The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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MAY 21, 1C07. .... :
. Real uttti transfers filed for record
yesterday amounted to $UM7. an
unusual record for the first day of the
week. , Two-thlrda of thla Amount waa
Included In the deeda transferring the
corner or rront and Madison' to Dr.
K. A. J. McKenslo for $5,00: ; th
Templeton flats to Mrs. Gertrude E.
Russell for 17,600 and J acres on
Portland Heljrhta from Yrx Bros., to
W. C. Hawk for $12,000.
- The market' onened no yesterday 'With
v wv v a j w iiiv vns aa
valuable downtown corner. D. K. Kea
ey and aaaoolatea have taken title to
481 acre belonging to tire King estate.
. ,
Official Figures Show Astound
Ing Building Record for
f A . .' . ' . .... , ' f ; vsv. '
1 ApHl Operations Here Most pmar
1 ," able Ever rubllnhed Contlaned
f Activity Attract- Attention of
Every Section in United State.
. i. Official. records, giving detail aa to
I building operations in 40 of the leading
i cities, give no Indication or nam times,
f The month of April. 1907. waa one . of
the moat active months In building op-1
i: aratlons ever recorded, - .
The . prominent poaltton occupied ' bjr
'. Portland among the different cltiea of
1 the United State 1 attractins woria
i wide attention, and the , great - growth
f this elty ean be appreciated when
It la , understood that among the 40
i- cltiea of the country the la led only
by New, Tork. Brooklyn. Philadelphia,
Chicago, . St. Loul and Waahlngton In
The .property r embrace Inspiration
Point and the surrounding tract, the
Klnga Hclghta plat to the north of the
City Park and Meltnda Height, a aur
vy to the south and weet of the park.
It is understood that the purchasing
syndicate Is to pay about . 11,000 an
acre for the entire. holding. '. ,
Dr. C. TV. Cornelius purchased yester
day, a 60x60 foot" lot at the southeaat
corner of First and Oak streets . for
130.000. The property was sold by the
Metropolitan company of which Scott
Brook is at ths head. Dr. Cornelius
purposes to put up a four-story bus!
neas nous , on the corner within the
year. '..;";..;.. , ;"';-'-. .i -
. .. i .. ..
Th repeitea arrest t oorg Btryr, Presbyterian Rally to Be Held
.ill rr., i - .
mission wornt r, iw I - l-- t. .!. r3k .1
o( isuimg ban j ran vi
hour. was brought . an ' yeaterday be
fore th thlt and Bsptlst minis
ters' meetings, and action was taken to
appeal to Chief OrtUmacher, Mayor
Lane and th police' eommlsaloners.
The stonr. told by Kev. John Bent
in. . Rantist -citv missionary. Is that
Strarer. who ha ben crippled for
Next Month:
-I mmiIIii naat and walk
the coat of building being constructed. I orutohM holds a permit from the chief
Better to appreciate the great activity J be out after hour tn th Intereete
tier, it is necessary to mase iw 9t M- worE. guaay night a weea ago
comparisons. Permit taken out" for n, WM arrested by Policeman Tenant
building operation during April, l07, and rougtjy handled.
were three timer much -in eot as mqq yhlng nu room aftor 111 re-
tnose or wnans. .neo, nw leas y Mr. Benwen, " Btrayer reu
leans, Ixolslana. or Loulaville, Ken- on floor in a dead faint, and was
tuckv: the building operation her for i.t. trmnA there bv hi f rlenda Stray-
the same month exceeded tnos or to-ler ja mn independent worker, but all the
lumbus. 3tUe, 8t PauL and Indian
: apolla by 100 ber cent, and they were
almost double those of Cincinnati . and
Rochester. " . i' -
Throughout the entire temperate sone
: building operation are alway nor
tnous during th month of April and
when it 1 understood that Portland
leads such cities as Kansas City, De-
, troit Pittsburg, Cleveland, Los Angeles
and Milwaukee, one get a better idea
of the great activity her than la pre
sented .by a plain Statement of figures.
