolo, Boutbera, com .. do 2d preferred ..... 11.1. u a , t j .... D. ft. Q., com. ...... lune, common bis river smelt, 6c per lb; shad, Se per shad, Se per lb; shad roe. 19c per lb. OX8TEK3 fihoalwater bay, per gallon, 12.00; per 100-lb sack $4J60i Olrmpla, per gallon, $2.26: ter 110-lb ack. la.aoa.25! canned.. 10c can, 17.00 doa. , ..ji CLAMS Hardabell, per box, $2.40; rasor clams, 13.00 per box, 10 per dos. . Palnta. Coal OIL Zto. . EOPB Pur Manila, 16ie; standard. 18e: slssl. lie. . ............ ., . m ' COAL OIL Pearl at Astral Cases, lSUe per gal; water white. Iron bbta, I4e per gal; wooden. 17e per gal; headlight. 170 4eg.. cases! 81 We per gsl, , , s ., . OASOUN B-V deg4 esse. S4H per gal; Bank aharea aa oruiet. Aaked nrlcai f Tn of California advanced $2, to S35L. Bid on changed. Official prices: ..:':v;-, ; v bank stocks. - . Bid. Bank ef California ............1346.00 Bankers Lnmbermea ...... 104)0 Merchants National .......... ..Tv Oregon Trnat Savings ...... ... Portland Trust Co. ........... ...... United States National ....... 200.00 m LISTED SECURITIES BONDS. MILLSTUrri-Bran, 17.00 . per ton; " aild- dllnits, $25.00: snorts, country, 120.00; dtv, S16.00; chop. l.00e210. -... HAT Producers' price Timothy. - Willamette valley; fancy. 114.0017.00; rd!nav. $12.00 14 00; eastern Oregon. $1R.OO320.00; mixed, HO.0010.60; clover. tilBOUOwOO; gram, $8.00 10.00; cheat, $8.ooeio.oo. Butter," Zgg ad foultry. i BUTTEB FAT f. o. b. Portland gweet cream. 21c; sour, lBe. BUTTE RV City creamery, SJHc; seconds, SOU ntalde, . fancy. 22H; seconds, SOMe; star, Wdne. E'KiS Extra fancy,: candled, 1818Vle. " ; CHEESE New Foil cream, Oats, 19e per lb; Toon America, 17e per lb. r - PO0XTBX Mixed chickens, UQlSHe per tb; . fancy hen. 18?414e per lb; roosters, eld, 12c per lb; old etasa, iZftfiZfte per lb; fryers, ' 2Ae per lb; ' broilers, 25e per lb; old ducks, lK3Uc per lb; spring ducks, 21 22c per lb; geeee, old, 8310c per lb; spring geese. 12H3 ISc per lb; tnrkeja, 17c per lb for old; squaba, $2.00 per doa; pigeons, $1.00 per dos. , brassed peoWry JlHe per H .higher. ' ' v v Hops, Wool sad Hides. , HOPS 1906 crop Prime to choice. Tcr I Slum to prime, HJc; medians, SgiSHc; eoa-l WOOi-1007 cilp-VsUey,' 1830e; e.stera BEARS ARE IN CONTROL s MOHAIR New 1S0729O29W. ' - sheepskins Shearing, iB820 each; short gborts Have Market In Their Grasrjl0re0B atr M1U I-nmber wmL .2Ba40e: xnedlnm wooL 60S7ft ...k. I . "c,r "rswpi p-,i-Bm Ask. (361.00 180.00 100.00 120.00 esses, 29e per gal; roa is la eaaea, Xta per gal; woodca BENZINE-43 des. ddis, use per gal. TCBPENTIN1 bbla. 83c per sal. WHITE l-EAD Ton lots. 7e iw lh, anA.n. lot, Se per lb; less lots, 8)1 per lb. WIRE N AJ 1.8 Present basis st $2.66. Linsctu viu rare raw, in o-bbl lots, 80c 1-bM lota, 63c; ease, 68c per gal; genuine kettls-boUad, ease. OOC per gal; S-bbl lete, 64e; 1-bbl lota, BSe per gal; ground cake; car lota. $20.00 per tm; less than car lota, $30.00 per ..A.$ 98.80 ...... M.S0 ...... 100.00 ...... S7.00 American Biscuit Co. 6s City A Rnburban. 4s "... Horn Telephone, 6a . . 0. R. ft N. By. 4 .... 0. W. P. By. 6 ... Paelfle Coast Biscuit, 6s Portland By.,. 