The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 22, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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JJL- 11 ii , D1L a -vss? sr?,
We install this great range in your kitchen and if at the end of 30 days
' you are nc-t perfectly satisfied with it if it doesnot prove all we claim for it
we will take it back and refund every cent you have paid on it Your money
As simply taken as a guarantee of good faith a guarantee to us that we do
not deal with triflers. You want a good steel range, we nave wnat you want.
We meet on an equal plane and enter into a bona fide business transaction.
Special Terms,' Special Prices to all who win enroll as members of our
Eclipse Steel Range Club. We are authorized by the Eclipse foundry peo
ple to make special concessions to 100 buyers of the Eclipse" Steel Range
who will enroll as members of this club and meet Its conditions. T t
Book Your Order Now Have
It Delivered When Ready, and
4 Save Money Thereby
Just 1 00 Members
Just 100 Winners
In This Club
You Save $10 Over the Price of Any:0lher Steel Rcnce
Will Entitle You
to. Become5 a' . ;
Member" .
And secure to you all the advantages offered, among
which will be all the pipe you need FREE. Our
salesmen will explain all other details. Order this
week if you can. - ; ( ' f : . '
1 -
ti .'.. .MSN
VV T Km'
K 'If x
Special in GurMen's
Clothing' Dept.
We are offering thiaweek special reductions in our fancy
Worsted Suits. These are the .season's newest styles, hand ;
tailored throughout, from the "shops of the, country's best
makers, guaranteed all wool. These spring suits were interided :
to retail for, $15.00 and $17.5CC Unquestionably the best
values we have offered this season. Nobby single and double
Sf, below the regular price. All our , v ;
$15.00 and $17.50 Suits
And you need make but a small payment-down, for. you are welcome to credit at Gevurtz',
You are welcome to wear one of these fine spring suits (see window display and pay but
9 r 1 ? TML
Do not fail to see the ereat Car-
pet Department and the splen- -
did values otterea mere.
$37.50 Axminster Rug
. 9x12 feet
Only $33.50
EMf fii Size SkSrts
" For Hard-to-Fit People
. Many women find ft a difficult matter to bo fitted in ready-to-wear
goodst, This week ' we place on sale a special purchase of
Women's Skirts especially designed to meet the wants of hard-to-fit
people. "Jliese skirts '"consist of Panamas and other full weight
wool goods, in blue, blacky gray and fancy plaids and sale prices are
i , f r i ' ' ' f ' ' ' 1 '
$6.5(0), $7
yh'yk t3!xiss; ; yy - 'yziy '
Splendid values, as youH admh when
you examine, the goods. Any gar
ment in the house sold jon easy terms.
You are welcome to credit. Make a
small cash payment, then
- $1.00
lN. B-Attention is called to our
Ladies' Tailor-Made Waists in the
very best silk black and white
I Cor. firsthand ... I ; (?Tjt TC-.T T. jrr Cor. Second 1" ,
Sr-1 ,v ,: Yamhill Streets VA , J I l ' W vAv-Z I X. iir ZLJd I l: ' ' :il ,
K .
I i 1 - ' 7
v Men of International Reputation
v Gather at Lake Nlohonk
T- ' fofConference. , .
( r-, A
. hattonal reputation a JurUUi. wrttwa.
" today to V" ;"V- Mohonk
s Th conference thU yr, comin as U
' JoeVSS the- eve of the !
-peace conference to be held t T6e
' HVue next month, promUe. to be of
more than ordinary inre.t
. F-oilown v the precedent eetabllahed
brWorm.r eee.lon. the conference
wJH discuea neither peace nor war, but
Im connne neelf to the general .ub-
jecta of arbitration -treaties Inter-
national court orblf0KV.
- nronoeed eetabliahnient of an inter-
Knal conr... with advisory power
The program gives prominence, to dis-
eV..lS"ofth; coming Hague confer
n" and to consideration of Ajnerloa'a
fnVeresUn International lMttff; J
relation of college- and .r"" ?
the arbitration movement wlll b
cussed.' and oner session will be given
to delegate from chambers of com
merce and boards of trade representing
U yarU of tha United States.
