The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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1 , ;
Emma Goldman, the Anarchist Chief Campbell Tells What Might
Leader, Will Deliver Three
. Lectures In Portland.
Happen if the System Be
came Crippled. jv--
Woman Who ' Figured In McKlnley I Head of Department Urge Voter to
' Assaeatnatlon Speak Here In Jane Adopt HeHara In Jane Providing
for New, Flreboat nd Separate
Water Main.
Will Talk on the Doctrine of
Anarchism. -
- ' Emma Goldman, apostle of ansrchy,
lecturer and mart jr. will De . in rort-
Shall you give Smith ycur pit-
ronatfe?. It's a question for ail
honorable citizens to decide.
gmlta, a aattro eoa ef Oregon. Who I
Insists oa doing tatliMi U hla hone
town. : X la glrlag , Mrtlud'i people
the cheapest meet erer known, erea at
a time fcea a re stock U highest. COn-
The if eef TTnst, ooarioted ef eauoetl
every crime en the docket, la a aoeea
different stats. Xt eeeka to tifti a
criminal record la Oregon. It alma to
gong, the Uveeteclt nun, the farmav and
the man who eae the naate. It ooa
trola all the market, la the eltj except
Frank L.Smith Meat Co.
tae-SU Aider Street, Betweea Tint aad
eeoad atresia.
"Should a Are ooour In the confuted
bnslnaaa dlatrint tit Portland todar and I n.. - a.... .-a u... t.iii.. - o a.
j i jnna to uik to : r;. "-"t
SZJTFZJSZ :'.?BhuiV; PP if early progre.. the and to B.ka ........ V...B
Mnertence In thlal country. e,tr at the mercy ef the lira "in T .-' A ,
r' ttVaW ln to a tbl.
. tha mti """""I.; nr-Binanf apparmiua I . . " ""T
L?"w. JT" a-ti la not eomplou aad will not ba com- inouiaer out.... h9
WUV VUli Hivuma w . ... A. . - . . . . I Vnt Rfallil Af Haaf ....... . Stt a
ln .c.h!!!?Mf rJ2Sv TT- eanlppea with an additional ftreboat . Boaat. ef Pork'-- 15a
atood. She want, to enlighten the een aiacuoB. . i H
.on naooia. and ao uik. te them eon-1 Malaa Said Beap..; '
earning anarchism. She d.nlaa that thai ' "Among the bu.ln.u nan of Port
praetloa ef anarchy 1. lmpoaalbU area I land I find a dt.po.lUon to work for
under the present ayatam and aba da-(the paaaaga of the act prorldlng for
claraa that It doea exist te a eertaln the flreboat and the Installation ef the
axtcnt ' v I hlgh-preaeure water ' melna to extend
Three leotnre. will be dallrered here, back a distance of six block, on either
the first on Saturday arming. June 1 aide of the rlrer. " Portland will nerer
The lactnrea will be dslirered In the hare expended 1171,000 In a better
Redman', hall, on Washington etreet, cans and,- with the added equipment,
, between Ninth and Tenth, and admit- nothing In modern flre-flgbtlng aclence
tance will be free, although Incident- will be laokina: In srotectlon. Should
ally the lecturer will exploit her publl- aomethlng happen at a crucial moment
cation, the "Mother Earth." the organ ef I te the city water system the two fire
anarchy In the United SUtea, thoae feel-1 boat, would be able to pour on the
lng willing to subsoil bs being lnrlted to I flame. 11,000 gallon, of water per tnln-
The tiret lecture wHl be on "Mlseon- "Orer on the eaaf aide there I.
cepuon or Anarcnism.- eunaay uiw tendency to disfavor the act, au
noon,-June 1, Ml.. Ooldman will lc- edition being mad. that the main, are
ture on "Direct Action versus Leglsla-to remain dry. For the Information of
, tlon," ana nunaay evening nr uwnnirtiiiUnti there I would say that the
will be Tterolutlonary Spirit In thejnn, M t9 b. MA M fla.pir In. the
jnoaem jjrama. - . . i ground aa the regular city water main.,
Emma Ooldman has been here before I and they will be fllled with water at
and an anarcnist society sxisis in ron-1 jj tlmea. . . .
land. She served 10 months on Black- ! of flre. six or eight block.