Th Portland Commercial club, hav
ing scattered broadcast over the Unit
ed Bute over 100,000 leaflet calling
attention to the increase in building op
erations in Portland, has received a
tremendous , correspondence'' regarding
demand for granite, steel and . other
structural material. From the reference
regarding building operations In all th
vast correspondence It is apparent that
Portland' growth I ' becoming ' very
thoroughly disseminated throughout the
United State. ( , ' ' . .
Christian denominations of the elty are
behind him and wllf look Into thla mat
ter and look towards the discharge of
Chief Orltamaoher mad an Investi
gation of th case at the time and said
that he thought no violence had been
offered and that only Btrayer feeling
wer hurt,
Th Presbyterian minister of Port'
land are planning to do their har to
ward advertising th Rose City. A
committee ha been appointed ' to ar
rang for a write-up of the city In the
"Interior," the leading denominational
paper of th country, published in Chi'
cago, - Arrangement ar being mad
to bring Nolan Rice Beat here to e
th city, II .has charge of special ar
tides and recently devoted two numbers
to the great Marshall Field ktor In
Chicago. ' , .., - .
At the same time there la to b a
big Presbyterian rally in Portland. Dr.
Hugh K. Walker and Dr. John Willi
Baer of Los Angeles aad Dr. Van Og
den Vogt of New York ar to conduct
th. rally, Bnuday. June 7. On Mon
day the ministers will have a banquet
for th visitor and later they will un
dertak a trip to Mount Hood.
Committee Wants Eight Thou-
r sand Dollars on Which
era suit on policy
" 'saswassssssBBasj t . - ; . .
Mrs. Swackhamer ; Makes Order
. of Washington Defendant
m Case. V
' Suit for Judgment-for $1,110 from th
Order of Washington was begun - In
the circuit court yesterday by Clara S3.
Swackhamer. It Is alleged that the or
der promised last November to - pay
$1,960 in monthly ' installments of 160
on a matured life lnsurancs policy, and
agreed that the whole ebould become
due If any installment wer allowod
to default, .'.t'-i'-.'j ..) ;?;,:" ' :
The order, made the last payment on
January 16, according-to the complaint,
and the plaintiff now asks Judgment for
the whole amount unpaid. . .
' Th state convention of the Forester
of America opens today at Rainier, Ore
gon, after on pf th most prosperou
year in its history. -Grand
Chief Ranger A. B. Dalgtty of
Astoria and Orand Buo-Chlef Ranger A,
L. Brown of Salem are among tb dele
gates. The latter will be promoted to
the office of grand chief ranger. A
large reception is to be given by th
Rainier branch this evening In honor of
th grand court officer and th dele
gates. . -yV;'7-:' -f'Vi. .;;
Ttiere wiu d aa excursion aown in
Portland' Fourth, of July celebration
fund will be raised In on day by a
flnanc committee conalstlng . of SO
mombera, provided the plan of th
general committee, which met in the
elty hall last night, ar carried out.
It wa estimated that not less than
$6.000,. and probably $1,000. would be
necessary to meet the requirements of
the eommlttee.k ; -;- -i , ... '-r i
Th commute of $0 ' will be un
divided Into 10 soliciting committees.
each of which will be equipped with an
automobile and assigned to a certain
district with instructions to see every
business man in that' district before
sundown. It was the unanimous opinion
of th general committee that by mean
of a whirlwind campaign th money
could easily b gathered in the allotted
time. v -
General O. Summer, chairman of th
general committee; Lee M. Clark, secre
tary! A. B. Stelnbach and H. H. New-
hall wer named a a commute to meet
tonight and name th flnanc commute
Of $0. i ' ; K-.i.i,-t.J-V.,: -r'. i
The general committee will meet Fri
day night when the detail of th cele
bration will b gone into. A day will
alio b named on which th flnanc
commute will mak Its campaign for
subscription. '-..
;twq bands at oaks
STn-Mant Oar mid Orat Kew Uaa
.' A a special treat to th Oaks skat
ing patron, two big band have been
provided for this work, and a soon aa
on eases playing th other begin. Th
car service Is grand now, and as soon aa
a seven-minute ride to the Oaks, If you
can't skate, learn now. ,
"Knob o' Tennessee' at the Star.
