The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 22, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Jim -2
. ' ,' ' ; '
..'Hi' l J .. m ..-. I- I
. I. .
The Suffering and Pain Endured By fld'ny W$ik?
iiig Women is Almost Beyond Belief. :.
HpHERE are thousands of American women -whose duties call them out In all
f X." wdi and weathers, many bi Whom sit with Wet feet or itand all day thus
'ft weakening andlunderminirig their health; j Women however, lor the most
part, spend their lives at home, and these womeri are willing and ambitious that tkeir '
.homes shall be kept neat and pretty, their children well-dressed and tidy, a$d do iheir :
own cooking, sweeping and dusting,' and often washing, ironing and sewing for the
entire family. Both of these classes call for our sympathy.- ' ' ; ,
) Truly the work of such a woman is "never done," and is it any wonder thai 6ne breads Q
down at ttie end of a few years, the back begins to achei'thefe Is a displacement, Inflammation :t
or Ulceration oi certain organs, ana me struggle to continue ncr auues are pituui.-
II fi?. llWlvtenHl N-(vfw (Qnlnnlinuiirndl
ilade from nathre roots and herbs, is the exact medicine i woman needs whose strength is overtaxed. It keeps thd f eznbtne system in a strong and healthy condition.
Mrs. Sadie Abbott, of Jeannette, wrlii i '
:"!' '.' -.-.4 J- '
Tkdr lfr. JPinkhttd " X infferw) Mtmly with p!a tnty tnontb, b4 1m pla
I meaa marimaa lyai j
all Ainppeared, uui X eMUiot noom
ia tor left klde. Uy doctor praorlbe4 for to bill did nf bo food
aaaad your mdlcln too alghly.
Plnkham'B VeratabU Compound and X wrota rat fn renrd to my condition. I followed your
V adTioo ana am panoetiy wail woman, xu pain nara
ilrif tepajilAjei of il'f Morgan St, naffaJo,N.T, wrltii " V , '
Zar Jfr. PWAani ! " I tu completely worn 6nt and on tb varf of mrroa prwrt ration.. Icy bck
. Xwar Jira. FtnKnam i " I tu completely worn Oat and on km varra of mrroa prwitrmnon..
icned all the tlma. X bad dreadful period of pIn, U aabject to flta of eryrnf aed aztrama Derroua
oaaa. and waa alwaya weak and tired. Lrdla C. I'lnkbamSi Vegretabla Componod eomplataly eared ma."
' V l II f .7
I hi'', J I I III If f . .V I-.'.
Mrs. Plrikhim IrivlUtlda to Worrtfiti
women suffering from any form of ftinimno.IllnesiS rf Jnted to promptly eommtw
nlcato With Mrs. llokham, at Lynn Jlast. : Out of her va4t jolxuno of erporienoe, Mrs. ,
rinkham probablyxu the vsrj knowlediv that will help your case.; Her adrlce Is free
and always helpful i: '; v-j s ,
nado from Katire Xtoots and Xlerbs, compiles with all oondt
tlons of the new Iure Food and lrar
Monthjy Dinner Attended, by ft
' Large Number of Repre
- sentative Citizens.1 , !
cirls of oregon trip
Are cuests.of honor
Cooperation With the Interior Coun
try to develop XAtent fieaoarces
Hecelves , . Hearty Commendation
' From Bpeaken and Ueairera.
