The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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I -VA II: I i ( il M 111 I III
Typewrite ' Will Be Used In
, Making Out Land Patents
, In the Future.
Notable ; Assembly of Business
Manager of Fuller Company DIs
Portland Police Had Him In Cus
Commercial Club Throws Cold
Men ot All Branches Meet
" In New York.
charged for Throwing Sales,
to Firm He Owned. , ' "
tody, but Found Nothing
. Suspicious. -
Water on Proposed New
Stato of Lincoln.'
'. (WtsMnguia BanM ef The JoarotL)
forward to haaten tha issuance Of land
patent has ben taken by Commis
sioner R. ' A. Bellinger of the gen
eral land of flea, , Thla tlroa tt was tha
substitution of , modern methoda in
Division B of 'i h! bureau, whereby
henceforth land patent are to be
written on typewritera, Instead of by
tha old method of long-hand writing.
i 'This wUl operate materially A to
haaten tha general land office force in
That A. T. Bllea waa discharged from
his position aa manager of the W. P.
Fuller oompflny for uatng hla poaltlon
to throw business to a Arm that ho con
trolled waa testified In tha circuit court
at the trial of tha suit of W. V. Plus
against Biles, being heard by Judge
Frater. Depositions of Fuller were
T - Joaral SpeHil Service ) '
New Tork. May 21. It waa a notable
assembly of business' men representing
all branches of commercial activity of
the United States that filled the big ball
of the Waldorf-Astoria today at the
opening of tha twelfth annual conven
tion of the National Association oft
Manufacturers. Members were on hand 1 read In court, stating that Biles had
representing more than 10.000 Individ-1 been discharged. .
uals . and firms actively interested in Plue, who is manager of tha Columbia
manufacturing enterprises. I RH t Door company of Rainier, brought
Following the call to order this aft- suit against Bllea to have a note for II,
ernoon the usual committees were ap-000 set aside. lue aays tha note was
S-iSf P, 2t. -ni ,&Z .hf President James W. Van Cleave of Sfciaald he had done much to favor Plue
Louis, Treasurer F. H. Stlllman of New and his firm. The Fuller company owned
Tork and Secretary Marshall Cushlng Of I half of tha stock of the Columbia River
New York.
.- Tha convention will be --, In session
three days,; during which time there
will be exhaustive discussions on bank
ruptcy, child labor, Consular reform, lm
migration. Industrial - education, inter
state commerce, merchant marine, pat
ents and patent laws, postal affairs,
purs food and tariff, reciprocity. .
officials said. "It wiU bring the land
: , office up to data, too, and save money,
besides getting mora work done."
When Commlealoner Balllnger took
7 tha general land office, be found to be
true what everyone knows who has ob
served the workinga of that bureau
.antiquated methods,. oldtuno procedure.
..expenditure of time and money In wind
ing and unwinding red tape, cluttering
;p reoorda with bundrada of thouaanda
or useless woraa, in too long arawn. out
. opinions, and, apparently, tha effort waa
., to do the least possible with tha great
est possible expense.
v Ha bad not been . commissioner a
month before ha issued an order one
day, the - substance ,. of which waa
"Work, Work Ilka you meant to ao-
eompllsh something, work as though
you bad more to do than draw your
pay, work with noma Interest in your
work," and there was a shaking- up
; among what of. dry bones there were
U tba bureau.
The commissioner set the example.
He worked long into tha night, and ho
caught up with tha work of his of flea
which ha personally waa expected to
dispose of. Hla spirit waa "ketchln'"
and the Tores began to work Ilka beav
era At present, the condition of the
work la better than it has been for de
cades past, and other Improvements are
to be made, the next one being the sub
stitution of typewriting for handwriting
In making out land patents.
(Continued from Page Ona)
The peculiar case of Gordon 'and the
woman waa ona of the most complicated
and peculiar that was over reported to
tha police of San Francisco or Portland.
Those who Tollawed the ease were
thwarted In their efforts to unravel the
mystery surrounding both. They finally
Door company, it Is alleged, and they
aupposed that Biles, aa manager, waa
buying tha Fuller companya material
from tha Columbia river mllL . ,
It is alleged that Instead of doing
thla, BUes bad established a concent of
his own. known as the Central Sash and
Door agency, and waa making purchases
from this agency for the Fuller com
pany at prices higher than those asked
by . tha Columbia River Door company,
tha conoern in which the Fuller com
pany, waa Interested.
