The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 20, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    r li. . ..... . . .,. " ,, . .. :
l -Toivn Topics j
:, TOITIOHT'S v AlTOsXatlaTTt. '-; V ''
Mirqusm Grand ;...., mTb B,nl!5 aw.',
...,.."A. Ce-tented" Woman
' Empire V Wicked Ixwidou"
Grand , , . . . . -. ; . TaudeaUle
trrle "The .Counterfeltera"
Btar "Knobs O' Tennesaea"
' Th Junior clas of th Unlvrlty of
nr..nn ia anhnAi tonteht haa tba sec-
ond examination on their year's study.
?Vnnlght tbey will bo examined on th
v-T lw contract and agency. , Question
to teat tba knowledge or tn junior on
thes subjects have been prepared by
Judge M. L. Pipe. lntnjctor In con
tracts, and by B B. Beekman, Instructor
- In agency.1 - Tba gradea attained at hat
Monday examination on criminal law
and domeetlo ' relation will be an
nounced tonight. Next' Monday night
examination In partnership and sal
will be bad. Senior olaa examination
:;v. begin 'In, Jun -;.'..:- "yy
. A meeting of th board of director
of th National Fac Induetrlal' ao
elatlon will be held tonight, at, which
Organiser P. H. Bcullln will mak v a
. farewell addreaa, exploiting the objecta,
, purpose and memberahlp of th organ
isation.. Mr. Bculllit will emphasise that
the association 1 not bow controlled by
s a faction, or aver wUl b. H wlU x
plaln that th only Qualification - for
memberahlp . 1 American cltlsenshlp.
' After turning over th work to th local
people, Mr. Bcullln will leave for Seattle
where be will organise another branch
of th association.'- ' , 1
A new Baptlat church ha been or
ganised, at Grant' croaatng on th
lit Scott ear Una. Property has
been acaulred and fund art being col
lected for th erection of a chapel, it
1 thought that - a larg membership
ean be mustered at thl point, a there
. are a larg number of Baptlat In th
neighborhood. Meeting have been held
at th horn of William Kneeland. Rev.
A. Laurence Black of , th Calvary
- ehurclt preached th first sermon. Th
church will be recognised at th next
' meeting of th council, which will tak
place In about thr! wekv -,; ;, ..y 7;
A meeting wUl be held 4 tomorrow
evening la th Mlspah Presbyteiisn
church, Powell tret. In th Interest
of th local option campaign. Addresses
will be mad by Rev. O. I Tuft, X. K.
Amo and Dr. Wlloa. Wednesday
venlng th econd meeting of th se
ries to b held by th Beuwooa civie
league will be addressed by Samuel
ConnelU S. Quackenbush and Rev. E. S.
Mucklev. - Th meeting will be held In
th Bellwood Presbyterian church. Th
league will bold buslnes meeting to
night in th Mathodlat church. -
C -K. Wood and Carrie Boln wr
arrested " itt room tl In th ; Belmont
House. First and Taylor, last night by
Patrolmen Phillip and Wlndorf on
. charge of immoral conduct Wood,
who is' a married man. 1 aald to hav
deserted his wife for th Bolen woman.
HI grief stricken spouse tracked the
pair to th lodging-house and upon In
. formation furnished to th police by th
fandladv the arrests were jnade. The
S Mi... k tiaanl mi TOedneada tn the
police court.
, :'. - sai' '" - '
A. Reiner, th practical furrier, late
of tewl building, l now locgtid-ln
the stor at 1st Washington street, cor
ner. Seventeenth tret, wher h baa
secured mor convenient ' and ' commo
dious quarter. Fur work In all
branches. SeaVskla garment remodeled
and redyV prt fitter, 10 year ex
perience. ' Order work a specialty. Es
timate , cheerfully given. All work
don at summer price. Now I th
time to attend to your fur.
Eas ; Money for School
Olrls.ft-Th Harry Wood market
give kway five larg meat order a
prises zor th beat answer to a question
sked in their advertisement tn th Mar
ket "action todar. Th children who will
top to do a 'little thinking and writing
r . a a. wall
can thna earn in zamuy mm ow, "
...elr own ingenuity will suggest a way
' to make tt mean caah in their pocket.
