THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, WAY . 22, 1C07. 13 San Francisco Office Orenon Journal 789Markct,St,bct.3d6'4tii AJtTTTTtrwtBtm AsTT " uxr- , Oregonlane when In Ban Franeleeo can hayo their mall gent In enro pt Tb Journal fflco. '''( . ARTHUR lVVISH, lUprtMntaUy, KEWTOPAr. ?'!M. V; McKenna Junction . The Tunnal Townnlta sV Improvement Co. will of far for gale for a ahort tima .a limited numbtr of lota at McKermn Junction. - ' , e : "-. . ' McKenna Junction la looata on tha Columbia Boulevard, at tha crossing on : 'tha main lino or the O. K. rt. iron , tha aaat with tha main Una of tha Har- rlman aratam to Puget aouna. . All raal estate values ara baaed on ona condition: Where clvlllned people congregate land valuea increase in pro- . portion. . -,. i , ; Manhattan Island once aold for about 114; now It la worm mora or many mil lions of dollar tha tha whola country ; waa then. ; . ,J -; ,V . Seal estate Investments, than, for profit, reaolve thamaalvaa Into thla ona principle: Bur whara a atad growth . of popula.ion l aaanrea. - Ordera have been giyan for assem bling; of crew on the Peninsula, and wor& la to be commenced very eoon on the approachea to the tunnel, tha lay ing of tracka for tha Swift Packing; Co. - plant, and tna completion ox me Troutdale una.. n . , .. .; .f.,; Other "great Industries art planned for McKenna junction. . Now la tha tima to buy, barer prloea -a advanoed, j ..?. V. For plata and prloea call dress a or ad Y. II. Grindstoff OFFICES Ooddard Station,- on " Bt John's carllna, $18 Commerolal block. -Fnone Main 1001. - -, You Can Never 'Equal This ' Swell . 8-roora residence, finished in elegant style, modern conven iences, full concrete basement, quarter block, corner on East Morrison street Nice barn, just the place for an automobile or horse and carriage, poultry yard. Very " choicest c fruit, berries, shrubbery Ground is , t WOrtn $1,500. Improvements COtlia not be duplicated for less than $4,000. Prirt onrv S3.OOO. S800 down. - m J ' . 'i Balance easy. payments. ,t ; , SN g -. . - lidyt First Street , - Acreage "N,' I 11 APRIT:. tlNI SOIL. NEARL.T I ALL, BOTTOM LAND, ALL IN CULTI- viirtmt;, tin : wTTTT .TlTwTljH BnMK BBARINO FRUIT TREKS, FRONTS ON FIND COUNTT ROAD; So FARK TO CITT; WILL TRADE! FOR CITX PROFSBTT. ' ' .j. 4..... ! " . llcnkle & Harrison I1T AXTJTCrTOaff BXJXt. E8C0: 1IH nore. fmlt Unw 1 miles xrom Tho Dailag; I swirag la grapes; 4 susres will . yield crop ' mil year; g aoren in !-rerld , paaoneg. apricots aaa au- monda; SVb aorea cleared ready to culti vate. - Mnnt m bold imrnodigtoir, , J. A. Douthit baxxzsv omaooiT. Piedmont Paraciisbl v Tha Ideal residence gpot of tha penin gula. , In reality the paradise of Port-1 land. WI Barn several "UP 10 BOW" I trtctly modern homes, with gag, leo J art- ni-hr n,rn. f,nn 4.0 . 1 - " -I xrom f 3,7UV'f o,ouu. . t , - LIND&CO. , moox sat &inox sxcxeuriu. Ashbrook ; Where Is It? Let us show you beau tiful tract near city limits .crossed by! electric Car Line Good noil, running water, timber, school. I vhurch, grange, telephone, rural free' pipiivciy. juuue Kiun; every day. Terms Very Ann fo homo builders.' J4 - Investment Co. . E, QUACKENBUSH. Prenident. , MAU B71. 144 Stark It. 'Z0 Acres $1500 All level Und and the beet soli; stakes M-t for elcctrlo line past the place; dla i inee from courthouse about tha nam . st Jttlinar When wildcat lota are m 1 ling Uit" half their preeent price, thin j.uid will be making yuuia.oney. 9t9 i - -Tcr, lea siitortoB ifl KEW TODAY. Some : Good Investments for Immediate Buyers 80x100 on 1st st. with frame building, paying; at present time I per cent on investment. A;.' ? ,,.'-v i'i 48x100 on ith at near Taylor, with dwelling on it; t4 location for nice I. ; '? i ' t. 94,000 )M Wfi An I -room house, with basement bath and , modern Improvements, , 10x100, at 470 East nth at, bevcarotnerg wia -vlalon ata.' Will rent for $3S per month. Terms, tMSO cash, balance on ua ''-'".'''',p:;ft..-r'V : 321,000 ' A splendid corner 100x100 on North Kth st to buyer that will put IM0O mora la a frame building, aa tenant reaay to take it at 1160 par month TtieiTitle Guarantee AT 240 WASHINGTON ST. CORNER OF SECOND ; . Tor term of rears the well known Summer Resort 0 r-A:;AT..:-;;,i.-,:v:i.J;. SEAL ROCK: Taqulna Bay,' Oregon, Inquire of 1 WILLIAM O BECK Vv- Sit ft railing- Bid. BUY NOW Owner wanta ta gall nice home of f rooms; One plumbing; aaat front . - t non wooszawsr ssa, i' :.L; SNAP! 40 acrea on " Section .Lino road near city, on proposed ' Mt. - Hood car Una, Only f 250 pr acre. All in cultivatloa rxzs ac rntovo, a stajuc st. Income $100 Per Month f 12,500 Buys fuQ lot building of xv rooms, in nne condition,! location getting hotter every day, west aide north. Income and investment com bined. ; v ;v ;-r " r. r. oomrrov, 100 abzhotov budci. WEATHER REPORT. The Arisons dlarurbanee hat moved north ward to Nevada. It haa eauaed light showers I a. lk.iiw fiiace jb n mum, him luh a v. I fornls, southweitern Oregon, snd southwestern tb Dtkout, Nebrtuka. Minnesota, Iowa snd 7. ! r". yesterdsy over Wtske re- gioa is aiminianmg in i energy and moving slow ly soutDeaRtward. lair weather continue la th Atlantic states, snd light froeta were re ported sgaln thla morning in northern New England, western New York, western Penn. sylvanla and West' Virginia. The temperature was slae dangeroaaly near the frost mark la the eastern portloa of the North Pacific state. The Indications srs for partly cloud r weather in this district, with possibly showers eaat of the. Cascsds mountain tonight or Thursday. It will be warmer tonight la eastern Oregon,' eastern Wsshlngtog and Idaho. y ; . , , . lemp.