The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Toivn Topics
Ktrqatm Gro4 ...... ...."Th Blnln Girl"
Biker ."A. ContentoU Woman"
Kmplre ...,.. ..."Wk'kvd London"
OraiKl, , ............. ..Vaudavllla
'Jftlv, ...... ."The Coiinterfaltar"
Btir .."Koobi ' Tanncaaca"
The United States otvll service com
mission announce examination to se
cure ellcrlbles to fill vecancles as fol
lows: Engineer and plumber, (or
uartarmastef s department , at large,
ort, Terrt. New Tork, salary 1600,
examination to be held June 111 aid
(male) In division of physical anthro
pology, national muieura, 1600, June 11:
clerk-draftsman, for land office service
in San Francisco, Phoenix, ' Reno and
Helena,' from $1,400 per year to ft per
diem, June 19-20; engineer for Indian
service at Carson, Nevada, and Arapaho,
Oklahoma, $480 to 11,000, June II; me
chanician, for bureau of standards. 1900.
June II; local and assistant inspector
f hulls, for steamboat Inspection serv
ice, Seattle, 11.400. June 11-20; sur
veyor of mineral deposits, land office
service, 14 tq IS per diem, June S
farrier, quartermaster's department at
large, Henry barracks, Cayey, Porto
Rico, 1840, June It; wheelwright, quar
termasters department at large, Ban
Juan, Porto Rloo, 1840, June II; black
smith and wheelwright, quartermaster's
department at large, Fort Lincoln, North
Dakota, 1900. June IX. Further informa
tion regarding any of these examina
tions may be had by inquiring of the
postmaster la any large cflty. ..- . ,
I . ' anmii
Wson s
Members of the Boys and Girls' Aid
society will hold their twenty-second
annual mooting tonight In the parlors
Associated cuarltles. 105 Jeffer
son street. Three trustees will bo elect
ed to succeed Miss Helen F. Spalding,
F. E. Beach and Mrs. Lev! White. A
splendid program baa been arranged for
the occasion and the publio Is invited
. tc attend. Those who will take part
in the evening's entertainment will be:
Professor B. 3. Hadlev. principal , of
the Holladay school, recently appointed
chief probation officer of the Juvenile
court; Rev, W. T. Jordan, of the Cen-
. tral Baptist church, Mrs. B. H. Trumble,
, secretary or me eniid labor eommlsslon.
and Mrs. A. Watson,' principal of the
jcaai Twenty-eighth street school.
- There will be a local option rally at
the Mlspah - J?resbyterlan ehurch. East
-rnirieenui ana roweu streets, tonight.
Addresses will be made br Dr. Clarence
True . Wilson, pastor of the Grace
: Mefbodist Episcopal church, and Dr. o.
X Tufts, Paolflo coast superintendent
or tn international reform bureau.
There is an alliance between precincts
tl, IS, II and 41 to exclude saloons
from the southeastern part of the eltv.
This meeting will be followed tomorrow
evening by a mess meeting at the Sell
wood Presbyterian church, held under
the auspices of the Sellwood Civlo
league and several interesting speakers
nave Dean engaged to speak. :
An old controversy over the southern
boundary Una of Council Crest is In
volved in a suit to quiet title that la
being Heard ' by ' Judge Gantenbeln in
the circuit court today. The suit is
. that of Mrs. Ella Talbot against W. K.
Smith and the Security Savings and
Trust company. - Each of the parties
claims title to a strip about a quarter
of mile long and (0 feet wide. The
confusion in the deeds has arisen la re-
, gard to old , surveys. ; The land was
originally granted by a United SUtes
patent while General Grant was preai-ot-'
wv-V'-'."-:'. ''.i;
IVcEien Vanled
To work in laundry. Steady
positions and better pay than
at ' almost any employment
suitable to the sex. Only
steam-heated non-scorchable
polishers in Portland.
Union Laundry
i Tel, Main 398.