. Hal Raid wrote many play, but non
In which ther 1 mon absorbing in
terest than "Knobs o' Tennessee," which
Is being offered this week at th. Star
by th new Star atock company. It la
a play that abounds In heart interest
and ha been immensely popular wher
ever produced. ' '
Th story has to do with th efforts
of a deputy United State marshal to
capture a moonshiner in the mountains
of Tennesse. Throughout th piece
ther I & charming lov story and a
number of thrilling .situations.
Th plsy affords ample opportunity
fof excellent aetlng on the part of v
era! Individual member of the company.
A very unusual feature of th pjay la
the Introduction of a character repre
senting the president of the 'United
States.--' J. , ;.
"Knobs o' Tennessee" Is a plsy that
is surs .to please and ia admirably ?ro-
duoed by the Star company, It will bei
th bill at th Star for the entire week.
"The ConnterfeiterM at the Lyric.
Tjirr ftrnwda WltnusMul th nnanlnv !
performance of "Th Counterfeiter,"
which waa nresnnted at the Lvrla bv the
Allen stock . comnanv vesterriav. It ta
a melodrama of th thrilling type, th
kind that 1 certain to meet wltb pop
ular approval';'" '" y ir
"Th Counterfeiter" ha an oriclnal
plot that I not only interesting but
really eleven Th stags affects are
startling and - th comedy situation
ar funny and up-to-date. The piece 1
excellently produced by the Allen com
pany, several members of which appear
to unusually good advantage. ,v. -.
Mlas Verna Fenon, the popular lead
ing" woman, has a boy's part this week,
a part that is very difficult, but which
Is handled with extreme cleverness by
Mis . Felton. Sh receive admlrabl
Support - "i.'v"':. .- ,.
"The Counterfeiters" wa enthusias
tically received yeaterday and will like
ly be accorded th aam sort of recep
tion xor me remainder or th week.
a ureal uarjjcim m a
Arc Most Sonnhl For Pav Larnc 'Divi-
Desirable Railroad S!0Ck Dends Are Sale and Permanent
Toledo. Watesli & t lo IS. . It- mm
at $3.00, Per . Sliare Be Worth That Before the. Year. Is: Ont
ntherum'ae v6u have to oav larra Dremlumk and vour Investment is no bargain. Let ui illustrate this in
the case ol the Inditnapohs Street Railway Co. Early in its history in 1900 stock sold at $15 per-share
r u .a 11S Tl.. T.tJ YXfakaBlt J& T fitnplr un'11 on tVie urn umv:"!
IDaX 11AI. x now ncus eti fiiu euutic,' : ahv ,avuuv, e- - j
It can only be a few days before this sjock will be advanced to $5 per share. BUY NOW.
Look aide Hap at
the Tea of this Adv.
Oovanunenl Ownership of BalU
( road is Agitata y noma. .
TheUp-tp-Date Plan
: Ownership by th peopl win wapetaed an othars. - -v -
Toiado, wabasa Si St, Zioals KaUroad offwrs th solution.
jro boaaa. Sf preferred Bsook. All etook ooaunoa stock,
very share shares equally with every other share.
A road of the people, by the peopl and fof th people. .
A aoary air Un from Toledo Bt, Xoal, onneotlnr th
Oreat Xke with th Klsslsslmpi, forming a couaeoUng lUxk he-
tweea tae atuane ooass ana ui uuu ox sa.auw.
Building a railroad by popular ubsaripuon.
A start
lMm mad-4t wUl b flaiahea, . , ;. ' ;
Toledo, wabaan at Bt. Louia Kauroaa is ounaing an Kiecino
Air Un Interurban Railroad from Toledo to St.- Louis Via De
fiance, rt' Wayne and Indianapolis, th construction and quip
men t to be first class In .very particular, roadbed to. be rock
ballasted, track standard gauge and equipped with 70-pound steel
. rail. Right of way for th flrt section
has been practically secured. Contract
haa been let and bond given by the con
struction company for the fulfillment
of am. Th construction company ha
accepted eiock of th railroad company
in lieu of payment.. Thla atock 1 first
t offered to the public the people. If the
Investing publlo can tell a good thing
when they aee it they have the oppor
tunityprobably for the flret time -to
get an intereat in an Interurban Electric
Air Lin will be built A moat
Important tart has been made, V Th
right kind of a start .
