The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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With Hop Contracts Selling at Ten Cents It
Looks as If New Crop WHI Open This Year
About Twelve and a Half Cents for Choice.
Where the Green Dug Held Sivay '
Would Organize National Selling
Association to Take Care
"' - - of Business. . '
, ToA.j'a market feature! v .
first wool aal at Pendlston. ,
Wool grown rensra Uj eonblnlnf . ' ,
Wore bop contracts sr wrirttn. .
'IH great strawberry scarcity,
i Palmoa catch to eery light aiala.
rney hay bold,, other aaator.
Wheat and poor art rafter don. , , ,
. Refrigerator Una to North a help. .
Em flrmer; chickens weaker. :.
Tba Are wool sales of tne aaaaoa to lite
tata wUl b eoadDcted tomorrow at Pw
die tea. A large amount of wool wUl be offer
4 and altboafh sentiment baa beea ifulnot
tba aala at stack at any Saure. under tba nrlc
obtained year ae-o It la thought that vahie
offered will bo satisfactory and tba aala day
win so a eocceaa. Mowerer, all orer toe conn
tir 1 tba wool grower are aroused orer the
subject of lower erlee surf eomblnatlona are
, fcelng formed among orodaeera oa every aide.
' he lateat plaa now iwfore tba (row en Is for
mem to onraoiaa a aort of national treat. Al
though plana for thta organisation bare been
talked of before Botblaf definite In the acope
of tba aeendatloa baa ret beea aettled. Some
prnpoaa tbat aU wool grower get together la
their ewa atatea and orgeats a atate aaaorla
tloo from which delegate will be eeirf for tb
roraiaUon of a national league, rreoj what
can be learned the aatloaal aaaoclatloa would
tnua control practically erery pound of wool
. la tbe country and Ita renresentatl would
do, tba aelllnf to tba nllla. Each wool pro
ducer would become a member of tba local
aeaorlatloa by taking as much atack -la tba
' orsanteation. It la at a ted by tboae tbat ad
rocate a national aelllnf aeaorlatloa that a
. much better price coald be obtained than if
amau mdlrldtul cllpa were offered br rrower
It la alao eta ted tbat cheaper auppllea oould
re pnrrnaeee ay tba ergaalsatloa than br In
dlrldoala and complaint of all klnda would
recelea anr attentioa If fathered by a national
or atate aaaoclatloa than br a tone crow'
aUfrigereter U Ta Tba sTorta. '
Acordlng to a circular repelled - by varloe
eomniiaK,inen tbe Northern Pseine Ballroad
will -on June 1. eetablleh a regular eeml-
weekly refrigerator ear eerrlee to Pnget Sound
citlea Tuesday and Tboradaya which will do
moth to footer tba butter, egg aad perlahable
a-ooda trad betweea tbla city aad the Bound.
Site aerrlco will etart tba Brat of tba month
and will contlnae ontll September 80. Shipper
will be reqaeated to make ah lpm en ta of each
perlahable ooamodltlea la theae care. Oa ether
17 freight will bo loaded la box eara and
toe company wlH not accept any cUloe for
damage resulting from weather condltlooa whea
loaded la boa care. The announcement of tbla
serrlee to recelred wttb faror by local Jobber.
' sKOl Great Strawaerry Boarelty. '
There waa another great Scarcity of straw
berrlea aloof tba atrvet tbla morning and ta
enneequence prlcee ruled high. .For California
Iollars, tha price waa very firm at $2.28 per
lt box crate and for Oregon value ranged
between 29 aad 23 eenta a box.
Apple market remain eery firm with "fancy
atock bringing aa high aa $3 a box. ;
Marke atUI ahowa acarclty of cabbage aad
price to Arm It Sc..; -,.,. ;,. v.- ,'.
';v BeJmea Catch Zi Tory Light Again.
Tba catch of aalmon on the Columbia If re
ported eery light agala owing to the higher
water. Local Bab trade eare tbat eery little
Columbia Href atock to Bow In tha Portland
market. Some ' fleh la being - racelred from
the Sacramento but euppUea from there are
lighter than uauaL . Flailing oa the WllUmette
betweea Fort land aad Oregon City baa been
i ana pen (led altoaether aa account of tba extreme
. algb water.
: Brief Jfotea of . Tha Trade.
Egg market to firmer although recelpta are
pot at til ugnr. Better demand. -
Chlckena market to weaker with larger arrival-
of all grade. Spring duck beginning to
come. Find a earlcama at good price.
Fancy bay bold price well but ordinary
atock to aaaler with aoma eoaceaaloa la the
' Contract for tha coming bop crop at 10
a pound contlnae to b made, orowera much
mixed In tbelr view. ' He port from tba yard
gen or better frowtn. ...
Hide are dull with ralnea about unchanged.
The trade paya the following price to Front
atreet. Price paid ablpper are leea regular
commlaaiona: . '- v.,..' y
- Orala,' Hoar asd Feed. J
OBI II? BAGS Calcutta, c Jarga Mai am all
lot. 10c. t .
WHEAT CTnb, 81cj red Buaalaa,' 7Be bloe
ttem, 83c; ealley, r"te.
. 0EN-Wbole, t2iXX)l cracked. 128.00 aar
ion. --
BAKLETKew Feed, $21.00022.00 per ton;
roiifo. iu.wg.w; orewuf, (.uihxz4.vo,
HYB 11.5S per cwt.
OATJJ New Producer') price No. 1 whlta,
za.wa.w per xoo; gr7 9r4wt(xza.ou.
KLOCE Eaatera Oregon patent. MM;
atralgbU, $4; export. fH.969ii eelley, $i.09
4. IS; grabam. 4 a, $3.75: wool wheat, $4.00;
are. tOa. $8.00: bale. $2.75. .
M I LLSTU r rS Bra n. $17.00 per tea; mid
dling, $25.00; abort, country, , tXM; .' city,
119.00: ehoo. I1.00121X)0.
, HAT Producer' prkre Timothy, Willamette
valley,, fancy, fl4.oul7.oo; ordinary, 12.XX3
i fin. t. ...... tin tX 'H rtn . l I
flu.MiiS10.C0; elorer. M.WtjtflSto; fraia, $8.00
fgiv.w, cneai, -
Butter, Egfb aad Fool try,
BUTTER . FAT-r-f a. b. Portland Sweet
Cream, zie; aour, wee. ;
. HUTTEB City creamery, 22He; eeeenda, Se;
ontaide, fancy, 22i4c; aeoanda, MHcs atore,
gai lit, 'it' . -
. K((J8 Extra fancy, cradled.7 ISUOISe.
