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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. MAY 20. -1807. TRUST PMIIG PEACE PROGRAm COSTS BIG js President Appreciates Invitation Investigations and Prosecutions Boise Federation Sympathizers , Coming From Governor of Oregon. Call for Expensive Spe cial Counsel. ' Decide Not to Resent At ,. , tacks of Gun Men. "JTvVILL JOIN COMMISSION ' ' ON INLAND WATERWAYS NEARLY HALF MILLION . QUIET SUNDAY PASSED . SPENT BY ROOSEVELT . ATTORNEYS BUSY ALL DAY f Letter From Executives yVhose Do .' main Does Not Tooch Mississippi , River Are Held in Highest Esteem by Roosevelt.' mv :: ',v, Beef, Standard OH, Tobacco, Paper, Prosecuting Attorney Virtually Sup planted by Special Prosecutors Harvester, Fertilizer, Powder, Tur pentine and Other Trusts Have Made Outlay Necessary. Who Are Conducting Case How . It Looks to the Defense. ;, TEDDY APPROVES OF CIIMIMI U ft SOCIALISTS (7osrail Special Berries.) ' ' ' Washington, May 20. President , ' Roosevelt has , accepted an Invitation from the governors of IS states to . join with them and . the Inland water ways commission in an Inspection of ; tne Mississippi liver la October, in a his letter. of acceptance the president -.' says: . .-;.i,-.-.- - '-' , "Let me say a special word of ap preclatlon of the Invitations . which :: come from the governors of Florida and Oregon, both of whom, . although the . states of which they are governors are , not on the Mississippi river, show their realisation of the enormous Importance 20fkBravn ihla Vreat national hla-h- way and its Importance In affording one of the best possible methods of rera latlng railway rates. Others of the governors who have, written me dwell - upon the raet that the people or tne west feel a peculiar Interest in the ob ject of the .Improvement not only of the Mississippi, but of other navigable rivers fitted to be public highways o commerce. The basin of the Missis ' slppi ' taken as a whole constitutes the greatest agricultural empire that men ever cultivated and an equally great system of these water highways . Is needed to supply any Inadequacy of land carriage of products of this re- glon. .,..,'.. . . ,s . "Unless something unforeseen occurs to make me alter my plans, I Intsnd to accompany the members of the Inland waterways commission on a three or four days trio at the beginning of Ootober. X feel that the problems be fore the commission concern vitally not only the people of the Mississippi val ley, but the people of our entire coun try, and anything I can do to help for ward the rapid solution of these prob lems and the proper utilisation of our great waterways X am glad to do. This letter bss been sent to the gov ernors of Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Nebraska, North Da-"kota-Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, " TettUT iand"liissouit . SAD ERDING OF AN OLD SOLDIER AT PRINEV1LLE ''John Prior, a Town Charactlr, Burns to Death In Shack H Where? He lived Alone. ; (Journal Special Serrlee.) Washington, May 19. -Trust Investi gations and prosecutions are making Uncle Sam pull up his Jeans. The cost of special ' counsel makes the biggest hole. 'Within the last four years tne department of Justice has paid out ever $370,000 for this purpose. Some of the sums are ss follows:' 1 ' Beef trust $41,000; Standard Oil (In court), $45,000; tobacco trust (under In vestigation), $42,000; paper trust (con cluded ),. $20,000; harvester trust (un der Investigation), ' $30,000; fertiliser trust (in court), $15,000; coal and oil carrying railroad under investigation), $10,000: powder trust (under Investi gation). $7,000; turpentine trust, $26. 000; fines paid the government; $30,000. There are almost a dosen Investiga tions which have cost a pretty penny, but they are of less Importance. Big money had to be paid for special coun sel to get proper result ; t Kellogg and Morrison, who are paid about $12,000 a year each, are devoting a greajt. part of their time to the work. Judge McReynolds, former assistant attorney-general who has ohargs of the tobacco trust Investigation, Is devoting his entire time to It He is paid $H. 000 a year-.