Surveys have been mad between To
ledo and oeflance. .
Within to dsvs around will be broken and actual construction work win
have begun on the right of way of a great modern, upto.aai rauroaa.
t .i w rnr m -wiltr- t wttf t V J Ttr ai '
Inearparste SMier in. laws or to. state 01 name ror (fo.we.wvi
' Th eofDMar Is
si BllUon OulUra, slrldI
(600.CK10) sis bundr thooMnd sfcaivt of a par valo.
(tint tea dollar, each. fall-Mid, aos aasswaftl.. sli-farr.iutie ana carrying no penoaai
..Utility. , - . . . ' ;: '
Practical raliroa B.e ana earerui iin.nct.r. mispriM 10. aireciorir., oi wsira v. v,
Whltwr, formw g.ner.1 traffic mansr of th. CIotw Im( Xlue, la th hoad. 6ktehs
t all th. of fleer, and dlrwton. tb. report of the rnltln iilnr sod a Ust of the
railroads th.y hare built, statl.ties, ate., sll ef which would oreupr tno nook spaee to be
DriutMl hna. are tnrludod la tb. Droipoctus, which r. will cheerfully d4 to yon If
jo win kindly affls rout turn, to the coupoa printed below and forward to ear of flea.
Be Your Own Banker Do Your Own Saving
Why hand your money em te a m.a who has a ! eat "B.nkw" and let bliri fi-
TeST yoor nODOy IB miiroaa nocu ac now pnm, oenexil VJ um nurvui lunwi vi uiv
valne of atock -and draw haadwme dividends sad pay jwt or per erat foe the loos of
your muMyt A. a mattHr of fact. It Is yna woo pars the bakr, toatead of him paying
you. Yoar bank.r probably make. SO to loo pr eont en yoor saooy, Yoa ar. thwefore
paylns him IS to M pf eeot for the prlTQ.te ef Invntln your money la railroad atock
and othar securities. For bankw do Invest la railroad stock.. Tb. permim
ih.i a Am an Hi.raliv nwwDltliu th vain, of thtw. SMarltlM. ' - '
Ton aoad so batter JudfmtBt ia buying railroad stoeka tbaa roa .mploy la yoar.every'
day boaineas affairs. '; i , . .: r- . .
Io aa yoor banker aoea.' . ,, '.'''' '' ' ' " ' ' '' " '
v Bay railroad etorks-at low prices and earn the eeormous profits which yoor banker Is
Twhr ahosld yna lt yew banker IdvmI year stoaey wbs yea ea laves It yearsalT
IM pill tb SU-OU-1UU or mayo. per cam mat your oanaw vuni : .
jrxvx rax orr nxx. tomosbow wxat tov caw bo to!at, o-
h.'--BXKS "fOTB OBJDSB FOSTaTWZTB. i .- ,, .,-';;,v,;
In Orderingv Stock of Toledo, : Wabash & St Louis ; Railroad
Company Fill Out the Coupon Printed Below 1 and. Mail1 to
eon t have tp pny, dux w. wi j -3.,.. kMn m tinfll :ao" i v ... . .
TV. of our client, aad yea wlU be welcomed at
an tin. btwea tbeee hour. ; v" . .'-'i.''. 7 'v"'
i, : Building Permit.
James Lyons, repairs barn.
Columbia som tlm before Thursday tret between East Alder and Bast
sight, wnen tne convention wiu ciosa
' About 160 delegates will bs in attend-
I . anc when this evening' train bring in
1 th remaining ones. : Many spent few
hour In Portland on th way.
Waahlngton, 1100; A. C. McDonald, one-
tory office, Pippen. between viiiard
and Atlantic, 1200; N. O. Patterson, one
story barn, East Davis, between Eaat
Sixteenth and Eaat Seventeenth, $300;'
Mr. L. B. Fluke, repairs, dwelling. East
Seventh street corner Rhine, f 800; BL
O. Wright two-story store. Alberta,
corner East. Fifteenth, 11,800; w. F.
