The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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mice oie
Knights of. Pythias Listen ' to
I 'Prosperous Reports of Grand r.
t ' vv .Chancellor Davis.
i '-.r...
. Over $50 delegates -and pit tm4
lehencellors, representing W Iodes Of
the Kllghts of Pythias, in Oregon, met
' In the twenty-sixth an&ual session at
ja 'dock thl morning atlvanhoa nail.
Elevfnth and Alder street.
f Tbe entire forenoon was taken up In
listening to the reading I tne report
beu;;io;i j;o piof
Opens June Twelfth for Three
';. Days Rates and Excursion
Trains Applied for, ?,
t . !,.'. V" . 'W . : ;
M. F. Davis, Grand Chancellor.
of the grand chancellor,1 grand keeper
of records --and ' aeala and - the grana
master of thevexchequer. t The reports
all showed the order to be tn an exceed-
inxlv DrosDerous condition, the member
jahlp he vine increased biore than 19 per
cent auring tne past year.,y na umnu
Crancellor Marlon Fv Davis assumed of
fice one year ago there were.; 6.4.45
Knight of Pythias In Oregon; there are
now something over 6,000. : yy V
; The alogan Adopted , by the s grand
chancellor was: "Own your own caatle
hallpay no rent go Into partnership
4 V (Special Dlapatch t Tbe Journal)
Brownsville, Or.,, , May; 21. Prepara
tions are well nod or way for the annual
reunion and lento of the Linn County
Pioneers association, which will be held
at Cbahow'a park In Brownsville Wed
nesday, Thursday and 'Friday, 'Jane 11.
1$ and K. Congressman Hawley. 8en5-
tor Fulton and H. M. Cake are on the
program for "addresses, Other speakers
will also be present. Other entertaining
features will be . as good, if not better,
than' on previous occasions. ' . :
. Jt is prtbble that the grounds: will
be illuminated at night with electricity. 1
which will give opportunity for evening
concerts and other amusements.' " Tne
committees In charge of the grounds
contemplate numerous changes. . The
speakers' stand will be moved to a new
position, i The race track will be put in
fine condition for games and sports.
Secretary t?oshow has' applied to the
Southern Pacific for reduced rates dur
ing the- three day. An effort will be
made to have excursion trains run from
Albany, Eugene and' other v points.
Springfield and Coburg people have al
ready asked the association to assist In
getting an - excursion train -from that
direction, - . . ; ; .,
League Is Formed at San Fran
. cisco to Avenge Death of 4
' ' Striking Carman.
L. R. SUnBon, G. K. R..8..
with your own town." As an indication
of how fully the order has fallen in
with, the advanced ideas of the grand
chancellor, the reporta show that within
the past year 125,000 has been expended
for -castle hail sites - throughout,- the
jurisdiction. v" ,
, Ivanhoe lodge No., i, Portland, has
expended $87,000 in a 'now building
Gauntlet lodge No. 8, Baker City, has a
hew stone caatle ball that cost f 30,000
Golden lodge No. 62. Granite, put up a
castle at a cost of over 13.000: Home
M II ' f I
John M. Wall, Grand Vice-chancellor
lodge No, 45, Independence, has expend
d 13.600 m buaam-ioageroonisr-at
Enterprise the Knights of Pythias joined
-with the Odd Fellows and put up a $16,-
voo castle, nau.
Upon' the conclusion of the' reading
or the 'annual reports the convention
adjourned until I o'clock this afternoon,
when the election of f fleers was taken
The present officers of the , grand
)odge are: Grand chancellor. Marion F.
; Davis. Union; grand vice chancellor,
John M. .wail, HUtsooro; grand prelate,
O. C. Moser, Portland;- G. K. R. B.,
Li. H. Btinson. eaiem; u. m. jc, j. m.
Malonev, Pendleton: G. M, 'at A., C J.
Howard, Cottage Grove; grand Inner
guard, u. Burnaugh, Enterprise; grand
outer guard, F. K. Thompson, Browns
ville. . v , -i-
' . .' "'"'l "
, (Special Dispatch t Irte Joorail.) J
i New berg, Or,,- May 21. The Newberg
'public schools will hold . a- fair and
street parade Friday,; similar to the
successful one held last year. Exhibits
of school work will be open to the
public, and the crowning of a May
oneen will be a feature of the after
noon, besides a field meet and circus
tent. RefreshmenU will be served. -v
Mr u and Mrs. B. C; Miles or the
Fpaulding Ixggtng company have left
Kwberg for a two' months' eastern
trip. They . will -".visit !- the Jamestown
uNwmton and Mr. Miles will inveaii-
the lumber trade and lumber god
".ocs aaat, 4 .