I a food propoiltlon, or makes nw Be
qualntanee and it leada to aueceea for
somebody. It belpe the whole city. But
the beat of It alL the baete ef life. Is
1 friendship, the love of man for his, fel
low man.',' . A poem. "When a band falls
on tny shoulder In irUndly sort of
way," ., as recited, by Mr. Warren,
brought down the bouse, ,
view of
eommereisl agent. tandling,the .traffic
that comes in from the sea, and .the
traffld that comes down the rivers to
meet It-,. , ... .,v-, y
ions Trom the rum. .:
..J., Tborburn Ross -spoke of the' sons
who come from the farm, drawn by the
lurs of the dir. which In this wav-ee-
10,000. Belllngham with J8.000. Walla I cares for the city the successful busi-
Walla with JMOO, Bpokans with 10,000,1 nss man. the able layyer. the banker
each city with Its strong claims upon I and . otner workers in the , lire or tne
the country. ,-. ; . , ; ; ; I metropolis. There, is .not a county- m
la New TOrK State there is one greet I me state out tnat mi , conmnutea
city. New Tork. with 1.460.000. its near-1 some of the best of . Its brain and cone
two chief cities. San rrancisco ' with
160,000 and Los Angeles with JOO.000.
In Washington. iJ.000 Square mile
and 100,000 people are tributary Hot to
one oity In particular, but to several
large cities,' Including Tacoma with tOr
evd-Beatue witn joo.voo, sverett wun
meeting of the city . council Monday
night the Paclflo Traction, company of
Taeoma, through Its representative.. B. J.
Felt, asked for a, franchise to construct
Its Jnterurben railway over he street!
ef Olymola. The llfe.ef the franchise
is . contingent upon the comoanVa eon-
Istruotlng end having In operation with-
. . ... . I ' L K I lit t - aWe r . ' mm . . mm 1 DAtWASTI fhlsl t mmWkA fmt mams fi la
.vti , jessta , siuviuau At jai
announced that, the new line will enter
er Balljnger, Director Newell
and Forester Pinchot
the City on Bast fourth street, running
west, on that street to Wain street enfl
continuing south, on. that street to the
City . limits. Permission Is also-asked
to build end operate tracks .oa Sixth
street and Third .street,. Jbut.' failure to
do ao wtfl hot work a forfeiture of ins
franchise,' 't :. '...'- i:-
win, buy teen'a suite, mede to
eell at til end IJ0. at the Chlcaro
Clothing Co., -71 .Third street.
, Idaho Druggists' Officers.
' s. (llpeelal tUplca te Ts Joarul.) .
. Boise, Idaho, May 1. The pharma
ctsts. of, Idaho, .in Session , here, have
elected the . following officers: Presi
dent, R. W. Smith. Mountain Home; so
retary, jr. B, JLStiraer, Boise; treasurer.
.Metsger flts your eyes for 11. .141
WsshJngton street, ',. corner , Seventh,
formerly at lit Sixth street, '.
est competitor being Rochester . with
1(3,000. In. , Illinois there Is Chicago,
without m rival, Peoria being .the near
est .city hi the stete,.. ':;." .s,,-
36rttaad Xaa Vo SUvaX
to the city. We here should there
fore be pace-maker. ,-. A . , f- .,
we ahould at all times do all . we can
do, and be glad to do it, said Mr. Roes.
for the whole, state, holding out to the
pn,(,..,i .vTTi- tmrM u in th.i world, at large Its splendid resources
PorUsnd is the only large city in thai dvior,mnt. we
Oregon country. . It is without, a rival.
Its. future la absolutely assured aa the
metropolis of the Pacific coast, and this
destiny we. most carry oat, , said the
speaker, Qood will Is a great asset, we
must have aU the Interior country feel
ing well disposed toward Portland, and
ever ready, to say a good Word for Us
people. , Te secure this wa must help
the interior to get open rivers, Irriga
tion and . other thing!." , , ,
In every , Speech made . there was a
true ring of sympathy and cooperation
with the Country. Every, phase of -cooperation
was 'touched upon, and in a
tone that was exceedingly effective.. It
and assisting In their development. We
have a, further duty. In developing all
that makes for higher education, for
letters, . and . art. to , build, up here an
aesthetic center as well aa a commer
cial center. - If the people of Portland
do these things they are entitled to the
support of all men In. the counties of
ail the state. 7;v!.:;;:; v
Bank Booms the State. '
Brief 1 remarks complimentary - of
Portland were ; made by George M.