Another charge againat Biles Is that J
he bought 10 shares of tha Columbia
river factory company without the con
sent of the Fuller company, and when
the company learned., of It they com
pelled him to tarn the shares back. The
Fuller company bought half of them for
11,000, while Plue bought the remain
ing 10 shares. Biles says the SO shares
that Plus bought were sold for 14,000
According to a sneclal dlsDateh to
The Journal from Chicago and a mes
sage to Chief Grltxmacher from Inspec
tor O'Brien of the Windy City police,
E. R. Keefe, alias Ijivance, who waa
taken .Into oustody In tha Illinois me-1
tropolls yesterday upon complaint of
Laura Gunnel!, alias OrunellJ alias
Bernrltter, who charges him 'with the
theft of diamonds valued at 1900, was
in tha tolla In thla city on Mar 10.
Keefe and Mrs. Gunnell were ar
rested by Detectlvea , Mallet and Hill
on suspicion of being wanted for the
theft of a large amount of Jewelry, but
after a searching examination were
given their liberty by Chief Grits-
The couple arrived In Portland
tha evening of May I and engaged
apartments at tha Hotel Houston
a areed. however, that thoucb Gordon
professed not to lova tha woman, ha Is nd that tha 11,000 note waa given In
still infatuated with her. pan payment..
Tha woman la tha case is remarkably Plus alleges that he gave tba note
tnrougn a misrepresentation tnat sues
waa favoring the Columbia River com
psny, and that tha note was without
consideration, because BUes waa In fact
giving the Fuller company's business to
Biles' firm.
Demented Chicagoan Strips His
- Clothing From ' His Body and
- Stands in Front of Engine; :
i (JoertuI BmcUI Brrk. i " V
San Bernardino, CaL, May SI. C. H.
jClenln, recently from Chicago, attempt
ed aulclde this morning near Lome
Linda by atandlng on the track in front
of an approaching Southern Paclfio
'i freight train. Engineer Konder wrecked
the train by applying tba emergency
. brakes, . otherwise . Clenln", would have
been killed. He waa completely nude.
Tha engineer whistled to warn him, but,
seeing that; the man waa not going to
' nudge, Konder applied the emergency
brakes and his train buckled In ; the
center, two cars being completely de
molished. When tha trainmen went for
him he dropped on all foura and, leap
ing through tha brush, barked like a
dog. Near tha wreck bis clothing waa
discovered,. : t
.t i
! er .
North Sixth street The woman wore
diamonds aggregating in value about
11,200 and Keefe wore a diamond pin
and ring worth at least $000. Imme
diately upon his arrival here Keefe
visited a pawnshop ana endeavored to
dispose of the ring.
When arrested Mrs. Bernrltter de
clared that she waa the divorced wife
of a wealthy Chicago contractor and
Keefa volunteered the . Information that
he waa formerly In the United Statee
army, i
. Keefa and Mrs. Gunnell left Portland
On tba night of May 10, oatenalbly
bound for San Francisco.
It waa lsarned from Chief Wappen
steln of Seattle that Keefa, In a fit of
anger, had slashed his companion's
clothes with a knife and waa . plaoed
in- Jail in tha Washington city on
charge of disorderly conduct At tha
time of his arrest, however, ha was not
in possession of any diamonds.
Tha dispatch from Chicago states that
Mrs. Bernrltter declares that Keefe
robbed her of 1900 worth of diamond
One' of the rings, valued at $150, was
recovered In a pawnshop. To DetecUves
Bertha Etta. Lurch.
(Joeraal Bpeolal Serriee.)
Chicago, May tl. Having created a
deficit of more than 1 1,000,000 in the
school funds of Chicago, the sohool
board has been deposed by Mayor Busse,
who has lust accepted five resignations
and deposed 11 other members who re
fused to resign. This action leavea but
nine members on the board and It la a
Tha deposed members of the board
declare that they will appear at the
next regular meeting of the board and
demand recognition, and It is believed
that President Rltter will recognise
them, leaving the newly anoolnted mem
bers In a position where they will have
to nrmg quo warranto proceedings to
settle their rights. ,
Preferred Stock Panned Gooda,
Allen A Lewis" Best Brand.