'':'... (jaernal flpecial Eerrtre.)
Chicago, May 11 In tenolng mem.
bers of the Chicago furnulture trust
yesterday to pay 142,500 fines for con
spiracy in restraint of trade, the federal
court administered a scorching roast to
the defendanta' The judge aald: "
"What is known as the "assist bid. a
method as old as business, was era
ployed by these men.. It makes a vic
tim believe that there is honest com
petition when there is rascally collusion
Churches and schools of this county
have been wronged by this contemptible
deception. v.; i
Men who look like clean, respectable
men have resorted to this nasty com
mercial 1 trick' to cheat country- congre
gations and school boards. An honor
able man would prefer to dig ditches at
a dollar and a half a day. v .
"The real offenders her ar the big
companies. ... They are fined heavily.
The small fry are fined less because if
they, were ffhed what they ought, to be
It would drive them out of business and
leave the big fellowsa compiei monop
oly." f : ,. ' Vs; i' V' r 7 .f --..
All will be enjoined from continuing
Illegal practice. vH''''"'-
,,:-(, r . - . .,,.,",,, I . ,y'i '.
f'3- j-?.'- ' i
- (WihlBfto Banaa of The JoarnaL) .
Washington, May 11. Fbi-eater Pin-
chot - today - issued ' the 'following an
nouncement showing that sheepmen. un
der the reserve . leasing plan may make
good profits as compared with the free
range system; v .
"That government control of the
range lands of Uie i national forests la
beneficial, to the stockmen in the. west
is evidenced by the Increase of senti
ment In favor of the present system of
administration. ? i .,..:&
"Stockmen say that the prevention of
overgrasing and overcrowding which has
been made possible by regulation has
resulted in improved stock and there
fore larger prof.vs. ; , The 'condition of
the ranses In the national fomiita !
tbelng rapidly improved and range con
troversies wnicn caused so much trou
ble under the old system are now almost
a thing of the pMtn-'-yi""-')
-The amount of money naid out bv
the stockmen in the small grazing fee
is usually repaid many times over In
Increased receipts through better con
dition of stock when sent to market"
(Journal Spatial Berrlce.) .
Ban Francisco, May SI. An organise
tion known as the Calhoun Prosecution
and Union Defense league was launched
today and a staff of attorneys engaged
for the avowed purpose of prosecuting
Patrlok Calhoun on the charge of con
spiracy to commit murder .as a result
of the killing or a man in tna street.
ear riot. It is expected that . avery
union in the city will be represented.
The movement is without parallel In
the history of "organised labor in this
country., .v.vy :
SrITUTE BflOl! ,
Montana Legislators Were 'Bad
Enough and Enrolling
Clerks Worse.
Mrs. William Smith, . Whose Photo,
.VThrough Error. 'Appeared Under a
. Wrong Name in Sunday's Journal.
!" (Smetal Dlaoatrb to Tha Joaraal.l
Hatton, Wash., May Jl. Five hundred
thousand feet of bridge timber Is being
received hero each month by the Mil
waukee company. This timber comes
here over the Northern-Pacific and is
hauled by teems from SO to (0 miles
west - W, C. Cameron is in charge of
the work, for the company and he keeps
the farmers of this district busy haul-1 Utah Towns Inundated and Two
Rosalia, ',' wash., May Jl. Work on
the Milwaukee railroad is being rushed
through this part of the Palouae coun
try at a rapid rate.' Six crews are at
work in sight of town and a big force
is working on the 700-foot tunnel one
mile 'south. 'r':--.:y:.-- .
Thousand Men In City Are :
Fighting Water.
" (Joorael Special Sarrlos.)