Mains and Lighting System Will
. 6a Discussed at Meeting to A
V te Held Tonight
Be Here
EsUblishcd 1850 Fifty-Seven Years in Business Established 1850
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always ths Lowest
Sale Lnds
Funeral SerylcesOver Remains
: 'of the Late Jacob Wolfe -'
Held Sundayi
- The local Odd Fellows conducted the
funeral of Jacob Wolfe Sunday after
noon at the Montavllla Metnoaisi
church, with Rev. H. Oberg offlcUtlng.
Mr. Wolfe had been a member of the
lodge for 45 years.
Jacob Wolfe died last Friday at his
home, 617 Spencer street, in Montavllla,
at the age of 7S yeans. He was bora
Effort Made to Open Earl Street
; Wood Working Factory Probably
Locate at Bt. Johns Residents'
Enthusiastic Over Oiled Road.
May :
2r,000 people came to Lipman-Wolfe's 57th
Anniversay Sale; on Monday equal to the w
bined population of Salem. Oregon City, toria,
Albany arid The Dalles, At night the sales footed
up double the largest day we ever had in a special
sale an ordinary storeY month's business in a
hundreds, of wheelmen and tourists
sre' mourning the deatn of Mrs. Amanda
Hunter, proprietor of the Home hotel,
Falrvlew, which occurred Sunday. Mrs.
Hunter was taken sick last Wednesday
and death ensued Sunday evening. She
Bevers, ' charged with using tbs malls
for fraudulent purposes, .were not in
court this " morning, the preliminary
was taken suddenly ill whU. standing P,tPn!
Jacob Wolfe.
December tl, 1880, In Ashland county,
Ohio, and was married to Miss Mar
garet White In 1852. In Ml he set
tled in Montavllla, where be bad since
resided. He leaves a widow and six
children; ' Mrs. Amanda Leonard of
Sheridan. Oregon: B. P. Wolfe of Smith
Center, Kansas; Frank B. Wolfe of
Montavflla. Mrs. 1 Eva B. Kellogg - of
Portland,' O. K. Wolfe of Boulder Colo
rado, and R. B, Wolfe of Montavllla.
near the kitchen stove upon whloh she
fell, severely burning her face. After
she had been placed in bed ahe attempt
ed to arise and fell, cutting her head.
Mi's. Hunter Is survived by her husband
and several grown . children. She
6( years of age at the time of her
An Important proposition regarding
the donation of a sits centrally located
for the erection of a large: branch
library Is to be discussed by the East
Bide Improvement association at its
regular meeting tonight, . The nam of
the donor has not been given out on
account or soma legal controversy hang
ing over the deal. It is understood,
however, that the property in question
Is a good-slsed piece of realty on East
Morrison street not many blocks east
of Grand avenue. ."''
Articles of Incorporation of the Port
land Knights of Columbus Building as
sociation were filed In the office of the
county clerk this morning ' by James
Jaocobberger, James J. Fiyna and John
F. Daly. Their object is to erect and
maintain clubhouse for the use of the
Knights of Columbus. The , articles
state that the property and money now
on hand Tor the purpose of erecting- the
building, amount to :
The Owls win hoot tonight at the
htFisrles' hall, Second and Yamhill
TftteiaYftnd Pa8 upon the wisdom
of a number of birds more or less gay
who desire to become owls. If the birds
are found to possess sufficient wisdom,
they will be given the- code of hoots
and other initiatory Information. The
meeting begins at S o'clock. The Owls
Is a new fraternal organisation.
Next month will be election and it
will be hard for some to choose who
they want for mayor, but It won't be so
difficult . to select a nloasutt of
Sohaefer's correct ' clothes made for
men who appreciate style as well
quality' of cloth and careful tailoring.
J. C Sehaefer ft Co.. Raleigh building,
Rooms 10 and II, S2lfe Washington st
Proposed bond issues will be dis
cussed at, a meeting of the South Port
land Improvement club tonight In
, Jones' hall. . .Each of the measures is
to be discussed-so that an intelligent
vote can be ast i June S. The club is
anxious to have a- full attendance this
evening, as It will probably be the last
y. meeting before election. '
More than $00 Odd Fellows departed
last night for La Grande to attend the
sessiojia of the grand lodge that com-
. rnejssef there today. The convention will
" ...eflso be In session , Wednesday, Thurs
day and FrlCay. ? Tonight they will hold
camp,, tomorrow night will be', given
- over to the' Muscovites, Thursday nlgljt
-. xne f Keoeccas wiu ; nav - onarge ana
Friday night the subordinates.
