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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. T.!7VY 0. 1CC7. HAPPY WILL BE THE WIFE' WHO DRAWS . ONE OF.TOESE PRIZES' . .. "Mm r Id nisr Isl sif 1 i r . i f -.'.VI: IMAn If )24-W-' fLS" . f il .. I l f1 J . t I "II 111' ' 1 V mmw jm i i K I . II hi :. IVtiAittCJ T?miTmy I'THX WWW. "V III. : TTT : ; I m . ' ... -tmr . -J , " . :y .1, .. . 41 -i V, I m no T7T Booh Your Ordcr Now Have, H Delivered IVhen Ready and . -, Save Money Thereby. - Wc install this great range in your kitchen and if at the end of 30 days you are not perfectly satisfied with it if it does not prove all wfc claim for it we will take it back and refund every, cent you have paid on it. Your money is simply taken as a guarantee of good faith a guarantee to us that we do not deal .with triflers.- You want a good steel range.' We have what you want. " We meet on an equal plane and enter into a bona fide business transaction. 66E g 1 Ips " t Don't nesUate, Don't Wait, Get Your Name on the Roll at Once. - The manufacturer , warrants the "Eclipse" for 15 years, and we also stand back of that guarantee. : Should any part break we replace it Should it not meet all conditions as represented we will redeem each and every rarige v f R a. im sr C lo b fa DOLLAR : k DOLLAR W 1 WILL ENTITLE YOU TO BE A And secure to you all the advantages offered, among which will be all the pipe you need FREE. Our sales men will explain all other details. Order this week if you can. ' . . - JUST 100 MEMBERS JUSJ'IOO WINNERS Special Terrhs,Speci&l Prices to all wh will enroll as members of ur Eclipse Steel Range Club. ( We are authorized by the Eclipse -foundry people to make special concessions to 100 buyers ef the Eclipse Steel Range wno win enroll as members of this club and meet Its conditions. Order an ECLIPSE" YOU SAVE $10 OVER TOE PRICE OF ANY OTDER STEEL RANGE Cor. First and Yamhill Sts. 4 ' 1 xn t ECLIPSE RANGES AS LOW AS v , v V. ' Cor; Second Land Yamhill Stsf f MUG AS ; THEY INPROVE Rogue River Fruitgrowers Will , Combine the Festal With the Commercial. t i (Special Dispatch to Th JoomaX) Grant Pa, n,, May 10. A well attended meeting; of fruit rroweni w held In thia city Saturdajr under th ihi flniiti Pmi Fruit Growera" tinin. It-waa in the atr of. an experience meeting-, much m torest waa manifested and the dlscuv fcirtna brous-ht ou many valuable pointa. It wai decided to hold meeting; in the Lee diatrict five' mllea t of this city, on Saturday June 21. . Thla will be rlcDio affair and will be held in n handnome oak growe on the banks of H6gu9 river. A baaket dinner wilL orved and the day will be 'wade a ae rial affair aa well aa a meeting- to dla ua orchard problems In this district ere some of the largrest and finest oiv t harda in Josephine county ndftf h close of the rerular program for the meeting th fruit growers will rislt ti)t orchards and study the method of cultivating, pruning and thinning prac ticed by the owners. " ' r.'' It is tho plan of the Fmit Growers Viilun to hold public meetings hereafter f t iait once In two months , to better cr fi- tile cnmnft1.-;n of education to i..;.'. uix'ura o fruit growing la Josephine county. The union will bold Its annual election of officers here on Saturday, June 1. The preaent officers are H. A. N. Reymers, president; R. K. Robinson vice . presldent Charles Ma serve, - secretary ; and. .manager; I Reymers, R. M. Robinson, J. H. Robin son, J. T. Morrison; E. Erickson, C F. Lovelace, H. C Bobslen, J. H. Cojby and S. C Christie. The union was organised last year and though starting;wlth but few members made . Such a Succeis of marketing fruit tha almost every fruit raiser In the county bag asked, to be come a member.-.'; .iv' fjvyK tattle Sarm Dona JSy rxosts. ; , But Very little Injurjrwas done by the frost the first of this month, which waa so general over the north Faolflo coast, in the orchards of Rogue rivr valley. Only a few.; low-lying orchards were frosted n- .these will have more than half a: crop- Owing td the thor ough spraying inJosephlne county the past winter and this spring there will be a larger amount of first class apples and pears this year" than : laet Ths growers are expecting big prices owing to the tremenduous havoo : made by pests In the orchards of the east and by the killing of the fruit buds by heavy late frosts that were t exper ienced ail over ths east and south. The yield of peaches and grapes hers will M up to the average acreage. " i Gaudin to Lead Knights. Clioinnatl. Mar i0.-tr. Felix Gaudin of ?Newr Orleans has been reelected su preme president of the supreme council of the Cathollo .Knights of America, Nashville, Tennessee, was selected as the next meeting place, r - , - ' ' Itching,' bleedinr.'. nrotrudtnv fir blind piles yield to Doan's Ointment. Chronic cases soon relieved,-Anally cured. Drug gists sell It. -. ..i' . 4 . 7 n m ft vm nnBuuoTirftiri iLyiXTTM-fk . U UHH BVVII'iHIkT II thru Um IIHII : ' ''- ' ... - , . iqyipg .roraana rropeny "Terrace Park IS IDE PLACE TO BUY ft " r V" kURINQ the past few months there has been a big Increase in the sale of Portland residence s - TV I J orooertv to outside Deoole. and since the ooeninsr of "Terrace Park." Portland's most beauti , ful and best residence section, dozens of others have' bought." Much of this has t)een from eastern Oregon, where. 'Mr. J. A. Ward, of the Spanton Company,formerly lived. Among the recent ? buyers of "Terrace Park" property are C. W. Shute and Mr. Richards, both of Arlington, and Grant. I, waae, or uiex. -: wnen one can ovy a resiaence lot tor trom to $uw, only paying a tew aoiiars :VO. . ' - i - down and the rest on easy, terms, it is no wonder that sovmany outside people are investing in - ' ' "Terrace Park Their money is certaih to double and treble. . -i-- ' - . - " , - -.S -.v., - !'. .,v '. -' r - ' . i" " fij "'.; A . 'i Ifie Spanton i Company Phones: 'HOME 2828; MAIN 2821 . "TERRACE PARK," TABOR 180. 4 " ;-' 270 STARK STREET i 5 -' " V.'.; Opposite Chamber of Commerce 74 '1 I '