Salt Lake, May Jl. A warm spell.
causing the snows In the mountains to
melt rapidly, is transforming the moun
tain streams into torrents. Payson City
is Inundated and crops for miles
around were flooded ' this morning by
the breaklna of dams and Irrigation
' . (Jonraal Speelal Bervlee.) T -1 reservoirs in ' the canyon. No loss -of
Philadelphia, Pa, May Jl. The Amer- Ufa has been reported. In 8alt Lake
loan Foundrymen's association, which I j.000 men are working to keep the wa-
has -done much to revolutionise ; tne iters out of the homes on the west side.
foundry cractloe throughout the world, similar resorts are coming in from all
began its tenth annual convention nere over the state.
today with an attendance representing
In 189( and has returned Iters to cele-1
brate iU tenth anniversary. The conw
ventlon was opened in the Second Regi
ment armorv witn nesiaeni w. n, sic- i . , si.t ni.M - ts- t.i .
redden In the chair. , The sessions wiu , Helena, Mont, May 41. John Mur
last three days and will be confined al- phjri California forty-niner and a
most wholly to papers ano aaaresses vn Montana pioneer, la dead here, aged 7J
technical subjects. , . - - ' J years. He came 'overland to Montana
mm Amm 'I-- lata - v ..1
iTxt I served " throuerh ' the civil ' war as a
union soldier. He is survived by a wife
son. In his mining operations he
was very successful 'as well as in
(SMctal tHaiMteh te Tba Jooraal.) vii.. - v.i.v t-.
11 " m i .. ' " , " ,k. 1 la' and a Shriner and will be burtad
, , . a ZLCl her toda under, Masonlo, auspices.
- (Jeoraal SpecUl Swrlee.)
Chicago. May Jl. Charging that Chi
cago is swamped with vice, that 82,000
women and 480,000 men are openly liv
ing shameful Uvea, and that clandestine
immorality la spreading among society
women to a shocking and surprising ex
tent Deaconess Lucy A. Hall of the
Deaconess' Home - held . the Congrega
tional ministers or the city spellbound
with astonishment and horror today.
- ueaconess Hall declared that im
morality In society was on the increase
. wn mmw.' UD.. iq a; large extent
in a clandestine manner in high social
circles. She said also that the Increase
in the number1 of cases of girls and
ooys in tne juvenile court was due di.
rectly to - the ' influence which public
dens of vice had on youth.
"For every one bad woman them
irora 19 to 80 men," said Deaconess
Han. -"Without bad ' men. women en
gaged in vicious practices would ha
jess numerous." . .
were ittallf led. --Dr. , w. Wrf Hicks was
unanimouttly elected health officer. . A,
G. McMlllenwas elected chief of police
at a salary of lip a moath. The council
also decided to us oil on the streets for
"I "" . fflMrUI Dlsmiteh to The JonraaLt
.Mayor wow is a wwe-awaae young ,Bolse. Idaho, May Jl.-General Wells,
business man and under fels admlnlstra- 1... . ,
' 7. .::" :. "": have -Steve Adams" eonrirm orchard's
improvement.. His lnapraSNmessage COnfession, ells spent a part of last
to the council was filled wlttrVpcom-1 ..b i, w.n.. t. m , aim.
menoauone or puuuo wyivvwioim . r. dOBMI --j tried to hava him ad-
X mlt . that he had s been - reached by
friends of Haywood, who Induced htm
td retract his previous nonfesslon.' Ad-
ams declared nis original coniesaion
was mh.U extracted by threats. He
t '. - "' . , I stated further that if plaoed on the
stand by Xis ' prosecution, : he would
open court
fSnaelal Dtsoatefa to The Joanal.l
Pendleton, Or, May Jl. Chariee Tay
lor.- a young man whose home He at
Alba, was run over and : instantly
kUled Sunday in the O. R.
'ablendeavor to bring about 1,
.Wild Horse river and came to Pendle
ton . Friday night t He was. Intoxicated
and was walking along the track when
struck, i, His remains were found scat-
' (flpeU! rHapatrb te The Jonreal.) 1
Helena, Mont May 10. The laws
passed by the tenth legislature have
been Issued In book form by Secretary
of State Toder, and it Is the consensus
of opinion among lawyers and others
that never wes a legislature endowed
with so many , or so lnoompetent en
rolling and engrossing clerks. The re
sult is . that, literally, Montana has
some of the most ludicrous laws ever
disgracing a statute book.
In fact, so numerous were the errors
that the secretary of state was Im
pelled to put this notice in the fly leaf:
"The within are exact copies of the j
enrolled laws as they reached this
office, and neither this office nor the
printers employed in the work ara re
sponsible for" spelling or punctuation.
Tne effect. It is anticipated, wjll not
be ' serious, however, as ths suprenie
court In passing upon laws tries to de
termine the Intent of the ; legislature,
which In most Instances is cults pal
pabla. ' ' :-.-y. -v-vi-r-v:---..-!'.' -r
, A few of the mistakes are worthy of
note. ' For instance, a law was passed
to prevent the sale of diseased meat
while ths enrolled and engrossed copies
thereof read "deceased meat" Thus,
literacy speaking, It la against' the law
for butchers to sell meats except on
the hoof, and if they obeyed its man
date they would be compelled to drive
cattle around to purchasers and dispose
of them while alive.
