THESORECOtt DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY . EVENING, MAY Zt, IZ17. DEVLIN'S DEFEAT MEANS TRIUMPH OF PRIMARY LAW flepubfican Candidate Machine Man and Political Character the t Direct Primary Seeks to Kill Devlin Opposed to Himself In His Own Book Lane Rejected Boss Support ' 't . , To Th Journal-i-JudsVw. U. Cak. - chairman of the Republican City cotn rnlttea. hu several times ' mad, th V atatement publicly that tha defeat o Devlin at the polls - on election "Jy , rnsane the complete failure of th direct primary law, and he asserts that It should thea be repealed, merely became the candidate of the dominant . party wae unsuccessful. .,.'"";'.'".''..'",'",. Mr. Cake U trant and wrong from very viewpoint. Devlin' defeat will mean - the triumph . of the principle represented by the primary law. It la srenerelly acknowledged by every , ene who has ever thought upon the sub- lecL axceot a few Interested politicians. that partisanship In munlolpal affaire Is a mistake. Kva Mr. Dviin state In hla book, ;' 1 . ; ": " Back of the party la always tha ma- , oblne," the boas: back of the . boas, tut big corporation who have apeclal fav . era to ask. leagued with tha saloons ' and the aluma . ,.'.V- .., , ." :'- ,-" Berlin acaobin Stan. ; '. 7 It does not make any difference what the nam of the dominant party Is; It mar b "Democrat" as In .New Tork City. It may be "Republican" as In Phil adelDhla. or it mar be "Union lbor" as In Ban JTranclsco. Tou always find the saloons, slum and "the system supply the corruption funds to "greas the machine. Tha prime object of tha direct primary law. the reason of it existence. Is the rescue of tha party organisation from tha machine, and the placing of It in the hands of tha people. It was to re- bake the methods - of tha politicians that Its passage was foroed by popular sontlmenC -, .- . v'v , ' Devlin's nomination was foroed, not by the dlreot primary law, but In spite of the dlreot primary law. Thar was no popular demand for Devlin. There Is not tod a. Be was nominated, not by a spontaneous burst of popular approval, but as tha result of a srs tbmatlo campaign, planned . two years ago by what 1 left of the old "ma chine, the machine that has kept Dev lin himself in office at the city hall for 1 continuous years, during which time his work has of course been eml- nentlv satisfactory to the bosses. - The sentiment for Devlin Is purely a manufactured sentiment, financed by interested parties. Saloon, slum and the -system" lined up for him and con ducted an organised campaign, begin nlng months before tha primaries. Other candidate for the Republican nomina tion simply went before th people witn out any organisation.,' , ' . Devlin's nomination was tnereror a trlumnh ; or machine method, and hla success wm mean ine creation m machine in aplt of the primary law nasseA ta kill machines. The same elements mat xorcea mm nomination of Devlin, two years ago forced th nomination of Williams, and the rank and file of : the Republican party thtsn rebuked th efforts of th vicious elements to control at th polls, a they -will again rebuke them -this year by defeating Devlin, v. .. t Had there been no primary law, xne machine would have forced the nomi nation of Devlin In the machine-con trolled convention, for all Portland con ventions hav been machine-controlled, and the result at the poll would hav been th same. ' , Triumph in Devlin's Defeat. ' Defeat looms large ahead of Devlin, simply because, being himself the prod- act of machine politics, be coma not break away from it, and took It Into the primaries with him and has earned it into his campaign with him. Defeat comes beeauk of popular resentment against th Jmasked rule of saloons ana corporations, Lan refused the assistance Of Uie machine element of his own party and was nominated by tha rank and file to rebuke attempted dictation by th ma china. Devlin sought the aid of the machine, was nominated by the machine and his defeat will be a rebuke by th people to attempted machine dictation. Ha. Mr. Cake, Devlin's aeieat aoes not mean the failure of the direct prim ary law. It la simply a triumph of tha principle of - th primary law and a warning to politicians that th rank and file of th Republican party will not stand for machine dictation any more than