Ust lector f th our givn
onder th auspice of th South port
land association, will be given Tuesday
evenfcig next, May tl, at th Fourth
Presbyterian ohurch, Flrt and Olbb
street, by Rev. J. F. Ghormley on
"Ben Hur. Special aololsta hav ben
v secured. ' Th ecretary report will
be read at thl meeting. Th program
, will- commence at T:45 harp.
A special meeting of th TJnlvertry
board of trad will b held in th
a halt a Partsmouth avnu aM
pawaon street, tomorrow evening. May
SI. 'W. wynn jonnson win aaowi
board on the ubJeot of "Th City Beau-
tlful" and Councilman Vaughn will talk
on th general improvement of th pen
insula and will , dlacu th charter
amendment. 14
. Hlgheat-Grad Government-tnptd
Meat to Be Given Away.At least flv
head of famine ";,".?"'
a. Me ,v4f meat bill. IT th
'. wives do a Uttl thlnklnj thl week, aa
V that numbr or aosoiuieiy im mw.
rijlstP ttIU be given away by th Harry
I Woi?rxTiarket. Be th detail In- th
Market Section.
' - f he Commercial bank, th new Al
blna institution of which George W,
' Bate I president.' will open it door
pext Monaay. on ww , n vi wu.,.
M,iAa hin all fienn nut In and
ill" twiuiw ' ...
the gl wa Installed Saturday. Only
g few nnintng wucnes)re rjwjuirvu o
make It ready for burtn. ,y
tr, X W. A. BtewarCdean of Itoehes
"fer Theological aeminary, New Tork,
wilt rive a -lecture this. evening it I
o'clock at th Unlveraity Park Baptist
churchy hi , ubject being. "William
- Carey..- : , '''Y&'-y'y y'ff
f lohn ; Groger, aged 18, John Shoe
maker, aged 17, and Otto Joyce, J 7. em
ployed a messengers by th A. D. T.,
' were arreated last night by" Patrolmen
Peterson and Humphrey on a charge
........ , - -
r.iAirj 165
iriQUiniES FOR
; ': " fi ASSETS : MORE
Is too Important
, , . ' to b decided without matur de-
' Jiberttionvv);
' Depositing 'your funds in , the .'
RIGHT bank meant a fcrregt deal
to you. whether you depoiit much '
t So ucceisfully hat' thi bank ,
glway met the raoit exacting re-
, - quirement of other depositors, we
feel justified in believing that it - r
will meet YOURS equally is well.
V;,' ' s The officers of this bank will be , f -'
glad to have you interview them
" at any time relative to banking r, ' . '
';: ; :'A:;,..-X ,' business. ,-, v - '
Oregon Trust and Savings Bank
Sixth and Washington' Streets, Portland Oregon.- .
of . smoking cigarette. Th lad upon
noting th approach - of th officer
thrw awy th we and took to thlr
heel but wr captured aftr a hort
chaa. Th trio wr booked on ehrge
of moklng clgarett and released on
v.i. MMminiiM hv Chief Grits-
maohr. Th cases were oontlnued ln
th polio court thl morning uniu vo
tomorrew. .. ' "
Th Woman' Guild of St. David'
church will sve a '"May tea," Tuaday,
May tl, at th horn of Mrs. K. E. Mil
ler, 165 East Taylor tret, near Thir
teenth street, from t to S o'clock. An
excellent mulal- program ha bn ar
rangd. All Interested are cordially In
vited. ..vY; .'-'V'r'
A party of about tOO Portland Odd
Fellow will lev tonight In car at
Ucbd to O. R. N. train No. for L
Grand to attend th Ut meeting f
th t ,a ft ';Y- K''.' 'v :
Allan's Kuahlon Komfort Shoes, th
ho with th ol of health. It 1
truly a narked improvement over any
thing yet hown In th modern shoe
ideaa 401 Morrison atr t '
The organ and Victor talking machine
offered In this paper yesterday wa an
error on th part of our advertising
man. ' Thl offer applies to piano only,
Shnnan, Clay V Ct.i,-.'..S
Th New Tork Stat clty of Ore
gon, and resident New Torker,-will
meet at th horn of Captain Pease, 714
Pettygrov street. Tuesday evening. May
Y::v ,,-;.,...,t f:,
't)r. Evelyn Dudley, graduate and ex
perlenoed optician. 71-711 8wUand bid.
