The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Friends cf Governor Hughes Pro
test Against President's v (
Campaigning. ' :
New York Executive and llooserelt
Clash Over Taft Doom arid Latter
1 Condemned for Actions of His
' (Wishtoftoa Baiwae of Th Jeoraal)
Washington, May II. -The moat sig
Mflcent development In the field ofna
. tlonal politic ! .tha violent . protest
registered with President Roosevelt by
tha friend of Oovarnor Hughes of New
York against tha activity of federal
office-holders In present campaigns for
. control of state delegations. - Like pro
teste' are being aent from Ohio, where.
as in New York state, the federal ornce
holders are more .actively engaging In
jjolitlca than at any tlm for year paat.
The significance He In the i fact that
f rlenda of the president prevented - an
: Indorsement of Governor Hughes tha
other day at tha meeting- of tha Re
! oilcan state committee. A resolution
was lntrouced Indorsing Hughes for tha
presidency, and It waa tabled at ' the
'.' Inatanca of tha president, who had ad'
; vance Information that It waa , to be
'. offered.' -'v;
Bad .Blood Jtarenderad, . ' ..
: . It It no longer a matter of doubt that
. bad Mood has been engendered between
the president and Oovarnor Hughes.
, Tha latter Is presumed to te looking
V towards tha 1(01 nomination, or at least
' to desire bis chances not to ha preju
diced adversely. Tha president ' no
longer makes secret of hla desire to aea
. Secretary Taft named, end although
Taft'a supporters realise that their can
; dldateils being mora or less Injured by
tha citation of an Impression that his
campaign is- being managed by -Mr.
.? Roosevelt, the president continues to
"maintain hla Intense activity.
' It la understood that tha federal
. of floe-holders -believe that their reten
tion of tha president's good graces de
pends on their activity In their respeo
-- tlve states. Inasmuch as the president
waa one of tha original advocates of
civil service reform, and gava expres-.-.
slon often to opinions atrongly adverse
' to federal office-holders taking part In
political campaigns, tha general belief
' .that hla of floe-holders are especially
. active along; that Una baa wrought to
; his Injury. - . . v
' Kturnea Beaentfnl. ' .
- Most well-informed men here now ac
cept as settled that Governor Hughes
purposes to flaht hls own battles, and
resents the Interference of tha president
through the federal office-holders.
To add to tha confusion, the ClvU
Service leacue of New York Issued
statement showing that tha president
was on record years aso aa against po
litical activity byt office-holders, and
tha league called attention to tha dis
missal of Archie Bandera, collector at
Rochester, New Torky avowedly to sup
port Governor Hughea. Bandera, being
thourht . to be obnoxloua to tha gov
ernor. ' ' ' " - - ' "' '-
Polltlclaps regard this latest Incident
as - spelling Irreparable Injury to tha
Roosevelt program, and would not be
surprised to see It as one of tha first
things la tha succession of events which
will nerhaDS mark the dissolution to a
large extent of the president's popu
larity. ,..;;- , ;:..,. , . .;.::
Eugene Attorney Devises Assess
i ment System and Is Off to
r Frisco to Flier Papers
fRseelal Dtssetcti te The lurssl.l
' Junction City." Or May tl. Tha enter
ing of timber lands haa become a vary
exciting pursuit here. o. F. Sklpworth,
an attorney of Eugene, and W. C. Wash
bume, notary publio here, have devised
a system of application blanks for fil
ing on railroad timber lands occasioned
by the prospective' forced sale by the
government of the Southern Paolfie rail
road's land holdings under the congres
sional land grant. Tha number register
ing from Saturday until noon today was
1X5, each making application before tha
notary public for 1(0 acres of land on
a form of affidavit similar to mat or
timber land entries. Each applicant
pays IB,, which la supposed to insure
him that ha la tha first one to file on
tha piece of land . he wants, and the
money aoea to cay the expanses of At
torney Bklpworth to San Francisco and
return. . He . left . yesterday to file tha
papers with tha , land agent of tha
Southern Pacific, tha praaant owner of
tha O C land grant. ; . ;
Mrs. R. F, Munroe Was a Hostes
. Whose Guests Were as of
.Her Own Famiiy.