Ball, one-story dwelling, Denver be
tween' Kllllngsworth and Willamette
boulevard,' !; O. F. Barbea one-story
dwelling, Kllllngsworth, between Denver
and Conoord, 1100; S. W. Thorntonwon
and '-, one-half-atory dwelling. Oneflhta,
near Claremont $1,100: J. B. Hoffman.
repair, dwelling. William avenue, be
tween Going and Prescott ' $1000; F.
Dresser, repairs, dwelling, Broadway,
corner East Ninth, $450; F. W. Carlson,
on and on-half-story dwelling, Tilla
mook, between Eaat Twenty-fourth and
East Twenty-fifth streets, $1,960; city
of, Portland. two-storr -.engine-house.
Orand avenue,, corner Multnomah, $7,-
$00; Georg Browrr, one-story dwelling,
Plea fill out thla coupon and mail to
Southwestern f sonrltle Co, 80O-S01
. Tllford Bids ForUand, Or.
Information regarding
wm vnn WARAHH
My" Nam J. , , .... . . .... . . ... ... ...i.
aty .
Stat . ." i ...
k7.. ' P. J. B-tl-T.
Kindly end m pmspectn' and full
MMvAtn thm atnc.k of tno
fTestern Fiscal Agents - 300-381 Tllford Bnlldlng. Portland, Or;
,10 Shares, Par Value $ .!100JOO rfcei$ ,30,00 !
Pay $ 6.00 casht and e.OCTper month for tout months
20 Shares.-Par Value " 200.00.: Price :, 60.00 '
Pay 12.00 cash and 12.00 per month for four-months
50 Shares, Par Value ' .500)0, PriceV 150.00
Pay 30.00 cash and v 30.00 per month for four months
100 Shares, Par Value '1,000.00, Price 300.00
Pay 60.00 cash and 60.0Q per month for four months
Not Less Than lO Shares' Sold
J rvmoxAsa ooufov. i
. Plpaae fill out thli eonpoa add mall It to
TUford , Bldg., ferjlaad, ,; ; j 1
0atl.roVnK-'PIaaa .nt.r my erW for 'f.".,T.
U.rts .Fh stork of til TOLEDO, WABABH
ahare, sa valu $10.00 each,- tar M I
by make .appUratloa oa time parmnta fully
paid, aoa-aaaMal)la and nna-f or fallible and
earrylns no pVaonaf liability. Tim. paytti.nts
on. fifth dowa aad en fifth monUily for toer
months tberaafter. N. aubtorlpUao. for .1mm
than tea ahan. aecaptad, $ per cent dlseonat
for caab sabwrlptloaa ' .
Inclosed plMM flDd.....,.....".'....dollari te
pay for tb. aam. . -viv
ify aam Is'
City ,
j. &4i-r
A on-aet play enUtled "Th Olrl Who
Dared," 1 , tb headline attraction at
the Orand thl week. It la a complete
iov story ana tn enamg r th play
1 decidedly novel. It I presented by
miss urao way, upportd by a eaoa.
bl company. . Miss Grsy is a decidedly
clever aetress and the play la received
witn antnuaiaam. j
' Th Waltreaa and th Caf Pianlct"
la th tltl of a comedy kech by Mar
garet Webb and Jack Connelly. It la
omethlng of a musioal comedv and Is
offered in a way that arouses oonsid-4
able Interest. Track and Gladden, in
weir singing ana aancing speciaitiac ar
another interesting feature, whll Ar
nold and Gardner, in their skatch enU
tled "Th Minstrels," also provid eon
taerabi amusement.
Th all at -th- Grand thls-wee eon
tain many other worthy feature and
i up io u standard
trur rm TOT
I .AT ' "
iu j .- , ' ma J
v II
, To get inside the hat
question see our stock.
. Whatever style you
fancy is here. ,
- Whatever style of
face you cany, we carry
'the , hat that corre
; sponds. " , -Sailor
Straws $1.00
to $3.00, : . ' ' . '- v
' Panamas $4 to $10..