Ameaded Xw Dead Six Tears.
A bill was passed relative to the
measurement of hay. It provides cer
tain rules tor determining the amount
"when- it has been in the stack six
months, provided it' has been, in the
stack three months." . The Intention of
ths legislature was to make allowanoe
for shrinkage after, having stood three
and six months. - '
The legislature essayed to make rad
teal ' amendments relative to civil pro
cedure In the courts, and passed a law
amending section 1080 of the code of
civil procedure, which had been repealed
six years ago. This section had to do
with new trials on alleged erroneous in
structions. ' t .' ' '' . '
Still another law requires boarding-
houses, restaurants and hotels using
adulterated food, "not" to poet notices in
plain sight of patrons and customers,
when Its lntentlonwas just ths oppo
site. -' v ' ....... .-.
Another law dealing , with the' land
question refers to "par en ted" instead of
patented lands. Many other equally lu
dicrous errors have crept In and are
causing Yio end of worrlment to the sec-
V':"".. T. ...,r'
Health Officers Take Charge of
Body of Boy Who t isd '
' ' of Meningitis.
t One death . and .. one . . new case of
cerebro spinal meningitis have been re
ported from Estaoada to Dr. H. C
Yenney. of the state board 'of health.
Albert Brecht died Sunday and his
Multnomah County Court Is Up
held in Portland Cracker "
Company Case; y ljj
retary of state.
(Special PltpateS to Tea JaaraaL) stand brw: t
Olympla, Wash, May t Jl, Governor " a t7 .1
Mead today Issued a proclamation in re- "
lanon 10 ina Drwiuns ui iiuumu u
June 1 for the Alaska-Tukon-Paclflo
exposition, and also calling on the peo
ple of the state of Washington to "give
their earnest cooperation and assistance
to the patriotic gentlemen who have
this enterprise in handy that each cltl-
corned in the success of this undertak
ing a. tremendous one for a young
people and that he use every honor-
'":''"' -' ''j' '' iP"l,a,saSeSSBasBassSBiBJI . ,r:f-.. c-J-i : r'
' (Special Dltn.tca to fKm Innraal ,
Salem, Or.. May 21. -The eltv ronncll
last evening passed resolutions order
ing tne paving or ourt street with bit
ullthlc pavement v from Commercial
street to Twelfth street, and State
street . front Church street to Twelfth
street. On this latter street it la be
lieved he- University authorities will
protest against the improvements, which
would involve a . large expenditure.
J. A. Darr was , elected fire chief to
succeed Marx savage; resigned, . '. s41
John Johnson, who was arrested upon
complaint of Mrs. Anna Weltner of 631
Hood street on a charge of defrauding
an innkeeper, was tried in the municipal
court today, and, although found guilty,
win be afforded an opportunity of Haul
dating ills Indebtedness, It Is alleged
that ' Johnson ' decamped from Mrs.
Weltner's iiome owing a board bill of
86, ahd according to the promise made
by the defendant he will pay 82 a week
until the -Mil Is settled.
, ftsfyji ,':
E. D. Hamblet T. Richards. C "Z.
Lewis and T. Beach, who . were ar
rested In a raid on a gambling resort on
Alder, street several nights ago by Pa
trolman Stahl, were before Judge Cam
eron tWs morning. ; Hamblet, who -was
alleged to have conducted the place,
was fined 111 and the others escaped
vita lit fines apieos... u
' (Journal Special Serriea.)
Miles City, Mont, May Jl As a pre.
caution against another coal famine the
Northern Paolflo is laying in a supply
of coal, that will resemble a small
mountain In magnitnde. On the prairie
near Miles City the company la piling
one heap 86,000 tons, which lle
win he constantly added to as fast as
the coal can be brought In. A high
board fence will be conatructed around
tht hlU of fuel and guards stationed
at the pile during the night Trafflo
on the Northern Pacific in this section
of Montana was badly handicapped by
the scarcity of fuel during the winter
months, and according to the officials
of the road the company will take no
more chances.
F Mnartmt Dlraateb' to TbS Journal.)
fit. Helens. Or.. May Jl. Plea of not
amiltv . was entered yesterdar by , Jesse
Lukwhen arraigned upon a statutory
charge. Luke is the young man wno
eloped with the 17-year-old i sister f
the woman who posea as nis wire.