- i i . . . . . . .v. ;
(special DUpatcb te The JoeraaL)
Arlington, Or, May 81. Mourning
pervades Gilliam county today on ao-
oount of tha death of Mr a. R. F. Mun-
roe, who waa known . as the . most be
loved woman In the county, and-aa
hostess she enjoyed , tha acquaintance-
row xm yrtLXJJLUS rnrx nus
mmnmm viiirmmmjmmMii. m,m
- . f I
, s, t '
i ' ;
11,.. l in.' . !
Mrs. R. P. Munroe.
Uoarksl liwelal BervleeJ ,'' .
Columbus, O-. May 11. If tha ma
jority of the presbyteries approve of
tha schema tha next general aaaembly
of tha Presbyterian Chfirch will adopt
plan - creating executive committees
to handle tha affairs . of tha d!fferent
synods: these committees to be headed
by tha moderators, who will serve ' for I after the death of her
ona year. This schema waa denounced
aa an attempt to establish a Catholic
hierarchy by soma members of tha as
sembly, but , tha executive , committee
succeeded In getting overtures prepared
these will be submitted to tha
ohurch for approval during tha year.
ship and good will of esjery guest who
aver stopped at her husband's hotel.'
Tha traveling; publio will miss tftr aa
much as her Immediate friends and . It
will never be expected that any ona can
fill her place In the matter of entert
talnlng guests. Her death waa Very sud
den and was cauaed by neuralgia of
the heart. . . .. i
Mrs. Munroe, whose maiden name' was
Ella McGlauthln, waa born at SL Jo
seph. Missouri. In 18Et and moved with
her parenta to Rentonvllle, Benton eoun.
ty, Arkansas, when a child. There she
resided until 1900 when- - aha moved
from Arkansas to Condon, Oregon, Just
first husband.
ETcry element necessary ' for the
- development of bodily vigor and
r; endurance is found in correct pro
portion in tie soda cracker.
: is the perfect soda cracker, fresh.
cUan, irholesome, with, all the
crisp, flaky goodness presemd.
(5 dttc?j.
meiitun proof fatkatti.
In 1901 aha met and married Fred Mun
roe, than a prominent sheepman of thla
county. Shortly after tha marriage Mr.
Munroe purchaaed tha Grande hotel of
this city and for six years It has been
under his management, aaslsted by Mrs.
Munroe. Mre. Munroe waa an active
member of Jessamine chapter No. T4,
O. m. R or Arlington, which had charge
or tha interment She leaves one son,
Marshall McCurry of thla city, who la
tha only child. ; The funeral took Dlaoa
at iwnaoa ounaay. ,.
' Report of Death Was a Fake, He
Says- Mrs: Stayhl Cracks
4 a Joke on Him.
A Doctor's Inscription, wot a Cure-all,
. They Save Ona Purpose, ta Hake
mioh. Bad Blood.
General debility la due ' to Impure
blood. ' Its cauaes are worry, overwork,
failure of the body to regain Its health
after a severe sickness, lack of nourish
ment from a disordered digestion, or
some drain upon the body, all of which
result in thinning the blood, preventing
It from carrying health and nourishment
to the tissues of the body. : The way to
cure it la to build up tha blood and
enable tha various organa to perform
their functions. ,
Mr. John F. Williams of 111 Lincoln
St., Anderson. Ind., who Is In tha boot
and shoe business, says: "In 1907 I was
taken aick with typhoid fever, which
left ma completely run down. I went
back to work before I entirely recovered
my strength and tha close confinement
of the store was too much tor my weak
ened body. I did not give up aa I should
have done, but kept at my work, al
though I suffered a great deal from sick
headaches and pains in tha back. The
sick headaches came on ma about every
10 or 11 days and the doctors said they
were caused from my eyea. My stomach
waa weak, appetite poor and complexion
sallow. I had night sweats, which so
weakened me. that I had little Interest
In my work. , ' '
1 tried several doctor bat got no
better and remained In thla condition
until I read about Dr. Williams' Fink
Pills and started to take them. . X got so
much relief from . the first few boxea
that X used them until X waa entirely
cured. X am perfectly well now, but I
think X should have been a weak man
for many; years if X had not used tha
PUIS,- ,.- ....
