10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY ' EVENING, I.TAY . -1C07. .GOLFERS SIW1 nnniri tip i ill 17 ft nUU t LINKS Annual Contests ior ..Champion-, J ship of Pacific Coast Began; - This Mornnlg. Men's driving contest, three balls. prises for longest ball and best average Open championship, first round, If holes, match play. . ' Clock putting contest, down in 1 counts 5, down In t counts I; prises for beat score , In tourney, also dally open oontest on Klobe cutting course. " May 14 Men's open ' championship, second round. II holes, match play Women's open championship, first round, is holes, match plsy. Second fllgbt, semi-finals, II holes. tnatch play. . ... ',' Men's approaching contest, two balls from BO yards, two balls from 71 yards; prises for best approach and best aver' age. Mine-hole putting contest. . STANFORD .CREW IS AT- : . WORK Oil 17ASHIKI "tl ssMaaaBaawaaBBaaasSB8n ' 1 ., ' '' 1 Winner of Three-Cornered Race Will Co to Big Eastern . . ; Regatta.". . SIX PORTLANDERS OUT ' AFTER HONORS IN GAME Chester Murphy of ' Thlg City - Is i Reckoned as First Rank Man and t Win Make Strong Bid for First I'IIL COMPETE WITH WHITES ON TRACK (Special Dispatch - to The fonrnil.) A..H.Iat Uiv 9 9 ri n J Miirnhv mnA his sauad of oarsmen from Stanford will put In the next week or so at iard work on Lake Washington In prepara tion for the race with the University of Washington on Juno 1, The southerners are highly enthusl- tio sdoui tneir work, ror ins nrst time they have a body Of water that la biff enough - to permit them to row In a straight line, instead of keening their i udder set over on on side or the nnu mm TO RACE UPHILL Dealers' Association Arranges a Climbing Contest for the Eighth of June. .Prizes To Last All Week. Field Meets Hava Baan Arrancad other u th - four-mils course r ieia vieeis nave oeen Arrangea n been mrked ofr OB Iak- nd , With McMinnville and the Portland Y. M. C. A. t I IHnaHal THanatrh te The Journal.) Spokane, May It. The magnificent -. links of the Bpokano Country lub v warmed with golf enthusiasts today at the opening of the championship tourna ment of the Pacific Northwest Oolf as sociation. , fleet tie, Victoria, Taootna, : Vaaoouverv Portland, 8an Francises and other cities have scut their best Jjlayers ito compete In the event, which la the 'eighth annual championship of the ss soclation. The tournament will continue i through the remainder of the week and to Judge from the auspicious opening It ;-wlll go on record as the most success- Jul event ever pulled off by the assorts ' ' -tlon.' ' ':'' ..' v."- '' " ." ' '.' i ' Chester Murphy. , T.' JL Llnthlcum, ; Thomas Kerr, Roderick Maoleay, Gordon Voorhles and Jordan Zan of Portland are hero to take part - In the games. .Murphy, at least. Is reckoned aa a first rank man and will make a strong bid for championship honors. .'-.'. : There will be 14 events, for which 17 prises are provided, a dosen of these .being sterling silver cups of new de sign. Tho main' events are tho open ' championship for ' men and women, Which carry with them the association : cups,, which must be 'won by members of a club three times for permanent ownership; a championship gold medal for the winner and' silver medal for the -.runner-up; In addition to these -prises In the Championship matches, a ' special sliver -cup is to be presented for the best medal score mads In .tho quail- . 'fylng round. , Eastern Kayers present. V '"' A number of eastern players are en tered and the. bringing together of golf players of the east snd west will give the followers -of the gams a line upon comparative" strength - of golfers from the two sections of the country, ; The .card for the meeting follows: , ' May SI Men's open championship ' of the Pacific northwest, It-hole qualify ing round, medal play, II to qualify. ' ' Women's approaching contest, four balls at 60 yards, two prises for best ball and best average. .'