The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 22, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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lira in
the oiean," said Captain Horn this
morning. - The ' Hyndford . had . been
drifting about helplessly for day with
out a propeller, and one afternoon Chief
McLean, and four sailors volunteered
to set out In a, boat for assistance.
They left ua September 11, 17 miles oft
the entrance to the Straits of Magellan
under, fair weather conditions and
thought they would male Punta,' Arenas
without much troubla A storm sprang.
UD that ftArnnnn enil mrM n vi Has rA
Covernment Will Build Hydraulic from th a tew days uter we
r 'm ..... FUQuiiail' WlllV SUIUWW, , &rVJU
Portland for Copenhagen, and Captain
Wilms kindly : out , Into Frankland
Islands and reported us. A tug came
out and towed the Hyndford Into port."
The Hyndford went to the flour mills
this morning and commenced to receive
cargo at once. She will. be given quick
Dredge of theColumbia
Type at Once. ;
will be kept here for a whlla on exhibi
tion at so much a visit. ....
The Harrlmtut liner Colombia Is due
here tomorrow from San Francisco.
The steamer T. A. Kllburn, from Ban
Franolsco, will be at Oak street dock
mil evening. . , :
A preliminary trial trio of the Ooen
River Transportation company's steam
er J. N. Teal, will be held next , Mon
day. ... The date : for the official' trial
has not yet been set. , ,
Large Audience Sees the Great Per
'.Don Demonstrate His Remedies I
Again Last Night. .s
J. B. 0. Lockwood Will Have Plana
- Read Within Next Two Months.
; When . Colonel Boessler, , United
v;-" States Engineer, Will Invito Bids.
. r
The government win ; build a ' large
auction dredge or the same type as the
Port of. Portland .. dredge Columbia for
use la the Oregon and Washington
coast harbors. J. B. C Lockwood, con
sulting engineer for the Port of Port
land, has been retained by Colonel 8.
W. Roeaxler, United States engineer, to
prepare the designs for (the dredge, and
It Is understood that the-contract will
likely be awarded within the next two
months.- -- ' ' -r.-'Ar -
The government Is planning; many
Improvements In the harbors alone? the
ta vfif the Pacific northwest states
and for this reason the dredge will be
necessary. - It will be constructed along
the lines of the powerful dredge Co
lumbia, built for the Port of Portland
about six "years ago, but will be only
about half the else. ' It will be con
structed stanch enough to be towed In
the open aea without more risk t than
the craft of . the ordinary
tolnf type;." -. ' '
, In addition to this a sea-roing dredge
will be built by the government for
Fire Shoots Forth From Stack on
v':'; " : " thje-Portland.
Fire nearly destroyed the Port of
Portland dredge - Portland late Monday
night, according, to a report filed by Su
perintendent Groves. .No alarm was
given because the erew of the boat has
tened to extinguish the flames and Jhey
oon had the Are under control. The
port stack was burned . out and will
have to be renewed,, at a cost of several
hundred dollars. s
The fire was of peculiar origin and
no one yet Knows exactly how It started.
The dredge was owkrlng as usual be
tween the Morrison - and Madison
bridges pumping gravel from the river
nottom Into the east aide mud flats.
Astoria, May ti. Arrived down last
night Ship Eclipse. Arrived at I and
left up at 7 a. m. Steamer ohan Poul
sen, from San Franolsco, Arrived at
6:10 and left up at 10 a. m- Steamer
F. A. Kllburn, from San Franolsco.
Balled at 7:30 a. m. Schooner Colum
bia, for San Francisco. Arrived at 7 a.
m. Schooner Abble. from San Fran
cisco. Left up at I a. m. Chinese Junk onstrate again his marvelous remedies
Fer-Don Medical Experts Open
Offices In Grand Theatre Building,
Introducing New Treatments for
Chronlfi Diseases. -
Wild with delight, a large audience I
at Twentieth and Washington streets
last mgnt saw me unset Jfer-JJoa dam-
ArelCc tzi 15c IVe
are lest SHes;t2lj
when suddenly a tongue of flame, fully I n,, WX ports.
Wang Ho and schooner King Cyrus and
Virginia. .v-v -.Vi v -;v ;:' .
San ..Francisco,' May II. Arrived
Steamer Tiverton, from Astoria.
