The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 18, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Tales of Schemes to
' Bryan for the Democratic
; Nomination Are Myths.'
' - (Continued from Part On)
the life of a great city hat an lntereat
In ; working ; for decent government.
upon this line we coma to our oppo
nent and ask them to show where pr.
Lane haa failed In any of theae par-
K . I fcVUIBI, DUl ' IMf Will II U I UIB IU
U6T6at showings-they cannot do ao because
they cannot put their finger a upon a
atngle act of tnalfeaaanoe during all the
two yea re of hie administration. We
have Inrited them to meet with ua and
discuss theae thlnga, but they have not
replied and will not do ao."
The speaker then turned hla atten
tion to the arguments of Chairman
Cake and Mr. Devlin that Republican
auoceaa waa of paramount Importance
becauae President Roosevelt had hla
era on Portland. ,
f . rouuca out or zt.
"President Roosevelt" 'he said, "la a
very buay man. He regulatea nearly
Wild Dream of President ItooMTelt
' ia Connection with Boorne Dln-
' ner Eanal Aocountg of TrraeoB everythlna; from the digging of canals
, ner wjmu ' I In Panama to the raising of bablea at
; to the) Commoner. -
home,-1 but I , honestly do not believe
that be knowa there la to be a munici
pal election in Portland In June. But
if he did, knowing the man, I anr sure
ha would be with ua. He would aay,
vote for the man renresentatlva or hign
ideals, moral decency and clvlo right-
-..--. rj Th Journal.)
IT1 RIU1U IUU " , . . .
r..h(ninn. Ml IB. HlOriea iimi
ni..i." .m A "mots wun auu-
'"""v" ' k-- nrmKi laeais, moral aacency ana civia f '"
aUntUl fo"rnJUo" V D- 0l,n,". lrraapactlva of what political
a art w. J. Bryea tor the uemo-i . v. w-i . 1 ... haa
nmlnaton for nresident are be- 1' -iV 7"'.""
Ing Bent out from weaninpo haa -erred theae Ideala and foatered
la Just about aa much real them, that man should be upheld In hla
them aa mere waa m policlea by reelection.
. .niMv rantleman a agreement acory I rk... 1. -.... hti nanmMi
1 which waa promulgated from the White n oyar the country deeper than the
House in connection , wun ne surface currents of daily life. The peo-
Annmr .'V- I ttla ara pAmlnv aa-aln Into their own.
That '15,000,000 story was easily an- It ia a movement for morality, for the
alyaed as the shrewa oap"na "' uplifting Of the race. It la a move
nhvinna nautical facts by Prealdent mant 0t the thinklna-. hard-working
Roosevelt, who taok several well-known voters, not of the politicians. Tou
xiMiHmia. tninad thant together, . la I know how von feel here and I am not
ai..i.ynnniiiion to him. not less majes-1 noealln to you to vote for Harry
tie but conaDlracy. and laaued the state-1 Lane because he Is a Democrat, for
' m,n fnr tha nuroose of aiding his po-l care nothina- for hla politics, but I ap
7 luteal fortunes.. -.4 . . " ',! I peal to you beeaua be haa had an eye
t i Thsf there are Democrats woo op- upon tne npuiung or
ooae Mr. Bryan, every on, wim """,1 iruwn mvunu vu.iu,u
knows. That they; would like to defeat, the strong arm of the protection of the
r-him 'aver one knows. That desiring law. jr ne has oeea succeaaiui in tn.-
' : . . V. ni .lam (n ,kln I, kunnu vmi, 1llf v to reelect
to aereat mm,' nwy w r 1 -
that end, also IS patent to an. " - l mm, ' .
... .v.. 1. tintmuch reason to i Baamles now Oanmt
Place Importance on these facts mosf "A man la Judged by the enemies he
Instructed people are firmly convinced. I has made. Dr. Lane has made many
inside a p j .. , s . buur -nemlw m u,.