. : ' Nine-hole putting contest, prises for .nament, prise for best soors in tourney PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAGUE ,c ciock green. way II Women's open champtonahip of tho Pacific northwest, ll-hole quali fying round," v medal play, eight to . qualify. : ' .. - . . , Beooad riifliii 8eoond flight of eight men from -the championship qualifying- round, (first round, 18 holes, match play. ' r (Special PUpatch te Tbe JoaraaL) Chemawa, Or., May tl. Athletics are la full, swing at the Chemawa Indian school.. Two field meets have been ar ranged for June 1 and I with McMinn ville college and the Portland T. M. C A-. Willamette university Is also an lous to have a day with Chemawa and if, they will -accept1 the Indian school's offer of Juno 6, the event will probably be pulled off, -provided Willamette comes to a quick decision. The meet on June 1 with McMinnville will bo held at Chemawa. The events scheduled are as follows: Fifty-yard dash, 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440- yard dash; 110-yard high hurdles, , 110 yard low hurdles; one half mile run, mile run, pole vault, broad Jump, high Jump, 14-pound shotput, 14-pound ham mer, throw, and discus throw. v - as the two , institutions are very evenly matched It will be a closs meet The one-with the Portland Y. M. C. A. will also be held at Chemawa on the afternoon of June I. Tbe events de cided upon are 100-yard dash,' 220-yard dash, 440-yard dash, ISO-yard run,,one muo run, ziio-yara hurdles, running high jump, 1 4 -pound shotput,, running broad Jump, pole vault, one mile relay (four men in team)..-- . . . -.., i This meet the Indian boys do not have the Highest hopes of winning, but If systematic faithful .training can suc ceed they will win. - Regarding the Willamette meet Chem awa bad challenged the university boys early in tna season, but nothing - ma terialised until, alter the Salem-Portland relay race. , when they put In a strong piea ror.a meet. They were offered a date after, Juno 1 and thus it stands at the present time. .-. Chemawa Is fast developing a strong ball team and will be at the Chautauqua at Gladstone In July to win, providing the professional tactics of some of the other teams that have entered there la the past are eliminated. 1 - r " - has been marked off on the lake and the Stanford boys will go over It several times every day, The Stanford boys carried their, shell out to Lake Union, rowed up to the nar row Isthmus between the two lakes and then carried It across Into Lake Wash Ington. The Wsshlngton crew, when they returned from, the south, carried their shell straight up the . Madison street hill and three miles across tho .city to Lake Washington, without ones setting It down, The Stanford men acknowledge that they expect a hard race, much harder man witn .California. .They say that three of the California men fainted at tho end of a two-mile .course. All of the men are In good ahapo with tho ex ception of Stroke Conant, who Is suf fering from blood poisoning, the result of an Ingrowing toe nail. -Conant Is the only man on the crew that -has hsd any experience as stroke and should ho have to remain out of It, it would bo a seri ous handicap to the Stanford crew. It seems certain that tbe winner of the race on June 1 will bo sent by Its college to fhe big regatta at Pough keepsle. New, York.