THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAtH), TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 21. 1007. 13 Oilier Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 16-17. Height Snap NEW TODAY. Portland s $1,000 per acre was the-price paid yesterday for 181 acres on the Heights. I htri undo eontraot owner begged ma to lot him oft todaya traot ot 9 acres that I will sell for 93,760, only ,$760 mora than one sere coat them; alio a tract of IU acres X will aell for $1,650, only $160 mora than a half acre of their land coat them. Those traoU lay beautiful and are cleared all but a few trees you would '.want to leevs on the ground. .' ii.'y. ,',v Can eell on eaay terms. Owner will raise this prloe double after my con tract expires.' vo- ..-.' :; , W. YV. ZOLLARS ' Boom M, WMMnrtoa Building. HELP WANTED JIALE. W NTKr-ltiDerienced helpers for sash and door department. Portland Mill A fixture ' Co., 441 H. Madison. . , , , . A WIDE-AWAKE drrrerf meet be a hostler no other seed apply. Berlla Pre Work, Ml BeCOOd St. ' . HELP WANTED FEJIALE MIDDLI aged womaa to eeok - for one men and take care of baby. SB Union t., North. FOIl ft ALE REAL ESTATE.' 8880 B UTS a ft-mrna boose snd bars; lot soxioo, 8 blocks trau ear aad CUatoa AsUy ecbool. , 4,ftOO A beautiful borne en Bast Ankenr. 3.500 Fine iroom aeuss aad , larga lot OB Clscksmss at. v ' - " ll.eoo Nice 6-roora boaae and basement .tea eerline) east front, a bargain, . 9.oiw Broom boose oa Willamette ' Betghte. Bicsllcnt $10,000 eV-room home ea Knob Hill. ' (It Mohawk Bloc. , Fedfie 1280. ' OO0D VAL0ES. - $8.000 BOxioo. t too ma, sear lotk , and Karl; a good buy. 88,500 oi loo, rooms,' Tory asodsra, Bast mm act in; terms, 84,600 Oi60, 10 n eorner oa Kaet Ooneh, eloae oonoluded to put Into the Chilean port for additional stores , rather than take chanoea of running short In crossing the equator, where oftentimes Ions; delays are caused b calms. Ordinarily the run from Hamburg to mis port is made in the time that the Conway Castle bag been on t and her consignees were beginning; to look for ner arrival at the mouth of the river. NEXT TO NEW i YORK 1 Portland Second Port In Point of :' Whent Exports. i Portland , climbed to second nlaee la point of Importanoe as a wheat export ing port In the United States during ino monw or April. New Tork leading-. Galveston eomes , third, ,' Philadelphia xourin ana me combined - Puset sound cities Seattle, Everett and . Taooma fifth. Theae three oltles combined shipped large quantities of flour during the month, Isadlnar even Mew Tork. but divided among the three cities none of tnem shipped more than Portland. ' The wheat shipments from the main porta In the states during April were M follows: s New Tork, $II,$7$ buehels; Portland, $11,721 bushels; Galveston. ,ln1flneOta;f0tl, -. Philadelphia, 621,111 . $6.000-80. e-room. moder swell home S. !L .. .a' W8Hsls. ea ( Bnrn.Ma, tyrant place; a snap. J j since the first of the cereal year, or commonwealth TftUBi CO., J during the 10 months ending with April. Sixth aad Askeay. 1'.. HOLLYHURST BIO boos at barn la sear B. S. ear. d reoeas oowastairo, au plastered; ess mass e nor rooms epatalre. Has bath, toilet sewer, gas. flne cement basement, eament aidawalk. and aU around boose. Suy before June 1, tor 1 818,41$ bushsls, valued at - 82.900. I Jt . L - . . the lsrgsr Wheat shfonlnar norta axnart. sd: Nsw Tork, 1MSM6T bushsls; Oal. veston, lt,Tl$,l$$ bushsls; Phllsdelphla, $,$$$,444 bushels; Portland. ,I41.$4$ bushsls; Puget sound, $.$$$.744 bushsls. The total wheat shipments from the states during the 10 months' were $$. $5o.o$.$:$. $1.S00 tarre d-room hoaae. - - lDlh ideal restdsnce tract on oarllne, not ) tar out. . Flna wide macadam roads on two sides. Graded street through trac$. WATER TO EVERT LOT. