THE OREPON DAILY JOURNAL, rORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVEHWQ, MAY 2, 1C07. 11 I ID REFERS PHOIOGWII OF ,; ICIIDWEII i ' i i li ii i in - ' 1 : L r DllSil FIGHT Petition of Gray's Harbor Coun ty Advocates Reach the 1 . a sj aws ' ,.'' i i . 4n ' uhsji spi , jt . f. i tm f ?f ? ?f fi Tn Tfk r t tr rV. , pfecutivo Safely. ' DIVISIONISTS ALLEGE ITS WAY WAS PERILOUS Af Aberdeen, It If pteportfd, Pfflceq Were Entered Burglarious! . by Aatit Seeking pocument Diyis- JonlaU' Line of AtUck. Assassin Shown at His Best Diamond Ring Glistens . .- Upon i Hi Finger. . . CORRESPONDENTS DQUpT PROCUIMED CONVERSION (Bparlal Pl.pitcfc to Tbt orns1.) ' Olympic, . Wnb,, May It. Under au thoiity of the act (or the creation of (hs county of fray's Harbor, tha $ot- ernor naa referred, without prejudice., ,tha petitions In favor of tha new coun ty to Bppatior Judfe . B. fyce, of . via county, na petitions contain more than 1,00 names. Thos appear ink 4aailnatv tha " petitioners raued that tha law providing for tha eraatlon of tha naw county was ambJfuous and A . i'li ' a 'A . . ' . -7 . . . . imi ii imrapua io ciomi tne aover- ith judicial power contmry to tha tltutlon. .v t-vv-v.--' J Before Judse Klce tha opponents of v oi vision win micK int surnciency oi tha petitions and win attempt to maka m iiyuih! - oiviBion prove ii legality of every algner. The dlvlslon Ista, on tfca' other" hand, will ask for ruling to compel the opponanta to dis prove all such signatures as they at : tacll. ;;4.,V;.' ..i'-; ,t,. .'S.'-'.i.,' i ' It li charged by E. . Bertn, ' who presented the petition, that tha antl- dlvlslonlsts have a standing offer of .- $1,009 for the destruction of tha pe titiona The time for filing would have expired, py Imitation het weak. SEARCH OF THE ANTIS V It Is AUeged Tbt Many Offices at ', . Aberdeen Were Entered. j -i ' t ' - , - Special PLpetoa to Tbe JoantLt ' Aberdeen. . Wash., May ' Ji. The ot-t : flees of Boner & Boner, attorneys of tha city, wera entered Friday nlgut - and tlrea copies of tha petition for tha division ef Cbehalis county and thi creation of Oray'a Harbor county, ware taken. Other offlcea wars enter ed on tha 'same night, preaumably In etrch for theaa coplea. ' The , original . document Vaa not' found by the (ooters aa'lt waa secured n tha safe. It Is .thought tha coplea wera atolen by emla aarlea . of tha ' anti-dlvlaioniata,' aa It la known a large reward haa been' of fered by them (ar t Uat of the signers of thi petition fof divlaloiu f A ? .; The original baa been well guarded, and la now In the hat)ds of tha gov 'ernor,,' having f Jeen taken to Olympla by E. B. Benn and J- C Hogan Mon- " ' ' , v Dyapepala la .America' curee. Bur dock piood i Blttera conquer dyapepala avery time. It drivea out Jmpuritlea, tone the atomach, - reatorea perfect d i- " geetlon, normal weight and good health. Cares Too Mncb for This World's Vanities -N Session of pourt Today While' Kew Venr Js Sumnjpned. i . , , . RESTORES your HAIR to (By George H. Bhoaf, of tha Appeal to Keaaon Btari.) . Boaa, J-daho, May II. Wftb U iurprf Ill ll I VUI, VWI4I V fiVIWKy. MJVWM"I the Haywood case until Thursday af ternoon to permit Sheriff Hodgtn 10 eummon another vanira 01 men, n, regular and apecial panela hfv'ng been Skhaneted Id an attempt to aeoure a jury. ( Each side , has eercis4 slf of tha ten peremptory challenges they are entitled to, and there Is one vacant Seat, maklna- nine men that must yet Qualify In order to complete tba Jury. aaaumlng that both aidea win u an tha peramptorles thay : ara ' privileged to aa.i, This. ' bowavar, Jt "Is bllved. i atainttttav V rkva 1U MtXlUkUlU sJWlim Find Inclosed 17.75 for Six bottles BAIB HnAtiiu. Am aeugotea wua ooiue eent ma, lieingeo youag.itaiiuoetKiuea mem una ing w bair gemng wnie ioag perore 1 jn mim woman I but, thanks to UAIRH ALT if. Cay kaira can be found la aaf bead.