-- , - v SPORTING MOTES Local and Otherwise. GRADE WILL AVERAGE I ABOUT EIGHT PER CENT Finish to Be at Mount Zlon School boose, Convenient Spot for Specta-tsjra-r-Decoratlon Day Race Meet la Off Kotea of Aato World, . Now well see how the Beaver stack up against the Angela , U Jay Could Jr. certainly does his own press agent work in great shape. . While Jay is champion of a game which Is almost unknown In the United States. he Is getting more publicity in the news papers than are tho beat pitchers in tho National and American leagues, the best batters, the biggest football stars and tho lawn tennis champions all lumped togetnen , ;, , e e Denver promises to become the new pugilistic center of tho west. The gov rnor announced yesterday that on acfia cuum oi me provisions in uenvera new cnarter he would be powerless to nrt vent glove contests there In tho future. IM MCCTCDM nDCfinm in.? "arry. "wis-Jlmmy .Gardner atch in Lm vj i uiiii wiiuuwls I win mereioro (Special Dlapateb to The Joernit) ' Engene, Or., May 22. The .Western Oregon Interscholastla Athletlo league has been formed, with the superintend ents and principals of the public schools of Eugene, Albany, Salem, Roseburg and other, valley cities as members. Such a movement was started i at a meeting held . In Eugene two months ago, and the organisation has now been completed. The league Is for. the pur pose of placing athletics on a uniform basis.' to settle discussions and to place athletics on a Higher plans than at present . ' . .College Baseball Schedule. The college baseball schedule for the I week follows: , . May' 22 Pennsylvania-Lafayette, at f (-, iMAnL rlin m rmnf rnn wias, TTinceion-Byracuao, at r"-wrv. n'M ,i i mnceton, . J.; Yaie-wiuiams, at .'gymptomSj Of kidney trouble. New Haven, Connecticut; West Point- hrtninc "it will wear awav " are CoI"ata. Wogt lnt New Tork; Cor- nopipg II Will wear away, are neiMrordham, at Ithacs, New Tork; drifting towards Bright S Disease, Harvard-Andover,' at .Andover, Massa- driftio? whiz-h Te lriniv trntihle in onu cf ehusetts. III Worst torms. Haven. - Connecticut: Princeton-Har vard, at Princeton, New Jersey; West Polnt-Fordham, at West Point, 'New Tork; Cornell-Amherst, at Ithaca, New I one mm i mm . ' North Carolina Shoot . (Journal Bpeeial flerrloe.) Charlotte, a C, May 22. The state championship tournament of the North Carolina Trap ' Shooters - association opened here auspiciously today, and will continue . over .tomorrow. SimuLtane-1 ously the North Carolina-Virginia team cnampionsmp, consisting; or 10 men from each state, will be contested. It will be the fourth contest of the kind between the crack shots of : the . two states and much Interest Is manifested In the result'- San Francisco Wins. - : , : (Journal Special Servlee.l ' v San . Francisco. May 22. A bunch of I , . , uiu wis wiun in w una vi vne the WOrn-OUt tlisues OI the Kid-j Seals five runs and put them entirely neys so they will perform their ut 0 nr ior th.9 nam. The score . Mn.ri tj.uk VM. l .: : . v- . . ..... . . t ' neva strain ; out the imourities San Francisco. 1 1 2 0 0 S 1 1 11 12 1 fJ. UUA . If -i ni e a Batterles-Cates .and Bliss; Ashley wui w.w - . - , Btreer umDlr Perrlne. atom irrerularities. stren?thent . the urinary organs and builds up through them. Z Diseased kidneys do ' not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation ? to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache; 1 1 oto a c in troubie, .sluggiihlliver," Irregular heart action, etc. , - If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE ;at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. 