Office hours, to 8; Sunday, 11 to I
Phone Ts. ,
Btantr Jess Harkln. for 'Camaa,
Waabougal and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Lavs Washington street
dock S p. m. .
O. M. McDowell, northw repreoen
tetlve for the UeweUen Iron works,
leave tonight for Lo Angole for a 10
' day trip, ; lA,f; , ; . if r&l'k,
W. A Wis, T. P. WIh H. A.' Sturd
vant, dentist. Third and Washington.
Main 1020. Painles method uad,
" why ay more? Mtsgr flu yor
ys for It 141 Wash. St, eor. Ith.
formerly at 111 SUth trC
1 Enectricity and electrio light treat
ment Dr. W. X. Howard, Common
wealth building. -
' Kelly family liquor stor. corner
Park and Morrison. Phon Malt 28,
tiom a sews.. m
Eatm.-Ji kodaks and upplla ft.
Leeeer Cohan. Ill Ith, th Kodak stora
''i :. saasMB 'i.'" -
' Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentlat. ha
moved hi offlo to SOS-4 Buonanan Mag.
'Aeme Oil Co. sell the beet afty coal
oil and tin gasoline. Phon East 7S.
i Woman's- Exchange, 111 Tenth treat,
lunch 11:10 to I business man's lunch.
: Levy's Mulo House, 111 Fifth street
Photo mount. Woodworth, 14IVs lt
XX Chamber, optician. 111 Srnth.
Berger lgn 184 Tamhlll-phon,
' Good sho. Marks Shoe 3a.v'
:,j . .- .(', M- I I ..- .. . ; .,- ,yiJ..jL J;
Bark Tonle for; rheumatism. '
Beck jeweler 808 Alder. , l;
' Oregonlan Confectionery, ill Sixth.
.. Nurseryman Pllklngton, ft Tamhlll.
; Summer dreaaea Madam McClura Co.
sana- . j-.- f. i' -i-ty ' .
Beautlfyinf cream. Be Mm. Hudson,
Klser aoenlo photo. Imperial tooteL
OoiLttnnaas tffusla Tonight Beven-
Xlnnt Ca Servloe.
Alwaya' offering th pubUo new
amusement., the Oak management hav
engaged two complete union band to
play vry nignt mi weeav a soon
a on band ceases playing the other
commenoea. Thla will also b aoclety
night and a grand march will be held,
th music being by both, band in
unlaon. Uaual prlc. . '
M&ny People Suffer Intense
4 . it : Paine ;
When they could be entirely relieved by
nroberly. fitted Torio, eye glasses. We
make no charge tor examination, email
charge for proper lense. George Rud
enateln, reliable optician, 181 Fourth
treet, between Tamhlll and Taylor, :
.t.p ii i i-i i"n hi i i hi hi : I:
Mineral t Springs Commencement,
; 8peelal Dlipateb td The Jtmrnal.) '
'' Albany, May 20. Th commencement
program for Mineral Spring .college at
Sodavtll. 1 as follows: Tuesday, May
11, Graduating exercises at 8 p, m.;
Wednesday, dedication of the oollege
at 8 p. m., address by Percy R. Kelly,
of Albany. Th baccalaureate sermon
wa preached yesterday by Rev. Greg
ory, of Lebanon, Oregon.
Preferred Stock Canned Goods.
AHea e lAwls Best Brand. .
SURPLUS, $150,000.00.
; THAN $2,500,000.00.
of Selecting a
Exercises Will Be Held by Veter.
tnt on Both Sides of ;
the River.
Exercises fat Sooth Plaxa, Where
John F. Shields Will Speak Hon.