Point . Loboa, . .', May . .. 11. Passed
Steamer Asuncion. from Portland - for
Oavlota. v . '. .' -
Astoria, May II. Arrived down at 4
and sailed at lit p. m. Steamer Costa
Rica, for" Ban" Franclsoo. Arrived at
4:80 p. tn.- Schooners . Churchill and
King- Cyrus, from San Pedro. Arrived
at 1:50 and left up at 1:10 a. m-
Steamer Roanoke, from San Pedro and
way ports. Sailed, at 1:46 p. nr. Bark
Louisiana, for Redondo. 1 Arrived at T
p.' m. Bchoofrsr Virginia, from San
irrancisoo. - sailed at 7:18 ' p. ra. Ger
man steamer Nlcomedla, for Hongkong
40 feet In length, leaped skyward
through the stack. It continued to
bias for about (0 minutes and then
burned Itself out In the meantime the
craw played a hose on the outside ef the
stack and saved, the boat from destruc
tion. : ,-. ' . '
superintendent Groves believes .that
the flame was caused by a sudden Com'
bustlen ef gases that had accumulated
m the stack and furnace.
use at Astoria In place of the ' dredge I rvJ!i1W. ft afo.n.i. ''a'1--W.
S. Ladd, which is about worn nut. V9? Wether to Monntavlns Affects
The contracts forthe dredrea wllrl ' '. V n.i. J ' " ': i ' ' : to Portland shipbuilders.: aa I ;- - ve tmew.
; they are In position to handla the work I The Snake river Is now falling but
; to better advanUge than competitors I Columbia la rising slowly all along
In neighboring- ports, although men ara I lln"' wooier weatner a as prevailed
said to be scarce . 1 " . , J I0t aeverai oaya in the mountains
The innouncement . that Charles Ltnd-1 the rtvars secMre their supply and
strom of Aberdeen may start a .shin-1 . had a- tendency to check the
- bulldlnc plant on Baker's bar. at the isneiung; or the enow.
--mouth ef the Columbia, was reset ved , i fjaxnox, rorecaater Seals announces
J with anthuslaam here by shipping- pec- 1rn,n in "l lT,r bulletin that
pla. because the looaUon of the pUnt "f.WlUametta will probably, reach' a
wUl mean that a large number ef the "J1" i. b' Mxt flundr' but
- coasting vessels to be buUt In the future t?".l...wU1 t?a oonl to temporary
' . will be constructed on the Columbia
and equipped here with machinery. The
, plant would also be In poaltlon to baa'
.die, river eraft,,for which there seems
, a need at the 'present and of which
'.class many would be building but for
the fact that the yards are crowded
San i Francisco. Mar II.'
11:10 p.' m. Steamer - Columbia, for
Portland. Sailed Steamer Daisy Fret
man, for Portland.
- Queenstown, f May 11 Arrived
French bark Jaoobaen, from Portland.
Sydney, , May II. Arrived May 10
French bark Turgot, from Portland. "4
Astoria, May , Condition of the
bar at I a. m., smooth f wind northwest,
ii m lies) weather cloudy.
Tidea at Astoria today: ,
High Water. ( . v r Law Water. ?'
:I7 a. m., t. ft :I0 a. m- II ft
:01p. m., T. ft , f l:M p. , 1.1 ft
and witnessed the vanquishing of deaf
ness and pain. Having heard reports
ox juona&y mgm wont in irus line,
the people of our city turned out by
hundreds to see for themselves who
Fer-Don was and what ha was dolner.
Before o'clock, when Fer-Don arrived
at his free show rrounde in his oar-1
rlage, preceded by the Diamond Cluster!
Band, there awaited expectantly many
who wished to test for themselves the
effloaoy of Fer-Doa's remedies aad many
more who came to sea aad wonder. .
After an entertaining- program by the
oanq jraui spoxe xor aoouc fifteen min
utes. Durina his discourse he called
for those persona suffering-from deaf-
ness, rheumatism and other aohes or I
pains to come upon his platform and
nna relief. Ho many came that It
found Impossible to accommodate all,
but enough remained to enjoy the re
sults. The demonstrations to prove to I
ilea aii possesses truly wonderful secreta
jaa (jochran, address Rhelnfals hoteL I
Portland, ahowed bis neck swollen and I
painful, the result of three days of neu
ralgia. Any one who has experienced
me pangs or neuralgia can imagine Mr.