6a ...... .'V MISCELL A NEOCS STOCKS. Aasoelated OU $ 88.50 Home Telephone ............... 89.00 Paelfle TeL Tel.' (pfd.) .... ...... Paget Soond Tel. -i,;w.;r MINING STOCKS. Lskevlew .. .......... ........ : .,. Manhattan Crown Point .21 H Potide Mining .19 Waanougal Ext. .26 UNLISTED STOCKS. Tannine Bay Tel.". Ions wool. 76ci3$lXX) each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, SH84e; No, S and gresse, 22e. CHITT1M BARK eJ6e for car lots; smaU , lota. Be. - - ; HIDES Dry, He. 1, 16 lbs and ap. 17q 18e per lb) -dry kip. No. 1, $ to 15 Iba, 1S3 . 18c; dry calf, No. 1, onder 6 lbs, 20c; salted bides, steers, soond, 60 lbs and over, 8Htcj OJWB, . otvci aiaga auoo onus,' BOOna, C6X7c; kip, IB to 80 lbs, 6c; . calf, sound, onder IB aos, us, inn, Biwuiwi, ic jess; culls, le per lb asae; horse hide, selted, each, 8 1.00(31. 00: dry, each, $LO0dl-BO; colt hldea, 25SBOc; goat aklne. common.' each, -10(3 lfie; Angora, each. mitt aas Tegetables. - In Chicago Today. ' Chicago, May 88.-The bear were' the vic tlm today In tb wheat market, from rh tart tbey were in control ef the market and prices closed 2f2 casta a bushel lower. Snort selling was the .perceptible cause of tb Iohs today, . ; ,t - ' Crop condition are not materially changed. The Minneapolis Market Record reports the acreage of Minnesota at 78 per : cent ef last year. Sonth Dakota, 94 per cent of last year: . u ... it. i . mm . . .... 1 ana i"u assoia, to cent or last year. This show a material redaction In the acre age planted tn aprlng wheat In the three prin cipal spring wheat states. If this report of British'" Columbia Amal. Cascadla ... I Mnmmoth . Morning 4 ... Standard Con. Taooma Steel 8. 75 ".5 .OS .07 .08 COELH D'ALENB) DISTRICT. Bullion Copper Ring ................. Hapnr Day 0. K. Con, ..041 Snowahoe .40 Snowstorm S.90 .094 $100.00 93.00 85.00 100.00 103.60 100.00 :$ 85.00 . 42.60 100.00 40.00 , .IB .22 Jl .28 ' (-"'-t.' 10.00 4.00 .2.1 .05 Vi .16 ..05V i :..JO .1014 ' -OB, , .00 .s.uu ,f con 88 86 08 1214 eo 26 88 6 171 93 149 10 127 80 23 17814 23 8 118 8294 64 127 T4 60 11 TO 68 124 24 120 0 I Mutual Reserve Life Insurance society. Burnham handed his resignation to thai board of directors at a meeting yester day. George IX Elldridt also resigned as I vice-president of the Mutual and ten dered hla resignation aa actuary and memner or tne Doara of directora. His first resignation waa accepted, but he remains in the la tier two of floes. 5 A fiA . . nilooia Central ....... LouiavilU Nsahrill.. Mexican uentrai By. M.. K. T., com. DlattUer Great Western .... irl .t ti i .men. oiuviicrs ...... Missouri f acute National Lead New York Central .... N. T.. 0. at Western . Norfolk W., com... u. Aovricaa ...... Northern Pacific, eom... Pacific Mall Steam. Co. fennayivania By.'.,,, P. O.. L: A O. Co Pressed Steel Car, com. - do preferred ........ Reading,, com. ........ Rep. I. A Steel, com ... Rock Ialand, com. . . . . . St. L. 8. F.. 2d pfd.. St, L. S. W., com. .. Southern Pec, com,, ... do preferred ........ Southern By., com. ... Tennessee Coal A Iron . Texas at paelfle T., St. L. aV W, preferred .........I 62 Union Pacific, com. , 186 U. S. Rubber, eom,.,.. U. S. Steel Co.. com... do preferred Wabaah, com. ' ....;... Western Union Tel.... Wisconsin Central, com.. Virginia Chemical 102 25 79 112 19. 29 on 118 26 96 81 IIJ 28 98 149 10 SO 29 176 25 23 80 113 88 64 127 78 61 so 75 69 125 MO1 90 108 1? 2 80 112 62 187 84 98 12 01 87 29' 68 110 20 88 96 63 172 92 10 127 844 29 23 178 24 22 80 112 82 6 126 74 69 109 67 122 29 119 90 4$ 101 i? 2H T8 112 18 61 186 is on 81 88 oo 29 6b 116 btf 20 88 06 on 63 171 2 92 1481 10 127 84 29 23 174 24 23 36 136 112 20 88 68 127 82 78 61 109 8 ; 75 ; 68 128 23 110 81 90 101 26 20 78 111 lfl-14 187 25 27 61 185 86 97 12 81 16 25 LEADERS OP MALHEUR'S " w I ad SUNDAY SCHOOL FORCES SpelU Dispatch to The JosraaL) -Tale. Or., May i$ The Malheur county Sunday school convention closed a vary Interesting con vention at Ontario Sunday. Mr. Morrow of .Ontario was elected c resi dent and all the Sunday school snpeiin-l tenaents in tne various parts of the county . vice-presidents. , Mrs. R. M, Humphrey of Tale . was elected vtce- presldent-at-larga. Mrs. Money of near Ontario secretary, T. J. Johnson treas urer And Miss Ltla Orlfflth of Tale county . superintendent of the cradle I rou. . NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY " BAMCCmEI.TAL BANS DAILY 0 EASTERN EC2ITC2Y ' pioRTH COAST LIMITED Is Your Friend ' A palace on whtels. Every car in the trsin is of the very best and latest pattern that the most experienced, builders can furnish. IT COSTS NO MORE.' WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST? x Every modern comfort furnished you while you travel across. the continent through the thriving cities and villages, magnificent and varied scenery. , s ' , . - Write for descriptive booklet It will be mailed postage paid. , STOPOVER ' Can be made at Livingston on any kind or class of ticket xp visit rw , YELLOWSTONE PARK. 'Park will be open from June 10. to Sepfember IS. inclusive. State, where you are going and the very lowest possible! rates gj will be named you. ' t" ii . Call on or write , , v - . H A. D. CHARLTON, A. O. P.X Corner Third and Morrison Streets, Pojrtland, Oregon. ' 5! GOVERNOR POSTPONES SIGNING EXTRADITION (Special Dispatch to Tb Joernal) . Salem, May i8. Governor Chamber lain hasostponed until Saturday tha matter of honoring the request of Gov ernor Hughes of New .York for the extradition . Of Solomon Miller, the yount , New Yorker, who Is chara-ed with ft-rand larceny, alleaed to have been committed there April 14. sadislaus Stransky; a lieutenant of the New York police force, named aa' the officer to return the fugitive from justice, waa here yesterday and Isaac Bwett a Portland attorney, was nrea- eni in Denau ot Miner. mrnxu states oovzsrazirT bohds. at at araa iai janmsif U nliati MaByssaaiaiu vllae, TOTATOIC Fancy, $100; sweets, Se per IbH ssialler production than last year, even with sew potatoes. Sc. per lb. most favWabl weather. , t . ? - -f OK'IOKS Jobblnr prlee--No. 1 Oreenn. tint !.&;' No, a. -l.00(S1.ia; Texas and Australia. SfeftSc per lb; ssrllc. Se per lb. - APPLES Fancy Bood River. 