Dr. Williams' Fink Plus make rich
red blood, enabling It to carry Ufa and
strength to the weak nerves and other
tissues of tha body.. They ara a spa
clflo for such blood diseases as anaemia,
rheumatism, tha after-effects of i the
grip and fevers, and for such nervous
diseases as dlsxlness, sick headaches,
neuralgia, and have accomplished mirac
ulous results even In partial paralysis
and" locomotor ataxia. k.
A valuable booklet. "Diseases of tha
Blood,":, containing full 'Information
about blood dlseaaea and their treatment
will be aent free upon request.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ara sold by
all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid,
on receipt of prjoe, to cents per box,
six boxes $2.60. by tha Dr. Williams
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. T.
"i i , N .
District Attorney Orders Pur
chase of Geary Street Car .
Line by the City. 3
VM Bine Flam2 Oil Cco!-S!ove
l Ihc diffennt
;: Oil Stove
The improved
Oil Stove
Gires best results.
Reduces fuel ex-
A working'
- fume at the touch of the
match! "Blue Flame", means the hottest flame
produced by any store. - The New Perfection
ill makeyour work lighter. ViU not over-
heat the kitchen. Made in three sizes, with
one two, and three burners. Every stove war
ranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our
nearest agency.
M Lamp , :
, .1 ...
gives a clear, steady light. Fitted with
latest improved burner. Made of brass
throuffhout and beautifully nickeled.
Every lamp warranted. Suitablefor library,
dining-room, parlor or bedroom. If not at .
your dealer's, write to our nearest agency.
("peeftl Dispatch ta The ?omal)
TT.. A Tl. i-h- , A ... V .
lng chronicled by. many papers In the
state aa gone to the happy hunting
AnilA. .'.rhl.f JAMnfi Btivhl tmm m
ww-vm "
n Hood River, alive and "skoo
kum," to tha amassment of bis many
Irtenda. Btayht la ona of the most ex
pert strawberry picker and field fora
men among the many Indiana who come
to Hood River annually to harvest the
big berry rop. For several years Be
haa bad charge of tha large patch of
R H. Shepard, ' manager of the Fruit
Growers' union. Ha haa ' made It
practice to reconnolter In advanoe of
tha time to oommenea picking. He went
out Into tha valley soon after hla ar
rival and on hla return announoad.
"Crop much good thia year." v ; : t
When flueatloned about the. rooort of
nis aeatn, an expansive smile wreathed
hla eopper-hued visage and ha grunted
"No catcnem Btayhl dead. Stayhl much
good long time yet.' Plenty newspapers
Ha. Man dead, not Stayhl. Pick plenty
names yet -. , (
1 Chief Stayhrs home Is ' near - Lyle,
where ho owns a ranch.. He has gone
back op tha river to gather up pick
era and will return with them In time
for tha berry season. At tha conclu
slon of tha season last year aa a raV
ward for -his faithful services he was
offered a new ault of wearing apparel.
T thla ha shook hla head and remarked,
"No, no catchera clothes, catch em trunk."
Tha trunk he selected was full of brass
headed nails. Stayhl waa very proud
of the gift, but says that on reaching
noma nis wire arter looking' it over in
formed him that by cutting off his arms
and legs It would make a fine coffin
for him. This ha considers very mnch
of a Joke, and repeats with considerable
gusto, "No catchem dead, yet; no catch-
' (Hiwrlal t)titptrt -tS The yrarMt.1
, Starveout, Or., May 21 Work will
soon begin In earnest on tha Qqldon Leaf
mining claim on Starveout creek,' which
seems to have a bright future. 1 Assays
from the upper levels show 116.80 to uie
ton? in free gold.' There la , ore shoot
on tha vein that will reach tha thou
sandai The vein Is from four to six
feet wide.. The formation is porphyry
and dlorlte. The vein haa ribbon quarts
similar to that of the ones famous
Greenback" of Grave creek. ' Tha own-
era, J. C. Rlckard and U A. Curtis,
are preparing to do a big Tot of de
velopment work. t They feel aura they
have the best showing t on Starveout
creek. The development work will be
in the lower level to tap the' rich ore
shoot it i good depth.
fSpertil Dtpteli to Tbt rarnal.l
Spokane. May II. Variety..' halla.
criba. dance halls and restaurant boxes
were effectually put out - of business
here by the 'order of Mayor Moore Is
sued yesterday and served last night
by the chief of police. . Written prom-
e, to obey the law Is to be exacted
by. the mayor from tha offenders and
refusals to sign the paper will result
In the forcible removal of the offeadi
In restaurant boxea. . , . . -
. (Jooraal Speetat BwrVe.)
