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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
.-.'. 1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, WAY, tO, ISC7. BUILD PIPER ML1 Hit! Plant Costing Quarter Million Will Be Erected V at Mouth ot Coquille-River Eastern " ; , Capital Backs Project ' A 1260,000 pulp and psper mill for manufacturing high grade white paper Is the newest prise captured by the city of Bandon at the mouth of the CoauIHe river. The cltlsens are rata. Ins $50,000 to be augmented by 1200,000 of aaatern caeltaL The mill will man- ; ufacture paper from white cedar and . ' alder by a new process. . M. - C. Bingham of Portland who re- turned yeaterday from tha Coqullle re- . ' (Ion, aald: ", "There la great activity In building, , and lncreaae of bualneaa and population . 1n tha Coqullle valley. The people of Bandon are entitled to much credit for the enterprise they are showing. At , tha J. H.' Price & company ehlpyard '. three ahlpa are on stocks, and will be t completed within a ahort time. All . , are ateam schooners,, and will run 'la ' tha, lumber .trade.. '. . . : -; -:; t-Mt Otweri At Sendoaw ., 1 ime baa a lumber carrying capacity t 860.000 feet, and will go to Grays Harbor. Another of BOO tone reglater - haa been chartered for It yea re by the Cody Lumber company, of Bandon. ' 'A third, of 150 tona reglater, will run 7 ? lumber from Eureka to Ban rranclsoo, ; and . bring 'back general cargo. The price company baa ontracta for two ' mora similar vessels. Mr. Price baa f offered to build a vessel far tha port ; land-Coqullle run at actual coat" Orowth of bualneaa at Bandon la ' Dhow by tha record of tha Bandon pwoolen mills. If these mills did not i. get another order thle year they would now have enough ordure on hand to run until the firat of next January. A Ingle order from Detroit, Michigan, la for $35,000 of one of cloth. "If that U not pretty good for a amall concern away out here on the Paclflo coast I would Ilka to know," aald Mr. Bingham, proudly. "The woolen mill people have Just put In too new spin. dlea ; They will ahortly lncreaae their force and run tha mill night and day, employing altogether about 70 men." 4 Hew Kills Being Built. Johnson ,4 Lyon a. two local young men, are completing a new sawmill of 75.000 feet dally capacity on tha Co qullle river three ml lee above Bandon. All the equipment la new throughout. L. M. White, a phyatclan at Palouse, Wash I ngton, . returned , yeaterday to Portland from Bandon, where he pur ehaeed property and will erect a boa pltaL It la aald by Bandon people that their harbor, and reaourcea equal those of any point on the Oregon coaat. The 1 Coqullle river la navigable for lumber veeeela to Rlverton, 18 miles . above Bandon. There Is a deep channel, ac cessible on both aldea of tha river for vessels. The bar baa a depth of mora than II feet at low tide. Tha tide ordinarily at the mouth of the river la eight feet and the full moon tide Is lOtt feet Good progress Is being made with the movement to build a veaael for the Portland-Coqullle run. ,' . MRU RETIRES FROM POLITICS Exiled ; President of Honduras Will. Not Fight Lpnger V for Control. no 4 EXTEIISIOII OF RAILROAD TICKETS . Sickness or i Accidents Make Your Tickets No Good to'You. new , (Jeeroal Special Cerrlee.) Chicago, May SO Under tha i rule adopted by the Western Paaaenger I association persons who have pur ' chased tickets must fall ill at their own ! expense. Tha association has decided t to cancel Its former rule regarding tba extension of tickets for passengers on ' account of sickness, delayed trains or I , other legitimate reasons. This means r that only tha tlcketa are purchased and the responsibility of the road ends be yond its usual care In conveying pas-, aengers to their destination wltlUn tba . ' time speolfled only. The rescinding of this nils follows a . decision by tha Interstate commerce .commission to tba effect that "Tlcketa '. ' sold at reduced rates, to be used with- In a limited period, should not be ex- r tended because Of sickness or etner ; misfortune." Tba commission explained r that while this rule seemed harsh, it ' was plain that tha contrary ruling would open tha door,, to "imposition !..and evasion To this ruling the railroads .have added the Item regarding trains . de layed by accidents, strikes orother mat K$ers over , which they have no control. MOBS STONE CARS Troops May Be Ordered Out to Quell tho Rioting In Evansville. I,- ' Etarrisburg Fixe for Fourth. Harrlsburg, Or., May J0- The Itod ! rn Woodmen of America and Royal Neighbors of Harrlsburg have appointed ( committees to prepare for the coming I ' Fourth