, , , , -. .-- of them. Oo down below tne deaaune
Tha smith will De lor nr. .v.. -.k ha ha Mlvaa and
- -" , v. I mill m wwrn " " '
Benatorx Culberson Is the n u?; the dens are filled with , the drink
man who has had real support for tne I -odae wreck, of humanity end there
V nomination. It cannot te aemea whk
considerable following could have oeen
I rallied for him. But Senator Culberaon
ia heart knd soul for Mr. Bryan, has
i 'been for him, keeps a "portrait-of Mr.
you will find every man from tha boas
to tha bounoer shouting the name Of
"Then go down Into the rediight dis
trict, that plague spot on ths current
Bryan banging on the wall Pt Mm office of uft( where hopeless beings float like
r here, and just tne oiner aaj v" black shapes on eoaying tiae or tic,
Thl friends to support Mr. Bryan on- thmt nom 0f the vagrant,' tha blg-raltt
1... ka mtr announced that he waal that haunt of. thoae , nameleaa
not a candidate. Senator; Culberaon j paraaltta who fatten off the wages of
means this. And meaning, 11 nnuwv 1 hame, and ask wem m vo r
' settles the question as to the souths Hairy Lane. If you do the stream of
I position on Mr. Bryan. , , ' I profanity that greets you ui duodh
The western. Democrats are ior mr. 1 ana niss in iu aenun.
' Brvan. They are for him with a Tn-i ,, xafl for sevlin.
' n, nrt. and there Is not E Democrat I v', m... n. v, ,V,lr man well.
fin the country who can take away the Th cn00M them carefully and every
we-t from the column of Mr. Bryan. 0na will vote for Thomas C. Devlin.
The north is fpr Mr. Bryan.' axceptlng And tf n, u eited they will demand
' the ultra-conaervatlves, whoae Influence tn , toll But theae are not our
; in tha coming national Democratic con- frtands. . They will not vote for us and
i ventlon.wllX be as durable as tha pro- u u the. proudest compliment Dr. lane
'verblal gnowbail In Hell. (Helix Is a Mn jy, tQt them to opposaTtm.
! small town In Oregon, where the tem- pur friends, the enemy, can have
perature ls.hlah.) y-': ,- the saloon vote, the gambling vote, the
things, and
. ; 1 na nf ihn,. nameieas
3 ;," h!Ch means that the people agaln.t them wr wlU put the ot.
.11 of which meane in. n- - :;": ho 1. hl enough to rlae
' are for. Mr Bryan; tnat ia, mo r" '""Tj -oiitioa. th -man who be-
Z. daoanov of tha City, ana wiwi iiwm w-
cttlled. -who are against uv nn-Ti " other fellows from the
KriflHKTfJIL Uri r - ii Sh
i Ta Foiwte. or Mr. Fojil" or air.
i just as much against Mr.
Mr tjt Foilette. or Mr.
Hughes of New T6rk. They are against
t any one who believes that labor should
;. have a, Just division of the products of
: Industry; that lawr shall ne respecxeo,
:- quite as much by wealthy". corporation
' managers as by labor men; that bad
S conditions universally recognised now
ahould be cured, and that the govern
. ment should be brought back to tlft
'1 people where It waa intended It should
'originate. -,: J
-( They are against any one who ln
slats that the common people are better
1 fitted to decide governmental questions
; than those whoae . Interests are on the
'; side of privilege, and those subservient
i1 creatures who go to privilege for their
" Instructions., J : 'V-v;.:. ' .1 . :
, mooeevelt Dominates larty.
Hf is known here that President
; Rooseirelt Just now absolutely dominates
t hi party: that were the national eon
ventlon to be held at this time he or
his choice would be named by aoclama
v tlon.; But Mr. Bryan has not leas power
with' his party; more, In truth, because
he has not been elected and haa not a
. large stick of federal patronage with
which to beat into political Inaenalblllty
i thoaf who, oppose him, Offlceleaa, 4 a
high private In the rear ranks, a coun
try editor forsooth, Mr. Bryan can ha.v.
4h nomination If he wanta it, and will
be u teed to accept It In 1908.
The memory of the 1904 Democ ratio
national convention and the dlaaatrous
i campaign which followed are too fresh
to lend color of vlgoroua life to cabals
for; tha defeat of William J. Bryan.
Thls Is known perfectly clearly by all
' Washtectoni newspaper men, and they
all, averto this , effect n their PilVjt"
his terra of office, and made but one rrom
Ise in asking for votes. That was: ,
, "If you elect ne aa mayor for the
next two ' yeara, I . will be faithful to
your trust I will neither steal' from
you myself, nor1' permit anyone else to
ateal f roi you, I " will make the In
tereats keep theifTiands oft your af
fairs. ' " : .;t.