Powles Of Detroit end Mr. Judson, a
Chicago publisher. R. M. Ball spoke
of the Importance and character of ad
vertising the city and state In the east
was abcarent that a larva number of I end elaswhera, He referred to an ad-1
thi nn breannt ra Brfinaii- twa I vertisement sent by him for a Portland
from the country towns and rural die-1 hank, to an eastern magaslna; the pub
trictS. .,.. , .. v.v , A lishef of which wrote back that the ad-
Colonel Miller, who was k ftrodue of vertlsement was an advertleement for
lhs old tnlnin town of Japfcsonirilla. I Oregon Instead of for the bank. The
tWaahlartos Botms tt Tk
' Washington, D. C, May IJ. Becretary
lamee R. Garfield of the department of
th Interior. Commissioner R. A. Bellin
ger of the general land office, Director
Glf ford - Pinchot . of the . f oreet serv-
ive, and Director . Frederick - A. New
ell of , the reclamation . service, will
be In the BUtee west from the Missis
sippi river auring most ox tne summer.
They . want to have some ."heart to
heart" talks with hoi bollol, and are
going Out where the people live to see
them and do two things: Listen to
complaints against the . administration
of their respective offices, and In turn
explain aome of. their policies wKlch
they believe have, been misunderstood.
.June H, according to the present pro
gram iney wm De u Denver to attend
the annual meeting of the National
Livestock association. , ,
, . Secretary James Wilson of the de
partment of agriculture also expects
to maxe, a tour , or tne west, although
it is not unaerstooa tnat .na, wm join
the other named officials In as wide a
circle of Journeying. - , ? i .
' Prpm. Denver the btembor of the
party will go to different places, some
to Montana, some te Wyoming, some to
laaho, Washington and Oregon. , -
, . "Portland and Its Relation . to . the
Paclflo Northwest" wss ths question at
the Commercial club's monthly dinner
last evening, and the answer waa: fCo-
-. operation." Eighteen counties in ths
tats were represented at the dinner by
a young and pretty woman, forming
party organised by the publisher of the
Paclflo northwest to attend the James
town exposition. The attendance . of
club members at the .dinner' broke the
record.' .., , " v .y.
"No church Is better than its mem.
tersblp, and no city or etate js stronger
than its cltlsens. We must be pro-
Kresslve If wa ' exnect- to : tilace . Port
land where It belongs aa the leadlnl
city or tne Facmo coast," said Toast'
. master George W. BUpleton, sounding
the keynote of the evening.. '?. lie com
plimented Philip S. Bates end the Ore
gon girls who are accompanying him
to JJameatown. , Mr. Bates . briefly told
of the program and. Itinerary, and , the
cood advertising that the party expect
o ao for Oregon on the trip.;,
Zmpresaed by tolgatloa,
T.SW. B. London, In aa after-dinner
talk, referred to the recent trip of Port
land businesa men. to eastern i Oregon
and Idaho in terms of strong Indorse
ment He said the thing that Impressed
aidered the possibilities of irrigation he I - CulMvatlnt Outside JTrtenAalira;
was fully convinced .that ; Portland1 isl rWallls Nash., president of the Port
coaat This city has no rival lh the tests in the spirit exercised toward the ei; b.y et r,ht f WT, already
Ofegon cmntry.-!.-i,-. ;- . .sv t" i. country at large, y Be thought Portland tobl,a. of all climes and temperaments awured aa far as ths Nlequelly river.
n' uaiirornia tne neia js aivided hviwas too dominant. . "we ara too ht-aud i ,iiuis uo u i nra
- I . . . . . i - 1 Tr. . I ,L .w-IVMm ttm . A i
or, the city, to Judge It correctly, from lii ti J 1 ' iTv. Z ri T i..rjoan
tne view oi -as others see. Us." A big Ir'.rv.T V1m 1 lw.u vr ,nT .. . Hti
nuiiit.i.i. ui . il. L...!.. inw moes inat ai last atonned company wiii oa oneratina cars to
ling landscape cannot be Joocad eietly ! h,n.!',ind. ? be"erSualntHlek!y.
aald the city is made up of boys and
girls from the Country. He said, there
are high ideals beyond daily business
and the dollar. ;Tha duty of Portland
business men Is to develop all the good
aides of Ufa. , . . ,:.
