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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 0, 1807. OKI STEMS 1 TO COAST . .; Dodge A Co Will Bring a Fine Steel Lumber Drogher V -. i .. to This Port. 5 I JACK PETERSON TALKS- ' ' OF PASSENGER LINER V Would Compete Tfith Trains Be r v, tweea Metropoll of Oregon sad - Ban Fraadcoo Could - Bo Done '' Easily With TwentjrKnot Boat. ''" pMn Jamlwoa, formerly master of the steam schooner Northlana, 'which arrived .here this morning from Ban : rranctsco. has gone to Wilmington. Del . f aware, to bring out a large ateel aUamar built for tha lumbar trade on tha Pacific - - ; oast. It la understood - that H. . -Dodge A Cou. ; for which concern tha . new -easel la being- constructed. will :plac bar In eommlaalon; between Port , land and California- porta, it ta aieo . i announced this morning that J. H. Pa ttarson. of Oaorga W. Elder fame,1 is planning to bring1 a 10-knot paaaenger 'Ueeraer from tha Atlantio eoaat to ply Taafren thla port and San Francisco in Lot eomnatltlon .with tha railroad. I While Mr. Peterson's schema ! aUU ' .Very young It la aald that a faat Una of paaaenger a teaman ipa between tna ure goa and California porta .would aeoura liberal patronage from tha Terr start, and-ptoe a paying venture. . It la estl- mated that a Jo-knot boat oould easily .heat the railroad time and furnish greater comfort to tha traveler. 2 The . rail ride to San Francisco oyer the 11 mountains la eonaldared moat tadloua 1 and It la believed that by reason of that - ', faat alone t raffle would readily divert ' to water were there finely, equipped ana 'speedy boats on tha run. ' Tha success- V ful operation , of one boat" would soon mean the addition of mora erart. . vv Even under existing conditions pas 'senger traffic by water is heavy and soma steamers have been forced to turn away business. .The Harrlman liner Coata Blca arrived yesterday morning wlth SB paaaangers from Ban Francisco direct and aha oould not have carried an - other. . The steam schooner . Northland ' 1 arrived thla morning from Ban Fran Cisco with SI passengers, all her aecom fmodatlons would permit, and yet she-is ' ot being operated regularly, but took .only - what paaaangers could be picked ' op readily after It had been decided to 'send her to thla port for a return cargo . of lumber. " v ' .; -'.. -h Mr. Peterson disposed of hie Interest ja tha steamer Elder to the North Pa vdflo Steamship company soma months ago but became ao faaoinatad with the buatneaa that ha baa about eoncluded ; to esUbltsh what will eventually be tha fastest line of passenger steamers on jthe eoaat And those who understand the conditions here declare the ventre would prove a winner. Tha lumber drogher being brought oil t " ; from Wilmington, by Dodge Co. will .be here this summer. She will have a capacity' for' 1,00,009 feet an will be the largest vessel of her clans on tne eoaat. She la being especially eont- tructed for the lumber trade with large hatches and spacious decks. : RIVERS STILL RISINQ Warm Weather, Continues to, Melt . Snow In Mountains.', The Willamette is still rising slowly aa a result of backwater from the Co lumbia, and District Forecaster Beaia predicts that tha gauge -a tajbor wlU show the water t tha, 11 feet mark ., Wednesday. : After . that It will depend a great deal; upon