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION. , , MAKE TOUR RESERVATION NOW. PRICE RIGHT TERMS RlGHT. Commonwealth Trust Co. Bole Aganta. AJT9 AJnpisTT. -: aleatered aad ,Wh11 dur,n tn torreaponding time of papered, One cement baeeraeat, lot sOxlOO, . V" "V.Jl"" si,u,u ousnsis. yoang Dearmg nan trees, a una un ex i '"" or iiu nair me raaea and Bowera; on flne street la seUwoed, I quantity. The ' total flour shipments . ''. . , . rroro ujs states during the past ! tu i riret at T Boooi L ' a ?"'m f".?X. .., errew. vfuw oil, aav,vax,vue ft MOVINO e farm, win sail aew, modern alee. Following were the flour shipments In . ..,htL.0,w(e2 .oSJ?"'' " . T a'" from the leading ports during the r limit nr. thim ark..fn 12 90Ot wttar InanM- I . - - pas iii monini: ruget sound. Seattle. 1 furniture this weak, , (or $3,200) yoar Inapoe . tloa and comparlaoa Invited; want to bear front actual buyers.! , Address B $01, Journal. CHEAP 800 ban aew e-roooi settage ta Mnrenreoc rara; rise 1 renee sua jawa; teraie. Phone owner, Mala 889i, FTXERAL yoncEs. 0LA.RK flarak May to, at 11M Bet- tnneral at Tlnlers SnOertiklng parlors. May S3, t:$0 s. at. Frleade larlteC PERSONAL.' WBAJC stea, froai say eaaae, any are, or length er time ermeteo, sens i ror a recipe u Inaarae qulrkly and forever year complete aad perfect reeteraUoa, res ardleea ef fallores er dlaappolatmenta by prevtous ' treatments or awtbods of ears yea may kae tried; poal tlratr - karmlee and the greatest restorer knows today, tmnlo O. Carr. UA North Aa dersoa sL, Loa Aafelas, OaL XOtmO lady gives room e. $88 TaatbUl, $275 l-room house and 4 lota, fSOO I lots la MontavUla. . $17of Nearly new l-room eottage; cam ana bassmsnt. . , v FARMERS' LAND CO. 14800 For two days only we will sell It lots on Ainsworth avs. near Union. Hers la a chance - for an investment ; These lots are cheap at $00 each. ). BZAJCOsTO SBALTT OO, 1BJ Alder, Boom 10. WEATHER REPORT. ' Ths dtatnrbasre yesterday ecennrlns the ln- ter-BMMintald state haa axived eouth and kt sow central ever Arleona. The weather le clear la the North Pacific states, sad light frosts not mi ad this moral f In exposed plsces seat of the Ceacade amenta lua. waminss for f". at.? lJ!LJl! I WB HATB a flae snauner resort st ths beeeh, BUSINESS CHANCES. IK A BOOMING mill tows, 100 nllce treat Portland M for sals ths grocery aepartatenl ef s seaeral departaent a tore; this ii ss ax- eeptlonal opportunltr end le s bargain: interoeted addreae X 188, care JouraaL HOTELS OUR 8PKOIAXTT. ' If rear hotel Is for sale In or oat ef the elty. bring It to a snd we will procure a purchaser without publicity. Reference Hotel Men's AeoocUtlon. 0. B. Arnold A Co., orlr - Inal hotel broken, eacceaeor te P. U Aeatu Co., 12O-120 Abloctoa bldg. , predpitaUoa has yet fallen la the eoatkwest la sonsectioa wits ths dietarbancs sver Art sons, bat llcht rala has eocurred Is the Da- kotaa wastera Mlnaeeota, snd Kebraaka. Tns if Inneeota Blah preeaure area preralla la the Atlantic states. lAsut to Beavy rroati save ee. enrred In Michigan, weatera Hew York, westers Pennsylvanls, and asrthera New England. The Indications are for fair weather la this , fllitrlet tonight and Wedneeday. Ufot Droats will probably ' oceur again tonlgbt eaat ef the vascaas ssoaotaiaa. , . -Temp m naia Mimm . .mi. It yea wiab to make some money let me tail yea about It. A fine restaurant the beat money-maker ta the ettr. 7 . 0. S. ABNOLD CO., 128-128 Abuurtoa Bldg. t so-BOOst betel, paying $800 ser month ever and a bore every expenae; eentraiiy mcateo, ; e-year least oa good bolldlng; don't atlas this ir yoa want s money -msaor: price ,uux Lafayette Bealty Co., 81 8 H Waahlagtoa at. Taeoma and Everett. 1.618.06T barrels: Nsw Tork, 1,447.484 barrels; Phila delphia, -- l,7t.4l$ ' barrels; Baltimore, 1,414,104 barrels; Portland, Ttl.lll bar rels. ... .,,.! - ' : .. ,,r - Exporters are of tha opinion that If crops in tha eastern states prove below me average Portland and the Puget sound ports will ssnd very little wheat to surope next season, as with a strong asmaaa in ue orient and lively bidders east of the Rookies the European buyer wpumi iana lime snow ror bis money. , CHECKED BY COLD WAVE Colombia Will Not Rise) Rapidly After Next Son da. Colder weather is beine- raeorAsA in the eaetern part of Washlnaton and Oregon, and this will have a tendency to caeca- ue rise in the Colombia river. The Willamette will eonUnue rising mis wsea, nowever, ana win likely reach the 18 6 feet mark nsxt