The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 22, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    r o
T COURTS Off !'.
Jssuei of Qity Carnptign 'Were
f i .. !;-'jr ' J
cxpiaineq ax ocijwgou
1' KallyVNhi-
been better cfi had they not been un
der tpa control of the machine organ
isationa, ; . :, "., - r , ' -y ,
: :' Interests Knaee to Oerenunen.
Th speaker then treated of the d'f-
jorem ciasaep pi voters, n aaiq ins
the , nort,h end element, : the gambler
j.; y land other of their kind were grouped
limrr DIDFO ITVDI IIM! ; P""1 lno P"0'"' interest ana jrancnise
JUPGE PIPES tXPLAINqj ,';; grabbers and always aupported th,e can
f a mil ft AftTr r AiircTlAtie I fllrtnta who wnnM ha vm-tit' with tham'
? 1rtl;t' "MM ' W Thwer. Way. "wihtinV something
, . ....... ..!,-.. ,.r : " t ' ' ' I thev Should not havi mil vattln whit
i ' j : " ' 1 they wanted. Because they had been
TUd Interest lined Vv Against Be blocked In their desire by the pres-
v ' . ' ' t i" ' , ent administration they wer not frlend-
election of tun) Not i oestlon jy Bnd were trying to defeat "th 'r;
ernment i'v 7'-:,; ;''.v .', PltT.". 'd Judge pipe. Vend hay lr,
Replies tf Ef-Senator Cearinf
Pcjnted Remark; Made a r
plirtpfi'Wn m rToMrih Timi Two Wltn'? Detail Operations Irfornjitional peace tyr)Umci Twp jyiep Who, Knocked powrj
Placefof Holdjn Annual ;vr
j of Alleged Agent of Timber
land Grabbere.
attacks Pet Polices of
. the president
''if '
fier Alder Oiven tight
."4, f ' ; . " 1 tj . i.
4 , Enthualaam and attepdanea ' tnarked
)b Lane rally Uat nlg-ht at' Bell wood
when Judge M. Plpea and Mayor
Iae were jha apeakeri of the evening.
. iiesipes an auaience composea o
'dent of Bellwood and vlclnltf that
comfortably filled tha hall, a number
pt people from the weat aide of the
Hvar attended th rally and added to
it a spirit of the meeting. A opeclal
program of vocal mualo added much to
Jh enjoyment of tha tneetlnf. , -r
! Judge Plpeo wa 6i flret apeaker of
the evening, and he contended In hla ar-
Frument that tha government of the city
did not call for one coda for the Repub
lican-, and another for the Democrat
iQvery man and family came under the
jme:laf and proepere or ' fuffered fit- peMOna4 and prlvaU
iipdor the aama eondltlona, J do not aaaoclat him wit
I . '" ?ollttot rUnilnattd, J I but w 0o lay that ttwt
vi va Kttaain nA will MAtlntia h - rft
not believe that a city will atay r1
formed. There will never be a minute
m the Ufa of jplty when theet Inter-.
eeta ceaae to preaa against th restric
tion of th law-abiding and decent ele
ment of th city.- ---
-'They pick out thl candidate and
their party. The bad paver divide. Th
good do. ' Th bad, a amall crowd in
reality, aiand together and hold th
balance of power because the better ele
ments do not stand together. I have a
rul of Action.""! Inland in th 'futur
whenever I find th bad element of a
city lined up on on pid a ln up on
lant Opvo Bad piftrlol. ' .
"1 ir and assort that th north end
and It kindred spirit lined up. W
do not intend to say 'anything against
Mr. Devlin, for he la a man of th hign-
ai cnaracxer. n
with these people.
i.nM iiiiitan., a 1 l"9 onor. i -i nia win o mm - rtrann
AnSff W Politician ? A MO rtlom b consecutive year )n whjrti th Fythlan
ABfuia; ynrMona .ranng on tt
V; r n Bfnnllpia Condition 1 At
' . f empta to Pft nt(niatlong.
j Tortland waa electd th.Knifnts
of Pythias av the place for holding
the next annual convention of th grand
lodg at this morning' session.' 'Pen
dleton and Jiillsboro also contested for
the : honor. - This will b ' th fourth
I Tt vii not a Aueatlnn Af n&rtv tittt ttt
business,, wpen ft cam to selecting a
tnayor, he said, and H waa cot a1 wis
rnov to swap horse In the middle of
ne river, especially it th horse that
had served long and faithfully waa on
v.hlch, had give th best pf satlafaq-
men have con
sidered th aueatlon and hav eonclud-
rd that they do not want Mayor Lan
any' longer In offlca " " I will tU you
whr the north na and tn mieresia are
ODDoaed to Mayor Lane: It la because
for two year a now he has been, opposed,
to thnj. ; : t1! ' ' i ." t .
tlon and against which there wer no yor " ooa aoaress.
loKitlmatrcompIalnta.':' ,'". ' " P rt Into 'p8t bl.torrl tha
' r-peroocrata and Republican, walk th KlJ,,!
ftreets of .Portland 1 together said Jdmlnlstratlons, and aald that year ago
Judg Plpe'in beginning 'hi addreaa f P9flB W" roind that h would.