; George H. WUJJanis Will Deliver
' Bast Sid Addrews. ' ; ,
At th meeting of the general com
mittee representing th four. G. A. R.
pota of thl city, hld yesterday af
ternoon at George A.- Wright Post,
Mo. 1 headquarters. It was decided to
furnish carriage for member of, the
G. A. B. who are too feeble to walk
la th Memorial Day parade. Owing
to the fact that the committee wa
unable to finish th order of exercises
th official program will not b an
nounced until later In th wek.
; Th following lin . of march, aa
agreed upon by th peclal committee,
was adopted by th general committee:
Th pared will form at 'Second and
Morrison, - will mov up Morrison to
Seventh, from Seventh to 'Washington,
to Third, to Burnslde. to Sixth, to Tam
hlll. to Fourth,,.to th South Plasa,
where the memorial exercise will , be
bld. ;. -;' ' , .
Th principal addraas of th day will
b delivered by John . F. Shields, and
Lincoln's address at Gettysburg will be
The Great Fcr-Don Will
Give His" First Lecture
and Concert ' Tonight.
Washington and 20lh Streets
iijvri '-;';': : , ,-, -. , Si -' -
Tonnr XCn Xas Arrmnged for th A
. oomjnoda.tioa of ThonaaBda and a
Large Crowd Zs BswetH t Greet
Xia. Th Diamond Cluster Band and
Humber of TndvUl Teatures WUl
nreeent an Entertaining program.
Which Begins at T30.
Th Great Fer-Don will giv hi open
ing lecture and entertainment tonight
at Washington and Twentieth street.
Fer-Don bring with him from th east
hta famoua Diamond Cluster Band and
vaudeville ntrtainer, .who will pre
sent a concert which will be well worth
hearing. Admittance to th concert and
lecture I absolutely f, and a large
audience 1 expected and haa been pre
pared for. Fer-Don' ropuUtion a an
eloquent paker - haa t preceded him
here, and bl power of holding an audi
ence 1 well known. Those who hear
him tonight will hav opportunity for
Judging - whthr hi - reputaUon ha
oeen fairly earned, and whether th re
port of hi magnetio personality and
marvelous oratorlcaT power hav been
VAUhSugn "rlnaryjn'''OTr'elty
only yeterday, he ha already been in
terviewed by a number of our best citi
sens. who have given him welcome to
of aiding him In every way in their
power for nis success w v ., .
"1 am glad" said Fer-Don, "to feel
.v. t ... u vn f rlenil. even
though 1 desire to tat that I hall
do au in my power to prov worthy of
thl friendship. A-to my phw. I will
deliver a few lecture while here and
demonstrate my medlcaJr .compounds,
which I cam to introduc. Into your
city. MY amun iwfi
Washington street, wher the lck and
alTiictea may cau w iui.
pect these office to be opened within a
w uo j
YmUxt: W-.;-.
Muscular , lnf ufflcJenol,. . which ar
usually Ignored by motroptometrit.
ar spclally and carefully considered
Our system of optical muscular treat
ment Insures your perfect comfort. It
does not follow, necessarily, that you
will hav to wear cla. .
tt will require but a very fw minute
of yur Urn to call and talk th matter
over with u. "
Munsell Optical Co.
Z.a Sessa Xaasell, Bfraetioalst, .
Xaolaay Bulldlaff. lrttaad, Oregon"
S AWWMViTd ' sT" ' I JLA MA s i i X S
B A .Ti - X V- VV
K ,
V. v ' .
-The most comfortable shopping place in Portland
with plenty of light, air and aunshine -offers an .
unequaled assortment of BOYS' and GIRLS - -WEARABLES.;
, All at our usual Modest Prices.
read by Prof or Vf. M. Rasmus.
On th at aid of th river, th
ervice will b hd In th forenoon.