tha, weather If .the river wHl rise much hignar. Mr. Beaia aays ha Is not looking for a flood. but at tha same time doea not propoaa to say what might happen beyond weak in ad vanaa. . t 1 ':,. :-.,"' -- Tha waathar : continues ' rather WaXR) In tha eaatarn part of Washington and Oregon, and the headwaters of tha Co lumbia and the Snake are still being fed liberally by the melting snows In tna mountains, now rivers snow ail aiOna- tha line, although it Is not at an alarming rate, ' tha biggest rise being at Wena tehee, where tne water crawled up a little mora than a root during the past S houre.' Tha rtvar has IS feet to go yet perore 11 raraH the flood stage at Tha PUiee, ana 11 will have to rise about 11 feet mora hers before reaching the level of lower Front street... - 4' - 1 Opinions as to tha probaDio neignt 01 the, water thU year differ widely and many beta have been made n the stage of the highest water during what la nauallr termed tha June freshet, soma believing that Front atreet wiu do in undated. ', A rlaa-of another foot will bring the lower Ash-jitreet and Alns- wortK docks under waiter. , ,y TOW LOGS IN SARGES; Paper MOla WlU Ukelv Introduce ,'! ;-:; : S . Bvatom, . ' Tha WHlametta Puis aV Paner com pany ia planning to build a couple of large bargee to be need for naming logs from the lower river to tha mills at Willamette falls. By their nsa. It la believed, a great deal of expense can be saved. At preaent logs are towea in rafts to the fails and then brought throuvh tha locks In small bunches, a method both tealoue and' expenalve. Is ease tha, barges are built, a powerful towboat will also be built to haul tha bargee. '' River men say that eventually Ug rafts will be a thing of the past here since It has been proven that logs can be handled much oheaper on prop erly constructed barges. ' , A towboat can tow twice aa many logs on barges aa whan they , have to be dragged through the water In rafts, and there is less danger of accident Derricks would be used for placing the logs on tna bargea, ; . ,. , 1 :.:f.'V NOT AFRAID OF SEA ' Governor Ouunberialn Proves Him- elf Brara) Tar.': ':C.ri' Oovarnor ' Chamberlain proved him self a brave sailor last Saturday , when at Coos Bay, although it availed him little, for instead ' of reaching Rogue river as ha Intended.' be returned v to Portland laat night without having had tha opportunity to inspect the salpton baton erjr located on that stream, ; The governor returned on the' steamer Al liance to Astoria and after spefjaMig' ; 1 the day m the city by the sea, came up on laat night's train. - Captln Olson of the Alliance vouches for the story that Governor Chamber lain would have made a fearlesa Bailor. jtteoemng .roFuana last nignt tne popu' lar aklpper stated that the . governor would have reached Rogue river all right or gone to the bottom of the aea had tha tug boat captain been as daring aa tna onief executive.