-v-k.. .v.. uj :, k.r ilk to hav a ehanoa to make these in
they breatba th same air and pay h erest com too against h ateeL , JTb
ram taaea Ther la than no differ- people had elected hlra and he had been
rnce between Democrat and Repub- lry,n 'or Atw rara VU llv w to ha
.1 .... 1 l.alau Ma aanil A Ksh maAv1a i
ii v gi vvrva vt uw wftai.
Stfeats nV Teto. """V
rnce oetween iemocraia ana ttepuo-i m
Jlbans when 4 comes to th efect of F'ijf f.r th f000 '
the ' city "government upon ' th condl-1 Oonaoll Stfeati
lion of the prosperity or development
It i ot rational, therefor,' to consider
!bat on would want on thing for the
etterment of the people and that the
piher Would oppose' It becaus of dif
ference in party., ;,.,
f "In a great city there ara all classes
fit people and thes classes overlap,
groups are formed on question a la
me directly. In this elecUon th po will not divide or group them--lve
on national political - lines. In
Rational politics it 1 right and proper
ti dlvde on party liner thus express
In? adherence to principles of national
j-omlnlstratlon, queetlona which, hav to
t Th mayor reviewed hi administra
tion and outlined aom of th things
h had don for th betterment of the;
eity. lie expiainea mi tuaai wun in pox
brdlnanca, hi fight with th gamblers,
his suppression of th slot machine
and laid some sirens upon the crusad
waged against conditions which made it
fnsaft'and unpleasant for women and
Iris under the old rgjm. . "" 1
Vfca sttl Vaaf mmiA that fntfnav til
if office franchises and special Interest
legislation bad been granted by the
souncll over hla veto which represented
i ! loaa" of rnorf than IJ, 000,1000 to th
pl(y. More legislation ha been enacted
Tt 1 a notorious fact that extraordi
nary efforts war mad both before and
Ino th prlmarl to enlist the aaloon
fnd th north-end slums in support of
h tandldacy at Thomaf C.. Devlin, Re
publican nomir- for paayor. Frdl
nanif E. Reed who nam familiar
as a nousenoia wora in tn ajve or thf
tenderloin, was Mr. Devlin's chief lieu
tenant In handling this part of th cam
paign. 'When it became - known, how
aver that these elements wer lining
up n support of thf Republican eandt
date, many decent cltlaen abajidpnd
hi causa :'.v - ,: r ,7
'In order to stem tha rising ttd pf
publlo disapproval, Mr. Devlin has
thought )f necessary ! address an opeq
letter to Senator Qearln. replying tj
th latter a addres made last Friday
evening at th Armory. The letter fol
lows! ' r-'-Vi '.;..;". - : Vv"'';
" Tortland, Or.. Mar 11. Hon. John
M. Qearln. Portland, Or. My Dear Sir)
In addressing yq th eornmunlcatlon,
I deslr to atat that I much regret tb
necessity therefor, and that f sincerely
hoped that th press reports of yout
address at , the Democratic meeting on
the evening Of th I7th Inst night b
(7onraal SdmUI serTlee.) ' ' I R. 8. Lombard and J. Lombard, whs
Lak Mohonk. N. T.r May ilNlchO-rwer arreatnd iaU'fcatuiftav . c(irhtl"bv
la Murray Butler was reelected presl- Tatrolman Stuart on charge of assault
dent or tn jnternanonsi arDurauon with intent "to 'rob, ' were allowed to
conference today; Clinton Iv ' wooarurr plead guilty to charges of simple as-1
ui -iitiMjaiK". mvibwii .v . v. pnu ,u tuv yunce couri 1.111B morn-
Wood Of Camden, Mew jersey, trees-1 in g. Tfis first named youth was sen.
urer. Butler, in an address, attackea fenced to pay a fin of ISO and hla
arreed to furnish th money, to nrovW Prssldent Roovit s policy or right- Brother escaped with a 140 fin.
. . . T I eousness before Peace, .asserting that I The crime for which th two vrm
after . proog to whomever Dwye mlfht tn, covt ot th land could b abM- lt Saturday right at th oornr of .
II ' ' . I IBtlfJU ajETIV IV1VV HUUytWtl wij wJ-
4i invna w-aj surniMUffu faiiwovi i jw VITIY JUB11QV Oil 11 m PIQO.
nfl iffMr hMrti tSarl SaM naJaa i w(r.l
pt J PWnp rut fldd th land
a tit ' n ft a w I
1 (apeeiai oispitca H m Jiwrmi) :
i ; Moscow,' Idaho,' May II. This Tmorn-
inff' session of the fed raj court was!
req up witn uie teg
ryv According q
located on a timber claim on th Clear
water ' rlvr ly William Dwyer, who!
to W. F.Kettenbach and Qeorg H.
Ktr, th two other defendant In this
I case, receiving for the tranafer lilt
Thl la th aam tsetlmony thts witness
gave lath land fraud case that wer
triad at tha last term Of court ' Carey
direct '' examination waa not completed
wnn court adjourned for th noon re
Icesa' " ' ' ?