- l r ?' stag. . . alia, rrecip. I Boston, aiaaaacnuaeits ..... .oe 'i 1 Chicago, llllnola 64 4 Cincinnati. Ohio . 44 Denver. Colorado ...........84 .54 04 68 88 42 8 48 60 62 , 60 82 62 , .. ,iu , AMrelM. Call for a T2 g-fJMS. Louui." "m New York, New York 68 Omaha, ebrsskv-4,.......,TO . lT i z. . w--,www.w--- St Louis, MliNjourl .....I...84 St. PsuL MlnnesoU .......62 Bait Lake, Utah .......... .78 Saa Francisce, California ..80 (; i ins ttivcvn. .;-.'-. The river will reach a atace of IT.O feet Thuraday afternoon, 17.8 feet Friday; 1S.0 feet naiuraay, ana it win come te a temporary stand Duuuay at a eiage oetween m.o and 18 6 feeL MARRIAGE LICENSES. . Tlncent Cook. 428 Fifth at. 21 1 Marrha rBoy Burt, 872 Grand avenue, 84; Bertha B I flwun, AO, Oscir K. Laeaard. 'an. m.. - 4 .JJ-h." t,. . w...:' ln Bemhou. 18. B. O. Ooodwln. Ttmha ' Or '. S4. ru.ra' Wl 3 Wedding Cards.- W. O. Smith Ol. w..k. tegtoa bldg, corner Fourth and Washington et. An kinds ef plants for sals at 418 aneoavee I sve.p price reaaonaoie- fhone Cast 8870, , Tonssth A Coa flortata. for flower me .n ainoa. - us nuta et. . t - . MHtrm m. al 1.1. PI 1 . assigns.:. . zw sierrisoa St. ... ..',. Full dress salts for rent. D sua. Unique Tallorlag Co, 08 Stork at WEDDING INVITATIONS Leteet and best; 88 ! - per 100. A. A Hawk Ce.r 146H Third et. BIRTHS wIIJION Mey IS, to Mr. snd Mrs. Albert Eu- - gene Wilson, stwvi necona street, a son. MKRANDA May 81, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy B. ; Mersnda. Eaat Burnslde and Cherry street, s son BtTTTEBWOBTH May 14; to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas Butterwnrth, a daughter. ' Mt RHAT May 21, to Mr. and Mr. Theodore Murray. Fosell,' Or., a oanghter. - ; BOHWENDT May 17. to Mr. and Mr. Jobs Bchwendt. 424 Sacramento street, a son. DEATHS 1 BOBINSON May IS, Barry Bohlnaon. aged 88 years, at Frlts's ssiooni concnasioa ,oi pram .from fall.' . ORMSRY Mar IB. John . Ormtby. aged 41 years, st Mt. labor ssnitanum; scats sico- hnlism. CLAKK May 20, Mrs. Sarah J. Clark, aged 74 years, z montns, iv oaya, noa iteimont at.! cancer of stomach. DEEDS May 21. Harriett Deeds, v aged 24 years. montna, 21 oays,:, u Diversity rarg; rerrhro snlnal menlnaitia. GBAVE8 May 18. John W. Graves, aged 84 yeare, 10 months, days, SOT Brown St. ; nMmitiir. nllltv. 1 ' '.'.' ' WOLF May 20, Mrs. , Minnie Msry Wolf, sged ft i i m, . m."mi,,. ,. , w reiuiwuia svenue; ulcer oi stomaca. CEMETERIES. BITEB VIEW Single graves, 810: family lots. - slse lOtlS, for 100 and upward, according ' to slse; the only cemetery ln Portland which perpetuallr maintains snd - csres for lots. For full Information, apply to W. R. Mac kentle. Worcester block, city. W, M. Ladd, president. '. ."..."..:.,. BORB CITT niorl grsvM. 10; family lots, , (?S ts f5. Soperintesdent at cemetery, est ' ner ef Fremont st. and Colly road. Phone Tabor 208. ' For ftll Information applr te , f'-Hlegtl, coa Commercial blk. Fhoae Undertakers. Dona tec. McEote ODbanirk, aadrtk nil rmtMlmrn; niw1er in emy 1ctt1U BvTeet nd Pine. Unla eitO. Udj aulalmt. . Rrkkaoa CndortaklDg Co., and mbalmlns. Aldar at. Poose Hals gl3S. Lady aaalataot. J. p. rinlrr A Bona. Third aad Mcttnoa tts. Office of count coroner. Pbone Uata gallrr-Brnwe Op. m. Xlt Ru.Mll. I I fniwrat dlrartora, aiabala Cast I08S. Laily aaafatant. A', g. Rematoek. fnneral director, i Eaat 13th and Umatilla. Phooe Sellwood II, Ladr aaaUtaat. Edward Holmaa, aadartaker, X20 Tblrd a. : REAL ' ESTATE . TRANSFERS. I, W. Smith et al.,' to Kngenla T. Alrhet, lot and , block a, HolUOijr rare addmon ............................ S.S00 Nellie ' M. Parmentar ' ' to Michael J. Kyaa, lota S3. 28, 29. II M and 88, block a, Smlthaoa Land Company's addltioa ........i. 1,000 Herbert and Henrietta Gordon to Jamea at. Cramer, eaat 40 (eat ot lots T and ; 8. block 22. Oitr 10 Columbia Ck-metary aaaodatloa to Daniel Drew, southeast ot block 63, salo' cemetery 40 Bngh t. and Mtnle Krleger to Hattle M. nice, eaat 10 feet ot waat M feet of lot It, block g, Wllllama avenue ad dltioa .........4. ;... ', Elchard and M. B. Clinton to Bts A.-' Oaborn, north H of west W et block . A Mlatletoe addition ITS Portland Realty A Trustee eompany te a. i.inairjr, iou J sod so, block s, ' Vrneat J.' Cowliahaw to '. Potter Kel - ley, lot 14, block R2S, Balah'a addition. . J. and L. W. Hrland to J. A. Pa. ; rent!, eaat SS feet eC lot a, block J48, City ..; 8.000 Delia Johaatoa Moor . aad Edward J. Moore to Martin Olaoa, lot 8, block 18, Klnael Park 810 . c. and Edits B. alorrla to Andrew- . O. Smith, north ot eaat of south- . weat of eouthweat Si or aectloa 82, townahlo 1 north, ranee 1 eaat T.000 Lone fir Cemetery company to Bamnel . - currord, norui , H- of lot 28, block XS. aald cemetery Sara E. O. Kelley et al., to. William Ballla et aL, lot 14, block 823, Batch's addition e.800 ulla K. Strlne et al to William Ballla et aL. lot 14 block S28 Batch's ad dition ...... ...... MB Walter and Stella' Johnson to William Hot, lot 14. block 17. Osek's addltioa to Alblna J.0S8 Minnie and Jamas O. Gilliam to fames W. and Alice M. Webb, lots 4 and 8. block L Rleerrlaw addition 800 'BOO Kate Taa Winkle to Mary B. McOqlre. lot 80. block 12. Trtmont PUee Lacy Dougherty ts E. JU Barton, west 44 of lot 6, block 10X Oty . ,S50 Portlau Treat Company to amts Hen- slstBSbH Uvs A kLar O rmo'm .fJJtl4M U 850I mvm n say, " V. WV St. 4B swaaa, SMWHavei Helens aad Edward Doerlng to Malll urocaa, lot I, block a, Uraetisag ao altloa ,rf , Q. snd Lsurs M. Osmmans to Ole Brsndset. lots 14. IB. la. 17 and is. block A Bvelvn .'