Cor.ol Grand Av.& East Alder St
on no
Vi'Z CEUVE3 Cc:is
(3 cay par! c! :
City. Esst cr West
Slies, tzi vit di-
Ilver prc;'.Iy
T - C
Present Store Pcclicd mi Jammed-Thars Thy jhe
CoohranTa pleasure when one application I
of Fer-Don's Maglo Relief entirely re-1
lieved the pain.
sianasuu. ana ir majLposslbly fall - a
raw lachea. :.. - ,v . - .
Unless hot weather again aeta fa in
the Rockies the danger of extremely
high .water here la practically ctr tot
ine present, jne tides the latter part
tof the week will be higher than ordl.
aaa aaav.fc aasai sa J sa- ajsi aa w , vsvwwvu -.-.-Ji . -
with work, The location of new yards nV""d ..! Zll t!.n(10T S
here and in the . vicinity would also 1 r!Ih 1? W ,h 1
hrnf more m.n. th. hmi. faiiw .b 'rem the rise la the Colum-
bring more men, as the hands follow
the work. . v -' '.-. " -
' yy..; : . ,
: ? Captain ' of - Steamer Hyndford Has
' ...... .... , - , j ,,. , ,.
j '. No Hope for Volunteers.. .
Captain Horns of the British steamer
Hyndford fears that the five men who
left bis vessel off Cape Horn September
It In one of the steamer's lifeboats for
the purpose of getting assistance to tow
'the disabled steamer Into port lost their
; Uvea. The Hyndford arrived here last
night to load flour and general cargo
"for Siberia. 1 -' , , '
1 am afraid Chief - Officer McLean
.'and the four sailors who with him vol-
unteered to endeavor to . go to Punta
"Arenas for assistance round graves in
The steamer AUlanoe sails tonlcht for
coos Day. : i ;' ,
The ; steamer Roanoke arrived from
Baa Pedro and way porU this morning
wun if oaom ana steerage passen
ger She spoka -the steam schooner Jo-
han Poulsen off the mouth of the Co
lumbia river with her boilers disabled.'
Captain Merriam ef the Poulsen asked i
to . be reported, t The steam - schooner
crossed in this morning, however, and
reported that the damages to the boiler
had been repaired without much trou
ble, , -V. r,. V
r The Chinese Junk Whang Ho la en the!
way up the river and wiU be In the
local harbor tomorrow, morning-. , She I
aeralaa Xlaere Dee te Arrive. -
T. A. Kllbera. frea Sas Itaa. and war. Mar M
Colombia, from Baa rraaeisee ....... if 9fl
mountains I Nemastla, from orient........ , ..May 28
aiusnce, rren ooos Bay May So
O. W. Blaar, fram Saa Pedro aad war.. Mar SS
Ookta Rica, from Baa rrrlco. . . .....May SS
Boaaofce, from Saa Pedre and way J ant 4
Arabia from orlat,M.,,.,..,,..Jotte
Alrala, rron erloot .......Jolr 1(1
Meoatedla, from Orient..., ..aerast 10
aUcnUr Iiaers te Pmari.
AlHaaee, for Coos Bay ..kfay SS
r. A. KHDora, for Han rraa. aad way,. May St
Beaoake. for Saa Pedro aad war Mar 2X
Colombia, for Ban FrancUro. . .... Mar M
O. W. Elder, for San Pedre ead way.. ..May SO
Costa Blca, tot Saa Fraaelaee .........May 11
KomaeUa, for orient.,.. ......Jane S
Arable, for orient. ,.,jan 10
Aleela, for orient. .July ST
Nlcomedla, for Orient, ...,-., ...... .Aegost SO
Teaeala a Port,
1. Marh offer. Am. etr at Willamette U Wki.
Baron do, . sb- at Astoria dock.
Dlmedale, Br. bk, at Astarla. ' r
Mlchelet. Ft. bk.f at Aatorla. j . ,
. Vola, Br. ab., at Elevator, dork. : ' ' -
JordanbllL Br. bkY at B. W. mm.
Eclipse, Am. str., at St. Belene... .
Elnlta, Br. bk., at Irving dock. :
Telloa, Oer. bk. at Oolnmbla h'e. L w
Tottenbam, Br. atr at Insaa-roalsea mffl,
Stratfcclyde, Br. str.. at Linaton. . .
Waeblnftnn. Am. barye, at aibnrortk, SVi
- ' miles above Vanconrer. - -
Slntram, Am. ab., at Stella.