-. t "Saturday morning," fetid Captain Olson, - Oorernor Chamberlain boarded tha tug Columbia at Coos Bay and started out for Wetterburg but the sea became so rough that the tug captain aeciaea to return. He knew the dan ger of venturing out but still the gov ernor was willing , to try. ; The tug caugtit us at Empire City and the gov ernor came on board and Joined the 1 paaaangers for Portland, . as it would have taken him probably a week or more to get to the Rogue." . . , The ; Alliance encountered rough weather all the way up the coast but running nerore - tbe 1 wind she , made good time and reached Astoria 1 at ' 7 yesterday morning... She berthed at Couch street dock a doaen hours later and - will sail ; Wednesday night for Cooa Henceforth Wednesday will be her sailing date from thla and of tha 11 f . MARINE INTELLIGENCE ; ' Slanlar lisart Bee r Airlwa. ( Ov mtmrmw, ruui nmm nuiv.av wa,,.UJ SI r. A. Kllbnrn. tram Hmm FV.11. ana war.M.v Columbia, from Baa Tineuwe.,,M,M,Mar 3S Nomaatla, from erlant. ................. My SS AUlanoa. from Ooea Bar Mi SS w. n. niaar, rroai naa rears aaa Wsy..My fi Ooata Uea, from Baa fraudac... Uay S8 Arabia, .from orlant... . Jim. ua Alaala, from orlant. .... ....... ...,.,....Jniy 16 NMomeaJa, from Orient. ...... ...,.Aafust 10 i " Basiilai' XJaan ta Deoara. Coats Slca, for Baa rraacl-a. .May tl AUlaaee, for Oooa Bay May S3 P. A. Kilbora, for Baa Iran, and war.. May it Boaaoka. for Baa Ptdrs and wav.. ...... liar sa VtuanDia. war aaa iTaneuea Nam Arabia, for ar'ant... a........ ...Juna 18 Alaala. for or loot... Jul 9T Kloomadla, for Orlaat.., ...Mi.....Aagaat 40 'TsssaUUa Port. 1. Ma-baffar, Aa. str. at WUla-aatte I. Waa. Bayonna, . ah--at Astoria doak. . Dlmadala,. Br. bk, at Aatorl. , '.: Wlcbalat, It. bk tt Astoria. f - , Yola, Br. h., at Slevator 4oek. ' Jordanbill. Br. bk, at B. A W. BriDe. V Rcllpaa, Am. str., -at Bt. Belans. , . Telloa. Oar. bk, at Columbia Na, L , Tottenham, Br. Str.. at Inmaa-PoBlaaA i-oiana, .n, aca at umu. t :,,. Btratbrlrda.-Br. atr., at IJnatoa. , ' Columbia, Am. eeh at Stella. - 4 -Waahlocton, Am. baraw. at aUswa-th, 114 miles above VaaaouTor. . 1 ., ; . , SlDtram, Am. ah., at Stella. - -Redosdo, Am. str.. tt I a W. mflla. ..' .'i ' Wbaos Be, Ohlnaae Junk, at Aatorla.-. , . Jobs Palmar, Am. bkta., at Kalama. - Expanakm. Am. seh., at Portia o4 Lambat Ca Alvaaa, Am, acb, at Ooble. .- vf"; - James Rolpa, Am. aea., at Wastpart. 1 " Emily Ba-4, In. atr.. at Portia a4 Lar. Caw arte. am. ea, at Vancouver. ....--,.. William Oltaa. Am. sch., at Aatorla. r ': J - k - II . kkhl XT mmm. aiB-.' '. i f mum mm Diamond Bead, ia, bk;, Taaaoaver. . 1 . Latitia, in. sea., at jtainier. -. Lonlalana, Am. str., st Aatwrla. , . aloriel. am. ear., at nawpori. uuuuiii, nt van iriKwa ........ .atar ao V. Elder, for Baa Pedro aaa tray.. ..Mar 80 imantla, for orlaat... ..June TT otn esa .than j the genuine value wand fine quality of the Chancellor could have kept it the IV Torite brand of, so many thousands of smokers year after, CHANCELLOR " , Cigar ' , $ "Oldest and Best" has recently become a "Triangle AH. brand which is but -: further assurance of Pffrl :r'improyed t uality t and better value :f:iX ' than ever. ' Ulae -Cv v In e r e r a 1 - iizes.T':: , ' aoldat S-foSCn- 2-ior'Z5c ana iyc 'V f a K ';!american';S cigar; C03IPANT ; r lUAnaiaaiim . . MsMAMera Vb-rtola, Am. aea., Baa rnaelaaa,, uu, am. I CharebiU eaa.. Baa yraaelaee. ': Jobs Smith,. Am. bkta.. StaOa. Emily Heed. Am.. ah- at Portland Uuabar Oe. Btratnyre. Br. atr.. at Rainier, , i Coata Rica, Am. str., at Aim worth wbarf, : Alllanet, Am. atr .at Ooacb atnet. .. Northland, Am. str., at Ooacfc atreet. - Bark, Nor, atr., at Oeeanle aoek. : i , ' Iran, Am. ack at Astoria. i t Xombar Oarrien Sa Bi-Ai. . ' B. T, Wbita-y, Am. -bk- Makawatt. . Elwtll. Am. eh.. Baa Padra. . : Ltllehonne. Am. sch., Manila. Loclate, Am. ah. Baa Craacleea. Mabel Oala, Am. ah.r Baa Francisco. Uetrtarer,. Am. bkta Ban franclsea. Aarora, Am. bkta., San Franelaco. Santa Ana,' Am. atr., Baa rraaciaee. t W. B. llama, Am. ., 8ao Pedro. J. B.'Btetaoa, Am. atr., Ban Tranetaee. Dalar rreeman, Am.