THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,5 PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 1, U07. POLLY EVANS TELLS OF GIVING OUT. JAPAN'S THRIFTY The Struggle Discourages Many.a . Qtizen of Portland. , , The- jO .. ' js. T' I Tho :r.Ioot, U j if. 'W(fJ v "rll Ecsi WOMEN tWH Known Contributor to The' Oregon Journal Returns From vTv'VWt to Orient Inborn Courtesy of Flowery Kingdom In- j, U : , ' spiring Feature--Engli8h. Teaching VVidespread V Polly Evan, who fcolda a warm place In the hearts of Juvenile readers of The Journal, has recently returned from trip to the orient and spoke before an enthuslnetla and admiring audience Bun- day Jn tha rooms of the ,T. w. C. A, her topic was "Tha Women of Japan,' and aha dealt with tha position of worn an In tne 'Xand of the Rlslna: Bun," their characteristics and their needs. ' ' ' I ' . ..i' f ... - .. ' 1 Y-nZ .... '"1 Miss Polly Evans. .: Miss Evans tells of tha inborn eour . (.lesy of all Japanese, perfected by tha , education and tha customs of tha coun- try, which marks aU classes from tha poor anl haggard old "women searching ; In tha muudy canals for snails, to tha gracefully garbed woman of tha higher .classea who express In every-way their care for the comfort anAf. welfare of others.. The little wom "san," which is so commonly used In connection with the possessions and property of others, and which , we translate . honorable, la .indicative . of the politeness of their common speech. L ' - ''--.: : Honorable Znaldea topty. - . On one occasion only did the speaker remember to have heard the word used ! as. applied ta that which belonged to - the person himself, and that waa ' ia the case of the guide who took a party up the active volcano, Aaama-Yama-San. . Lunch had not been provided and ,. rit waa a- matter of seven or eight hours , before they could reaoh the bottom of tha mountain again-where food awaited them. : "Please,, madams, to make .haste," said the guide, "for my fconor- .able lnsldea are, empty." , Thia waa a slip of the tongue but waa perhaps to ba excused under the circumstances. The speaker spoke la the moat inter " sting .way, of soma of the prominent Women of Japan and of what they are doing to help In the education of the women. .One of the leading women and a pioneer In educational nfettera la the Marquise Oyama, wife of the famous general, who waa educated In this coun try and whose Influence hss been large ly felt; another is Madame Urlyu. one of two leading unmarried women of Japan, where unmarried women are rare. Bhe, as well as the other noted spinster who is largely influential In eduoatlonal matters, Miss Tsuda, remalna unmar ried from choice, becauae aha feela that she has a mission and a call which can not be disregarded. , . ; .... 'r Teach Sagllsb, ' The appellation Madame Is a courtesy. Mlsa . Tsuda eonduota a sohool In Eng lish and for teaching English. At the time of her visit a class in Browning was In progress.- Another remarkable woman of Japan in Madame Schlmoda, who conducts a school for peeresses. 6h : la . considered by statesmen of Japan to be 'one of the most able and influential personalities in the . entire country. A famous buslneee woman of Japan 1 Madame Hlroka of Osoka, one or the most famous Mitsui family, who, When tna family fortunes were In peril. at the time of the great upheaval and reconstruction, when , the present em peror came into power, discovered unde veloped ttpourcea In the family poaaea- aion, neglected and undeveloped mines. and developed them and saved the day. Bhe remains In business and makes a specialty of employing young women In ner counting-houses. ? s f Yapan'a aTew Womta, :. A noted character 1a Japan, one who atanda in the eatlmatton of her country' men as tha new woman, la Madame Hatoyama, the wife of Dr. Hatoyama of Tokio, who is a graduate of Tale, where ne also too his doctor of laws degree, She la, a charming matron and aston ishingly progressive. . She la an able linguist and with theae othera who have been mentioned and with many who have not been mentioned, leada la all movements ? for the betterment of women. ! ",.... Polly Evans has been . a contributor to the press for some years and at known aa a ready and a versatile writer. Her juvenile atoriea are enjoyed by hundreds of eager youngsters who read The .Journal. . ; . , , " In private life she answers to the name of Miss Oraoe Zarbaugh and aha poaaesses a ready wit. a sympathetio