' fionraal BiMelal Berviee.)
Great Falls. Mont. May Jl. The pu-
.. . ;,i. v .ilnlla of the Boston Heights senoot one
Lua "tsU tat Stta pT or the main suburban school, of the
cumoent upon , . - thiritls. to fumigate the building fol
iun.i in l V -"!, , - 1. ...... n ,klk
The trUl was set for Thursday at '"""" :liri"Z2t:X:X
m UUUIVtll li IWms vw a. u
Th parents of th pupili took hand
h. V ... MMaa - ak aa A Vtae tr vKSkfea JaMta.
I KUb I T blCA rnUIVl ; fence the children walked out .
a, m.
1 (SiMClil Dlaoatch to The JtHirnal.)
The Dalles, Or., May II Ed Boss, a
prisoner in the oounty Jail, serving; a
sentence for criminal assault took
French leave yesterday afternoon. He
had been made a , trusty and was em
' (Soeeiat : Diaoatcb to The Jearnal.t
Pendleton, Or., May Zt--A meeting
of the Umatilla woolgrowers' assocla
S-hnVii T thJ courthouse yard He " beln Mi in this city this
tll'lammi afternoon to discus, price, and condl-
SSS-i k7a iZut atthe bwk MOM i the wool markettha best way
rooni "when hs skipped out at;tne naca v It . ih .......
door and ran away through the alley.
of getting salt and other topics. To
morrow is the first ' wool sales day.
?. .f!S! TJi SaTf ammion' pound, of wooTaV.
at Hood River to 60 days
served about half his term.
stored in the Furnish warehouse ready
to be disposed of should prices suit.
Many - sheepmen , have not" delivered all
01 their wool.
' V (gneclal Ptioateh te The Josrnat)
SUverton, Or.. May Jl. It 1. rumored
that a Texas company that recently pur
chased a township of timber landV-ln the
Ablaua basin contemplates establishing
a sawmill in ' this city with, a greater
capacity than the mill now under con
struction by the SUverton Lumber com
pany. Timber cruisers employed oy the
Texas people were here a few days last
week investigating the conditions, and
from them ths report gained currency,
Corvallis. Or., May JL The funeral
of the late Harry Davis, who died at the
family home in this--city at an early
hour Monday morning, was held this
f ternoon at 1 o ciock rrora tne resi
dence. The services were conducted by
Dr. J. B. - N. ' Beu or tne rresbyterlan
church and Interment was In Crystal
Lake cemetery. Harry was the son of
Dr. and Mrs. M. M. uavis. ' He was
born at Newport Oregon, March 81,
1881. The past two yeara he spent In
southern California and Nevada. The
Xatal naUdjr was iBtesUnal tuberculosla
(Jooroal Snaetal Serrlca.)
i . Lewiaton, Idaho, May JL Lewis ton la
today the Mecca for members of the
Improved Order of Red Men throughout
Idaho, the occasion being the annual
meeting of the great council of ' the
order. The honored guest 01 the meet
lng is Thomas G. Harrison, past great
lncohonee, who Ik present as the official
representative ef Great . lncohonee W.
A. S. Bird, , , , . . .
"ft Commencement at Ilarrisbnrg.
(Special Dispatch to The Joornal.) '
Harrlsburg. Or., May 21. Jhe city
hall was crowded to the doors -Friday
evening and many people could not get
Inside, to attend the commencement ex
ercises of the tenth grade graduates of
the public scffool. Several well render
ed orations were highly ' appreciated.
Interspersed were several songs. After
the presentation of diplomas the inter
mediate girls went! through an elaborate
May-pole drill., Gifts of beautiful flow
ers were much appreciated by. the grad
uates. 'The class is composed of Harry
Holt Ella Brock, Jean Smith and Bau
lab Bennett.
flrmrnmt 'stnavMail sUpwlaa I .
New TorkvfMay II. The grand Jury
tbiar afternoon returned 10 Indictments
against John R. Hegeman, president of
tna- Metropolitan ure insurance com
pany. Three were, charges of perjury
and seven of forgery in the third de
gree. The indictments grew out of the
"year-end" transactions, being - alleged
false Statements made to the state su
perintendent of Insurance.
(Special Dlsnateh. to The Journal.!