weir. Island In ll for glrlng expree- from the waterfront on either aide
ion to aocinne. nox appro-rag oi 07 of th rtTWP th. Sreboat. will attach
the law and aha wa. recently aecuaed their h0M t6 tM majna, whicb wlll
of baring conspired with CUolgoe. to ao- rlT. prMOP, .Ufflclent for effecUre
compiian 10a u...a.wun can- worK by n0 ajojnpan,., ajid englnea.
ley 8hVJ!J!!Ci::rUthV'h' located at uniform
Veal Stew ........................ .8 I
Breast ef Teal ......... ...,......10 I
Cjjolgos. and that It did not concern U. rTZE
Crime. , I knMlnn In tha Almrtm mrA V.
tha malna ma ha ftttanh t Hun mrA
Free Calces for the Boys and Girls water forced to any part of the buiid-
Cut out the Johnny and Jimmy Royal I "M ' ' " .. .
Bakery adrertlsMnent In thla paper, alee praaeni 11 a aimcun nr. .nouia
the rest of .the eerie. Cone each Tuee- lnthe congested business dls-
day until the middle of June). ' Erery trlcta and the water eervioe be atopped
boy and girl who can ten ua which Is during Ita progress, the city would be
Johnny and which la Jimmy In the laat mercy of the flames. On the other
picture wlll receive
Bakery cake..
a treat of .Royal
hand, the aupply of water for the lire
boats I. Inexhaustible. . With the Addi
tion ef the proposed flreboat and epay
rate water mains, I look for a perma
nent pumping station ultimately to be
located at the edge of the river. ,
This . la ; the latest thing In 'Are
lighting where a city haa such natural
advantage., Many large eastern etUea
t aaaaaemassaMsjMa-a-aaaaa . -, A-
Jamestown Excursion Party Are
to Be Guests at Commercial
Club Dinner Tonight
at Twentieth and Washington ..SHtf b.
Streets last night tO greet him. ?d a permanent pumping station and
Cisco 1. advocating tha same system
and Seattle will probably follow Port
land', initiative, : - . -
"To cover the purchaae of the addi
tional boat and the construction of the
water mains the flre department need.
1175,000 I12S.000 for the flreboat aad
the tremalnder for the separate malna."
To see the wonderful demonstra
tions of his' peculiar prepara
tions which make the deaf, to
hear in three minutes.
wo puwio charaetw, known and be- Wallls Nash, Father Black and
William MacMaster Form
Arbitration Board.
. loved by the American people, receive. I
more enthusiastic ovation. and friendly!
apmause tnan ooee tne ureat er-iJon.
the man whose lecture, and demon.tra-
tlon. here have been so eagerly looked I
' . rorwara to ny tne citisens or Portland.
wor wa. last mgnc an exception. Long I After montns or effort in perfecting
nerore uie nour set xor tne ureal lr-1 an oranlaa.tlon. tha National InduatrlaJ
. c ' r I----- - . jraaca association maas lis nrsi move
KSr 57 fiJw .J M.T-5'k iZ Performing the object, of Ue eon.U-
city, until, at s o clock, the grounds in ,,7- , k , n . .
front of hi. lecture platform at Wa.b- tutln b eonflrmlng a committee on
ington and Twentieth atreeta held a conciliation and arbltraUon. as foUow.:
, crowd of at least three thousand people. Wallla Nash, Father James H. . Black
wnen r Br-uon, prccoaeu 117 ni. uia-1 ana nuuui ncnum,
, mond Cluster Band, reached the place I The committee reported that It Is
A ma. mrtktktMA with .)iMr. fmm I t J .1... ji I n k . . . .
m- - - . mviu nooaunnai -wuumuuiuh dvlwhh uib
i A- uLIju. Wl W . .11 I . ....
" .L , -j -"t - iruuwurnera na meir employer, ana a
tha cloaa of th. entertainment thoaal . ' c .t . .