Ikedondo, Am. str.,, at B. W. mflla; ,
Wbans He. Chinese Jnnk, at Astoria.
John Palmer, Am. bktn., at Kalama.
Eipansion, Am. seb., at Portia od (amber Oe
Alrena, Am. ecb at Ooble.
Jamee Bolph, Am. arh., at Wastport.
Arete, Am. bk., at Vaneoerer.
William Olsee. Am. seb.. at Astoria.
Makawell, Am. bktn.. Wallace Sloeta.
llamond Head, Am. bk., Vanconrer.
Letltla. Am. etn., at Rainier.
Lonlalana. Am. atr., at Astoria. '
Mnrlel. Am. str,, at Newport. - t
lobn Smith, Am. bktn., at Stella.
Emily Bead, Ami ah., at Portland Member Oe.
Stratbyre. Br. atr., at Rainier.
Alliance, Am. str., et Orach street,
and that .In -less than I
three minutes. , ..;- I
J. B. Weber, 1091 Kelly street, tcfld
m nis own way now tnie medicine had
helped him.' - One application brought I
oaoa tne hearing to an ear which had
for twenty years been uselesa In fact,
when the man stepped upon the plat
form he could TIM hear a sound on the
right side. After' the ear had been
from the stag about thirty feet. "Can
you hear mer he asked Mr. Weber,
who had hla other ear cover ad with his
hand. A smile of . Joy Illumined his
face as he found ' be oouldaad his
answer, a .vigorous "Indeed I - can."
brought cheers of appreciation from the
auaienoe. ., .,-, . . . -.
. John Corrlgan, ItTH Burnalde street,
elalmed he bas not heard aa well aa he
ought for thirty year a Mr. Corrlgan's
relief was as -Quickly brought about, as
was that of the others, and he stepped
oaca iiio vne auaienoe a nappier man
than he had been for years, rejoicing- ln
uie ruiiness or mis new-iouna oenent.
Others there were, and in- every case I
sucoess was met with, can Fer-Don's I
remedies keep up the grood workT He
ima tner can. ana aa the nroor or the
pudding- ilea In the eating; thereof, ourl
people - will have ample opportunity for
seeing: for themselves, aa Fer-Don prom- I
ises thaae startllaa- demonstrations
At 161 Washington street. In the I
Grand Theatre building, , offloes . have
been opened for the Fer-Don medical I
experts. Theee men brine with them
to Portland a number ex new treat-1
menta for chronlo diseases. They have
made a name for themselves In
parte of the country by their system of I
Dioooiesa surgery, removing 1
cancers, etc. . without djnawlna
Their Syarthgl treatment hai
Golden Gate Extrccts
ErSsciTtial to Good GoolriSgr
a. roLGsa a co.
: Northland. Am. str.. at Drydoek.
ac oceanic aoea. .
Fxe e. c h 6 1 a r h i p
In Bchn he-Walker Business College
You may use the scholarship, transfer h, or' sell Itjto some one not
t BOW Bttendiht: the) c61itgt.K!:fr:U;l,y: .
Good any time this summer, next fallday or evening classes. '
Besides this, we will give away 'a number of partial scholarships. ' If
you want a course In the Business College, or if you know any young
man or woman who wants a course, send !6 cents for' educational pus-le-gama,
"The Oracle of Isia," the newest and greatest,' fun-producer tn
Amerloai work the puaale. complying with- requirements, and win a
scholarship. lose no time, , , ' '' '
Address (inclosing- 2B cents, stamps accepted). . . ."'
, i , "405 Buchanan Bid.,'. Portland, Or. ,v
' Ton WW ecelve the Oame aad Seo,&lremeata by stetajra KalL '
Barb. . Nor. str.;
Irene. Am. sch., at St. Helens.
Hndrord, Br. str., at floor mine.
Roanoke, Am, str.,- at Martin's dork.
Colombia, Am. ah p.. at Stella. .
Johaa Poulsen, Am. etr at Inmaa-Ponleea,
Kins Orrne, Am. ecV, at Wallace Slonfk,
r. A. kllbera. Am. str., at Oak street.
i Lnmbar Carriers Xa Bonto.
M. r. Whitney, Am. bk, MakaweJL
ElwelL Am. ahM Saa Pedro. ': ' '
Lllleboone, Am. ech., Manila. ? .,'.