Salem. Or.. May II. Commissioner
brother, Earl Brecht cannot live many I Slater today reversed the judgment of
hours. - . . - r v , t . I Judge J. B. Cleland of the circuit oourt
Dr. Tenney and Dr. O. D. Baboock for Multnomah county and ordered th
drove to the place yesterday, where the I suit dismissed in the case of Multnomah
family lived, and were compelled them-I county, respondent aa-alnst ' tha Port.
selves to remove the body of the dead I land 'Cracker company, appellant ' The
child and bury it. as all the others In opinion holds that the action of the
the place were too badly frightened. I county court. Auaust T. 1 90S. in mak.
The undertaker sold the family1 a coffin ing an order setting aside and annull-
but refused to act further. ' The exact ing the order In question and purging
looatlon is about three miles this side Its record of a forged entry was within
of Estacada near the station of Morrow its power and there wes nothing left to
on the Estacada electrlo line. hinder the county officers from collect-
There are nine members of ths Brecht lng the tax.
family, including parents and children. The defendant, company was in lltf
iney arnvea ie aays exo-irom Dr- owner 01 personal property In Mult-
deen and the older male members of the nomah county which was taxed for lis,
family have been employed in the mill The defendant failed to pay Its tax ant
near Morrow. i.Jw-. -. It was ' returned delinquent ths
Theae nine persons were living la a sheriff. In April, 1901, the tax was
18 by 14 tent where sanitary conditions still delinquent 1 and an attempt was
are bad. They, are in destitute clreum- made to . collect it A deputy, named
stances and the men in the mill have 8tlnson in the county clerk's office was
subscribed 178 to aid the family. v - paid 82(0 by the defendant for making
Dr. Tenney : states that there Is no a settlement. ' Sfhson . converted the
further danger of a spread of the epl- money to his own use and made a
demlo, as the family has been quaran- fraudulent entry on the tax records, of
tlned. Dr. Norrls, health officer of ths purport that the tax had been can.
vwiiH tvuuijr, t,mM iihu (ui vi i coiu uj .me county commissioners. A
the family and will see that the quaran-1 trial was- had and a personal Judgment
ww m.ui, vumira, ' am aaienaant was awarde
Showery, weather during the past! . , , . . . t ,
v. a.... . m .V. I T , WUUU BUMIaM. '
v.s..uS uiu ma common council
rain continues a few days longer there r w"r" empowered to provide
need be no further feeling of apprehen- , J? ,no or;th manner of amend
slon on the part of residents," aald JDr. n tn charter; it follows that the
fWheeler, city health offlcer, this morn- 7,!??,"" ? affirmed,", says Jus-f
lng. Dr. Wheeler aaaerted that no new I u" ,c" tne Acms
cases 'had developed in. PorUand since 2,r,oc,r'! ry 00mPnr against ' ths
Thursday, although one or two patients -"T Astorta and August Hllletrom.
are under treatment . . rBaponaenis. , The suit was on appeal
Attorney Grego was the last person to tFV? Clatsop-county, Thomas .A.. Mo-
die, pasalng away early Sunday morn- ft1 Jude. - This Is a suit to enjoin
ing. Syrveater MlUor, a logger. Is now sxecuUon. of a contract to set aside
being treated .at St Vincent's sanl- ' "Psclal assessment and to have aa
tarlum. - Miner is from St Johns.
ordinance declared void, which in.
I stltuted on , the assumption - that the
amendment had 5 not been - legally
adopted. .
atehearlaf Jsaled,v
Justice Eakln denied the motion tnr
rehearing in the case of afar Rnn..
floid. respondent against Amanda King,
1 ne ease was an ap-
. (Bptetal Dlaoatch to The Joarael.1
Olympla, Wash., May 81. Statelet at, appellants.
Treasurer George O. Mills today made I Pi from, the circuit court for Marion
distribution of the funds received from I oounty, William Galloway, Judge, and
ths general government for forest re-1 w affirmed by Justice Eskin March
serve areas in this sUte. The money Is 1 12. 1807.- . .
disbursed among ths various eountlea :. la a per curiam opinion ths euprems
la ths stats included la the forest re- oourt overruled the motion on appeal r
serves, la proportion to ths acreage ao In the ease of Bessie Crawford, appel-
included, and Is to be used exclusively Jaut against John R, Harter. admln-
for publlo school and publlo road pur-1 1 rator, In the matter of the estate of
poses. The amounts distributed for the I Rcbert Crawford, deceased. It Is a
various t oresf , reserves to the respeo-1 oaae from the circuit court of Tllla
tlve counties are aa follows: Inaook oounty, George H. Burnett Judge.