- str.. Baa Franelaea. Jobaa rouUea. . Am. str.. Baa yranelaea, " , Klcf Cyras, Am. s-b Baa Padre. Abble. am. soa aaa rranrisca. : Jim Bat lar. Am. str Baa rranelaaa. - B. P. Bandera, Am. eeh.. Baa Padre. ; Cbaiialla, Am. bkta., Baa Pedro. ' OlandaK-Am. sen.. Baa Franalsse. ' Mekomia, Aaa. sch. Baa Padre. ': Za Boats With Oemeat aad Baaatal. Baeeleoch, Br.- ah.,- Hambwg.-, Brena, Pr. bk., HoIL Oonway Castle, Br. bk, Antwerp. Dalsooar. Br. ah, Bambarg. ' ' Europe. W. bk., Ant-Tetp." :; Oorrtaro Mottnoe, fr. bk., tendon. Rene Kerrtier, It, shM Hamburg. Laennea,. ft ah., Bwenaea. - ; I Pllier, IT. bk., London. J Martha Bona, rr. bk Uambnrg. ' Moaambhiua, Br. ah., NewesaUe. S. ' fiamoa, Br. bk., Shlalds. ' - ' Blam, Ger. eb Loodoa. . - , . Boeoa, Pr. ah., Newcaatle, . 1 ; . ' Vlncaana. rr. bk.. Glaaaow. ' Marecbaal Turrene, Vt. bk., 'Bamberg, ' oa, aati twarp. . A- New Bajy. I 1 " i H m.L - 11. -A n iew: Baby ! What maglo, what mystery, what charm these words havo Wr-ferns, Yet - how iiiaiiiltelT, more they mean to the mother. .A new life; ; short, sure, bnt full of possibilities. Some; one t must be patient, hopeftd, - ; has heard her baby's first cry, and whether it be her first oritenth," the feeling v is the same." Her- feeble arms are " put-stretched j sihose : armsthat . will never ; desert it as long as the mother BhaU live. And that hand which supports the . 'head of the new-born babe, the motheVs hand, supports the civjQizaljon of the world. Is it "any wonder, we ask you, mothers, tiat with all these responsibilities v resting upon your all too weak shoulders, we urge, upon you the-necessity : of i; selecting the babe's medicine with .utmost care ; the necessity of protecting your ; babe from worthless, iinknown aiid narcotio drugs as you would protect itjrom Iheflre? ' . -" A' .JMjf table Prepirttioafor As almtlatlrtg ttie rood and Rcula ting the Stomachs bd Dowels of III m iWu, 'I Pnaiotet DlgMaonXbecTful ftessandfontalnsndtta-r 0m.Morpbke nor WatraL Not KAnc otic. ' aV. faaur ' ' , JSiATiaV-. WMM J rtnVi SnttrSloinaciLDlariTOCe WarosjCormusioMJevensn tacss andLosSOrSLtgR . r.lteSMaVSiabspsof NTW -YOnK. jjuer oobv or waArwn. crtJ '4 5! y -XT , r 1 t LJ Xmrnf , i, - mrnJ mmJ W 'i'b The Kind Tea nftT'Alwyii Bought, and Which has been v r. '' ta Use for oter 80 years, has home the signature of .and has been made under his per sonal superrlslon Since Its lniancyv UcUit JUlowho one to deceire you in this.!. All counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-sroOd' are hut experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiments What Is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute! for Castor Oil- Pare- . gorlc. Drops and Soothing Syrups, : It If Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio " substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererlshness. r It euros -Diarrhoea and Wind Colic' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatnlenoy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giring healthy aad natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe mother's Friend. . ccriuiriE-CASTO R I A auvayo Bears the Signature of The Kind You HaYe Always Bought In Uoo For Over 30 taars. '" -raaajaa)eBiswaaaaaaa-,a-w ; Vllle ee llnlnooaa. .rr. , OnatbarT. rr. bk- Aatwarp. Plorrl Lotl. rr. bk., Aatwerp. ' , , Welden Abberv Br. ab.. Intirerp. ' Oianeaatln, Br. ah, antwerp. y Veraalllea. Fr.