manner - and a winning personality which endear her to all who know her. She haa many friends In Portland who are rejoicing In the fact that aha la to remain some weeks la the city. . -.. Convict Ma7 Be In the River. - -(8pedr Dkrpatek te The Joareal.) ' 1 Boise. Idaho, May 11. No trace haa ret been found of Andrew Gilbert, the convict who escaped from the peniten tiary Friday night It la thought ha may have committed suicide by Jumping Into the Boiae river, which ne told the guard he would do if ha got the chance. TW Housekeeper and Pure Food. That waa a auggeatlve and interest ing meeting held Monday afternoon In the Interest of pure food. ' Many points were brought out which are of especial Interest to the housekeeper,' Indeed, the whole matter of the i adulteration of food, its substitution. Its proper ban dllng la the marketa and - the proven tlon of contamination by the dust of the air Is largely a housekeeper's cues tionA ' -A. - , ' - These things were emphasised: that housekeepers should: abolish, the. tele phone In doing their marketing. A per sonal visit to the dealer Is really, nee essary to Insure a general tidiness and sanitation of the premise. One dealer la quoted aa saying that the silver thaw of last January - which put the tele phones out of commission also made him acquainted with some of his patrons whom he bad never seen before.. Another duty which was urged was that of apeaklng to the dealer when anythtng la seen which Is unhygienic. - One of tha speakers said that aha saw a woman buying uncovered oysters and upon the oysters Ahe saw a fly, . She realised that she ought to speak to the woman and remonstrate, but pleading that she was tired and disliked to make herself disagreeable aha refrained and felt a-ullty. Housekeepers should In sist upon having foods covered In the markets and npon the .personal clean liness of those who handle xnem. Here was another good suggestion: that the women of any one neighbor hood who have the same source of milk supply should appoint a committee to visit the premises of the dairyman and Investigate his methods. The man who la doing as he ought will be glad to have his patron's confidence, and the one who Is not will learn what Is re quired. . :vr. It Is -worth while emphasising also, both early and often, though It was not touched upon at the meeting, that often the housekeeper la herself responsible for- the contamination or suon suo stances as milk and butter. Too often the milk which has been delivered In good condition Is poured Into a pan or pall which has not , been scalded, and therefore It oourej then the milkman bi-mad. Often It la placed where tha odor of vegetables, such aa onions, may be communicated to It, and again It la the milkman who gets the blame, if w cannot all have Ice, we can. all have oold water, and right here I am stA tA av that if a pall or pan of milk la plaoed In another vessel holding cold water, and a xowei ia piacea wvor tha et tha nalU with the enda in the water, tha evaporation of the water and the passage or it inrougn in wwn win vn h milk cool and sweet. : vrnt,ir should always oe bubdmuous r.t iv which does not , sour in m- ......l ttma 'One woman whom I know found that the milt wmcn sne -- Around all day with aa aohing back! ' Can't rest at night; Enough , to make, any one "give onC Doan'a. Kidney Pills will give re newed Ufa. . , i ' , They will oure the backache; " -v' - Cure every kidney ID, v .' " ' 'r , Here la Portland proof that this Is so: ' , A. Ii. Maney, , repairer oa the Port land Cable Railway, and living at (54 Elm street. Portland, Oregon, sayat "Doan's Kidney Pills completely rid me of an -attack of backache which was brought on .through the Jarring and Jolting of riding on the cable ears.. At least that was the only way X could ao count for It tit was very annoying and worried me a great deal. Being lnduoed to try Doan's Kidney Pills through rec ommendations of . the remedy . X found quick relief and a. final oure. That was over three years ago and there has been no return of the trouble slnoe." Voi sale by all dealers. ' Price II oenta. FosterMUburn Co., Buffalo, .New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember tha name DOANS and take bo other,, ,'Vf '.' If s ;.WIt,X See Mot Wfeai' We Say Wm , That convinces you that of all the homesites jofFered in Portland v none have the advantages now found in f s r jt m Words can't make sightly locations, grade streets give the most adequate sewerage in the country, bring Bull Run water to your, door, afford the best street car service on the east side of the river. The fact that these things actually exist makes the selling' of lots for the immediate building of homes an easy task. Take a:W-W orW-R Car ' tf.