Lucille. Am. eb- Baa Franclaco. ..
Mabel Gale, Am. seb., Baa rraDclsee. "
Uetrtever, Am. bktn.. Ban rraaciaeai
Aurora. Am. bktn.. San Francisco.
Santa Ana, Am. atr., Saa Franclaco. -W.
B. Home. Am. ech.. Baa Pedro.
J. B. Btetaoa, Am. str.. Baa Francises.
Daisy Freeman, Am. str.. Saa Fraaeiaen.
Johan Pool aea. Am. str., Saa FrmacUco, ,
Virginia, Am, sch., Baa rranclaoo, . . -Cborcbill.
Am. ecb., Baa Franclaco, . . -AbMe,
Am. ecb- lu Frandsee.
Jim Bntler, Am. 'str. Baa Frandsos, '
F. Bandera. Am. acta.. Baa Pedro.
Ohehalle, Am. bktn,. Baa Pedre. ......
Olendale, Am. acb., Saa Fraaclsee.
Nokomla. Am. seb.. Baa Pedro. .
Alumna, Am. ech. Baa Fraaelaee. ' ,
Waablngtoa, Am. str., aaa rtanqlsstt,
Xa Boats With Cement end OeaereL
Bnecleach, Br. sb., Hamburg.
Rrenn. Fr. bk.. Bull.
Ooaway Castle, Br. bk, Antwerp.
I'airoaax, Dr. au, oemvuraj.
Europe, Fr. bk., Antwerp.
Oenarleve Molinos. Fr. bk..
Bene Kerrller, Ft. ebj- B ambers.
Laennse.-Fr. eh., Swansea. .
M riuni v , .in aui .
Martha Boaz, Fr. bk, Hambarg.
Moaamblooa, Br. sb- IlsweesUe. 1. 1.
Samoa, Br. bk, Bkielde. .
Blam. Oer. sb- Loadoa. .
Boooa, Fr. sb., Newesetle,
Tlncennes, Fr. bk., Glasgow. . . : s
Marechael Turrene, Tr. bk., Hambarg, ' r
Vllle de Mulbense, Fr. bk., Antwerp. , '
Gnethary, Fr. bk, Antwerp.
Plerrl LoH. Fr. bk., Antwere.
. Walden Abbey, Br. ab., Antwerp, ".
Glenesslin, Br. eb, Antwerp. -. ;
: iVsrsalllee, Fr. bk., Lelth.- J--... .
. General da Boisdeffre, Fr. bk., London. :
General de Negrler, Fr. bk, Lendoa.
OoalBhips Xa Boate.
Belea. Fr. bk, Newcastle, A.
Col. de Vlllebflle Marenll. Fr. bk.. Newcastle. A
Oalns IS ' Pounds on Ohaag-e ef Food.
scores of cases of appendicitis without
the -use of a knife, and they claim it
will positively oure any ease where the
pus has not formed. In a few hours.
The work or thie treatment will, with
out doubt, be watched with extreme In
terest and If as successful here as re-1
ports have made It elsewhere. It will
prove itself a marvelous Improvement I
over oia rnemoaa
. Clarerdoav Br. sk, Veweastle, A i
: Wlllaeott. Am. bk, Newcastle, A.
Tram Beeamari Xa Beats,
Asset, Br. str, Boenoe Ayree.
Cnuan Mara, Jap. str.,' Japan.
African Monarch, Br. atr., Baa Fraaelaee,
Btrathyre, Br. str, San Francisco, .
Telloa, Not. str, Saa Fraaelaee.
Maori King. Br. etr, Sbangbat,
knight Templar, Br. sir, orient. '
Henrlk Ibeea, Nor str., Baa Francises.
Sneen AJeaaadra, Br. atr., Madras,
allbia. Br. str. Baa Fraaelaee.
Maasba Mare, Jap. etr, Sailnaa Crea,
Byadea, Am, tr.. orient.
Mackinaw, Am. str., Seattle. '
. Saa Mateo, Am. str., Saa rvaactsee.
OH Carriers Xa Beats,
Maverlok, Am. etr.. Baa Fraaelaee.
W. 8. Porter, Am. str.
... $3.85 for $5.00
Oenulne Panama hats at the Chicago I
Clothing Co, ll-Tl Third street
i Rudolph Sprockets Gives His
Reasons for Refusing to Rec-
ognize Business. Men.