Tbla la in Una with th testimony.
previously , given, of Guy Wilson of
&1!23 Youpg Npvy Yorker Is Accused of
iu mu fsiuiuai iirin;i.i7 iinillftr trans-
aotlon. stating that at th perjury Stag
or proving up Dwyer bad coached him.
H said Dwyer Induced him to oommit
perjury by saying it waa only what
lirybody was doing. He also detailed
I alleged maneuvers by Dwyr to put
gooq iac on in aai wnen th fed
eral Inspectors - appeared In th Held.
J. W. jIaloney, Orfto4 faster;
' ' Exchequer.
In error. I have for many racent years M fc . t 0).
hava : nlkt.dVo.,r Vllli kMmia. ' W fr0n h 'lectio, pf th. pUe
J??, 'I? SfJR ?w pt yr Wwtlng tha morning
your Integrity of character, and that with fh tnnaantian f mum imai.
v pi. ..ii viiyuftju f , (mfu' f i nes. .? -" " -
broad nough W human aympathy to Tn following ofllcar
pay respecj jor an aayersary, ip rignt r,ar'wra Elected .atvjrast
on a fair field .with honorable, weapons, I noon's meeting: " ' . '" '
and if need b to defend th reputation ' Grand chancellor, John M. Wall,
of an honorabl rival rathr than by In- Hlllsboroi gran4 ylce-cbancenor, 6. ft
nuendo to refleot upon hla honesty f MM.r.' Portland! mnd rita h. i.
purpose ana aiscreait nia enaracter, or - flnmntar; .mni kn.r i m,
uy cure ana wuirui enaeavor ' raaon lord and seals., ft. H.' Btinson. Balem!
First and Lincoln street. Ben Adler.
a tailor, of (61 Front street, whll on
his way homeward with hla mother anA
lter was set ppon and beaten by th
Lombard brother without any provoca
tion. Tb youth gprang upon Adler eat
Of th darkness and felled htm to tha
pavement with' aeveral blows In the
face. ,',. '. . v :, .
The Prte ef the wo women and t)
Victim of h assault brought Patrolman
Stuart t9 tha seen and after a short
phase tha policeman apprehended - th
Lombard boy. A fit bin belonging td
Adler waa found about 16 feet from
the place f attack but the tailor waa
unomg to swear mat th money.
been forcibly taken from hint ' ..
JJeputy District Attorney Haner did
no Pliya that th felony charge could
be proved and accordingly conaented la
th plea of guilty on th lesser charge.
The defendants aver that they were in.
Governor Chamberlain this morning I toxica ted at the time of aaaanitin- a a.
listened to the state's argument for the ler and had no intention of robbing him.
xiraamon ox soiomon Miner, arresieq in yiew or tn circumstance surround
In Portland upon advices from' Now Jng th crim the action of the court -Tork
City charging" ' aim with grand officials In allowing the Lombard te -larceny.
' ' ' " T. V ' cap with a email flua hag xcltd mueli
rrtv4 in Portland ' ;
with W. ifanl iMUM
Robbing Daughter of Hit'
Host In Horn City.
' dld.,
i?x$l"$ W1 Cr Junr rjw close
of 'Alleged rHS:,i
Lieutenant of Police
I New Tork City, who a
yesterday, in company'
ford of th detfctlv bureau, presented
th sxtradltlon papers to th executiv
at Salem. Qoverpor, Chamberlain Will
glv the defense a hearing tomorrow
pefore taking action on the request
mad by th polio authorities. ' '
The crime with - which Millar ' I
' charged occurred la New ; Tork Cty
Aprtl 14. Miller wee engaged to Sose Bavantv Nimat n... i..-..
Llebllcn and gpent the night t br S?!?."1 !'ame PVynUry-
dp with the administration of national I which be had nat opposed because at
tn time pe nad not understood tb
iubtletr of its Import untirmmch later.
? Th mayor refuted th atatements of
arraira ;
'v City Qnestiom Only Involved.
S ; "in municipal oiection. poweTer, $be
question of national policy do not en
ter. Btet cueatlons , and' netlonal
fiUPHtlon are for th atat and nation
and neither pf the large; divisions, pae
liie right to" dictate or Influence the
government or policy of a city,
""We' art belng advised 'by' tb ether
ride in this election to decide the ques
tion of our municipal government en the
lines of national policy. Ther are try
ing to lead th people away from th
Issue. The question that confront u
is What kind of a city government are
you going to have andf who will admin
ister Itr -v-; - : -V:".'
:The speaker contended that up to
the present 11m there bad never been
time In th history of Portland when
t had been from under the- incubus
ct party or machine dominion, and It
was equally true that during all of that
time th administration Would! hav
Mr. Devlin that there were ome bouses
n th north end which wer protected
wnu otners were molested. h bad
natructed the polio to treat all alike.
an wer equal 'under' th law.; He
xolalned whr. th streets war In no
iter condition or no cleaner by stating
at th council, upon suggestion of
r. uevnn, nad divided the street olean-
nr fund Into such small parts that the
.... ' i ' . -.,, , .' "
: 'v 4k Oae More renew .