'f- ;:: 'J-r- flow to Find OuL";:';v -: - . vi acllv determlna if vonr kld ceys c-re out of order Dy setting asiaa i f yr 24 honrs bottle of tha urine passed e unon arisine. If upon eaamlnation It Is clondy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about In It. vour kidneys aro diseased, and 1 OLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should bo Ukea at nce.-;;;'! :y,y :s.j; Q. O. Barltaaa Taatlflaa Aftar ."';" fur Year. . iv-'-'-:'i C B. earftiat tf CirlUle Cotter, N. T.wrlteK-' -About four rears sge I wroie ron mow f i,-t been entirely owed of a severe ktdnef " --mi uie l wkliis lea than two bottle of Folert . t.f-v Cure. It entirely oiopped the brick--t .wllment and pain sod symptoouof kidser -.i.e o i appeared. I am S"leo to say that I ... , American Leagie . St Xxuls S, New Tork 0. Chicago S, Boston 1. . Cleveland 4, Washington 1. , Philadelphia S, Detroit 1. .. -- National League.-. . Chicago S, New Tork 1. Boston IS, St Louis 6. Brooklyn S. Cincinnati. ' ; Philadelphia S, Pittsburg 2. Northwestern League. Seattle 7. Vancouver, I. Tacoma 1, Aberdeen S. go on. - Freddie Cole and Walter Little fie-ht 16 rounds at Fort Wayne, Indians, to- nigni. xony capem and Billy Papke ngni is rounas at jjavenport, Iowa, Tho world's amateur rolf ehamnlon ship games begin tpday at St, Andrews, pv -:.-. . i : -.-. m e ,. 5...,v. ;t- '. mi . . - im arrangements nave Dean com pieted for the match for-the Dwlght r. ijavia cup, representing the Interna- uonai wwn Tennis chamDlonshio. Tho preliminary games between the Australian and Amerloan teams will be v.1 n ..... ,r. U1 . a ... . . . xuuuiia n iuj ii, io ana leV and the challenge match between the winners and tho English team wilt be played July 20. 22 and 22. It is the opinion of experts that the Americans have a better chance of win ning than they ever have had since the cup came to England. Sportsmen : and anglers who have known of the fishing and bunting, as well ss the pleasant surroundinrs of Pelican Bay lodge, on Klamath lake. will hear with regret that the resort will not be thrown open to the nubile this Year, as It Is now owned b A H. Holablrd of California, who has turned it into a private huntlnr loda-e.- Mr. Rice, the former lessee under Mr. Ken dall, will have charge. Mr. Holablrd will spend a considerable sum of money. on me premises, ana proposes to make it the finest private hunting and fish ing preserve-in tno state. - A notable polo team Is to make Its appearance in England this oeason. It Is from Spain and with reason is called the Dukes' team. It Is composed of the Duke of Santo, the Duke of Peneranda, tne Duke of Alba and the Marquis of Vllleavleja. ' $ : . . . : . The Spanish grandees will bring with them their own polo ponies which have strong strain of Arab blood and are said to be ideal polo ponies. They are confident they will bo able to hold their own with tho - beat of tho English teams, , " J The Park Blocks want a game for next Sunday with any nine of players under IS years, of ago. CaU up Wood- lawn B70. 1 1 ... -v. w--p-a.:.-a ;;A,K, , The Villas wUl play Oreshsm on the Montavilla grounds next Sunday after noon, Another game win probably be played on the Montavilla grounds in the morning; -The game scheduled for last Sunday between the Villas and the Bun ker Hills was called off on account Of rato. . , v After an extended trip through' the far east, Robert . J. Cook, the famous Tale oarsman and coach. Inventor of the "Bob Cook stroke," has returned to this country. It Is. believed Mr. Cook while abroad italked over the plans for an International boat race between the winner of the Tale-Harvard and Oxford Cambridge boat races. . - - :.