Sunday. District Forecaster Beats seems quits oonfldent that there will be no water on Front street this season, although It la lmposslbls to predict the approxi mate height of the river mors than a week ahead. Present conditions Indi cate a check In the flood, and Mr. Beals says the river will rise very slowly here. If at all, after next Sunday. . An other hot spell east of the mountains would probably Changs tha outlook, however, so the forecaster speaka only a week In advance. rmTU mnnA A DAT TO FIT YOUR FACE AMERICA'S GREATEST m A HUNDRED SHADES AND COLORS HAT LEADS ALL OTHER HATS IN POINT OP J . SALES IN . PORTLAND OUARANTEED EVERY HAT , SOLD ONLY BY Tfte Oiieago Oothing Co. Sadsfgctloa or Your Money Back,' Horseshoes Over the Doors. 69-71 THIRD STREET, BETWEEN OAK AND PINK CONCERT FOR SEAMEN '' Max. Atlanta. Oeorsls 80 ' Boston. Maaeachosetts M Chicago,' Illinois ....i.....d Cincinnati, Ohio ' 4. .5" , Daneer, Colorado . ...... ...84 Kansas City, Mlaaonrt ....S Loa Angeles, California ...78 New Orleans, Loulalana ...84 .' New Tork, Mew York .....84 Omaha, Nebraska ,....... i.S4 , ' PhUaderphla, Pennsylvanls..e8 Portland. Oregon ' 64 St Louie, Missouri ....... 6S . Mia. Prerlp oe ; St, Panl, Minnesota .54 40 48 40 54 18 M ra Ta 48 44 45 . 40 40 ; 1 44 00 48 ' .01 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .10 WANTEDt-A party to tola me 1 ranch oa Crook farm. Mala 8840. CHIROPODISTS. CBIBOPODT and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Bill, Hnom bso rieidner siog. notn pnonee. Salt Lake. UUh .,...M San rrandsco, California. .94 Washington, D. 0. 08 THB EIVIR. . Ths river will reach s stags ef 164 feet Wedaeaday afternoon, 1T.0 fret Thursday, 17.S feet rrlday, 18.0 feet Satarday, and 184 feet Bunaay. r R Ef.1 AR K ABLE RU H OF BIG STEAMER Sirs. Belland Arranges Prograjn for . -- Tomorrow Night,- The regular weekly concert at the Sea men's Institute, 100 North Front street. chicken I will be given tomorrow evening at o'clock under the direction of Mrs. R. O. Belland. A good program bag been arranged, as folows: Piano solo, "Zampa Overture," Mrs. R. O. Belland; song, Mr. Mstt; mandolin solo, A. oeis ler, 'British stsamsblp Tottenham; "Spinning Song." Miss Rosey Robinson; song, J. N. Davis,. British ship . Tola; song, Miss Bennett Johnson: piano solo; Mrs. R. O. Belland; song, J. H. Sloans, British ship Jordanhlll; song, I Leaoh, British ship Zlnlta; piano solo, Miss Rosy Robinson.; ' - " MIGHT OPEN YARD MARRIAGE LICENSES. Oorbett at. : double labor sneumonla. : B. r. Peynter, T13 Speneer at., IB I Asars ' 'clfinK. Brans, Oregon Cttyl S3; Lottie ; LovelL 22. William Sllcott, Ths DaUes. Or., 4j,Ksth- James Lope, 27; Sadie Beebe, 10. Mas rinkel. 088 First st, 81; Eathsc Stela, ' James Bawden, Seattle, We., 48; May Can- ana, ss. Harry B. tslie, S4; Florence B. Lass, ta. Charles Wilkins, 024 Uorsl st, 81; dna L. 1 Rsley, 18., . , Wedding Carte. W. O. Smith Co.. Waah tagtoa bldg eorner rosrth'and Washlngtoa ate. An kinds of plants for sals st 41$ Vancouver svs.; prices reasonable- Phone Beat 6J70, ,j h A Co.. fmrtsts, 133 Sixth at. tar flowers sf sB Clarke Bros., florists Flos flowers sad floral designs. tS Morrison st . Pall drees -eulra for rent, all slave. Tailoring Co 80 Stsrb st Dslqss WBDDINO INVITATIONS La teat and beet; $8 per 100. A. 8. Hawk Co.. I4BH Third at Exceptionally Fine Weather Fa vors Norwegian Tramp From Eurppe. The Norwegian tramp steamer Bark broke the record for speed in her class when she made the! run from London to Sam Francisco in $1 days and from Bsn Francisco to the Columbia river In 80,$oura. , Ordinarily It. takes at least 70 days to make the run from London to the Golden Oate, and the distance from San Francisco to Astoria Is seldom made In : less than three days by ths cumbersome freight carriers. , - ' The Bark reached the harbor last night and berthed at Oceanic dock, where shs will load, wheat for Shang hai. Captain Da hi said the trip from Europe and all ths Way to Portland Charles Llndstrom Selects Site Near Astoria for Shlpballdlng. fSDeelsl DIsBSteh to The JouraaL I Astorls, Or.. May 11. Charles Lind I strom, . the shipbuilder of