The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 21, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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Journal Circulation -
Drinks Results " Costs Only
One Cent a Word.
-. The Weather Fair tonight and
Wednesday; northwest winds.
VOL. VI. NO. 65.
. .) ' - Ywi:? v;J " ' 'lr: .
, . ,-; . rJMf:J... fl'l. - . . , '- .' .
'.yraaHS fbw is y
, iufet'jsJiay' Jowyxiipi V I -
Dunne's Decision Hiss-.ed-CIaimsSpreckels
Is "Trying to .Grab
Grgat Franchises .
Ban Pranclaco. Uiv 11. Judca Dunn
denied the motion (or a change of yenue
in the Bcnnuti case titer listening v
the reading of the affidarlta submitted
by the defense and lUt this morning.
When hie declelon was announced ser-
ml MmmI. Tha work of calllnr the
' trial lurore then began. - The small
holding the session was crowded with
, .nvtilnn Wlian tha mayor , aDDsared
; with hla attorneys the alelea were so
' crowded he had difficulty in malting ms
way to a aeat - - '
The defenae'a affldaylt in support of
." the motion f or a s change of yenua
charged that Judge Dunne Is biased and
,A under the Influence of the trtil It
nnnui nuitnlnh Pnrnckela of Beraecu
tlon of Schmlta for-the purpose of se
curing control or ino ooara ox upor-
ylaors or grab the Immense street rail
' way and water rights. They charge
that such control hae already been se
cured, and , maintamea xnai u; i
Bpreckela who is the practical ruler of
i" lr w a e
Judge Iunne's counter affldaylt jfls
Med bias. Bprecxeir arnaavu aeciaxea
he had no motlya to guaranteeing the
" $100,000 rnnd other than to secure the
conviction of, all the grafters, high and
: JOW, and that naa no paraonai Frnjv
dice : agalnat Sehmiti any more than
. ...Ina an -Athar Official aCCUSCd Of
robblna- the city. He asaerted he had
. no political ambitlona or hope, and ex-
s pected no rmanciai rtw.iu ui
i. -ture. . : : ; - ' ' ' :.'v:i.;.
Oominitteo. 'Withdraws.. ; :
' " The withdrawal of the committee of
' seven from which so much was expected
has caused. feMinar of deep regret and
leaves the' cltlaeas guessing what will
' ' bo ths next step. It Is certain that un
lass soma radical improvement In the
" eltuation takes Tc there must be radi
cal . action , of sdms sort 1 Rudolph
1gprckels ha distinctly lost ground
with tl -clUsens s a whole by his re-
' fusal, to Jorn. hands with the committee,
'There are soma reports that a deal by
-which; 'Schm.ts ! may .e given an lm
' munlty bath, may be fixed up, but this
. cannot be confirmed.
The dltrl;tattorneys office hat filed
Steamer Naomi Is De-
. . .
, ism ot Captain Saves
Many Passengers
. ' , . (Joomat Special Service.)
Grand Rapids, Mich., May !!. Sur-
rounded with flaming tongues of firs.
afloat to . mldlaks with no apparent
means of escape, to passengers and the
crew of the paaaenger steamer Naomi
fought tor their lives with the energy
born of desperation and were finally
rescued . from the Jaws of death this
morning after having. lost. four of their 1
number to the .conflagration and sev
eral more in the waters of the lake.
The name of J. M. Rhoada of Detroit
was added to the death Hat later, his
removal to a hospital resulting In his
aeaw at an early hour today.
' J. iaTSoV j captain.
Calm slumber was transformed into
desperate fear shortly after midnight
when the cry of "fire" i resounded
throughout the steamer. Pasaengers and
crew tumbled on deck half clad, to
find . themselves In , - the midst of
fiery furnace. Panio-strlcken . men and
women screamed and fainted, struggling
to get to the boats.. Captain Thomas
Traill's cool head and calm manage
ment saved nearly a hundred people
from a terrible fate. - ,
Tvr a "time the frightened passengers
were unmanageable. . x number lumped
over the side of the ship and were lost
in the , wave " fleeing that a, panic
could only be averted by the moat radi
cal methods, the ship's officers,-, drew
revolvers, and, : covering ' the - panic-
stricken crowd., threatened to shoot the
first one who mad a move which was
not according to orders.
Four deckhands who were fighting
the fir remained to their , dangerous
position too long ' and were knocked
Into the flames by a falling spar, being
burned 'to death before they could be
rescued by thel? shipmates.