. - 100 ganayalds Land A Improvement eompany NUB. Volhelm. lota T and 14 blncK iih Dnnajiiuf ',.',.,.. ....... , ' vie Beal Eatats Inveatmest assodatloa to William C. Taa Olaha. lot 15. block 8. BeUwood . 178 Bslea E. Furtfe et aL to Slglimund snd Augusta H. Forth. 1 a era In aecnoa IS. towaahln 1 south, nun 1 eaat..... 1.000 veraing rarreii to Joremlna Collier . '. et ai.. lot 10, block A Davenport ' tract i... ' 11500 Mary O. Hegardt et at to L. B. Mea- efee, I1.P8 scree eommendng st a ' polat a TH chains north of southwest " .' corner of section SO. towaahln 1 north. range "... leooo . ana e. naras to w. si. uonn- j beck, commencing at point la H sec- tioa line 838 feet south of U section ; shla 1 south, range A la center of Johnson creek ..............,.....;... . 4,800 W. and Hattle n Jmtimmr in JnHna and Nora Dubois, Jot 8, block 1; lett-, ' 3. 4. 6. 8 and T. ilock 8. Avaloa WJ J. W. and Hattis B. Latimer to lot end ' ' Sapnora Vincent.', lot - 8. -block 8. V,' A vslon ... ............... . 10 428 850 Arleta Land company te Alfred Cerlaon, mi a. Diock a, a.rita ran mtrhm.. Frank Schlegel, trustee, io' Mary E. enure, loia e ana I, Anne Marie park. . .. v. sna Bteua u. McNalr to o. Myers, lot 1A block X Woodmere ran ................................ Portland Trust Company of Oregon to Harley J, Armatrong, lots 8 and 4, ' block 41, Carter's addltioa ............ 80 10 For a Detract, title tn an ranee or saortgag mans, cau on racine iius a) irsst company, w-o--,. sailing niog.,-ft .-.v,..; v X" ' Get rear' nanrsuce and abstrsets te real estate from th Title Guarantee A Trust eon. pear, gw Washington st, corner geeond. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION i NEIGHBOR Something Dolnf 107. TO-NIGHT ! BETTER COME CAMP 41 ;. MEET Ml, NEIGHBOR, t Tomorrow Nlgbt, . And Every Thursday Night, , la Our New Temple, ; ; 128 11th St. , I. W." A. BvEBGBBEIt CAMP. 8,488, meets Wednesday evening, Allaky bldg.. Third and PB0PORAL8 FOB SUPPLIES Salem, Or., May 15, 1907. The Board of Tmttees of the Oro , gon Bute Insaos - Asylum . hereby . Invites . tested propoasls for furnishing the following supplies to the Institution' for the six month ending December.' 81, 1007: Groceries, mill - feed aad flour, meats sad flah. dry goods, drug, etationery, leather and findings, shoes, s plumbing, hardwers, tinning, furniture, crock. . err sad glaaaware. " Llata of said supplies j will be furnished by the clerk of the board t upon application. Samples can be seen st tb Asylum, sad goods muat bs In accord- r a nee therewith. Where samples are required and not furnished by bidders, . the . articles ' must be equal to samples to be seen at the Aaylumv and bids will be assumed to hsve been made en basis of samples. All goods must be la strict accordance with ssmple Is original psckags when possible, and de. , llvered it th Btate Inaane Asylum within 20 daya after contract Is awarded, and bids must be on blank forms which will be fur. Dlahed, together with Instractlons to bidders, . bytte clerk, . upon application. Each bid osf fWmr er meat mutt be accompanied by a - certified ' check - for 8300 and each bid on flah Ty a certified check for 875; and all -ether- bids by certified checks equsl to 10 .per cent of the amount bid; checks ef uu auccemful bidders to-be returned Imme diately, snd those of accepted bidders wbea the contract is completed. ' Bldt must be endoaed In sealed envelopes," and directed to ( the bosrdV ere of the clerk, end plainly : marked "Bid for Atylnm Supplies." and the claaa of gonda abould ahw be inscribed en the envelope. Price, fitness and quality being eqnal. preference will be given to . articles manufactured, grown or produced la this tte. When a particular article is specific . ally called for., bid for other kind er manu- - fa crura or brand, equslly good, will be enter. . tained, but to inaur recognition of each bids, samples of the articles it Is proposed " to supply must scoompany them. -. . ....a The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or. to accept or reject-iaf part ' of a bid. ' Bids will be opened at the Capltol at Salem ' at 10 a. m., Monday, June 10, 190T. . By order of ths Bosrd of Trustees ef the ' 'Oregon State Inssns Asylum. ., - W. N. GATENS, " . ' Clerk,'- -' NOTICB- OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice to hereby given thst 1 hsvs filed ' my final account as administrator of tb estate ' of Laura -eT. v McQuaid. c deceased, la the above court, and said court ha set the same tor peering ana settlement on Monday, , the third day ef June, 1907. at B:XO a. m All persons bsvlng objections to said account are required to present toe asms in said court on er before said date or be forever barred, J. O. McQUAID, j Administrator of the Estste of Laura t. i . McQuaid, Deceased. . NBWTON McCOY, , . Attorney for Admlnlatrstor. 