- bk.l Ulth. ' I 4 Oeneral 4 BolsAeffre, fr. bk.. Leaeonv . ; Oaaaral d Mecrler. Fr. bk., toaoom. Caal Shlae la Beats.' .', . V. rrla.'lTMsi Naweaatle. A. k Col. da Tluebols Marenll, rr. bk., Nc-reasthhA. , Clarerson. Br. ab, Nawcaatla, A. , WUlacott, Am. bk, JiaweaaUa' A. v ---'Tramp Steamers Xa apate, ... , Ascot,. Br., etr, Baeaos Arraa, v . ,. v " Hradford, Br, atr. Baa Franciaoa.. . i '-;, ' Draaaa Mara,. Jap. atr., Japan.. - v Afrlcaa Uonarch. Br.' str.. Baa tVaadsoW ' . Btratbre,: Br. atr Baa rranctsoa, ', '-' ' . Tallua, Nor. str Baa rranclaeo. . , Maori Kins;, Br. atr., BbangbaL Knlvbt Templar, Br. strv erwnL ' ' ' .. Benrlk Ibaea. Nor atr.. Baa rranelsee, Qoeen Alaxandra, Br. etr., Madras. . Kallbla. Br. atr., Baa rranclaeo. - " - Wanaha Mara, Jap. str, Salinas Croa, . Hadaa, Am. atr., orient. . i , Macklna, Am. , str., Beattla. " .Baa Mateo, Am. .str.. Baa rraaetaeo.. ".--.,'' . OH CaArters Xa aeate. . . Maverick, Asa, str.. Baa rraacleee. W. a rortar. Aaw au. TdDDD 1 COOT With hundreds of new and even better bargains added, for this tin - . loading of makers surplus stocks is of the , . GREVTCST OiPMClilllW Come tomorrow if you were not here today New lots being; unpacked almost every hour, many of them bargains so great that they are ' snapped up by the .' crowds almost as soon as they reach the counters. V Doors open at 8 tomorrow.;hanfjy PORTLMDS IIE17 DEPMIQ1T STORE V'K I Pirtnrl-I I Orders ijTi1VP3T?il R.!,iew tmLt I Wxiiff - aiaUS I 10c& l5c ''''-"" ' SrajTIBr Si 0f at AN YAMKI1L FBOM 2MB TO 3 -aammma-am-aamtm Wmm. I (Th Sic I n I Ac'l TjjQ,c lr KmJ U zrmmVrt dl ?t VJi ta lb" 3M For best 7c and 8c Figured Calico, all full bolts. ; c Ea For Women's $2 plaid Mercerized Petticoats. For Women's Ox fords and Pumps, worth to $2.60. For Women's 60c Allover Lace and fancy White Hose For large loll stse $1 JK fancy Couch Covers. . , MiU Ends 50c and 75c All Wool Dress Goods 21c Yd. 50-inch Frenclv Batiste, colors ' 9-4 Unbleached Pepperell 7?V only, worth 90c yard. . .... . , , .UyC Aurora Sheeting, worth 30c. . . IdblK 85c wide 27-inch PoUca Dot and (JTn 5,000 yards 10c and 12c VaL Edg- Cr fancy Silks, yard. ... Uv ing and Insertions, yard. ....... ..UW 25c White Dotted ' Swiss, fuU (n Women's 50c and 75c Sample Qr 27 inches wide, yard. 113 W Silk Belts, all colors, choice. .. . .1 7 Mm ends finest 50c and 60c ' 5 12c and 15c yard wide figured Dlr bleached Satin Damask, yard. . .0 1 V Percales, light colors, yard. , . . . .03 V And in addition hundreds of other stirring bargains, bargains so great that one of the great-, est crowds that ever packed the store is here at the time of writing and making it almost im posslble for the department men to get near the counters to secure new items for tomorrow sale. But come see for yourself. At S tomorrow morning the excitement begins agaln---ome. ALONG THE' WATERFRONT Tha steam schooner Northland will to aa tha tfrrdock . for onlnor repairs thla time. - She