Payments bav begun "to 4 Increase
- noticeably at the city treasurers office
oq assessments for the .Irvlngton sewer
dtstriot The district embraces Irving
ton; Albina, North Alblna and Piedmont,
and the time In which payments,, must
be made expires next Monday, -
" Wire and Iron work of all kinds, Are
escapes, elevator enclosures, fencing,
etc. Columbia Iron works, 868-370 East
Washington street ,. -
Because J, A..B. Carlyle, W. B. Han
lev and W. A. Boehme. government wit-
passes la tba mm agaiast Oeorsa K'
until Thursday, at 10 o'clock..
Frank N. Parent began suit in the
circuit court this morning against C. B,
Stevens and May O. Stevens to . fore
close a mortgage for $700 on two lota In
Mount Tabor. The mortgage was given
In June, 190$, to secure the payment of
a note, . ,,';-v v':v-.
' In a booming mill town 100 miles
from Portland is tor sale the grocery
department - of : a ' general . department
store. This Is an exceptional . oppor
tunity and is a bargain. Those Inter
ested address T 188, cars Journal.
.'' Dr. Evelyn Dudley, graduate and ex
perienced optician, 71-71 Swetland bldg.
Office hours, to 5; Sunday,. 11 to 1
Phone 1$9 '
' Steamer ' Jesse Harktns, for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday, Leaves Washington street
dock 1 p. n. .
W. A. Wise, T. P. Wise, H. A. Sturde-
vant, dentists. Third and Washington.
Main 2029. : Painless method used.
Allen's ' Kushion Komf ort Shoes sre
especially comfortable for tired or sen
sitive feet i05 Morrison street
Why pay morel Mettrer fits your
yes for $L 841 Wash. St, cor.' tth,
formerly at 111 Sixth street : v i :
MraB. Northrup of Los Angeles Is
visiting her daughter. Mrs. J. O. Trent'
blay, 489 East Shaver street , ,
Montavllla Is soon to nave gas y as
well as Bul Run water, which has been
promised by Its water board. A mass
meeting has been called for this even'
lng. . a representative of the Portland
Oas company will be present snd the
plans lor laying mains and putting in a
complete system. of gas at Montavllla
will be discussed.
, Citlsens and property owners In the
vicinity Jiave long been anxlousto have
the gas company mvado the territory
tributary to the Mount Taoor suouros
and thalr wishes have at last received
encouragement'- "1 " :' ,".
At a meeting of the Montavllla Im
provement board laat night it was' re
ported that the council had passed reso
lutions demanding that Earl street be
ooened. .It has been . blocked by one
house for a number of years and the j
proprietor , has consistently refused , to
move.. It Is contended by members of
ths board that the street would be an
Important thoroughfare should it ' be
come open to trafflo. ..-
The wood working factory which was
to have located In Montavllla will in ail
probability find a location now at St
Johna 'The railroad company did not
feel that - ths enterprise was largs
enough to deserve the attention the pro
moters demanded and the property that
they wished to lease ror tneir ouuaings.
It has bsen dropped by the Improvement
board. , ", '. . , : '
Montavllla Is enthusiastic over the
proposal to oil. tne Base Line road
which passes through the middle of the
little city and Is its busiest thorough
fare. Money enough has. been sub
scribed by citlsens of Montavllla and
the property owners beyond to oil the
road as fsr east as : the . Twelve-Mile
house or within a few miles of
Oresham. It is quite likely that before
the enterprise is completed the road wilt
have been oiled to ' . Troutdale. The
council has authorised the purchase of
an oil sprinkler and the actual work of
laying the oil will begin as soon as the
machine arrives from San Francisco,
By WIRLLLSS-rrbm Main Aisle
Report of . Monday T From the Scene
-U : :xlUi. l PP?rations.i:tX
7:50 a." tnTfseen throuzh the slats doors)
Customers waiting outside at both Third ,
and Wafhington-ttreet entrances.