Referring to . ths , BhrtnerS who re-
reply Was that thla waa what the bank
had intended.-
C. W. Hodeon referred to the modeaty
of Portland people aa being because
of . the, fact i that we have the best on
earth here -in Oregon and do not have
I to boast of It - He commended the Com-
Albihai Leading Dcpartmcht: Stdrd
f !i't.':ei'?ie's.V It J' Till":-1 '
iiiauayci hiatus oiuys me lUYJni .
Goods Removed to Corner Third and Oak Sis.
Fniiiniliflr rnn I vp0w .,. o. auunai sang, wnera tney win oe aisposed of at once fn 1 ,
HANlin lot r On f II .KSS' ?ITI!;ES SLAyGHTER 111 . -
pacific TitACTipB iiHE BanlTOpt Sale Ki
J r
m . sr
fiimn Imm T. inhi.i vi. r.tifn'mi. I merclel club's policy of getting togeth-
Colonel Miller said , they, without, ex- ' r"Tstrda 4W" Jh,.';,n w,ter
Option, deolared that they Uked Oregon I !ntkw1;th, ciu1 wlle.n l men'."f
more than, California and Portland more
than Los AnKeles. He thouaht this iiad
sn . immense meanlht for the people of
iw vregon country.
Plant for Extension Fn)m Ameri
can Lake to Capital and oh
Thele 2cll-fi0wri gpetlal rfterthantf have aecured a temporary lease on the oGarters on
net of Third and Oak streets, moved the Vast 925.000. stock frm aim. a di.. n
tinue through this week the moat REMARKABLE Attn ritmsattdmst
fourth of a membership of over l.OOt,
sat down to- lunch together," he said. I , , ffipedai Dispateh ts The JoeraaU
, v: Bast Method of Progress. I TacOraa. Wasit, May 13. Manager E. I
;C B. Jackson , sboke of the progress I J- Felt of . the (. Paclflo Traction com-1
of. the country, since he bought shoe panya lines, which on .Monday .night
pegs tor his father, down in Virginia at JfHed application for a franchise to get
IS .cents per ; bushel, r We make the Into and out of Olympla, aald today that
the northeast cor-
ito no r C" nt t? td a T ,wtn
CHANDISfi ever Inaugurated for a brief oeriod In Portlands hlatnrv. TKfw k tl,A.,.. i n...
wftf nMlrf TnIVtvTen'id?,rtment J0'' THE EMPORIUM, to be eold In a few
days at ONE THIRD ACTUAL VALUE! . Whatever von have (a hnv frm m a,.i
week, it wiU Pky ypti well; fdf 0tt sate two thirds of the price to come to Third end Oak streets to Mrcsiv
Hints of .the bargains! ., ;yxq Lv,, ;V:, '- '-
excepting, at a .distance. . Let us. en
deavor to keep In mind the view from I
th outside.. ,vV
egress from that oity to the south.
oiympia. Wash, .May.. il.Ut
' Just think of it, three
'fourtfif-or one's life is
spent ih shoes;.
iHere is ; the , lightest,
most: comfortable sum
mershde that yoiit feet
ever lived in: v."
, The' patent leather
and russet calf are also all the hew lasts.
$2.D0 to $5.00.
en' and Boye Outfitter!.
1C3 and, 1X3 Third St.