- .', t :- , This Is not as high proportionately as was paid under the. Knox edmlnlstra tlons. IX W.' Watson of Ohio got $10, 000 for one argument In the Northern Securities case. Hudson and Harmon of Ohio got $6,000 ssch for their work on the Santa Fe rebating cases. When they found they could not indlot Paul Morton they drew out of the case. Frank B. Kellogg of Ft. Paul is get ting the biggest hunk of Uncle Sam's money. He has had charge of the Harrlman Investigation and It is under stood draws $12,000 a year from the Interstate commerce commission. D0RRIS TELLS JURY HE - KILLED BY ACCIDENT s,m,i t The JsaraaLt Prinevllle. Or.. May 20. John Prior, aged 4, a veteran of the civil war, who lived alone in a snack on me eage " . town, was burned to death at midnight last night. Ths origin or tne lire, wnicn consumed his house, Is unknown, but was probably due to the careless , nse of matches or tne acoiaeniat pvanurn Ing of a lamp. Prior had served In tne First Con nectlcut light artillery in 18(1, at the age of If. He was a native of Ireland and' combined all of the enthusiasm of his race with the fervor of the true patriot. He was for many years one of he town's characters. He earned his ". living at odd Jobs and the townspeople ; were generous to him, for despite a eer taln tendency toward habitual bibulous Indulgence, he was always bunonng wun merriment and aroodwlll te alL He was noted for the everyday use of a set of original expressions and was always an obiect of interest to strangers. He leaves as his little estate the lot on which his house stood. He had no known relatives in this country. The cltlsens of Prinevllle will give the charred remains of the poor old unfor tunate a burial such as Is seldom ac corded one of so lowly a station. KELSO VOTES BONDS FOR A NEW SCHOOL BUILDING Mnwlit ntntaten te The Jnareal) Kelso. Wash.. May 20. The "Kelso spirit" was again demonstrated Saturday XhS special Scnooi election cauea 10 voteTjn tne propoemou w wuu, wr new schoolhouse. mere was so mucn ' talk of opposition that the progressive people of the town turnea out en masse and carried the measure by. the over whelming majority of 175 to 67. This is nearly twice as large as any vote here tofore cast in Kelso at a school election. The KelSo' schools have made great progress this year and the people of "he piece are resoiveu mat guoa acnuui w cllltlss Shall be provided so that there may be no abatement of the good work and that Kelso may soon hate ths best schools In Cowllts county.. , . Bonds were voted In the sum of $$,600. , Construction will begin as soon as school, is out, June 1. ' The board has already prepared plans for a thoroughly modern school building with all needed high school' facilities. Ten Thousand Forfeit Attaches. (Special IHipateh te The Jodmat) Spokane, Waah., May 20. August Isle's big $10,000 deposit with the city as a guarantee that he would do cer tain sewer "work was forfeited Satur day because he failed to -comply with the contract in beginning the work. He may bring suit In an attempt to recover It (Special Dtepateh te The Jeeraal.) Enternrise. Or.. May 20. In the Dor rls murder case the defence Is still en' eased in examining witnesses. The de fendant has teetlfied and has apparently made a good impression with ths Jury, That part of his testimony which re lated to the shooting or simms was to tne effect that lie was afraid Slmtns, being a much larger man than himself, would seriously beat1 him, and that he pulled the pistol from bis pocket for the pur pose of giving notice to Slmma that he would defend himself from bis assault. when tne pistol was aiscnargea socmen ally. . The case Is being closely contested and Judging from the number of exceptions taken by the defense the case may be appealed to the supreme court in case of a conviction. ; ' SHOT MAN SUSPECTED OF DEFRAUDING HIM (Special DUsitct te Tee JaanwLl Astoria, Or,May 10. News has been received 'here that an Italian ' whose name is not learned who wss working for Erlckson and Peterson, the contract ors on the Ilwaco Railroad A Naviga tion company's extension near , Mo- Oowan, Washington, had been shot by William Black, a saloonkeeper of Il waco, Washington. Black has been In the habit of cashing time checks for the men working on the grade. On present Ing a number of checks at a bank he had found several of them had been raised and he was defrauded out - of nearly $$00. Warrants were Issued for the arrest and two men were arrested at Chinook yetterdajr afternoon. Black, who was at Chinook yesterday, met one of the alleged check raisers and at once pulled his gun and shot at the man, wounding him. It Is said, fatally, Black Is now under arrest. He will have a preliminary examination at Chi nook.