- . And go to Waverleigh and see if we haven't the best proposition - , ' for real estate investment you ever saw. Investigate every claim . . V , we make for it. ' Compare what you see with what you see else- . . ' v i where.-- "'"'r - t - ,vfc , , , - .;t " "' . i,;,-.. ''i::,:,i--i:ltit f-i;'vi-'. :--,.; -i-r ., ', -"' i .-, -f : ,i r -i;-, i t:- ' , . "; Lots arc 5325 up. ; Payments of 510 per Month Phones Main 350 HomtA253r A .aV h on the Ground Offices Sfxthand Washington u I Ing her baby when left In the refrigera tor for two days bad not eoured. Bhe left It three.' and the result waa the same. Then aha changed her milkman. Undoubtedly the milk had been treated with formalin, which delaya tha process of aouring, and wbloh rendera the milk poisonous to the child. ' ' - ' When preservatives are need la meat. as was discovered la some of our city marketa not long ago, the housekeeper may buy unknowing. In a general way. It la aafe to say, look out for hamburg ateak whloh la too red. When beef baa been ground for a little while, if un treated with preservatives It will turn a graylah color. If It haa preservatives It will stay a bright red. Of course absorb only a small amount of poison with each portion of the meat but should we pay to be poisoned at all? Small doses of poison, as Dr. Tenney showed, may oause no effect at the time, but their long-continued uae wilt be disastrous. Besides, such preserva tives cause meat to pass : for , fresh which Is really far past the proper stage. - Again, as the preservatives pre vent the decay of the meat, they also prevent Its dlgestlqn and assimilation. See tha meat out and ground, and It will be more satisfactory. i V In taking up the aubjeot of the con tamination . of food with the germ a whloh are la the air. Dr. Pieroe said. and surely many echoed, "Banish the broom and' the feather duster." Long haa It been urged that- the proper way to oust a room la not to sweep the duat off into - the air to ' be again . de posited, and yet one constantly sees it done. A damp cloth la infinitely better and more hygienic, or, aa aome prefer, a cloth which haa been slightly oiled with a mixture of, sweet oU and kero- That sweeping compound whloh eon' tains sawdust and keroaene la good on bare floors: I am not sufficiently ac quainted with Its merits on oarpets to apeak wltb authority, out tan oia ana naeful war to gather tha dust oa a carpet la to wet some paper several newspapers at enee and tear them Into small pieces, distributing them over the caroet : . They will gather and hold the dust Instead of scattering It Of course they must not be wet enough to spot the carpet It la a long warfare which woman has beea waging against dirt It aha haa not aa yet been entirely suooesszui, at least aha haa progressed, and the widespread Interest In sanitation and byglenlo living la a proof that the fight la not a losing one. - Courage, my sisters, wa shall yet learn mai. things and ..have brighter and more healthful homes. - BIRRELL HOME RULE'- y BILL JS CONSIDERED fleenal gDeelal Berries. Dublin. May 21. -The Irish national convention, called to consider and take action on the Blrrell measure for Irish home rule, opened In Dublin today under the nresldencv of John Redmond. The Importance of the meeting Is evidenced by the large attendance. More tnan 1,000 delegates are present among them nearly all the Irish membera of parlia ment and several former membera. Tha United Irish League or America is rep resented by T. B. ntspatrlck. John O'Callaghan and Dr. P. J. Tlmmlna, all of them officers of tna league, xnei opening proceedings 1 were . thoroughly harmonious. ..The session will oontlnue several' day a , . It is problematical whether or not the convention will aocepi tna mrreu bill. If the measure la deemed worthy of acceptance, aubjeot to amendment by the Irish party, the aoope or tne neeaea amendment will be outlined by tne con vention. . i v OIL MEN ALLEGE THEY" ARE RAILROAD'S VICTIMS (Joornal Special Berries.) Washington. D. C. May II. -The com plaint of the National Petroleum asso ciation against the cnioago, Milwaukee A St Paul, the Pennsylvania, tne Ann Arbor and other railroads, klleglng