- Mrs, aon,Mutteilburgk. W. Va. 1 ' Ouarantaaa wrfeetry Burt. ITitlo-Hay Bpec Co., Newark, K. ? C0C AT DRUGGISTS.! tha proeeoutton and as usual tha objee tion "was auatalned by tha court. Millar. In response to Hawley'a queatlon, Sai4 that ha Waa oppoaed to ' capital pun- 111 3 ii ? dJ-T'Yt mil Jimmt,,,-fUennQn- took " blm and I" purpose of ascertaining whether Mil- assume that ' each aide will noia reaerve at least one peremptory. ihValPri0li CIo,houaHfJ, ' " n conscientious fcfuplas, Tha tonal f bava to qualify, juror-was about to admit that ha was .;, urov who vo jixtnueo. ' 1 opposed to capital punishment wnera Juror Orlo Cola baa' been excused on 1 the evidence aralnst tha' peraon acouaed account , of ui-neaitn. tna aiiorneya onior crime waa wnoiiy eiroumaianiiai, both aidea agreeing to inawaer or xne when Hawiey interpoaeq nis ODjection. eouC; Juror A. F. Barnes ' likewise As the court promptly sprang to tha aakad to be. ecued on acoount of state's assistance in sustaining tha ob- phyalcal disability, but bis eaaa waa da- jectlon, Richardson, looking aggrieved, feired until Thursday.- Juror Daniel tank Into his seat and declared ba Clark tnada a Similar requeat stating aa would not, und,er tha'clroumstancaa, try bis reason that pis pusiness jniereais to quaury tne juror, would Suffer should ha remain In the - " orobard iPbotograpbs. jury, tun requeat was oniaJ, T . Harry Orchard'! picture (waa taken at enrt- flsYsraf ofbar jurorf sWftenn- (h, vimtltLrf totoy-by --pbotora. wiiiML. tt,rwl well fitting suit of iourned before they could waKe up tbr tjothe ind looking Straight at tha ba. -7,.;... 1 .Jte.; 1- . J PcKWro sna nif ayoa aifffnatu w w ptmost It Is a striking pose and pre 1 tm aasf an sbbb 333S 11 I 1 1 aminatior yesterday waa peremptorily v,!. v.. n,- iJXSi.ifl;ll2 Wrious than ba d?d at ths t'ma -pf bs men wera grilleO. before one was found .rre.t- v,B t,.lr ,ftrted and brushed aoceptabla lo tha at.ta to toka his plax a. "V Wrtyio forehead J". Bu n? ,!?n1 ohanlo than a self-confessed murderer, fence building gang In tha employ -of v... tha Bols. interurban Hallway, com- jVo .i,a,. i.v. . .'own bis right hand ov.rjtha arm of 1 ,T .C.T x.7TvJ 11 m,.. b" CbSl' lb suqn a way ins a arge It waa plain that Richardson dlallkad Ni.mi nn h third finrer atanda to accept Bmith for many raasonav bnt out with considerable prominence, ! A PsfTOW's eperienca with ba court Jn ic chain attached to a valuable watch trying to disqualify Fisher tba day be-,i.tT ww hi vt Tha fore taught him that If ha could not BU,t of ciot. Wom la the ono that securt a juror who waa manifestly faif, bSUfrht fop hlm bJr Attorney Fred he could do the next best thing by re- Miller, now of tha defense, who made sorting to theaa peremptory chsllenges. th, purChase at Orchard's request' short It is probable that Smith will go ti e ly a?tw b arrt lt months agoJ- war of John Fisher. . a Airaannti rl atl f . in the examination of Henry a Mil- her6f wh0 n(4V, afjn Orchard, declfra ler. Attorney Richardson's ploaa quea- themselves unable to reconcile bia ra- hpbwk was opj m of wey 01 1 Hgiotn pretensions with hit manifest vanity and love for areas. Attorneys for tba defenaa say that wera Orchard's ...... . ... A M-:'A k reiision real . ana not - niiuniw, 11 would ba so enraptured with tba