5 SEALED, bids will be received at the office or the ocnooi viier. amn, boiii j m., Saturdiiy. Msy 25, 1907, for furnishing Bchoul District No. 1, Multnomah county, Or., with cord wood, elabwood of coal for the en. aulng year. Theee bid will be opened pub-ll-ly at 2 p. m. of said day at the School Clerk's office. City Hall. Specification can be had by calling at the School Cleik'a office. Bupply commlttoe, U W. WU Isawerfc . -; ... :.v a a M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp No. 8,78.Von. -day a, lTth and Marshall. VUltors wslcome. . ,''"" t r. 4'' ! ' . -'- - a . c - ' it .i NOTICE8. 4' notices. PROPOSALS FOB LIGHTING Proposals M rclred or the board or publie oomml. alonera of tha state of Orecoa at the canltoj tull.llnf, Ralcin, Oiwcon, at tha Door or 40t I a. in., una . 1007, for lighting tne capites building, penitentiary, Innane atjrlnm, reform school, mutt acboul and blind acbooi at ruiem. Otegon, with are and lncandeaetot la nip. Information, apeelflratlooa aod blank pro pnaala may be obtained fmm tba clerk of the board at the capltol building, Balem, or. - " - W, H. UA1ENH, Uiera OI ooars. i LOST AND FOUND.' 'POON D A glace to bare hatr mattreaaee re no- . . " I All. V . A, eaiea una -rerorneu name oar Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factorf. a, Uetiger, proprietor. , s i ... - rOUND Hunting dog en Cornell road: o"" v lenback. B. B. Mo. 8. bos M, Portland. Or. aena ezarr RHrnnrmn oi ioi wa w xi.- LOST Ladles' gold watch, between gerentb. and naaningtoa, ana winameue nn. engraved la eeae. Return te B6 Barier at. reward...- .. , . ' ''''-' I Tat m Xjrrtu theatre. : Udlee' black paraaol. pteate return v ufnv v.. it. and gat reward. .. r-y krOUKD Canoet owner may hate same by Droelnc awnerahln and Daring coats, a. Page, county auditor's office. LOST A black leather card cats containing 8 railroad tickets. Before to room oei-apne and receleei liberal reward. W. m. Cnnningbam. -. ,' ; DO P10KRD HP Two ladles' Jackets. Owner eaa I have same by calling at journal oiucw uu U paying for this advertisement. , LOST On Fifth and Morrison, Wednesday fore- Ml. black allkr lackct with White lining: collar white, over blue. Return to Hobart Cnrtle snd receive,, reward. STOLEN Mar 17. white foi terrier, brows : face, name Bobble; reward St 1204 Willam ette boulevard. HELP WANTED MALE. ' I" V. I WANTED Two good.-; rsllable representsMree posscealng selling abU'tF tor city jpd conn. try. CsJ es general repreeenUtlvesjjf J. F. Torms A Co., 21g TUford I bldg.. eoc. 10th in MXrrtana aim., or WTftS VOUr auellliea- tlons and Is return we win senu you iji particulars rsgsrdlug our proposltloa, 208, journal.. .. . - . t wisritn mm b mt 100 cards of fir wood. II a cord and good clesn timber. Address son 18. f. P.. Dundee, Or. ADTERTISIWO totldtoraj 1 eaah commlsslonj thai trie 1 .proarssa. Elks, atagsslne. - 80S Ooodnongh bldg. ' , . FIRST-CLASS harness mskers; steady employ- , anent. The T. I. Oreala company. .. SAWTERB, filers, esglneerg aad yardmen, mill. . wrlgbts and weoosmsn. . unsmosrs, , iw First st. )i.?r.v"-i BRIGHT young men wanted to learn telegraphy; , positions when competent. ' Oregon College, 603 Commonwealth batg. WANTED Boy with wheel. Jones' book store. mi Aioer st. . f B0TB wanted; factory work, Appb American Can Co, foot 14th at. WANTED Blacksmith will sell or rent ebon and tools. Apply to Aueersou at num., mmw vllle. Or. ''.:,.'!(.. - - : - PACIFT0 BTATIONBBT PBINTINw 00. . eos-MT flaeond st. Phone Mala til. Ws design sad rnatall the most modern aad improved office eystemgl eomplste line loose leaf ruing osvicss. . . .. ... WANTED 8slemn mny mk $100 to $180 ; per - month; eoate even saorei . stoca cieaa. grown on iweervsiKm, ar iivibi witumiu., - mmmh aMeead weekly: choice -of territory. Address Whlngton Harsery eompany. Top. . penlsh, wsanmgton. , i , ' MF.J4 AND WOMEN to learn the bsrbsr trsde In eight weeks; gradustse earn from fl8 to zo wsesiy, ezpart iwurowi wi.nw Moler System ef CoUsgee. 88 North Fourth n wt vaaiai - WB get work for our member special meat. ' bers. S3. X. M. u. n our in mum xamoiii. WANTED Boys ever 18 year to work In candy factory. A Idea Canon uo., iota aso uussa. WANTED At once, a ftrst-clsss :- painter. ; 184 Vnloa ava. v , . earrlage MFJN et one for clerks or carriers Portlsnd F. O.J opportunity w aavasrw. n p rM von for lamination. Call or writ Immediately. Pacific State Schools, Mel Ksy building, city. w-''. v EXPERIENCED bench-hand aad experienced atteker . man wanted; apply at ths Portland Stab A Door eompany. Union aveans and East Taylor. ... ft . ," . ,!-..- MTV and bovs wanted to learn plumbing, pine- I terlnc. blocklaying. electrical traoes; iree i catalogue': positions secured. Coyne Trsds School. New I org snu nan rnciaco., WANTED Helpers for eskes; also man. to work aroona oagery, Apply 114 BniMtl. WANTED Middle- ged msn for general workl Modern Confectionery Co., . 18th and Hoyt sts. BOT WANTED st once. Apply 464 Jefferson. WANTED Frame-maker, brecket-eawyer.;; In- qulre 831 WUUsms sve. . ;.''"-., '.'i.,.-:,: .. WANTED Tailors to , work von , eoats. Applr 406 wssmngton -sx. .- . . s WANT carpentering, grading;- wilt glv dn I t la try er typewriter. CsU room 8, 828 Wssh- Incton St. . T - ' I ing wu v. i BOTlTTo wort In factory ;v good wsgee. .Apply Pacific Coaat macnit vo., ln snu vavia sw. MATT BESS-MAKERS WANTED. ' 18-20 Front St. . - WANTED Two boys. $1.28 per day. Etrs- glebeL signs, aoo Washington st. yoUNG man solicitor for commercial pbotog- raohy. Good money.' uau iat a.,-- - jui Market at- " .- : .