' Ilchawk Building. . '
ed . Intellectually, after which the t na-1 according to present , plans, ..Mr. , Felt
tion began broadening " out and has intimates that the company . will . make
reached . Its toreaent atara nf Aavalnn. I extensions aonth from nivmnl. tn
ut vinui.. .L.rf, . i ' . i . i... ,
,fPor some eat-a th eltv waa .feat n lttenV2 "aW tna lesson Is that we tms ena the, franchise aeoured .there
very close and friendly terms with the ' ?ia ?.ur rawi
Surrounding territory., , ti, tecent years vS1!; M
th business meh her have- adontedh:0? H"inr countlng for the fact
another course. ktA art mih ivatinft 1 ln1 waanington naa gained 00,000
"iend'shfpTt Siant'0 Vl"-?
must be done by giving asslstanc and "i? !.lanA.?ra.n! rllr. 'or
gettinf acauajstpd. , We must- develop 17." ,nan-f'2
Oregon to make aolld progress tor Port-li - lt0Iso,n ln'. wnlle re'on T
land " prwr xur eon i beefl cursed with land grant railroad
iv, aaoassty or Portlanders. ' immense expanses of lands from the
Fred H. Warren of Detroit. Michigan. I market and failed to deveW tranannk.
rBiuiauiK ' ounnw, waaa one ox me i union lacuities.
most eifecUve talks of the bvenlns.
He has spent a week In Portland. He
said It la the finest city be ever saw,
excepting one. the queen city of the
straits. The only modest people I
have met on this coast have been resi
dents of Portland," he said, 'Instead
of clalmlnjf 200,000 people right off the
reel, they are uncertain about the popti-
'la Los Angeles they don't , teach the
Ooffet Belnjr Beplaesd by rewram ebt
, , r-r' v f ooiiee,
' " am the wife of minister. About I
tnree years ago warn mend: an ax-
emplary mother, and the. conscientious
CsTO AAtt4.:.f,,-if ;
Women's $ Suits for..";;
Women' IJt.OO Butts for. ...$8.88
Women' 125.00 Suits for..tl0.40
I women s a.u buub lor. .six.ov
Women's ItO.OO Suits forT.f 14.50
Women' llOQ heavy black V ;
satinS PettlooaU .. , .Sll.ll A
Woman's , 15.00 Walking ""T'S
fikirta ? ....I. ..i.stl.AK
Women' T.0e Walklnf i -T - -
Women; $4.00 ; Walking i i i I
Skirts. ; .fiSet and f)1.4K
Women's I and 1X0 Coats.. iB.iK
Women's til CravenetteS... ,85.88
Women' 120 Crayenetteft, . .88.88 .
Women's $2S ,Cravenettes..$ 2.0.70 .
Woatek's Deiaty 8Mrt waists.
Hahdsome Colored Walatsi 'i'--'-rtS
regular $ 1 00 value : I , ; ; ; 6Bei
-oiacK ana . iwicj Dtiuu
Toml Richardson concluded the pro- ?i tt.lier' "kA
gram with an eloquent an-forceful wJIs Anf.I , Vl
epeedh In favor of optimism. - P"t?V Food Coffee. I had; been, tell-
favor of optimism.
g ner or my excessive nervousness
and 111 health. She eaid: W drink
nothing else for breakfast bat Postum,
and it is a delight and comfort to havs
something that we do not have to re
fuse the children when they ask for It
'T. was surprised that she would per-
Walstsi values, . . .38
iklhty 11.50 Whit waJt..,.8&v
tetty It.S Whit Waists.. 8 1.14 '
rwlnrvilU. n.. rw 99 Tm,mrmMm 1 1 thlt tha children ta Artnlr vn fhi trA
kidft tr, arvapA;and-inammA,' but I her ron v"nont to QMtovbi for thai coffee, but ht expUinxt that It was it
trail, tbem U ny vomethlni about Loi I annual SMBloft of the cenerat aynod of m?8t healthful berarajra and that-tht
a - wn . m .1.11 1 thai RArnvmail litaahwAwlaM : l..-.w 1 C nil SI re n tnnvd tn It A. vsheea TI1a
AnsiBiHB. vnrw main ' wiiman suin rnua i vv, , , vi.uiu uun:u in . wm - m. . a w iil ue
to. Portland ahould.. be, rooter . from I North Americai ,whlch wilt be opened I thought, oonvtaeed ; me that for, .brain
January 1 . to December . tL Th be- hl evenlnt with a aermcwBjby the re- rork ion? "hould, hav. food, and the
than all other forces for the unbuilding I fcolce,JX tv of Philadelphia. . The ses-l ' "My first trial ofvPostura wa a.taht
ot, Detroit Where men .get together I "ton of the general ynodfwill oontlnuel urew The mald-of-all-work brought It
ana tnnni. .liu... ... -AMlilMut a week., with ineetlntta ,k. I to tne table luke-warm.'weaa- anH eitn.