. 8 a. m. Doors opened; customers make
straight for the bargains. Ulv
- 9 a. m. Main aisle as busy as at 3 p. tn.
on ordinary days This Is clearly an unor-
'dinarr toyl i . rrt vr-yV'"-: '
, , 9:30 a. m.Repf esentatlves , of other
tores noticed taking a sunrey. 1 . ,
10 m. nv Call goes out for more sales
'people. .-..V--'.'-:'- . ,v.;J". ;-.'
- 110 a. m Reports show actual sales aa
large ss at Christmas time. . ' ? "
;'1 p.m.--No let-up In the enthusiasm. '
C 2 p. m. A few lots sold completely out;
others take their place. r
- i p. mv Owing to the great success of
; the sale, It was planned to girt 1,000 spe-
cial bargains for Tuesday. ' -
; .5 p. m First signs of a breathing spelL
, 6 p. m. Crowds still at the counters when
store closed. '
6:30 p. m. Reports of sales show the
moat successful sale in 57 years of bust
ness history.
Xvery bargain
and 1000
new bargains on
sale Wednesday
Be here earlyr
Every one will
be truly extraor
dinary and may,
not last all day.
. The Manager's WORD:
In spite of the enormous crowds, we be--lieve
that the store service will be able to .
meet all demands upon it. Extra clerks,
extra wrappers and extra delivery wagons
have been employed. As fast as the sale
' specials melt from the counters, new lota
will ba brought to take their place. . There
won't be , any question about the price,
either, 31 mark every gpecial ale ar
ticle at a lower price than it ever before
sold for in Portland.' ; ;
"' Thousands of people commented on our"
gigantic Sunday advertisements the largest
ever printed in America. " Hundreds of peo
ple personally congratulated us on the feat
and its success.'.' ,';,' -: ,...
- You may rest assured that we used such
large space only to advertise the most ex
traordinary aggregation of - bargains ever "
gathered by a Portland store. v -
When bkfore did you ever buy $1.25 Sitka
for BTet, $4.50 Jumpers for f 1.98, 75c Gss '
Lights for 38 $1.50 Music Rolls for 57V
$1.50 Kid Gloves for 63V50c to $15 Hos
iery for 28t7 , Did you ever? U.
Party From East May Decide to
': Farm Large Tracts on the .
Pacific Coast ' '
A party of Dunkards, numbering about
71 men, women and children, are this
week In Butte valley, about 80 miles
west of Weed, California, where they
are Inspecting a tract of land with the
Idea of forming a colony for settlement
The party came through from Los
Angeles In a tourist ear and stoppod off
acoordlng to an arrangement made with
1000 New Bargains will be on sale
Wednesday-last day of sale. They will
.not be advertised. Not enough pages in
the paper to, tell about them. Come to
store and look for big sale price tickets
,'.': :.,.
' ajrusEifsirrs.
Marauam Grand
Ptxm Main S020.
All Week, Satwday aad Saaday Sbtiaee,
sas raAHcnco orzaa ooatrairr
PreMDtlas ' Vtetat 'BfliMrt's ersetast OMBle
- ... - Opera.
snroora ojml.-,
ySJOISi SS, SOa, TSe. lUttaMM, SSe, SO,
Dm Office Opca lo a. m. to 10 p. m.
PImm Mala a
Gm. U Bkw, Mirr.
Tonlfht All This WMkThe OratMt Peltt
.leal Satire Kvi- Wrltteo Hurt's -'
"A oovrnrTXD wokast." ?T
Arthar Hacklay. Mat-
A scream of lavffhter. Bright ataaleal Ma
ths lanl owners bafora the left the bar. Stan dlreetioa
f Tb rtimkarila r tram rhinavn '"
terrltor. Thev cam ta th Pulflo Bnin prleS. SO. SSe, Be. Bfatlaeas, JS,
.V, "VkV -it-M-: I IBs. Naxt waas. "XM uairy Farm."
tending the Los Angeles convention ofti2tbaa4 rmnlna Thaaln
German Baptist Brethren and looking at Moru." aucati
Mats nr.
lands in Oregon and California available
Laat .wm or toe eeaaoa.