- The Portland. Auto Dealers' associa tion win ' hava a ' hill-cllmblng oontest on June IV A commute, r the dealers took a run over the hills yesterday and selected the route. , ' The climb wlU be over a road witn ai evade averaatna about 4 per cent The! start will be made at Scholl'a Firry. In Washington county, and . tne uniaa will be at the Mount Zlon schoolhouso, two and a half miles away. The suborn- houso Is only about a quarter of a mile from the end of the Portland Helghta earlin and -those -who wish to se the finish can easily do so by walking a short dlatance.from the end of tho Una. The contest promises to be aa exciting one, as many .of the dealers will enter cara It wlU prooaDiy. do neia in ins afternoon."'- v ,v ' "' Tho foute has several extra dips and difficult-horseshoe curve, which wUl Insure the most thorough test of tho hlll-cllmblng abUlty of local machlnea I ' Sealers' SUoe Xoe Off. t ' The dealers' race meet which was scheduled for May SO at tho Irvingtoa track, has been postponed on account of tho orobablo sal of tho track prop erty. The Barney Oldfleld racing meet. which Is planned for June it. may not take place for the same reason. It is I believed, however, that th business deal wlU be straightened -out within a few daya and that th track can be secured fcr the later date.- The dealers now contemplsto holding their races Jointly with the Portland Auto ciud. Th - run to Latourelle , Falls, which was postponed last Sunday. on account! of bad weather, win b taken next Bun day. During th week arrows wUl be placed along ths rout by George Klelser so that none of th motorists mar miss th road. Th distance to Latourelle I Falls la 2S miles.- . Enough entries already ar la pro-1 poet to Insure ths success of th "sealed hood" contest, scheduled tor June 11-22 by th . Automobile - Club of America; but no great number of assorted cars Th conditions for th contest promts to mako It rather ex clusive. Jsmes Joyce, father of the 1 "sealed hood" Idea, ahowed his sincerity by being th first entrant with a 4.0- horsepower - Berllet H says that a truly good car should have no trouble In running three -days wlthoat having to lift the hpnnet, and-that this la th sort of a test that should be provided for high-grade cars.- s. , Under an amendmentto th bylaws Joints the American Automobile assocla- a club of 100 or more members which tlon may organise as a state assocla-I tlon. This the Colorado Automobile club has done. It being; th only club In th stat. ' .'.: '',.v". r.'-f.-'-.v'- How lacking In observation of detail Is the Average person la shown by th I fact that all air-cooled cars bear i obvious sign of their character which , Is unknown to many. In Ulustratlon: A man who has been a mtorist for years sat In a clubhouse window and asked of a companion: "What car is that r The machine in Question was standing nearly 100 yardo away. Th on inter rogated replied: "I can't tell what make it la. I think It's a Corbln, but I know it Is an air-cooled car." ; Tho veteran came back at him quickly, asking how he could tell It was an air-cooled carl at that . distance. , Th observing on answered; . "Because It has - no water cap on top at th front end of th hood." $8.75 for Men's $1 5 Suits. At the Chicago Clothing; Co., S9-T1 Third street, you should go ther before thinking of buying elsewhere. gtl If energy and ambition Z.: are lacking :. . T 11 the mind la dull. Inactive orde- g prewed sad trifling aaaoyaaces irritate and exasperate, then tha LIVER la in trouble. The avateat ? i clogged with undigested- and It Is practically settled that an Inter- I national track and field athletlo meet i o a III- vrATmhtV """"" "uu muru, repreeeni BALL GAME YESTERDAY lng America, and Oxford snd Cam- i Dnage, ; representing n,ngiana, win do SLOW TRAIN PREVENTS . . , V. .u.. . v w. n . turlns the four years that have elapsed. , I am evidently eured to stay