is done to develoo - the commercial life I Women Missionary boclety and th I (Tether lacking in character. .TVe were
of a city than ail other influence. . ' J Toung People's union. . A professor to f ln apalr, but rfeclded on one more
Xda have got to do aomethln) else nape vacancy hi rne tneoiogjci semi,
besides work. -The coming of thi set nary ? will likely bei elected -and other
miuiri iw. iiucrcsi io me cnurcn
will be considered,
Pretty $8.68 Whit Waist., ft 1.32
Black Petticoats, 78 f and 81.65
ruues, rjunrz ajtd ;
' B01CE8TZ08,
fo id lie Outing Flannel it, v - K
per yard., ......... ,4M. JM
tOo Kimono Plantiel, yard. ... .19
:5c Plaid Batiste, yard....;:i2tt2
4 on Mercerised.' ner yard. . . ..22 .
!im c Sllkbllhe, per yard ..:.:;.hT
11.50 Blanket at. each... AOi Bed Spreads,. colored. ea.ONe)
!1.00 Fascinatorsj each v. 33rf . '
1J0 Clowns at. each....C..,J..59i ;
660 Odwn at, iach J,.i.S5J
25d Aprons at, each. . ...... 1 . . 1R4 '
! ot men to the Portland Commercial elub
every day to lunch does more "for thjs
town than anything else. If a man has
v t
i 1
Succeed the first tlma uit H.rMna in.1
you will get Instant relief. The great.
,. uw rcauiaior. r A noaitiva oiira.
chills and all liver xomplainte. 5 Mr. C
ef Emory, Texas, writes: "My wife has
been using. Herbina , fop haraaif ,
I children for five veata.,, It .ia .,.ra
Cure for COhstinatlhn anA- hialarla
ver, nreo is suoatantiated by what It
has. done for my family." Sold by ail
'' . r Omato Got HI Plebty.
:' Tacoma, Wash, Stay j!.In theltrlai
of M. Moriyasu and T. Kakamurd. the
two Japanese who Killed H. Omato, an
other Japanese, .And , an alleged . eitor
tloner, several rnontha f ago, - Coroner
trial. At the second trial we faithfully
loiioweci ine airecuons, used rour tea
snoonfuls to the olnt of witer. let it
boil full. 11 minutes after the reai boil
ing began, and served It with rich
cream. It was delicious and. wa, were
all won..j -
"1 hav since tuny th . praise bf
Postum Food Coffee on many, many oc
casions and have induced numbers ot
friends to abandon, coffee and us Pos
tum, .wun . remarkable result. Th
Stewart j testified; that th dead , man jrife of a college professor said to me
was shot four, times In th back, and
any one or the wounds would have
proved faUL The Japanese of the city
have employed the best counsel, and
will make a desperate fight to save th
Uvss of the two men. ' . ,- ,
Short tlma aea .that nothlnv haj
proauceo so marxea a Chang In her
husband's health a th leering off of
conee ana tne use or Postum in its
place." ..'There's . a ..Reason.", ... JRead
T&e Road to Well villa," in packages.
suvs AJm soTB'nraurzsx.