-.. NEW
L-We' ' Hike r to recommend
Rogers Stalnfloor Finish be
cause we know you will like
it. k Thet'e never has been a
floor paint quite so good as
Rogers Stainfloor Finish, It
is ideal from every point of
view-!-easily applied easily
cleaned not affected by wa
terdries ' over night so
, floors can be used next day.
Does not scratch, mar or
show' heel marks." It makes
old floors look like new and
all 'floors and all woodwork
beautiful. ' It , possesses a
high lustre, but is not slip
pery. ; Needs no wax, oil,
shellac; or' other preparation:
to keep floors in first class
condition. Sanitary does
away with carpets. Rogers
Stainfloor Finish is good for
linoleum and all woodwork
about the house. Eight
choice colors gallon, $2.75:
half gallon, $1.45 ; quart, 75c ; 2
Dint, 40c; half pint, 30c. One 5
gallon covers 300 square feet ?
two coats. Booklet, "Care of
Floors,' wyl be mailed free
If you will send your name.
: Tha Paint store ,
raoaa Sffaia S0S3
shrewd and clever. Br her nrotesta-
tionajijt love for Oordonahe la said to
i'.to vucuccueu in nininff iax auiuv
of money and valuable . property from
him,- During her imprisonment In Port
land she maintained that sha waa hla
wife and claimed that he bad partlck
patea in all the crimes of which she
waa accused. . : ' ...
. . . Bnauny at Weddlsa . ' "
In tha suit filed here Gordon claims
that he was never married to the
woman. He repeats his former charges
that aha secured a "dummy to repre
sent him at the Vancouver , wedding,
which waa performed, ha says, so that
tha woman could claim bis property at
the time of hla death.
Tba woman haa amarrlaga license
.(Continued trom Page Ona) .
Edward Sam Gordon.,
Is perishable, it ought tp
be kept in tight packages,
not exposed to air. . ; -
Tear tfocerNtarBS year aieaey If yea deal
PtimaelaaagMsa . -
whlcTa ahowa Edward Lam Gordon and
I Bertha Etta Lurch were duly married
at Vancouver, Washington, October 21,
1105, by Rer. Robert Teatman, tha Bap
tist mlniater, in the presence of W. E.
Wilson and Ora Mobley. Mr. Gordon,
who owna.. considerable property in
Clackamas county as well as In other
parts of the state, says that ha was
not present at tne uma i tno weaaing.
. ' ' ' Stays Stl SMldnp ohema.
He further states that it la a scheme
concocted by tha woman in the- case to
secure a portion of hla property. Gor
don claims that tba woman haa carried
the Idea for some time that aha la his
wife. -v-.v .,-.,
She went to Coo Bey, where ahe
backed her. claim to be hla wife by
showing the marriage certificate which
she had In her possession.
He also claims that she caused him
much trouble In selling property, ' as
when ha had a aala ready to close aha
would appear, saying shs was hla wife
and the sale would not be legal.
Gordon states that after a continua
tion ot thla for some time he went to
Vancouver, where he secured an affi
davit from the minister that bo was
not the "Gordon" that waa married aome
time ago.
Mr. Gordon now brlnga suit through
nis attorneys, Dimlck St Dlmlck. to
quiet title to his property In thla ooun
ty. He will further ask the court to
give him a decree aa absolute ownar of
the property, which shall declare that
Bertha Klla Lurch has no right to any
part of it, and to prohibit "bar from
claiming ta be his wlfa.:,;,,t:fi;.4..-; ;
The exeoutlve ioard of tha Brloklay
ers International anion has decided to
by tha new plan,
Tba Beaverton A Wlllsburg railroad
oorpo ration, incorporated with Impres
sive modesty recently at the Multnomah
county court house, promises to be
come ona of tha most Important projects
in tba Southern Pacific system. It was
first projected to furnish an entrance
Into Portland for tha west aide lines
of the Southern Pacific and tha road
that Is being built by tha Paclfio Rail
way at Navigation company from Tilla
mook to HUlaboro. , , -
In addition to tbeae uses, . the Beav
erton and Wlllsburg link la now to be
made a part of tha overland route be
tween Portland and California.' That
portion of it from Wlllsburg to Mil
waukta will become the main Una of
tha Southern Paclfio. Preparations for
construction of the Elk Rock bridge are
going forward and. It la expected to get
tnia Bridge in place ana tne jueaverton
road completed by the time tha Pacific
Railway A Navigation company's Tilla
mook lino reaches Hlllsboro. From
Hillsboro the Lytle road will use the
Southern Pacific tracks Into Portland.