- ' . v '1 - " " : " .,' V ORDER OF OWLS FIGHTS RIVAL BUNCH OF HOOTERS (Special Dlnpatcfc te The Jon real.) Spokane, Wash., May 20. There Is big owl fight on here. The Order of Owls Is fighting v the Brotherhood of Owls, claiming that after It had been organised the latter order got its con stltutlon and organised, the same kind of lodge with a slightly different name, It is claimed the ( workings of 'the two orders '- are almost : exactly alike. Through , their supreme organiser the Order of Owls has brought suit against ths Brotherhood of Owls for $36,000 damages. , EXPERIMENTSTATfON ON UMATILLA PROJECT ' . (SBeelal Dtuatek to The JonraaLI Hermlston. Or., May 20. To have 40 acres of land under ..the east Umatilla project set sslde for an experiment sta- tldn Is the object of a movement now on. The matter Is now before the de partment of agriculture. There hai long been a sentiment in favor of . an experiment station In the irrigated sec tion of the county, and at the instance of the people of Hermlston,' Senator C. J. Smith has been busy in the matter for some time. iliiiii (By Oeorge H. Shoaf, of ths Appeal to ' - ( Reason.) ' Boise. Idaho. Msy 20. With the ex ception of one or two incidents, in which gun men, hired by the Colorado Mine Owners' association, featured, Sunday In , Boise saw no new developments in ths Haywood trial. The attorneys on both sides worked all day on the famous case, conferring with their agents re specting he character and career of the generally regarding the history and con nections of the talesmen yet unexamined.- y:y, A'.;V ::. ?:','.-';.yr' ':''.';'':'.:.: Witnesses too, who expect .to testify on tither side were talked with and given their Instructions as to how they ehould conduct themselves on the stand. It Is plstn that no stone will be left un turned by the law vera engaged in the defense and prosecution of Haywood to acquit or oonvict him. , Every lawyer and agent connected with either side Is straining his utmost, but none of them will stand for a newspaper Interview concerning their operations.' " . Prosecutor Supplanted, In ordinary criminal cases the prose cuting attorneys, while generally at tempting to do their best, make no spe cial effort to convict the prisoner charged with crime. Not so with the present, case. In fact the regular pros ecuting attorney, O. M. Vanduyn, whose duty it Is to take the Initiative, has been practically put aslds, and the beat and most experienced, criminal lawyers In the northwest have been given charge of the prosecution. 1 In ordinary crim Inal cases the person being tried Is pre sumed Innocent until he Is proved guilty of ths orlme. At least ths prisoner is given the benefit of the doubt by the state's attorneys.1 Haywood, however, is being prosecuted with a vengeance by United State Senator W. K. Borah and .Attorney James H. Hawley, that finds nowparaBel unless it be ' found in those extraordinary eases in ths south where negro brutes are arraigned. This attitude of the attorneys engaged in proseoutlng Haywood is particularly no ticeable and Is the subject of consider able comment among the court specta tors, - Socialists la Meeting'. Socialists in Boise, local and visiting, met last night and quietly discussed the situation. Several persons present re lated -experiences they have had during the last several days with armed thugs whose actions were such that they plain ly Invited hostilities. Ons msn said that ha was standing near a street .cor ner, waiting for a car, when two rough looking men. who afterward turned out to be Colorado gun men, approached and In a loud voice began to revile socialism and unionism, declaring that anybody who embraced -er-" advocated - either should be run out of the country. An other