Aberdeen, Is in the city the guest of 3. H. Whyte, president of the chamber of commerce. He Is looking for a location for a ship yard and was shown some very good si tea He selected one on Tonngs bay, but came to no conclusion, as it was impossible to get the exact,' price at which the site could be purchased. ? ALONQ JHE WATERFRONT BIRTHS SMITH May IS, te Mr. snd Mrs, Philip A niuuu, uit w iiuus es ususuwi WDNDBB May 20, to Mr. sad Mrs. George W. Wttnder, 806 Malks-f are., s son. OONRAD May IS. to Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Conrad, 8 Bsat Ninth it., s son. M'COY Mar 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Button McCoy,. Oales Creek, a daughter. 8CHWKNDT Hay IT. to Mr. aad Mrs. Jobs , Scbwendt, 434 Sacramento at, s son. WILLIAMS Mar 8, to Mr. snd MrsT Tom Wil liams, at Portland maternity hoaplUl, a son. DEATHS WILSON May 15, Mrs. Charlotte B. Wilson, aged 85 years, 4 months, 13 days, V164T B. slat ar t old a and analna Dectorla. - MAORI Mar 18, Dominica Macrl, aged S3 yeare, at Sixth at, rock crasher, fracture ef fknll received ia ecciaent. LKOLEB May 10, Mrs. Lottie Leffler. aged 47 yeare, months, XS aays 100 Hanaau st r trukararditla. AiaCii()May 19. Antoney Grege1., aged T years, a montns, j aay, . 000 uuaion ei, cerehrsf tnenlnaltla. 1 , - , BTU NTS R May 10, Mrs. Amasds Hunter, aged . 66 years, at Oood Samarftaa hospital; cerebral aemorraage. - -: - TOCOM May 10, Mrs. Oro Irwin Tocom, sged ' M yein, 8 months. 34 days, at St. Vincent's hospital; acute peritonitis, - following aalplng- ' WOLPB May IT, Jacob Wolfe," sged M yesrS, 4 mouths, .36 daya, 81T Spencer, ft j senile !:-' decay. ' " . : . - - BJCHEX May IS, George W. Richer, aged SB years, 8 months, days. 655 Marlon st; ! general debility. - ; i ' . ,.. ' BCHSIDKMANN May 18. William Scheldt. 1 ; ma on, aged 10 rears. 0 months, T days, 878 Beat Fifteenth St.; diphtheria.- 1 ' v .: ANDERSON May IT. Mrs. Eatella Mabls An 'l dereon,. aged 16 rears, 8 months, days, ,846 ? Coroett at; doable lobar pneumonia. i , , WIOKLCND Mar 1. Mrs. Johanna Wlcklnnd. i ' aged 68 years, 11 months, 14 days, 671 Tenlno .!.-' at.; carcinoma. ;' '-"' ' ,.1 " NKLflON Mar 18, Thomas Nelson,' aged S4 ;., rears, at Open 'Air Banltarlum; pulmonary tuberenloalo, " , ; ; SHORT May 18. Mrs. Emms J. Short, sged 89 ye are, t monthe, a days, 140S Boons a vs.; ssaest C sewalsj V . ,., . s , ' The Haniman liner Costa Rica, Cap tain Mason, sailed for San Francisco this morning, The steam schooner Northland and the steamer- - Sue 1 H. EHmore are on the drydock today undergoing reps Irs. Preparations for the official trial trio of the steamer J. N. Teal of the was moat remarkable because the finest Open River Transportation company are kind or sunsnine was enoounterea every 1 under way, inch of the way. . Not a drop of water I The - British steamer Tottenham will fell on the deck and the sea was almost finish loading lumber this week at the smooth as glass zrom port to port, mills of the inman-Fouisen compsnv. , Once In a great while .the big craft The British bark Zlnlta will shift to would bowl into a nice rolling swell, I Greenwich dock late this evening to but time did she toss about on I discharge the-remalnder of her cargo. rough water. f v i ; 1 ' 1 - J Bar pilot' Leigbton.JeaveslhJssvee rvccaaionauy a vessel maaes port aner ning ior Astoria, ni naa oeon in tne a.long voyage with a tale of an unevent- city for about 10 daya receiving treat ful run, but the Sark is first during the ment to an eye. Having fuUy recovered past 10 years to bring a log showing the physician told the pilot to return not even a trace of a atorm all the way I to his labors on the bar. from Eurcpe. It was due to this fact I It is rumored along the waterfront that the steamer arrived at her destlna-i that Watchman Col well who Is wanted tion about 10 days before expected. And I on a charge of larceny of $250, for she reached the mouth of the Columbia I which amount he sold a gasoline launch about 1$ hours ahead of time. The to the skipper of the British bark Jor- Sark was launched three and a half danhlll and then took to traveling, had years ago -and carries about 4,000 tons I several other boats and houseboats for of wheat - sale and that ne possiDiy oecampeo witn The British steamer Hyndford will be (quite a sum. in the harbor late this afternoon, hav ing reached the mouth of the river early this mornlng, She will go on the dry dock 1 for 'painting before commencing to receive cargo, so it la likely that she will co direct to the dock this after noon. 1 The Hyndford comes under char- MARINE NOTES "' Astoria, May 1. Arrived down last night, ship Columbia 'Arrived at 4 :8 0 and left no at 8:46 a. m., British steamer ter to Frank Waterhouse. ito -earry f Hyndford. from San Francisco. ; San 'Sf Francisco, May r $1. Arrived, schooner Annie Larson, from Astoria Astoria. May ZO. Sailed at p. m.. schooner: Polaris, for San Pedro. Ar rived at 8:S0 p. m., schooner Glendale, from San Francisco. Lft up at I p. at schooner' Irene. f.-.-x- -.-",": Queenstown, May 10. Arrived, French ship Hoche and British ship Formosa, from Portland. Valparaiso, May JO. Arrived, British ship Conway Castle, from Hamburg, for Portland.' London, May 1$. Sailed, French bark Marechal do Turrene, for Portland. : Astoria, Mar 31. Condition of ; the bar at 8 a to, smooth; wind, north, four flour and general freight to North China and Siberia. Tha Hyndford, too, made a quick run from Ban Franolseo. , MAKES SLOW PROGRESS British Ship Conway Castle Pots Into ''. ''-'Valparaiso.''.''' : Vy. Spring Time Brings i ; : That Lazy Feeling Do yon wake; up in the morning feelinsr as if ' yoa could sleep soundly ior a week? Ever have that tired,, lazy feeling come upon yon during the day while at work, and feel as if you could enjoy an hoar's sleep more than anything else on earth? There's a reason for that. It shows that your body is lacking in electrical force; This is the power that gives a man en ergy, and if you lack a full supply you will be tired and sleepy when the wsrm days come round. t - You see,, heat does not impart energy to the body, while cold stimulates energy. This lazy feel ing shows that your body has nof . j . . . A . , . cnougn electrici ty to create the necessary energy. The only way to t get more energy -is to get a full ' supply of elec- ' tricity, , - You can stim ulate energy with drugs, but . you will feel worse after the effect of the drug has passed off. ,1 hat's the unnatural way. My way natures way is to pour a stream of electricity into your nerves, these convey the power to every organ and tissue of your body, giving strength and new energy to every part My 'Electro - Vigor does this while you sleep. It fills the nerves with new life, new vim, and out crops the new courage and energy which makes a man a man. . Electro-Vigor is not sn electric belt It is a body battery of dry, cells and makes its own power continuously. It does not shock' the nerves and ; never burns or blisters, and the use of it does not interfere with work or business. Ifs the hustler who succeeds. ana tne man who baa tns same amount of energy in warm weather tnat ne nas in cold is bound to suo oeed, while the less energetlo man is just as sure to fail behind. I am much pleased with Kleotro Tigor. It hss helped me and I can conscientiously recommend - It to others there Is nothing like it for strengthening the whole - system M, 4. BUtillVJLN. -Vernon Station. Fruit vale. Cal When I came to you I was in a very distressing condition. A con tinual drain had debilitated my system, and as invariably hap pens, the nervous system broke down also. To a man in such a condition life la nothing but a Duraen. I am happy to say that , I am now perfectly healthy and full of energy, ", all tnrouga ths use 01 Klectro-Vigor. -Wit ROCKB- rSLliBil, l Molns, CaL FREE TO YOU Get my 100-page book describing jiiieotro-v.gor ana witn liiuetra- . tlons of fully developed men and women, snowing now it is applied. This oook tells In plain language j many tniuKS rvu - mini TO KHOW, ana gives a lot oz good, wnoiesoms aavioe zor men. , : I'll send this book, prepaid,' free. If i you win man me una coupon. Cut it out now. S. A.HoU,M.D. 1439 mimors Street, BASr FBAJICZSOO, OA&. ' Please send me, prepaid, your