Ban Francisco, May IL In tha June
budget of tha board of supervisors tha
sum of 400,000 ' will be provided for
' with tha 1850.000 - already appro
priated for tha purchase of tha Geary
street cable Una and Its operation by
tha olty. Thla will be San Frondsoo's
first attempt at municipal ownership
and la a move which haa been under, con
sideration for some lima.
Whan tha Geary street Una Is taken
over by the city, under the direction
of District Attorney Lang-don, It will
Immediately be converted Into a conduit
aleotrlo system. '.i5 -
. For two years San Frandaoo naa been
In a position to take over thla Una. Its
franchise expired at that time and re
newal was refused. Finally tha com'
pany was permitted to operate under
lloense providing that tha road be sold
to the. city on demand. ' - v-
The car strike and the pending
ohargee against the united Railways of
ficials are said to have prompted tha
district attorney in the present move.
uacK t-rom tne tasx.
Paul Strain arrived yesterday from a
month's visit to New Tork. "Owing to
tha backward season, continued cold
and unpleasant weather during April,
many wholesalers ware overloaded with
goods, and It waa my good fortune to
pick up a number of stocks of mer
chandise at about my own figures,1 said
Mr. Strain, when seen In The Hub
Clothing company yesterday. ; "AU the
merchandise 1 boua-ht ta Of this " sea
son's makeTa'nd when It arrives here In
a few days I propose to rattle up the
dry bones Of - competition. ,' The secret
of buying merchandise Is to buy the
right goods at the light-season, and get
the riaht nnoa . Then an attractive ng-
ure can be Quoted the public. Therein
you have the secret I nave maae in my
three Portland store. ; Factorlea of all
kinds In the eaat are running their full
shifts and are aa a rule behind in their
orders. Everything points-to continued
nrosoerltv ' throughout tne-1 country,
Needless to say, I f eai greatly encour
aged by my trip." -.
' '- ... '
. . I Si'?
t ' '''.
7JUR Juvenile Department is a most convenient sho
Wearables for -Summer you will find that our range, of
styles is the greatest shown in - Portland.' bur
exclusive, patterns most attractive . and Z our prices most
reasonable. r::-:'---::
.11 E. tF.'ji-
TN PLAIN colors, with smart trimmings and new effects
in checks,' plaids, stripes and mixtures. We offer an end
less assortment of Wash Suits in 3 distinct styles Peter Pans,
Sailor Suits with straight : or r f r yjL dj jr r
bloomer trousers land Russian Suits -?UC IU CpO.UU
;;i.,..v .-. i. . , ,: . . , A -.,:!..,. J', :': ,' ; ? :' .
: '."'Y-' -i' v 4. " ';'. '. ;': l:'i ':f - t. j.'.'V. '-.' i; v': " :. "'.J 1 v- .;
Fret with every Salt or Reefer at $3.33 or over, a Pair of Roller
Skatet, Bate Ball and Bat or other desirable preterm.
Jtf&ntir' Oueol ! Berflca. .
San Francisoo, May 11. Fifty thou
sand men mar oe tnrown-oui or em
ployment by the action of the Builders'
Exchange tomorrow night Contractors
here have declared themselves in favor
of discontinuing all work on structures
now In, the course of construction, ' and
If they do so their army of employes
will be plunged . into idleness. ; , y
Tightening of the nsoney market, the
Increase of ' interest; from C to l , per
cent, the street ear strike, and general
labor troubles, ' have " been the ? primary
causa of .the desire of tne contractors.
It is declared that the ity . is In a
more critical condition, financially,, now
than at any time since the disaster,'
' (Speetat THipstee te The 7onrnl.)