-" f-:-j PARTNER wanted t help manage hotel broker. age. bualness; it's ths ms j wane ana not ths money. P. L. Austin - Co.. "126-126 Abington bldg. WANTED Experienced helpers for stab snd a oar aepertmenr. toriiana miu at ; sixinra uo., nx m. mauiaun. . . ... . . WANTED 2 boys to run errahda,; Apply sn perintendent Marthall Wells Co. j " r!l ' ';' :." H--:-": f - WANTED. ' Engineer with' large experience who on derstands generator and motors. - Address, E, W. Heine. 'Foreet Grove, Or.,' . jf J WANTKD ntrlne orebettrs for ; mimmer mrm on, at cicaaiup; miit ve Airpi-viajaa. -t Apply room 4, uatcigo oiag, . -. B0TS With wheels wanted at once. Apply to oiu. wortman . -&rag. s , ,. BOY,' about 18 years old, for store work, stesdy Geltion; goou cnancs to learn, uon Cloth g Co.. 108 Third st..'- ;i.'..:;&v.r.;ttf.,' il BOY, about 18 yars of age to deliver and mike himself naefol In drugstore: mutt live war Grand are, and Burnslde.. Call st drug store on a nova corner. . 1 I wmtLlWlXS Arlmmm' mnmt k. a no other need apply - Berlin Dye Works, 347 necona st. . ., -. . ; . WANTED Young msn' to learn trsdg; 18 to - 20 years old. American Type Founder com pany, Second snd Stark sts. CEMENT finisher wsnted; one accustomed to cutting tldewalka. , S. Card, S58 Morrison St. FINISHERS, buttonhole maker, to - work en custom costs; also spprentlces to learn tall r orlng. 202 Commonwealth bldg. . ; v ,-.... INTEREST in old established re I estste of Ace. Muat hsve help. Call la morning after 8 o'clock. 88H Sixth st. TICK SEWER wanted.. 89 per week. O. W. MePhereon, eoutheaat corner 10th and Dtvi. HELP. WANTED FEMALE WANTED Refined, capable woman f or . rj ,i sponsible position, with opportunities for tt. .- vancement. . Vlavl company,- 10th and Morii ' son sts. . '. - BEIJ' , WANTED Dramakr wants girl to - new,' Iaobo Uti 4S4A. ... .n ,.y. HELP WANTED FEJL1LE wtUl ill : EXPFFTHNCETV rnOCOr.AITI DIPPRRS HIOHKHT WAOKH. OKOROB A. M'NRIL . COMPANY, WHOLKSAI.H CONF'POTlONICB.'l, " iiu n. si., rn&AH ulinan. , HOt'SMIRt WANTKI) FAM1LT OP ADtTLTH. ' INQUJKH .221 N. 21ST. ST., COR. OP LOVE- ' JOI, O PUUNS MAIN J.40. . BANSBN'R LADIES AOENCT, S48U Waatf Ingtoa at., corner Beeentn. npttalra. . Phone Mala WVi. Female help wanted. STRONG girls for candy factory, Oenrge A. McNeil company, wholemls North Fourth, near Gllaaa. McNeil company, wholeeala eonfettloaera. GIRLS WANTED Apffly Standard factory Me, urana are. sad Kaet xaylo St. WANTED OJr la te work on hemming. Inquire riia-vteii nctory, to rirat. . GIRLS wanted; factory work. Apply Americas Caa Co., foot 14th st. TOUNO ladles wanted to learn telegraphy! positions at good wages when competent. Oregon uouege, oua uommoowaalth bldg. HELP WANTED Union Laundry company. GIRLS to work Is paper- bor factowi clean. ateady work. F. C. Stettler,. 10th aad Ullaaa street. . i ...,, : r . , I WANTED Ctrl to aaalat with booaeworb Is family of 8: waahlns sent out. I'bous Eaat 784 or call 708 Clackamas at. WANTED Woman eoek, good wage. 8 In fam ily. Apply 40 north 20th. I'boss Main beui. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work on shirts snd oreralla. Leaaose given to loeiperieBced. Apply at Stasdard factory No. 8. Grasd are. ssd Eaat Taylor St. GIRL tot second work. , 238 King at. Phone .Main gll. . ,. - - GIRL, to saalat in right housework during part of Oty only; sleep home. " 49 Lucretia St. WANTED-A eompetont : laondressj children's work a specialty. Call at 2S2 12th st. Mrs. B. Menefee- . : : ,.- mm mmmim VJttttiA 1 Weill I CU A Good Talloreas. Stesdy EmptovmsnV Good Wages. . , MOTER, . Third ssd Oak. ' GIRL or middle-aged woman for general honee- worst gzo a month, rneae aiaat ania. I ' V"-1 ' ' TWO aznerienced eirl for eonfsctlooery Store; . cnea wagea; so others acta apply, appiy aos : w..hin.iA. WANTED Shirtwaists to wash st home;, also plain sewing. Phone labor bot. WANTED Ladles to taseh M. B. Cblsaa Mis sion school, st S47H Stark st. Apply t:bo p. as. Pali Mala 8784.,,. . '. WANTED A competeat girl to do homework; small family; 830 pec month. . Apply mo. a FaiUog st. :: - .,; i . v - ... WANTED Am metroes for dreeamaklnc. 44-48 .MamUton bldg., 181 Third St. Mrs. Mupter. WANTKD sinwrlaneed weman to aaaltt doctor lB eonflnemet'ra. T 8l,-ar' JournsL , CHAMBBBMAID8 and dlnlngroom glfU wanted I - m.J. tl.a-l Aa. - mmmm, mm mm PjmaM at. SW St Lakfl aria r ?, V "". -- diu etftui an nauuiwB OIRLB 18 nsrs ef see and over who went parmsnent positions wita an opportunity tor advancement, apply at one to Olds, Wort. ma a A King. GIRLS sa apprentice to the mtlllnerjustneoe wanted st once. . APPiy to uias, novtmaa at King. Bisriinnui woman w. oo coamow mni. wage and housekeeping rooms. The Grand Booming Moose, n. raira or. - A GIRL for housework. 820 per month.' Four In family. 001 Msdlson St. , none Msin TBBEB lsrgs rooms In snburb. pertly fur T008. . y Blahed: price $10 month. Address P 8i,-esre i r n , n t m jiri, for light housework snd care for baby In small family.' Apply . 1118 s. Alder. Phone Tabor 641. , l., ::...- DRESSMAKER te make shirtwslsts; permsssnt position; good salary to competent person, Ths Ncsdlecraft Shop, 883 Washington St. I BOY WANTED at Bath House, SOT Third St. TEACHERS for Chinee.