socialist got up and said that he was roundly abused by one of the courtroom guards Friday for no purpose whatever, that the guard' 1 actually started to draw his revolver saying at the time that he had a notion to shoot on general principles, and that in ordef to prevent a fight and possibly a killing, he, the socialist, was compelled to make a hot-foot from ths place. , Veaoe Program Adopted. Many stories similar to these were told bv Other socialist speakers. At ths conclusion of the meeting it was re garded ta the consensus of opinion among those present that for the sake of peace and the welfare of the federa tion leaders no action should be taken against ths detectives and gun men, either collectively or individually, and that on ths other hand every ' socialist in Boise end Ada oounty shall do his best to observe the law and keep his temper. W, D. Haywood, the defendant, spent a quiet day. Attorney Dai row con ferred with htm two hours in the after noon and his wife visited him for an equal length of time. His morning hours were spent In exercise and read ing his mall. Mrs. Pettlbone, wife of Oeorge A. Pettlbone, wss unable to visit the Jail on account of . sickness. Mrs. Moyer. wife of Charles H. Moyer, has been confined to her room in a local hos pital nearly four weeks. Save for . the activities of the attor neys and agents Interested, and the detectives, gun men and a few unionists, socialists and newspaper men, very few people in Boise are- taking any apparent interest in the case. Apparently Boise residents refuse absolutely to tslk about the affair, Cltlsens corns and go and attend to their business or enjoy their pleasures as if there were no such thing as a labor war in existence or a 'Hay wood trial gong on. ; f 57th Anniversary $y.: The Mightiest of All Sales 1 ' .'. ..:"..( . s.'.-f..".1 : ,.;t f . t The occasion to which this notice refers is adver tised in the Sunday papers with the largest vertisement ever printed in America. This Anniversary - Sale is . the biggest event ever temped in this or any other Portland store. It will last three days Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, but hundreds of extraordi nary bargains are newly placed on sale each day The bargains given are worthy of an event of such great sig nificance. The prices have not been given a fond grandma smack, but treated to the energetic whack usually handed out by a strenu ous fathen; Today, Tuesday and Wednesday will be red-letter , days here. We intend there shall be much enthusiasm. We ex-' pect to see you. Get i -Shopping Guide at the Door Established 1850 Fifty-Seven Years 1 n Business Established 1850 - UamyUUlUMlUUo iCi"iUUV W ACja Good Merchandise Onljr Quality Considered Onr Price Are Always the Lowest V tMt II - 57th d I i I AT Chief Feature of Gathering t'o Be Dedication of Magnificent Temple. ' POL.ICYHOL.DERS BEST FOR AN OREGONIAN ' HOME OFFICE SIXTH AND ANK6NY STREETS, PORTLAND . ' (BpMial Dlipateb te The JmrnL)' Taooma, Wash., May 20. The Knights ot Pythias of the domain of Washing ton today are In possession of the city, there being 1,00 or more visiting- mem bers of the order here attending the seeslons ; of the twenty-fourth annual convention. Today Is devoted to recetV' Ins; the members of the grand lodge and visitors at the Pythian ' temple,' which was last week ' given the finishing touches for the occasion. The chief feature of the convention will be the dedication of this temple, which Is one of the . best buildings erected in the northwest by the fra ternal . organisations. Seven or eight companies of the uniform rank will appear In the parade that will open the grand lodge tomorrow morning. The ceremonial of El Mabarras, O. O. K. K., Wednesday evening- will' be one-of the greatest, probably, ever held In the state. .. A class ot 78 candidates will De Initiated. . -A. L. MILLS.