Mallet and Hiu, Keefe confided that his
malnobect In remaining with tha worn'
an waa to secure sufficient funds to
reach Detroit, Michigan,
fjoenul gpeeUl Service.)
New Tork. May Jl. Wileon Mlaner,
from which tha rich widow of Charles
T. Terkes lately secured a divorce, has
written a one-act play called "The Lady
Who Dwelt la the Dark." Tha heroine
Is a blind woman, and tha story is one
of lova and Intrigue. It will ba given
a special performanoe either In. one of
the Keith A Proctor houses or at the
Berkeley Lyceum.
(Special Dlipatcate The tarsal)
' Lewieton, Idaho, May L Advocacy
or the proposed now state of Lincoln
received a . setback here last evening
whan tha Lewlston Commercial dub
went on record as opposed to tha move
ment .. .. .'V., . ' r' :
Ever since tha Idea, originated Law
lston and Nes Pere county have main
tained an Indifferent attitude, regard'
vi me laoi tnat tnia niaoa waa
considered a logical point for tha ean.
Itat One of the principal reasons for
aiscouraging an effort to split tha state
of Idaho in twain is due to tha gener-
"V7 01 tne aoumern legislators to
ward north Idaho institutions In tba
matter of appropriations during tha last
session of the legislature..
Geographically north Idaho might ba
inurti of m onange, tno commercial
club, thlnka, but with the completion
i t ' nnra tha necessity
of having to pass through two states to
reach the capital In southern id.t. .in
bo eliminated. , Sentiment largely enters
mum 01 iewision . to ally
herself with an Issue which locally Is
aanal4 a ia .
wusiuoivu uoaa ono. "i- m ,
. Possess just a little more snap and indiviu- !
. ality thanVmost merchant tailors produce. :
We aim to reach men who appreciate, style -and
insist upon getting theN latest in their -V,
clothes. Whether it's extreme or. conserva-
tive. Whether you pay $20.00 or go up the
scale to $50.00 you get "the same superior
- style in each, f The price difference represent .
. . . fabric' and tTimming quality.
(Continued from Page Ona)
oi ousiera. air. r Rnoads of Detroit
failed to survive bis burna ' fimni
ouers are in a cnucal condition and
it is reared tney will rail to survive.
it is eatunatea that tha loss t the
smpowners wui ne Tha Naomi
waa on tha run from Grand Ridm. ta
Milwaukee and caught fire while about
mnea on urand Haven. ,
Arthur Jonea. who waa ahnaM h
Naomi during tha fire, .rtvee the tni.
lowing account of tha disaatert , v
" suffered Intensely while standfa
st the ahlp's quarter - deck watchlna
the flamea creep up despite tha crew's
heroic efforts to fight them back.
Through all I found time to say in my
heart that no braver men aver walked
than tha steward and purser, who
worked like heroes caring for the pas
sengers. They desoended mid smoke.
names and melting steel and saved
Rhodes, though they wars naked and
bleeding. '- - ;
Another passenger tails of tba death
of tha four men. Tha last small boat
waa leaving tha ship with the captain
in tha stern sheets. It was thought all
were saved. Four men suddenly ap
peared from tha forecastle through tha
flamea Tha boat turned back, but ona
Cried. "Oood-bye, I'm . gone," and all
fell Into tha fire aa a heavy spar crashed
down upon their heads. .
i ' '' ; -' . ' y ' i yC' ',-r
.V.. :'w:i-".-::vl
aaBBaaasBsasaBBBBajsa -:' J
Tha Dallas, Or May 11-The baseball
game ta this city Sunday afternoon
was a hotly contested one, and at last
the Columbian have mat their match In
tba Powers Bluaa of , Portland. Tha
score was kept pretty even until tha
last two Innings, tha Bluea having made ;
ona ran and the Columbian Bona. Tha
game oloaed at to t In favor of tba
Portland boya. while Tha Dalles boys
are not dlsoouragsd. they frankly ad
mit tha Blues are tha bast player
they bar mat thla aeason.