"I am not the issue In this campaign.
Tour Interests and your principles of
decency in city government are ' the
Issues that -are before you. Two
ago I promised you an administration
of your affairs for the people alone,
free from all pledges, v
"I have kejt this Dromiee. 1 nave
enforced the dox ordinance and all
did waa to call up the same chief of
police who . had held the . office under
my predecessor, snd tell htm to cut
out the boxes and to do It within three
days. He did It In less time.
Made Good ea Pledges.
"Then I told the same chief of
police; with reference to the I o'clock
saloon cloalna law. that 1 o'clock meana
juat 60 minutes after 11 ociocx, ana
not a quarter aaer.l, half past 1, or
quarter to 1 I told him that If saloons
were not closed at 60 minutes after 12,
to close them, and It was done.
"There waa practically no grafting
when I came into the city hall. We
found only one grafter, and he waa
caught He was some sort of an In
speotor, and was promptly " discharged
by the executive board. He Is now ac
tive in the ranks of the worker
against me. Is In - the employ of
corporation that Is opposed to my re
election, and is president of one of my
opponent's Republican clubs.
"I have tried to make the town safe,
not only for women and children, but
have done my best to keep sorrow and
misery from your homes. Tom Word
removed one of the causes that con
tribute to -this sorrow, when he closed
up gambling. I would have liked
Word's Job In that movement, but ha
did It well, and I was glad to help mm
keep gambling closed.
Xn tereats Against Mayor.
"Many Interests have combined to de
feat me. The red light Interests have
combined with the utility Interests,
have offended them In many waya.
have vetoed many ordinances that they
wanted. Millions of dollars worth of
the city's streets have been given away
In franchises, and not a dollar required
In return for the city. Many of them
were passed over my veto. Others were
not .
1 believe I stand between you and a
serious condition of affairs. All the
Interests of the city, and they are
many, have Joined hands against me,
and there la plenty of money In the
campaign to defeat me. But 1 am
proud to have those people and those
Interests as my enemies. My people
have lived here for years, my grand
father and grandmother, my father ana
dt mother, before me. I was born
here. My wife was born hers. There
are many before me who knew all of
them. ,
X could not look these people in the
face If I did not do my duty. It is an
honor to be your mayor, but It Is the
hardekt work I ever did in my lire, a
man who would not do his duty would
be a dog, and X am not a dog." , -
(Continued from Page Ona) -
. (Continued from Page Ona)
It .may be that a southern man will
be chosen for the vice-presidential noro
lnaUont !M There Is talk of ; departing
from the. precedent, which ought to ba
honored in the breach, by giving tha
second place to some decrepit, anti
quated, animated sack of dollars. In
fact, Senator Culberson might have the
second place, were he willing to take
anything lower than the head of the
ticket . -, LJLu
; James Jameson's House Burned.
. (pcl) DUpitcb to Tbt Journal.)
Astoria, Or.. May 18. The home of
James Jameson at Jewell, in the Ke
halem valley, was totally destroyed by
fire Thursday afternoon with a loss of
over 12,000 and but a small Insurance.
The.flre was caused by a defective flue.
Both Mr. and Mr.' Jameson were In
Astoria when the fire occurred.
Are They Jbarger Than In Other Towns t
v - How to Oet Bid Of Them.
' : Even If cockroaches in this city are
BO larger tney are a very offensive pest
Tt Is to get rid of them by
putting Stearns' Electric Rat and
Roach Paste In sinks and on the shelves,
and In the morning you can sweep up
a panful of dead roacha. ,
Stearns' Electric. Pasta Is much bet
ter than powders, as It does not blow
away.- It exterminates rats, mice and
ail vermin. . . r
Insist upon getting Stearns Electric
Rat and Roach Paste. It Is the only
guaranteed ' exterminator Sold, driving
rata and mice out of doors to die, and
completely ridding the house of 00c k
roachea, water bugs, bed bugs and other
vermin. Be sure to get Stearns' Pasta,
the onlr ' Moneyback vermin destroyer.
Etearna Elect Ho Paste Is sold by
, drurgtsta or sent rrepeid on receipt of
' trtca.. 1 Aa box iSc It oa box 1 1.00.
J wns' Kiectrte Pasta Co- BuHaiOt N.
ua of the earth. They will say for
you to stand by your party, pat as you
love your city, ior uoa s 00
ever vote the collar of a machine or a
boas "around oar neck again."