- Apply Superintend-1 ent, room 2. Msdlson bldg., at 8, or Mission zuoH. eecoaa t., at t p. v MALE AND FEMALE HELP. 8,000 MEN. women ssd children wanted In Rnnd Rlvar to nick snd osck strswberrtesi a fin en.p and chance to earn good money ; pickers most com prepared te camp; grow, era will haul outfits to sad from boat or de Cit: aesson ut commencing; will be brlak t week In Msy with plenty of work for everybody by Jnne 1. Parties wsntlng fur ther particulars can writs as snd your letter will bs answered by growers In need, enabling a to secure place In advance. Hood ver Fruit Growers1 Union. , , - ., 0. B. HEALTH A ACCIDENT IN8URANCB CO., Saginaw, Mich., sells best dollar pet month policy on market; stock company. See Aldrleh. western manager. - 808 Marquam Agents wanted. ' -?,, ;. y ' - .. WANTED Ambitious people to call st 132 Fifth st. and m vetlgt the opportunities open to v them by a coume ot study with the later national Crreespondenee Schools of Scran ton; no experiment; inoorsea oy tnousanos. 1 11 1,11 " ;.' ' ' L STENOGRAPHERS, both msle snd female, good . positions open wiin oet (inn; no cuarge. r . V 1. n- aa ai-.k . .. VVU-I.WU ,f)n.itni w-, HELP wanted snd supplied, male or fsmsle, R. O. Drake. 206) wssningtsn tt. t;sciric lau. STARCHEB and polisher, - tlao marker and sorter; gooa wage, i unn "ii La Grande, Or. WANTRD Salespeople, men or women, liberal - Inducements to - battler. ureal American Imp. Tea Co., 404 Watbington St. - 5y SITUATION WANTED M1LE. A' MIDDLE- ged married man with flrst-lsss references, desires s position ss night wtch. man with some reliable company- Address fi V 200, ears JournsL WAliTED-Po1t1on as cathler or offlcs work . can sir bond. AddrsM Boa H 201. esre JournsL - ' i--' ;y t-mJM STATIONARY ENGINEER. With 12 yesrs' ej nerlenee. wishes a petition.: Pbone East 8397, Ask for T. mtes.,.:'.i. v.i: i.... va,; if WANTED A night " watchman's place; good : honest man. Pnons East B070. t SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Sltustion ss nurs,' compsnlon snd i housekeeper; tnorougniy aiF'nwii, "" r,.mA to traveling: references fine,, -Address ; D 662, Commerclsl strset, Attorls, Or. , . WOULD like clean office rooms or rooming house by dsy. V 206. Journal.. v f - : TOUNO woman wants housework by "day or hour, csh two mm . . WANTED Position sa housekeeper -for gentle man with on or two children. Can furnish V ht of refersnces. Address Q 808, care JrarnsL .. ' r''- ' b W'OMAN wsnts work by day or week.' Phone Peel fie WO. . oemaam. WANTED AGENTS. ONE bottler In etch-' town or locality te In each handle-meaietues w araip; wrue umcsi .via money. R. M. Plummer, 280 Third st, ., AGENTS WANTED Osn- yott sell goodtt If to we need you! complete onum tree; eaan weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capi tal fAtj Nuraery Company, Salem. Or. ,.. WANTEtJ A few more good Bve sslesmsn to el our eoast-trown trees; money sdvsnced each week; outfit furnished free. - Write us for psrtlcnlsrs. , Albany Nurssrles, Albany, Oregon ... 1 v . WANTED An agent for one of the best boose. bold articles known; retails for 1 Inqube W. L. H., 460 Yamhill st. i EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . , K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Help f0rnthtd (r4 to employers, 23 N. 24, Pkosg 8 "21, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S KVPI.OVMENT OniCI I . rOK alKN, . ' M Worth geeond at. Phone Mala IBM. PORTLAND KMrLOIIr5NT OPriCg, MorHwJO at Phone Paelfl WJ ST North Beeoil at. ..... .Phone PaeUle IsoO , v- RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and faro bflp S apedalty. 80 North Second St. - Pboee BUla S2V4. We pay all telegraph charge. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Roueea, cottages, flat. stores, office, momlng-boneee, ; et. unn lord will do well to call on " PORTLAND TRUST COM PANT OP OltEOON. Pbooe Ex. 73. 8. B. Cor. 8d and Oak. WANTEDt-REAL estate. 110 1 LIST yonr property with as tor quick sale. Anranam nite, offices 8 and , Lahbe hldg., S27U Wwblngi Home A 12ll. . ton st Pacific 1218, I WANTED 1 or 8 lots In Lents, tor cash. Ad' draaa O 804, care Journal. WANTED S, g or T-roora houte between Bod' ney and Couch and Bonell and Cook ata, Phone, Eaat B8oT or call Z4B stances. I ,W ANTED JnSCELLANEOUS. WI will buy your none hold good and guana- tee tne beat prtree. t u or pnone. n. 4 and L.- Rnhenetrln, 1T.1 Front StM oppoiit National hotel, pacific iui. WANTED Fsrnltnr snd hofiaehold goods ef every deecrlpt Ion bought, eold snd exchange. - , The g, va First at. Mala ssT4. - g WPJ haul dead harass and cattle free. Fertlllrer Work, or notify Carner s yatert- aarn. Fourth and Glltan ata. Mala IBOS. WANTED Soot caah nald for voor foraltsre, etc. Prompt attention aiwava givea. , ft . Eaat Clay St. . Phone Eaat 1 067. CASH for boenenold ew1. Savage A Pesnell 848-847 First st. IJfrone Paclflo 800. WANTED Men's caatff clothing sad shoes we also, boy hnaeebold f)trnlblngt; hlcheet price paid. Call at the "Fair Peal," 82 N, Third. Pbooe Pacific 1723. WANTED Furniture snd household gonda of iBy ,,. Johnaoa before roe tell. M rjojon are. Phone Eaat 4441. . . r FTJRNITUBB AND CIXITHINO WANTHD HI heat cash price paid. Fox B rower, gg North Third at. .. Phone Mala 211 L WB PAT MORS FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION' ROOMS, : ' Main 0668. 811 First St. - t.? Minnt.H.AaED man and wife without cell dren wast to tit ears er noose curing owner's absence for the summer, iocstios no object ; beat of , rsfereacee. Address L 201, ears Journal. -- . ' v WANTED Set Oregon reports) also Pacific re port. Address A zv, cars journal. GOOD buggy honw, also do light work; cheap toe eash. : Psnae Tabor saa. WANTED To borrow 81600. 