Pi uMlnn w.a ATMinmi thin mornlnK
with an address by 'Albert K Smiley,
the founder and host of the conference.
PNiMtnt Ktrthnlitfl IIumT Bufler Of
Columbia, xuilverstty presided and ' other
speaxera neara were Benjamin jj. ruo
blood, secretary of the American Peace
mu mil ; ' ninmnmis Richard
Bartholdt of Missouri, president of the
American group or wo anwrpurii
mentary union. 'J
Th Coming Hague conference ! to be
discussed tonight, with Andrew U
White, former ambassador to Germany
and to RsbsU; Chief Justice Simeon B.
Baldwin Of the Connecticut, supreme
. n.rtliktt Trlnn former ambassa
dor to Austria,' and General Stewart U
Woodford, former minister to epain,
chief speakers. '
Imminent among those scheduled to
speak at the sessions tomorrow and Fri
day are: Elmer K. - Brown,. .United
States commissioner of education; An
drew 8. Praper, New York state com
missioner ' of education; ' President
Charles T. Thwlng of Western Reserve
university, President E. D. Wsrlleld of
Lafayette college. Professor M. Stalker
of the Unlversity of Iowa, Professor
Elbert Russell of Earlham college,
Senor Enrique C. Creel, Mexican am
bassador - to- - the United States ; Benor
Don Ignacto Calderon, Bolivian minister
to the United 8tates: John Barrett, di
rector of the International Bureau of
American Republics; Prancle B. Loomls,
former minister to Veneiuels, . and
President Eliot of Harvard university.
, i 'sSeswsaswsssjaespesBiss
' Doan'a "Regulets cure V constipation
without griping, nausea, nor any weak
ening effect Ask your druggist : for
them. - J5 cents per box. -
't: $8.75 fori Men's $15 Suits. -
At the Chicago nothing Co, -71 Third
street. Tou should go there, before
thinking of buying elsewhere. .
v '
President of Manufacturers' As
sociation Says Internal Peace
Is Necessary.
Kew Tork, May JI. President Van
Cleave' of he National Association of
Manufacturers, In addressing the asso
ciation this morning, said: . "Industrial
wars -are much greater menace to
the United States today than foreign
wars." He demanded an open shop, no
boycott,- non-llmltatlon - to the number
of apprentices, non-interference with
the management by employes, and said:
'By a. characteristic piece of ef
frontery the assailants of k President
Roosevelt In! the Moyer-Haywood affair
pretend to apeak In the name of labor.
Outside ' the ranks of organised labor
are 10,000,000 persons In the country
today working, for wages. .Organised
labor numbers about J.000,000, but the
president's vlllners do not speak lor
even a small percentage of this number.
Four fifths of the union labor men are
law-abiding men. U Is Ignoramus
grafters heading the societies, arrogat
ing to themselves the right to speak
for their order which la bringing Into
disrepute the labor unions."
President Van Cleave aald be favored
revision of the tariff, federal regulation
Of railroads and industrial education,
, fBMdal DtiMtch t Xbe oana1.
V Salem, Or.. May Il-Charlea H. Mo-
Knight, one of the members of the
class graduating from the college or
Liberal Aft of Willamette university,
has reoelved notification that he has
been seleoted a one of the instructors
In the Hood River High school for the
coming ' school . year. Mr. McKnlght
completed the course at the university
some months ago and baa since been
actlne- as a tutor In the academic de
partment of the college. -
for Infants and Children.
Tfca RfeiYca Han toys Es:jU
Bears tlx '
-t - . TEA'- , s'
is 1 the drihk,; if you make
it. right: good tea, of
: And it costs a third of
a cent a cup.
Tear tracer terms rear bom; tf yea. deal
Mks ScailUag's Bet; we par aia. -
.. . Excd In style and durability because they
are built by those who know. Before pur
: chasing your summer's pleasure craft visit
our shoo. Launches, Rowboats and Canoca
at reasonable price. , : ,T , .
, ,. , , 1824-6 Hcmsca Ct