- : Judge Pipes Speaks. "
Judge - Pipes, '.who followed Senator
tad a.' sensation by quoting
from a book written by Devlin, whloh
Pipes declared proved that the speeches
Devlin ia now making do not express
his true convictions. Judge Pipes said
In part: '
"Senator aeann nas - given you my
speech, but the fact mat so many ei
us agree on the same things Is addition
al proof that our laeas are correct
State or national politics have nothing
to do with the Issues of this campaign.
We are here to elect a mayor for the
city of Portland, not a president for the
United States. '
1 am not here to maugn preceaing
mayors, but tne oesi mayor rorumu
ever had would have been a better may
or had he shaken off the shackles of
his party machine. May you never vote
for the man who asks you to vote for
him simply because he Is a Republican,
or a Democrat, instead 01 casing nis
iim for vour votes on the ground that
Dr. Lane does, and puts the welfare of
all the people above an tne parties.
- Berlin's Book Belles Bint.
"I will prove to you by Devlin him
self that tha speeches he Is now making
do not express his true , convictions.
8olomoa said: , 'Would that mine enemy
would write a book.' Well Devlin has
written a book and here la what Devlin
"The great differences and promin
ent tasuea of parties are forced into the
affairs of cities, with which they have
not legitimate connection whatever.
Why free silver or protective tariff
should Influence a man's vote on local
matters has never been explained Sure
ly tha alliance of , the business of cities
t-ith national politics and Its control by
the party machine la a serious evil. It
opens the way for every form of dis
honesty and mismanagement which av
arice and ambition can suggest.'
Tet we hear on every hand, and
raad in the paper, the proposition by
Devlin and hla managers, that the duty
t f the Republican voter Is to stand by
tne O. 0 P, and elect Tom Devlin. It
would not ba so bad if It were sincere
But Devlin himself has 'said that this
Is a-serious evil, yet he asks the Repuo.
Hcans by their votes to bring about
that evil.
Crowd Answers.
"And it is not bo much to refrain
from hurtlnr Theodore Roosevelt's feel
ings, as It is to make Devlin mayor or
Portland. These things tnat Devi in
wrote in this book were theories. Hera
r coin tine- to Mayor Lane) is the man
who tt them ntoractecBT'iind"!!' !
the first and only mayor or roniana
who ever" did. The Democrats set a
good example to tha Republicans at the
primaries when iney rerusea 10 vote
by party, but went out and Toted for
the beat man.- .-v.""--
Do you want gamblers back again T"
"No. No." answered tha crowd. , The
Idea that when a city Is ones reformed
It will stay reformed la mistaken. In
cities, eternal vigilance la the price of
deoency. Mayor Lane kept out tha un
desirable element as muck as tha law
would permit " ' - -
"He nad only one idea, the nest in
terest of the people. It made no dif
ference what Interests Wanted an or
dinance, If it waa not for tha best .1-
teresta of the city. Mayor Lane by his
veto aald: T fnrhM Homatimea .
stayed forbid. - sometimes tha councllf f Tear tracer retarm year atoaay u yea ioa't
ness houses are now installing tnem
voluntarily, For those who refuse a
1100 fine mav a Imposed, l.
The invention waa evolved from tne
clever brain of the late Chief Sullivan
of San Francisco and has been adopted
by all the larger cities on the coast.
It consists of a circular pip leaaing
from the surface of the first floor Into
the basement and la covered with grat
ing. .,i .
Each company carries a circular
nozsle and where the smoke Is too
dense for the firemen to enter the
basement the nossle can be Inserted in
the casing holes and the basement ef
fectually flooded. Otherwise the fire
men 'Would be compelled to chop holes
In the basement floor, tha effect of the
Invention being to save time also. I
Basements Packed. -
In surveying along the waterfront
Fire Marshal Roberts says he has found
several buildings where the stocks are!
badly congested and that merchandise;
Is packed closely on half floors and In
galleries. In the event of fire In such
places the department would be badly
handlcaped, he asserts, and he is going
to take the matter up witn the commis
sioners In order to remedy It at once.
In other Instances he has found ware
houses without stairways and. in the :
absence of tha casing holes, the fire-:
men would be compelled to drop through
the elevator with great danger to life
or limb.
Petition lent Back.