- CUBKSE New Full cream, flata, 16o par lb;
oung ADivnoi, uc jier 10.
(jl't.TRI Mixed chicken
fancy bona, 14&14lc per lb; rooetera, old, 12c
By Tampleton Broa. 15
Poultry of aU klnda If In
avood demand at quotations, aa- e
peclally fryers wrttrhlDf 1 H or I -
pounds, j. ilena art atoady and .
mora readily at prices quoted.
Sprint ducks ara rery firm but e
4 they are too scarce to quote. e
" Kggs are holding their own
and tnovln$r at prices quoted,
; Veal and hoars are steadr and
. fancy stock finds ready aale. On . 4
account of heavy arrivals and
warm weather, last week a de-
cllne In prices waa necessary to e
kcoii auwaa irora aooumuiaiin, ; w I atock rocel ptai
Dm I nn . rnnmnnna lnninaia at i . aa i . y t
taiadv tana tap thai waa. a bj 1 Todae- . ivf aoa
Country butter la finding ready - I Week ago 140 . , ..1 I
Hit ind la aelllnar htrher than a 1 1"'. ...- 41 " l 18$ '
1 " 1 1 rioua year ISO
VI Va-4AJW J yi vyvi UVIWtfi j , . c- .
Hogs, Cattle and Sheep Suffer Chicago Market Makes a Very
Loss In Value Recelpta anoj ) I f Liberal Gain Over Price
Weather Against Price.' : of Yesterday .
PortUnd TJalea Btackyarda, May tl-H"
.Hr- CT "Si
Llreetork loat anotbw Batch of It. ealna tn.lT
01 day. Today', drop waa eaueed by aerorallT
coniiiiwiw, t.niex , among xneaa la ua race taet i -w
killer' want bar beea quite wall auppltod of I
Hie aao iney aea good reaaoa to expect a 1 4
heary run ta taoet Usee tor aoma time.
a (a; fir, California fcttck, '6CH per lb I Twenty-flea cento waa loat off the cattle
er t
BT70AB Tube,
California white. S(3Ue iter Ihi datea. eoldaa. I price today. Arrival were 107 head aa aaalnat I
la.Mi per cox; raroa, fi.oujiJto p
Orooerle. Buta, Xto,
BT70AB Tub. M.12U:
la Mu, a.
tn 7U: aonf. A. Ji T7u- itn H gfl9TU! I leataaday.
par 16-lb boa. I " mat Tudy, 1$ bead a year ago and
H neaa xor tnia ama aar ia lwin. itw
V WotM'iw Wnea Vwtatr.
( Nebraaka Cloudy and eooL
, Iowa Cloudy. ,
Kansas Partly olondyi chlHy.
Mlaaourt Cloudy and cooL '
Winnipeg Cloudy. , " .
Illinois Clear, H
Minnesota Cloudy and coot
Europe Generally oloudy,
Paclllo Northwest CooL :
iii mm pii
v- i.
Records Are Broken by Chicago
Market Today, Which Closed
- With Prices High.
1H08. Today lbaaAAAe
I ' nrtfiifiA w htm w a rrBaM
May St. May X Gain, ISO,
i5f boxea, bOo adraace oa aack bla. Z?. i..VIr BeSt l 6i& m2l iii llC
Abora prtcea are 80 da mt caak at- -'ZJT,"W9 " Pie ; 1.042 i.OoS- ;04 . . '
nneep market anowa a run or S2B Beaa ror
(Journal Nnaelat 41
Chicago. May II. :xnerta aaw thla la
bur weather and thue account for the
breagtna of records In tha local wheal
nia-raoi to.ay. - , ... -
v Tf. "I opsnod H to 1?4 cents a
bushel higher and cloaed with valns
ranglna; from tW to 4M. cent over tha
prioa f yesterday. May had the sharp,
eat sain at tha atart, but December was
stronirest at the end of the day, with a
still greater rise. The closing; was
Ho. U.01b. I1.CU ui iimu
May, July, Beptember.aad December op
tions, respectively. , ,
The sharp advance at tha
wai dut to the) weather rmnrf ihntHn.
I aalaaa al .... - -ar - -w wwTeSaaaj
4 I uuuu' wntmiona everywhere. This Is
4 considered hlhly favorable for the
gTeen bug, but very unfavorable for the
el frowlna; craln. ...
at, thia poiht tha Wall street crowd
showed their next attack on tha bear
forces by openly bidding higher values
for all tha wheat offered. Every
uu.uei mo pears were wintn; to sell
r i?vi ill. l . : 'cjt: mor t
tkina.k ,. i ' i bvwb ioc rrom yeeieruay. .v
HOnBT $$.00 bar crate. ' I w. oa w. . cwut I Weather aondlttan. favne a bolllab market la I and etiaw onvaMi r7l I .. ... . .. - - - - A branda. $1SJ$1. head tbla date la 1U0 .7d ia hV.d to l wh..t. It la cloudy ta fioat of the wheat rln The Bubllcatlon J lZ,.VZ . fa .1. , m m- ion. uiMwUw ."... V.Ti I be ira and tha Kn. i. tinri - Th. I rioe, jut puoncatlon of Jones re-1 Bealdea this loaa. there was considerable
" ."-w.. r vau -" - - w I ' Mg VI Uil 1 II VUU WliU BVJOJ fB 1.U. I J B " -
Tha ravages of tha green bug In
was quickly picked up by . tha big Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas
irauera at ui aavanee. . I nave oeen neavy. -ne wow crop ui
, This threw tha shorts Into a panto f Texas and Oklahoma have bean pracU
waijp tura lot ai wmu vum tm TwrwaU - ini i . - . uostuw aa ivsi w
toe; fiOa, $11.00: table, dairy. $0. $14.00! 100 25c off from yesterday. Today 44 boreee were aiartrt ooened aharply klgber aa ten air for- J" y eaw araay anowing rurther losses acreggS abandoned On account of tha
$14.75; bale, $2.00; Imported Llrerpoot, 50a. I among tba arrlnla. . I 'f a boring and eloaed with a gala of $ to " Wheat since the government Tti I ... . . . .,
io.w; luw, fiT.vo; . ie w; extra rine, i a yeer ago aU marketa were autlooary. I nu
.1 mm Mhwl.