. -' point n urionrama, -
A thrUHnc UU of Ufa ia the world's se-
tropoJla. Stage dlreetioa t Mr. Barbart Aab.
Matloaae . Wadncaaay anO - Banroay. rJiam
Matuieaa, lus, soe.
the east their report la satisfactory a
large number of the brethren will prob
ably locate in Butte valley' and develop
the county.
The Dunkards are a religious sect and
by occupation they are nearly all farm- pHoae, loe, SOe. SOe, SOe.
They possess In a singularly high
degree the characteristics of industry,
frugality and temperance. They have
been' factors ; In the development of
various sections of the United States.
They have colonies in Jowa, Michigan'
and other states of the middle west. In
the Dakota their colonies flourish and
are the most productive in the state.
Capitalists Twenty-three acres for
ale as a whole. Western Oregon Turst
Co., Ill Stark street '
Electricity and electrlo light treat
ment Dr. W. X. Howard, Common
wealth building. . ,,-
Eastm.-.n Jtodaker'shdi'.
Leaser Cohen. Ill Sth, the KodaJc store.
Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist has
moved bis omoe to soi- Buchanan bldg.
Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety eoal
oil and fin gasoline. Fhori East TSS.
Woman's Exohsnge, lit Tenth street
lunch n:sg to business men's lunch.
SL. W. Moore, expert Bhotosranher.
juias- ouwung, eeventa ana tarK bib.
Levy's Musto House, lit Etfth street
Photo mounts. Wood worth. ii9H 1st
D. Chambers, optician. 111 Seventh. ,
Berger elgns 254 Tamhill phone.
Good M-SO shoes, Marks Shoe Co.
Bars: Tonlo for rheumatism.
Beck Jeweler 105 Alder.'
Oregonlan Confectionery, 111 Sixth. '
KurserymarjPllklngton,' ft TamhllL
vl'K " "al nil lllll ! "T J'''-!'--.'',' "I"
Summer dresses. Madame MoClur Co,
Beautifying cream a . See lime, Hudson.
Dr. E. C Brown, eye-ear. ) Marqiiam.
Klser soenlo photoa . Imperial hotel.
Fsef erred Stoex Canned OoodaV
sUlsn Lsiwlar Bati Brand, . .. v
Old Patrons of Exposition Kink fcetura
v With smUlaAr races.
- The Exposition rink was . reopened
last night with a big race meet . There
were six entries, all fast men, and In
their gay-colored eostumes presented a
pretty sight as thsy fairly flew over
the course. There was lots of passing,
and the race was very exciting.. Kruse
came In . leading, closely followed by
Harrison, Farrell and Card. 1 The race
tarts at 4 in ths afternoon and at 9:10
at night lasting 80 minutes. There was
a good and enthustastio crowd out last
a Ji-.-' i .... -. . . . , ; t.t x-n.
Or. 'beener and M. B. Biggs Mast I
j Bervo Sentenoe for Complicity ,
,ln Oregon Land rrands.
. . none Mala Sees. -
Tsls Wark the Alton Stock OaenMey ' Fre
easting toe Higniy Haauati mk ..
'. ' dramatic (lori,
Mattnaea Tacadar. Tboradar, Satardxr and
Sandar. Pricas 10c. SOe. Every mill at
8:16. . Prloa 10c SOe and 80c. . -Kaaerred
etats by Dbona, Mala MSB. Office
epaa Cora 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
Karlneae Tneasars, ' I
'. '- Tharadaya, Satsrdays
!. n.iHi. aad Sundays at S:SS.
KnODS Zvery Xveaiag at Ssls.
Mm-- Frtoaa 10, SO aad SOe.
wzzx or MAT so, ( -.....
Taadaville da lase, ,
r liaadad by .. 1
Mlasai Qrace Oray A Co.