arrlrad here this morn ing from San Franeisoo In oommanl of Captain Sofe&son, former- of tha South Bar. -' "':",- The Hawaiian liner Costa Rica, Cap tain Mason, arrived hare early yesterday mornlnf bring-lns; 8t paasenrera. Among them were' Jack McCarty and Joe Rock, two prominent Baa Franeisoo haber- daahera who are here, for the purpose of looking into tha prospects of atart lna a branch here. Mr. Rook la also prominent la San Francisco athletlo olr-, clea. and both are members of the Olymplo olub. , Captain J.- P. Werllch, lighthouse In spector, started for Alaska yesterday afternoon on the lighthouse tender Ar merla to Inspect the various stations as far north as Ketchikan and to deliver supplies. The tender carries 600 tons of supplies, every pound of which will have to be landed la amail boats through tha surf. - j The Norwegian steamer Bark will ar rive lav the harbor late this afternoon. 8he comes under charter to Balfour. Guthrie a Co., to load wheat for Shang hai, China, and will receive her cargo at Ooeanle djbk. The bark will carry away about 6,000 tons or tna cereal. A concert for seaman will be held this evening In the Seamen's Friend hall. IS Bocona street, wneo: a fine ma sioal and literary program . WIU be ren dered under the direction of the W. C T. V.: A feature on the program wlU be acrobatic f eata by Krneat Smith, an ax-aaiior, but who la at preaent nil lng an engagement at the Oraad theatre. v MARINE NOTES t- . : aaamieBBBaBa-BBjssa) . .. Aatorla,. Or4 May. 10. ArrlTed down at 12:80 and sailed at 6:15 a. m. ateamer Nome-City, for Ban Pedro. Sailed at s a. m steamer" Asuncion, for Gavlota. Left up at t a. m., Norwegian steamer sarx. San Francisco, May SO. Arrived, steamers Excelsior and George W. Elder, for Portland. - -k Astoria, Mayf i Arrived dowa at- 4 m- French bark Bayonna. Arrived at 4:80 and left, up at T:S0 a.m. ateamer Alliance, from Coos bay. Balled at 1:20 a. m., steamer Tiverton, for Ban Francisco. Arrived at 10 a. ou schooner Irene, from San .Pedro, Arrived down at l:4& p. m., steamer Asuncion. f Ar rived at 7 and left up at 7:80 p. nu steamer ' Northland, from San Fran eisoo. 'Arrived at p. m., Norwegian steamer Sark, from Haa Francisco. Baa Franeisoo, May 1. Arrived, steamer South Bay, from Astoria, Sailed, steamer Roanoke, for Portland and way ports; Arrived tug Samson, with barge WashougaL, from Grays Harbor. " Astoria, May 10. Condition v-of the bar at 8 a. nv, smooth: wind south, II miles; weather cloudy. Tides at Astoria today High water. 8:48 a. to.. 8.8 feet; 7:80 p. m 7.0 feet Low water, 0:18 a. m., 8.8 feet; 0:81 p. m.i 1.0 feet' vj;;-,,- , '.f';v UNITARIANS IN SESSION - AT BOSTON THIS WEEK iJoorasl Special Be-rlee.k . T, Boston. May 80. Anniversary week of tha American Unitarian association began today with leaders of the denomi nation present from many sections of tha country. The exercises opened with prayer In King's chapel thla morning. During the day meetings were held by the Ministerial union and the National AUIanoe of Unitarian and Other Liberal Christian Women. . ., j sasiiisi isijk c lux-"bim e gkocekies Deeper and Greater Prlcc-Cutllno Now Evcilhloo Goes Thousands of dollars' worth still left and prices are cut again. We need the room for our - Dry Goods Department, and a quick, clean sweep must be made. In addition to the follow : ine items