bbl. 2s, 5 and 10a, $4JO5.50; LlTerpool ' official Ueeatork prlcee: I , . '
lump rock. $20.60 per too: fiO-lb rock. $11.00; I Hoa-a Beet oaatara Orecoo. - $SJMM.T9: 1 ' Official Chicago price by Orarbock. Starr
100. $iat0. , i litocker and.foeder, $00i-26l China fata. 1 Cooke company! ,
lAbftea orlcea annhr to aalM at lea tbaa I $S.25c4.50. I. WHEAT. .
car lota. Car lota at apecial price aubjeet to Cattle Beat eaatera Oregoa fteera, $4.$04j I - Opes, - High, tew,
fluctnatlona) 4.76! bt cow and balfera. $4.00 atockeralMay .a....... M ..'100
BICK Imnertal Jan a. Ho, I. ot K. t, I and. feeder. $i 50i bnlla. $2.50. . ' I iuly M 102 . M
614; Maw Orleaaal bead. Tc; AJag, So; Creole, I Bheep Sbeared, mixed, $4.75; lamb. $$.00. I Sept 96 , 104
$te. ' , ...-r I .. . . ' . .. - . I vee. ...w.... 1004 104 1
ukaub aman white, as. Rot large wnire. i r . QTrDM . uff.Q .mlklfr . COBN.
101 H
SL 1084
00 . 104)4
w.uvw miv uftjrninsjnL m I . . . - as
port, was laaued added to the horror. 7'. 7 7'?,ml' n
of tha shorts. wi ioa 01 winior acreage wur-ooi mi
v ' "11 ' n " J much change In tha year's production
" -; Btronr Wtoatlov : -' - for a Urger amount of wheat will be
i am iteoora-neraia says of tha situs-1 shown in the spring report. . - '
According to tha lastest government
fx rt-tm rrumt ja
NUTS I'Mnata, Jnmbe, SH per lb; Tb
My $4 Mtt . $4 '$8:
July UK . 54U tSt MS.
glnla, 7H per lb; roasted, 10c per Tb; Jpa-1 Prce PlTO C0Ot tip- Cttl Strong
a . A - a a. HUa tW. I .
per lb; rrench, 15e par lb; pine auta. 141310c I ' la-J-'"" taJ? US ; ISJf - jiff
per lb: blrkory acta. lOe per Ibi ebeatuuta. I ; C2dcagh Mar Uv Ueaetock racolptai I BP ......... SH 41 tW
eaatera. 15ft6e ner lb: Braall auto. 18c perl ' Hog. Cattle.. Bboee. I MESS FORK.
lb: filbert. 10c per Ibi fancy raKaoa. Ia20o: I Chicago ............lB.6uO 10i0 , . 10.000lVr ....... ..17T ltnt . 1S7T 1STT
lmonde, 19621 H. v IKanaaa City 18,000 ; 8,000 .' 4,000 July 1080 16a 1675 .
- Meat. Tlfc aat yrerlston. ' lumana o.txio e.ooQieepi .......jevg -. iyuo lew 170s
S tloni
' "Aa viewed from an lmnartlal atand-
polnt tha situation In wheat la a strong
one. Tha faot that the local crowd has
been unable to smash prices In order
to accumulate a big line shows without
a doubt that tha bears are 'certain to
axperlenoa some rough eliding. Bugs
are in tha wheat fields of Nebraaka and
are devouring tha crop. A much higher
jevei wiii do aeen unless there are
wonderful rop Improvements In the
northwest as well, as In tha winter
wheat belt
figures tha following states showed
losseg In acreage by abandonment, tha
figures Indicating tha percentage of
area: New Tork, II per cent; New Jer
sey, 1.6; Pennsylvania, I.t; Delaware
S.5; Maryland, 1.6; Virginia, I; North'
Carolina, 4; South Carolina, ' 4.1j
Georgia, (; Alabama t.l; M!salalrrL
: Texas,. 70; 'Arkansas, 11.10; leiiw
neesea. $.6: West Virginia. $.6; Ken- 1;
tucky. $; Ohio, 16; Michigan, $.8; In
diana, 16; Illinois, I.t; Wisconsin, l$j
Iowa. 7; Missouri. Kansas, 4.t; '
Nebraska, 1.6; Idaho, 8; Washington,
t; Oregon, 14; .California, 18; .Okla
homa, 6; Indian territory, II. -
UAaai aiaaaa Ma. kl O.I4V 4 jVrWh TL. aw
ur5LSIL,MKmS'"JIrf ' S!!-" L,Dih: Rt 7aarago were l$.0oa Mixed, $6.18 J May 9TT '
fancy, fcftc lb. . uVUeT - . J- .IW . 9HJ
UAalS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack Hoc!)
kawa 1A 4a 11 Ika lAlla auaa lav. A Aat al Ibkaa
mm uia v aar aji amp Avnv wi " W 4U
16V per lb; 1$ to 20 lb. lci breakfaat
bacoa, 15Htj2Je per lb; plenlea, 12e per ab
L art la Btxong. .
Bbeepe toady.
cottage roll, UMe per lb; regular abort clear,
unsmoked, 12c per lb; (moked, l2o . per lb;
clear backa, unsmoked, 12c; smoked. lSe per
2T 2T 027
40 . S2S . MT i
,, ....... oi . voo wst , aoo
May ......... SOS SOS SOS BOB
July ......... S05 $1$ 09 Slf
Sept 15 S30 ' 914 $80
lb; Union butts, 10 to 18 Ibe, unsmoked, Ac I
per lb: emoked. So per lb: clear be 11 lee. aa-1
moked. 11 He per lb; mokd, 18e par lb; I
bouidera, lit per lb: pickled tocraea, 00 I
earn. ' . - "v
LOCAL LARD nettle leaf. 10. UUt dot
lb; 5a,. 13Sc per lb; 60-lb Una, 12e per" lb;
Stm another loaa of $2.80 waa abowa ta tbe
aKM price oi ttang or uauiornla today. Otbar
miwr . V t. liiank aharaa ttnehanvart. ..