VI want to b mayor Just two mere
years,", said the mayor In closing, "f
will not run again. I will promise that,
put I believe If I am continued In or
Pee another term and if w aQ work In
parmopy, jnat n two years more I
trill be able to hold the predatory Inter
ests n ci)ec until It will be unsafe for
any man to come into tn ciy a mayor
who doe not hold to these principle,.
your hands Mto thai -current ot life grand master of exchequer.' J.
where hopeless being float Ilk black Money, " Pendleton;" franfl nafter-t-
father'! house. Frty In the morning,
according to the complaint, both Lleb-
B:h and bis daughter Were rued by
lller, who stated that be had an early
men Will 8ery, for Two
; WpeNNBXt Month.
anape on eaaring tide or Vice and larma W. ' W. Bmaad. Hennner arand
try. to bemlrcn a fair pame nd a aim- JjJnel. guard, H. A. Dunbar, fcugen;
pi llf with that foul stain which all grand outr . guard. V- L. FrasTer. in-
men and women of pure thought", high dependence; supreme reproaentatlve. W,
deal and rjfpt atandarda of Jiving uradhaw, Tb ' Dalles; aitarnates,
"hor. r ; . 1 J. H. Altken, Huntington; Turner
"Th Oregonlan report of your
drea Quoted vou a follows: - lit. Da
lln, in a speeoh th other night, forma- hall. Eleventh and Alder streets, last
aala at Ma dma atora afid .would have
Problna of tha tlaaaA fiirnlrnra trail I . . vi. V,. 7 ,.
py w. icaarai gran a jury will com to
J. - h. Aitaen, Huntington; Turner
: Oliver, lLa" Orande; grand trustee, M-
ad- r.-pavlFpptoft,''-! fAy,:'
3ey A banquet waa eerrad n tb castle
vwa m - . nmmam ie r v aw r"-'", -r i . .
at4 ; ft platform for tha - Republican night, attended by about 0t knights
an end tomorrow, at which time Assist
ant United States Attorney Jamas Col
expect to ha examined th last witness
w pis investigauon of tb combination
which is aald to have restrained trad
and eaiea tn the furniture puslnee en
the Paclflo coast : ' - -, . ,
Sat many dates have been fixed for
Later In the day tb girl discovered I
that eh had been robbed ef . f 01 In
Seventy names ef man who are to
serve as Jurors In the circuit court dur-
wVntt4 oWmeruVtor:
auction aale aeveral daya before, "v- " . ti tZ:ZZ,t? ZZt jT.-I'I
A warrant waa eworn out for Miller "V-.r
and h waa traced to Portland. H I r,T' " zri
-- ..... VL hnt r.l.... An K.ll " ?'"'? '"" vrv. ,
WemJeJ aa i caiw uaie va), n.a
' - .? ... - . C1 f 'I'M
. Charles, Miller.) aged II,. and R. J.
Fltislmmons, aged 21, before Judge
Cletand )n th,e circuit. court this mqrp
Jng pleaded f ifll ty to th charge of
dealing; II pounds oT chewing tdbacco
from the atore of W. J. Funk A Son at
SJ1 North Union avenue on May t.
After they admitted their fullt Miller
said tfiey . they had tekn , pnly l
pound of tobacco, and that the addi
tional H pounds had been pharged to
hem by mletake,
Judge Cleland Will pass sentence upon
h two Friday if ternpon. ' Miller,-th
younger, aald hla parents llv in Chica
go. He cam to Portland from San
Francisco with a circus, and has been
here about a month. He aald they stole
th tobacco' with tha "intention of sell
ing It Fltialmmona fald his home Is in
rescent, Massachusetts. He has bean
n Portland about a year. ' ' i ;
furthej: Details, pf Rose Carriva
yVill Be Arranged at the :!
: ' Chamber of Commerce. .V-
PursuaPt d'actlon taken py'the Port
land Rose society, the chamber of com
merce, Multnomah club,' Portland Elks
lodge, Automobile club and ojher or;
ganisations, a second meeting-will be
lipid this evening at I o'clock at the
chamber of commerce auditorium, to
consider plans for a Portland rose festl
val. It Is urged by the Initiative or
ganizations that every push club and
board of trade in the city should send
ft delegate to forni'on pf. th general
excutiv committee.
At a raeeUeg'of th Elkaf committee
yesterday aftprpoop epthnslastlo action
f7as taken In support of th festival.
t waa recommended that tie be set
jteid by the lodg toward making a
proPf r representation In the ro parade.
The committee adopted k modal of the
Iloat t? be put In the parage, and A. p.
erklna, owner of one of the : largest
utomqbilea ln; tpa pity, donated f to
he us oi th lodg. H waa given a
vote pf tfcank. The pommlttee entered
into th spirit of th affair with com
jnendabl ! ' . ,-. ,
party, but h aald nothing for' Devlin. land Pythian alater. Tonight there will
He declared that the party standi fori be a' competitive drill in th rltuallatlfl
th repeal of perpetual franchises, and I work of the third rank. Seven teame
Republicans, refused to repeal "tha on excelling' . . will be given a eUrer cup.