Fer-Don s reputation as aa orator 1. Impending between the factions,
of the highest and It waa more than In case dlfflcultlea arise th. committee
made good last evening, as evidenced by haa the power to call a meeting- of the
me ii6mion given o run vverr uiier-1 ooara or airector. to consider questions
ance. pieuinv personaiiiy, nis mas- i that permit Of no delay,
anos. vi nieasinr. peraomuuy, nis I t, mw.. ... m.mK.M
masterful eloquence and forceful I iti ti th. hnar .n,. ,..
in,r.. earriei - Mm pointed to th board of directors last
on Ware of enthusiasm, ul OM?,?enLan' CTiarlaa Merrick,
those who had the pleaeure of forming U- la, Martin Schaeht and John F.
Via anlonrt. ft with M1ln that I. I flhlalda. . P TT .ftmilltB hA hn nn an
haa been gooa to ne mere ana mtn the I .uceea.rui in organising tne assocla
intention 01 coming again, But as en-1 tlon. Is pleased with the ' manner In
- Jorable aa- waa4he addresriy; Fer-rwn.1 which Portland people" ha." taken hold
J?flltr?.? JPJX Itl'l iot the lnduetrlal peace asaoclatlon and
formed bf hi. wonderful" medical cn4 Predlcta a great auoces. for ta future. .
pounas. Among inose aemonstrated
unnn we wui mention two.
Mr. Frank Stewart of 88 Lownsdale
avenue, this city. has. aa all his an
quaintances know, been a sufferer with
deafness . for a long time. When he
came upon the platform, last night he
hardly knew whether to expect relief or
not. But at any rate he found It, for
In lees than rive minute, he was so
" much Improved that he could easily
hear an ordinary toned conversation.
"Well, ererythliig Is worth trying,"
cnoenuy uwuini nuutn uoimis, a
barber In the Chamber of Commerce
building, who llrea at 108 Sixth .treet
And Mr. Stewart know, what a draw
back to comfort and business deafness
really , la, for more than fifteen years
ago an accident deprived him of his
hearing in the left ejnv;. He experienced
one or er-uon i aemonsirations and
In three minutes was
hla hearine: lmDrOved
IieiUiat no aoaraaaro mo peopi. and tha mjinr nthm- Imnnnmmtl oontara
A strong program haa been prepared
for the monthly dinner , of the Com
mercial club thla evening. Dinner will
be aerved at the usual hour, about
o'clock. A large number , of business
men hare signed the list The general
tople to be discussed wlU be "Portland,
and Ita Relation to the Paolflo North-1
west" Some of the ableet .peakere la
the -club hare consented fa talk on I
commercial . and derelopment prob-
leme and their solution.
Talks will be mad. by Weill. Nash,
J. Thorbura Ross, T. W. B. London, E.
W. Wright, Oeorge W. Staple ton. Sen-1
a tor Fulton, w. M. cake, c. M. Idle-
man, R. M. Hall -and others.
The II young women who will
the Jamestown exposition as the guest.
of the Paolflo Northwest excursion ar-l
ranged by PhUlp a Bates, editor of the
publication, wlll be entertained at thla
evening, dinner. In the party of young I
women will be: Mrs. C H Redfleld,
chaperon; Misses Mamie Bmitn or con-
don. Edith Robinson, Canyon City;
Helen Swain, Burns; Stella C Campbell, I
KlMaath Falls; Gladys Shaw, Albany; I
Audrey Woolrey, ' Ionel Ellen Harrison,
Tillamook; Blanche Langley, Forest I
! Pansy Beelman, Baker City; Ada Met-1
f Mlf. rarvallla; Tilth aI -Chanman. HtA'
MM fll.ftt tllA ...... 1 mm., t.U. . r .i. . .miv., . .i . . .
Tn,, 1 . A 1. J 1 1...:.", r, v"?.- --.can. .orT.i tuan ,nvmma, mm;
iimc uiuuaouu tuio Kauicicu wtTvwunr usir innuiiuoa. juiiwMi- poiil Hefty, Dougiaa county.
. The Commercial club haa answered a I
requeat ef the Seattle- Commercial club I
that a joint memorial be eent to PresI-1
dent Roosevelt "protesting against thai
abuse, ef the Interstate law by the rail
roads of the country" by a return letter I
Informing the Seattle organisation that
tha Portland club had been working en I
that plan for the past 11 months.
Flornree -Tainted Walla Tea Wart 1
B. ac Bart.
A erowd of men, women and children
were gathered all day long In front of I
the Show windows of the J. M. Acneeon
company at Fifth and Alder atreeta I
watching the celebrated painter; E. M.