I1.H0: -lb talla. $Z76: fancy l ib data. $1.001 1 . Aaaoclatod Oil lost 25o la the old end We
n u aiiva. - xrcm. Aeiepaoo Km ee . in
Ue pia While racine waa unchanged.
team rendered, 10a, , 12c per lb 6a, I2a I
per id, compouna, jua, we per id.
nil if mu HilV CHARGE
Bertha Strang Tallies ona joint of one
Announcement from several reliable I Anger at I MOO. and asks tha trial Jury
sources that green buss had aoneared I In tha United Statea circuit oourt to
l?,."1? oats and wlieat nelas of central grant her that sum aaalnst tha Amerl
Illinois is largely responsible for the I T . . h. . .
slrenth made and the sharp adranoe J?" nI .hV I wwi. ertln a
in itriMi atani. .rA tnAm- h. digit which she lost while operatlnr s
Advance was so sharp that a number stamping- machine at tha oompanya fso
of longs sold out and a few of the large tor7' Fourteenth snd Thurmen streets.
Aa. Al a.aa.AB. A . aw A 1 M M I TUf A ja 1 0 ft ft
aa mmj i v w. -
. Miss Strang's attorneys, In order to
explain mora fully how tha accident oc
curred. Invited the Jurymen to visit the
factory and sea for themselves how tha
stamping machine worked, and Judge
Charles K. Wolverton granted them per
mission to do so. The It men acoord-
H-lb iancy flats,' $1.15; fancy Mb oral, $2.75
Auata tans.
i, pink. 864190c: red. 81.50: aommal.
ev tan, .w, ,
Flf h Bock cod. T per lb: floender. So
ft.. 9 --. fh. 1 V. , n
catfish, lOef per lb; aalmoa, freah Columbia
Chinook, neper id ateeuead, fte per ibt
ring, Be per lb; eolee, ee per lb; shrimp. 10a
per lb; perch, ec per lb; black cod, 7c per lb;
tomrod, 7c per lb; lobster, lflc per lb; freah
Bierkerel, 8e per lb; erawfleb, 2ne per dna; rnr
geon, 10c per lb; black baa, 20c per lb; Colam-
Dia river ameit, oc per id; ansa, so per lb; roe
shad, 5c per lb; ahad roe, 15e per lb.
OrSTKKS Bboalwater bay, per gallon, $2.B0
per iw-id aaca, fa.ou; virmpia. ear gallon.
' per no-jo wca, aouve.xo ? giagie,
cannea, iuc can, ei.w ooa.
CI-AMS Hardshell, per bog, $2.40;
clam, $2.00 per boa, 10c per doe. - .
Paints. Coal Oil. Zto. "
B0P15 Pur -Manila. lSKei itandard. 18e
Ual, lie. i ....
COAL oil pearl or Astral Oaae. isu ner
g.i; water wane, uvo oois, io per gal;
wooden. 17c par gall headlight. 170 dec., eaeaa.
iiW per gat, . ... a . ,, .. .i.-
GASOUNE $6 deg, eaaaa, MHe pet gal;
inn unia, AO. ywr u,
bE.NZlNIC 3 dCg
bom, vac per gal.
eaaaa, SBe per gml( froa
TOBl'E.STINB Ia eaaaa. Me aar salt omadao
bbl, 98c per gal. --'
WHITB UCAI Too rota. 7le per lb: BOO-Ib
lot. 8c per lb; leu . lot, 8Me per lb.
wins rtaiiyO rreeeni oau at z.Po. '
LINSEED OIL -Pure raw. la B-bbl lata. SAei
1-bbl lota. 63c: . caeea, 58e per gal: aennlne
kettle-boiled, case, eoc per gal; B-bbl lota, 64c;
1-bbl lota, 56e per gal; ground cake, ear lota,
10.00 per too; lew tbaa car lots, $30.00 per
fODLTSZ Mixed chicken 18HQ14e per Tb;
ncy bona, 14&14lc per lb; rooetera, old, 12c
per lb; old ataga, Wl2ie per lb; fryer.
Voe per in; orouers, per id; oia a u efts,
H14e per R; aprlng docks. 18e per lb; geeee,
OQlOc per lb; turkeya, 17c per lb for old;
squab. $2.00 per dos; pigeon, $1.00 per doa.
Dreeaea poultry itsic per in higher.
. Bop. Wool and XOdoa.
HOPfiy 180$ crop Prime to choice. 8e; aae-
oium w prune, onmici mewujB, OB0ic; eoa
trsrts, 1807 crop. 10c i
WOOL 1907 clip Valley, MflaOc; eartara
Oregon. 16lc.
MOHAIB New 1907 2902914c. '
SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 1620e each; abort
wool, 25iOe; medium wool, 00Q75C eaebl
fcme wool. 76e(S$l.A0 eaea,- Jt--
TALLOW frlme, per lb, 8H04c; No. J and
greafe. V'(t2Hc
CM1TTIM, BABBV-6Q9C for car lota; email
lota, 6c. - " .
HIDES mt,' no. i, jo id and ap, 17a
lbs, 20c: salted
JBper lb; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 lb, lfi
jnc! ry ciu, a, , it". uc; saiu
bides, reers, ooono, w in. ana orer, hfkMVV,ei
cow, !ac; Btegs and ball, ound. 6a7c:
kip, 15 to 80 lb. c; calf, aound, under 18
Ji, 11c; green, onaeited, 1 leea; cnlU, le per
ID lees, nonw wiCT, Hjicu, eaco, el.tJuuX2.(lu;
dry, each,'$1.00jl.e0l colt hide. 25i50c; goat
ekln, eomnion, . each. : 10lDc; Angora, each.
ijcUll-OO; abeep akin. 26c$1.60. y ,
. Fruit aad Vegetables. vA-'TCfi
rOTATOKg-reocy, .$2.00;- ordinary, jobbing,
$l.f5i(l2 00; fweeto, Se per lb; aew potatoes,
kc vur lb. ...': ; ;s .'-.....
OMONft-JobblnjT price No. 1 Oregon, $23
too; No. 2, fl.0otfl.2tl; Trias and AustraUao,
4Jk-ne per lb garlic. Be jer. lb. .,.. ' - .
. " l-FLEd-ewrancy,'- Hood Hirer, $2.50; fancy
XV 11 la metto Valley and aoutbera Oregon, fi-09
feli.W. - -" . '-"wi i, ,. s V, ....