Men's and Boys Outfitters.
1C3 and 1C3 Third St
. . xacnawx isuxiamg,:
maintained h-
n J ir-rn ..An. " . . J a - ...
vr, nar jacv.ung, nvv, cu-i di-io, i mat popular vauasVUt nouaa
Twentieth and Twenty-first streets,
$250; 8. Blumautr, ' repair. tore,
Fourth, between Morriaon .and Aider,
$100; A. J. 'Teter, two-story dwelling.
East Twenty-first street, between Ivon
and Division, $2,000; W. B. Cornutt, one-
story . dwelling, Bass X,lne, between
Brook and Summit, $100; D. B. Powell,
one-story dwelling, East Fifteenth, be
tween Howe and Ainsworth. $ 1,000 r A.
Grlfflth, on-tory shop, 1 Belle vue, be
tween Vulcan and Morton, $100; R. H.
BllUnraley. one-story dwelling. Clack
am as, between East Fifteenth and East
Seventeenth, $1,100; Presbyterian churoh.
one-story church buildings, East Twen
tieth, between Wy grant and Alberta, $,-
ioo; Anna Hal pin, one-atory dwelling,
Hunter avenue, between East Tenth and
jaaat Eleventh,' $75; , A. Hendrlckaon,
two-story dwelling, Fargo, between WU
Hams and Vancouver avenue, $1,650;
Joseph Clossett repairs, store. Twentl
th, corner Hoyt, $150; John Frank, one-
siory aweutng, Oberlln. between
telth and McKenna, $1,000: J. A. Kenny
one-atory dwelling) Borthwlck, between.
Kllllngsworth and Jeasup, $1,760; Mra
ID. Bogen. renalra dwelllnc. Ganten-
beln avenue between Central and Mon
ro. $42; H. Q.- Bohlstrom, , reuinlng
wait,; jsaat i Twentieth, i between East
-Washington and East Stark, $150; A. W.
west, one-story dwelling, Eaf.'.vFlf-i
teenth. between Skldmore and Pre- i
Icott. $200; j. c. Moreland, two-story
dwelling, Twenty-second, between John-,
ttoa ana Keanwy, $t,$08.
"Ths Singing Girl" at Maraiuun.
Thar. bo dlmlnllhlna In (ha nl. -fefefc
flock nightly to tb Marqoaia and th htatorte
theatre Is mora Bocnlar tbaa in th- i... .c
oio. in eaa - rraaelaee Opera . eompaay
strrasthen lutlf In popular approral test
nieo. want k presentM "Tb. Btnflor Olrl"
for the trst tlm. In Portland. Th. Mrfnnn.
ane even exceeded tbe expectatlona ef tnaa-
asnMar a no paeiie an um kn rniMtio
i ii vmf a prououi a iuccm. ,'Tm Blnslns
uir. wm in intiw ai enioay,' win ee re
Patd all WMk, with next flatumn
and Sunday; It Is advisable to order scats
la advance, tor tner is a strong demand.
Seats for MMri..WMWBi Profession"
Tomorrow (Wednesday) uornlnt, 10 t'clott.
at box-offlc, . H.lllf theatre. Fourteenth and
Washlnctoa stmts, tb. adraaee'aeat aala Will
Mon-1 opes .for "Mrs,. Warraa's Profcalon." .
tr . tow sokt . -
neeeed the first time use Herbine and
you will get InaUnt relief. ' Th great
eat ' Hver regulator. " A- positive cur
tnr oonstlDatlon. dyspepsia, malaria.
chills and all liver complaints. Mr. C
of EmoryTexss, writes: ,ty wlf has
been using Herbine for herself and
children for nv years. It Is a Sure
cure for constipation and malaria . fe
ver, which is substantiated by what it
has done for mr family." Sold br all
' 1 .
U 1 I
O -you
J Credit
tv . f
vqoi ioi
Corners First, Second and Yamhill Streets
bMlllaat actress, Bess Ooghjst sapportod hy
an exccllrat company, will present tbls moob
dlaoumd play f Barnard Bhaw's st tb abore
tbeatr next Friday , Saturday, and Sunday
nlgbts, Kay S4, 28, M - ' .