Olympic CUIIam. 886.76: Jefferson. I Justice Eakln reversed the Judgment
$88.87; Chehalls, $84.47; Mason, $20.10. I Of Judge McBride In the case of Bridget
Washington (E. and w.) Okanogan. I urant and Peter Grant respondents.
$216.17 1 Chelan, $184.81; whatooto, I against the Oregon Railroad at Navlga-
810.80; . Ekaclt $76.50: . - SnohomUhM "on oompany, appellants, oa appeal from
$67.80. - ., : , I Clatsop county. It Is a proceeding to .
Mount Rainier Kittitas. 1 8117.45: 1 Quiet title to certain property lvlna be-.
Pierce, 881.88; Lewis, $188.48; Skamania, I tween plaintiffs lot and deep water. A
$88.46; TaJdma. $288.08. .1 decree is entered , Quieting plaintiffs'
' Weneha Walla walla, $286.61t Co-u Defendants are to recover costs
lumbla, $176.11; AsoUn. 8186.85.
priest River Stevens oounty, 48s.
and disbursements in the .higher court;
neitner win recover inlth lower court
; Judge Must let Facts Alone.
Holdinr that , ths .statute . Mmminii
that In charging a Jury the court shall
not present the. facta of the case, but
shall Inform the Jury that they are ex-
elusive Judges of all questions of fact
Salem. May JL-After June 1 Inmates t S " TTLT?. "tnurK ma'.
(Special Dlapateh to The ' Josreal.)
lowed ' to subscribe for Oregon news-
thatUt ... . . ... .'
papers. Warden, Frank H. Curtis an-f.'V that effect ,h. I 0raW
nounces. Prisoners heretofore haVs ?V-i:??? -n 90Uli
been permitted toytwmArfpt.tnnZ-
Other states only. Why tho Oregon f-'!!? l?!'!?.? J iu5 McBride
newspapers have been kept so long from "t "1" aJnTt Suai km -,;BfPna'
the prison is not 'known, for all the im- .2 L ".I? fi,.I.nt. '
portant news of the st.t. is covered by " " "tn b Keen
papers In other states. , . against Susan Keen to recover damages
The editor of the prison paper, eom- !irT.Ilngullr .' husband s
menung on that subject, says: ' ; u" !
-we Know that this privilege will be vauus
of us ara more or less Interested in this
state or we wouldn't be' in It)
"The papers may be ordered the first
Sunday in June, ,tbat being ths regular
man aay, exoepting tne Portland papers,
which may be ordered through the 1
Baiera agents ; direct . u ,
, ." ' S
(Special Pispateh to The Jonraal) -Salem,
Or,, May II. The people of
Albany, through the city council, have
Sled a complaint with the railway com
mission stating that the Southern Pa-
cine depot at that place is inadequate
to the growing neads of the city of
Aioany. xne complaint was filed May
18 and will receive the attention of the
commission. - rs-
The Portland realty. board will give a
banquet next Tuesday evening. May 28,
at Richards' hotel. Park and Alder
streets, - Covers will be laid for 80. Ths
. , (Journal Special irfle.fH'J'
Concord, N. H.. May 21. In the hos
pital today-Judge Barnes directed that
tne oourt be adjourned ' until after
Thursday, the Eddy case being contin
ued with the remainder of the docket
The judge is ill, but it Is thought he
will be better soon, i :, : ... ,
TUDnmnmn rin rrn unrr affair will b strictly an informal one.
llinuwviliU HUIU VI. VVITC the member, and guests are expected
to come directly from their offloee - to
John RMnnM.'iWMi k- v-m. the banquet The attendance will not
voroed wife with throwing acid in her b 1,ia,td to the membership of the
race at Llnnton last Sunday will be b0B-rd. but u outside dealers who have
tried this afternoon before Judge Cam- mds application, for ; membership In
eron. who has authority tn 1. ... the realty board will be Invited. The
absence of Justice Retd under whose Principal long talk of the evening swill
jurisdiction the arrest was made. Dep- made by Thomas C Devlin on the
uty Constable Big Werthelmer arrested "Noossslty.-, of Improving v PortUnd's
Hengeveld on a warrant last nivht streets." . J. O. Rountree will act as
Llnnton and in default of ball he was rytinastsr. '..;;.
cmmitteu . ny . cierk Geasner of the f ln" committee naving tne affair
Justice court to the countv lali Itii, i harge consist of J. O. Rountres1
bailees fixed at $500. r .i7j ' Q- Orlffln, A. H. Blrrell, H. P. Palmer
Judi 'Reid is expected 'f to return and E, J. Daly, .i - v
from Sasid tomorrow where he has .'-''V 1 11 1
been taking a vacation of a couple of WKPrt AMn PnilllTiro
weeks. j v unwwu nnu uuunilto
' t , , , F
i (Special Dispatch to The Joarnol.).