perpetual franchlae ' that , came before I This afternoon and. tomorrow th cop
It. Devlin doe not Intend to offend arntlon will be engaged in a oontln-'
the Intereeta: b doe not Intend to uatlon of the business sessions. Tomor-
cut off his supply. There would be ilo row night the officers of ' the : grand
a . t . . j. .v. .T .Aim . ika a .; a- -a a . al. . , . . I ,s If. S. . i -1 '
mor interest for mm in th eieotion Iflioag whj rf psxauea.
that aourna wara out off. Wttan a mn '". . 1 1 "
i r nia jaaunurDin niiium niirsjnn. ssa
atnupugn oi ina iruil nandlna- tha aetlon af tbe governor M H T ; . T"? .
it would not be surprising If eren .Hoi. -nn..t. Th. u.fendant ir
day would p rqulr4 to ub- .TTari . ai ""';.' 1 VJ.-, : Boxuman. - a. 4. rvu.v v. waaaeav .
evldenoe against tha combine- " " ' nWL :"v-er Morgan, a. jjur-
Ulnee .'th Inveigatlon began . K'-.V .f1"'"
Wltnaaetenel Af rnm VTt Cai AiA I fill I 1 1 1 II II II 11 III III II I II I , . I F- ePVIk V 4. mmth . fW VeUO(. JOU FTe
" -w " Hva am a wv w ' ll llllliaaillfl ' Sk B 11 I a BS I
mlt th
pot know cam forward voluntarily to
testify against th dealers and Jobber.
Their testimony carried the work of .the
grand jury over from day to day. At
present there are only about six wit
Besses left on Mr. cole's list
that source wer cut Oft
1 so driven to th wall
statement- be cgnnot .roY,, blf pau,,
I very poor. . - . ,
'What do ypn mean by those words,
"Devlin doe 'pot Intend te offend th
interest; h doee not intend to out off
hla supply. There would be no more
Interest for him In the election If that
source wer cut off t I am entitled tl
anow, ana tne people or tni cjty are
entitled te know' what this atatement
mean. You are an able attorney. Toil
are" member" bf that 'distinguished
legal firm of Dolph. Mallory. Simon
Gearin, attorneys;' and counselorg ; for
many of the largest corporations and
financial institutions In' Orekon, and
which baa Incidentally ta th practice
Among the witnesses today were M.
Klegeman, a retallerl t. B. Hlbbard, ,. 1m j TK Ma Than
manager pf th furniture department of It Cfiargeq I ROT nange
Has Been Made for Fit-
teen Years.
, . . , ., . i
Dletrftrattre rates from Portland) to
the J. K. OI1I atore; August Bhrilch, re
taller; R. "X." Tunk, manufacturer and
Jobber, all of Portland. It If believed
that these men have suffered from tb
operations of th trust and gave test
imony that 'will prove etrong with, the
Callender, H. IvLtCarlock, R. JC Carr. A.
C Churchill, R. L. Darrow, J. R. Ewlng,
A. B. Elliott Max FrledenthaL N. C
Grlffln. f J. Hunt, R. J. Holmes, Oscar
Jluber. Chrle Huswey, " C D.
IlQwell, : F. C, Hageman, Ivon Huma
eon, F. R.. Huber. , U M. Hubert, '
L.lager,T I C. Ceatlng. K. T. Kady,
B. t, Leggett A." Q. Long.' S. LownJ
berg, L Lowengart J). M. Lombard. T.
W. B. London, Carl B. Lively, Fletcher
Llnd, C Magettl, F. B. MoCurdy, " John
McCrumb. James ft MoCraken, Charle
p. Mocuuougn, Qeorg w. JTitterson, y.
a. Piatt, rred a. rouh
Tha movement for Saturday evening!
ledge. John Relt-
gel, Samuel Rothschild, C M. Russell,
3. J. Roge, Chrlei Qi Rlpharde, laeorge
B. Rata, R. t. Smith, L. J.. Shall, Wil
liam M. Stanton, A. W. Schmala, James
titrofa 'Wtian'. thaw . -u. A . . v
the evidence In Teturnlnf Indictments. th nt'Kr W t tken ht 'n
Just how many Indlctmenta will be teraUt commerce commission for ra-
nioaina- Mnr aaitaiaA h , tha rAn. returned by the grand Jury in tha caae I view and revision by th transportation . r ' " . 1
sumra leagu a.sumed definite 'H th-, chamber pi c onvneroe: fn, Xrf Vahl Vnank Wat-
----- -- .- vmuuiv i a a mvownrn m, v mi. d w ; wilaon. A. Wvld. Laula
afternoon tnis i .i.mtmi. - ? - ., ,
at a meeting this morning between the a" or oe4ers were m th eombl
executive board of the leaau and a tlon. If th Juror find the evidence I ehambar . ' veaterda
committee of leading merchants. Th presented Of ufflclent weight to Indict (course was submitted by "the oommit-1
palgn of publlptty decid4 upon. l' J will b needed to draw .the indictments, ling the claim Pf Portland jobbere and! RAT tS OF JHc oUNotl
One of the methods ; suagested wae T Aitnougn Mr. Cole refuses to discuss manufacturers for a reduotlon ef nnnnMiW i-v
Of law taken a hand In politics and Placing a card, In th windows of those the case, it la believed he 1 satisfied freight rates on all linea oentering tn LUUUlfVU LUIVlrAl I UU I '
r.nn 'H,m.nk.nKln Aml.h. .,, I llnru hn thl flatnrri.T nlAiln la I that indlctmenta' Will be TttumA ' rha I tn-,i. : . ' v , i , I ... .''! . ' .