' --.. C' ..'t.,': i .. . -:i isn n,n i ':V'-;.-';-V:'i-rj"i;-
"A Contented Woman" at the Baker.
at tb Bakw this week, thers ar big crowds
at Try performsac becaos ther Is aa as-
wally good show. All Hoyrs plays ar looa,
bat "A Contented Woman Is especially la-
tervstlag. It desla With a subject that appeala
te every one. Tba place 'affords axcallent ep-
portwuiy-fwrth Btkcrf afonu. .
f Big Crowds at; the Empire, .
Tb. tort' week' encarement. ef the ' Sea
man Stock company at the Bmptre is prorlnf
to be of .pwlal tntsreet. On of tbe very bt
melodramaa of tli. aeasca Is tb. offering at
tb. Uorrbwa atreet hoae for this lest WMk
sad all tb. eatrona ef tbe Empire are swarm
Ins thwe te pay their reseeut. It Is aoa of
tb bat ftart of tb lasaa ooapaay,
, fThe Coimterf dterg.w ; ;iX
On ef tb best dramaa seta la Portland tbls
season . Is "The Oonntarfeltera," tb bill ftraa
tbls week at tbe Lyric by tbe Allen Stock
company. - Mlas Verna Teltoa and tbe other fa
vorltes hare Important roles.1 Xbe stag effecta
are raallstle. Tbere is an abeadaac. ef cood
comedy la the play. Matinees Tbonday, Sat'
ynuy-ead ennaay. Beau are sew sailing.1
. ' , "Knobs o', Tennessee."
Whan Hal Rald-wrat ''Ksoba tf . Tenmsae."
he painted tbe sioonafalner aa he ex
ists and jot j'b -.ssrsjly. txasrerated.
Beid haa glTaa to tb. atas a remarkable' play
and although melodrama It la a atndy of a
distinctly Amerlcaa - type of meontalnea.
"Knobs e T.nnass" la th bill this week at
the Star Theatre, whr th new stock company
far. a .tron performance of tbe piece laat
algbt te a dtlisbtad aodlanc. Tbere will be
matinees Tharaday, Saturday and Sunday.
?.---t- - v jVi,i ,
A f . .x LaoghtervUle. . '"
JnstMd of vadvfll it if UoghtwvUl at
th Grand thl week, '"The Olrl Wh Dared."
played by Oraes Cray and a capable .support
tng company, 1 a novelty, for It Is one of th
few playlets In vandavlll wberela there la a
Slot with beart interest. "At tb Tarf Inn"
i racing ak.tch, with a horse race fAlsh
a exciting aa the senalne article. Th. Walt
reaa and tbe Cafe Planlat" la a langhable
mnsleal comedy . and . aalda ..from these sets
are several other ef equal merit." -
.'v:ft'v V.: ''V :;J , -TH -i jr:' -j fTl w:.
; IOU ;
Are , ,
' Welcome ' I
S' ; to .J
Credit y j
'ill'.) I bS .. j ti
Suit for $39,000 damages for personal
injuries was begun In th olroult
oourt yesterday by Anton K. Holm
against th Eastern A Western Lumber
company. , Holme alleges that through
th negligene of th lumber company
hi right leg wa cut off by a' band saw
and Ms left leg bruised and mashed In.
August, HOt.
' Holmes wa a "band sawyy fJWlng
IT a day. when . his carriage beoaf
block by debris. He alleges that h
stepped over to olear away the debris,
when th carriage suddenly started for
ward, struck htm and knocked him down
on top of It, and carried him past tb
saw, which out off hi right lag.
' H asks $26,000 damages for th in
Jury and $10,000 damages for being ren
dered unable to work at hi trade, at
which h arndr $2,300 a year. - .L ..- . v
' A mtins of th Presbyterian Broth
erhood will b held this evening at 3
o'clock In th Piedmont Presbyterlatt
churoh. Luncheon will, be' served by
th ladles of the churoh. Th principal
speaker will be Rev. B.; E. El of
Calvary church and a. B, Leach