Judg Georg H. WUllam will dehver
the principal addreaa, hi ubJot be
ing Abraham Lineoln. " Father Sherman
will participate in the exrcle on
both lde' of th rivr. Members of
th different G. A. B. pot will vllt
the publlo school during th week and
deliver abort addresses en the slgniri
eane of Memorial Day. ' , , '
" Th Women Belief Corp will hav
eharge of the decoration of tb soldlara
grave, and 'will b aslted by th
school children, who will b aked to
join in th xercl at th eemeterle.
- Service will be held at the Taylor
street MethodUt church next Sunday
aftrnoon at S o'clock. Th ervice
will - b participated In . by th .Third
regiment, O. N. O., th Spanish War
Veteran' association, th First battery
field artillery and th G. A. B. W. 8.
Gilbert, chaplain of th Third regiment,
will have charge of the ceremonies.
The address of the afternoon will be
delivered by John P. Kavanaugh, who
has selected as his subject Tatriot
lm." , ' "' v ,
' BuOdlng Permit. ;,;
Russell ft Blythe, repair. bamnt.
Fifth between Ankeny and Pine, 2B0;
Pete Smith, two-tory fram dwelling.
East Fourteenth between Shaver and
Mason. I1.800: J. J. Blchardson, repair,
dwelling. East Burnslde between East
Thirteenth and East Fourteenth streets,
$650: B. I Byer. two-tory fram
dwelling, Multnomah between Eat
Twenty-fourth and Eat Twenty-fifth,
$1,600: Nick Spady, on-tory dwelling.
East Thirty-ninth between Fremont and
Beech, $1,000: A. McPherson. tory and
a half fram. Woolay near Willi boule
vard, $1,000; Thoma Van Auken, one
story dwelling. Mallory between Magno
lia and Mansanita, $l,000j Mr. Ida An
derson, two-tory dwelling, Commercial
between Falling .and . Beech, $1,500;
Ryan, two-tory Btor. Mllalppl be
tween Beech and Failing, $150; J. Rossi,
repairs. tor. Fourth between Sheridan
and Arthur, $50; W. A. Dean, two
torr - a wellingr- Beat Th!rtyfeond be
tween East Main and East Madison,
$,000; George Long, story and, a half
dwelling,-Grand avonu between Beech
and Fremont etreet. $150; Beaton Broa,
two-story fram hop, between Lincoln
and Ball, $700. i , , .
v ' i ' aaaaMBa . "" :
'(ooroal Speetal Service.) ; H
New Tork. May 10.-Half a dosen
millionaires turned out with squad of
servants and Joined in a hot but futile
ehas after a thief discovered by a pri
vate watchman , last night attempting
to break through a scuttled roof Into
th horn of Edward Werman In
Wt Fifty-lxth strt. en of th firm
of Washerman Brother banker- Th
block between Fifth and Sixth avenues,
known as "Millionaire Row"? has been
beaet - by .thieves, for the . last six
months. ' - "
Havana. May 10. The fifth anniver
sary of the Independence of Cuba and
of the Inauguration of Tomas Estrada
Palma as first president of th repub
lic wa celebrated today. Th day wa
observed a a publlo holiday and publlo
bulldtnr tind. business house of Hav
ana generally ' displayed the flag of
Cuba and the United States. - A public
reception wa held thi afternoon at
th governors paiace. . -
A v- k lA j V l : '
K -
' i .il
Leading Clothier
II? W (Electric
1 JLJLiL) riatirons
ON 30
Sam Tor ' Time
gave Tour Health
Bav Tons Weary Steps
; Bav Ton Money
gave Tour Clothe
Bav Ton Tmp
sav Ton Complexion
Rll in coup on and mail to us
The iron will be delivered, with
all necessary equipment, abso
lutely free of charge-No delay
First and Alder Streets. Portland, Oregon.
. Gentlemen You msy deliver ,W ,?I!L?
Iron, which X agree to try. nd if onBatisfactory to ma. to
return to you within 30 days from date W-W",
do not return it at that tun W.wl1,",'Sll2
account at $4.00. It is understood that so chargt will b
made for the iron if I return it within 30 days. .
' Name . . .,.....
Address....... '
dept:j. ' - '
'! A it
Bek Baadaehe and tellevealt the traabla Inat.