dletlpvuisbed eenator from our atate. Indorsed. All are agreed that the sue-trust caae 1 a new one In this state It is said that for II years the rail- -1 ., i."T.a laanai.i
but I beg of you to answer this Inquiry, f cess or tne movement depends on the ana no grand jury has ever been called roads hav mad no material reduotlon Balem. Or. May II The railway cora-
.ww, uut pa . ww, 1 j I "'T'ti?"" i -,w" wvu yvn jivitjuyiia i jn oisinuuiiTs xreigot rem. vut, i rur 1 mission today issuea an oraer in jna ,
Tlanles an charres. ' 1 wuuni w iu n. wwr-i w
mem in any manner mat may seem
Benle Ail Charges.
"Do you mean that the Interests (t ;,m,.i !
tbte city hav been a source of ororii pracwcM
to me? Do you mean by the supply' 1
that my official conduct has ever beei, STANDARD WANTED TO
tlon ct valuet Do younean $hat either - KEEP ' RAIL RATES UP
directly or indtreotly I have oromlaedl ?. .
hvent of myeUetlont In short whj( Washington, May Il.i-Frank Pottr,
wLHow TM nH MMt f1 eecretary of the Nitional Refining oom
want to know. ' . ' .. ,. n,inr,.i ,... .h.
? ft? ypu mean that the public utility fpterstate commerce oil hearing today"
ISKTSSr-Jt! -pl- wm- Baon,y ? He aald tne Standard Oil company trans-
Vbeaua hmb w v BwftWf wa HWf
influence my ofnclal action
or tor exact crdmlses of ma
thi? w, ia t. th tr,Vl;..X mmer, at a low rat , and therefor
hat r would exUnd to those tnteresn th. standard wahtarf .in .ta v.t
any 'considerauob . detrimental to tha .. . th, .-aeBandents .- .
interest or tne peopi, pr to wnicn they
Kf14!1? ported h fjm ite whitioV, ipdiana. Mrs. Adams Tt,fl Attorney
th Pa,t refineries to Dulutk and other lake ... . . . . . . " .
lt:i :p fw i Wantecj to Shake, Hands .
Eaay Way to Qet Bid of tbV Dis
agreeable Pockroach. t ' . '
When you clean house get rid of cock
roache by usliig6tearns' Electric Rat
and Roach Paste. : Placed In slne and
on the shelves at night you can sweep
up a panfu of dead roaches la the
morning , . , ,
This remarkable exterminator is sold
mier guarantee, to give satisfaction or
money Tef unaea. Better than Powder.
U doe not blow away; alsgUar.n:
.pd to kill on'ratsZmlce-and'litfieV
t (WO. " ": . . r
Insist ppon getting Stearns Electrlo
j; it and Itoach Paste. Jt 1 the only
guaranteed exterminator sold, driving
.i!s end mice out of door tQ die, and
in nletely ridding . th house ot pori,.
hc hes, water tug, bed bugs and other
' (iTiin. rv aurv iu omrn. I'aSte,
' e only "Moneyback" vermin destroyer.
irr.s' Electrlo past ia sold by drug
's or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
l'tsS&e lS-ox. box tl.00.- Steams'
i"o ri (o,t Buffalo, N. X. (form-
f CUlcago, IU.) - . . ,
Pe&ver State Clrts WIir Advertise
j Home, Country yvith Ton
V, , of Utej-ature. ,
would not be entitled under the strict
letter of tha Jaw pr which you py any
Other fair-minded man would not grant
them, then you are mistaken fpd 1
enter a most vigorous denial to your
charge. .'v . - - ...
' 'If you hav any vldenca, produce it.
I dare you to do so-knowing full wlj
that If you producV auch-wvldencr-the
sam. wm defeat Pie- for mayor, and t
ought to. Remember your words: "When
a man f eo driven to the wall as to
make statements he cannot prove,1 hla
eeus ta very poor . - '
' Befutes' Other Satlniatloaa, . '
Th Oregon Daily Journal quotes you
nign, so tne jnaepenaent who' are
Obliged to use all ralr , transportation,
woua pe-aepi oowa
After Swearing at jer.
Mr. Etta Adams, testifying before
Judge Sear in the circuit court ' ibis
morning In a suit over the ownership
of personal property valued at f 650,
FELT AT RIVERSIDE ealdf that the property' in cpntroversy
1 " nwrnrlrr had :been demanded of her by Jark
. ' ' 7 , ' iBcmussei, and mat in faying wnai p
aha rthv .itRit 4 .i p " "".'. . : :
o'clock last night, n It free not 41
"t will make llf eo miserable for yon
that h 4 itself . fill be preferable to
earrn Ml pf ace; ox resiuenpe. wm
slander you and bring suit after suit
against you.;
After 'Using these words, said Mrs.