For Sale
4 ; Tew sllg-htly . marred v Singers,
Oarls, Wheeler ft Wilson, BUadards
and White Sewing- Blaealaee, .,
The White
. Sewing Machine
X. . TOsTES, 880 TamhUl, oor..4th.
I Jearaal Boeelal Bisvln.t "
Baa Franolsoo. May 1-That the
"committee of seven"' appointed by May
or Bohmttav which ha . and Heney re
fused to recognise, was really selected
by the oorporate Interests, though with
out the knowledge of the men them
selves. Is the opinion ef Rudolph
SpreokeTs as given- out In a Interview
Uat nigh.Jidi''ir
. Mr. Spreokels, indignantly denied that
he la trying- to dictate the affairs ef
the city and stated that he was only
interested In the prosecution of ' the J
bribe givers and graftera. He explained
that the present board of supervisors, 1
self-confessed ; bribe takers, la left in j
office to prevent Mayor Schmlta from )
appointing another board with which to
accomplish his ends. -
Patrick Calhoun, president ef the
United Railroads, stated that the threats
and take over the Geary ! street line.
made by the board of supervisors, were
made with the end In view of aiding- uie
striking carman and that Bpreckela was
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing,
V . Poultry Netting, Etc ,
Phone Main 2003." . ' ; ' SECOND' AND EVERETT. STS.
i '.i-f-. t,.r i
'w to"
When a change In food': can rebuild a
man 77 years of age. It is evldenoe that
.fL h r'il the franchise of hla company
can discriminate In the selecUon of . .-- . ,- r....
proper food to rebuild the body. A few
months ago the physician attending a
man 77 years old, told him that death
from old age .would soon claim him.
He suffered from general weakness and
uvm... a a J I pan pj. mm 0mm A j -'
An old lady advised him to Quit oof- K AIM Until tLtLi 1 KUUU hU .
ree, arinx rostum jrooa uonee and eat
Orape-Nuts food every .. morning. He
took the advice ' and has gained i It
pounds, says he Is as wall aa he ever
waa, arfd can takev long tripe : In the
mountains, which he had been unable
to do for a long time.' ;
There Is ' a reason . fori j thla i In, the
first place, coffee aota aa a direct nerve
destroyer, on :V many highly organised
people, both young and old, and many
people haven't-the. knowledge to select
nourishing, "healthful, rebuilding fo
Both Postum Food Coffee and O rape-
Nuts food are made from .selected parts
of the field grains that contain delicate
particles of phosphate of potash and
albumen. -. These two ' elements ' com
bine In the human body to quickly
rebuild the gray matter In the braid
and In the nerve centers throughout the
bOdy.' ! r. !-:"! .)Vv1mi,,
- Direct, sure and certain results come
from, their use. and oan be proven by
any person that cares to make the trial
"There's a Reason." Read "The Road
(Saeetal Dtopeteh te The JoanaLI
Bosemaa, . Mont, May 11. John Mlse,
a well-known rancher near Belgrade,
was electrocuted yesterday afternoon
while attempting to climb through a
barbed wire fence. A dangling guy
wire fell across the power line of the
Madison power company, in turn com
municating electricity to, Mlse'a fence.
Several head vf stock wero stunned and I
etretched out on the ground. Mrs. Mlae.
attracted by the , peoullar antics of m
dog that naa accompanied Mlae, found
the lifeless form of her husband. She.
and several neighbors were severely
shocked In attempting to extricate the
body from the fence., j t . , Cv
te WeUrUle,' In packages.
jOlymplav "Wants New Fire Hose.
Olympla, Wash ' May tl. The city
council has ordered the city clerk to
ask for bids for furnishing the fire)
department with too feet et new hose.
" t f 1 K S ! t ' , . . , , r 1 '
; .Offering wonderful bargains throughout the store. , We expected to occupy our
handsome new store during this month.1 but many things have conspired to de
lay the date for 'several weeks, but still the goods pile up, greatly cramping us
In . our present quarters. ; These specials are for Thursday, Friday and Saturday
GIRLS 73c to $4.98
A Wg M w lot of the rery new
est and. best In white and col
ored, wash dresses for girls to
14 years of age.' The assort
ment is .large and at but prices
It does , not; pay you to make
them."" - See window.
TO 20c AT 11c YiRD
Widths' to 8 inches and all new
goods, v over 1,000 " yards to
choose from.' They.' will not
last' long at this price. t , !