Visions of -the unseen that he would not care for tha vanities of tha keen world. As (t ' Is, bis very appearance seems to belts his pretensions to religion. It Is announced by tha etate that Orchard S picture will ba .withheld from the pub lie until he Is called upon to take the witness stand against W. D. Haywood, Assorted rumors regarding possible trouble continue to fly thick and fast through tha streets of Boise. It Is un derstood that Mayor John M. Halnee Is followed noma every night by one or fuui iiivu f, t.u vuuuu ,44 unit and spring from allay to post as tbay follow. Who these shadowera are la not definitely known, but It is strongly suspected that they ara Plnkerton detec tives, put on the mayor's trail for the express purpose of frightening him Into employing mora Flnkerfona to help pre serve iq peco 01 me puy. xnis way wood case Is proving a veritable bonan- Sa for tha detectlvea and It Is known that tha Plnkertons ara working lt fqr all they ax worth.' Union men and so cialists ara paying no attention to the "trouble" reporta, knowing that rumors of war ara necessary to the continued stay or ma armeq fnuga wno ara strjq lng around, spo)l)ng for a fight Shopping Trips aas -I - , fatiguing; a cup of GhirardellPs Cocoa for breakfast helps wonderfully, it Is so sus taining as jvell as dell clous. Before returning home don't forget to Order . Supply at Ghirardelli's Cocoa T T i cm m h air .; BRUSFiES; ; Good Vfilue'at regular prjecs, and great bargains at pne third discotfnt. They are gpipg fasti but we havclots more. ' HAIR BRUSHES, 60c yalues for. '. . , 33 TTATt-l nntTCTirc 1 Art jt fin J JmiVL BRUSHES, .values for, .81.17 " ;V;:,-,CHAMOIS"r-;;v V' One good thing always recalls another, - We hive a lot of good quality Chamois, good heavy body, without thin spots 1 soft apd, pliable. Charopisat 10a, 15 25t 4Qf, 50, Jpt$ aqd'Sl.OQt' They wpaf well and are large size pieces. Sliidmore Drug Co. 15f THIRD STREET RALPIf CRVS-ER, Prop.; WOMEN LAWMAKERS IN FINNISH LEGISLATURE f Jonrnal Sseelal Service. Helslngfors. Ma 22. The assembling ana organuauon ox tne new jf'innisn legislature here today marks perhaps tha most advanced step yet recorded in the movement for tha political emanci pation of women, ha legislature Is tha first national body of lawmakers con taining women as representatives and on an absolute and perfect' equality with men. Of the 199 'members II are women. Foremost among the 'women members Is ' the " Baroness Alexandra Grlppenberg, who s well known In Eng. land. America and elsewhere for her ao tlvlty In behalf of woman suffrage. At the opening of the legislature today tha baroness received and read messages of congratulation from equal rights leaders throughout the world. - . - , 1 :; " WASHINGTON PEOPLE ACCUSED Or SWINDLING Seattle, May !!. The federal grand jury which Is In session to Investigate tha land frauds Jn this stats returned nine Indictments yesterday afternoon but withheld the names off the persons Indicted.- "' "' ' 7 '. Summer Tonr East at Small Cost. Jamestown Exposition' excursion tick ets' sold , daily via Pennsylvania Lines offer unusual chance for sightseeing at small expense. Trip to Exposition may be made' via New York i and ocean steamer past Old Point Comfort (Fort ress Monroe) aolns; or returnina-. and via fhiiaoeipnia, Baltimore, washing ton. Columbus. Cincinnati or-Louisville in opposite direction, with' stop-overs for side trips to Atlantic, Cape May, Jersey Coast,' Long Island and New England resorts. The ideal sum mer vacation ' trip, , 'Particulars ' free. F. N. Kollock, tlst. Agt., I Stark St., Portland, Or. ' - ' " ' ' Mansfield Improves. . . ' (loarnal Special 'Serrlee.) " '- London, May 22. Mansfield Is Im proved In health today. $3.85, for $5.00 Genuine Panama cats at the Chicago Clothing Co., 9-71 Third Street. 