IHESH rKDITS Orange, new narel. $3.60
r 3 Meillterraneaa aereets, $2.25 2.60; tan
artnma, 1.25i . baaanaa, e per lb; lemons,
j j u.(i 0.20 per box; lltses, Mexican, $ljs per
j "0; pineapples. $4.O0S.O0 per Atm; grape fruit, '.
3. 1; atrswberrlea, California $2.25 per
crate f 15 boxes; Oregon $8.80 per erste
of 14 boxes; Cherries, $1.76ia2 00 per 10-lb bog.
? KOETABI.tS l"urnlp, new, ttOcfl lack:
carrots, . 7 5c & $1.00 per seek; beets, $1.75 ner
Mrk; psrsnijia, 1 .0r'(1.25; cabbage, $3: torn.
!.,.. Moxlrsn, $1.752.00; Florida, $4.50; per-'
h,;.m. (Nicciill; string beana.Ue lb; caullflow.
er, f l.DO Y doa;- peaa, 7&8c; barseradlsb, 8e
. ..r tb; artirbokes, uAt75o per doa: Bubbardi
..n Hi. tie per lb: erauberrlea, $10.004fit.o
1 r brTel; prout. ; per ib; asparagus.
rlial'rb, Sbte per lb! green colon,
d-e: Horid bell pepper. $S0 crate; apln-,
ii, il.iM) per beg; bead lettuce, 85c d": hot
1175 fer boa; cuctimbera, $l.uQ2.00
: rsuobe. 15e do bonchtwj eggplant, loe
..'," rBUITS Applee. ersporated. . fliQ
r in; .(irlcota. liji20c per ID; pearbee,
1 - c rr .arks. Vc per Ib lees: prunes, 1
i j j. ( ! ary ea sscb 1-10 email!
ca., uoia oar, owe, mceuiway, e, uenver
if. Adi., 10c, IVmnle Clare, 48c, Maya Con,
c Monty. Ohio Ext., 9c, O. Scepter, 16c,
mty. Mt., 17c, B. Diy, 16c, Uomestsk
Prices . Onrrent Totlay on the San
, . . Frstadseo Ezdiange.
') Saa mnclaee, May zL Official bid price:
Sandstorm, 4e, Bed Top. $3 60 A, Mohawk,
815.00A, Columbia Mt., 63c, Jumbo, $3.50A,
Jumbo Ext., $1.85,. Vernal, 20c, Pennsylvania,
8cA. Oold&eld M. Co, $1.85A. Kendall, ftOe,
Booth, 4te, Blue Bull, 82c, Adama, 18c, SOrer
Pick, 67c. May Queen, 17a, Nevada Boy, 8
B. B. Ext., 0c, Blu BeU, 17c. Ilxla, 7e, O.
Columbia, 45c, Blbemla, Sc. 8t. Ilree, $1.00,
Oononeror, 18c. Blk. Bock, 6c, Leo 8tarr 20c,
0. Wonder, 8c, Potlaeb, 40e, Oro, 2Sc, Kendall
Ext, 8e, Sndt. Ext, 4c, Maya, 8c Atlanta,
01c Great Bend. 72c Slmerono, 20cA. Empire,
12,. Bed-Top Ext., 28c, Florence, $5,12 1-2,
Msm'f B. B. Coa, 28c. Q. Daisy, 2Se, Lsgeaa,
$1.40A, Commonwealth, 28c Comb, fract.
$3.15, Or. Bend Ext., 16c, Or. Bend Anx., 12.
MUlstorm, dOcA, B. B. Bonanaa, 7c, Kewanos.
OOe, Esmeralda, 25eA, Portland, 18c, Cracker
Jack, 18e, rrancla Mohawk, 63c Red EUL 41c
Mohawk Ext., 14c, Lou Dillon, 10c, X. Tiger,
lOcA. Orandma, 12c. 8. Pick Ext., fc, T,
Hose ScA, Ool. Mt. Ext- 6c, Ooldfleld Con.,
fG.OO, DLm'f. Trlangla, 22e.
Ophbr, $1.15, Mexican, 47e, Oould ft Curry,
10c, Con. Viriginla, 6c Barage, 60rA. Ttlknr
jacaet, vzca, xteicner, aje, uonnaence, 9c
Sierra Nevada, 2&c .Exchequer, 86c, Union 88c
Original 10c. Bollf. M. C 17c Mont. Bhnf.
4e. Nat. Bnk. 24c L. Hania. tc Ametbrst,
8HeA, Oold Bar, 69c, Btelnway, 7e, Denver
. 1 .
Cons., 75c Tsnkee Girl, ec. Nugget, 7c, Tramp,
DJ., ve, victory juo, Dunaei, ic.
Ton. Nev., SI7.O0A, Mont. Ton., $S.2BA, Too
Ext.. $2.25. MacNamara. 2Sc, AHdway. $1.80,
Ton.; No. Star. 27c, Ohio Ton, 4c, West End
Cons., twe Keacne, vx, . J on. at uaiir., ' Be,
Ooldea' Anchor, 2Hc, Jim Butler,' 05c,. 1 Ton.
12c, Monarch Pitta. Ex., 18rA, Moot. Mid. Ext.,
oc, uoiaeu vrown, iuc, . x. -ion. von., iuca.
Manh. Con,- 60e, Manh. M. Co, 7e, G,
Wedge, 0c Seyler Uump, ec, Dexter, lac, U
joe, 2c Creacent, 7cA, Combination, 43c,
Granny, 18c, Mustang, 17c Little Oiey, 18c,
Cowboy, 8c, Orlg. Manb.r,.Jc, Broscbo, . P.
Plnrnut, 12c. Buffalo, OcA. S. Dog, 16c, X.
liorse, 4c, Indian uamp-, iica.
falrv. Eagle 57c,' Nevada Hills $4,90, Eagle'
Nest, 20c, Bnoy . wonoer, mca, nevaoa n.
Floreucd, $L0uA, Pittsburg BUrer fcak, $1.60.
, tnrrrEn states 6oteeitmet boitd$,
Kew Tork, May 21. OoveVnment bond:
' ., .-' . vT.;,.. Date. Bid. Asked.
Two, registered r IW. 104 - 104
do eduDoa iu.10 104 104V
Three, regKtered M IBIS 102 ,S 103-
do coupon 1118 102 ' 103
Three, small bonds 1U18 - 101 v.... .
rour. registered, aew ..... rial1, j.UTi
do coupon ............... Ji'zo iai4
Pour. rvgiBtered, old ...... 1WJ7 lolU lti2
do eourion ...1..... 1U07 101 U.. 102 -
Foar. PhlllDDlne .......... 1814 1(H4 , . . ..