Adams, chlusse! wanted per to .fhftke
Under the guidance and chaperonaga
pf Philip 8. Bates, publisher pf the Pa
clflo Northwest 1 handsome: Oregon
gins, representing some ox in moat
progressive - counties in the state, left
over tne u. . n. ast nignt rpy
three weeks' trip to eastern cities. ,
The object of the trip is to advertise
Will carry1 a ton of literature that has
been furnlsRed by the various commer
pial bodies throughout the state.
(Jonmal perlal Berrlr.l 1
Phoenix, Aris., May !2. A disastrous
mine explosion Is reported at Globe. No
aetaiis hav been secured.
- , iloorMl Bpadal Rerrtce.
( New York, May -I? E. R. Haverts
Co, a tock exchahge firm, failed to
W. tit lamMej( jaattjd st f ..ppO,ffOQ.
as follows: 'Go down below the dead I city Jn which ther are no ceooi but A k. Wviria-
line Into the portn end'. ?hfir the dives thos you describe; pp poor but honor- fih, did pot feel: as If aha ought to
and dens rtUed with the'drlnk-sodr Ubl men in the north pnd'Whoee ,yotee thaki T hftnd'a. he ald,? but' soln "the
linn, Hhat ha WolllB 0. jf-Yr i ' V'
Th eduabbiV arose over tn furnl
ture In a ' rooming bouse. "Mrs. Adams
feased the rooming house, then bought
the furniture.; Alterwarq pne i rnovsa
den wreck of humanity, and there youl Fltfc honor may be desired br Mayor
will find every man from' the boss to tb Lane or myself t - T
bounver nouilng the "na'nie of Devlin.; 1 r ''Mr. Qearln. have you found ma an
' "!Then go down -into the red-light Moctt of th peppi you decrb?
aistpcK ipat pjagu sppi on tn current yuu whj not say fo.- ( aw pot.po.
oi iur, wnFt nopeiea peing noat ng ng a an apgi or pumy, but my life, gome pf her own prpperty, including a
Mack-ahapes on eddying tides of yleei; the purity and sanctity of my borne will dozen Pr more poxes bf pooks Into per
that hom Pf the vagrant the big-mit bear Investigation. apkrtments: 'f Later she sold the room
man, that haunt pf those nameless para- 'iMr- Qearin, let us rather believe and ipg house furniture. She says that sh
sites who fatten oft the wages of shame, let the pubno know" that In' Vour nax- "anlS to Schluasel what she bad
and, ask; them to-Vpt fprDr-Harry tisan foal you have overstated ;your brlginftlly bought in the rooming house,
Xne .'If you do the ptreant 'Of profan- case: a-d that a broader charity than ghd sold Tier own property to herdaugh-
Ity that greets ypu'wlll bubble atld hlaj you may know of may forgive on the ter. "Schiusael allege that Mra Adams
in lte denlaL ' ground of devotion to your friend. sold tin all ber propcrtylncludlng "in
'' Thos fellows knovr their man well. ""Let us know that conditions in the hooka and other things she moved into
ThWfhnnm them dr.fullr itiA wJrf rfd-ltrht dlitrlrf ,m nn ..,. xl it.. ... 1 ' 1
one 'will rote for Thoma C. Devlin, scribe, and thl for th decency of our! ;Mre. Adam daughter ' brought the
And if he 1 elected they will demand elty; for Mayor Lane's sake, who must) suit, asking 1250 damages for th un
tpetr toiu " ' assume responsibility for It; and4; for lawful detention of her goods Schlus-
, "Mr. Gearin, does your matchless de- the fair name of our beautiful city. Let eel answered that the good had been
scrlptlon accurately - describe existing us be honest. Mayor Lane has put some seized by the sheriff when the suit was
conaitionsT it so, men wnai aoes the oi tnose pa a places out or business he begun end withheld
PPHt 9fi rhe PresentTdmInl8trtl0p.l ?"egsilfiremfrJl4-These -vot-J fl.oqfjyftjrth:
damaging-- him
HP peti ' up a coupter
meanJ Where ha been the reform and er and their 'friends are anar with elafm for' thia amount. Additional tea,
' . . la. J Itn. V. . A I U.VM. f.m.'AnW'fc.... I . j U ' .lit- 1.4, Ate ukjw , tuh ur me. j jmyx yyntm uff M ftttMV.
improvementt The dead line,' 'the red-
light district,' th drfnk-fodden wrecks
the hopeless beings, the 'eddying tides hep not so' bad, perhaps worse, ar al-T There 1 'VmojemenV on foof In the
of vice th Vaarant.? th blx-mitt I lowed"" to " run--and ""they and thefrli.hnr nrMniaationS of chieata to aatah-
4K. Vi,Ast,.i niHillu ,li rati I frlehda will ha tnr Mii4i " T I , hnt.i .1. . v,..
uw' ,.uu... r t I . r - 7 j f lou aj.ifviuu.uij r .ihvh w,va . f" ,
ten pil tne wages ox fname,' are an i u. uu. itMuniuiei four very sin
cere. According to ypur own words,. andlerely, - " "" " " ' - - "...t
ar .plying their neranous businesses. j cereiy, , ihumas c, vnviAtx"
What hav we police department fortt
Whr do :-w. maintain, a rockpil and! Big ebirt, underwear and hosiery al
courts to try "the offendersf- " inwon at the Chicago Clothing Co...