Another matter giver attention by
the executive board yesterday and re
referred to the fire committee was that
relating to a request of the Fisher
Thorsen company to Install four tanks
with a capaolty of 14,000 gallons each
in a warehouse on East Water and East
Salmon streets. The action taken ty
the board was due to the fact that In
tha petition the character of the oil to
be stored in tha tanks waa not speci
fied. Several months ago an 'ordinance was
Introduced compelling the Standard Oil
company to remove Its oil from the
warehouse In the same block. In some
manner the ordinance was lost but was
recently resurrected and will be given
immediate attention by the board.
It Is understood to be the intention
of the board to order the vacation of
the premises by the Sandard Oil com
pany, and In view of such an intention
It was thought better to re-refer the
petition of the Flsher-Thorsea people.
conferred on the committee Its extraord
inary powers, which include even the
right to demand the resignation of the
mayor himself. .Schmits has apparently
made . no reservations, ' but has bound
himself to act in every way in accord
ance with the committee's requests.
F. W. Van Slcklen. a member of this
committee, said: "If we demand re
moval of tha chief of police, of any
commission, or any official connected
with the city government ha must .re
move those we designate or go back on
his written promise. The only hold we
have on him Is his promise, If he di
regards it we can do nothing, but 1
believe that he will do anything tha
committee asks. I believe that he is not
only willing but anxious to do what we
want. ..
- Bo Promises Mad. .
"No promlaes were held out to him
of any kind. We are not to Intercede
with the prosecution to secure a light
punishment or to help him to evade
punishment He will have to make his
own fight, against the prosecution with
out any help of any kind from the com'
mlttee. We haver nothing to do with
the prosecution of the graftera. This
committee of seven is solely Interested
in restoring law and order In San Fran
cisco. The very life of the city depends
on thle being dona" . ,
This committee will take no aide tn
any dispute, but will uphold the law,
and. although District. Attorney Lang-
don affects to take little stock la the
new committee, If Schmits keepa his
word, and he probably will, there will
ba a great upheaval among tha city
officials. - ;
Schmits retains tha absolute sower
of removal and appointment of all mem
bers of the city commission. Already
Chief of Police Dlnaa la slated to go.
He and the mayor were In consultation
for an hour yesterday. Later, at the
demand of the committee. Captain M.
O. Anderson was removed from com
mand of tha Mlasion squad for failure
to. prevent attacks on ears. Other
changes will come soon. Schmlti will
retain his office for the present
Marvelous Invention
(Cures Weak Men
Patcitt Granted By the
U. S. Government:
(Continued from Page Ona)
throughout tha wide territory reached
by Portland 00 m me roe. Investments in
lands, fruit growing, Irrigation and min
ing nra being made by Portland capital-
lata as never before. Tha field is 'large
and offers p radically certain proms
for tha Investor who places his money
Judiciously. '
Interest in mining developments in
southern Oregon. Idaho and eastern
Washington la a notable feature of tha
situation. Tha building of the Oregon
Short Line from' Huntington to Lewie-
ton, following the route of the Snake
river. Is opening in the Seven Devils
country rich copper, silver and gold ores.
Many Portland men are intereatea in
Snake river copper developments, and it
Is said that within tha next six months
many of these newly opened mlnea will
be shipping to tha smelters ores that
will net enormous profits to tha mine
Portland Money ia Mines.
Similar conditions exist as to lead
along tha Pend D'Orellle river to the
northward, where a score or more of
Portlanders have been for the last year
carrying on developments In lead min
ing. Tha success of tha Coeur d'Alenes
companies and the advance of the price
of lead from $100 to 16.20 In the last
five years has stimulated Investigation
by Investors, and consspondlng activity
by prospectors. . 1
According to official reports made to
the county assessor by five leading
A new and scientific ionliance in
vented by L. fe. Hawlev. M. D.. wil
produce full manly power at, first ap
plication. I he eHects are immediate
and startling; to a high degree. : De
velops, strengthens and - cures 9 lost
vigor. Positively no failures. Physi
cians indorse and use it in their prae
tice. If you are the least skeptics!
as to the value of : this remarkable
treatment, send, for illustrated circu
lars, take them to your family physi
cian and get his opinion. '.. This is the
hrst time anyone bat requested you
to take his circulars to your family
physician why? Simply because ,he
knows your physician will not recom
mend his treatment not so with this
appliance, i Your doctor will imme
diately grasp the idea, and when he
does he will recommend it Nothing
like it has ever been sold before. : It
works the same on .every individual
Send today for Fret Descriptive Cir
cular, containing actual photographic
reproductions of this wonderful in
strument' The moment you see it
you will realize its possibilities. No
C O. D. , or free-trial schemes to
catch the unwary. This is a plain
business proposition- that will appeal
to you as the greatest opportunity
ever offered to those who are weak.