Burt of New Torlc, turn out picture,
with. lightning rapidity.. It did not ap
pear to matter much about the else of
Uie picture., and all . sorts of aubjecta
were handled, from Mount Hood totlt I
of . beauty on the .eashora It waa In
teresting to note the apparently reck
less fashion with whloh Mr. Burt would
begin1 a picture and then In a moment!
with a few carelea. strokes of the I
brush straighten out the Irreconcilable
view and make the canvas look beautl-1
ful and pleasing to .the eye. Scores of
picture, embracing a great. rarlety of I
subjeots were painted yesterday and I
only a few minutes were derated to
each ploture. Mr. Burt 1. truly mar-1
rel. ' . .- . .v-. .
- saia' ) V,- Z
Association Consumes Entire
Evening Discussing Plans v
for Betterment.
Proposed Improvements of Michigan
avenue engaged almost the entire time
of tha Nolta Improvement association
In three minutes waa astonished to find let it. regular: meeting ' laat night on
, pieasea was i Kilungsworth arenue. On. account of
unndarru nan or it an waa uut w" .
o long a time he could hear at alt jWllty of Improving the .treet. u
Fer-Don evidently knew whereof he I Oravel and cement walk, were the Ira
spoke when he .aid that the people of I provements discussed. The matter of a
Portland vouia wi wow oi ana wonder sewer for the peninsula, wa. brought up
at mra mu m. naaibut no deflnlte action was taken. A
Saif wrk"wui.Tx
prove a Messina to the sick and af- " ?"a '
flirted people ? our city. . " ratus. But It waa atated that becauee
Far-poo stated 'that he would con- there are no flre hydranU a flre com-
tinue hie fre concerts and demonstra- pany on Kllllngsworth avenue would
llona ereryerening thia week at Twen- be practically useless at present A
Uth and Washington street., and that company will not be Installed until
he had opened officee In i the "rand Thea- hydrants are put In by the city, .
tra tol4lrtMVtogmt Vr 1 M. Davis of Multnomah was
lTriat .Uhr SKS r.
form their wonderful , bloodless surgery his petition of 1,100 names and wa. run-
vivn tumors, cancers, and introduce nlng aa a candidate for councilman at
a new anlfalesa cure for erpendiclUa. large. . - . '
We Set
the Pace
Hare your teeth fixed, before.
warm weather .eta inj as. bad
teeth are a menace to good health,"
Those who cannot pay cash can
hare their work done on the in
stallment plan: -
Zlxtraotlsg, positively pala-
sa-K Orowa
Bridge work, pea tooth.
Our 'heat plain plate.,..
STBBTOtni TTOTZJi .and those
troubled with heart weakness can
now have their teeth fixed with
out the leaat danger.- W. Invite
erery man, woman and child . in
Portland and vicinity to call aad
hare your teeth examined free of
charge. Ladle, in attendance.
Open Sunday, till 10 o'clock, IT
of flee. In United States. Testi
monial, furnished upon applica
tion.' , . . -
Chicago Dental
' trader new xnanagsment.
Cot. Sixth aad waaungtoa, " Be
aara yea are la the right place.
DisinkctantS'-Every Kind for the Public Safety
Formaldehyde and Sulphur Candles, Chlorate of Lime, Permanganate of Potash and Copperas for the house.
ArflSiCTine, Jr eroxiue OI xiyuivgcn anu au uuici oiiayaiui aiuiiuxciii buppucu dd uicxiug wwuw
1 .
Woodlark Olive Oil VJoodlarh Grape Juice
. - . v OLIVES, , V .
contains no addition ox any sort whatever.
A delightful food. Nothing' equals it for
salads. Once you Ve tried it you'll never .
bevdth2utit--you will never use any other
For' Babies ' and . Cases of Convalescence.
J i i-
Large Bo ties v. 85c 1 1 Small Bottles . 50c
A New Shipment of LBITierdS
- Why not bur a camera for your outinr trlog? Come in and get
our pricea. Wa hara exceUent fadlltleg for derelopin your work.
niaklnc lantern alldea, tranaparendea and enlargementa. t . .