1 ' Preferred Stock Canned Oooda,' Allen ft Lewis e prsnil ' i i 1 1 i i i 1 1 -r i i i i ,-' x. i i - i i i i I i 1 1 II I M I I I t 1 1 i . . ftTfueki-fulfill f.'t " Our -New York lMyer nialfes another great scoop l.sqo pf this season's newest skirts bought at Jess ftiqn fost erf material alone and now you get them at a half and third price Four sensational offers, and they are all values so great , that thousands should be after them. Remember, every one at less than cost pf material alone, and that means you et 2 to 3 for the ustiaj price of 1. " ' ' mm mi ivmmvTa Only 18Q0 sKlrts in all. and if fojk'sonly Jcnew how great a bargain they are tnerp wqum pe lu wojnen ior every siurt u me 101 snr other store in Portland, and n4 Mis3e Slpirts for streej; fnd Irsi SimI n1 9?sl stfltr tntrn liantlne and taffeta silks 11 newest pleated effects and fancy trimmed with stitching, straps, braid and buttons," all color and cirts, 1Q7 styles, n4 oyer 80Q different piateriajs .tn'4 colon to'pick from. At 8 tomorrow morning ever held on the cosit berina. All S4 to S15 values at 81.08 to 54.08, and remember $183 buys the best $15 silk or wool skirt In the lot.. , . ,- -r . : - Lot 4 1) ie Desc fio sua or wopf stair loU 8L98 Skirts worth $4 tQ $6. Choice..,.... WIS IUU : , Lo t 2 $ Skirts, wprft S7 to 9 Choice .m" -J r Lot 3 S5).98 d)s- Skirts worth I $10 to $12. Choice 41, rt- Skirts worth $13.50 to $15. Choice... ...... TREMEWtWS WASH PURCHASES 50,000 Yards at Half Price and Less The mills entire overstock1 closed out at a price that enables us to give you this season's greatest bargains 5O.0OQ ytrds-rand al tne newest pe, wfsn uooas tnat are most in aerona, sneer, oamxy jaoncs.wi uns hwjcpj yvvw u yuiwio, u ncw, nd the same thaf sold $he town oyer dpubl(j (ind more. slaughtered at figures that give yoq tQ 8 yards for the price of 1. arid ifemember these are not the common trashy kinds, either, that's made for bargain sales. But every yard, is the finest, and best and grades (hat seldom if ever are sold at a cut price. Me Yd- For New More Walstings. 27 Inches wide, newest of this season's 25c goods, st. mm For test J5c Taffeta Ni nons, In new plfld ef forts, an pft it'jpcbff wide. , . j. . , 22e Yd For finest He Mercerised ' Ginghams, newest ' pst terns and colors, Wlnpfces wide. 32e Yd For 27-Inch Mohair Ppn fees, plain and colors, all finest of 50c grades, at 82 yard,'.'-- - ,i .. 35e Y(3 For 30-cent Embroidered Swisses, white and colored trounds, with contrasting, eolor dots. , , , . 3c a Yard for Oc. nncf Qc Torchon Laces Another day pf the his sale I.OOQ yards Tprchon tact Insertions, all dalnty""patterns, wide and narrow widths, , grades worth 8c and 4 f ioc All la one lot, 3Mn Dotted Swiss Ten pieces pnly, yrd-wide Potted f Swiss, all new designs and best pf 18c of Large 15c Taweltv Qrest, Wg 22x5-nch 'sixe, gopd heavy fk huck, all fringed and cheap It IS cents. xMH Special i ..... .V. .v. ; .'. 7 V Silks and Dress Goods actuauy wprui one yara.....w 36-inch Fancy Plaid and Check Novelty Press Goods, 9fA r lots, 65c grade. Yard. . . . . . nrtl 79c for Women's $1.25 Loity Glows A 50-dosen bargaiq lot for Thursday's 'sell inf. Women's Real French Lisle .Elbow Stoves,' Jq black only, full 16-bntton length. 