many lots too small to advertise are thrown on the counters at half price and less. Buy groceries now siock up ior uionuia w vuu.c a vuo i'-" -"i"6'-- v attenaeo come, & j 10c"tuaker Puffed Rice, oacluige ....... UW All our 10c Canned Cr Sonpe, any kind...., VV loo susing aua jt tore Polish loo aTeUo, :''". Hr package f C AU cr heei SOo aad SSo gams aad Fre.erTse ...... an our flaeajt SOo aad eo go at ...... .29c Kaglo Teaat . Sj4 100 Sago, lb........ 4 Hztra Standard A loa Peas, eaa ....lUv Klnoea Claiaa, OCt S eaas for aVuly AH our So eaas 2t Mustard Sajfliaas ...JU Gold Hedal P, 70 Syrup, gal. iyQ S!.9c AH 20c and mixed Tea. per 50-lb. Sack 90a Salt.,.............a'C Orapa srate, pk-. ... 0e la lie ggtaa.t .... 8f Beat 8Bo oa 1C Plasappla luv Boo package 17 Odd Bast ..-...,., 1C loo atagaetla C Starch, pkg. ...'OC Postaia or St lO Praaa Cereal ' 7i TMg. S5o TtotOa )Ar OUves for .........a.fv 6,000 oaaa Oysters oat to O V BSo aaa Baker's fZn Cocoa oat to LuC S8a baa of OhlraraeUl'a Oroand , iZf Chocolate .........avUv lOo Bottle BTnatard. . 5 a) Reg. 2 for 25c Pack-Q age Force, goes at.. vC 1,000 Rectuar r 5c pack ages Pearlina, foes rkeet V60 aai 'Hi " A oaa Apricots ......g-tQ SO iLllsptoe, J..... 28et Al aw best SSO S a-alk 9W- IOC Xarge ja yase jn Stralaed Xoaew ....fyC AO our So aad - . i lOo Praaea, lb. .....1C White STa-ry -j, Beeuaay lb. ZArge 10a baa af , - , r loo Tees jBobea SSo Aoosa frt Xastaxd, Xa. .....y lo-Ih. bucket : ( ) p rare 0arg 4......eJI,at) Saydefs Catsup, f A '' rag. S8a slae I VC Largo 10c Cakes Bapoflo, loaa aTtarch, J ' ' the best, pkg. ....... C AS aaa best 10a . -1 i -.5 pkg. SUaktatT Sbda ...OC 4,000 na. beet j -if Ts brokea BJca, Xk.C Pure OUaa . gj Tlaagar, boMte .....QC Best BOe flaa Bhredded , Coooaaat, , a 1 .lie IVarre 44b. paO i IA Oottolsa fer ....4iC , lroaat aa. t'.-'.r rf . Waahlag Boas, ...... JJg : JVarge 1-IK baaa, ' btg Talae, ZawuAqr O I Soap, baa? ........ . .JjC All flaast SSo aa 40a at. aad aT. Coffee, . at go as, lb mm mt II 6m AT THE THEATRES j Beats SOT - aire, arawrrcia a '-a""" Tha saTaaee seat sale will epea aext Weaneaflay morning, May t, at bo office, the Hetllg theatre, roorteentli end Washington streets, Cor "Mrs. Warren's Profession." This najcb-alseuased play ef Bernard Sbaw'a ' wUl tm DMaanted br the Drunau aciraaa a Ooghlaa and aa excellent anpportlng company . m . . . m. TmA Jam . BaaaaaiBaiel at the aoora isaacr n rnu., and Bandar nights. May 8, St. 80. "The OolUlterfeitera.,, . 1 Tonight at the Lyrle tha'AUea stork coo. panr open, the third week of a highly sue-e-aaful engagement in the niodeta drama, The Oonnterf-itera," a thrilling play with aa abundance of eleaa comedy aad a touching heart-Interest, atorr. Ma Terns r.iton ana all the- other ' tarorltee will bei In the east. There will be effect!- tnechanleal effect and b-aatlral stage picwree. aiairaeee Thnraday, vSatarday and Bandar. - Beats aow MlUng. . . y--v,''v'iir' '-..': 4The Glrli ATioDared."