Twos, Panama, registered... , 104 .105 1
00 coupon ........ t. ..... iih . jiia
Clearings today
o year ago .
' Gala today i
BalaRcea today
a yar ago
xaquina uay mepnooa gaioea zoo u ma ana 1 Vata ,1 .
IBM oa u . aaaea viu. Britian uoiumDia 1 wuii riuweouillMS nKaiilal DBT1
Amalgamated dropped back He on tbe akedl . . , J"
with no bid. Caacadla advaaoad $H: Mora?
log loot e.
In tbe Coeor d' Alena list Happy Day loat
,c. wnue me. rear ware Boenaogaa.
Official value:
Bank of California .. ...... .$845.00 4 $850.00
jsanaera Lumnerman'e ...... lue.uu
Merchants' National ......,.. t
Oregon Trust ft Uavtnga. ...... , :
Portland Trust Co, .......... ' '
United SUte National........ 200.00
American Biscuit Co. oa (8.60
City ft Soborbaa 4a
Home Telephone 5s............
0. R. ft N. Ky. 4a...... , M.50
0. W. P. ft By. 6 100.00
Pacific Coast Blscalt i 87,00
Portland By. 6s .............
AssocUted Oil $5 j
Home Telephone ' 88.50
Psciflc Tel ft Tel. Mt.......
Pugat Sound TL.
Lakerlew .......... ...i
Manbattaa Crown Point . ,
Potlcle Mining .19
Wasbougal Ext. .............. .25
Taqulna Bay Tel. S.BO
Oregoa City Mill ft Lumber ... .....
Alaska Petroleum ............ -,...
British Columbia AmaL ...... .....
Caacadla .22H
Mammoth .... .08 .
Standard Ooa. ................ .07
Taeoma Steal .OS
BuUioa m .10
Copper King ....... IB
Happy Day ...... ..J. '.04 j
. h tJoa. ........ ........ .v ,
Soowaho , .40
Soowstona S.83 -
ere Probable Unless Govern
ment Witnesses Appear.
traders took tha short side,"
Furniture ; Dealers Testify - Re
garding Non-Competitive
f System In Vogue. ,
lngly filed out of tha courtroom accom
panied by Bailiff Frank Hamilton to In
spect the machinery, which Miss Strang
claims was negligently operated on tha
part of the company. .'- '
This Is tha first triafvjury to try olvtt
eases In the federal court In more than
a yeaur and Is .composed of the following
men: Grant Leven, John Bennett, C A.
Dunagan, A, W, Kink, John M. Craw
ford. Myron Clark. E. J. Clark, J. J.
Churehley, M. 1 Carter, Zack Camera n. '
T. J. Mackln and Edward Bailey.
Oeorga Legelle escaped serving on tha
jury. . He was lata In attending court
and Judge Wolverton stated If he were
late again ft one would be assessed, t
United States Attorney William C,
Bristol believes from Information he
,' " v ...... 1
Jamas Barton Ward, naif brother of
(general Lew Wallace, aged 17 years.
and a pioneer of Oregon of 114$, ap-
19000 M" thn that government witnesses of tha most pernicious praotloes pUw, this the county au-
120.00 1 Jn ine cane or uoorgs w. severs, man- " A"7l. .- k- .1- .I-i thorltlaa for admission to tha poor
Barer or u nuns norr aumng oom. "" 4ui. i . - .. ,.-
nanv. have been tamn.r.d with. and Jury la known aa tha "assist bid," and rro ..y- ne m.
sou I - - I. .. .
100W unlees tha witnesses, residing In Ne- by the members ot tha com- living re union i u .
va.w i vsda who have been Summoned to ap-1 to aiu o nave uoon ex von-1 ror a long urn on av amau v v1
pear In Portland, arrive ha wUl proceed "-',"-' -: '"'- :". -""v-'" srty that he owns near Oregon City.
imm against Bevera and others for Impeding W P"" on which tba assist bid Deeding his property to me MCLOugnun
looooljustica. a cannea out, too purchaser goes to institute, tha old man aeciaea to appiy
S8.3SI When Bevers and his associates com-1 aer uimf ior a pnoe on a Diuiror aamisaion to na coumy wr u
mencedJ axplolting tha resources of their ot furniture whloh he Intends ta bur. Ward says that ha himself, wrote wis
first half of i "Ben Hur," tha famous
novel accredited to Law Wallace. He ,
has traveled extensively, according to '
tha story' he told at the county court
house,, and was at ona time secretary
of the American legation at $gypt' for
II " yeam He baa written . a novel,
"The Star of Bethlehem," whloh he saya
tha publlo did not reoelve kindly. He
baa another now In preas In the hands
of a New Tork Arm, which ha says will
be completed by tha middle of July.
Tha name of thla work Is The Jew
and tha Gentile."
! t - -...'. Yi'.. " . . ... Y.. v.
(Continued from fags Ona) ,
T8 mining property all did not look' wall 1 .T,w 4,-1,,r nakesa bid and then gets
42.60 I .v... e.... i ...i.4i . 1 Into communication with other mem-
40 00 tlon nad of the property, which thetrust and tells of tba b d,
I . . . I lllfiriHlAvf M Sar w fl a aaaViM aTaa.eJ aavaaa aVaa,aa eras. . aaa, aa la ah.
me company claimed was operating and : . " " ! .?
in the heart of the Ooldfleld district i "her 5,u o?'dlaaT.t the agreement
Action waa at nnna Mmmannarl aa-.lnat Bignea Dy memDera OZ xne ITUSt. '
Bevers and ha was arrested for using ln wat way au enanoea of oompetl- ft -efjaa-j,. lB Diy to thosa fUed
... . . . ... ... a - I VI tea . m mA iiaarMWavA - anil Olaav 1 -
tne mails to aerraua tne puDiio. He was . M. gehmlts In application ftt I
released on ball ln the aum of ti.800 hM B9 waJr securing a lower price 6y Mayor b cnmiw "n "
andathlsreilest hirprellna "a ,T tha first dealer ha change ta w
tn. . a.b. . visits, y f tor tha prosecution wsto mada by Dis-
Tn tha tntarvanlnar In waaVa Urn. I n mtua insa uie operauoa OZ tne triet Attorner lauiBauu. u. cibiu.