1 sixes. A dove made to sell at fl5, and but pnV pair t? f ifC, .... r- custdmcr. Choice 29c Pair for Ruffled Swiss Curtains It's a sensation, sure: enough; but there's only 20Q of them, so eome early. Full ' t yards long and never sold anywhere Ur lessthan 5c. 'Oqe day only -si-f,W Sc Plaid Calicoes , ; The wide" 25-Inch ones, peV plaid - S " gingham 'effects, 'a bargain at 81-JC' fj2(J; 3Qc jerry. Clqth. Five bolts only,and when lf gone youll pay sue ior as gooa.. ? i ' MarhiA IS tiL wide. 30c trade. Yard. . Mtmf A CrcpHie fflltoi Sale Another exddng offer 50Q boltf 25c pnd 25c Ribbons gt 15s. All new, this season's' styles, but they are makers' odd pieces and half bolts. That's bow ?e got tnem so cnesp. -fiain ana tancies, cnecus, uresdens. stripes, etc, all I to I inches wide, all colon and plenty of blues gnd bins. "Non worth less than 25c to 35c. All In one I fit CDl?ri A I Three yards Corset Cover Ribbons............... priXUU 40c Roman Stripe Ribbons for Pelts, yard 34f Spapg 25c cake Psckefs Tr Sosp.t7s) 15c box "Transparent k Glycer. O ine Soap, box U 15 fiox On'jif jwlcg oipplex: o J ' ion Soap 25c can Gfflette.', Talcum Pow-O- der i...... ............, a M 3,000 10c and 15c Toothbrushes, C . larS an4 small sue. Choice . . ai y CLEARING i v LOTS AUCTION SHOES Htmdreds of . pair marked down to clear them out tyew goods are coming in and we nee4 tne room these occupy, so (very pair has beeneduced to a price; to; clear them with t rush.- Odd lots, remember that' so early rooming ip advisable if you want the best.: V' I V ' r ' j rjCtY- jC,'1 lyppn'sando . ,5f mfk . uaq lob Jen s . $3.5 0 to 5 Shoes High Shoes and Low Shoes, Includ ing patent leathers, genuine welt rtTJt SX SXH A O For One Crejt Lot of Hcndrtfjf er Pulrs cf lfct flntst,s CrlQIGE 9m women's. hisses and ci!ilp$ shoes All the. odd lots bunched, remainders from lots tha have sod up to as high as JS.pq. All now at wf . . nign &noes, uxtoras and Slippers for women, migaep and children, in aU the'fatest styles, and 3 pairs of a kind, but plenty of alj sizes in the lot. Remember, shoes in thia jot wprtlj U04to $3.50. Choice 08t pair. - ' ' D . White Canvas Pymps Fancy ribboi bows, kid-Hoed and uiban neeis, au sues ana au ay.ov i: 25c Wide Silk 5Jipe Laces "'la black and colors, extra wide aifd au oest k graae. sni Pair II2C i -1 , SELLING OUT GROCERIES Dpwn gq prices again Hp use waiting longer. Prices are dropped to the bottom now. Fixtures, scales, coffee piill, "etc., for sale, ft your own Prfce. 1 T '-'A ''" ' " Jgo Peoth Crescent brand tro(, I fl ed xnackaral, can i Me can Cprned flstf ; lOc Dutch band soap ....... ...6f bottle Bnydar catsup 19e ISq Fla-Prune cereal :....19 lie yiolaf jpancke ftour pscfcss 0"r oats 4 -. (q Teaat Foam. package 3 Borden's' Eaala' milk . . 15f JTel's WiHf oa.p, I btrs,.;.25f fimall minced atamsv can .'. . Asl Best 10o head rice, lb. 10c Hodces nines meat...,...:Tf 26o Spanish-American pork aid Q beans . 5C lEq can Subllmo Freqcb Sardines 9e) J60 law &ot$le m Jfan'. Balful Oil 16o loose Muscatel raisins, lb ...9e Hlb box assorted: spices .'..';.'...8 Electrto llht candles ...... SENSATIONAL TBUBSDAY OFFERS ' Croicry??IIoiisc Furnishing Tin Dippers, all sixes, worth to 10c each. V: 4 Large else oilman Patent Folding Lunch Boxes, 1 regular 35c values.' Choice 1'. pteel family footers. te ",sV3c J000 tin t a-kt ties, choice .,,.14 No. ( National Spiders, worth v 1Q oc. for ......... ........ No. 4.cme Irving pan, worth. C He, ior ... ,"i . . :f IOC JOq Urpra, -o,w f&lvanse4 patlS'l&s) lt-it Ralvanlaad chamber palls "7 7,, worth 10c, tor ,....,....,, SOS larga lT-qt tin dish r'i. " rtb'0e,for , foot bjth tuts, 'o c - : T ones, 3 if; j.: c 10o Japannet t'n ! ..