(Continued from Page Ona.)
with whom his wife bad dealings, In
structing them not to glv her any
credit If they ha'd any Idea of collecting
their accounts . from him. This waa at
a time when he waa trying to force her
to accept his terms Jn the financial fea
ture of separation, and she charges that
in thla way- he endeavored to compel
her to aubmlt to hla wishes.
Another of , the specifications is that
he haa humiliated her constantly by
surrounding her with detectives, causing
her mail to be opened and subjetclng her
to many similar annoyances.
While the complaint does not-refer to
specific Incident, a friend of Mrs. Gould
stated that when the details are pre
sented to the court the worst of the
many Indignities heaped upon her was
the fact that while she wi living in
ths Bt Regis hotel . her husband was I
openly paying attentions to another
woman living In tha same hotel.
She also charges blm with consorting
with other women whose names will be
made publlo later.
'A -
The Lightning Artik
. Will give exhibitions pf his mar
velous skill with the brush, in our ,
window each day. Don't fail to
see him at work. It's
WaaajbsBaaasaaaaaaajssasaaW IHTJ'tyi l)i'WWJl"'",WlTl 1
. v , - From 10 to 12 A. M., and from
VC" : , 2 to 4 P, M. -
A; .
The Paintings will be given away
i v Free to Our Customers
P Jjgjg With purchases amounting QQ
JJJgg With purchases amounting QQ
Save your sales slips. It is not necessary to purchase the full amount at one time.
(Continued from Page Ona)
have tha oueatlon of affiliation with the
American Federation - of Labor sub
mitted to subordinate unions 'for ref
erendum vote about tha Utter sari of
2iUs ,
provement association will hold a meet
ing for the consideration of the. ques
tions included in the . amendments.
Thursday night the Brooklyn Republican
and Improvement association will hold
a special meeting f-.r the same purpose
at Powell and East Eleventh streets.
On the same evening the East Bide
Business Men's club will hold a spe
cial meeting in Odd Fellows' hall,
Grand avenue and East Oak streets.
This, is the meeting to which Dr. Lane
and Mr. Devlin have been Invited for
a Joint discussion of the needs of the
eaat side. Both have accepted the In
vitation and it is promised that tha
discussion will steer away from the
rocks ' of political . questions and deal
entirely . with the charter, amendments
and - proposed - Improvements affecting
tha eaat aide. . .
a a
We have a quantity of fine Suits (about 200), nearly all of which are
$37.50 values, a few are marked $35.00, and some few are marked
$40.00. But at this price, $37.50, we have an overstock, and they
must be sacrificed. YOUR CHOICE, REMEMBER, 200 to select
from v ,
k Tuesday and Wednesday
(gpeclal Plptch te The JoaraaL)
Medford, . May ; Rains having
washed , tha bottom out of the roada,
the Blue Ledge stags toppled over a
cliff It miles from Joe Bar ; yester
day afternoon and Jim Eaton, tha driv
er, had several ribs broken. - The pas
sengers escaped unhurt, but tha horses
wars kiUaV'.- ' ' ' -
Made from r fine sheer
lawn and batiste : a ; Iare-e
variety to select fromj values tol.75. Tues
day and Wednesday, only. .05
'A new shipment of fine black
sateen 'Skirts has just arrived.
They should have been received
and put on sale two months
ago. ; Now we want to i urn
them into money quickly. They
are ' $1.50 - and $1.75 values.
Tuesday and Wednesday
On display in our 4 winddws
1 .
' ' ' , i .-.viii:.: .
AT 8i30 A. M.
Y . J - ' ..-'-.-'.'" -.-:?'.'' I - .t - - - 1 1