Special ?148, $2.48, f 2.08
You just ought to see them.
Dainty, pretty and well made
Lawn and Chambray Suits,' at
very little prices. , . '
SKIRTS $3.95
Up-to-date Skirts .in fancy
grays, plaids and plain colors.
An Immense bargain. Light
weight, white batiste Corsets,
.with or , without hose support
ers attached. -
50c, 60c TABLE LIN
60-fach full bleached Tabls
Damasks, In very choice new
patterns and splendid; quality.
BOYS' $3.50; and $4.00
SUITS $2.95
Your choice of any of this sea
son's newest and best in these
grades- for the cut price. A
splendid I variety of well made
and very stylish suits. Boy
proof. . . , j
Sites 9 to 6. Every pair a
bargain, and many s pairs the
end of lines that sold at $1.75
and $2 the pair. All this lot
goes at 98c. VfV.,
TO 35c AT; 17c
A big sample lot Included,
Great variety of kinds and
styles. .,
37c YARD
Any of these grades In $ our
newest and best - patterns.
Plaids. ; checks, - plains and
fancies, all 86 or 88 inches wide.
, MEN'S 75c GOLF
- SHIRTS At 49c
A wonderful bargain, new pat
terns just such as you -find in
$1 grades! Every shirt is full
length, full e width, :l well ; mad
and good fitting and the prioi
is -twi-
rva-' oe e mm a eat Am ,
1U 910.UU Al .SO; :
They .are .odd lots, but evicnr
on of splendid quality ; and
workmanship and wonderfully
OrUSA fllvTel 4rm Amm .a
GOODS 81-3c to 25c Yd.
Special values. Very large and j
very handsome 'assortment of
the most desirable kinds.
'. TO $1.50 AT. 98c . f
All sixes, 8. to 2, neat, stylish
and absolutely solid shoes.
The best $1.25 quality, in all
sizes, 8 to 3. , Very newest
Blucher styles.
" mmmm'mm eeaBaaaeai aaeaaaaaaaaeaeaai
Regular values as high as 50c
Many Mother's Friend Waists
SPECIAL $1, $1.25, $1.50
and $2.00 , v ,
Handsome new lawns and
$2.50 TO $4.50 EACH ,
Elegantly made and trimmed.
Real slue 8e dozen. Assorted
sizes and good dear buttons.
A big lot of neck lengths of
dainty cream neck, niching.
Best heavy 10c Canvas Gloves
for men are here, 5c ,
- SUITS AT-93c
Coat and pants make the ideal
play suit. Sizes to 13 years.
'-'"V. ':' -: ,- ' - ' ; 'V
Good full size, choice . cohort.
with pillow, spreaders at both
ends and wide valance on each
A , thoroughly reliable and de
pendable clock. ' , i
jjm.Amxafc i I imw, . ........ iClIi
TA08tWewelBoiif. v(IVeaeh).....0ia
; HOIZB BB'riOAKO (Itsh4...i.Mossrt
V XL tXBlSMMQaUtoK 0te
' obligate ' " . m"- ' .' ttsaaet.
HAKUST Msd Beeae. (ff)
T.umAMaif Scene. atsJlaa)....ZonleM
. BOKEMS ltaJla) ...... OJeessae Pacclnl
-.208CA ( Italian . ...uiiwue x ,i?vu"
Elft01TTO--Cr' Nosje, (Italian!. .VerU
Coma to Our Victim ?arlorT
At Home All Hours, All Days
Sherman DW& Co
mXk aaa Sloeiiiem Stak, Oyy. VeeAeflee.
Hear the New Mine.
; , Melba Records
'.Thie great artist has come. to eing
for you all summer, in ' the twilight
oat on the veranda, around the camp
fire ) and on the water. Take . the
Mme. Melba records with you to camp '
in the mountains r to'the seashore.
Ther will prove a never-ending source
of delight. Here are .t few of the
newest ones: , , -
"alia ai,.ffa4a waies
fA a"
- 1 O-'sff
rf t
sighs c" c"::.-
Are tn evli1nse en everv 1 ' r
al thou ah "V inter rsy I ' t .
of Spring" you can ttlb
tar roach longer. Te i"
warm weather with a r s
hose, euch aa you rn n ,, ;
sicca at seen cut CsurtH.
1 1