Seat to a buttons taof tba ayitMa.aoeh a
Pltrtni MaasM, Proaina. Dlatraa aiW
saUae, IalB la the Plda, 4a. While tbatr mmtt
rtmhKL im hwn tn amUia:
1 moil
Baadaeh, yM CrWi Llttl Live ttOt r
qoauy valaabl la OoasUpaUon, eurto an4 pre
Unr and nenJate the bowels. STraUlbeyoaif
Aebe they wnald be almost prlotUaa to Ota w
saffwrromUHadUtrmlnseoaiplalDti balforto.
BsUly tbgoodiMM doe noteud harean Uum
wbeoaeawy UWBWUI And Umm UlUe pills vala
Ue la s Btaay way that they wul ao be iU
Itaig too without Uxua. But aftar aUstch head
Is the baa of e many lives that here Is wW
weaiakeenrgnatboaat.. Our puUeoreU wail
atbandeaot. ' - .' ' '.'
Cattof Uttl liver PU1 r vary vaull and
very aaay to take. OneortwoplllSBiakaoaa
Thay ar atrleUy vecetable sad d aot gripe o ,
piyOmt py tbttM gaaueaotloa please all who
caitd xmsai in ton. '
HKL b3I:a bl&a'
so aasnrrxf baczvck
Afternoon, 4 :. ' Ivnlng,
t:IO to 10. ' Oeneral skating b
for and after the race after
noon till S and avenlng till 11 p. m.
. Muslo Parsons' orchestra. Ad
mission 10c Skates 25c. -
ivAsxzs rnxn ATTBmjroowm.
Racer from all along the eoaat
. Contlnuou ' muslo. . ' Two ' eom
plet banda
grreu mlaut to Oaks Owe the
aw llaev- ,
Grand March. ' Usual Frice.
Marquam Grand
rMM zirju,
AO weak, latarday aai Sunday Kattae.
iv raAwcisco orziA COXTAVT
Presenting Tletot Herbert' Greatest Coml
upera, i .
ralOISl SSa, SOe, T5. lutlaees. Ste, Ms.
. Vox U ri ice vpaa v a. mt, mi ir-
Tsnlcbt JlTJ Thta Wart The Oraataat rollt
- L - imnmtitmr. nrtaht nnsleal nia.
ber. Btae dlrectioa ArUor . ktackler. Mat-
loee sateroay. ; . ;, ;. ' -
Cvantnf prtee. V, ffie, Me. Vatlneea. me,
15. Kest weak, "Tb Dairy Ttim,"
x& Ecplre Tbeaire ulTtn.
MILTON W. BSAHAN, Manaavr. '
. A IVuk .k. BUM..
tea mis Stock Company tn the Great laetre.
A thrilling tale ot life Is tbewr!d"s a.
tropella. Stag direction et Mr. Herbert Aas-
tMatlMs Weaneaday and Batnreay. ' IttKht ,
prleea, JOe. SOc, 80c, SOe. MattMes. lOe, 80c
rfceee ataia MM.
TMs Week tba. Allan Stock Compr Pre
anting the Highly RealliUe Melo. .
v ' '-dramatic Swa. .
Vattneee Tuesday. , Thuraday. Saturday s
gnndar. Prleea 10c, SOe. ETary eTcnlng at
;1S. Prlea JOe, JOe and 80e.
. Reserved seats by phone. Mala 4S8&V , Otflc
m n - aW 1A aa M
9ymn iroin ju su as. w v
Thuradara. Saturdays
Hsal Dald'a saday at !:(.
KnObS ; Kvry. vatog a Sil.
-w Ttiomy I, SO and SO.
Tennessee saeS seat r
. a . wzxx or mat so.
, ' . ' TaadarUl da Inma, ' -'j.
, U taded bf i, r
Mtaa Grace dray & Co.
BaOy VatbMe a4 Irery vein.
Pricee; Matlnaas. lHt lnclRdln dundaye
er Holidaya, lTc; Snlu. Sundays ami.
Holtdara, 10c, n. and Box Seata se.
C nan srj. j I
eut!?"l C
klitt. -