Steamers to the Sescue. :
Seeing the flames, the steamers Kerr
ana Kansas hurried - to the rescue of
the burning ship and were able to save
the lives of ail but tho four deckhands
and those passengers who had jumped
Overboard in the first heat of excite
ment. The arrival of the rescuers was
none too soon, however, for Captain
Traill, who was the last to leave the
ship, had nearly all , of - his clothes
burned from his body, which Is a mass
(Continued on Page Two.)
Candidate for Mayor
Is a Perpetual Office
Holder Since First
Coming to Portland
Got Employment Soon After His
Arrival In City and Has fed
Out of Publlo Crib Since---
Has Been In Auditor's Office
Almost Continuously. ' ;
(Continued on Page Twelve.)
Rumored Prosecution Is In Pos-
' session of Letters Which
. Passed Between - Defendant
and Jack Simpkins1.
. r (Jonmt 8i$ecial HmttIc.)
Bolxe, May SI. The special ventre In
.the Haywood case was exhausted this
" morning and a recess taken until an
' other venire can be summoned. -
starting off with but nine out of the
- speolal venire. It was plain today before
the final adjournment that an enforced
" recess would b necessary in order that
, the sheriff, might summon-, anothe
panel of Bp men .for the Haywood Jury?'.
, Attorney Darrow ; this morning resumed-
his examination of John Wh It
lock. Whit lock is not wanted by the
defense, but Is making strenuous ef-
forts to qualify. The defense then, per
emptorily challenged John Fisher. Levi
Smith, a railroad employe, was pro
visionally accepted Ho succeed Fisher
, after five others were excused for bias.
,' ; Jiensatlonal Seralopments.
; wsua the contest oven jurors was
gouiK 'on, there'' were some sensational
" developments to the progress of the
.case elsewhere. Detectives employed by
the defense are declared to be searching
: for 'two persons from Denver who are
; reported to have-, sold to the prosecu-
tion's agents certain records abstscted
from the letter files of the federation
'.headquarters in Denverd'!;'-..
" ; According to" the story current Tiers
these " documents consist of letters
written by Jack Simpkins from Caid
Weil, before the - Steunenberg - murder.
It Is claimed tjiey show conclusively
that Simpkins and Haywood were on
terms, of unusual Intimacy and that
Slmpkina refers directly, to Orchard and
il work.. Haywood's replies to Simp
kins are .also declared to be In the lot
A - man connected with the defense
admits that the prosecution has certain
federation letters, but claim they are
merely routine communications.
-. . ; ' r", ' . "V'iJ:.. ;.
New Track Will Be Laid and Main Route Changed Between Ore
. gon City and Willsb'urg Will Become Part of Beaverton
- t Cutoff-y Built to Avoid Steep Grade and Curves Near Clack
amas River Proposed Route Crosses O. W. P. at Milwaukie
A change of the main line .of the
Southern Padflot railroad; fromOregon
City to Willsburg has been determined
upon by- tho management and ' engi
neers are setting grade stakes for ; the
new line. The change will necessitate
construction of new trackage from a
point a mile north of Oregon City to a
point between Willsburg and , Milwau
kie, where it will Join the proposed
Beaverton A Willsburg cutoff that is
to be- projected across the new Elk
Rock bridge. ' 1 , .
.The reason for the change is the ex
istence of a very steep grade and a
sharp curve on tho present main line
near me uiacKamas river. ; rt la pro
posed to abandon the present bridge
over the Clackamas and build a new
bridge about 600 feet further down h
river. The new, fine will cross that of
the : Oregon Water Power & Railway
company ac Miiwaukie. : .
Th-hange will leave ; the " stations
or Park Place, Clackamas and Paper
jvhu -.on , me ' main line. -' What will
be done with the old line Is not yet
known. Ch distance from Oregon City
to wuisDurg is about 12 miles and
1 miles of this route will be changed"
(Continued on Page Two.)
tfoaraal setelal flarvlea.l
New .'York, May 11. Sensational
charges are contained In the divorce
suit Mrs. Howard Gould has started
against her husband, one of her moat
astonishing allegations being that . be
cause of his personal habits he is an
'Improper person to live with. The com-
I plaint is highly sensational, ' charging
uouia witn consorting witn numerous
women. Mrs.. Gould's complaint against
her husband covers: everyone of the
four grounds on which It Is possible to
secure a separation. "... v ;.