of July celebration. Elaborate $ ' arrangements for a good time are going f : forward rapidly and a gooa ceieDratlon 1 1 l pected If the weather will only be good. PERSONAL Louis J. Wilde and tight for California. . wife left last Uonrul IpeeUl Berries.) Bvanavllle, Ind.. May 20. Tha etreet car strike situation last night became very serious and tha company announces that if . tha polloe authorities do not give Immediate assurances that adequate protection will be furnished it will ap peal for, state militia. It Is apparent that tha police are powerless. Mobs collected at polnta where there were no Officers stoned and egged cars, beat mo tona en and (wrecked property. Several employee were badly beaten by hoodlums who pass under tha title of "sympa thisers." Efforts were made to operate cars, but every movement , waa marked by violence. The company abandoned all ears and an extra guard was thrown around tha barns. '- -.' i ai- President Bosae of the board of Public safety has called an emergency meet ing for this afternoon, when measures for protection and coping with the law less elements win be discussed and a line of action decided upon. The strike affords fins opportunity for thugs along tha river front and they are flocking in from other cities to aid in tha disorder. Tha company demands that polloe be sent on every car. but thia is Impossible, as there are not enough patrolmen. . All the business In terests will be represented at the Con ference and it Is likely that tha state will be asked for troops to bring about order. Local authorities have ahown themselves unable to handle tha situa tion. . ; ,.. ' .. : Ijoaraal BdccUI Berrlce.t New Orleans. La., May $0. Oneral Manuel Bonllla, exiled prealdent of Hon. duras, arrived here thla morning. Gen eral Bonllla is In bad shape physically and bis syes require Immediate treat ment He will remain here until Thurs day, when - he will sail for Bellsee, British Honduras. In tha course of an interview General Bonllla emphatically disclaimed all the waruxe intentions attriouted to mm in Interviews sent out from Galveston. am going to Bellsee to resume the quiet and peaceful life of a planter," he said. 1 have not the slightest intention of ever again mixing up in tha politics of Honduras. I realise that I am unable to hold the forces of that oountry to gether and that there la a large num ber of treltors and adventurers who are totally unreliable in tha army, and after my recent experience with them I am done. ' I have bo more political ambi tions,, and all I ask Is ,1s be let alone In the peaceful pursuits of Ufa "I lived In Bellsee many years before taxing np tba leaderablp of the revolu tion which resulted in my becoming president or Honduraa. I tried to do right in that offlua, buttha mannenn which I have been treated shows that it was useless,, and I will have nothing mora to do with politics in Honduraa. , ORCHARD IS USING (Continued from Page Ona) EXAMINING JURORS Betting at Boise la Eight to Fire oa - Disagreement. , . . (Journal gpseial Service.) Boise, Idaho. May 20. With half a hundred witnesses for the prosecution on hand and both prosecution and de fense compelled to resort to peremptory challenges- to remove from the Jury box obnoxious veniremen, tha third week of the Haywood murder trial began thla morning. The third week promises to dsvelop sensations. When tha court re convened today tha proeeoutlon bad five and tha defense six peremptory chal lenges left and It la plain that both aides Intend to be vary chary in using these. When tha court reconvened the de fense took up the examination of T. C Da Cleroq, who baa already been ac cepted by the proeeoutlon as number five. Before the day la over Judge Wood will excuss Juror Orlo Cole, who waa eminently satisfactory to both sides, but whose physician haa filed a certificate that his health unfits him from serving. in sporting circles Deis are ireeiy of fered at agree. Bo take the abort and of tha wager. A personal encounter between one of the detectives here to testify for the Drosecutlbn and one of the defense's witness 'occurred today, but it was quickly stopped with honors even. Declecq waa subjected to a severe cross-questioning by Attorney Darrow, who flnaiiy excused him for bias. a dosen veniremen were then examined in an unsuccessful effort .to nil tha va cancy. . . : Frank Marcellus, man, caused Women Avoid Operations ' MISS ROSE MOORE , When a woman suffering- front female trouble is told that aaroper atlon la necessary, it, of course, frighten her. , The verv thou g-ht of tha hospital, the operating; table and the knife strikes terror to her heart. ' T - It la quite true Mat theae troub les mav reach a stays trhere an ope ration is the only resource, but a. great many women have been eared ' by Lydia E.' Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound after an operatioa hag bean decided upon as the only cure. The strongest and most grateful " . - " ' , - statements possible to make oomo from women who by taldnf Lydia E. Pi nkhara's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs, have escaped serious operations,, as evidenced by Miss Rose Moore's ease, of (07 T. Sflth bt, Jf.Y. She writes:- Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-,'Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound ha cured me of the very worst form of female trouble and I wish to express to you my deepest gratitude. I guffered Intensely for two year go that I waa unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family. I doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting to an operation which I was advised to undergo I decided to try Lydia B. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound; It cured me of the terrible trouble and I am now in better health than X have been for many years,", This and other such eases should encourage every woman to try Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before she submits to an operation. Mrs. Pinkham'3 Standing Invitation to Women v. ! Women suffering from any lorm of female wsakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. - From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advisea. . ' . ? Oilers for Tuesday Only Two "'. Magnetic Specials Art liiindry Bags made of good strong duck, with white linen center piece, stamped letters, sizes 18x29 and 22x2 regular price 35c Tuesday Only 15c Not more than 2 to a customer. No telephone orders filled. Linen finish Towels 19x40, red . border. Special for Tuesday Two forv 25c Not more than one half of a dozen to a customer. EASTERN OUTnpNG M XJZSttL Cor. Washington and tenth : PROGRESS OF CITY IS IN HANDS OF VOTERS JL Charter Amendmentt for Im provementt Should Be Ac cepted at June Election. , NEW CONDITIONS MUST MEET GREAT GROWTH Issuance of Bonds WUI Augment the Expansion of Portland's Interests Intelligent Vote Needed to Cross Ballots Correctly. The extraordinary growth of Portland In tha last three years naa ite eequei In the ballot that will be placed In the handa of the votera at the June election. ,? ?r- B 5"n0ttered cession." The manner in which they vote on eome of the ballot propositions wUl determine whetlajr or not tha city Is to take care of Its Increasing respon slblUUes. ' , Y'' . Tha Issuing of bonds to ralke funds for Immediate Improvements or en largements of a cltya facilities la done ir.T; on the theory that tba newcomer ana "aari.. . u in nnma there r ins ii - wuv mm w fmr ma halB nay for the Im provement. On this theory Portland can well afford to .Issue bonds for le gitimate improvements, tor tnia cny prospective Jury-1 Ousted From Roumanian Bucharest, Roumsnta, May to. Bab- ola Lasarovlch, one of the leaders of the radical and socialist party, waa today given 24 hours notice to leave Roumanla. He la charged with Inciting the recent peasant outbreak resulting. In the butch ery of thousands of peasants. it t Up Folger's Golden Gate Coffee At Breakfast Inrigoratingf A t Lunch s Refreshing At Dinner Satisfying J. A. FOLGER & CO. Sen Prenctese I J , o Si THE WAITER provocatlYe of good humor as Ghirardelii's Cocoa. Its delic ious fragrance and sustaining goodness fill the-most exact ing guest with generous Im pulses The best thing too for his own kreskfast is Ghirardelii's Cocoa :t.: stantlal evidence. GOULD IN LOVE (Continued irom Page Ona) I a laugh by declaring that S i the rate of he had no Intereat In learning who . "7fc...V. - nnum. In fact It ... - ... am . a I llisait W iiiwunauua aK w amea uieunenoerg, me queauona oy , th" rowth of population and business presslon that the prosecution feare It ' ..rvlce. more docka. more will be Impossible to secure direct evl- i r.rr.ntiorL more and better M . iV..4- , ..1 M"""! "" " . ' . uouua 10 vuuuiiu vivumua .huii wu .t.ut,jtnti mnri acnocna ana it will be forced to rely upon ctrcum- cnurehei; mor streetcars and mora aro lights. City ana Business oouniea. Since 1900 Portland's population has more Chan doubled. The earnings of its water works have doubled. Ite post office recelpta. In 190. I368.89S, will In 1907 1nmr to nearly $600,000. In 1902 this was a city with 9,1'9 telephone ln- etrumenta. Today It uses more ' tnan 20.000 instrumenta of the old company, and In addition ha" taken on a new au tomatic system, with unaergrouna wires. Blnce 1900 Portland haa added more than $68,000,000 worth of buildings, ac cording to tha record left by permits issued at the eltv hall. It la not un reasonable, therefore, that the taxpayers are at this time confronted by a neces sity for more public service facilities. Thev can afford to furnish them, for their property has in the . same period inoreaaed In value in the aame ratio that the city has grown. Tha Good and th Bad, The problem for the voter who takes up hla ballot la to determine what are the good propositions and what are the ones to be rejected. It is important to vote against the bad, but still mora im portant not to reject the good. ' Portland needs municipal docka With completion of the government Jetty and the CelHo canal, deep sea shipping and river business will enormously increase. Water frontage between Fulton and St Johns will become correspondingly ex pensive and, hard to get The present tune is a gooa time lor tno city io in- in acquiring municipal cent actor's fund fair lu the Metropoli tan opera house he and she were fre quently together, both of them riding to ana rrom me xair in uouia a auiomoDue. She la considered handsome, and haa a striking figure. Her brother is -quoted ss saying that as soon as Gould and hla wife are divorced, thla actress will be married to Gould. .- ' The knowledge that Gould la desirous of a divorce ao that he may contract marriage with the woman who has sup planted her in hla affections, la aald to be one reason why Mrs. Gould will ask only for separation with alimony, and not for aosolut sundering ef matrimo nial ties. It is understood that her suit will go to the referee and publicity tn-regard to her evidence will thus be avoided. It is said that Mrs. Gould wants $11,000 per montn alimony, while Gould la un willing to pay her more than $8,000. PREPARING ROAST (Continued from Page One.) dent regards highly, ia given the task j of Injecting vltrol into the attorneys' rrtrtrt- vest 1600.000 the administration. , It Is for Lane to M0' or! 1las.w.teJr l" wn,r T.1nr him ln all hi. &11ta-A vtll.inn.ia OOCKS can w Bum in tuiurtv to charge the eost ef a large water naln against abutting property la wrong. The laying of large mains on streets is necessary to carry water to other streets, in a distributing system, but should be pale for in a manner different from that prescribed. In voting on this proposition the careful taxpayer wul place a cross before the word "No." City Veeds Wr protection. The measure to provide for a fire boat and fire mains is a good one and should have tha indorsement of the voters. It Is proposed to issue $175,000 general bonds for building an additional fireboat and to lay water mains for a distance of alx blocks on each aide of th Wil lamette river, for fire protection. At first glance thla would seem to be a measure for special benefit of the busi ness interests. But it wU be remem bered that great conflagrations always start close to tho business district, and that if th Interior of the city can be protected tha whole city Is reasonably safe. ' The additional fireboat win double the present effectiveness to be gained from direct water aupply from the Willamette river, and tho laying of water mains for six blocks on both sides will extent) the effectiveness of tha equipment to the extent of doubling the territory in which the fireboat could protect property. This measure would practically afford the best tire protection to the district in which 90 per cent of Portland's male population earns a livelihood, lae voters should without exception place a cross before the word Tea . on this proposition. , DvBDensla la America's cur a. - Bur dock Blood . Blttere conquers dyspepsia every time. It - drlvee out Impurities, tones the stomach, restores oerfect dl. gestlon, normal weight and good health. American National Bank , SAN DIEGO, CAL. ' SSBSSSaSBSBBBBBBBSBBBSSBBBBBSBBSSSBBBSBS Capital (paid up) $100,000. urplus and TJa, Profits 940.0OO. Offloers and Directors: Louis J. Wilde, Pres.; R. U. Powers, Tloe-Prea; H. B. Mills, yioe-Prea; Chaa. I Williams, Cash ier; Ik J. Rloe, AssisUnt Cashier; U. Btrahlmen. ' . - .' Bead Us Tout' Paolfle Vorthwest Iteisse Send Cs Teor Visitors for Good Treilment -V SAX DIE GO, CALIFORNIA. It will pay you to carefully investigate the openings for capital in this beautiful and healthful city, whose magnifi cent harbor is beooming so important since the Panama , canal Is assured. ' .:, V BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc PORTLAND WIRE AND IRON WORKS ' SECQND AND EVERETT STS. i'jmWt Mi-am. Phone Main 2000. . Union High School Commencement. Union, Or- May 10. The commence ment day exercises of tho Union High school