free 100 page illustrated book. ;, . :,A- S-tl-T Nam e ....... . .... l"m Address A dispatch from Ban Francisco to the Merchants' exchange of this city this morning reports that the British ship Conway Castle, bound from Hamburg for Portland, has put into Valparaiso, No explanation Is given. ., The Conway Castle left Europe Jan uary 11 for this port with a cargo of 1 miles: weather, clear. cement consigned to W. Pi Fuller AY Co.! San Francisco, May Jl. Sailed st Having been out fully five tnonths and! lt:S0 fk nt Steamship Columbia, for being still about two months from bar I Portland. , u flesUnatlon,' Captain .WUllams probably Sydney, N. . May. ttAxTtvad f-French bark Turgot from Portland. queenstown, v May 11. Arrived French bark Jacobson, from Portland. ." Tides at Astoria Today. High Water."'--,- Low Water. 7:01 am. 8:1 J p.m. 1:15 am. 1:27 p.m. S.S feet ' 7.6 feet 8.4 feet 1.4 feet MARINE INTELLIGENCE; ' Begnlar liners Due is Arrive. Bosooks. from San Pedro and war.... ..Mar SI r. A. Wilburn, from San Fran, aad way. May 33 Columbia from San franclsce... May 23 Nnmantla, from orient....,..,,... Mar 23 Alliance. Trom cooe say .....Mar as O. W. Elder, from San Pedro and war.. Mar 28 Costa Blca, from Saa franclsce. ....... May S8 Arabia, from orient...,,.. ............. .June 'M Aleala. from orient. July 16 Nlcomedla, from Orient..... v .August 10 Begnlar Liners is Depart. Alliance, for Ooos Bay ..May z2 r. A. auburn, ror Han Fran, ana way.. May 23 Boanoke. for San Pedro and way1 Mar S3 Columbia, for San Francisco May. 86 G. W. Elder, for San Pedro aad way,... May 80 Costa Rica, ror Baa Francisco , ..May 81 Numantla, for orient. ,...... ........ .June 6 Arabia, for orient. ..................... Jnne IS Aleala, for orient .,.. ....July ST Nlcomedla, tor Orient .....August SO Vessels in Port. , i. Marhoffer, Am. str., at WUlametts I. Wks. Bayonna, FY. ah., st Astoria dock. Dtmedale, Br. bk, at Astoria. " Mlchelet, Ft. b(., st Astoria. Vola, Br. ah., at Elevator dock. Jordanhlll, Br. bk., at B. A W. mills. - Eclipse, Am. str., st St Helens. , Slnlta, Br. bk., at Irrlng dock. Tellua, Oer. bk, at Columbia No. 1. Tottenham. Br. str.. at Inmaa-Poalaen milt i Polaris, Am. sen., at Astoria. Stratbclrde, Br. str., at Unntoe. ' Manbli. Am. sen,, at Rainier. Washington, Am.' barge, at Ellsworth. Stf -miles above vaacooTer. Sintram, Am. ah., at Stella. Redondo, Am. str., at B. A W. mills. Whang Ho, Chinees Junk, at Astoria. . , . 'John Palmer, Am. bktu,, at Kalama. EjnsIon, Am. sch., at Portland Lumber Co. Alrens, Am. sch., at Ooble. ' James Rolph, Am. ech., at West port. .Aaate, Am. bk at VaacooTer. William Olsen, Am. ech.. at Astoria. Makawell, AmJ bkta.. Wallace Slough. , : PlamonS Head,' Am.-bk.. Vancosver. LetitU, AD. sfh., t Ralnln. Louisiana, Am.' atr.,. at Astoria. . Muriel. Am. atrH at Newport. John Smith, Am. bkta. at Stella. . : -Kmlly Reed, Am. ah., at Pott la ad Lumbar Co. Strathyre, Br. atr., at Rainier. Costa Rice, Am. atr., at Ainsworth wharf. Alliance, Am. atr., at Conch street. s ' Northlsnd, Am. atr., at Drrdock. . Bark, Nor. atr., st Oceanic dock. Irene, Am. ech., at Ooble. , Columbia, Am. -str., at Astoria. ' Byndford, Br, atr., at Drydock. .'''y.-tamker Carriers Za Boats."" B. F. Whitney, Am. bk., MakswslL BlweU. Am. ah.. Baa Pedro. , , Lillebonne, Am. erty, Manila. ' - , Lncllle, Am. eh, Saa Franclace. Mabel Gale, Am. sch., San Francises. Retriever, Am. bkta., Saa rraactaoq, , ; Aarors, Ana. bkta., Saa Fraaeleee.. .,..v, m, sta ss W- '- Hams, Am. sea., Saa Pedro. J. . Stetson, Am. str., Saa rrandsco. Daley Free man. Am. str.. Saa Frandeoe. Johan Poulsen, Am. str., Ban Francisco. Virginia, Am. sch., Baa Francises. , Churchill. Am. sch., Sas Francisco. y King Cyras, Am. ech. Bin Pedro. ' Abble. Am. sch. Ban Fraaeleee. Jim Botler, Am. atr, Saa Franc. K. F. Bandera, Am. ech., Saa Pedro. . Cheballs, Am. bktn., Saa Pedro, Glendsle, Am, sch., San Fraoclaos, Nokoais, Am. sch, Sas Pedro. Alumna,- An. sch., Saa Fraaeleee. ' Ea Bests With Comsat aad flsaaiai. Bnecleoch, Br. sb., Hamburg. Brenn, Fr. bk., HulL . Conway Castia, Br. bk, Aatwers. , Palgonar, Br. ah., Hamburg. Europe, Fr. bk., Antwerp. Oenerlere Mollnos, Fr. bk., Loodoa. Rene Kerrller, Fr. ah., Hamburg. Laennec, Fr. sb., 8wansca. Le Filler, Fr. bk., London. Martha Roax, Fr. bk, Hamburg. Mosamblque. Br. ah, Newcsstle. B. Samoa, Br. bk.. Shields. . ! 