Salem, Or., May 21. George "O.
Brown, elerk of the state land board,
and Oswald West a member . of the
state railway commission, have return
ed from Washington, XX C, where they
had, been subpoenaed as witnesses In
the ' Hyde-Benson land cases. , ' ..
Deal That Carries Five 8aloons.
(Special Diapateh to Tbe JocrnaL)
Salem. Or., May Jl. J. P. Rogers has
disposed of his liquor Interests in "this
city to Albert E. Magers, who has for
several years been manager of the
Standard Liquor company, of S which 1
Rogers was president By this deal
Magers becomes the sole owner of the
entire business or tnis company, -which
is now operating. five saloons hri7
Eldridge .Creamery at Salem.
1 (Special Dispatch to Tbe' looratl.)
Salem, Or.. May' 21. Salem is - to
liave a new creamery to be operated by
K. U Jiiange, owner or the cream
eries at -Independence, ' -Jefferson. - Eu
gene and Dayton, which maintain ship
ping stations at. Junction City, Cress
well, SUverton and Crabtree.. E. K Eld
rlge will have charge of the Balem
creameryf " ' - ' - .
(Special Dispatch to The Joornal) t
The Dalles, May 81. A bountiful
rain fell In Wasco and adjoining p.anrr.
'A goodly delegation of snvlous yet ue" aluraay n unaay. it was very
well-wishing ione and daughters of 5JUea beeded, as .the ground" was very
Erin were at. the depot last night to ArT nd sraln had begun to show the
bid "Godspeed" to their compatriots b"htlng effects of the drought . This
who left f of Dublin., Miss Catherine Wft "Pc,al,y tram in the cluntles eait
Farrell. the statu secrstarv a th. of Wasco, and farmers from Sherman. -
dies' Auxiliary of the Ancient Order of who . arrived in town today, say that
Hibernians, and Mra Thnmo .v..- sood eropa are assured. The last two
and Baby fceenan nave gone to attend harv8t" te Bherman county have yleM-
tne jjuDim rair ana to visit frlonds for' - w w ar j,ne seen. ,
a few . months in old Ireland. Mrs ' .
Keenan has notVvisited her old home RUEF TELLS OF RRIRFRY
for 20 year.. Members of the A. O. H nutr -L,L.O Ur DniDCn I
showered them with flowers and rood OF PITY .Ql IPFRVKfYBQ
wishes last night on their departure: 7 ."4
'., 1 . , - .
(Journal Soactal Beniea. .
UnAICn LArXEr nAILnUAU t t- Francisco. May IL-be ' Ruef
I . m. ....... : M. . '
01 xne supervisors Dy tne ean iftSTmseo '
arttrlea of tnMrnnratlnn UM company,
Alfln A tlCaatern Rallwav pnmnanv...,..
filed in the office of the county clerk TELEPHONE LINEMEN
yesterday afternoon by George Eate. I U ril'-.r'
S. W. Stryker and Alex 8 week. It is
their purpose to construct a line of
? riH.--. K..s.r - spui s!c.)
k.n,.k MAA lt. l.Va 0fc .isWl-J. X, A nS XtJlpnOfl
Tha"Cou liZ;''Z'ZtZlW-out. 00 '
Af it (ion 000 .. 1 J. xner aaa tor 00 cents more aauy. Out-
g ine joints nve oaan notiriad and the.
strike will be general by tonight
of $1,900,000.7
(JoorDal flpeelal Serrtee.1
' New TorkVyMay 21. The trial , of day and asked if he would be allowed
Frederick A. Burnham, president of the to continue his variety shows in the
mtual Reserve Insurance company, was Coeur d'Alehe theatre. The mayor in
continued indefinitely today because slsted that he must obey ths law, m
jo 0 to nam im iHtiwui nvm uiaoeves. itjtm iuu nm wouia ciose.
Lid Goes on Datch Jake.
(Special, D1patch to Tbe Journal.) - "
Spokane,. Wash- May 21. "Dutrh
IJake" Foeti caned on Mayor Moore to-