un reasonable and discriminating rates on petroleum and its products, came up for hearing today oerore ine interstate com merce commission. , v , The National Petroleum association Is an indenendent oil company, and It al leges discrimination in favor of the Standard. In anticipation of tha hear ing today the railroads a week or ao ago announced a big concession to tne inde pendent oil men, especially on the rate for the return of empty tank cars from the Pacific ooast. The readjustment of rates means that the Standard Oil com pany will no longer enjoy aa exclusive rate from eentral freight and trunk-line association territories, to the western coast-- ' CONFEDERATE VETERANS PLAN GREAT REUNION . (Journal Special Serrlce-) . RioftmnV-V.w Ma y. 21 .The . annual national reunion of the 'United Confed erate Veterans wilt be held in this olty next week. Never before In tha history of Richmond have such elaborate ar rangements boon made for the reception and entertainment .of people from abroad as are being made for thia oc casion. The added attraction of the Jamestown exposition la expected to re sult In aa attendance of at. least 100,000 visitors, . . . - , . MB WELL-HADE .. Our underwear is made under the most sanitary conditions by the most skilled seamstresses and has every advantage of the best home-made underwear. . Great care haa been given to the selection of the materials used in the manufacture. We are showing an extensive-line of these garments, reasonably priced. It will t Whit Petticoat Specials in Our May Undermtulin Bale ' Tomorrow's offerinfg afford you an opportunity to lay la si whole aeason'a supply at a bl( lavinj. ; Cambric Petticoats having deep lawn flounces, trimmed with two tows of torchon lace insertions and edge, embroidery ruffle, with hem stitched tucks above, or flaring ; lawn flounce formed of sectional attached .ruffles, finished with cluster, tucking, extra underlay and dust ruffle., Are a OO special at. HOC Choice of a .variety of pretty styles of fine Cambric Petticoats, with eyelet or blind embroidery ( flounces, others daintily trimmed ' with laces and dust ruffles trim med to match. Are QC a special at. ............ .apleeal Fine Cambric Petticoats having deep lawn flounce, trimmed with pay you to investigate them. four rows of .Valenciennes lace In sertions and . tdgc . or embroidery ruffle with duster ' tucking and hemstitching, extra ' underlay and dust ruffle, go Monday CA and Tuesday at.......... epieUU Dainty Lawn Petticoats, baring deep flounce of blind embroidery, wide, beading above, drawn with ribbon; also Cambric Petticoats, deeo flounce formed of seven rows of Valenciennes lace edges sewfl together, dust ruffles trimmed to match; actually worth v tQ C A $5.00. Go for only...... e?J.OU v 3EL & G. Ooriets : ... .. ... These famous Corsets are to be found here in all the latest 1907 models T5, f l.OO, f 1.50, S:s:.;;;v$3.oo Na 673 An exceedingly good Cor set for medium figures, with long hio and high .bust, hoje support ....VleOO, . VravrcrB Of cambric, with three tack and deep umbrella flounce, yoke band, hemstitched hem; 40c val- OC ; ues. 8ale price. . . . . . ,v i . . . W C ' Drawers of cambric V or '. muslin, tucked flounce, edged with lace or JBjfl of tmbroidery; th'.Ci$. ' 'lMet.Cove vf. :' Of Nainsook or cambric," lace or embroidery trimmed; 40c ,-.".'9C values. Sale price only..,. a-OC Corset Covers of fine Nainsook, ' ribbon and laces, or ruffled front;' worth to 7Sc ; May sale ?'.: vGcrms Of muslin, yoke of tucks and lace inserting, neck and sleeves finished with ruffles; 75c Co. values ....... ...... i ... . . . .OoC Gowns of cambric off - Nainsook, trimmed with laces or embroider ies; $1.00 values. Choice , gjjg TJnufluol Solo of lien's, Womon'o and Oliildron'o '''''' , Women's White Canvaa Oxfords, la aU tha bast styles, with plain toe and tip, high or low heel, Bhicher or plain lace, light or heavy soles; Ox fords that are good all through, On aala Wednesday, and Thursday at tha following reductions: -,y.-. ' ; yy - , ., . (..y"--, Beg. 91.50 Oxfordsi. "Wed, and ThargL. ... 81.00 Beg. 82.00 Oxfords. Wed, and Thura v 01.50 Beg. 82.50 Oxfords. Wed, and Thura .. . 