!'" At the Grand this week there is another ef those big anaeviue entertainment, anm. posed of headline acts seenrea rrom we pnn- etpal honaee of the east, -me ri woo Dared" . I the headline featnre of the new program. This la played by Mis Grace Gray, a talented young aetreaa, supported by a com pany f capable players. The Waitrtee and the cafe Pianist" is a mnaleal comedy la oae act br Webb aad Oonnell,, aad will be one of the Important hit. "At tha Turf Inn" Is raelna- nlarlst. wita a Bora-rac nmaa aa exciting as the ell max ta 'Checkers." " ', : 'Knob o Tenneasee." v aaatnnlna tonlcht the "attracUoa this week it the Star theatre will- be the exciting melo drama "Knob o' ' Tennesee."r This will he the first time that this weu-aaowm piay has been eeen bar at star price. Special .acea ery has bees prepared, and tha drama ha hua earafullr rehearsed and a perfact peo formanc la guaranteed. The fun strength of the new stock company will be nsed In "Knobs Tennessee. aisuneee are . aoTarruea ror Tnadar.. ThnnSaT. Satarday aad Sunday. "Wicked London" at the Empire. Thla la tha last week ef the Seaman .toek conrpany at the Empire, ' sad the offering le Sfiermaft "THB HOUSE! 01 QUALlTT." (Oxth aad Xovrlsom U- Ova StrtotBae. , ' rosTiwajro, OKXOox. . The "Victor, la- the cheering com panion of the boys on tha campua. It alngs to them tha latest Opera, or a aong of home, or play a the accompani ment for the gay military ball, aa tha aollders need dictate.. . ; '' 1 Come to our Victor parlore aad hear the worla a greatest music aa sung by Caruso, .: Abott, Homer.' Scottl, Ancona. eta or get, the bugle calls and old camp melodies that . wQl, jtaka yea back to the days when you marched proudly away with the boya of the "GOOD OLnJ U. S. A." At Home to Ybii All Hours -r All Days urn -. -i ." .- ' .'. . .... ' - a : - - " i WT SB v r At -, Mlav& ho. " 4 i laF BraT : W .; . , I 1 TEA " Thrce quarters of the tea m this country is not very good. - ' . , The fraction is not too high. ' : Year -to rerarat rear meaey U ye 4eat t like SchUUag's Beati wa pay him.. .. ,., , , . . :z. '. . .. . '.i " : the beet t the' teaaon atr that boose. "Wicked London' t. a saetodrama that would pleaae aayon., and te prodacad by the Sea maa company la a highly arriatte . manner. Lug crowd, were highly pleased with the performances yesterday. "A Contented Woman" at the Baker, v Hoyt's plays- ara all clerer. but 'none more so than ths extremely funny ' satire that is being produced ty the Baker company i title we-k. entitled "A Contented ,Womn.'r The scene of tha play Is laid ia Penrer. where women Tote aad where a maa aad his wife ara .rlral eandldataa' for mayor. It pleaaed arg sadlenea yeeterday. FEDERAL SANITARIUM , WILL BE OPENED SOON Hot fSprtnga. S. XX, May 89. The new Battle Mountain aanitarlum, which la to be formally ; opened this week, Is the finest Institution of Its kind In the country. It waa built by the United States government at a cost of $1,000,- 000. It is designed especially for the treatment of patlenta afflicted with tuberculosis and kindred diseases. The bulldlners and equipment are cf the most tno'rn c-araeter.' The buti-'ir-cs ara 'irro!;j5i tx. fax coma:-: s 8,009 S 1 ':: V WWZ. If energy and snlition ZZZ1 g ore lacking ' .1 the mind is dull, Inactive er de- " - pressed aad trifling atKancea a" irritate and eaaaperat, thm tha : " J ajf' LIVEK i la trouble. The aym.m aT- ia clogged arith) andigeatea sud , g"" decaying tood. . -"-J DaCastro'sSscitdCirkT; m la the beat remedy for LIVEH . -mm. troable. 1 1 iacrcaaca both eorr'v - - and ambiUoa aa4 induces hcilui- . ful sleep. Uia . sieeebIcT;::!':::'--.? 13 Cnt. et A I ' Douklet an4 . . : HO YT CHfv 2 f-0,Tl . It H j 7l mm W . . . . . f '1-