8 years, em 1m- provtd saburbaa property.' L 804,' journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. i . nr. a . m m . ... . a,u rlrlt CtU room j3 ,. , I m-nm Biramtvn . bi.m. m, ri I ...! rurauihad! ateam heat and baths. , THa rjRAND, 48 H North Third St. Booma fee I m m . .. i , graiiemen. gio per wees ana sp. LARGE elegantly furnlahed rooms, 82 and 13 weea. - ivz ssst Msia st. . - THE KINO, 800 Jefferson St.. strictly modem. up-to-cate, electric lights ana earn. . tor wek and op. . THH COLONIAL Oerner 10th . and Horrlaon. . 8 blocks west ef Portlsnd Hotel; first class roem and beard; rates ressonsble. .. ' 189U THIRD Comfortably furnlabed rooms with double, beds, transient er weekly, reaaon- mhm . ... . .... , . ....... .. . , . ... I " : Joumsl. m . . .... , ' . - .J vrniBT.T furntaiA mam. ultbU for one or I two gentlemen: private family; nse of bath and phone. 288 13th St.. between Jefferson ana uuumnis. . -.,.'.'.-. ., UNFURNISHED ROOMS A SUITE of 8 room,' aewly ' renovated, $ net month. 804 East 10th St. Phene East 6M1. 4 LARGE rooms, one block from carllne, en Wsverly-Woodetock une-i v , UP . oeuwoea -488 ..for particulars. ; s 4 TJNFTJRNISHED rooms, two sdalts; walking dlatsBce; etato price, .a not, care Journal. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.60 WEEK TJP Large, clean famished house . keeping-room, lsundry snd hath. 184 or- ' msn st, south. Portlsnd. : .-.' $1.28 WEEK CP Clesn Furnlahed bousekeep- Mg-room. parlor, naio, isunary, (araac asai. . yard.-.,. ifUoTi otantoa x. u ear. THB MITCHELL Housekeeping snd transient - rooms, ressonsble. .nevsntn sua risnaers sts. THREE large front housekeeping rooms, flrat floor, 9lyk rirat st. reaaonaoie. tin room 23. , - ROOM with use of parlor and kitchen to mar- rlsd "Couple, $8 rttertnees. aaarets tj 1M, " esre Journal. SINGLE houaekeeplng rooms; git; walking dis tance; price reasonable, duo aaomaon st. NICE housekeeping room, 611tt Glltan st. i In quire st corner orug store, uiisaa ana loia, FOUR unfurnished housekeeping 'rooms; elec tric and gas ugnt. rnoae rscinc 4o4, ei . Columbia., '.'..-t.v; v-'.:;..;.-?-'-'-.'-v.;rf: .- COOL, plesssnt, furnished 'bontekeeping rooms. Th Raymona, no o. erty st,, at. e-onns, I block from ststion. i , k HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $2.00 up per week Ilgb phone included. , win water St. MPf.RNDID housekeeolnsT apartments, e pletely furnished, rooms large and pleasant, , first-class tocstlon.1 1 684 Morrison It. FOR RENT HOUSES BTRICTLY modern 8-room cottage. Sunnytld $200 down, balance earns ss rent. A.. P, r Smith, owner, oio commercial blav , WB rent ' and sell pianos, A Co.- ' Sherman, Clay 8-ROQM house, good Phone ,Ma!n 1410. location. modern. $23 FOR RENT 4-room ' cottage on Garfield ava. . Pbon East 202. FOR RENT Right-room furnlahed house In . Hnwthorn nark, near 14th at., from Jnn . to October 1; moderate price to right parties; references, t'oons joaat uw, . . r-ROOM house and barn, use of $ or 4 lots. two fenced . for chicken; houss hss base ment, electric lights' snd water; closs to , rsrllne; rent Only 18. zia Allaky bldg., T-ROOM modern hous, 789 Ash St. $20, Tele. phous Jbaat xoal . i! - - , 8.ROOM modern house, 486 E. Everett. Pbone Eatt 880. , . - - ' stir hunt 8 rooms npststrs. corner First snd Hall; cheap rent; g, oaiu, ic. inquire sou . . . - WMk mmm Al..k .. . 1111 St., oeiwee u ui. FURNISHED boos tor rent; 811 Overton st. Phone Mam sooo. NEW. modern 8-room houss.'- ssst of Steel bridge, xu niinuie wnin w uuiiirpb aisiiicL; no tmall children! Address F 806,- JournsL- FURNISHED HOUSES. $22.50 PER MONTH, a modern 6-room cottage, lurnianeu couipieisv inquire ov ci aaa st. I'bons Scott 8523. FOR RENT FLATS 8-ROOM fist for. $16 per month; water fur. nlnhed. t ii at xuo ut co it. HOUSES FOR' RENT FURNITURE . FOR SALE. - HOUSH FOR RENT Furniture for sale; bar- ftu ii taxen at once, zoa uuruoa ft, ; i . FOR RENT STOREa-OFFICES. ;i0 Fta Stores fterlcit;, ' Fireproof, reenfnrced Concrete building. Of eupylug full block on Burnti'le street, be tween Fourth aod Fifth, street. - Suitable 1 for' grocery, drug, ano atorea. barber ahopa, meat marketa, tte.; plate-gUt froota, i atmeDted basements, moderaplumo BENT fTS PEB MONTH. Gerurtz & Seas- ITS FIRST ST. LA RGB office ssd dk roem for rent. Beavef . Beal Eatate A Invtmat Ce roemg 8 end :4. Odd Flkws' bldg. ' t " j , LA RGB office snd dak 1o0m (or rmt- Besver Beal Eatats A tavastmeat Co, rooms 8 and A Odd Fellows; bldg. . A NICB office suits for rsoL Third snd Msdlson. Msdlson bldg.. DESK-ROOM for rent. Apply 811 Commercial - block. . . .., ', ,mr , A SWELL little meat-market for, rent fup nlehed: location and all desirable. Call eg Main M14. ONE HALF furnlahed oVacs tults for rent te - lady. Call room 24, Buaael bldg., cor. Fourth snd Morrltoa sts. . i , aaa.,iat i ..jajv y..Amrr ir i.a a.eaaaar ' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALLROOM snd lodgeroom. nmdsrn convenleoc, on rsrllne. U0; Autometlc A-1X98. , ; - SUMMER RESORTS, LOCKSI.EY HALL Seaalds. Or.,' Dr. P. L, AMtln. proprietor, saalated by L. A. Carlyle; rates from 812.80 per week up: rate an4 reservations may be made now with Dr. Ana tin, dm tint. Raleigh bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. ' HIBI ARB A FEW BABGAINS. 72-room houaa, very nlctly furnlahed, stssm . heat, not and.cold water In every room. In eluded In theYent $.Vi0i 8-year lee; s fin money-maker; worth $10,000; can be had for $8,000; easy terms, .... 