12.60(35; fancy Willamette valley and Southern Oregon. 12.00 32 Ml. . I -. . . ' S FKKSH FRUITS Oranrea, new naveL S3.B0 es.75; Mediterranean sweeta. t2.2tei.9.sfl. ... serines, 1J!5; baaanaa, 6e per lb; lemons, Si.0UM6.25. per box; lime. Mexlcsn. tun per l'i! ptaeapnUe. 4 .OOeJS.oo per doe; yrape trnlt H.!; etrawberriea. California (2.25 per rrate ef 15 boies: Oreenn, 3.504.O0 per crate in wiwi rnwnes, si.zoy i.wj per io-lb box. VKOETBT.KTornlpa. new. 5oc$l asrfc: errots. i.Xdtl.OO per seek; beets, SI.fB per ark; psrsnliia, eabbasa, $3; toma !. Mfitosn, la2.t; rinrlaa. $4 .60: par. .:ns. Jh-(.(1: sirlus bean.12Vie ib; csBllflow r. 1 fx r" on; peas. T'4e; horseradish. 8 f-T it; artlciioiiM, K'a,:tu one: Hul.bsr4 ... j, ttc per lb; cranberries, 10.0Ci!fli:i.OO moat favorable weather. Benorts from Ksnaaa are to the effect that the croc prospects are little, M any. chanced. Tb Nebraska crop Is a ejaestton of weather. Btoollor 1 peer and tb plant thla. , A per fect season for the wheat from bow ea will not make ap. ilslns are seeded, and at ones. JTZW YORK January February March ., May June Jnlv . Aurnst . . rWpieaiber Of'Uiber . November December Open ,,..115S ,....10M, ,...U60 COTTOV KASZT. May turn - low 1004 1081 iom . ions 1006 1060 .1100 ,.1102 ..1114 ,.1132 J110 HIS ' H20 -; 1134 1100 uoo ins 112 .1144 1161 use 23 1131 HiSS 1160 11(97 10iS . 110.1 1105 1118 1130 1133 1US tt 1140 1142 IHT iosr 10XT 1002 10X2 1102 mi 112 1128 New York, May 28. Government bonds: t : . . . Dste. Bid. -Aaked. Twos, registered 1005 1041. 1044 do coupon ................ .1930 . 104 104 li Threes, registered i ........ 1918 102 , J 08 do coupon .t. 1918 102 .103 Threes, small bonds ....... 1918 101 . ... Fours, reelstered, "new ..... 1928 : 129U 1294 do coupon .............. 192K 129 U 129 rour. realstered. Old...... 1907 10nJ . 102 . do coupon ............... iwi 102 Fours, 1'billpplnes 1914 10J . . . , Twos, Panama, registered .. .... 104 . ' 105 do coupon u. .......:.... 104 108 - rOETLAWO BAJTK STATEMXHT. , Ciearlnirs. today r. do year ago 6U today . Balaneea today . Ae ear age S1.1ST.2M.0K SU0.S34.8O 848.S21.2S 188,25.56 18i.41 Total aale for day, 685, 800 aha res, vau snoney cioaea st x per cent. " ''r llrerpool Oottoa Bisbec. - Xrrerpool, May S3. Oottoa future' closed MSVMH PWU1 Hp. PENDLETON EAGLES .TO HOLD CARNIVAL Pendleton, Or- May M.-.Th) attrao tlons which will be offered In the four days'1 carnival to be given In this city next week by Pendleton aerie of Eagle are now practically ail selected, and are nrBT. ciass in every parucuiar. The aerie will endeavor to make this event one of the most entertaining; and attractive ever held In tha city, '. and toward thla end all the committees and leaaing- members or tne order are work ins; diligently. ' , r r The carnival will open on Wednesday, May 29, with a aTand parade of bust ness men and Eagles, led by tha Eagles" uniformed band, which is now one of the leading: musical ; organizations in the state, and which, under the direction of Professor B. F. Driscoll. Is playing as high-class muslo as la played In the northwest. ' IDAHO LAND TRIALS . 