81am, Oer. ah, London. ' ' Socoa, Fr. sb., Newcastle, B. ' ' ;' - -V wssJsMsSJs- lkBty4MsVBlTJy' Mareebael Turrene, Fr. bk, Hambarav Villa ds Mulbooee, Fr. bk, AatwernT Ouethary, Fr. bk., Antwerp. Plerri LotI. Fr. bk., Antwerp. Walden Abbey, Br. sb., Anfwers, Gleneeilln, Br. ah, Antwerp. Veraallles, Fr. bk., Lelth. General de Bolsdeffre, Fr. bk.. Londoa. General de Negrier, Fr. bk, loodoa. - Coal Ships Za Route. Helen, FT. bk, Newcastle, A.. v Col. de VlUeboU Marenil, Fr. bk., MsweastlawA. Clarerdon, Br. sh, Newcastle, A. Wlllacott Am. bk.,..Newcsstlst A. Tramp Steamers la Xoase, Ascot Br. str, Buenos Ayres. I'rusaa Mara, Jap. str.. JsDaa. Africa a Monarch. Br. atr, tan FTandaoa. nii,u,0 osa sranciBOS. Tellua, Nor. str, Saa Francisco, v Maori King, Br. atr, Shanghai. ' Knight Templar, Br. str, orient. ' Henrlk I been. Nor atr., Sas Francises Queen Alexandra, Br. atr., Madras. Kallbia, Br. str., San Francisco. ' Manaha Mara, Jap. atr., Salinas Ona Hyedes, Am. atr., orient. Mackinaw, Am. atr., Seattle. Saa Mateo. Am. atr., Saa Franc laoe. - Oil Carriers Xa Boste. Marerlck, Am. str., Saa Prsaelaes. W, S. Porter, Am. atr., San Fraaclsee, FINE BASS FISHING IN VICINITY OF ALBANY r f'. J-- ;. 1 v. - ' (Special Dispatch te The Journal) ' Albany, Or,, May il-AIbany fisher men are enjoying rare sport .With the bass that abound In the : lakes and rivers Adjacent to ' this ' city;' BUck bass fiahtng has become a great pastime and good catches are reported. The principle bait used for this time of the year la live minnows, and with these any angler can be assured a good string, The Willamette and its tributaries are F"""-S . ! A Jl . Am J'. "', V ' . A .' -' ," Men's Weflkness ' a- s ' ' ' ' ' t ' 1 ' tXl r . am at " " r , if y DB. TATXOm, The y.esdlng SpesaiaUst, : Note the announcements of all other spa . oUUsts and medical Institutes and yon will see now nttie they say about their treatment, tor Xea's Weaknesses and bow lightly tbey pass over the subject Tet one man out of every ' four has a vital weakness which oon- stentiy drains his power, and that man must conUnually force himself along In his every day path of living. There Is no real lov or hannlnesa that Is not marred by bis ever-present feeling that he Is not as otaet mea. Now to such, men I offer hope. X not only hold out a helping hand to lift them up, ' but Z urge them earnestly to acoept my aid. I can gals thslr oonfldenoe from the first examination by locating the seat of their trouble exactly, and can always entirely convince them ef the logical ef foot of my treat ment when I explain Its action. Z never eharge for this examination or consultation. . ,.. . . - . ., -, .- : . , That there Is some functional derangement the direct result of Inflam mation,, onlargemsnt or u excessive sensitlvenees of, ths pro stats glsad (ths nerve center of ths, reproductive parts), brought on by early dis sipation or .resulting from some Improperly treated contracted disorder. This condition saaaot possibly be removed by Internal medicines, and any tonic systsm of treatment that stimulates the activity of the ' function can but result In aggravating the real aliment This Is a sclentlflo truth I have ascertained after a careful and sclentlflo study ' and upon which my own original system of treatment is based. I employ neither tonics, stimulants nor electrlo belt a I treat by looal direct methods exclusively, and my sucoeaa In curing oven those eases that others have tailed to temporarily relieve with their tonics Is . oonclnslvs svldenoe that my method Is ths only posilbls means of a complete, radioal and permaaeat oture. ,'-:. ,.