' Sally MaMneee and Xvary Xvenln,
Price : Matin, not tacladlnf Buadaya
or Boliday. lw: BTnina, sunnajra . a.
HoUdara, loe," sue; iao Bos naau sue.
- Dr. Van Oesner and Marlon R. BlggS
will have to serve the sentences im
posed upon them by Judge William It
Hunt for complicity In the Oregon land
frauds, acoordlng to a decision handed
down by the ' United States circuit
court of appeals at San Erancisco yes
terday. Dr. Oesners sentence will be
five months In the Multnomah county
Jail and, a line of $1,000. and Biggs' will
be 10 months and a fine of SS00. Both
men ' will commence serving time ss
soon as the mandate is ssnt from the
Bay City,: whloh will be In sbout IS
The decisions In the Oesner . and
Biggs oases may affect the decision of
counsel for Franklin P. Mays, Willard
N. ' Jones and George Sorenson .to ap
peal the cases of their clients.- There
Is great , similarity, between their cases
and those of Geaner and Biggs, and
W. - D. Fenton ' intimated at the time
Judge Hunt sentenced Mays and. Jones
that an appeal might not be taken.
0Mi Umli
Two Union
We unload another full car tomorrow Wednesday) ;
still another car due to arrive Saturday, and others to follow.
. shortly. , ., , - ' -
This congestion of pianos, together with the Carpenters,
Decorators, Electricians, etc., places us in a position where
we are willing to cut prices as they were never cut before on
instruments of like grade. Tomorrow we will offer a splen
did piano for $185.00. Other styles, and also Player-Pianos:
L. proportionately, cheap, if you act . at once.- Come and see
them, and be convinced that we can save you nearly the
price of an ordinary piano if you buy now.
A little down, a little a month, and the piano is yours.
We have four different makes of "Player-Pianos,' In
cluding the only one in the world which operates the whole
keyboard of the piano, or OS notes. ,
Dovenden-Soule Piano Co.
374 Morrison SL Corner West Park
$20 to $W
We're After
the Man ,
Who Hasn't
tried Columbia
. We don't have to go after
those who already know the
goodness of our work they
come without it But it
takes a long'" time to reach
all the men in Portland
and perhaps you are one of
those who are "still in the ;
dark'' on the tailoring ques
tion. '
his ease soma time in Ootober. Sim
liar cases to Williamson's were recent
ly decided by the supreme court , when
Senator Burton, of Kansas, and Sena
tor Dietrich, of Nebraska, were forced
to defend themselves Upon the merits
of the cases brought against them.
This is to announce) that C S. Ar
nold at Co. has bought out P. I Austin
dt Co. and will do business In the old
Ex-Congressman Williamson was con-1 office (as hotel broker), 135-116 Ablng-
vlcted with Oesner and Biggs but took ton building,
anotner course irotn his conreoerates
and pleaded his constitutional right ssi The Sellwood Clvie league will hold
noHT arsxT
- . MOE9AT .
Watch the Game
Johnny nstd to always beat Jimmy at marbles,
bat this year Ifs a tie. Jimmy's mother says -she
didn't dream what a difference it would make to
give Jimmy the right kind of timberTABLE
to build .up with.
,Just as he is able
now to win his share
of childish ' games,
because he is prop
erly nourished, so
wiU he win the big
ger ones when he's
ox fo the won "oyai" imw
r la tka bottom of the loeX
I IS -&r7
7 All
Hiohbt Quality to
ia congressman. The United BUtes su-la meeUng Wednesday evening at S
Jfirema court wlU reodes: s deKisloa in 1 aBlook at tha freabxtexUn ahurol Saat ' uaUa& jx wiu ba kald la. Ua totsni.
Seventeenth and Spokane streets. The
meeting will be addressed by Samuel
Connellys. Quaokenbush aad Rev. K. 8.
of the local opUoq campaign in precinct
No. 17.
' - SBJSaasaMS4aaaBBStwBBsSB .
Let Us Prove ;
by making your next suit.
Let us demonstrate its high
character, its style, quality,
serviceability its I . superior-ity,-
in many respects and
last and not least,' the fact
that It will '"'
Save You Money .