th rank and file of the Demo cratlo party wilt , READER. TII0.MD POUND BEARJAID 101'J Herbert Newell Rids the Range . ' of. an Incorrigible Old Sheep Thief. BRUIN KNOWN AND DREADED FOR YEARS Last Exploit Wanton ; Killing of Twenty-Tracked ' In Snow and Soft-Noac Bullet Doe the Best- Slayer Never Saw Dear Before. CREAM SELLERS LAUGH JUST . AS TEARS WERE BEING SHED . The action of a new creamery In east Portland yesterday In advanolng the price of cream in the face of threatened reduction by the old creamer ies la aald to hav saved tha farmers of Multnomah and Clackamas counties 11,000,000 for the current year. Th Interesting situation was due to the en trance of an aggressive competitor into local butter manufacturing. ., : The story' runs that the old cream ertes had for some time been consider ing the cutting of the price of cream purchased from farmers, and had de cided to put the reduction into effect th first of June. They had reckoned without the new; rival that was about to open for pdslnes in east Portland. A few days ago th new creamery is sued a' call to farmers for cream, and accompanying It made the announce ment that Instead . of reducing they were offering an Increase of the price paid tor cream. , . r Th action of th new concern knocked th arrangements of the old cream eries galley west, and there Is deep mut taring In butter-making circles at tne prospect of a war In butter price as well as the price of cream. . (Special Disss tea t The loareaU Lakevlew, Or., May II. For several years 1 those who grass sheep . In the vicinity of Pot Hoi creek. Lake county, have been annoyed and sometimes seri ously damaged by the depredations of a bear. Last season Henry Newell, who lives with bis family in Drews valley, lost one night 11 sheep that had been killed by the bear, whoa tracks were large and fresh In the earth, where it was moist and soft. 'i On the night of May 10 the bear cam down from the mountain, and passed through th ' Newell flock of sheep, knocking over 20. Th snow, which covered the country to a depth of about two inches, was his undoing. Herbert Newell, aged Si, took hla 25-16 rlfla and started on tha trail, plainly visible in the sort snow, in th early morning. at a run, ;,. . ;,'--'. Ons SofVsTos rixed BmU. He soon espied the bear crossing the creek, and without hesitation, although It looked, he said, "awful big." as he had never In his life seen a bear, ha opened Are at a distance of about 40 yards. -v .?-. ; . Th first shot missed, but th eoond entered th body back of the short ribs, and ranging forward, th soft-nos bul let tor a great hole and mad a larg cavity in the animal s cheat Herbert said tha bear road th most obstreper ous outcry when he was hit and tor up th ground about him in his death stragglea -;., ..-. The carcass weighed 1.000 pounda and covered with a. beautiful, glossy. black, long-furred coat, with which the; lad would not part at any price. I (CM L...r: The Kind Tou Have Always Bonght, and which has been 'in aso for ortvUO years, has borne the signature; of and has been made nnder his per Bona! supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-ood'are but Experiments that trifle with and endansrer the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. - Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OIL Pare t Corlc, Props and Soothing1 Syrups. , It is Pleasants It contains neither Opium; Morphine nor other Narcotic ? substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind : Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, enres Constipation and Flatulency. If assimilates the-Food regulates the -Stomach and Dowels giving healthy and natural sleep. - , The Children Panacea The Mother's Friend. ; 4 . I , l!N0ITIIEnrJ'; PACIFIC-RAILWAY in CCMUiriE CASTORIA AlAYAY Bears the Signature of H The Kind You Have Always BougM W Wi; j n U so For Over 4 30 YearV;;- i . - vws mmw eesiwaa. tt emeaav evassn aew veea air. . :-1 1 uxor GBTricBxrjra If yon suffer from rheumatism or pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment will Bring quick relief. It is a sure cure for sprains, rheumatism, contracted muscles and all pains and within th reach of all. race Z50, boo, ll.oo. U. K. Bmlth, Ten aha. Texas, writes: "I have used Ballard a Snow Liniment in my family for yeara and itave found It a fine rem edy for all pains and aches. 