-. A Guarantee 5 Z do not care what roar experience has been witn other treatments, what guarantees you have, and what promises were unfulfilled In ths past as unsuccessful, unsclsntlflo treatments and unreliable eonoerns -are In no way a, reflection upon boaest, trustworthy bmstzteee mstaods lived up to by me for twenty wears. I have an established reputation, ' and my guarantee means that my patients are Isdlaputahly lasnzeA of success In their casa There Is all ths difference In the world between a. ani Bran tea of ihim k-tnit mttA eti w w,kanA SS wllnK mwttt .a.H.,,.Mh II I I t , . w . . . , .g , " .. wuuuui uuuii ta uusiaess, rvpeais any siraiinuorwara, n square proposition to wait for my fee until ths ears is effooted, . - I0 My Fee ia : W fMBfayfA.AfAlf AASJVaVasel , casV"" WHEN CURED TABJCOOXU, tnaXATOMMOMA, ' LOST TXOOS, OsaAXZO WMiniS, COBTTBAOTZX) SZBOKSXstS, STMOTtTBJB, BFXCZrXO B1VOOD POISOBT AJTD nZJBS, " I . also trsat and curs promptly and thoroughly. '. - ...."' '' ", - YOU PAY i EXAMINATION FREE I offer not only FREE Consultation and Advice, but of every ease that comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about bis trouble. . , . t j If you cannot call, writs for Diagnosis Chart My offices are open all day trom t a. m. to t p. m, and Sundays from 10 ts L, - the DRJ TAYLOR co. B34H MOaUHSOir ST, COB. atBOOaTS, FOXTJVABTB, OWBOrOV. 1 M 1 M M BtSWISjj WE- cwe Mm WB CURE Gonorrhoea, -Gleet, Stricture , ,. . Hydrocele), ' Varicocele, Blood Poison, ; Ixwt Vitality, ' Kidney and 1 Bladder Diseases, Prostatic Trouble. 2 YEARS IX PORTLAXD. orrm stjoczss xs sn oi Firs eina skUled speolsJlsts. Beeond Having ths best saulppsd of- Soe In the West, - - . Third By never promislsa' that Whioh we saanot do. Tourth By givtaa wvery man a souare deal. wirtii bv asliur eolestifla and aaody em methods of Usavfaasnt. Blxtn- By onzua svery case anas ww aooept, , CUB FEE IN MOST CASES CONSULTATION FILXX NO PAY UNLESS CUJUtD As to termsi Ons large praoGioe) enuus aa io our iox less money than the average so-oaiiea speeiansrs ana yon see the resmits before yon are required to pay as. Xonesrt, eoaeMMsa'Bons worg speaan zor Itself, rtwtenders, Jealoosi of ear saoosss, try to belittle as because our fee is inuUL but latelligent mea are not tsfJ' enoed by theta arramsats. We aaa any man suseruig zroan aay ftisesss we treat to sail aaa see us. numy eases -sup posedly lavourable are often. the result of poos treatment. aad wham methods anon as we employ are directed - to eras the eaaae. and with eare- an4 psopev attention to you esvss. you earn no oures. Nervous Debility Tlili to men TIO 1VACX COXTKAOX. whose XXBTTS are BSAJTT. whose STBS have lost ths sparkle, when brains are muddled, Ideas eon fused, sleep restless, confidence gone, -spirits low aryl easily depressed, wno are backward, hesitating, unable to venture because they are afraid , of failure, who want somebody to decide for them, who are weak, run down and restless. It Is to msn who have part or all of these symptoms and want new life, new energy, we especially solicit those cases . In " which many so-caned treatments have failed, or where money haa been waeted on other methods of treatment Don't experiment when our d root method offers a certain means of euro. .- , -,. , ,' ,-, ' ,-.,;. -owttt.tatiow raJTH AJn IB f lTBi Our reputatlotf and work are not a mushroom growtik, We have been ourlng men for It years. Write, if tou cannot call. All correspond en oe strictly confidential and all replies sent In plain envelope. Eooloee s-oent stamp to Insure reply. OFFICE! HOURS I a. m. to If, m. Evenings, T to 1:90; Sundays, I a. m. to 11 noon. Sf. Louis Stf d Dispensary OOBBTBB KDCOKD AJTD TAJOKZXA STBUBBTS, FOBTleABTO, OBBaOBT. f WANTED - T" m mmmmmm, : We need skilled shJrtmskers at once . buttonhole-workers, seamstress more help I helpl help! Is whst we want ? Apply at once at the . , Jacobs Shirl Co. Phone Main 10S7. - .. v ' gaii. stark St, Bet. Tourth and Fifth, Fortlaad, Oregon. rapidly becoming good baas fishing grounds and the lakea within a die tan oe of four miles from Albany are allvb with these fish, it is nut a rsw years since they were introduced in the waters of this section, and the rapidity of their increase has been a souroe of wonder. BiflEaees Exposition Rink SO BLUI U'XS BVACX3TCK ATTBBjrOOV fc' to 4130. General - abating' after tha raeea Parscr.3 C. sao to ix before Ziadlea I'cr AJDsrrr- 1 I 1 I