Boys Suspender. . j . . . . , . V . Set
Men' 6Qq Neckweer, ...... ..12He
Men oo auapenaers . ..,,,, isa
loo HanaKercmers,,., , ,
il.Ze aten'a 'Sweater
11.00 Boys' Sweaters ......,..43
76o uoys- aweatera i,83
Men's $19 Underwear ...r..35i
Men' 1.25. Underwear ....,',,49i
; orr warn avs xm
H-$i?r-rsti. PAjrra. nh--
't'x 8 to 18 Ta 8ohooI 8nit.
t M0 Suits far 4,.... r , , . 8 1.1 S
!. Butts for ... ..81.48
ttoe. Suits tor ,........,..$1.95
, 15.00 feults tor .:;.,,,;;,w.l2.45
k.oo suit for w......,;;
' .0O and II ISUlt fory;;,.$3.65
10 Pant i,, ,y(.'-.vid)
.. 82.20
Ladies' 6 and 1100 Shoes. .1
Ladles 14 and 11.60 Shoe.
Udies IS and .50 Bhoee.. 81.65
Ladies' 12.50 and II Shoes, f 1.15
' Corsets. It.SO vaJna. for . .1 . S11 19
Corsets; ji.00 veiue, for ... . ,.35
unuaren- stocking, 35a values .
icr. ...,.,, ... .10)
underwear, 11.50 values, for.5'
Underwear, 1.00 values, for... 49i
Flannelette Gown, 11.60 values,
tor .. '','.,;,,,', ... ,(j , . , , , ,59) ."
Bartdbag. 66o value!, for..: ' Ifil
Handbags, 11.00 values, for,.. 63e) 'I
.ui.iuo, ?UU(I tor .. ,..ltfCt .
500 Hat pins for ;v,.:..i5
r 160 Supporter for ... i 15)
.; .' r laO101a)ia1UaW.
10 Nalnaeok Krabroidery. - -
yard i ..,. . .104
7I60 Nainsook Embroidery,.
pof yard , , . ,t i-, . ,-,,, T)
.15o t-inch wide Nainsook Km-
broidery, per. yard .j.v. TH)
, 10c , 2-inch wide .Nainsook Em
;i,broldery, per. yard .... .57
? 5 lo ...i-lhch wide) , Nainsook Era T s
, it. broidery, per yard. o .-.4ev
Extra - wide, lSo Nainsook Em-.
AC broidery, per, yard Y. , ..:; .f He)
1 mzssoirM aits wo Kxnroav"
All fillk ,.Taf f etA .ilibbon;.; ' Inche
' j Wide, Worth 40o yard, for. ..lRst
'AH 811k and SaOnTItlbbon. Worth'
60, yaroV; inches wide, for.12
Silk and Satin Ribbon. 1)4 inche'
j wlde,:46ovyalue,.fori., 'n.TH
1-inch Ribbon,; worth, id yard, v .
lr Jrn ............... i .. ,
Baby Illbhon. worth to yard, - : ,
ladle' Silk, and Kid Belts,; worth
:"" 60c, for . ...'. .'.21)
Ladies' Lace and Embroidery .Col- I
i lars,, worth S66, for.;,.i..r.,".Te)
Ladles' Back nd -Side Comb, -
Worth to. to tl.60.-ior . v .ASA
Children's, Buster, Brown Belts, ail
coiorsk worm fio, lor...,,.tlOf
alOV-a SLAS ',.'
Boys' IJ.60 and $2.00 Shoes.fttllR
Boys' 13.25 and U.59. Shoes, 81.65
iiEN"is ; cLbi'iiiN i Suiri, .'tocbATS,! hats xiId shoes at less than MAKiky Prices,
Cmta Cas cad Oak trc;ts
The Sbafcp-VtJtticr Co., Mnrs. Sdstpsciila and Vrsrpcrfi Vtstt J