Under the first charge that he is not
a proper person to live with, It is said
that some exceedingly distressing facta
will be presented in a bill of particu
lars or at the time of th trial, -
The second ehara-e is that h h.n.
doned her... Since last July. Mrs. Gould
has been living In the Hotel St Regis,
recognised for some ; t time as the eity
noma oi me uoutas, and her husband
has not once visited her.
Non-support Is the . third allegation.
In-September of last year Gould IS
charged to have discontinued providing
Mrs.; Gould with funds and .until, very
recently she la said not to' have re
ceived a cent-"'
. Under the fourth charge, that of cruel
and inhuman treatment, many specifica
tions are made. One , Is made . that
Gould at the time of their separation
sent notices to' all of the trades people
.(Continued ea Page Tw4
Cigar Dealers and Liquor Men
Line Up for Republican Candi
. date in Expectation of Having
Gambling Devices Restored.
Saloonmen and dgar dealers,- almost
man, ere . supporting Thomas C
Devlin for mayor in the belief that If
he Is elected the nlcliel-ln-the-slot ma
chines will ! once more be allowed to
rua .
"We Tiave no definite promise from
Devlin.' said the ' proprietor - of one
downtown cigar stand, "but we have rea
son to think he will be 'right' and that
with him as mayor the machines will
be running, once more. We all know
that so long as Lane Is in office there
is no chance of getting the machines
back."..- r';. - , -. . -
Few acts of Mayor Lane's administra.
tlon excited more general commendation
than his order that the nlckel-ln-the-
slot machines must go. This insidious
form of gambling was costing the peo
ple of Portland tens of thousands of
dollars annually. - Long and earnest war
had been waged against the machines by
the better classes of cltlaens, but with
out avail until the election of Mayor
Lane two years ago.
The expectation that Devlin wUL If
elected, allow the machines to run. is
said to be based on representations made
by his lieutenant Ferdinand E. Reed,
who has been-conducting Devlin's (cam
paign both before and since the pri
.i;';i'if 'i'. -sssljeMSSSBefsti t .- " ;
Washington, May Jl. To secure fair
play from the railroads In s competition
with the Standard Oil company the Na
tional Petroleum association today pro
duced ' witnesses and exhibits at the
public hearing of -the. interstate com.
mere? commission to .prove that they
are the victim of unjust rates . and
other forma of discrimination. .
Wealthy Coos Bay Timberman Brings Suit to Quiet Title in
Clackamas Which Bertha Lurch, Who Claims to Be His
' Wife, Prevents Sale of Asserts That Woman-Was Married
to a. Dummy Who Impersonated Him at Vancouver. . :
(Special Di,pti?h to The Joarnil.) '
Oregon City. May 1. The strange
case of Edward Bam Gordon, the
wealthy timberman of Cooa county, who
was lured by the wiles of a woman and
has had endless trouble in extricating
himself, and Bertha Etta Lurch, his Ne
mesis, has been revived by the filing of
suit in this county to quiet title to
his property here.. ',: , ,
The woman claims ttt be his wife and
has succeeded in preventing him' from
disposing of his , property Interests in
various parts of the state, he claims.
The case-will be remembered as the one
in which the woman was - accused Of
having procured a "dummy" represent-
"V , r "' ''" '
lng Gordon and marrying him at Van
couver, Washington. , t.
The woman later created quite a sen
satton In Portland by being arrested at
the Portland hotel on the charge of
counterfeiting. In her apartments at
the hotel a coining Outfit was found.
She was confined in the women's ward
at the city Jail for several weeks and
then removed to 8an Francisco, where
she was wanted by the authorities on
the charge of forgery. , She and Gordon
were, accused of having defrauded a
physician of that eity of a considerable
sum. - -,;
Thomas C Devlin. Rettubllcnn -n,ll-
date for mayor, has been In the am.
ploy of the city practically since his
arrival to Portland 17 years ago, with
the slight Interval of some five months
spent in San Francisco in 18)1. Some
six or seven years of the -time were
passed as a clerk in the city auditor's
office, then he was promoted to the
position of a deputy, and from that
place secured the nomination and was
elected city auditor, which position he
has since held continuously.
' According to dates furnished by Mr.