eurea. and renommend Foley's Kidney Cure M any ..ins I rem kidney or bladder robla Twa diss, C3sand 100. Th train carrying th Los Angeles ball players did not or- rlvs- until 4 o'clock yesterday . afternoon and, therefore, .there Was no gam at Recreation park. The first game of th series will. be played .today and tho post- poned game may be played In a, double-header next Suaday. ' ' Callff and Donahue will form the battery , for Portland and Walter Nagle will probably 4 pitch for the visitors. Umpire Derrick - has returned from his wedding in the Sound city and Is expected to don his old clothes i again today.; , . , ; . . ' The " H1U ' Military academy and ' the Columbia university ' are scheduled to play a game of the Interscholastic series on Multnomah field this afternoon at J - held some time In July. The principal point which remains to be settled Is the status or tne itnoaes scholars at Ox ford. Th Engllnsh universities are not disposed to permit them to vbe barred from -. the ' contest .'. They declare that these men," even If they are Americans. aro bona ride undergraduates and there fore should by rights be Included In th athletlo assets of their alma mater. The exact date of the meet also remains to be settled. As academlo duties ar not finished at Oxford and Cambridge before the end of .June, It will not be likely fixed before lat In July or early in August ' 'Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles yield to Doan s Ointment. Chronic cattes soon relieved, finally, cured. Drug gists aell It . ' $1.00 for men's 22.50 whit and fancy vests, the Chicago Clothing Co 12-71 Third atret. ' , . A DeCasf ro's Sacred BarkTea ' la the best remedy for UVE aaj troubles. It increases both energy . 4S) sad ambition and induces health-' eS iiu sieep. . it is mim - to vans as ah urar stores. m - .. sooauetana eample Free. 2 " HOVT CHEMICAL CO. --VV- y?t fJ 'r ' or roiTum otsom : ' Immrtmltd and CkiHni imitr "nnHE survival of the fittest is'perhap3 truer JL of cipra than of 'anything else. Only ' cigars of genuine value and fine quality can Burvivo competition year, after year.- . xwew brands wiay be good but old brands you cro surd' jL ere the best you can get.;:S CUaMeEor CIGAR r :M V 'Oldest and Best" ; ' - -;' ft For over thirty years this iWbecn tta lxx&t product of an old established factory, always one of the best kiiown nd most popular 'high grade cigars offeredlhe public." Made in various . ; sizes, sold at 2 for. 25'cents, 8 for 25 ccnt3 end : 1 10 cents straight" .: & 'ri: 'SyJ'-1 We regards the Chancellor ca being; cuch , splendid quality as. to deserve the distinction of the merit mark which we have placed on it to identify it with the brands that benefit by our modern I nianufacturing methods. . ? v j :; lladt t i AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY llanufactera1 ' iTfSTJRES XIX. KlXDS OV ' ' nrr u-TWTf a n A rvwn ' J I DEATH FROM ANY . , CA.USIS - tmttmOk Aim Wmfi aVwswsw X. S. ShaM, SmUarf . I Wok&snitkr.PrM. g. H. Owen Oaal WriT ! a,M.ObSMraUfy K.I.Sunl OMtluSi ) iLoag tt Iwtk Otumd Cosaes! ' ' M1MBBK Pwdaad Chamber af Ci mm roRlaa Board af TrU - : ' kinHINCXI . ,: .'.- On pa Traa sad rbp Bank rwUtadOw, Tke Brmim( Ciaisaa, B. & Dm Ca. Ciasaiirlsl i cr - . , Sfi subs se yieauie we e set MM . . 