1 recom mend It for pains in th cheat" Sold by mi druggists. '- . 'r ih;i!:i.ii;i:l,-1lM.- Distributed by RASMUSSEN C&CO. 2d and Taylor aitaia Wit latitat a a CAI.3 DAILY 0 EASTERN Er.ZITC2Y ) ' , The. , 'NORTH COAST LIMITED A pataci ori wheels.' Every car in tha train it of the very sad' latest pattern that Jthe; moit experienced builders cn furnwh. - IT COSTS NO MORE.WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST? "" Every modern comfort furnished you while you . travel acrou the continent through the thriving vcities and villages, magnificent- and varied acenery, - ... . ., . ' t' ' ,. . Write for deaenptive-booklet . It will be mailed pottage paid. 'y.'V iilKl''"V:. STOPOVER : V' - ' 'v; v! Can b made at Livingston on any kind or clati of ticket . y'&M vs .f -'t f.v -f : TO VISIT: w: : ;: ,; .V - ; ;.v., - :: . ; " - , YELLOWSTONE PARK vr Park will be open from June 10 to September 15, inclusive. State where you are going and the very lowett pottible ratea wiU' be named"you; ;-vr -------:. ;.-;-; .: jr v-v- Call on or write'. . ' . ! 7" A: D. CHARLTON, A. O. P. A; n" ' ' Iv Corner Third and Morrison Streets, Portland.. Oregon. , . izzzzzzzzzzz: THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOUNDED 1864 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST Ca'pul paid up.' ....$ 4,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits. . . . . . . . 1093,034.19 PORTLAND BRANCH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDO. THIRD" AND STARK STS. INTEREST PAID On Savings Accounts. . . .". . .'. . . . .4-per cent, p.. On Term Certifiotes v . ' Subject to 30 days' notice. . . . j.3 per cent, p. a. For a year fixed. ............ .4. 4per cent, p. a. TAC0r.7A PYTHfAS TEMPLE 70 BE DEDICATED T0 Drills In Progress This Afternoon Fifteen Hundred Knights f In Convention Town. (Special . DUpttcB te The Joarnat) ' . Tacoma, Wash., May tl. Tacoma ba longs to the Knights of Pythias today. About 1,600 of them from all sections of th ktate are here attendlne the ses .sion'of the grand lodge, which began this morning. Preceding the opening at the lodge there was a parade . In which ; appeared uniformed 1 companies from Seattle, . Tacoma, . Spokane, , Bel llnghanv Elma, Aberdeen, Sedro-Woolley and Centralla. Mayor Wright ' mad the Knights an" address of welcome. " This afternoon there Is a competitive drill of the companies, and thla evening .k amo1 AnAratiriT ff the fflAW Pvth ' lan temple will take place, among the speakers being Governor Mead, H. D. Cooler, Judge William K. Snell, Judge rremont CampbeU and H. C. Koons. ' - Tomorrow .the Pythian Sisters will Following are th present grand lodge officers: H. D. Cooley, grand chancel lor, Everatt! Omo Strong, grand vice- cnancwior, iacons i -grand prelate, Seattle; s , B. O. Parke, grand keeper of ? records , and seals, Wall Walla; Ben Haverkamp, grand master of exchequer, Taooma; C V Pulin, grand master-ai-arms, North Ta- Vlma: H.iW. xnaicner. Bran a inner guard. Pullman: Eugene Foster, grand outer Kuard. Bedro-Woolley; M. O. Mar tlndale, Spokane; F.F. Handsehy, Bel- llngham, supreme repreeeniauvea. RUSI.irJG:ELECTRIC LINE ON TO MOSCOW i t .,1 - 4 , 'i .11' ';;':V-.'jy.. ''f'ii Apodal t)ipt() to The loorntH 1 ' Garfield, - Waah., May 21. The SpO' Van tr Inland Electrt Railroad com' pany is rushing the construction work on toward Moscow, Idaho, from this point at a. rapid rate, tsteei nas neen laid as far' as Palovse and the poles are up within three miles of that oity. Brick IS .-also being 1 brought by the tralnload ' to Palouse ; for constructing the tranefor station and the new $16,00) depot. Hundreds of men are busy and big wages are being paid. The electric cars will be running Into Oarneld In a few days and Into Palous Inside of SO day. - Moscow will be reached by the latter part of the summer. -v--' . ILi 3 3 fllSTER.REPDDMTES THE COMFORTABLE LIFE ; --ti" . . Y, '-. ',,,,,,.....-.5.