Address I B. Hawley, M. D, 1020
Granite Bldg., Rochester, N. Y.
companies in tha Coeur d'Alenes. a
total net profit of I6.4IS.7S6 was real'
Ised by them In ItOI. -
Dunn the same perioa tney oi
trlbuted In dividends $5,640,000. These
eompaniea were tha Federal, which; waa
tha main aouroe of Charles sweeneys
fortune, tha Bunker Hill A Sullivan,
Hercules, Hecla and Snowstorm.
Developments la tha Metaiina nine, a
continuation of tha -Coeur d'Alenes,
where, railroad construction haa been
Inaugurated, ores are being sacked for
shipment and concentrators are being
built are expected to place' that
district in the Coeur d'Alenea class
within tha next two or three years.
In southern Oregon tha success or tne
Blue Ledae. tha Sterling mine, and the
aenaatlonai gold discoveries on Sucker
creek, are attracting substantial invest
ments for machinery and development
The outlook for profitable mining in
southern Oregon ia brighter than, aver
before. . . '-..,
' Ditch Company Incorporateau
(Special Dtopstea to The J'eersal.J "
Cove, Or., May 18. Artlclea of In
corporation have been filed by tha Cald
well Ditch company. , The incorpora
tors are B. F. Bell. A. O. Conklin and
M. J. Duffey. all of Cove. The capital
stock is 18,000. Tha principal place of
bualneas is Cove.
lJ -y ."V '.' ".V; . It v
and '
Easy Payments
El3la ry crejceat
Xltllhm .J Dceier
ntamca f y boss
Mi Y tBd
D?cberJ J Fti
ovf- V Uses ,
cents , V
k ( tanJ;
Pay a small amount down, then $1.00
per week thereafter. We not only
issue a certificate fully guaranteeing
every article purchased from us, but
we also, guarantee U) .
A flgaHloant yrayer.
"May the Lord"help you make Buck-
len's Arnica Salve known to alt writes
J, O. JenMne of Chapel Hill, N. C. "It
?uickiy iook me pain out 01 xeion
or me and eured it In a wonderfully
ahok-t time." Beat ort earth for sores,
burns and wounds. , Ho at Red Cross
Pharmacy. '
To Sell Cheaper on Credit Than
Others Do for Cash
Tou Make Your Own Terms"
Geviirtz & Sons
: . N Corhen of
first, Second and Yamhill Sts.
i.. . a-- '
(Jnanul Special Service .)
West Point. May IS. The yaoht
Privateer waa nearly sunk in a fog
yesterday by a string of barges. Gen
eral Kuroki was on the bridge during
the skillful maneuvers of Commander
Smith and showed no signs of fear. He
turned to his Interpreter, who told
Smith "His excellency wished to honor
ably compliment you, sir, and hopes the
sick rog win soon get well."
-Tor oatrM9unre
if you suffer from rheumatism or pains,
for Ballard's Snow Liniment will brina
quick relief, - It is a sure cure for
sprains, rheumatism, contracted muscles
and all palna and within the reach of
alt Price zSo, 60c $1.00. C R. Smith.
Tenaha, Texas, writes: '1 have used
Ballard's Snow Liniment In my family
for veara and have found It a fine rem
edy for all pains and achaa I recom
mend it for palna in the cheat" Sold
by all druggists. .
The best "cheap" tea is
hot water; don't spoil good
water with trash tea.
passed it over his veto. But the may'
ors disapproval always came fearless-
- ."'Laae jgakea Oce Promise, v .
Mayor Lane's address was the saort
-JLwt.ot o.vtpinf m,Ylewe4 ttHoaz
Uka Schillins'a Best: we par klia.
' . m j0 .M 'm. j.nai. m in, .. m a A
Of Portland's Busy Business
Streets Is Caused by the
At present in Operation on
the following streets; - ': : :