'Wi ghre yas s siaaie eW 1 Lm m a t BOMB OFFICS 4-M LAFAYETTE BLDQ. 1 ., Cm. rsatfeUM W SlMth wW0sJ (6(6)UD)III TEA3RICES BAKIIiU;F.0VDER' lMga wti ivv (I ssEri&DEVEns i i ' " W0r.IAN A SPECIALTY MRS. fs. IC. CHAN Tbe eoly Gbtoese womaa aiedlcal Soctoc la tbls city. - She aae enrtd - siaay afflicted saff.nre, . Curad private end . female 41 eaMe, " alas aatbma, tltroat and tang tron bU.; stomaeb, bladder and kldo.y aad dlaauM of all kloda -tbat tbe bomia flMh is betr te. Csred by CfaloM. barbs aad roots.. Remadtea haralm, Mo opera tlnna. Hone.1 freatmoat. - i sxAMor ations raiE. - Mi Glar StrMC Oorn.r TbtM. THE BEST $3 HAT IN THE WORLD i PcrchnUorvoEsccnco KEST0RB8 TITAtlTT Rave eared tbosaaada ef caaM of Nervoaa- Debility and insomnia. Tbey elear tbe brats, streaftbea tbe clrenlatlon. stake dlgastloa serfeet and Impart a masnetle vigor to tbe wool, being. AH drain, and loaies stopped permanently. 11.00 pr boa, bote. gaaranteed- te core of refund money, $5. If tiled sealed.' Book free. Peralaa bled. Co.. osj . Arcb It, Philadelphia. Sold te Portland eoly by Woodward. Clark A Co. OS. VlXaSLOV'S sooths: 3 SYHU? BM tieea aSKd by ailllntti of Hothera for th.br i enuaren wmie leeuunc ior vtw i inj i wn. )-lt sootbas tne child, sortens be gams, allaye U pain, eons wind eolio, and is tne Scat NnMrtr rnrdiarrhma. - TWHTT-n?! OKHTB A BOTTU. - W.0OO SOLD. NOT ONE RETURNED I BEN SELLING and other drag habits are positively eured Dy HABITINA For nypodermio or internal nae. eai amDle sent to any draff habitue by I mail, iterular price S2 at yonrdrussiator by Oatta Cbessleal Co., rular price S2.00 per Dottle in iv rr I In Free Tor sale b gkldmera Sru Oa.. t Portland, - One on. - . . ' . Dlam wrapper. - St Ixrals, Me ' Ul Iblid, W ' V .. . .... JT WOMEN ONLY "A" Afwaya Bay QjltBjf Collars - "tmsv aoarv aaaea aa asnoar ; H.M--LlNocoKQ"reit MmoBbeJea aajr le bauos. sweat te sold. aaa. a. taa a aa, mtmm -.raav, a. . LOW KATES A E S T BASEBALL ' xaaxBATiov tabx, 1 Comer TaacHa aaa Twaaty-foarth. . PORTJUAND LOS ANOEUES MAY 82, 83, 84, 85, 8& ,. Game Called al 3:80 p. tn. Dally. ' " Gam Called- at 2:80 p. m. Sundays. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY ADMISSION 25. GRANDSTAND 25a, CH1J-DBEN 10f , Ton aaa sow make your arrangemeata to visit the. , ? ', JAMESTOWN BXPOSiTIOlS Or any other point in the east, this summer, and take advantage of the very low ROUNDTRlP rates that bare just been fixed upon by THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY. From PORTLAND to Chlcaf 1 ..7. . . .$71 JflC $85.00 St'Louia. . . . . .. ; ..$67 JO ' $81.00 St Paul $63.15 $81.40 A Cfreet routes both ways. omaiui.'. .$aoo , $73.50 Sloax City. 4 .... . . $60.00 $73 JO Kansas City. $60.00 $73.15 B One-way through California. roOi ;sta will he a assOe Ah a, T, 8 7aly S, , .- Tea days allowed for going trip, to days for return. VJto- iieasuza wiuia limits. Tioksts wu agust 8, a, 101 atoptsnbea 11, 10, 13, vwrs at CorresvoadUur reduction In rates from tha dtlsa aamsd to 7amestowa aad return, ror full particulars Ingulra of . . WU. McMURRAY, C W. STINGER, "V : Oeaeral rasseager Agent 'i , City Ticket Aremt, -.-. Third and Washlstoa atreets.. Dr. gaadersoa's Oomponna gavla -"and Cotton Boot Pill. Tbe bert and only reliable remedy for D LAXBD PERIODS. Care tbe bimI Price t per bos. nulled la rlala wrapper. Addresa Dr. T. J. PIIBCH. 181 rirat atreet. Pottlaad. Oresoa. HARVARD UNIVERSITY EZAinVATIOV FOB AOW6BIOV WUl be beld In Portland, in tbe lecture roots of the Portland Library,' Jane 28 to 29, In elailre. Tbe terma of admission, fees, ex pensea and privileges In any or all department of the University m be toarud from St BCairnvz VAHFHLETS which may be bad oa applicatkw to tbe Secretary, v - iHarrard Pnlveraity, Cmbrldte. jfjga. RADCLIFFE COLLEGE oAiroiSAtES roa ADKisaioir and -ether vomrn who wl.h to take tbe HamM Bxamlnatfcma will be examined In Portland, at tbe tame time aa the candidates for admiailna to Harvard Vnlrenlty. All Information wltb regard to - tbeM examinations mar - be bad oa -application to tbe Secretary of Badcllffa Col- leg., Cambridge, Han. ...