40-room house, 84.800, ,,,":,.! -; ).:. t;V : ,' 8.1-room bouse, $2. M0. ' ' ' IRSoom hotel, $12,000. . Ws hsvs hotels of sll slsss and prices. Let m tell yen about It. - y P. L. AIMTIN CO., . 'j- '' 126-128 Ablngton Bldg. n A GOOD CHANCB. - A butcher bualneea la a good fslley town; nave been In htMlna at .i. . mm - Include realdence, bars, yards snd slangbter . ' hlMHU m A - mmm . - . ...k - . I . flt4o ma butcher business. A, good place to buy and ship dressed meets to msrkst. A good chsne for someone to get a fine. .. mtiuov earing city property to trsus. . HARRT BALL, 28, Bslelgh Bldg., Sixth and Walk. Room $300 WILL stsrt you la a business that pays you irom g to yio per dsy. Boom 7, i( First st. ' ' ':.''''',, - 80-ROOtf rooming house, good location, bwee. a-noe a, uw. , Bwm ?, '1S1V FlrsTsstreet. AN old eatabllabed manufacturer wanta par- : nmimm win guarantee you $J0 to $100 per week. $2,600 required. Boom 7, 1S1W First street. - , - , ; 10-BOOM rooming houne, good fnrnlturs, low rent. snap. 8480. Boom 7, lSlva First rt. RELIABLE res tatate dealer must have In. ivmna neip re attend office; dictate to !j!tn.crphr' "tc- H guarantee yon $200 per month. Some capital required. Boons T, 181 H First street. . 4- MANCFACTT7BER want partner ' who em pena pan er ni time en the road Introduc !"., ""S:!?! n'F $S0Q required. Room , 18H First street. -. t . ". FOR BALE A grocery, dellcsteasea , snd lea cream ouainess. , Address B 805 Journal. . WANTED A person with capital for a well evuojuoea wnoMeaie produce and grocery business. Address N 80S Jourasl. BOOMINO-B0USB for sale, 47 rooms; will tM , part real estste in xehn. 22 Motth . Third st. . i , ;' . " , FOR BALE Carpet cleaner, best, Isrgest, meet . ap to dste la the city; will stsnd invoice; s snsp . If tsksn at eace. Address B 174, ' care Journal. , 8ATB MONEY Anything la printing see Med. den, Odd Fellows' Temple. First aad Alder ' sts. apstslrs. v. ' MEAT MARKET, -' - 4 -- Fixtures snd good will of one "Of" the beat located markets in Portland, for 8350; $100 caah; balance etay terms, or, will sell. ws half rnteret. - CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE. , 88 Bslelgh bldg., Sixth and Wsshlngtoa st . HAYB opening for parties. ' with small or , lsrgs capital. Is -heavy manufscturlng enter. . priae, to eetabllah In Portland; will -eland closest' Investigation. For psrttculsrs ed " dress D 188,- ear Journal. . EMPLOYMENT and real esttte bnalaese doing $250 per month; too much other bualness; '' must sell; $150 cash. North Third st. 14-ROOM bosrdlng-bouse, good location, doing good busines; , will leave city. luqulre Lowengsrdt, 3$ Psrk st i ' .. . A CLEAN stock of gtweerieer some fixture; paring butlneas; good loestTon; will invoice snd give 6 per cent discount or exchange -for real estate; a bsrgsln; must be sold st once. Address S 800. care Journal. WANTED At once, a partner In well-cttan- iienea, goou paying ouaine; mu capital required. CaH 247 H Madlton at. FOR SALE CHBA 800-volt motor, belts, pnl- leys, IB-root snstt, turning lame, goou ssw a table with three saws, 284 Butscll st. JLkmr Eaat 4432. '-'." -, . jr -: . . Good Money Makers if ' $2.600 One of the best rooming-houses en Wsablngton st. 4 years' leste; low rent; making good , living , and - over $100 clear monthly. .. . .,.,.' Country stores A few good ones, which will stsnd your ekiicit Inveitlgatlon. s P. FUCH8, i i 221 H Morrison Bt - CLEANINQ AND PRESSING ESTABLISH- j i MBNT- $125. . Centrally .located -with store - worfc-thsn- can do nanaiea; ctrar a io ew a weea this is sn opening tor maa or woman. CROWN . BUSINESS EXCHANGE, - -88 Raleigh bldg., Sixth and Waehlngton at, FOR 8ALB or eiehange, a good msrchsndlilng bmlneas in - Vancouver, doing a business ef $16,000; ' will sell' or exchange for farm or city property, i Addrea box 78, Vancouver, Wash. , ! . FOR SALE A flrst-clsss -confectionery in a' good location, doing a good business.. Csn o had very cheap If tuaen St once. Muat tell on account ot business in east. : 61 J Wll Hams sv. Pbon Et 4828. . , BOOMING-HOUSE of seven rooms, well fur- , nlthed, all occupied, for sals cbesp if taken st ones. Address T 202, care Journal. BUTCHER With ooupls hundred can huy eo- tahiianea tuna cietnng f oy. . raone East' 4VUZ. 4 .. .. UOOli nuttermug route, norse end wsgon cbasp for caahi. ront tree, nee Wstklns, Oregon Creameryr 108 Fourth st, Tuesdsy, Wdnsdy, Saturday, 8 to 10. ' , , SMALL store st a ssciiflcej excellent place for a woman; living rooms, fhone East 8380. FOR BALE A plant well equipped with mod ern machinery, sit conveniences, for a fur. niture or wagon rectory. In - a beautiful town; mild climate, rnilroad center, water navigation; price. $15,000, or will put plant agalnat capital for operating purpose. Oil or sddress J. M. Gllklneon, Rochester, Waah. $300 FOR Job printing plant doing good Dual- 11... - ln.Mll.ltA . A AOA MP. JmimiI 1 GOOD grocsry stors; slu sbout $1,000, for $760. Nelson. 14th and Irving. . . V.,. MUST be sold, hetel 86 moms, nicely furnished. par stttcneu; worm siou; will US I.'iB. CaU at V Flrat st t . 80-R00M hotel, paying : $300 per month over snd soove every expenae; centrally locsted, 4-year least on good building; don't mlaa this it you want a money-maker; price $4.0i0. Lafayette Realty Co., SlSVi Waahinaton at. WANTED A party to Join me la chicken ranch, on uopk turn. &uia &a H I'