Olvmpla, Wash., May ' il. Governor
Mead today granted the following p
roles: '
Oro Sullivan, sentenced' in Chelan
county, February zs, isob, to three
years for. forgery. : The superintendent
of the penitentiary recommends' V the
nrlsoner for parola in view of good con
duct and reliability proved aa a trusty. '
William F. Iyy, aentenced In Pacific
county February 21, 1S05, to four years
for burglary- The parole la granted on
the ground of excellent record at the
penitentiary and evidences of reforma
tion. ',. ".;---
M.;'-8.' 'Maya, sentenced In Snohomish
county February 2Y 190. to two years
for burglary. This prisoner has served
more than one full year and haa been, a
model "prisoner. - With -the exception of
jthe crime for which ha. was Imprisoned
Mayo haa always borne a good reputa
tion. ' . '
; William J. Tourex, sentenced In Che
halla county, June 6, 10J. to 10 years
for manslaughter. He naa neen an ex
ceptlonaily well-behaved prisoner. ;
psaBBBaBBSBBBSSBBsssaaasaaasBjBBBsP . .:
Eugene Divinity School Closes
' the Most Prosperous Year
in Its History.
Eugene, Or, May ll-The twelfth an
nual commencement exercises oi j"
Eugene -Divinity school began Sunday
morning, when Rev.- 3. J. Bvana of Al-
hn- dallvered ; the . baocalaureate : ser.
the First Christian church. At
h conclusion of the service the follow
ing were ordained to the ministry; Karl
Berg, N, E. Beach, w, a- uressman,
David E. Norcross, Mra Mary Benton.
Chris Hanson. Elijah SUvera, Walter
CalUson and F. C. Stevena. Sunday
aftarnoon at I o'clock services were oon
ducted by graduates of the school.
three of .them delivering aermona.
. The srraduatlna exercises proper were
held at the Christian ohurch last night.
Rev. W. A. Moore of Tacoma delivered
the address to tha olasa and President
Campbell of the University or uregon
delivered a brief address. The grad
uates ara aa follows: Karl Berg, Mrs.
Ella M, Humbert, aeoTgatoaah-Whlp-,,
ble. Frederlo m. jjrooae ana iuiu cot-
lems, the last named being a graduate
of the department of oratory only.
The oast year naa been tne moat
prosperous in the history of the school.
From four students In the first year
It waa established, tha school haa grown
until thla year there waa an enrollment
of Et la the divinity school proper and
a number In the department of oratory
and the academy. Dr. E. C Sanderson,
who founded tha school, baa been the
dean ' since Its beginning - and . w
chosen by the board of regents yester
day afternoon to continue in that ca
pacity another year. The achool ta con
ducted by the Christian church and Is
the only Institution of Its kind sup
ported by that denomination on the
coast. : ,. ' ; , "-.
our baby? Ton wonder why he cries.
ut a ootae ox wnue s vream vermi
fuge and he will never cry. . Most babies
have ' 'worms, ana tne momera aon i
know It White s Cream Vermifuge rida
the child of worms and cleans out its
avsfem in a pleasant way. Every moth-
r should keen a bottle of this medi
cine In the house. With it, fear need
never enter ner ml no. t rnce ea, exua
by all drua-glsta . ,. .
; TEA ; r-.
Tell' your friends if you
like it; if not, tell ' your
grocer... 7 ' .
Tear grecer rararai rr snr U y eat
Jka.ScbUUag's Beit; we pay she, .
Must Interest you from mechanical gtandpoint v Yoo mar see thesa
wonderful instruments- the interiors fa full vie5a-now t
"The House of QiiaUly"
Way Pay-' &' V. . . .
. by the . .
Month 1: jj.Biis
't ;
' ' '
v An A. B. Chase Player-Piano' will delight you; it meet every de
mand of the rryost exacting musician, eliminating every feature in the
mechanical piano to which there could possibly arise the slightest ob
jection. It ta the work of a master mind for music-lovers.
In addlfon, we i have the Knabe-Angelus, Emerson-Angelus, . the
Kingsbury," Ludwig" and Harrington Players- each one commanding a
large following among those best fitted to judge their merits. Visit us,
eniov a musical treat, and select an instrument-that will be a lifetime
jdy-giver to you and all your friends , , , , " .
Vorthwest headquarters ; for pianos . thai lead the sTtolnway, Xnatie,
Kaaoa ft y"", A. B. Cnaae, svervtt, etc Also Tlotoi Talxlsr Kaohises
and a)aoodsh.?.-i"4;:;..:. 'i'xlyt X..j;:
The Lowest..
Seattle Tacoma &
To Satisfy You, , Supreme Exceiler.c-,
Everett Be!:.':
sua tzi Kcrrlica SX Cr5. rc;:::::::.