- .. ,,. ;- - Rev. BarnhiseLof Tacoma Scores His Flock for Selfishness, -. ; and Resigns. - Tha Liver U . ; scl-cin heftlthy whll coffee 1 tha daDy drink. Doctors recommend POSTUM 'There's a Reason' . (Special D la pa tea to The JooraaL) - Tacoma, Waah., May Il.i Rev. AH. Bamhlsel, pastor of the First Presby terian church, the richest and most ex clusive congregation of th city, has resigned his position. Sifted to the bot tom, th reason h gives in a lengthy letter tendering his resignation. Is tha seiflsbness or the church membership and their lack of Interest in soul win ning. -While the church is free from debt and its finances In excellent con-dli-on, Rev. Barnhisel finds a notable lack of cooperation In his desire to do missionary; and charitable Work among me unsavea 01 tne city.v,., .-, ' "There are many getierous members of the congregation,'' he ' says in his resignation, "and many of the officer who have been eager champions of the policy of ; benevolent expansion, and who have generously offered to support such. work. But X have found on th part of some, who ar in a position to command, an indisposition to support or encourage anything beyond the . com-' for table maintenance of our own exist ence. It 1 for this reason that 1 hav determined to make room for some on who 4 can mor conscientiously adjust hlmlf to such policy." . , ( , Mr. Barnhisel says he has no plans for the immediate future, but at the same Urn Is not leaving the - Chris tian work. , FORCING A RIVErLTG L. . FILL ITS OWN BED " ' 9 , M,r; -j-, ; (Special Dispatch t Tbe JoaraaL) Tacoma, Wash., May Jl. On of the greatest undertakings on which Con tractors who ar building the Milwau kee road to Tacoma are engaged is the filling of a canyon ,460 feet deep and half a mile long. The eonyon A near North Bend.-just this side of the moun tains, on a branch of the Snoqualml river. A mammoth pumping plant la to be established near the canyon and the course of the Snoqualmle river is to be changed. After being - deflected 'from Its path th river will assist In the work of filling th canyon, so the engineers ar literally : harnessing nature in the fight to make through th mountains a modern railroad, the river sluicing the side of a mountain down Into a canyon. This Is considered a remarkable' feat of engineering and Is being watched close ly by engineers au over th country. NEWBERG PREPARES TO , ENTERTAIN ENCAMPMENT (Special Dispstck t Tne Journal.) Newberg, Or.; May II. Preparations are going steadily on for - the ' state encampment f th 0. A. R. -and W. R. C to be held her ; Juna. 26, 26 and 2T.I Th beautiful grove near town U being made ready with water and Ha-hta. Ample provision is being, mad for the entertainment of . guests. Governor Chamberlain and .x-Gov'ernor T. T.Geer will b speakers on different days; . la it nni 19 nflO 0000 nana 0 q Hi a 9ni ))' DID Ihls,:Iiim 'i'V,r V Vi ; af v , The entire 6urplus stock of Garson, Meyer & Co. of Rochesterand the entire unsold produc . . r r m r! o r e v tr i 1 ,i . . r i uons 010. a. dinger oc oons 01 vtcw xotk. ax less man cost 01 maKing. " ' , . R This, the premier clothing event of the season, assumes, greater proportions as it pro-R ".ecus wiui cavu Buvwccuuig uajr. xiic uilcicol wo&cs bcuiu as uic ixicti.ui Portland and 'adjacent territory become more familiar with the unusual character of these timely offers. The 'magnitude of our cash purchases early in the season, when the scope for selection was advantageous,' plays an exceedingly important part in these sharp .reductions -By -purchasing -now -you reap the benefit of our "unlimited" buying power a saving of about 33 1-3 to 50 per cent. . . w ' ? :' mm I ',11 fid I . " i2 f riiiSiiiffwi 1 - $14,$15:AND$18 VALUES Mark you, they are not broken lines or old styles, but the very best garments that can, be produced at ?14, $15 and $18. All the season's latest; novelties aswell as staple styles and patterns. Our splendid assortment of : grays, ' browns, - blues and blacks will surely interest you and our extraordi nary showing of Top Coats at this price will afford you ample opportunity for selection. Choice ' v . JIM m mi 69-71 THIRD STREET, BETWEEN OAKLAND PIINB . . . 11 w . u . j-jt5 "JJw,l BaOB A' 1 1 i i I'uIiHIH I I vWWWW 1 II I a; - -.WA ill rSL- $18j $19 AND $20 VALUES It would be a difficult undertaking indeed to try to., convey to you in words the unusual advantage of ; this offer from a point of style, quality, patterns and fabrics. To properly appreciate the extent to which these four cardinal points are embraced ' in 'these high grade' clothes you will have to see for your self, you will truly be surprised. Choice M