Specials In Cameras
v i Buster Brown Film .Cam
, ' i . . era No. 2, pracitical for
' a general use, v simple Eto'
. handle,? 2x3 special ,
- price' s;:1;'V;v.:m?; $2,001
Plate Camera,4x5, regular
$70, 1 spetial' t ... .$5.00
J Plated Camera, ZxAt
rvaaaaT' t""-w''l',tf""'!lJaj t " '
I'Uiaak.. . aaa I
I No alcohol, no coloring,1 no preserva
tives, unsweetened; add sugar yourself
as you want it A cooling drink, de
lightful for summer. A rich food easily
? assimilated, appealing to the eye as well ;
aTto" rjwrate. rt . -
Zz :"' V: '. 'V-',"6?:'"-'''fv:VV-;
irge Bottles. 50c ( Small Bottles.. 25c '
-fit : :(- " ir aaaaapaaafaayaaaaaavsJaasavaa-aasaBaaa
The "Victor
Speaks for Itself
A Phonognpb with the pure suatalnad quality- of th human voice, o
When you tee the name "Victor" and hear Its tweet full tone you,
may rest aseured that the Instrument represents the jreatett value for
the price you can poaaibly find. .,.';
1 w .a. -
.... a , , i-
ttgl $70, special.. . $5.00
; Specials in Paper
fc "Angelo" Sepia Platinum Paper, a cold developer
paper, at 15 per cent discount 1
Royal Pnnung-Out Paper, size VA square, regu
lar $1.05, reduced to 20c per gross
, One of our' experienced artists, conducts a class in DhotorraDhv 1
erery Wednesday night. Instruction free. Bring in your negatives.
Pure Tone
hits ;
is its '
Strength V
"mis ariae voter
' Visit the 3ift Room and hear this unexcelled ma
chine. Listen to selections of your own choosing, a
A large line of different-priced machines of both
-Victor and Edison make. s
All records kept in stock for both machines. ,
tn a hairy
oall exohange 111
10 Trunk X4nea,
SO BxtaaaloBa
os Borne meae
A 113a. Ore
ready teflll
yoav oxaar, ....
;-. f .' :... ' " i- ,' "' .
'. . we WW ww 9W "; ' ' w 1 ' a i mm , . v :." W ' i ' . S
i ll 1 ' ff if if : . r . m ' -
II Ml 'ex sk jsfl aTN t4 rl - -II rr ytUxr JJ"'-ti
1 1 fit iff tw it n 11 ww if r ir i . if --ii i,i'T m, tr t-m it mi 11 ,
Btoathly arefllt
ezteadad to re
spoaalble per
aona. Vaoadlaa .
aaoaey takea at "
fuU raloe. Trae
deurary in any
part of thacity.
' ,". f '-V v
SoiLitlh Port
Mitt: ft
- -' i! v " ,.4
4 '.f C--." . .... :.
Touching upon the merits of placing your money jn real estate in
the proper real estate for quick returns, and when ' to do it
- NOTE: To save your lime in
' reading a long discourse upon the
financial, policies of men who are
successful in business today, we
simply quote:
''Don't allow your money to lie idle make it Avork for vou. Make ii
work hard made it bring the biggest returns possible. How , can it be
done? Is it by placing it at interest of 3 and 4 per cent? Not so. It is a
lazy dollar that sleeps in a savings bank when it can earn you ten: times
as much in investment in - v .
(Embracing Green's and Sweeney's Additions) ': . 4
For here is the Factory District of Portland. Here you find a Furniturer Factory, a New Chair Factory,
Jones' Lumber Mill; a Box Factory, a Shingle Mill and a Glove Factory and a lot of others who are -looking
for locations. - - e ' , t , t j , - 4. 1, " f ' ; . '
The New . Salem Railroad
Will soon be completed, which runs through this tract. .Property here is in great demand by those employed
.. . .. ! .. . 0...1. mmmA 1aYe ItaaeV sUaaa eMae-4hst eVlaia - . f atAii Maeka a.a f.A. a ? . .
in uic iacioric-. ouxciy yuu vcui t uut u miwiwiwu m uua piaw x jruu van smi up inheres; in anyininy(
Lots soo-on easy terms
Take a "Fulton" or "F." Car to bur office on the ground. . ' Our agent will show you more strong points in
favor of this tract than you could print in a whole newspaper. ' .
i.-W. Lem
Phones ob8ao8w: Sixth and Washington Streets