Devlin himself, he came to Portland In
September, 1890. He did his first work
for the eity In February, 18I, when he
was appointed to do some exporting
work on the ' city books. - He finished
this task a . short time before
the consolidation of Portland with East
Portland and Alblna in the special elec
tion held In the summer of 1891. :
At the time , of the consolidation Mr.
Devlin went ta San Francisco, but was
recalled by the new set of officers In
the city auditor's department and re
turned to Portland in October. 1891,
when he was given a position as Jerk
In the office. He held this position un
til either 1817 or IMS; having charge
of the street and sewer departments of
the auditor's office. At this time he was
promoted to the title of deputy auditor
though' continuing the same duties In
the office. : He held this position until
1900 when he received the Republican
nomination for , auditor and Was
elected. -.V -v
In 1901 Mr. Devlin was reelected to
the auditorship with no opposition and
in 190S was again reelected after a
three years' term caused by the' change
In the Portland charter. He is now
trying for the mayorship after having
been on the municipal payroll continu
ously, to all practical purposes, for 1
years or more.
: 0
Sellwood Voters Expect to Dupli
cate Armory Meeting With an
Enthusiastio Rally - Judge
Pipes Will Speak, :
(Continued on Page Two.)
' (Joaraal i Special Rervlee.1
Raleigh, . N. d. May 31 Dr. David
Roland, a leading physician here, and
his wife, who were arrested yesterday,
are charged with two crimes. It is al
leged -they killed Mrs. Rolands first
husband, B. C. Strange. Dr. Roland is
also charged with poisoning his 18-year-old
son. - l niiolt love and . Insurance
money are given', as motives for the
murder of ' Strange. Insurance money
figures In the alleged poisoning of the
Roland boy. . . ': :.
Three weeks ago Strange aied sudden
ly at his home here. Dr. Roland betng
tho attending physician. Strange' life
waa Insured for 118,009. There has been
talk of Roland and Mrs. Strange, who
Is a handsome , woman, and when the
couple : married two ' weeks after
Strange's death detectives were put to
: Four days ago Dr. Roland's son died
at the home of relatives after a visit
from his father. It Is said Roland gave
his on an orange on leaving him, and
that the boy was taken Violently ill
after eating it and died with symptoms
of poisoning, r It develops that Dr. Ro
land had insured.- the boy's life for
$4,000. He had arranged to collect the
money when arrested. -
The bodies of Strange and Roland's
son will be exhumeA aad exam load Xor
traoea ax solaos - . . ..
Sellwood voters will be given an op
portunity to attend a Lane meeting to
night when ' a rally will be held.
under the auspices of Dr. Lane's friends
in that district of the city. Judge M.
L. Pipes and Mayor Lane will be the
speakers of the evening and in addi
tion a program of musia has been ar
ranged , by the ' committee. ' It Is ex
pected that the meeting will be a repeti
tion of the successful meeting held at
the Armory Friday last
Political meetings are the order of
the day now and will continue until
Just prior to- the election day, June
Both the Lane and Devlin head
quarters are busy outlining plans for '
publio gatherings and the spellbinder's'
voice will be the chief, attraction front
now on. .
:. Independents Arrange Meetings,
i An Independent movement has sprung
up to South : Portland, and ' a meeting
has been arranged to Jones hall. Front
and Gibbs streets, for Wednesday night.
May 11. i The gathering will be non
partisan and Dr. Lane will be the prin
cipal speaker.' In addition to the mayor,
however, other prominent men. to the
city will be on the platform and will
perhaps make short addresses. ; A spe
cial program Of ' muslo has been ar- ,
ranged, , the feature of which will be
several .vocal selections by Miss Eliza
beth Harwas. :- (
The South Portland Republican rluh
will hold a rally at Artisans' halL Front
and Glbbs streets, on Wednesday, May
IS. -At this Mr. Devim and the re
mainder of the Republican candidates present and make addresxos.
Muslo haa been provided for the meet,
lng. ,i
A Lane meeting will also be held In
Alblna in the near future, though t!.-
date of the meeting haa not as yet n
f Other meetings planned hv the I: -
publican headquarters arer First war 1,
May 14; tenth ward. MayS, and av i
the following night A meeting l ,
planned for the east side on ll xy Si.
lofata Diseussloa Expects 1.
Charter amendments will h" r
pretty thoroughly durlnsr t!
two weeks. Already sev!ru
for thia purpose have t
Tonight the Unlvrrni? jr
.Continual oa ltt