win take place at the Methodist Episcopal church Friday evening, May ti ' The graduatee are Plorenc Sev ers, Anna Brace,' Stephen Sclblrd and Stanley Eaton. ,' FiwChaeces to Get Your lead Free mm 1st Prize, $5.00 Meat Order on the Harry Wood Market 2nd Prize, a $2.50 Meat Order on the Harry Wood Market 3rd Prize, a $2.00 Meat Order on the Harry Wood Market 4th Prize, a $1.50 Meat Order on the Harry Wood Market 5th Prize, a $1X0 Meat Order on the Harry Wood Market Fffiv THESE ARE THE CONDITIONS Read thia advertisement carefully, note Bobby Strong's question to his father, and write us an answer to It in not over 30 words. The five beat answers in the order of their merit will receive the prizes. Call and leave your answer, or mail It to the address below BEFORE THURSDAY OF THIS WEEK. The prizes wffl e announced in Friday's paper and you will be in. , formed by letter. Your name will be kept out of print if you aak us not to publish it attributes as a piratical adventurer among tho peaceful fleets of commerce. Lane gave an Inkling of bis command of vigorous Anglo-Saxon last winter When he wrote a report bit car short age, and his declaration at that time that'loes stock manipulation and more railroading would result in better trans portation service, gave pleasure to the president ' , Since then Harrlman has given added evidence of Napoleonic financial expedi ents by announcing that he would is sue $111,000,000 of new stocks on con vertible, bonds of the Union and South ern Pacific to pay for the securities of other roads already purchased. This is looKeo on Dy tne administration as a fresh contribution by Harrlman for his funeral pyre. ; TAC0MA FIGURING ON GRAVITY WATER SYSTEM , (Specisl PlDteh to Ths JoarniLt t Tacoma, Wash., May 20. It costs Ta-1 coma Just SVi centa for every 1.000 gal-1 ions or water pumped rrom the wells south of the city. Mayor Wright thinks It is too much and many of the council men agree with him. The engineers are now making figures on a gravity aupply rrom ureen river, tne intake of -which I will be far up In the Cascade mountains. This gravity system will cost $,000,000. The administration officials say that counting $100,000 a year tor interest on I the gravity system bonds and another $100,006 for depreciation of the plant the cost of securing water on thla plan will be but half a Cent per 1,000 gallons, against the S 14 cents the city is now The ballot on this . Question reads. $500,000 Of dock bonds to bs authorised for the purchase of land for docka and construction and improvement of publlo docka to be owned by-the-clty of Port land, by an amendment to section 11 J of the city charter. Shall section 118 of the 'etty charter of Portland be amended?" Tha wise voter will put' a cross In front of the word "yes." , Two Bad Keasurea. ' The proposition to vote $3,000,000 for an additional pipe line from Bull -Run. to purchase land for reservoirs, and to In stall a water meter system, might under a clearly drawn orainance do a proper thing for the voter to accept But the measure is not a good one. It is loosely fonstructed ana permits or various ln erpretatlons. ' In its present form the results would be mixed, and more Injustice than bene fit would probably follow. The proposal SPECIAL FOOD TOR BRAINS Grape-Nuts Healthy Brains make a Fat Pocket Book 'Thres a Rtason r "Papa, Why Is Government Inspected Meat the Only SAFE Meat to Eat?" " These Facts Are of Vital Importance to You Our scales ar correct, our shop is large, light, cleanly and protected from the street, and our. prices are the lowest in town. Our meats are the very pick of the northwest home-grown, home-butchered, all government-inspected. Compare our prices with those of our competitors; and the price advantage is the one of least consequence. . . SundrleeS Beef Liver , . . 5e Heart ..................... 5 Brains t.lOe) Tripe Set' Pigsfeet , BV Pigshead 5. Tongues .'. ........ ,i ..... 10 Ox-tails 5e H am j .......... . .. I Te Bacon' f17yti Beef, Per Pound Soup bones for. 2f Choice Necks, boil. ., 3e Choice Brisket ....... 4eV Choice jStew Meats... 4f 1 Choice " Shoulder 1 Roasts- 6eV Choice Pot . Ijtoastii..: 6) Choice Shoulder Steak 6e Oenesti Our .( ton' . rriee. Prlee,.-: 3c '. 5c 6c '6c : 8c 8c 8c ' , Oompett. - Oa tors' j . Prise. . Prlee, ' Round Steak. ...... 8e 12fte Choice Rump Roait.. 8e 10c Loin Steak .....,...10 15c . Fancy Porterhouse.. .12iieV-15c Rib Steak ..,.tl.'.,.12 15c Rib Roast . . i . Jt f . . 1 Oi 1 Sc Hamburger ...... Se 10c- -Mixed Sausage . ... . .lOet I2tfc THE HARRY WOOD MARKET CORNER FIRST - AND ALDER STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON paying,. , t. . : r 'V-