- , ' President, I SAMTJKU - r -V-r-' Qeneral Manager.' CLARENCE S. SAMUEL, '; S ' Assistant Manager. ; Doan's Rgulets ' 'cure constipation I without griping, nausea, nor any weak- enlng - effect. - Ask your druggist - for I them. 26 cents per box. For a, Good Complexion. Health and Beauty. rpOR Cler Eyeg rure complexion Sweet Breath 'Clean Tongue Calm Nerves T j Coed Temper Eat a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need it. Carry a little lOo Emer gency box constantly with you, in your Purse or Pocket. "7 " : ' When do you need one? " When your Tongue is coated When you have Heartburn, Belch ing, Add Risings in Throat I. ?When Pimples begin to peep out .When your gtomach Gnaws and Burns, x That's the time to check coming Con stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia.' Tli.tlk V ,1M .V A f V v '.. ' 1 One tablet taken whenever you tuapeot you need it will insure you against 90 per cent of all other ills likely to attack you. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't irritate, nor upset your stomach. . They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contract and propel the Pood naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices with Food. - This stronger action produces greater nutrition from food and perfoct elimina tion of useless materials. ' it makes the blood purer, healthier . and more reconstructive, insuring a fine, clear color and complexion. ,,..;:.;.;;r..r','' ;:'' .'r',,.-?: Then carry the little ten-cent box con stantly with you in youa. purse, and take a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need it. ' " " All Druggists sell them over tea mil lion boxes a year. . ; Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com-' pany and never sold in bulk. - Every' tablet stamped "CCC." : ujh ' Preferred Stock O eased Oeoda Allen A Lewis Best Brand. NOW IS THE SEASON FOR SAM KAIL; A Cold-Wattr Kalsomlne Sanikal is ready for imme diate use when mixed with cold, water. It spreads easily and covers well. One pound of Sanikal will cover from 60 to 100 square feet. It is made in numerous pleasing colors,' strong, or delicate. Colors are uniform. Any unskilled person can apply, by observing tne directions. Sanikal is absolutely non poisonous. No other kalso mlne is quite so good hun dreds of pleased customers right herein Portland. Costs but a trifle. Call, telephone Main 2023 or. send postal card for booklet showing 57 different shades. C TIfilMS, CRESS & CO :The Paint Store 145 FIRST STREET ;iV-B acata soss ram LOW RATES AST 8i Tto earn bow snake jrour arrangememts to visit -the . JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Or any other point in the east, this summer, and take advantage of the very low ROUND TRIP rates that have just been fixed upon by THE OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION COMPANY, i From PORTLAND to Chicago $71.50 St. Louis ,....$67 JO St. Paul $63.15 B $85.00 $81.00 $81.40 Omaha. .,.$60.00 $730 Sioux City. ...... .$60.00 - ' $730 Kansas City...:... $60.00 v $73.15 A -Direct routes both ways. B One-way through California. y Yen days allowed tot going trip, SO days for retara. Stopovers at Jleasnre within limits. Tickets will be on sale May SO, tl Jaas , 7, 8 nly 8, 4, 8) August 8, S, 10; September 11. IS. 13. . Oorrespoaalna rednotloa la rases from ths otttes aasset t Jamestewst . and return. - rot fnU partlealara laaolre of. -t,.- WM. McMURRAY, CW. STINGER. (rsnexal rMieager Agent, ' City Tloket Arent, TUrd and WasbingtoB Streets, itinSslVHSLOW'S - C0TI!I"3 SYRUP aesbeeaaseabySailtossef Mothewfor. their 1 ehUdrui wtalka Trntbln tor orr Fifty Taara. 1 1 It iooUms ta hlld, aohras the soma, aUarsi . all pain, eorae wind oUe, aad the serti . veniadr for SlarrtKMb , 1 vmnn-nn worrs a Ttwntx. FOR WOMEN ONLY ' Dr. gtadaraea't Oompooad Savta aad Cottaa Boot PUla. Tk bt and oalr reliable nmtdj ta 1S LAYEO PEBIOlta.. Car tb Boat i.H..i. la S to 10 Sara. Prkw S par fox. nailed la UI wnppor. Addreaa Or. T. J. PISECB. 181 Ttnt atroot Portlaad, Oroaoa. Getting Paint la a simple matter at any store ' 1 where yon , find tha '.fW- paints, enamels. stains, varnishes under' the ACKE 'QUAUffj sold to Yon can be sure to ret the right Paint for any nse without fuss, bother or uncertainty, , This' quality mark pro tects you in bnyine and using, wt ns send yon , a coovof the complete new paint guide ; rhe Selection and Use of Paints said Finishes. If yoar nearest dealer cannot supply yoo with the M Acme Quality" kind, we wCI. ;i V 17 TJDIST SOTSMBTi WOMTXtAK1i.:.:'':' famous Acme Quality mark. JOURNAL WANT ABS V