In company with A. W. Lambert, also Dl? .' D2' cma on H. Dunne, Francis J. Heney and Rudolph,!
of the mining company. Is said to have tn"1!',eljF. ,n th F5m northwest, as- BDrckrta ; Bpreckela denies that ha nasi
no;,! scrubs we
i .28
Y. -H
. .10
1 .05
,UU I neaaea.
gone to Ooldfleld to seoura his wit- " auppiymg oz treludlee or personal malice against
nesses. It Is said that whlla ln Oold- orU"usa furniture. . ZJIJ and Dunne
field they aaw tha government wit- JJJ thmSi" i' ehl a-MrtThat they onlyaiik to anforca tha
.10H nesses and Induced them Ao go ta Ton- JfjHJS? i."0. VITiIh .5 a! "wMlar not ruled by Bpreckela.
.14 opah to eap. being served s with bub- rTftS.: T " "sxa. viea-t- aadw . , ' f
POOflAaV '; " " - -: - i " I rwM"1 - a-a.ea- - ntkviuar Ulwl I ? - -v wew w -
Cole presented tha teetlmony of but two I The aeaertion Is agaln made that in-
was called by tlnlted States Commls- r wlta" lht" morning. One of them dlctraenta against the brtbe-glving offl
aJnA!., OUver, Poruand manager of clai. of the United Railroad, and the
. - 1 tha a-l O Ptnnn M Onltf S af itsHti aw aM.a saw I mm .. ana. J- as TTl akaaaVaaSak
Daylight Robbery on Twenty-
First Street Eight-Year .
Old Youth Takes Horse.
Mrs. Connell . of ttl Twenty-first
street has reported to tha polios that
last Saturday afternoon whlla she was
scrubbing th front porch a sneak thief
entered her borne and stole, $$.60 from
Y. A-..'; !Y - 1 I 1VUU. IUVIUIUI, I I I . , .
ajCUf VrtDltr RTftrir MABKFT government witnesses failed to put f ,r tr..:!r"V- ! Ba" L.r.!l1" a purse. An unknown negro was seen
,,fc" f " ' r A ' " 1? an appearance. - Mt. Bristol asked rjZ h .e k"'"- -I- I wla rln .i"'.1 , lolterlna
1 hearing be postponed until rirr.r,"" r;", "... k"." ?"? ln.? ?na.?I
Smelter Kino Folnts Lower at one Thursday morning which waa dona ai- .. . " C-r.e .k! dui wlu oe uireoiew ai" yr u-
. " - a . - . I ter a long debate between Mr. Bristol 5f!S??!0,j!. " -of.. ths gwI, k. BohmlU aa ona of the sharers
ivr' ' f ma.Wro'B fiHv. nation i:
Tork Hork. .red badly from HorUa-1 xar tne witnesses nave railed to r,: vf .71 .1 "l,".uLD'i" . IT.V-l""
Hob today, Smelter Common at on time abow. appear ana unless tney are hero i by fnftnatlnn Tf rthi wTTrfclnwa erf lmaa " many mee e"ur"
ta?i Ttoai ef pornta. It eloaed polntt ander Thursday It Is believed that proceed-Mrr them. It was sUted by Heney
last evening uiaz tna lnveaiiga-uon oi
erirte-eA-ZlPa!.!- .t0"1!- U1 begin against Bevers Lambert fL""??:
ft W3a oef.'Solaf cS: 0.. for O T"11' H U ilrS ihd gS. .t
itneaTiai. T"- Umperln. with tha witnessed . , ?' , Ma'd t"' brtbery.would be completed In.a short
Paclfle loat Marly 4 point.
Official (notation by Ovarbeek. Starr aV
Cook company!
.................$ 752.165. 4
Am. OoDDer Co. ....
Am. Cotton Oil, com....
Am. Loco., vomvs .....
Am, Hufsr, com .....
Am, .Woolen. com..w.J
Atcniaon, com. , . , . .
B. A O., com. . Y. . . .
Brooklya Rapid Transit
Uanadiaa rae., com.
ChL MIL A St. P. v
Colo. Fuel a Iron. com..
Erie. pom.
Loulsrllle A Kasbvlll..
Mlsaonrl Paelfle
New York Central ....
Pennsylvania Hallway .
P. G., It. At O. Co.......
Beadlna, com.
Rock island, com.
Bouthera Ps rifle, oom...
Union Paclfle, com..,..
V. S. Steel Co., com....
00 preferrpa . i......
Wabash,, preferred ....
I 81 I eiM 87U1
I SO 1 80 291
D 0 61)
, 122 122 121
I. ,'mi , I. nn 1 . , n .' I
ItfH li. 110 1
WAl 25
e 71 1 87
esii 65 Mi i
66 68 61 S
1T1 171 IWtVfc
128 .: U28 12SI
29 29 28vs
23U 22
112tf 1184 navi
72V4 72 72 I
iizti iim ii2
120 1204 120.
90 BOH 895,
1034 10 IOOtS
"71 JOtJ
804 81 78
188 ISO 182U :
84S 844 81
- . '.-, Y ,.,.Y;. . Y .
Former Actress Gives the Cpld
ShouldeLto.Womaa.Who Be
friended Her In the Past. '
time. It waa hinted that Indlotments
retail dealers, who are aald to bars felt
me weigui m inm irunt 10 vanoua aeaia. 1 ,w v. ai.x e.. , vt.nia. tha
Kennard'a testimony Is believed to have tirL'K'taA .
MoaattAatlw aiMnnlatail im In,
SeTJlfv 'orrioery.
the government materially in returning """:" rlh" "mirvi: aa-ain.t enamhaea r ehi ths planned brlbery of the admlnlstr-
trust .
tion by the Parksida Realty oompany
and the slot machine gran.
TJonrnal Special Serrtre.)
Washington, . May . SI. The
George Joseph, S. Rues, Eugene Rltt,
(7otjrnal (roeHal fcrvna.f
Plymouth. . England, May 11 The
rteamahlp Kaiser Wllhelm II, with Mr.