91.75 ; Men's Shoes and Oxfords, in all the best styles and leathers; $3.50 0 QC land $4.00 values,;.. .............. ......,.....y&Oo Women's Shoes and Oxfords, lii all fash- 07 1 ionable leathers; regular $3 aad $3.50 vals. $Ld I Women's Shoes and Oxfords, all - up-to- tM f( I date styles; regular $2.50 and $3.00 values. apleVV Women's Shoes and Oxfords, In all fash- 07 T Boya and Girla Shoes, shoes that are made ft ft' r to stand nara wear; vaaiea, w.. c Misses' Oxfords, in tatent colt, all new ' Ct A7 styles; regular $2 and $2.25 .values.. In tKe Men's SecMbiri Wa ara after a reputation for especial goodness in men's things, similar to that wa already possess in matters ot women a neeaa. moreover, wt are anauung . : .rarucuiar men are beginning to think of Roberta Broa.' first whenever they want anything In underwear, hats and furnishing goods at fair and reasonable pricea. MSN'S 75T UNDERWEAR 63 Men's fine French Balbriggaa Shirts and Drawers, made of fine aualitv combed Ervntian vara, medium weiarht. extra . high grade finish, all sixes; regular 75c values. Special sale 63c . MEN'S NEGLIGEE 8HIRTS S3a An unlimited assortment of Men'a Soft Bosom Negligee Shirts, made of cross-barred madras, pretty patterns; Q9 our best $1.00 grades Special sale price. . .Out STYLISH WINDSOR TIES 25f Just received an entirely new Una of at tractive Windsor Ties, all the new fashionable shades and patterns, pretty Scotch plaids, stripes, checks, etc Our line ia unsurpassed. Sale . OC. price, each ..,.4.....,.............6iJU OVERALLS AND JUMPERS Oar stock of Overalls, Jumpers and Work Shirts is the largest to be found in tha city. All sizes, best makes, lowest ' prices. , '-'1: : '..'z. ':;? :';-''-:Vf-: ' 'v HOSIERY amd Largest quantities, best styles, loweat pricea, are the three chief points that have made thia section of our store such a big success. Women who want well made, correctly fashioned and perfect fitting garments have found even better assortments than we led them to believe. For Wednesday and Thuraday we liat FOUR UNRIVALED VALUES. ; WOMEN'S KNIT PANTS 50c VALUES AT 20e ; Women's bleached cotton lace trimmed Pants, in tights or French band style; regular OQ 50c -quality. Special at, each........... iaWI Children's fine mercerised Lisle Stockings, in white, blue, ed and black. Good wear- 1Q lag quality; best 35c grade. Special at, per pair... .,,,,,..Ae7l ' stockings. 25c values at iae vi:.'-;s" Infants' 'fine mercerized Lisle Stockings, in black, red, blue, pink and white; also a few fine cashmere ones in black and white; always sold at 25c Our special price.... ........,17C VS.- k''::y WOMEN'S FANCY HOSE, -75c VALUES AT. Oti,;Xm'M'A Women'a fine imported Silk Lisle Hose, in tan, black, pink; blue and white, elaborate line of lace and embroidered effects; quality sold at most stores at 75c Special sale ' 50C ' h a . Embpoideriets and Ribbons ' CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY Out stock of Corset Cover t Embroidery has never before been equaled in quality, variety and price.' Every yard greatly reduced for Wednesday and Thursday. 35c quality. Special at, per yard. .... ......... .2e 50c quality. Special at, per yard.,............S3eT 75c quality. Special at, ber yard. ...43e $1.00 and $1.25 grade. Special at, per yard..... f BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERIES 43 Winding up several lines of costly embroideryit one price. The lot includes corset cover ' embroidery, wide 1 flouncing,-medium-width-tluncing-an4-baby-sets. Not one piece worm KSS tnan jc jam ana many, have sold at $1.25. All at one price tomor- JOp i row, per " yard ............................... :tO ALLOVER EMBROIDERY 10,000 yards of 24 inch Allover. Embroidery, beautiful new patterns, nothing prettier for summer waists; our reg-. fift ular $125 and $1.50 values. Special at.,.....Ue7i. FLOUNCING EMBROIDERY 27-inch Flouncing Embroidery in' Swiss, Nainsook and Hamburg; the workmanship is the very best, tha variety ia unlim ited; prices greatly reduced. Our $1-25 quality, i Special at................BO Our $1.50 quality. Special at ...78 4 Our. $1.75 quality. : Special at.......... ,80 EMBROIDERY EDGING 12-6 to 12-lnch Em broidery' with' insertion to match, made on very best grade, of nainsook and Hamburg, the kind that wears and holds the starch; usually aold at f H 20c and 5c Special jalelprict .... 1 L s, BLACK TAFFETA RIBBON The greatest rib bon values "ever offered on' staple ta&eta ribbon. Prices reduced as follows - - ; t : 4 inch width; regular 22c 4J4 inch width; regular "30c.; 5 inch width; regular 35c 6 inch width; regular 40c 7 inch width; regular 50c. Special..........! ' Special, ,,.,,,,,.1 ' Special... 'j Special.,,,, .,.' wpccial. .........