Vli ,b?ri . Ktt-llSH JlmP Jb4l II-7J TWrd gtr ":S!;' ,v "
pity. It 1 proposed that the hoe shall
be built by union men, exclusively; that
all its furniture and anointments shall
be union made, and that every person
employed therein,-, from bell boys to
manager, shall be a member of a labor
union, ' ,
land, and that, in view of the enormous j case of the Keystone Lumber company
increaae of trafflo and the great profit I against ' the Sunset ' Logging Company
earned by m rauroaqs, -int ppopi are of Clatskani. decreeing tnat tn
entitled to considerably ioweil rates. It charge mad by the defendant for th
i also planned to havf conference transportation of lumber in car lota be
wlth B. H. Harrlman on his next visit tween the loading place and the junction
to Portland "and present the need 'for of its -lln aitb'the Astoria Colum-
better steamship eervlc on thl coast bla River ' railroad be fixed at $11 per
Mr; Harrtman ha 17049 -fneet rhe tt fcf' IMP' 'VWnW W4 " WT W4 4
Committee and discuss this subject. per ear under that amount, in lieu of
th II and 111 rates rormeny in r
rect. Thia prder wil take effect and
beeome ' operative in 10 day. ;',
" It is also ordered 'that the Sunset
Logging company ahall furnish at it
loadlne- olac ' a reasonably adequate '
uoarnai BDeeiai Bernre.i aervioa ana racnities tor tne uan.uoria-
Detroit, Mien. May sz.--td switcn- tion 01 iumor over '"
President' Roosevelt for hi utterances ' Th finding of the railway eomralp
n Mia Haywood-Moyer-Pettlbone, case, ptlon hold that he S.unset Logging ootn
avmnathiaina with the miners on trial but li 4 common carrier and subject
nd demanding $hat their '"kidnaping to the provisions of chapter' If ;of th '
bp declared Illegal and their liberty re-1 general laws ot .Oregon for' IfO?, 1 ;t .
stored.' f l . ""' - 7" V . ' -;
f ' . - Jte 1m hhmm, 'i'''J-
1 ' Joamal Spcetsl Berrle.) ""T" '
' Helen. Mont. May All of th
linemen ;?of .the Rpcky Mppnfain Bell
Telephone company in tnis state went
pu etrike tody, demepdirig en tncreese
In wage pf 50 pent a day. About 160
men are axrectea. Tne - jinemen state
the ' strike " ie generel : tlso oyer Ctab.
Wyoming and Idabo, i-,,
' (Joanul Special Berrie.) - .
Providence, R.: I., . May 22. Colonel
Robert Hale. Ives Goddard Was homl
hated candidate of the Democratic and
Independent parties for senator at a
convention ot the fusion forces today.
A petition Indorsing the candidacy of
Thomas C. Devlin for mayor is being
circulated in precinct ?ty Constabl
Charier MautaHf-t he' eastTildS" Justice
court. :' The constable has been engaged
in the work of pircuiating the Petition
for1 feyeral daya end ; has secured a
number Of signatures. ! f
:.s vr ' Vv ' '; , 1 - ; "71 ;
- Child Pie- pf Menlpgltlj. f;
Bernlce Hultne, the 1-year-old daugh
ter Of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulme, suc
cumbed tq cerebro-eplnal meningitis at
I o'clock this morning at thefamily
home on East Sixth street, aftlr 1 II
days Illness." Drs. McKay, Wh.le and
Rpedy werf q attendance. , "
(Speclel P!patri f Tha Jooraal.) : '
: Salem, or.,' May ia-Cooa county rot
ors wfll! not' have a chance to uae tbf
referendum on the bills pad by tb
legislature Increasing tl a,larje of
pounty v; clerk, , county treaaurer and
Behoof euperlntendent," for J? Quick of
Coqullle City was today Informed by
the secretary of ptate that the petition
ha prenented asking that these meas
tires be referred to the" people, pouid
liot ' be accepted .because 'they did not
meet the requirements Q' the HOT law;
It seeme that the circulators pt the
petition were pot Aware that, the' new;
jaw bad' an emergency clause, and cir
culated the petitions under the 10I law.
Moreover, 'the petltlone had h najef
of but per cent'of the yotere of CcJaa
inateaa or per com, o uie vuiera 01
the tate.f s t 'f, ,
it ie curreutly reported on the streetf
that the deal for the purchas of the
Irylngton rac track Jhat ha beei oQz.
for ome time will be closed during the
week. The tract cqntaln ' ebout 1?0 .
acre and the sale price Is aald to "be
between $2,000 and U.600 an acre. Th -property
belongs id th Pyan-Spencr ;
Interests and la the largest piece of un
platted acreage left In any. of the high
priced residence districts. - ,
Color if lent to the reported aale from
the fact that an effort Was made by
the local automobile club to engage the '
race track for May o, but the pwnera
refuse to, leae It, veft for one' day,
stating that a'sale of the-entire -holding
was about to be consummated. :