118 I and Mra Um Euls Corey on board,
90 I reached here yesterday, f Tha Coreys
101 4 1 maintained absolute privacy on tha voy
bulletin today Shows 20,J07,e00 'shoes Edward CavMaugh acI Janiss Johnson
were manufactured last year. Thla la were arrested yesterday afternoon by a
an inoreaaa or n per cent, tne report j equad of plain-clothes men on charges
saying tne increase is aue to aavyus. f vaarancr. It Is alleged by the police
lna '''' that the defendants have not engaged In
tinnaat lahie fnr threa weeks. All of
neiffnTS f roperty DOOmS. ' those arrested Vere released upon de
ToUl aale for day, 1,826,200 aharea.
' 'Open
Tann.rr ...I.112T
February .....1123
March ...... .1185
May .........1OS0
AufMt ..i.Ai.lOSS
Heptemoer ..... iw
October -......1111
Norember j ... . .
Dacember ....1116
1128 ; 110$
The faot thaf " S81 acres of PorUand posit of $100 cash ball, and the cases
J , age, not a passenger having seen them Heights property yesterday sold for will be heard ln the police court tomor
m2 during the whole time. Newspaper Snen M8,00? an aero has mada a decided lm- row tnornlng. " ' V
were barred from them when the Kaiser r"r . . . . ' . " . several or tne men arrestea were
mn(,.i . a neigntB. Acreage mat. naa Deon neia ai ntamnmla. anil thla ta nnlnterl
82HI 22H t approach them met, with a furious 'J-'00 ? A1,5i.?ifnc.r iSmeal" out e' In-P0- Bruin's sleuths as
, bang of the door. . - llV 'l;00! belngevidence of guilt, James John-
. rr,v t. u 'V"T,' T """" 1 son, coiorea, one 01 tnose wno xeu into
mu, una uuw i.h Uivu mo wwu-r th police dragnet, is Known as "Big
r rs i r , - Ey Jim" and was recently in xne po
V7 oa .. w ee.iuv, JJce Court,
ana ne sjbv una e.iiauc vl aa avrva
which he will sell for fl,60. ,
y .Since the $3,000 an acre price- was
established everybody appears to want
heights property. This piecs of Mr.
Zollars' ; Is beautifully located . and
cleared, with the exception of a few
trees that ought to remain on the place
on account .of their, beauty... 'i ,-.
rina MMri 1,1m aale at t,a
JITW YOBK OOTTOH UAXXTS. aiant wh-e- h- m .. J!:
. . . ';. .TVU7T' I m.t. .Ill .1,. akin H..kt Hl,uik...
en. ItlaB. 1 UuW. al .. . 20 I .u. ..uv a..r vuviwuiiig.
11851 Arriving at cneroourg tne eoupie Im
' 1061
. 10f
- - Uverpool Oottoa Elf her. " ,
T.leenxMl. May 21. Oottoa fatore eloaed
S to poioU ap.
:y"'j' ;"f--Y . . . 1 -'.."''v' N'
Winnebago City. Neb, May 21 The
bank ln this city waa blown .this morn
ing.. Tha robbers eaoapeg with X,000
la cash. .
mediately started for Yallerre, where
it is said they will pass , their honey
moon. , - -
During the voyage one1 lady who be
friended Miss Oilman years ago sent
a note to the Corey suite saying aha
was a fellow passenger and would like
to visit Mrs. Corey, N6 reply was returned.
r - Idaho Bankers at Boise. '
Boise, Idaho, - May Il-The ,f State
Bankers' association Is in session here
today - and will conclude its. meeting
tomorrow. 'About .75 members from
various parts of the state and bankers
from other states are present, y A., b.
Moss of Payette ia president and U A.
Coate of Boise secreta.ry.- Tho visitors
will bs entertained by local bankers and
their wives.
Beiryray Wedding.' ,
- Special Plspateh to Th Jonrnsl.)
Astoria. Or.. . May 21. Charles Q.
Gray, formerly of this city but now
one of the leading merchants of Pen
dleton, . was married . yesterday after
noon at the residence of the bride's
mother, 'to Miss Gertrude Berry. . Miss
Berry was born in. this city and is a
' - v (Journal Special Sevrlee.)
Mount Vernon, Mo., May 81. Mrs.
Ralph Orthwein today filed suit for
divorce ' f rem naipn urtn wein, ina bt
Louis millionaire.
- (Journal Special BereleO
Dublin, May 11. Tbe Irish National-
very pretty and accomplished young wo- 1st convention today . rejected Blrrell's
man. The young couple left last eve- home rule bill offered ty tne cabinet
alng for Pendleton, their future home, land adopted John Redmond's plan. -
leiterlna about tha house during tha day
and ho la believed to have committed
the crime. .-' ' -:v
Archie Bosse ; reported that a boy
about a years of age atole his horse
from East Washington and Union ave
nue. The lad. who la described as hav
ing light hair, untied tha animal and
led It up East Alder streets The de
tectives have not been able to sepa-a
a clue to ths present -whereabouxa of
tha horse or thief. -
Wing Hop, a Chinese laundryman at
SOS Couch street, complains of the loss
of his delivery wagon. Tha vehicle used
by the M6ngolian for serving hie cus
tomers ia a two-wheeled cart It Is tha
opinion ' of the . police' that some , mis
chlevlous boys are responsible for ths
crime. ;.;'yy-yyy ,.;, .;..,1.y. v-i.iYftY)
Comfilalht has been made to tha po
lice that a clever swindler Is again
paaslng worthless Bank of Georgia bills
on unsuspecting shopkeepers and lodging-house
proprietors In the city. Two
110 bills were passed last night by, two
men. but no clue has been obtained to
the. identity of jthe crooks.; . The mers
possession of the bogus currenoy does
not constitute a crime, and as long as.
there Is no pretense that the bills are1
legal tender a prosecution cannot be In-',
stituted under we federal statutes.
Bishop Bowman of Allentown, Penn
sylvania, will preach tonight 'At the :
First English Evangelical church. East
Sixth and East Market. streets, at 8
o'clock. - Bishop B&wmaa Is ln Portland
as moderator for the Oregon Evangeli.
cal conference which has Just closed its
twenty-fourth session In this city.
Struck , by Train.. -
Frank Eagan, a logger, was removed
to the Good Samaritan hospital last
night from , the union depot, for treat
ment for injuries reoelved by being
struck by a Northern Pactflo train at
QotUe. Eagan was asleep -on the track
when the passenger train approached
and was hurled Into the Columbia river,
Eagan. although considerable bruised.
Is not thought to bs seriously Injured.