1 ,.WWILL BE POSTPONED (Journal Special Berries.) ' v Moscow, Idaho, May 23. At the nnn. elusion of the trials iof the Kettenbach case and the Boise indictments, nothing more wm oe none wun tne north Idaho land swindlers, at this term of ' court. .This was announced by District Attor ney Kuick last evening, when he stated that - he had ' received advlcea from Washington stating that the funds for prosecution Were running low. It Is even possible that the Boise Indictments will not be taken up at this term. -;.-.-:' . - . t . I i I I SB1 1 . . V'" ?"'"'-' CRIPPLE CREEK MAN TAKES ST. HELENS MINE (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) v Castlo Rock. WasTi.. May 28. -8 A. Phipps of Cripple Creek, Colorado, ar rived here today anroute to the St. Helens mining district to take charge of the Washington Consolidated Minina- company's property under a two-year option. ,i ANTI-SALOCNISTS ARE . VICTORIOUS IN FIGHT , (Journal Special Service.) Coltbus, May 28. After a : hard- fought battle jresterday the anti-saloon-ists won a victory at the session of the Presbyterian . general - assembly yester day afternoon and secured an lndorse metn. of the , -Anti-Saloon league. The anti-saloonlsts mads their fight against LOW KATES 5 mm t t Tow aa sow snake yon arrangSaneais So visit the JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Or any other point in the east, this summer, and take advantage of the very low ROUND TRIP rates that have just been fixed upon bjr THE ORBOQN RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION COMPANY From PORTLAND to . , " cnicig6r.T.r.;:n;i7i.5o St Louis . . . .... . .. S67JI0 St. Paul ..........$63.15 . B $85.00 $81.00 $81.40 : ,eia.-V:- A Omaha.'; . , ., . . ., v. $60.00 Sioux City $60.00 Kansas City.,,. ...$60.00 B $73.50 $73.50 $73.15 '. K rjrsct routes both ways. ., B One-way through . California, ". Tsa days aUowed fos going trip, SO day for return. Stopovers at '-pleasure within limits,., Tlokets will be o nsale Owns a, 7, J July 3, 4, S JLngnst 8, t, 10J Septembei 11, IS, 13. . , . Corresponding redaction In rates from tie cities named to f raanrtowa and return. Tor full particulars Inquire ef . WM. McMTJRRAY, C W. STINGER. - , - , . Osneral rassengsr Agsat. city Ticket Agent, "V Third and Washington Streets." . . v vi " $1.00 I o BR a resolution which prohibited Presbyte riasu ministers from Holding office or in participating In the activities of the league except as Individuals. OLD-FASHIONED FOURTH IS CLATSKANIE'S SORT Clatskanle, Or., May 18. The people of Clatskanle will celebrate the Fourth of July in the good, old-fashioned wsy this year, ii It has been several years F. MISSL, . (Brstnsa, Asnnany.) SlO-ail 81T tTn rAX.TES70ir, TXZ. BANK (TTnlaeoTpo rated) Remittance of Honey lo and from Europe ' . romxxoir uotmr xzoxaitoil - Ticket Offloe for the Steasnsrs from and : -.-.v ..-".--"' - "to Snrope. since there has been a. celebration hers the cltlsena have united to make it a grand affair. The Maccabee lodge Is taking the lead and has canvassed the city. Ample funds have already been raised to defray all expenses.